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谷歌Nexus7平板电脑谷歌Nexus7平板电脑 谷歌Nexus7平板电脑完整拆解图 优秀的外观设计,高规格的硬件配置,Google Nexus品牌,最新的Jelly Bean系统=199美元,毫无疑问,Nexus 7将成为7英寸平板电脑领域的王者。华硕的工业设计和产品质量在业内是非常有口碑的,再加上Google大神的亲自授权和协助,Nexus 7的内部构造会给人带来惊喜吗? iFixit最近放出了Nexus的详细拆解图,我们来看看它是否符合你的期待。 已知的Nexus 7配置信息: 8 或16 GB内存 1 GB RAM 四核Tegra...
谷歌Nexus7平板电脑 谷歌Nexus7平板电脑完整拆解图 优秀的外观,高规格的硬件配置,Google Nexus品牌,最新的Jelly Bean系统=199美元,毫无疑问,Nexus 7将成为7英寸平板电脑领域的王者。华硕的工业设计和产品质量在业内是非常有口碑的,再加上Google大神的亲自授权和协助,Nexus 7的内部构造会给人带来惊喜吗? iFixit最近放出了Nexus的详细拆解图,我们来看看它是否符合你的期待。 已知的Nexus 7配置信息: 8 或16 GB内存 1 GB RAM 四核Tegra 3 处理器 7英寸1280×800(216 ppi) 分辨率IPS显示屏 120万像素前置摄像头 Android 4.1Jelly Bean系统 •在面框下部边缘,我们看到了机身仅有的2个接口,Micro-USB和3.5mm耳机接口 •经测量,Nexus 7的厚度为10.4mm(新iPad是9.4mm) •拆开Nexus背板的过程像切黄油一般,这是因为Nexus是用固定卡扣闭合的,而新iPad的粘合方式类似于“胶水”。 personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such •以下是发现的各式天线信息: GPS ANT V2.0 2012/04/20 NFC ANT V2.0 2012/05/09 WIFI ANT V3.0 2012/05/25 •Nexus 7的电池仓设计一般,配置的是4326mAh , 16 Wh 的电池组, 可实现9小时49分钟的续航。与之对比的Kindle Fire,拥有4400 mAh, 16.28 Wh 的电池组,续航却只有7小时42分钟;新iPad配置的电池组规格为42.5 Wh / 11500 mAh,在LTE网络环境下可以实现9小时52分钟的续航,HSPA网络环境则为9小时37分钟。(Nexus 7在电池规格不高的情况下居然有如此优秀的续航,是Jelly Bean的优化还是采用了机器本身采用了新技术目前还不得未知,如果是前者的话,那Androif 4.1相当值得升级!) personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such •以下是电池仓底部的铜片,这个铜片可能是铜钨合金,应该是用来屏蔽不同部件之间的电磁干扰。另外,有一点需要指出,Engadget形容Nexus 7的发热用了“令人始料不及的热度”,而不是一 般认为的“有一些烤手”。 •官方说明中,Nexus 7的扬声器在机身背部,拆解中我们发现背部确实有一对扬声器驱动单元,但它居然是“可活动”的部件,处理质量并非十分理想。 •机身底部的I/O接口组件,嵌入不是很深,构造中规中矩。 personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such •L型主板是由连接器和螺钉固定的,制造日期显示2012年5月4号,以下是主板上发现的各组件汇总: NVIDIA T30L Tegra 3处理器 1GB海力士DDR3 RAM 型号为HTC2G83CFR(同样可以在Retina屏新MBP上找到) Max 77612A 反相开关调节器 AzureWave AW-NH665 无线模块 Broadcom BCM4751 GPS接收模块 Invensense MPU-6050 陀螺仪 •Nexus跟Kindle Fire一样,只有前置摄像头而没有背部摄像头,像素为120万。(这个应该主要是为视频通话等功用准备的,至于iPad背部摄像头在平板上的功用,谁也不知道苹果是怎么想的) personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such •在主板左上部有2个微型麦克风,Google强调Jelly Bean系统提升了语音识别的效果,它将能与Siri媲美么,这一切很让人期待。 •拆下来的屏幕外框,使用的应该是铜合金材质 personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such •拆下面框后就是那块7英寸1280×800分辨率的IPS屏幕,它出自韩国现代公司屏幕面板上覆盖的是康宁大猩猩玻璃,1代还是2代,目前还不清楚。 iFixit对Nexus的拆卸难易度打分为7分(10分为最容易),因为Nexus品牌和华硕代工的品质,Nexus 7的质量和长时间使用时的可靠性还是非常有保障的。 至于对它内部构造和做工的评价,这个问题其实很主观,没有必要苛求与iPad相比(iPad的做工只能说对得起它的价格)。对于一款200美元不到的高配平板,你还有什么资格贪婪呢。 personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 谷歌Nexus7平板软硬件可媲美iPad 关键程序太少 IT之家(www.ithome.com):谷歌Nexus7平板软硬件可媲美iPad 关键程序太少 《纽约时报》最近刊文,谈及平板市场的竞争。文章认为Nexus 7在软硬件流畅度上可以与苹果iPad匹敌,但目前的关键问题是缺少程序。 全文如下: 你可以爱苹果,也可以恨苹果,但有一件事是确定的:它的游戏引领产业。而产业的游戏又唯它马首是瞻。 我会摧毁Andorid,因为它是盗窃之作。”但是在模仿上也有正面因素。你可能会争论说,苹果的模仿产品充斥 乔布斯讨厌模仿,他曾告诉自传作者,说Android软件抄袭iPhone,他还说:“ 市场,这些市场是苹果没有踏足的,或者它们只是为苹果纯粹、高度控制、选择受限的世界提供一个替代选择。 从这个角度来看,Google 2012发布的新品好事不断。首先,Google开设了统一的在线商店。上周,它又推出Nexus Q,它可以连接TV,和Apple TV相似。Google还推出Nexus 7,这是一款平板电脑,旨在挑战iPad和Kindle Fire。Kindle Fire最吸引人的地方在于价格:只要200美元。而占统计地位的iPad要500美元以上。当然,Kindle Fire和iPad并非一样。它的显示屏只有7寸,小了很多,它更厚,没有摄像头、没有麦克风、没有GPS,没有蓝牙,也没有内存卡插槽。它的主要功能是可以看亚马逊网站购买的内容,如书、视频。 正恩如此,Google平板才成了最大的对手。它也有7寸显示屏,只有200美元,这一次,你不会觉得制作者为了降低价格节省成本。它优雅,圆角设计,与Fire的矩形设计不同,背面的面板也很不错。重量只有2.6盎司,比Fire轻,完全不同。它比Fire薄,但比iPad还是厚一些。更重要的是Nexus是一款全功能平板,它几乎可以用来制作内容并消费,它运行很快、很流畅、可以支持所有Android平板程序。 如此一来,Nexus 7会将Kindle Fire抛于尘埃之中。不过,它也会将自己的Android竞争者斩于马下。例如,三星也有7寸平板Galaxy Tab 2,售价250美元,同样是8GB内存。 为什么Google能提供一款高配置平板,但价格和功能简单的Kindle Fire平板一样,我曾问过Nexus平板团队,是否选择的是“剃刀与刀片”的路子,也就是说出售硬件不赚钱,但通过售书、电影、音乐和电视赚钱。Google承认硬件通过网络销售无利可图,如果通过店铺销售就会亏本。 不论如何,Nexus 7是完整的平板电脑,只有200美元。它有Wi-Fi,有蓝牙,电池能用9小时,显示屏同样出色,有扬声器,支持GPS,它还可以成为GPS导航仪。不过,平板只有前置视频摄像头,没有后置摄像头。电池是不可拆卸的。无法支持移动网络,只能通过WI-FI连上互联网。没有内存卡插槽,但它有8GB存储空间。多出50美元可以升到16GB。 比起其它平板,Nexus 7还有一个优势,它采用的是Android 4.1系统,这是最新的系统。系统有许多新功能,最重要的是它运行更流畅。Google工程师让Android 4.1对触摸响应更灵敏。动画运行更快,每秒达60帧。它还可以预测用户下一个手指是否触摸,并在该点上重画屏幕。它也有一些缺点。Android 4.1无法播放在线Flash文件,这曾是Android对iPad的一大优势。另外,7寸平板上的主页无法旋转90度。 在Nexus 7上,用来读书、听音乐、放视频的特定程序是前置的,位于中央。Google想复制苹果iPad和亚马逊平板的优点,苹果与亚马逊平板很好地整合了在线商店,可以看书、电视并放音乐。不幸的是,Google在线商店方面的努力仍处在早期。它的在线商店内容比苹果和亚马逊都空。例如,亚马逊提供650份杂志和报纸,Google只有它的三分之一,没有《纽约客》,也没有《经济学人》。 Google的音乐商店没有华纳的音乐,所以不会有林肯公园乐队、绿日乐队的音乐。在苹果和亚马逊,你可以无限次下载想要的音乐,但在Google购买的音乐只能下两次。在电影商店,Google没有与福克斯签约,所以没有《冰河世纪》、《X战警》、《阿凡达》等电影。电视商店则缺少CBS、福克斯、华纳兄弟、HBO、BBC、MTV、Showtime等内容商的节目。 最要命的是Google商店没有多少平板程序,而iPad有成千上万。Nexus 7仍然是优秀的,它在硬件和软件流畅度上可以与苹果iPad匹敌,它的人性化也不输给Kindle Fire。简言之,它可能会解决Google面临的“鸡与蛋”问题。可能当它流行时,人们才会为它编写程序,更多的音乐与电影也会入驻。到那时,iPad仍然会在整体上占优势,如硬件、软件和商店。但iPad是10.1寸平板,它没法装到口袋。如果有一款平板更小、更轻、更便宜,能吸引你,你就会对Nexus 7有兴趣。 personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 谷歌高管详解Nexus 7开发过程 2012年07月05日07:57腾讯科技[微博]坎贝我要评论(0) 字号:T|T 腾讯科技讯(坎贝)北京时间7月5日消息,据国外媒体报道,谷歌(微博)日前在Google I/O开发者大会Nexus7平板电脑,成为该产品域近期的热点。国外科技网站Engadget近日采访了谷歌Android高管帕特里克?布拉迪(Patrick Brady),了解该公司如何在四个月内完成这款产品的开发。 转播到腾讯微博 Nexus 7是否只是对华硕推出的平板电脑的改头换面,绝非如此。布拉迪表示:“我们获得一项创意,我们思考其生态系统,然后问自己‘作为参考设备,我们需要专注于什么东西,’”他指出,华硕拥有合适的能力。“我们喜欢华硕Transformer Prime的配置,非常优秀的产品,因而我们与他们联系看他们是否能和我们合作。他们展示出的部分早期设计非常适合于7英寸平板电脑,因而我们不需要再煞费心思。” 谷歌在今年2月下旬开始这个项目,两家公司立即作出了重大贡献。谷歌划出整座专门用于开发,华硕派出超过30名工程师前往合作。我们可以理解,巴拉迪对于“从开始到结束只用了四个月”感到非常自豪。 在这期间,当然进行了很多次修改和重复,不过有些东西是必须要达成的。首先是IPS高清显示屏,这款产品最大的卖点之一。“我们将连接巨大的高清内容库,这个设备怎么能缺少高清显示屏呢,怎么能没有IPS呢,” 其次是重量和厚度。“我们执着于将其重量降到350克以下,厚度低于11毫米。其手感必须非常好。我想华硕也会告诉大家,这并不容易。我们对硬件堆叠做了很多的改变,从而确保达到重量要求,实现我们的目标。” 最后,当然是价格。“我们将199美元设定为必须达到的目标。”这不只是一个目标,而是谷歌和华硕承诺实现的要求,而他们也做到了这点——不过并不是以牺牲质量为代价。“我们说‘让我们制作一款低成本平板电脑,而不是廉价平板电脑。’这是一款参考设备。这是Nexus系列的产品。我们在这个品牌背后付出了很多努力,这个设备必须对得住Nexus品牌。” 但是,我们不禁想知道为什么谷歌不选择仿效亚马逊,推出一款由广告支持的Nexus 7,其价格甚至可以更低——可能不到100美元。因为,毕竟谷歌是全球移动广告领域最大的企业之一。布拉迪并没有正面回答这个问题,但他也没有将其排除在未来的计划中。“这一直是我们希望达到的„„还存在改善的空间。” Nexus 7为什么没有配置后置摄像头呢,布拉迪没有确认这是出于成本考虑(华硕在CES上展出的原型机的确有后置摄像头),但显然Nexus 7只有一个前置摄像头。“这个问题我们讨论了很多,你知道,这是一款便携设备,因此我认为后置摄像头更适合于10英寸平板电脑。但是,我们发现人们真的希望使用前置摄像头。” 下一步的计划如何,布拉迪认为Nexus 7是Nexus平板电脑系列的“首款设备”,称“我们一直对Nexus设备进行改变。”这可能预示谷歌将推出更多平板电脑,但重要的是,这意味着谷歌并不是出于心血来潮而开发平板电脑,相反,他们正在开发他们认为必须的参考设备。 布拉迪指出Nexus S是现在中等价位手机最好的参考,在超级手机领域,则是Galaxy Nexus。即使摩托罗拉Xoom是10英寸平板电脑的典范,但谷歌认为在7英寸这个领域,并没有合适的范本,因而他们推出了Nexus 7。“展望未来,我们希望继续将Android扩展到新领域。” personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 低价但做工讲究 拆解谷歌首款Nexus平板电脑 欢迎发表评论 第1页低价但做工讲究 拆解谷歌首款Nexus平板电脑 谈起谷歌6月28日在I/O大会上发布的Nexus 7平板电脑,想必关心这个大移动互联时代的朋友一定不会忘记。忘记什么,当然是那令谷歌引以为傲的产品价格了。没错,199美元的四核平板电脑,这一定是令人难以抑制住心中兴奋之情的组合。那么,在这种抄底的价格面前,做工质量自然是我们更要关心的事情。 昨日,名号响彻海外的维修公司iFixit就对这款199美元的四核平板Nexus 7进行了全面拆解。所以,由华硕代工的这款谷歌Nexus 7平板电脑,在拆解后是令消费者满意,还是大跌眼镜呢,下面笔者带您一探究竟。 低价但做工讲究 拆解谷歌首款Nexus平板电脑 低价但做工讲究 拆解谷歌首款Nexus平板电脑 personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 低价但做工讲究 拆解谷歌首款Nexus平板电脑 低价但做工讲究 拆解谷歌首款Nexus平板电脑 低价但做工讲究 拆解谷歌首款Nexus平板电脑 personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 低价但做工讲究 拆解谷歌首款Nexus平板电脑 低价但做工讲究 拆解谷歌首款Nexus平板电脑 personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 通过拆解,iFixit对谷歌Nexus 7平板的重要部件,给出了最真实的答案: 1.NVIDIA T30L Tegra 3处理器 2.海力士HTC2G83CFR DDR3内存 3.金士顿KE44B-26BN/8GB 8GB闪存 4.Max 77612A反相开关稳压器 5.海华AW-NH665无线模组 6.Broadcom BCM4751集成单片GPS接收器 ?Invensense MPU-6050陀螺仪和加速度计 据悉,在拆解后iFixit对Nexus 7给出了不错的已维修分数:7分(10分满分)。并且给出了谷歌Nexus 7一些拆解重点分析: 1.后盖内深浅不一的层次中包含有GPS,NFC和Wi-Fi天线,生产日期均在今年4月20日-5月25日之间 2.Nexus 7的电池规格为4326mAh,16Wh,续航时间可达9小时45分;相比之下,Kindle Fire的电池规格为4400mAh,16.28Wh,续航时间仅为7小时42分 3.进一步比较之下,iPad 3的续航时间可达9小时52分(HSPA)/9小时37分(LTE),但其电池规格也更大:11500mAh,42.5Wh 4.尽管官方Nexus 7页面中显示机身背面设有一个扬声器(speaker,单数),但拆解发现扬声传感器却有一对。是否为立体声并未说明。 5.1280x800分辨率的7英寸HD显示屏由韩国现代显示技术株式会社(Hydis)制造,型号为HV070WX2。 personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such
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