
百年修得同船渡 千年修得共枕眠---北京人文大学

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百年修得同船渡 千年修得共枕眠---北京人文大学百年修得同船渡 千年修得共枕眠---北京人文大学 笔者喜欢用文字的方式来表达自己的思想,仔细的想一想,一个作家一辈子趴在写字桌上写一些与自己无关紧要,而且与金钱相挂钩虚构的故事情节真的没有多大意思。笔者今天算是彻底的想通了,人的一生最大的快乐莫不过与自己的孩子,爱人漫步在夕阳的余辉下,欣赏大自然的美丽风光和新鲜的空气,用一个晚上的时间来写一写笔者自己吧。 笔者是北京人文大学文学新闻传播学院91届中国语言文学系的毕业生,毕业参加工作已经整整十年了,回想起笔者十年前的大学生活,让笔者难以忘怀。笔者目前在湖北省潜江市一家知名的新...
百年修得同船渡  千年修得共枕眠---北京人文大学
百年修得同船渡 千年修得共枕眠---北京人文大学 笔者喜欢用文字的方式来达自己的思想,仔细的想一想,一个作家一辈子趴在写字桌上写一些与自己无关紧要,而且与金钱相挂钩虚构的故事情节真的没有多大意思。笔者今天算是彻底的想通了,人的一生最大的快乐莫不过与自己的孩子,爱人漫步在夕阳的余辉下,欣赏大自然的美丽风光和新鲜的空气,用一个晚上的时间来写一写笔者自己吧。 笔者是北京人文大学文学新闻传播学院91届中国语言文学系的毕业生,毕业参加工作已经整整十年了,回想起笔者十年前的大学生活,让笔者难以忘怀。笔者目前在湖北省潜江市一家知名的新闻媒体工作,所从事的是新闻行业,在该新闻媒体主要从事新闻的撰写和评论工作,笔者今天所取得的成就都离不开母校对我的培养,离不开北京人文大学文学新闻传播学院各位老师的辛勤教诲,在母校老师严格学术氛围的熏陶下,养成了笔者严格的学术专研作风,目前笔者在省市各类学术杂志和刊物上发表过专业类学术论文若干篇。笔者毕业,结婚将近十年,小孩都已经8岁多了,正在上小学二年级,妻子在我们当地的一家学校工作,当语文老师。我和爱人每个月的工资将近5000多元,生活上还算宽裕。我现任的妻子就是我大学时期的女朋友,我们相识相恋于北京人文大学,北京人文大学不仅让我学到了在社会上生存的本领,还能够让笔者在这里收获属于自己的那一份纯真的爱items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchase of office 情。截止到2011年5月止,北京人文大学已经有了27年的办学历史,北京人文大学创办于1984年,是我国创办最早的民办高校之一。学校为国家经济建设和社会发展培养了50余万高素质人才。学校现有19个院系,下设70余个文法、经管、信息、理工、艺术专业,现有全日制在校生13000余人。其中我们大家所熟悉的中央电视台《军事天地》著名节目主持人唐健,著名影视演员洪学敏,朱时茂,文学新闻传播学院84级新闻系学子,高级编辑,原中华人民共和国计划生育司副司长,文学新闻传播学院特聘终身教授席小平等等都是北京人文大学的校友。 每一个人的记忆深处,都会有一些令人难以忘怀的事情。当然笔者也不例外,笔者也是一个有七情六欲的正常人。笔者每当想起在大学时期那些事情的时候,总是潸然泪下。经过在北京人文大学4年多的学习和生活,对我们双方有了一个全面的了解,同时进一步奠定了我们之间的感情。毕业将近十年,曾经的同窗大都已经成家立业,有了自己的事业和家庭,他们都奔波在全国各地,在社会的各条战线上发挥着自己的聪明才智,为社会的和谐和国家的繁荣贡献着自己的青春和汗水。 为了能够尽量的使我们91届北京人文大学的校友聚会,我们通过网络、电话等各种形式通知工作在全国各地各行各业的校友150余人,决定于2011年5月1日这一天在北京 fixed assets and the purchase of office or thegs and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible feting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetinthe me2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, ts, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; cumenpy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, docollection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, co r theand Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible fo ts, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check,items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed asse2 人文大学聚会。同十年前我们入读的校园相比较起来,现在的校园已经发生了翻天腹地的变化。如今的北京人文大学已经占地1000余亩,已经建成校舍面积30余万平方米的人文性、园林式、数字化、现代化校园。校园环境优美,绿树掩映,空气清新,风景如画,三季有花,四季常青。学生食堂宽敞明亮、干净整洁,饭菜品种齐全,物美价廉,能满足不同地域学生的各种口味。学生公寓内装有电话、暖气,生活设施齐备。完善的教学生活设施使学生能够自由舒适地学习和生活。 根据行程的安排我们提前一天从湖北武汉天河机场出发,飞往目的地北京首都国际机场。当天上午十点我们从武汉的天河国际机场出发,上午十点飞机准时起飞,在飞机上我和妻子交谈和聊了一会:“到了北京之后,去哪些景点旅游,等等一系列问我和妻子进行了探讨和深入的交换了,坐在身边的儿子笑得不亦乐乎,小家伙躺在她妈妈的怀抱中问我:“爸爸,我们到了北京之后去哪儿玩啊,北京有哪些好玩的地方了,对了,上一次你不是向我说过,要带我到北京的万里长城去玩吗,”我微笑着告诉儿子:;“爸爸这一次带着你和妈妈到北京旅游,这些地方一定会带你们去的,到了北京之后的第一站,我们先到北京的万里长城去玩好吗,” 说句实话,和妻子结婚这么多年以来,我觉得自己亏欠妻 se of officeOrganization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchan the nd implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist iponsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with at: reshiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Managementters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, arcng, leexternal documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receivition of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementaitems] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company 3 子太多,在我事业刚刚起步的那一段日子里,他自己一个人带着儿子忙这,忙那,我几乎没有没有能够顾得上照顾她,假如这么多年以来,没有她的支持和帮助,我的事业也不会这么的顺利。 不过话也说回来,以后和妻子在一起的时间很长,我们会在一起厮守终身,天荒地老,天长地久。以后在慢慢的补偿她吧。大概两个小时左右,上午十二点整,飞机准时到达北京首都国际机场,到达之后,又坐了一段时间的大巴,来到了北京的一家酒店住宿,在酒店办理好一切入住手续和经过简单的处理之后,根据旅游的计划和为了满足儿子的需求,第二天早上我们从酒店出发到长城旅游。在路上经过两个小时路程的颠簸,我们终于看见了以前只能够在电视上看到的万里长城,高达雄伟,蜿蜒盘旋的万里长城,这个时候,我对妻子说:在路上你一直都抱着儿子,也挺辛苦的,我从妻子手中接过儿子,儿子惊讶的对我说:“爸爸,我们终于到了万里长城啦,爸爸对我真好”。我对儿子说:“我的乖儿子,只要你高兴,只要你喜欢,爸爸做什么都愿意,站在一旁的妻子露出了久违的笑容。”当初我和妻子结婚的时候,我就向妻子的父母承诺过:今生一辈子我和她永不分开,无论是生老病死,还是什么我对她都不离不弃,一直携手到老。说着说着,就到了万里长城的入口,登上长城放眼望去,一副美好的景象,突然间念起起了毛泽东主席的一首词:望 fixed assets and the purchase of office or thegs and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible feting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetinthe me2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, ts, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; cumenpy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, docollection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, co r theand Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible fo ts, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check,items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed asse4 长城内外,惟馀莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高,须晴日,看红妆素裹,分外妖娆。 江山如此多娇, 引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。 一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。 俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。 按照行程的安排,2011年5月1日这一天,来自全国各地的150余名91届毕业的校友齐聚北京人文大学,与笔者年龄相仿的毕业生,大都已经成为了企业和政府部门的负责人,笔者和这些校友相比较起来,真的是自叹不如啊。妻子大学时期的好朋友也应同学会的盛情邀请参加了这次的校友聚会。在宴会上,笔者和妻子端着自己的酒杯依依和曾经的同窗碰杯,相互回忆起我们大学阶段的那些陈年往事。 中午午宴结束之后,在北京人文大学相关部门负责人的带领下,带领我们这些从母校毕业已经整整10年的校友参观了美丽的校园,让我们这些校友刹那间流连忘返。在这位负责人的带领下,我们先到北京人文大学的校园内去溜达了一圈,边走边聊,来到了北京人文大学的康馨花园,看到了坐落在学校东门的一块碑,妻子好奇的问: 康馨花园是你们学校的吗,他微笑的告诉我们:“ 康馨花园现隶属于北京人文大学,是北京人文大学与延庆县康庄镇人民政府共同联手打造的校园生活设施,内有花园,运动场,健身器材等。康馨花园一年四季风和日丽,秋高气爽,四季常青,四季有 se of officeOrganization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchan the nd implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist iponsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with at: reshiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Managementters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, arcng, leexternal documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receivition of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementaitems] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company 5 花,绿树成荫。占地面积500余平方米,是休闲,娱乐,聊天的理想去处。作为北京人文大学长城校区校园中的景观之一,学校每年都投入巨资对康馨花园进行修护和养护,而且配备有专业的养护工人定期对花园中的树枝进行剪枝,确保花园中的美一颗大树都能够绿树成荫,健康成长,服务于我校广大师生的学习和生活。校园一年四季绿树成荫,秋高气爽,而且学校的绿化率面积几乎达到了百分之九十五,在此笔者可以负责任的对那些愿意来到北京求学的学子说:来到北京人文大学绝对是大家求知的理想高等学府,北京人文大学能够为广大学子提供良好的学习环境,使广大学子能够在学校安心的学习和深造,成就自己儿时的梦想。中午的吃饭的时间到了,这位同学又把我们带到了学校的学生餐厅就餐,他向我们介绍说:“学生餐厅时我校长城校区的重要生活设施之一,目前学校拥有全国各地不同风味风格的学生餐厅8所,可以同时容纳万余名学生进行进餐。主学生餐厅(即第一学生餐厅,第二学生餐厅,第三学生餐厅)位于我校长城校区老教学楼附近,可以容纳七千人进餐,川西风味,川北风味,东北风味的特设美味佳肴全部积聚在这里,每层学生餐厅分为多个窗口,既有糕点,快餐等不同特色的窗口,又有服务于广大学生的纯净水,饮料窗口,人性化的服务,完善的管理铸就了北京人文大学主学生餐厅今天的辉煌。新学生餐厅时为了满足学校日益扩大的招生规模而新建的配 fixed assets and the purchase of office or thegs and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible feting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetinthe me2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, ts, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; cumenpy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, docollection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, co r theand Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible fo ts, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check,items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed asse6 套生活设施之一,可以同时容纳二千余学生进行同步进餐,新学生餐厅在主学生餐厅原有的基础上,有了很大的创新,时尚,经典的流行音乐,金碧辉煌,超豪华的硬件配套设施是新学生餐厅的最大亮点,能够满足不同年龄层次学生的进餐需求,新学生餐厅还配备有面包,糕点,饮用纯净水,饮料窗口,还有服务于广大学生的大型连锁超市,物美价廉的商品是您购物的理想选择。第五,六,七,八学生餐厅位于我校长城校区综合楼对面,属于私人营业,不在主学生餐厅和新学生餐厅内,可以同时容纳一千人进餐。同主学生餐厅和新学生餐厅一样,能够满足全国各地学生的进餐口味要求。人性化的服务,一流的软,硬件设施,将是您进行商业投资,餐饮连锁的理想加盟之处。。 在愉快的情绪当中,两天的校友聚会很快就落下了圆满的帷幕,我们相互在车站依依告别,笔者和这些校友一样即将返回单位所在地,回到自己各自的工作岗位辛勤的工作,我们相约在明年的这个时候再次来到北京,来到八达岭,来到北京人文大学,我们曾经一起共同战斗过的地方。 笔者觉得这样的聚会十分的有意义,是人生当中一笔无形、宝贵的财富。当我们的事业受挫折的时候,家庭出现裂痕的时候,急需要校友的帮助,使我们每一个人都能够顺利的读过难关。 说句实话,笔者和妻子之间的这一段姻缘,假如没有母 se of officeOrganization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible for the fixed assets and the purchan the nd implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetings and planning, or assist iponsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, the meeting decided to deal with at: reshiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; 2.4 the Conference Managementters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, documents, books, certificates, arcng, leexternal documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, copy, fax sending and receivition of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible for the collection of internal and property insurance,), supervision, and check, and Implementation the implementaitems] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed assets, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company 7 校北京人文大学的帮助,我们真的不可能走在一起,因为我和心目当中的那个他一起携手走过了四年最美好的大学时光,四年的大学时光虽然一闪而过,在经历风风雨雨的岁月洗礼中,验证了笔者和妻子纯真的爱情,北京人文大学校园内的花花草草都见证为了我和她之间感人的爱情故事。仔细听,校园内的白莺正在为我们歌唱,鸟儿为我们祝福~ fixed assets and the purchase of office or thegs and planning, or assist in the Organization's external public relations activities; 2.5 material management: responsible feting decided to deal with and implement, on behalf of the company to attend the meeting, is responsible for important meetinthe me2.4 the Conference Management: responsible for the internal organization of the meeting, make meeting records, to reminders, ts, books, certificates, archiving and management, responsible for company registration, change of registration formalities; cumenpy, fax sending and receiving, letters, newspaper and magazine subscriptions sent, responsible for contracts, information, docollection of internal and external documents, numbering, routing, reminders, responsible for internal documents to print, co r theand Implementation the implementation of the corporate administrative system; 2.3 file and archive management: responsible fo ts, and books, and phone, and health, and office supplies led with, and company property insurance,), supervision, and check,items] a,. archives, and seal, and fixed asse8
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