

2017-10-14 13页 doc 37KB 15阅读




项目管理人员职责项目管理人员职责 项目经理 技术负责人 项目副经理 施质安计资预材计机技工量全量料算料划械术员 员 员 员 员 员 员 员 统管 计理 员 员 操作管理人员 操作层班组长 各工种操作工人 cover for outdoor use, where the rain and flooding of the electrical equipment shall be necessary for drying insulation tested before they can be used. 4, the distri...
项目管理人员职责 项目经理 技术负责人 项目副经理 施质安计资预材计机技工量全量料算料划械术员 员 员 员 员 员 员 员 统管 计理 员 员 操作管理人员 操作层班组长 各工种操作工人 cover for outdoor use, where the rain and flooding of the electrical equipment shall be necessary for drying insulation tested before they can be used. 4, the distribution box must be strong, full, close and lock, door painted red danger signs, box no debris and numbered. 5, landed the distribution box should be flat on the ground to prevent flooding, soil, no debris piled up near the distribution box. 6, laying construction site lighting circuits apart from the protection line, separate or pipe laying, Office lighting set switch control, work shed, ground tap control, light bulbs from the ground 2.5M. 7, where the use or operation of electric machinery and professional and technical education must be safe, learn about electrical knowledge, know how its performance, correct methods of operation. 8, must be healthy, sane, responsible workers engaged in electrical work, operating machinery and equipment must have a certificate. 9, before the use of electrical equipment, electrical wiring running correctly passed to the operations personnel. 10, electrical personnel should be required to wear insulating footwear and protective equipment, correct use of insulated protective equipment or appliances. 11, end, or work stoppage for more than an hour, to switch box power off, lock, protect power cord and tool. 12, on-duty electrician certificates. (C) the fire safeguard measures 1, construction site must adhere to the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" approach, careful follow-up of the People's Republic of China Fire Services Ordinance, step by step implementation of the responsibility system for fire protection, using a variety 项目经理:,一级建造师~二级建造师, 1. 确保项目目标实现,保证业主满意 这一项基本职责是检查和衡量项目经理管理成败、 水平高低的基本标志。 2. 制定项目阶段性目标和项目总体控制 项目总目标一经确定,项目经理的职责之 一就是将总目标分解,划分出主要工作内容和工作量,确定项目阶段性目标的实现标 志如形象进度控制点等。 3. 组织精干的项目管理班子 这是项目经理管好项目的基本条件,也是项目成功的组织 保证。 4. 及时决策 项目经理需亲自决策的问包括实施方案、人事任免奖惩、重大技术措施、 设备采购方案、资源调配、进度计划安排、合同及设计变更、索赔等。 5. 履行合同义务,监督合同执行,处理合同变更 项目经理以合同当事人的身份,运用 合同的法律约束手段,把项目各方统一到项目目标和合同条款上来 项目副经理: 贯彻执行包括项目管理制度在内的公司各项规章制度。合理调度资源,控制项目成本,实现项目经营管理目标。 负责编制项目实施计划,协调资源并按计划推进项目实施工作,按时按质交付实施成果。 负责客户关系发展与维护,协助公司开展商务工作。 负责与项目相关事项的跨部门及外部协调与处理。 负责制定并组织项目成员的内部考核及能力提升工作。 负责项目文档体系的维护及知识共享工作。 执行公司或上级交付的其他工作。 技术负责人: 一、认真贯彻执行国家有关法律、法规、规程、规范、和公司技术质量管理制度,积极引导项目部技术人员进行技术创新,实施新材料、新工艺、新技术的推广应用,提高工程的科技含量。 二、组织项目部技术人员编制单位工程的施工组织设计与施工方案,并进行审批。 三、组织并会同项目部技术人员进行工程的图纸会审工作,技术核定工作。 四、检查、督促项目部技术人员技术质量资料的整理工作,保证资料整理的真实性、及时性、完整性。 五、帮助项目部技术人员解决工程当中的技术问题,对一般技术问题作出处理方案,对疑难问题上报公司技术部,由技术部会同总工程师作出处理意见或处理方案。 六、对关键、特殊工序以及易产生质量通病的工序进行技术交底,作到事前预防、事中控制、事后监督。 七、负责审核项目部上报的分部或分项方案。 八、组织项目部的技术人员学习贯彻有关标准、规范、规程和建设工程强制性条文。贯彻执行公司下达的各项管理制度。 九、负责项目部上报的竣工资料的初审工作,初审合格上报公司技术部。 十、组织项目部技术人员绘制竣工图。 十一、负责工程的验线工作,负责对每层建筑的轴线标高的核查工作。 cover for outdoor use, where the rain and flooding of the electrical equipment shall be necessary for drying insulation tested before they can be used. 4, the distribution box must be strong, full, close and lock, door painted red danger signs, box no debris and numbered. 5, landed the distribution box should be flat on the ground to prevent flooding, soil, no debris piled up near the distribution box. 6, laying construction site lighting circuits apart from the protection line, separate or pipe laying, Office lighting set switch control, work shed, ground tap control, light bulbs from the ground 2.5M. 7, where the use or operation of electric machinery and professional and technical education must be safe, learn about electrical knowledge, know how its performance, correct methods of operation. 8, must be healthy, sane, responsible workers engaged in electrical work, operating machinery and equipment must have a certificate. 9, before the use of electrical equipment, electrical wiring running correctly passed to the operations personnel. 10, electrical personnel should be required to wear insulating footwear and protective equipment, correct use of insulated protective equipment or appliances. 11, end, or work stoppage for more than an hour, to switch box power off, lock, protect power cord and tool. 12, on-duty electrician certificates. (C) the fire safeguard measures 1, construction site must adhere to the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" approach, careful follow-up of the People's Republic of China Fire Services Ordinance, step by step implementation of the responsibility system for fire protection, using a variety 项目部人员职责 十二、检查项目部施工组织设计与技术交底的执行情况,对不符合要求的提出整改措施。 十三、负责对项目部工程技术人员的考核。 十四、负责公司的收发文工作。 十五、实施质量和环境管理体系文件,保持有效运行。 施工员: 认真熟悉施工图纸、编制各项施工组织设计方案和施工安全、质量、技术方案,编制各单项工程进度计划及人力、物力计划和机具、用具、设备计划。 编制文明工地实施方案,根据本工程施工现场合理规划布局现场平面图,安排、实施、创建文明工地。 编制工程总进度计划表和月进度计划表及各施工班组的月进度计划表。 搞好分项总承包的成本核算(按单项和分部分项)单独及时核算,并将核算结果及时通知承包部的管理人员,以便及时改进施工计划及方案,争创更高效益。 向各班组下达施工任务书及材料限额领料单。配合项目经理工作 督促施工材料、设备按时进场,并处于合格状态,确保工程顺利进行。 参加工程竣工交验,负责工程完好保护。 合理调配生产要素,严密组织施工确保工程进度和质量。 组织隐蔽工程验收,参加分部分项工程的质量评定。 参加图纸会审和工程进度计划的编制。 质量员: 负责公司所有物资、产品、设备的质量检查工作; 1. 服从分配,听从指挥,并严格遵守公司的各项规章制度和有关规定; (负责公司产品出售前的质量检查工作; 2 3(负责对公司产品合格数的统计工作; 4(负责产品率的分析工作; 5(协助做好产品质量保证体系的标准; 6(协助做好公司ISO9000质量管理标准; 7(对所承担的工作全面负责; 安全员: 报名等级 安全员A级,法人代表报考 安全员B级,项目经理报考,技术负责人报考 安全员C级,一般安全员报考 加强日常安全管理,建立、完善公司突发性事故制度,参与编制事故应急救援和演练工作,特别在重大节日、重大假期进行中。 检查,消除安全隐患,做到责任、组织、制度、防范措施四落实。 加强有毒有害危险品管理,实验室要对化学物品严格管理,做到“五双”严格手续,定期检查,账物相符。 对由于安全防范工作不重视、不及时报告发生事故的部门和个人,有权越权上报有关主管部门。 负责跟班中的安全生产隐患的排查治理,落实现场管理中存在各项不安全因素的及时整改。 cover for outdoor use, where the rain and flooding of the electrical equipment shall be necessary for drying insulation tested before they can be used. 4, the distribution box must be strong, full, close and lock, door painted red danger signs, box no debris and numbered. 5, landed the distribution box should be flat on the ground to prevent flooding, soil, no debris piled up near the distribution box. 6, laying construction site lighting circuits apart from the protection line, separate or pipe laying, Office lighting set switch control, work shed, ground tap control, light bulbs from the ground 2.5M. 7, where the use or operation of electric machinery and professional and technical education must be safe, learn about electrical knowledge, know how its performance, correct methods of operation. 8, must be healthy, sane, responsible workers engaged in electrical work, operating machinery and equipment must have a certificate. 9, before the use of electrical equipment, electrical wiring running correctly passed to the operations personnel. 10, electrical personnel should be required to wear insulating footwear and protective equipment, correct use of insulated protective equipment or appliances. 11, end, or work stoppage for more than an hour, to switch box power off, lock, protect power cord and tool. 12, on-duty electrician certificates. (C) the fire safeguard measures 1, construction site must adhere to the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" approach, careful follow-up of the People's Republic of China Fire Services Ordinance, step by step implementation of the responsibility system for fire protection, using a variety 计量员: 在公司内校,在技术监督局就对整个社会的设备进行校验; 1.整理所有计量器具-——做台帐——维护原有计量器具——编制计量器具检定表——联系校验——做各种合格标识。 2.根据生产提报新的计量仪器——验收——校准——登记——发放——控制——维护 3.仪器报废的提请——登记——审核——报废——销帐 4.各种仪器的使用方法、注意事项——编制作业指南——各种规定——监督实施 资料员: 一:负责工程项目资料、图纸等档案的收集、管理(参加分部分项工程的验收工作。参加分部分项工程的验收工作) 二: 参加分部分项工程的验收工作 三: 负责计划、统计的管理工作 四( 负责工程项目的内业管理工作 五( 完成工程部经理交办的其他任务。 预算员: 1、全面负责施工项目的工程预(结)算工作,及时办理和完成预(结)算工作,对项目经理负责。 2、参加图纸会审、设计交底及预(结)算审查会议,根据有关文件规定配合解决预(结)算中的问题。 计划统计员: 计划编制工作要做到及时、准确,按照程序有依据地反映学院实际情况,在统计资料管理过程中,做到数据准确、资料齐全、汇报及时。 负责学校基建投资计划,固定资产投资计划的统计与上报,基建施工预算,办理工程结算上报,工程拨款效能检查等工作。 审核施工单位编制的工程预算,办理工程结算并报局有 关部门复核。预算审核要认真负责,逐项核实工程量,严格掌握定额套用和取费标准,严 防巧立名目、高估冒算,努力节约基建资金。 搞好资料积累,建立预算台帐,并登记清楚,妥善保管,以方便查找,有选择性的参加现场调查。 机械管理员: 对本公司管辖管理区域内电气、电梯、空调、消防、水泵等设备进行规范化管理的具体实施工作。 跟踪国内外设备管理的先进水平,完善设备运行、维护、维修的先进管理模式和制度,达到管好、用好、养好设备的目的。 对提高设备利用率、降低设备能耗负有统筹、监控和提出改进方案的责任。 负责对新购或更新设备的先进性、合理性提出核定意见。 负责对新接楼宇主要设备的会审、质量监督、接管的技术工作。 协助相关专业主管对重要设备安装、改造、更新、维护、维修计划的制定和组织实施。 负责检验、测量、试验设备的管理工作。 cover for outdoor use, where the rain and flooding of the electrical equipment shall be necessary for drying insulation tested before they can be used. 4, the distribution box must be strong, full, close and lock, door painted red danger signs, box no debris and numbered. 5, landed the distribution box should be flat on the ground to prevent flooding, soil, no debris piled up near the distribution box. 6, laying construction site lighting circuits apart from the protection line, separate or pipe laying, Office lighting set switch control, work shed, ground tap control, light bulbs from the ground 2.5M. 7, where the use or operation of electric machinery and professional and technical education must be safe, learn about electrical knowledge, know how its performance, correct methods of operation. 8, must be healthy, sane, responsible workers engaged in electrical work, operating machinery and equipment must have a certificate. 9, before the use of electrical equipment, electrical wiring running correctly passed to the operations personnel. 10, electrical personnel should be required to wear insulating footwear and protective equipment, correct use of insulated protective equipment or appliances. 11, end, or work stoppage for more than an hour, to switch box power off, lock, protect power cord and tool. 12, on-duty electrician certificates. (C) the fire safeguard measures 1, construction site must adhere to the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" approach, careful follow-up of the People's Republic of China Fire Services Ordinance, step by step implementation of the responsibility system for fire protection, using a variety 项目部人员职责 对设备的正常、安全使用负有督导责任,勤查勤看设备现场,对设备班组的现场工作进行检查和指导。 负责计划用电、节约用电、安全用电以及节约用水的日常事务。 技术员: 1. 平衡协调施工程序,及时处理好施工中出现的各种技术问题。 2. 负责组织图纸会审,技术交底工作,对外委设计项目, 3.负责对产品加工、初次维修设备、工程施工进行技术指导,参加工程验收。 4. 负责特殊型材、配件、及外委铸件的技术验收。 5. 负责图纸材料配件,月度配件的编制,月度计划提前三天报材料员。 6. 经常深入现场,解决质量和安全隐患,负责安全质量、竣工验收、旬检查、月验收,发现问题及时协调解决。 班组: 木工:模板支护木工作业分包企业资质分为一级、二级。 钢筋工:是指使用工具及机械,对钢筋进行除锈、调直、连接、切断、成型、安装钢筋骨架的人员。该职业共设四个等级,分别为:初级(国家职业资格五级)、中级(国家职业资格四级)、高级(国家职业资格三级)、技师(国家职业资格二级)。该职业要求从业者手指、手臂灵活,具有较好的身体素质。 混泥土工:从事材料的投放及混凝土的搅拌和运输,混凝土的浇筑,混凝土的养护及缺陷修补,混凝土的质量控制及验收以及混凝土的安全生产等工作。 抹灰工:正确识别、阅读建筑工程图与装饰施工图,选择合理的材料,对建筑物表层进行涂抹和修缮。 瓦工:室内装修的一个工种,主要负责水泥砖瓦类的施工,主要包括,建筑砌体、砌体隔墙、瓦片铺装、水泥砂浆抹灰、地面找平、瓷砖的铺装等 粉刷工: 水暖工: 电工 cover for outdoor use, where the rain and flooding of the electrical equipment shall be necessary for drying insulation tested before they can be used. 4, the distribution box must be strong, full, close and lock, door painted red danger signs, box no debris and numbered. 5, landed the distribution box should be flat on the ground to prevent flooding, soil, no debris piled up near the distribution box. 6, laying construction site lighting circuits apart from the protection line, separate or pipe laying, Office lighting set switch control, work shed, ground tap control, light bulbs from the ground 2.5M. 7, where the use or operation of electric machinery and professional and technical education must be safe, learn about electrical knowledge, know how its performance, correct methods of operation. 8, must be healthy, sane, responsible workers engaged in electrical work, operating machinery and equipment must have a certificate. 9, before the use of electrical equipment, electrical wiring running correctly passed to the operations personnel. 10, electrical personnel should be required to wear insulating footwear and protective equipment, correct use of insulated protective equipment or appliances. 11, end, or work stoppage for more than an hour, to switch box power off, lock, protect power cord and tool. 12, on-duty electrician certificates. (C) the fire safeguard measures 1, construction site must adhere to the "putting prevention first and combining prevention" approach, careful follow-up of the People's Republic of China Fire Services Ordinance, step by step implementation of the responsibility system for fire protection, using a variety
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