
财富赢家论坛 中国最好的股票论坛 财富赢家网旗下社区

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财富赢家论坛 中国最好的股票论坛 财富赢家网旗下社区财富赢家论坛 中国最好的股票论坛 财富赢家网旗下社区 全国名医院排行榜 全国最好的医院:神经内科医院:神经外科医院: 肿瘤科医院:心血管病专科医院:耳鼻喉科医院: 眼科医院:骨科医院:妇产科医院:烧伤科医院: 口腔科医院:消化内科医院:内分泌科医院: 呼吸内科医院:儿科医院:肝病医院: 一、全国最好医院综合排名 No.1 北京协和医院 北京协和医院建成于1921年,是美国洛克菲勒财团所属的中华医学基金会开办的私立北平协和医学院附属医院。它拥有优秀的医师和先进的设备,它不仅解决了大量疑难重症,而且培养了大批精粹...
财富赢家论坛 中国最好的股票论坛 财富赢家网旗下社区
财富赢家论坛 中国最好的股票论坛 财富赢家网旗下社区 全国名医院排行榜 全国最好的医院:神经内科医院:神经外科医院: 肿瘤科医院:心血管病专科医院:耳鼻喉科医院: 眼科医院:骨科医院:妇产科医院:烧伤科医院: 口腔科医院:消化内科医院:内分泌科医院: 呼吸内科医院:儿科医院:肝病医院: 一、全国最好医院综合排名 No.1 北京协和医院 北京协和医院建成于1921年,是美国洛克菲勒财团所属的中华医学基金会开办的私立北平协和医学院附属医院。它拥有优秀的医师和先进的设备,它不仅解决了大量疑难重症,而且培养了大批精粹的医学人才。 No.2 广州中山一院 中山一院是国家三级甲等医院和国家爱婴医院,该院本部和黄埔院区组成。 No.3 上海华山医院 复旦大学附属华山医院创建于1907年,是复旦大学附属综合性教学医院和中国红十字会直属医院,1992年首批通过国家三级甲等医院评审,目前已成为国家级高层次的医教研中心之一,在国内外享有较高声誉。 No.4 解放军总院,301医院, 全军规模最大的综合性医院,集医疗、保健、教学、科研于一体,是中央保健基地。负责中央军委和总部的医疗工作,承担全军各军区、各军兵relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac 种疑难病的诊治,担负党、国家及军委领导的医疗保健任务。 No.5 上海瑞金医院 瑞金医院建于1907年,原名广慈医院,是一所三级甲等大型综合性教学医院。 No.6 北京天坛医院 首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院始建于1956年,位于天坛公园西南侧,是一所以神经科为重点的大型综合医院。北京市神经外科研究所、北京市医学影像中心和全国脑血管病防治研究办公室同设在院内。为三级甲等医院。 No.7 西安西京医院 第四军医大学西京医院信息科招聘启... ?住院流感样病人 ?门诊流感样病人流程 ?甲流新知 ?军中天使聚古都 护界精英竞峥嵘—... ?西京医院成功举办精品课程示范会 ?2009级硕士研究生参观 No.8 上海仁济医院 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院,始建于1844年,是综合性三级甲等医院。 No.9 广东省人民医院 广东省人民医院是一所大型综合性医院,内、外、妇、儿等各专科齐全,心血管专科是医院的重点学科。 No.10 武汉同济医院 同济医院由德国医生宝隆1900年创建于上海,1955年迁至武汉,现附属于华中科技大学同济医学院,是一所集医疗、教学、科研、培干为一体的现代化综合性三级甲等医院。 二、全国最好的神经内科医院 No.1 北京宣武医院 No.2 吉林大学第一临床医院 No.3 北京中医药大学附属东直门医院 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac No.4 北京天坛医院 No.5 北京协和医院 No.6 河北医科大学第二医院 No.7 北京军区总院 No.8 上海市中医医院 No.9 复旦大学医学院儿科医院 No.10 浙江省中医院 三、全国最好的神经外科医院 No.1 北京天坛医院 No.2 上海华山医院 No.3 哈尔滨医科大学第一临床医院 No.4 西安唐都医院 No.5 上海长征医院 No.6 广州珠江医院 No.7 上海仁济医院 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac No.8 北京大学航天中心医院 No.9 重庆新桥医院 No.10 浙江大学附属第二医院 四、全国最好的肿瘤科医院 No.1 中山大学肿瘤医院 No.2 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院 No.3 天津市肿瘤医院 No.4 复旦大学附属肿瘤医院 No.5 第二军医大学东方肝胆外科医院 No.6 北京肿瘤医院 No.7 湖南省肿瘤医院 No.8 第一军医大学附属南方医院 No.9 广东省人民医院 No.10 北京市广安门医院 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac 五、全国最好的心血管病专科医院 No.1 北京阜外医院 No.2 北京安贞医院 No.3 北京协和医院 No.4 上海长海医院 No.5 武汉协和医院心血管疾病研究所 No.6 上海新华医院 No.7 哈尔滨医科大学第一临床医学院 No.8 西安西京医院 No.9 广东省心血管病医院霍英东心脏中心 No.10 武汉亚洲心脏病医院 六、全国最好的耳鼻喉科医院 No.1 北京同仁医院 No.2 北京协和医院 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac No.3 解放军总院(301医院) No.4 复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院 No.5 上海仁济医院(西部) No.6 山东大学齐鲁医院 No.7 海军总医院 No.8 中山大学肿瘤医院 No.9 郑州大学第一附属医院 No.10 湖北省人民医院 七、全国最好的眼科医院 No.1 北京同仁医院 No.2 北京协和医院 No.3 中山医科大学中山眼科中心 No.4 复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院 No.5 天津眼科医院 No.6 温州医学院附属眼视光医院 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac No.7 山西省眼科医院 No.8 解放军总院(301医院) No.9 西京医院 No.10 北京大学人民医院 八、全国最好的骨科医院 No.1 北京积水潭医院 No.2 解放军总院(301医院) No.3 上海长征医院 No.4 北京大学第三医院 No.5 广州军区广州总院 No.6 上海瑞金医院 No.7 北京大学人民医院 No.8 山西医科大学第二医院 No.9 广州中医药大学第一附属医院 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac No.10 宁波市第二医院 九、全国最好的妇产科医院 No.1 北京协和医院 No.2 复旦大学附属妇产科医院 No.3 北京妇产医院 No.4 武汉同济医院 No.5 四川大学华西第二医院(华西妇产儿童医院) No.6 上海仁济医院 No.7 广州中山一院 No.8 广州中医药大学附属第一医院 No.9 黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院 No.10 青海红十字医院 十、全国最好的烧伤科医院 No.1 北京积水潭医院 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac No.2 重庆西南医院 No.3 北京解放军304医院 No.4 上海瑞金医院 No.5 上海长海医院 No.6 甘肃省人民医院 No.7 西安西京医院 No.8 天津市第四医院 No.9 广州中山一院 No.10 长沙湘雅医院 十一、全国最好的口腔科医院 No.1 四川大学华西口腔医院 No.2 北京大学口腔医院 No.3 上海市第九人民医院 No.4 第四军医大学附属秦都口腔医院 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac No.5 武汉大学附属口腔医院 No.6 北京协和医院 No.7 天津市口腔医院 No.8 广东省口腔医院 No.9 中山大学附属光华口腔医院 No.10 浙江大学医学院附属二院 十二、全国最好的消化内科医院 No.1 广州南方医院 No.2 上海仁济医院 No.3 北京协和医院 No.4 北京军区总院 No.5 西安西京医院 No.6 复旦大学附属中山医院 No.7 浙江省中医院 No.8 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac No.9 重庆医科大学第二医院 No.10 北京地坛医院 十三、全国最好的呼吸内科医院 No.1 武汉同济医院 No.2 广州医学院第一附属医院 No.3 北京协和医院 No.4 重庆新桥医院 No.5 北京红十字朝阳医院 No.6 中国医科大学附属一院 No.7 江西中医学院附属医院 No.8 四川大学华西医院 No.9 北京东直门医院 No.10 山西医科大学第一附属医院 十四、全国最好的内分泌科医院 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac No.1协和医院 No.2上海仁济医院 No.3长沙湘雅二院 No.4天津医科大学代谢病医院 No.5上海市瑞金医院 No.6中山大学附属第一医院 No.7福建医科大学附属协和医院 No.8安徽医科大学第一附属医院 No.9北京中医药大学东方医院 No.10广西医科大学附属第一医院 十五、全国最好的儿科医院 No.1上海市新华医院 No.2北京儿童医院 No.3北京大学第一医院 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac No.4重庆医科大学附属儿童医院 No.5复旦大学附属儿童医院 No.6南京中医药大学第二附属医院(江苏省第二中医院) No.7西安市西京医院 No.8湖北十堰市太和医院 No.9济南市儿童医院 No.10天津市肿瘤医院儿童肿瘤科 十六、全国最好的肝病医院 No.1 解放军第三0二医院 No.2 北京大学人民医院肝病研究所及肝脏外科 No.3 解放军总医院消化科肝胆外科 No.4 第二军医大学肝胆外科医院及长海医院 No.5 复旦大学附属中山医院肝癌研究所 No.6 首都医科大学附属北京佑安医院 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac No.7 北京军区总医院肝病研究所 No.8 北京地坛医院 No.9 上海传染病院 No.10第三军医大学西南医院传染病附院 ?财富赢家论坛 中国最好的股票论坛 财富 赢家网旗下社区 独家私募内部消息汇总(10?15日间版) 市场传闻不可全信,权当娱乐~ [早间市场要闻]: 11届人大常委会第17次会议10月25日至28日举行 全国人大常委会委员长吴邦国14日在北京人民大会堂主持召开十一届全国人大常委会第五十一次委员长会议,决定十一届全国人大常委会第十七次会议10月25日至28日在北京举行。 全国人大常委会将首次审议车船税法草案 全国人大常委会委员长吴邦国14日在北京人民大会堂主持召开十一届全国人大常委会第五十一次委员长会议,决定十一届全国人大常委会第十七次会议10月25日至28日在北京举行。委员长会议建议,十一届全国人大常委会第十七次会议继续审议社会保险法草案、涉外民事关系法律适用法草案、村民委员会组织法修订草案、代表法修正案草案;首次审议车船税法草案。 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac 存款准备金率上调非惩罚 对四季度贷款影响不大 日前,央行对6家商业银行上调了存款准备金率,多家银行高层在14日出席首届中国银行家高峰论坛时表示,此次上调存款准备金率绝非惩罚措施,而是调控的正常手段,对于四季度的信贷影响不大。 前三季度中国铁路客货运量大幅增长 ,,日从铁道部统计中心了解到,今年前三季度,全国铁路客货运量大幅增长,均超年计划进度,为全年客货运量任务完成奠定了坚实基础。 山西建三座煤电基地 或超三峡成最大外送电基地 据中国之声《新闻晚高峰》报道,中国之声今天报道了山西通过建设煤电基地,从而实现产业结构调整升级的努力,十二五期间,山西将在晋北、晋中、晋东建设三个煤电基地,让本省又过去单纯输送煤炭,转为对外输电。希望通过角色的转换来实现产业结构转型。乐观估计十二五期间,这三大煤电基地的发电量有可能超过三峡,成为全国最大外送电基地。 江西将投资266亿元改造农村电网 从江西省电力公司了解到,江西将在,,,,—,,,,年间投资,,,亿元对全省农村电网进行改造升级。 第五届中国欧盟投资贸易合作洽谈会将在成都举办 四川成都市政府新闻办公室14日举行新闻发布会宣布,由商务部、中国贸促会、国家能源局和四川省政府主办,欧盟委员会支持的第五届中国欧盟投资贸易合作洽谈会将于10月17日至19日在成都举办。本届欧洽会将举行三大论坛。 中国国务院发展研究中心金融研究所副所长巴曙松周四称,今年中国央行加息的可能性很小,因是央行不太考虑选择的政策.他并称,央行目前更习惯于采用数量型调控工具. 中国银行业协会周四发布的报告称,银行家们普遍认为房地产行业的短期风险正在积聚,特relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac 别是房地产开发贷款的风险链条效应应予以重视. 雪佛龙(Chevron)节能和可再生能源部门主管表示,与日本和美国的产品相比,中国太阳能电池板已变得非常有竞争力,特别是在价格方面. 消息人士周三说,Silver Lake[SILAK.UL]等几家私募股权公司已就收购雅虎的不同方案进行过初期探讨. [最新市场传闻参考]: 据传,中色股份(000758):有机构认为,公司将成南方稀土整合最大受益者,未来股价有望赶超广晟有色,给予“买入”评级。 据传,西部矿业:资源禀赋凸出给予买入评级。 据传,同花顺:或成中移动手机证券自有业务招标唯一一家新入围厂商。 据传,青岛啤酒:前三季度EPS在1.2元。 据传,天音控股:近日将与opera签署合作协议。 据传,五粮液:业绩有保障估值偏低。 据传,盘江股份:关注集团资产整合动向。 据传,ST昌河:将受益于通用航空产业大发展。 据传,潞安环能:2010年EPS有望达到2.8元 有机构认为公司具备外延收购潜力。 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac 据传,天音控股(000829)天音移动互联与全球最大手机浏览器公司OPPERA签署重大合作协议,周五公告。 据传,同方股份(600100)同方微电子入主晶源电子大局已定,分拆上市逐步落实,公司价值有望重估。 据传,汉王科技(002362)与中国联通合作推出的WCDEA 3G“电纸书”即将在11月份上市。 据传,孚日股份(002083):近期公司将陆续公告收购多个锂矿,同时公告与外资合资成立锂电池公司,公司主营将全面转向新能源电池。 据传,汉商集团(600774)申万首次给与增持评级,目标价格9.9元。 据传,德美化工(002054)晚上公告重庆化工项目。 据传,盐湖钾肥(000792)国外钾肥需求旺盛,价格上涨,将通过长单合同传导到国内。 据传,西藏天路(600326)公司将召开股东大会,修改公司章程,将增添矿业投资与开发。 据传,中船股份(600072):获得海洋局30艘海洋执法船合同。 据传,大唐电信(600198)国有银行年底全面发行金融IC卡,市场容量50亿元,大唐电信的IC卡芯片已获银联认证,可能即将获得国际EMV认证,成独家供货芯片商。 据传,云天化(600096)资产整合时间临近,机构深度介入。 据传,平庄能源(000780):12月将启动资产注入项目。 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac 据传,经纬纺机(000666):三季报每股收益0.18元,同比增长180%左右。 据传,唐山港(601000)4个亿的财政补贴本周到帐,可增厚EPS0.40元。 据传,界龙实业(600836)迪士尼中美合资项目或将在11月以前公告,11月中上旬动工。 据传,飞乐音响(600651)大摩牵手华鑫证券成立合资投行一事也将很快提上日程,飞乐音响(600651)持有华鑫证券24%股权。 据传,三一重工(600031)智利受困矿工陆续升井,援救成功让世界了解 “中国制造”。 [私募点股]: 东方钽业(000962): 公司是世界三大钽业公司之一,拥有550吨钽粉,80吨钽丝产能,公司还是世界第一大钽丝供应商,世界市场占有率达到60%,技术水平和综合质量水平均居世界第一。公司钽粉的市场占有率为25%,为世界第二大供应商。公司的主要客户包括美国Kemet,Vishay,英国的Avx,日本的东芝等大型电容器制造商。公司作为拥有技术壁垒的电子行业上游龙头企业将受益于电子行业迅速增长。 钽精矿的价格走势和电子行业紧密相关。钽精矿在过去40 年间有过2 波大行情。第一次在1978 年第一部微电脑诞生到1982 年微电脑开始普及期间。第二波行情在1998-2000 年网络,半导体高速增长阶段。其余阶段价格基本维持平稳增长。目前价格从年初的三十多美元/磅已经上升到七十多美元/磅(距离历史高点的268 美元/磅还有很大距离)。据了解公司具有较强的成本传导能力,钽矿价格上升公司的产品价格也会随之上升。目前公司钽丝、钽粉的国际市场占有率达到60%和25%,有比较高的议价能力,公司短期内提高产品价格的概率很高。 二级市场,该股近日稳步攀升,量能大幅放大,强势特征较为明显。并且该股目前估值优势极为明显,具有较高安全边际。预计该股后市仍有较大空间,建议投资者重点关注。 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac 股市圣嘴 2010-10-15 [郑重声明]:本文信息来自互联网,也仅对所收集信息进行汇总,为本人自娱之用,不构 成对任何见过本文朋友投资股市的建议,据此入市,风险自担。股市有风险,投资需谨 慎~ 由弘一网童保存,尚未注册。注册 relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgical specialty (including general surgery, neurosurgery, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Neurology, Gastroenterology, cardiology) 2 months, pathology 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: Radiology Web 5 months (CT, MRI-oriented, taking into account the Interventional Radiology, CT 2.5 months, interventional radiology, 0.5 month, MRI 2 months). Nuclear image rotation for 2 months. Relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotation 5 months: surgical specialty (including general surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology, urology) 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including digestive tract internal medicine, Endocrinology and metabolism, cardiology) 2 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. Nuclear Imaging: Radiology diagnosis 4 months, ultrasonography 2 months relevant clinical departments (including pathological) rotating 6 month: surgery 2 months, specializing in internal medicine (including Oncology, cardiology) 3 months, Department of Pathology 1 month. The third stage (25th to 36th months): according to the specialist trainees will engage in Radiology (including general radiology, CT, MRI, interventional), ultrasonic imaging, image rotation, respectively. Radiology majors: General 2 months of radiation, CT 4 months, MRI 4 month, in 2 months. Ultrasound Imaging: digestive, Urological ultrasound 4 months; obstetric ultrasound 3 months, cardiac
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