
奠定盛唐基业的帝王将相(唐太宗和凌烟阁二十四位功臣) - 中国历史

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奠定盛唐基业的帝王将相(唐太宗和凌烟阁二十四位功臣) - 中国历史奠定盛唐基业的帝王将相(唐太宗和凌烟阁二十四位功臣) - 中国历史 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into cons...
奠定盛唐基业的帝王将相(唐太宗和凌烟阁二十四位功臣) - 中国历史
奠定盛唐基业的帝王将相(唐太宗和凌烟阁二十四位功臣) - 中国历史 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 奠定盛唐基业的帝王将相(唐太宗和凌烟阁二十四位功臣) - 中国历史.txt人永远不知道谁哪次不经意的跟你说了再见之后就真的再也不见了。一分钟有多长,这要看你是蹲在厕所里面,还是等在厕所外面„„奠定盛唐基业的帝王将相(唐太宗和凌烟阁二十四位功臣) 唐太宗即位后,居安思危,任用贤良,虚怀纳谏,实行轻徭薄赋、疏缓刑罚的政策,并且进行了一系列政治、军事改革,终于促成了社会安定、生产发展的升平景象,史称贞观之治。贞观十七年二月,唐太宗李世民为怀念当初一同打天下的众位功臣,命人在凌烟阁内描绘了二十四位功臣的图像,皆真人大小,时时记忆当年金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎的往事。 唐太宗李世民 (598,649) 【主延伸】《秦王破阵乐》是唐时著名歌舞大曲,原是唐初军歌,主要是歌颂唐太宗的英勇战绩。唐太宗亲自为此曲设计秦王破阵乐舞,此曲亦流传国外。 秦王破阵乐:秦王指的是唐朝李世民(秦王是他的封号)。此曲是唐时著名的歌舞大曲,最初乃唐初的军歌,公元620年,秦王李世民打败了叛军刘武周,巩固了刚建立的唐政权。于是,他的将士们遂以旧曲填入新词,为李世民唱赞歌:“受律辞元首,相将讨叛臣。咸歌《破阵乐》,共赏太平人。”“四海皇风被,千年德水清;戎衣更不著,今日告功成。”“主圣开昌历,臣忠奉大猷;君看偃革后,便是太平秋。” 李世民显然很喜欢这支军歌,公元633年,李世民亲自设计《秦王破阵乐舞图》,据图可知:舞队的左面呈圆形,右面呈方形;前面模仿战车,后面摆着队伍,队形展开像簸箕伸出两翼、作成打仗的态势。太宗叫吕才按图教授给一百二十八位乐工,经常穿甲持戟练习。此曲即为这场乐舞的主题曲。 《秦王破阵乐》在当时的名气很大,甚至传到外国。玄奘大师到达印度后,印度国王尸罗逸多召见他时就曾问起有关此曲的事项。武则天时期日本遣唐使节粟田正人将其带回日本。 唐代皇帝。唐高祖李渊次子。隋末,李渊先后任山西河东慰抚大使、太原留守,负责镇压今山西地区的农民起义和防备突厥,李世民随父在晋阳(今山西太原西南)。当时农民起义风起云涌,力量日益壮大。李渊、李世民父子看到隋朝将亡,乃于大业十三年(617)在晋阳起兵,接着南攻霍邑(今山西霍县),西渡黄河,攻取长安(今陕西西安)。太原起兵之初,李渊以长子李建成为陇西公、左领军大都督,统左三军;李世民为敦煌公、右领军都督,统右三军。 攻克长安后,李渊立隋炀帝孙代王杨侑为帝,改元义宁,是为恭帝。恭帝进封李渊为唐王,以李建成为唐王世子;李世民为京兆尹,改封秦国公;封李元吉为齐国公。义宁二年(618)李世民徙封赵国公。三月,隋炀帝被杀。五月,李渊即位,国号唐,建breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 元武德,是为唐高祖。李渊以李世民为尚书令。不久,又立李建成为皇太子,封李世民为秦王,李元吉为齐王。在唐朝统一全国的过程中,李世民军功甚多。他首先打败了据有金城(今甘肃兰州)一带的薛举,迫使举子薛仁杲降唐;接着又打退了倚仗突厥势力南攻河东的刘武周、宋金刚;武德四年(621)又打败窦建德,消灭夏政权;同时迫使盘踞洛阳的王世充出降,郑随之灭亡,为统一全国奠定了基础。李世民在统一全国的过程中功业超过李建成和李元吉,但身为次子,不能继承皇位;太子李建成亦知李世民终不肯为人下,于是以李世民为一方,以李建成、李元吉为另一方,展开了争皇位继承权的斗争。武德九年六月四日,李世民发动玄武门之变,杀死李建成、李元吉,逼唐高祖李渊退位,自己称帝,是为唐太宗。次年(627)改元贞观。 唐太宗即位后,居安思危,任用贤良,虚怀纳谏,实行轻徭薄赋、疏缓刑罚的政策,并且进行了一系列政治、军事改革,终于促成了社会安定、生产发展的升平景象,史称贞观之治。贞观之治是中国封建时代最著名的“治世”。贞观四年(630),唐太宗遣李靖平定东突厥,俘虏颉利可汗,解除了北边的威胁;九年,平定吐谷浑,俘其王慕容伏允;十四年,又派侯君集平定高昌氏,于其地置西州,并在交河城(今新疆吐鲁番西)置安西都护府。唐太宗对东突厥降众及依附于突厥的各族执行比较开明的政策,受到他们的拥戴,因而被尊为“天可汗”。十五年以江夏王李道宗送文成公主和亲于吐蕃的赞普松赞干布,发展了汉、藏两族间的经济文化交流。但唐太宗亲征高句丽的战争给两国人民带来了灾难,最后无功而还。唐太宗最初立长子李承乾为太子,后来又爱重第四子魏王李泰,李承乾由此产生了夺嗣之惧,企图发动政变刺杀李泰,没有成功,被废为庶人。唐太宗为防止身后发生兄弟仇杀的悲剧,贬魏王李泰,改立第九子晋王李治为太子,即以后的唐高宗。 太宗晚年著《帝范》一书以教戒太子,其中总结了他一生的政治经验,也对自己的功过进行了评述。贞观二十三年唐太宗病危,令长孙无忌、褚遂良在其身后辅佐李治。去世后,葬于昭陵。 凌烟阁二十四功臣名录 【凌烟阁是原本皇宫内三清殿旁的一个不起眼的小楼,贞观十七年二月,唐太宗李世民为怀念当初一同打天下的众位功臣(当时已有数位辞世,还活着的也多已老迈),命人在凌烟阁内描绘了二十四位功臣的图像,皆真人大小,时常前往怀旧。李世民是很会当皇帝的,尤其在君臣关系上十分老到,凌烟阁一事就是例子。不过也不能说那只是个政治手段,当时李世民也已是个老人,老人总爱怀念往事的,想当年金戈铁马气吞万里如虎啊,相信他把他那些老部下绘入凌烟阁,其中的真情也不会少。这二十四人的姓名与如下。】 赵公长孙无忌第一。李世民长孙皇后之兄,自幼与李世民友善,李渊太原起兵后投靠李世民。参与李世民历次战役,尤其在玄武门之变中起主谋作用。终身为李世民信任,李世民评价为“我有天下,多是此人之力”。李世民去世后,受遗命辅佐唐高宗。因反对唐高宗立武则天为皇后而失宠,后来被诬陷谋反,自杀。 weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 赵郡王李孝恭第二。其父为李渊堂弟,李渊起兵后,他负责经略巴蜀。得李靖之助,灭萧铣、辅公佑,长江以南均受其统领,战功几可与李世民分庭抗礼。李世民登基后,退出权力中心,以歌舞美人自娱。贞观十四年,暴病身亡。 莱公杜如晦第三。李世民主要幕僚。李渊攻克长安时投靠李世民,得房玄龄推荐而受李世民重用,为十八学士之首。参与李世民历次战役。玄武门之变主谋。贞观年间与房玄龄共掌朝政,但于贞观四年病故,年仅四十六岁。其死深为李世民痛惜,死后极尽哀荣。 郑公魏征第四。原为李密谋士,后随李密降唐,为唐朝招降李世绩。窦建德进攻河北时被俘,窦灭亡后重回唐朝,隶太子建成麾下。玄武门之变后,归顺李世民。因感知遇之恩,凡事知无不言,以进谏著称。终生深受李世民信任,李世民评价说贞观之前辅佐之功以房玄龄第一,贞观之后以魏征第一。贞观十六年病故。 梁公房玄龄第五。李世民主要幕僚,善于谋略。李渊起兵后派李世民进攻渭北,受温彦博推荐投入李世民幕府,被委以心腹,参与李世民历次战役。玄武门之变主谋。李世民登基后论功行赏,被比为汉之萧何。贞观年间负责行政,为相近二十年,深得李世民信任。李世民出征高丽时被委以留守重任。贞观二十三年病故。 【成语:“房谋杜断”的由来】 申公高士廉第六。李世民长孙后、长孙无忌的亲舅舅,二人之父早死,实际由高士廉抚养。高对李世民极为器重,以至主动将长孙后许配给李世民。因得罪杨广,被发配岭南,随后中原大乱,被隔绝在外,直到李靖灭萧铣南巡时才得以回归。其人善行政、文学,为李世民心腹,参与玄武门之变的策划。 鄂公尉迟敬德第七。原为刘武周部将,刘武周灭亡后投降李世民。起初不被众将信任,几乎被处死,但李世民坚持起用他。唐郑决战时有单骑救主之功,得以稳固地位,此后以勇将身份参与李世民历次战役。玄武门之变的主要角色,亲手杀死齐王元吉,又率兵威逼李渊下旨立李世民为太子,拥立之功第一。突厥倾国进犯时以骑兵迎击取胜,为李世民求和打下基础。天下安定后无用武之地,晚年闭门不出,最终得享天年。 卫公李靖第八。是“使功不如使过”的典型,曾试图揭发李渊谋反,因此几乎被李渊处死,幸而为李世民所救。后来戴罪立功,协助李孝恭经营巴蜀、灭萧铣、辅公佑,被李渊评价为“萧、辅之膏肓”。拒绝李世民的拉拢,未参加玄武门之变。贞观年间负责抵御突厥,成功地消灭突厥政权,战功无人可及。后来又挂帅出征,消灭吐谷浑势力。因军事能力过高遭人疑忌,屡次被诬告谋反,为免嫌疑,主动退休闭门不出,直到老死。 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 宋公萧禹第九。隋炀帝萧后之弟,以外戚为隋炀帝重臣。因反对出征高丽,被贬为河池郡守,到任后受薛举进攻,奋力抵御。李渊起兵后,归附唐朝,善行政,终生为李渊重用。李世民即位后,因与房玄龄、杜如晦不和,多次得罪李世民,仕途沉浮,但从不“改过自新”。后来李世民评价其为“疾风知劲草,板荡识诚臣”。 褒公段志玄第十。李渊在太原时的旧部,首义功臣。参加李唐历次重要战役,以勇武著名。李世民兄弟相争时,拒绝建成、元吉的拉拢,忠于李世民,并参加了玄武门之变。其人治军严谨,李世民评价为“周亚夫无以加焉”。贞观十六年病故。 夔公刘弘基第十一。游侠,隋炀帝征高丽时,因避兵役逃往太原依附李渊。太原起兵时,与长孙顺德一同负责招募勇士,有大功。进攻长安途中于霍邑之战阵斩隋主将宋老生,攻克长安后被评为战功第一。进攻薛举时在浅水原大败,力尽被擒,李世民灭薛氏后获救。又在刘武周进攻太原时战败被俘,侥幸自己逃回,随后配合李世民在介休歼灭宋金刚。因唐朝与突厥关系恶化,常年驻守北边抵御突厥。贞观年间曾随李世民征高丽。唐高宗时病故。 蒋公屈突通第十二。原为隋朝大将,历仕杨坚、杨广,战功赫赫。杨广南巡江都,委以镇守都城长安的重任。李渊起兵后进攻长安,屈突通率部下死战,力尽后自杀未遂,最终投降李渊,被封为兵部尚书。后参与唐朝历次重大军事行动,尤其灭王世充被评为战功第一。后被委派镇守洛阳,于贞观元年病故。 郧公殷开山第十三。李渊旧部,太原起兵时投奔李渊,参与进攻长安。进攻薛举时,在浅水原大败,与刘文静一同被追究责任,贬为庶民。后随李世民灭薛氏有功,得以重被任用。参加李世民历次战役,在进攻刘黑达时,得病身亡,是凌烟阁功臣中最先去世的一个。 谯公柴绍第十四。李渊之婿,娶平阳公主。李渊起兵时身在长安,侥幸逃脱追捕前往太原。参与攻克长安、灭薛举、刘武周、王世充、窦建德等重要战役。贞观年间作为主将消灭最后一位反王梁师都。贞观十二年病故。 邳公长孙顺德第十五。李世民长孙后之叔,外戚。隋炀帝出兵高丽时,为避兵役逃往太原依附李渊,与李氏父子友善。太原起兵时,与刘弘基一同负责招募勇士,有大功。进攻长安时任先锋,擒隋主将屈突通。此后功劳不显。玄武门之变充当打手角色。贞观年间因多次贪污被弹劾,李世民不忍治罪,只贬官而已,病故。 郧公张亮第十六。原为李密部下,隶属李世绩,随李一同降唐。得房玄龄、李世绩推荐入李世民幕府。李世民兄弟相争时,派其到洛阳招募私党,被元吉告发而下狱,weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 张拒不招供掩护了李世民,因而有功。贞观年间,因善于行政而颇得信任,又揭发侯君集谋反、随征高丽而立功。但其后因好巫术而逐渐名声败坏,贞观二十年被告谋反,受诛。 陈公侯君集第十七。李世民心腹,常年担任其幕僚。玄武门之变的主要策划人。贞观年间,担任李靖副将击败吐谷浑,又任主将击灭高昌。回朝后因私吞高昌战利品而被弹劾,为此怀恨在心。李世民诸子争当太子的斗争中,依附太子李承乾,图谋杀李世民拥立承乾,事泻被杀。 郯公张公谨第十八。原为王世充部下,后投降唐朝,受李靖推荐进入李世民幕府。因参与玄武门之变的谋划而得到赏识,又在事变时充当主要打手,功劳很大。李世民登基后,以其为李靖副将抵御突厥,协助李靖灭亡突厥。次年病故,仅三十九岁。 卢公程知节第十九。本名程咬金,原为瓦岗军勇将,李密失败后降王世充,因不满王的为人,与秦叔宝一同降唐,分配到李世民帐下。参加李世民历次战役。玄武门之变的主要打手。唐高宗时出征贺鲁,屠杀已投降的平民,因此免官,后病故。 永兴公虞世南第二十。隋朝奸臣虞世基之弟,自幼以文学著称。宇文化及江都兵变后被裹胁北返,宇文被灭后归窦建德,窦死后入李世民幕府。此后尽心辅佐李世民,被评价为德行、忠直、博学、文辞、书翰五绝。贞观十二年病故。 渝公刘政会第二十一。李渊任太原留守时的老部下,随李渊起兵,首义功臣。此后负责留守太原,刘武周进攻时被俘。忠心不屈,还找机会打探刘武周军情秘报李渊。刘武周灭亡后获救。曾担任刑部尚书,贞观九年病故。 莒公唐俭第二十二。唐家与李家均为北齐大臣,有世交之谊,唐俭亦与李渊为友。参与李渊太原起兵的策划,为首义功臣。最大功劳是揭发独孤怀恩谋反,被特赐免死罪一次。贞观初年负责与突厥外交事宜,被李靖“谋害”,竟奇迹般逃生。后来任民部尚书,因怠于政事贬官。唐高宗年间病故。 英公李世绩第二十三。原为瓦岗军大将,少年从翟让起兵,翟死后跟随李密。李密降唐后成为独立势力,但仍坚持以李密部下的身份降唐以示不忘故主,被李渊称为“纯臣”。遭窦建德进攻后,因父亲被窦擒为人质不得已投降。密谋暗杀窦重归唐朝,但未能成功,侥幸逃走。随李世民灭王世充、窦建德、刘黑达,又担任主将灭徐圆朗,随李孝恭灭辅公佑。拒绝李世民的拉拢,未参加玄武门之变。贞观年间与李靖一起灭亡突厥,此后十六年负责唐朝北边防御,多次击败薛延陀势力,又随李世民进攻高丽。李世民死后辅佐唐高宗,被委以军事,担任主将再次出征高丽,终于将高丽灭亡。唐高宗重画其形象于凌烟阁。灭高丽后次年病势。 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 胡公秦叔宝第二十四。本为张须陀部下勇将,张死后归裴仁基部下,又随裴投降李密,为瓦岗军大将。在李密与宇文化及童山之战中立下大功。李密失败后投降王世充,因不满王的为人,与程知节一同降唐,分配到李世民帐下。参加李世民历次战役,每战必冲锋在先。玄武门之变的主要打手。后因历次作战负伤太多而疾病缠身,贞观十二年病故? 贞观朝功臣济济,仅唐太宗图形于凌烟阁有特殊贡献的就有24位之多,长孙无忌被列在首功之位。不过,就才能而论,他在谋臣猛将、良宰贤相中绝对算不上突出,但从与唐太宗的关系看,却是太宗的腹心。由于受到唐太宗特殊信赖,长孙无忌不但在贞观朝发挥了特殊作用,且受托辅佐高宗,成为唐初政治史上的特殊人物。 一 长孙无忌的先祖,出自北魏皇族拓跋氏,因有殊功,改姓长孙氏。长孙氏是北魏以来的士族高门,属于军事贵族。但长孙无忌本人,在军事方面虽有一定谋略,但并不善于统兵打仗,用唐太宗的话说:"聪明鉴悟,雅有武略","总兵打仗,非其所长。"[1]这种情况与他早年经历有关。长孙无忌的父亲去世较早,他与妹妹一同在舅父高士廉家中长大。高士廉本人"少有器局,颇涉文史"[2],很有才华和名望。在这样一个文化素养高的家庭中,长孙氏兄妹受到很好的文化教育。无忌"好学,该博文史"[1],妹妹也是"少好读书,造次必循礼则"[3]。高士廉识人很有慧眼,早在李渊父子太原起兵之前,就发现李世民是个非常之人,把长孙无忌的妹妹聘与李世民,后来李世民做皇帝,册封长孙氏为皇后。长孙无忌的年龄与李世民相仿,二人从小交往友善,妹妹嫁给李世民后,两人关系更加亲密。 从李渊父子晋阳起兵叛隋,到建立唐朝,再到统一天下,长孙无忌一直追随李世民东征西讨,但却没有什么显赫之功。他在政治舞台上显露头角,是在玄武门事变中。唐朝建立后,李渊集团发生分裂,最突出的矛盾是太子李建成和秦王李世民之间争夺皇位继承权。李世民的才能、威望和接踵而至的显赫军功,不仅使其本人产生了觊觎皇位的野心,也引起太子李建成的忌妒和不安。开始是李建成想对李世民下毒手,但没成功。李世民问秦王府的僚属们:"阽危之兆,其迹已见,将若之何,"[4]房玄龄对长孙无忌说:"今嫌隙已成,一旦祸机窃发,岂惟府朝涂地,乃实社稷之忧,莫若劝王行周公之事,以安国家。存亡之机,间不容发,正在今日。"长孙无忌说:"吾怀此久已,不敢发口,今吾子所言,正合吾心,谨当白之。"[5]于是,房玄龄、杜如晦、长孙无忌同劝李世民先发制人,认为只有如此才能转危为安。 此时太子李建成与齐王李元吉也在加紧活动,用重金收买李世民部将尉迟敬德,遭拒绝后,又对李世民行刺,仍未得逞。李建成对李元吉说:"秦府智略之士,可惮者独房玄龄、杜如晦耳。"[5]于是,向李渊谗毁二人,将之逐出秦王府。这样李世民最为心腹之人只有长孙无忌仍在府中。长孙无忌坚决支持房玄龄政变的动议,与舅父高士廉和秦王部将侯君集、尉迟敬德等人日夜劝李世民诛杀太子与齐王。李世民仍犹豫不决,与灵州都督李靖商议,征求行军总管李世责力的,二人都表示不愿意干。正在此时,突厥南下侵犯,按惯例应由李世民督军抵御,但此次在李建成的推荐下,由李元吉代李世民督军北征,并调weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 秦王府将领尉迟敬德等同行。他们的目的很明显,想借机抽空秦王府的精兵猛将,并在为李元吉饯行时杀掉李世民。李世民得知,立即与长孙无忌等商量,又派长孙无忌秘密召回房玄龄、杜如晦,共同谋划了玄武门兵变。六月四日,李世民亲率长孙无忌等十人,在玄武门成功地伏杀了李建成、李元吉。 在李世民夺取皇位继承权的兵变中,长孙无忌称得上是首功之人。在酝酿政变时,他态度坚决,竭诚劝谏;在准备政变时,他日夜奔波,内外联络;在政变之时,他不惧危难,亲至玄武门内。所以唐太宗至死不忘长孙无忌的佐命之功,临死前仍对大臣们说:"我有天下,多是此人之力。"[1] 二 李世民成了皇太子后,长孙无忌被任命为太子左庶子。不久李渊把帝位让给了李世民,长孙无忌升为左武侯大将军,后任吏部尚书,晋封齐国公,实封一千三百户。唐太宗几次要任命长孙无忌为宰相,但长孙皇后一再说:"妾备位椒房,家之贵宠极矣,诚不愿兄弟复执国政。"她提醒太宗要吸取汉朝吕氏、霍氏等专权的教训,长孙无忌自己也要求逊职,但太宗不听,拜长孙无忌为宰相,任命他为尚书右仆射。为唐太宗夺取皇位,长孙无忌确实立有殊功,但担任宰相,他的才能似乎还不够。不能说长孙无忌不喜欢权势,但他为人谨慎小心,注意避免嫌疑,不像历史上许多外戚,依恃女儿或姐妹"椒房之宠",肆无忌惮地攫取权力。他以盈满为戒,恳请太宗批准他辞去宰相要职,长孙皇后也为之请求,太宗不得已,让他辞去了尚书右仆射,而拜开府仪同三司。这一年,唐太宗在文武大臣的陪护下,亲至长安西郊祭祀,起驾返回时,特令长孙无忌与司空裴寂二人升用金辂以示宠幸。贞观五年(631年),长孙无忌与房玄龄、杜如晦、尉迟敬德四人,以元勋封每人一子为郡公。贞观七年,太宗册书,任命长孙无忌为司空,无忌坚决推辞不受,太宗不准,还特意写了一篇《威凤赋》,赐给长孙无忌,追思创帝业之艰难和长孙无忌的佐命之功。 唐太宗认为把朝廷要职授予长孙无忌,不是因为他是皇后的哥哥,而是鉴于他的才行。长孙无忌在玄武门兵变中表现出不凡的才能与胆识,太宗即帝位后,在一些重大事务上也发挥了重要的作用。如贞观元年时,突厥因天灾人祸,内部矛盾激化,多部反叛,实力大衰,朝廷中许多大臣请求乘机出兵攻打突厥,但唐与突厥不久前刚订立盟约,太宗有些犹豫。长孙无忌说:"虏(突厥)不犯塞而弃信劳民,非王者之师也。"认为"今国家务在戢兵,待其寇边,方可讨击。彼既已弱,必不能来。若深入虏廷,臣未见其可。且按甲存信,臣以为宜"[1]。唐太宗采纳了他的意见,放弃了马上出兵的打算。又如,唐太宗十分仰慕周代的分封制,不顾许多大臣(如魏征、李百药、颜师古等)的反对,贞观十一年,诏令以荆州都督荆王元景为首的二十一名亲王为世袭刺史,以赵州刺史长孙无忌为首的十四名功臣为世袭刺史。唐太宗正式下诏,一般大臣不敢再谏,但侍御史马周和太子左庶子于志宁仍冒死谏诤,唐太宗根本不听。最后,是以长孙无忌为首的被封功臣呈递了抗封的表文,长孙无忌又通过自己的儿媳长乐公主再三向唐太宗请求,说:"臣披荆棘事陛下,今海内宁一,奈何弃之外州,与迁徙何异~"唐太宗才不得不"诏停世封刺史"[7]。 可见,长孙无忌是有一定胆识和才能的。但他在贞观朝权重无比、恩宠无匹的特殊地位,是否与他是唐太宗的妻兄有关,对此历史学家纷说不一,可以肯定的有两点:一是在唐太宗内心深处,长孙无忌最可信赖,在这一点上,不但被提拔于仇敌手下的魏breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 征不能与之相比,就是秦府旧人、名相房玄龄也稍有逊色;二是长孙无忌身兼外戚和元勋的双重身份,比较注意避嫌,与历史上某些骄横外戚绝不相同。贞观十二年,唐太宗亲幸长孙无忌府第,十六年,拜长孙无忌为司徒,十七年,唐太宗将二十四位有特殊功勋的大臣图形于凌烟阁,以彰其功,长孙无忌排在第一位。综观,长孙无忌是唐太宗推心置腹的忠臣良佐,是对贞观朝有特殊贡献的人物,这是他的主要方面。但是,他在对待君主、处理与唐太宗的关系上,也有明显的局限。 贞观后期,唐太宗心骄志满,魏征多次提出批评劝告,唐太宗口头接受,行动难改,许多大臣都阿谀奉承,歌功颂德,这些人中也包括长孙无忌。贞观十八年四月,唐太宗幸临太平宫,对侍从的大臣们说:"人臣顺旨者多,犯颜者少,今朕欲自闻其失,诸公其直言无隐。"这应该是劝谏唐太宗的良机,但长孙无忌等人却违心地说:"陛下无失。"当时,只有刘洎和马周谈了太宗的过失。同年八月,太宗对长孙无忌说:"人苦不自知其过,卿可为朕明言之。"又一次令长孙无忌谈自己的过失。长孙无忌说:"陛下武功文德,臣等将顺之不暇,又何过之可言。"唐太宗当即就指出这是"曲相谀悦"。唐太宗晚年不好直言,难得征求大臣们意见,长孙无忌却以阿谀代替忠谏,这是他作为名臣良佐的缺陷。 三 晚年,唐太宗最烦心的是太子问题。贞观十七年四月,李承乾被废,之后,最有资格被立为太子的,是长孙皇后的另外两个儿子:魏王李泰和晋王李治。两人相比,李泰的条件更为优越,首先他是长孙皇后的次子,比李治年长九岁,唐太宗对他恩宠逾制,令其在王府中置文学馆,听任其招揽贤人学士,赏赐甚至超过太子,还不时在言谈中暗示要立李泰为太子,待承乾被废之后,又"阴许立泰"。李治是长孙皇后的三子,唐太宗的九子,不论从年龄还是父子感情看,均处于劣势,但舅父长孙无忌却大力支持,"固请立晋王治"[9]。李泰、李治都是长孙无忌的外甥,长孙无忌为什么弃太宗所宠,而要立李治呢,这并非私人感情,而是有重要政治背景的。 唐太宗统治后期,长孙无忌在朝臣中权重无比,为了在太宗之后仍维持这种局面,长孙无忌希望未来的皇帝,即今日的太子,应该由一个仁孝听话的外甥充当,这样,自己会得到尊重,权势会得到保障。因晋王李治生性懦弱,成为他极力支持的对象。而魏王李泰则不同,从小聪明绝伦,稍长善作诗文,成人后喜好经籍、舆地之学,从贞观十一年开始置文学馆收纳士人,文武官员也纷投门下,形成一股政治势力。李泰恃才不恭,上品官员不放在眼里不说,关键是不去争取舅父对自己的支持。长孙无忌知道,如果李泰做皇帝,依靠重用的必定是他自己的党羽,绝不是他这个舅父,所以不愿李泰立为太子。 两子争立,一边是才华出众的李泰,一边是懦弱少能的李治,按理说,立李泰是自然的,但唐太宗不能。李泰集团的主要成员是功臣子弟,他们靠祖上资荫,身处高官,奢侈放纵,希望通过李泰当皇帝,达到驱逐元老,自己掌权的目的。李治的支持者则是以长孙无忌为首的元老重臣,其中包括李责力、褚遂良等。长孙无忌既是唐朝的开国元勋,又是唐太宗的佐命大臣,是贞观政治的忠实执行者。唐太宗希望自己死后,贞观政治依然坚持下去,只能靠长孙无忌等元老重臣的辅佐,而绝不是李泰手下的那帮纨绔子弟。为此,他不得不舍爱立李治为太子。由于李治仁弱,不像自己,唐太宗在立了李治后,思想仍在动摇反复,一度又向长孙无忌提出想改立"有英武才"、"英果"似己的三子吴王李恪,被长孙无忌weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 挡了回去,说:"晋王仁厚,守文之良王,且举棋不定则败,况储君乎?"〖10〗唐太宗只好作罢,临终前,将辅佐李治的重任托与长孙无忌和褚遂良。 长孙无忌以回天之力促成李治继立,是为唐高宗。高宗即位后,立即拜长孙无忌为太尉,兼检校中书令,知尚书、门下二省事,长孙无忌辞去了知尚书省事,但仍任太尉同中书门下三品。唐高宗即位初年,实际执政的是长孙无忌。长孙无忌忠实执行唐太宗的遗训,继续推行贞观政治:贯彻均田令,社会经济进一步繁荣发展;贯彻以诗赋取士,增加进士科人选,扩大统治基础;亲自组织编写《唐律疏义》,并将之颁行全国,进一步完善了贞观法制;又平定了西突厥的叛乱,有力地维护了大唐王朝的统一;特别是恢复执行唐太宗晚年曾一度中断了的休养生息政策,终结了长期对高丽的战争,顺民情,得民心。高宗统治初年,即永徽年间,唐朝在政治、经济、文化、法律、军事各方面都比贞观时期有所发展,被封建史家誉为"永徽之治",常与"贞观之治"相提并论。这一成果的取得,有赖于长孙无忌的忠心辅佐,有赖于股肱大臣们的齐心协力,特别是受顾命之托的长孙无忌和褚遂良二人"悉心奉国,以天下安危自任"[11]。唐高宗对二人也是格外尊重信赖,"恭己以听之",尤其是长孙无忌,"以元舅辅政,凡有所言,上无不嘉纳"[12]。 四 高宗朝最大的政治事件,当属废立皇后之争,这不是单纯的妻妾之斗、后宫争宠,而是有着深刻政治背景的。长孙无忌是这一事件的主要参与者,这场斗争的结果,使他及其家族的命运发生了彻底的转变。 永徽元年(650年),唐高宗立妃王氏为皇后,但王皇后无子无宠,萧淑妃不但生有一子,而且天资聪慧,深得高宗喜爱,为此,王皇后十分憎恨萧淑妃。高宗为太子时,太宗卧病,太子入侍,结识了太宗的才人武氏(武则天),很喜欢她。太宗去世后,武才人随众宫女到感业寺做了尼姑,太宗祭日时,高宗去感业寺行香,遇到了武氏,二人相对而泣。王皇后闻知此事,暗中让武氏蓄发,劝高宗将其纳入后宫,想用武氏离间萧淑妃之宠。不久,武氏便备受宠幸,被封为昭仪,又为高宗生下一子,王皇后与萧淑妃同时失宠。武则天并不以昭仪之位为满足,还想当皇后,不惜掐死自己刚生下的女儿,以嫁祸于王皇后,迫使高宗要废王皇后,立自己为后。高宗要废王立武,在朝中引起轩然大波,以长孙无忌、褚遂良为代表的元老重臣们极力反对,以许敬宗、李义府为代表的一批臣僚则全力拥护,在元老重臣中只有李责力一人称病而不表态,经高宗再次询问,则以"此陛下家事,何必更问外人"的回答,给了实际上的支持。但长孙无忌是高宗的舅父,太宗顾托掌权之臣,所以,他的意见特别重要,开始,武则天幻想争取长孙无忌的同意和支持,但使尽种种伎俩拉拢,均遭严词拒绝,这才丢掉争取元老重臣支持的想法,下决心与这些"老朽"进行一场生死的搏斗。 武则天的父亲去世很早,所以,她同许多后妃不同,在外朝没有根基,要对付长孙无忌是不易的。于是,她就拉拢一些政治上失意、对长孙无忌等不满的人,让他们为自己说话、造舆论。许敬宗、李义府、崔义玄、袁公瑜等人就成了武则天的心腹。这些人,都是卑劣无耻之徒,但武则天急需有人为他办事说话,特别是表请高宗,立她为后,充当耳目,监视长孙无忌等人,也就无法顾忌了。 永徽六年(655年),唐高宗终于不顾大臣们的冒死极谏,诏废王皇后和breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 萧淑妃,册立武则天为皇后。因谏诤,褚遂良等人被远贬蛮荒,武则天最忌恨长孙无忌,但他不同于褚遂良等,不但是佐命元勋,更是高宗的元舅,要将之搞垮,需要时机。显庆四年(659年),在武则天的授意下,由许敬宗费尽心机,把长孙无忌编织进一桩朋党案,进行恶毒陷害。许敬宗借处理太子洗马韦季方和监察御史李巢朋党案之机,诬奏韦季方与长孙无忌构陷忠臣近戚,要使权归无忌,伺机谋反。唐高宗先是吃惊不信,继而伤心怀疑,命许敬宗再察,然后面对许敬宗足未出户编造的关于韦季方交待与长孙无忌谋反的供词,哭泣道:"舅若果尔,朕决不忍杀之,天下将谓朕何,后世将谓朕何~"许敬宗举汉文帝杀舅父薄昭,天下以为明主之例宽慰高宗,又引"当断不断,反受其乱"的古训,催促其下决心。唐高宗懦弱昏庸,竟然不与长孙无忌对质(或者他需要不进行对质),就下诏削去了长孙无忌的太尉官职和封邑,流徙黔州,但准许按一品官供给饮食,算是对元舅的照顾,对当年为其争得帝位的报答。长孙无忌的儿子及宗族全被株连,或流或杀。三个月后,高宗又令许敬宗等人复合此案,许敬宗派大理正袁公瑜前往黔州,逼迫长孙无忌自杀。 唐高宗仁弱听话,是长孙无忌执意要立他为太子的主要原因,有讽刺意味的也正是这昏庸懦弱,最终致长孙无忌自己于死地。长孙无忌的结局冤屈而悲惨,但似乎又难以避免。他死保王皇后,反对立武则天,主要原因就是一个:王皇后出身名门(是西魏大将王思政的孙女),而武则天出身低微。不论王皇后,还是长孙无忌,都是一个多世纪以来掌握国家大权的关陇门阀士族的代表,他们关注的是关陇门阀的私利。长孙无忌在辅佐唐高宗时提拔了六名宰相,全部是周、隋大臣之后,关陇门阀成员。这种自魏晋以来门阀政治的残余状态与大唐帝国的繁荣发展是相舛的。到唐高宗上元元年(674年),追复长孙无忌官爵,令其孙长孙元翼袭封,唐文宗开成三年(838年)诏其裔孙钧为猗氏令[11]。靠"浩荡皇恩"才得以为令,这与长孙无忌于唐初的显赫,怎可同日而语。故长孙氏虽然得到平反,但终究是衰落了。长孙家族的兴衰,是与中国中古时期社会历史的发展大势相合的。 李孝恭是李渊的堂侄,武德时为赵郡王,贞观时为河间郡王。大唐开国之初立功最多的,除了李世民,就是他了。如果说李世民一直是在北方对抗劲敌,那么李孝恭则是在清理南方的反王。 实际上李孝恭得以出兵征萧铣,也是自己争取来的,他数次向高祖进言,所以才会让他去。江南由于有李靖在,可以说这是一个很好的得力助手,再加上李孝恭本人的确有才华,而且当时萧铣的实力也并不太强,因此比较顺利的将江陵拿下。 武德六年,辅公祐谋反。在《全唐文》中,一有道李渊的诏书,《讨辅公祐诏》。诏书中很明确的写着让李世民做江州道行军元帅去征讨,但最后出兵的并不是他,而是赵郡王李孝恭。联系当时的时间,太子与秦王争斗之势已形成,那么不得不令人怀疑,之所以没有让李世民出兵,很可能与此有关。不过当时李世民是正在并州防备突厥。但如果此时班师回朝,也是来的及的,毕竟朝廷正式出兵是在几个月后,应该不会很仓促,何况李世民以进军神速著称。莫非李世民此时有意以此要挟,通鉴中有一句话:十月,“秦王世民犹在并州,己未,诏世民引军还。”一个“犹”字不免令人生疑,犹在并州,意思应该是说他仍然停留在并州,这是有主动性的。到了己未日,诏引军还,下诏令他回来,似乎有强制性。联想到此后李世民颇有失宠的趋势,很可能这次触怒了李渊,从此将他搁置。这么解释可能有点抠weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 字眼,而且如果这句话再细细品味又可以解释出来一个完全不同的意思:直到十月李世民仍被留在并州,己未日才下诏让他回来。这样则李世民留在并州是被迫的了。那么两种解释哪个对,个人倾向于第一种解释,因为这样与若干事联系在一起比较符合逻辑,否则李渊刚下诏让他去讨辅公祐,没有理由不让他回来。自然还有一个可能就是,两个解释都不对„„ 最终征讨辅公祐的人是李孝恭,这应该也与他身在荆州离的比较近有关。辅公祐势力不强打败不难,倒是出征前有一件事很有意思,当时李孝恭按例进行战前动员,不想杯中酒忽然间一下子变红了——我辈化学已弃置多年,印象中能一下子变红的最简单的也就是碱遇上酚酞,不过李孝恭弄一堆碱和酚酞放到酒里然后一饮而尽,实在不好想象。总之李孝恭很豪气的把酒喝了,说这是辅公祐授首的象征,所以大家也跟着一起豪气冲天。 征讨辅公祐时,得到了杜伏威的义子阚稜相助。说起来,李孝恭可有点对不住这个阚稜。本来阚稜是跟着李孝恭去平叛的,在两军对垒时出了不少力,他喊了一句“汝不识我邪,何敢来战”,就有好多旧部投降了。然而李孝恭在没收反叛人员财产的时候,不但把杜伏威、王雄涎的没收了,而且阚稜的家产也跟着一起被没收——杜王二人家产当然也不该没收,但一个远在长安,一个早已经就义,而阚稜却是正在军中啊,这就是故意的了。家产被没收,阚稜当然不愿意,这放到谁身上也受不了,也难怪他会发火,可最后李孝恭就是因此以谋反罪名杀了他。也许阚稜当时还在等着封赏,没想到等到的却是被杀这样一个下场。说起来真有些让人齿冷。 李孝恭本身应该不至于此。自然,阚稜的“自恃功高,颇多矜伐”可能也触怒了李孝恭,但他这样对待阚稜,或许是有政治上的因素,于是不禁令人想到当时的宫廷斗争。这样一来就牵扯很多事情了,比如李孝恭的立场如何,以及杜伏威在其中又扮演了什么角色。 按说杜伏威在其中应该没有什么大的作用,毕竟他只是一个投降的反王,理应老老实实的在长安过日子,对兄弟之争不该介入。但我们看到杜伏威后来是毒发身亡,死后又受到李孝恭诬陷,如果解释为李渊为了去掉一个心腹大患的话,那么,数年之后李世民为他平反就不一般了。武德时期李渊冤杀的人不少,但李世民后来平反的一个是刘文静,另一个就是杜伏威,而窦建德、王世充等人都不再提起。一般前一个皇帝制造的冤假错案,后面的皇帝不会平反(毕竟是爸爸嘛,平反就等于说爸爸做错事了),例如后来李世民冤杀了刘洎,高宗时虽然刘的儿子上书要求平反而且李治也知道那是件冤案,但仍然按照原先的判处。李世民为刘文静平反,是与他自身有关的。而杜伏威是在贞观元年平反,比刘文静尚早了两年,一方面说明杜伏威和他应该有些关联,也就是说,杜伏威曾介入了兄弟之争;另一方面,则此事的平反应该不会太驳李渊的面子,毕竟当初诬陷杜伏威的人是李孝恭,或者再深入些,是李建成,都无所谓,因为李建成已经授首,而李孝恭在玄武门之变后的一段时间内正接受审查。为杜伏威平反一事,也许和审查拘押李孝恭有关。既然杜伏威与李世民可能有些关联,而李孝恭则很有可能倾向于李建成(或许此事就是受命于他),那么发生在江淮军中的冤案也就不难理解。杜伏威起义时年方十七岁,比李世民稍大一些,政治上并不老辣,加之入京之后李渊使他的地位在李元吉之上,也就是大唐的第四号人物,这样的一个假象也许蒙蔽了他,breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 使他失去了政治上的警惕。而当时李世民如果想到要拉这样一个友军的话也情有可缘,对于杜伏威来说,如能找到一个可以保全自己的李唐王室的人,也是求之不得。种种原因加到一起,推断杜伏威应该是不明智的介入了这个斗争,引起了李建成、李元吉的不满——李元吉的不满应很正常,毕竟这样一个外人位在自己之上是很恼火的;李建成则因为杜伏威相助他的对手而恼怒,所以利用江淮叛乱彻底的打倒了杜伏威的势力,从而也打击了李世民。 那李孝恭的立场则是倾向于李建成。除去上面的猜测以外,还有几件事情。一是玄武门之变后,上面提过的李孝恭被拘押,这件事李孝恭传里面没有直写,太宗本纪自然也不会记这不快乐的一笔,按官方的话说还是:太宗“亲重之,宗室莫比也”。但是细看李瑗传的话,则发现有这样一句“且赵郡王前已属吏”。这句话的背景是这样的,李瑗是明确写着是太子一党的人物,事变之后很害怕,朝廷这时派人来召他进京,不知道将要发生什么的李瑗和王君廓商议时,王君廓说了这样一句,然后后面又为他展望了一下惨淡的将来,于是李瑗下决心造反。李瑗在征萧铣的时候曾和李孝恭在一起过,那么两人政见上应该比较投合(一般应该是这样,李世民、李元吉是例外)。而且这句话本身就露了玄机,无事为什么要拘押,另外,李孝恭是武德时期除了李世民之外功劳最大的人,他也非常之有统率之才,但贞观时期再也没有带兵的机会,而李道宗则作为宗室中的大将时常出征,这不是也透露出一些信息,李孝恭本人“性奢豪”,这样的人一般比较张扬,但贞观中他的表现是“宽恕退让,无矜伐色”,而且他也很担忧自己死后他的儿子们能否守住家业,可以说是相当的谨慎。为什么,因为他和李世民比较疏远,或者曾经得罪过他。虽说李世民不记旧仇,但实际上太宗所用很多仍为秦府旧人,对于他们他可以完全的放心,对于当初的中间派他可以亲任,对于当初的仇人他可以放下旧怨,但不免以心计城府待之。这也是人之常情,不必苛责。而且就算是太宗完全不计较,但那些人心中也难以安定,像魏征、王珪那样能得到重用的人能有多少。因此李孝恭介入了宫廷斗争而且是站在李建成一方,基本上可以肯定下来。只不过李孝恭比较聪明,在被召入朝中的时候没有抵抗,或者说来不及抵抗——他的目标比李瑗大,李世民应该先想起来的是他,或者直接就是派兵给抓走的。但李世民也没有太为难他,顶多就是剥夺了政治权利,而待遇依然优厚,并且对外仍是一个亲重的表象。对于李孝恭,这已是莫大的安慰了,还能强求什么呢, 杜如晦(585,630年),唐初大臣。字克明,京兆杜陵(今陕西长安县)人。他是唐太宗李世民夺取政权、开创贞观之治的主要谋臣之一,深受李世民的信任和重用,被认为是贞观初年的名相。 杜如晦出身于世宦之家,少年好学。隋炀帝大业年间,吏部侍郎高孝基器重他机敏善应变,遂将他补为滏阳县(今河北磁县)尉。他见隋朝政治腐败,又认为县尉之职卑微,因而弃官归家。 大业十三年(617)底,李渊父子率军队攻克长安,次年建立唐朝。秦王李世民闻知杜如晦足智多谋,便召进府中任兵曹参军。唐政权初建,需要向各地选派官员。时秦王府聚集了许多有才能的幕僚,一部分已被调出去任职。房玄龄对李世民说:“杜如晦聪明有胆识,是一个难得的人才。你以后要建立帝业,必须得此人辅佐。别的人全调走不足惜,唯社如晦不可舍。”李世民听到此说,立即上奏唐高祖,要求将社如晦留任秦王府。从此后,杜如晦跟随李世民左右,参赞机戎,成为李世民智囊集团中的核心人物。 weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 武德元年(618)八月,盘据今陇右一带的薛举兵强马壮,趁李唐政权立足未稳,出兵东犯。高祖派李世民统兵征讨,杜如晦随军参赞,经两次交战,唐军彻底打垮了西秦的势力,解除了西北方面的威胁。李渊为嘉奖李世民的战功,命其出为使持节陕东道大行台。杜如晦随行任大行台司勋郎中,封建平县男,食邑三百户。其后,李世民连续统兵东征刘武周、宋金刚、王世充等武装割据势力,杜如晦每每随行,为之参谋帷幄,决胜于疆场。他遇事善断,处理公务迅速无误,是同僚中最为干练的人才。武德四年(621)十月,李世民为了笼络人才,研究文籍,设立了文学馆,置十八学士,杜如晦被选为学士。 随着唐政权的巩固和发展,在皇太子李建成和秦王李世民之间,逐步展开了一场争夺皇位继承权的斗争。杜如晦和房玄龄为李世民出谋划策,鼓动他先发制人,发动政变,除掉李建成和李元吉。建成和元吉也在加紧策划,打算分化瓦解秦王府中的骨干力量,他深知“秦王府中所可惮者,唯社如晦与房玄龄耳。”?于是,便向高祖上奏,说房、社二人对朝廷不利。高祖便令将房、社二人赶出秦王府,并不许以后私见李世民。当李世民下定决心要与建成、元首进行最后决战时,便密派尉迟敬德去召房玄龄、杜如晦人府计议。杜如晦化装成道士模样,随长孙无忌潜人秦王府。在经过一番周密安排之后,武德九年(626)六月四日凌晨,李世民率杜如晦、尉迟敬德等一班亲兵亲将,发动了有名的“玄武门事变”,杀了李建成和李元吉,消灭了政敌。李世民为皇太子,拜如晦为太子左庶子。 是年八月,李渊被迫退位,李世民当了皇帝。杜如晦多年随李世民参赞戎机,尤其是在策划政变,帮助李世民夺取皇位的过程中有功,被擢升为兵部尚书,封蔡国公,食邑1300户。贞观二年(628),又以本官检校侍中,改任支部尚书,总监东官兵马事。三年二月,升为尚书右仆射,仍然掌管选拔官吏的事,与房玄龄共同掌管朝政。当年十二月,因病辞职。 李世民当皇帝之初,励精图治,开展了一系列政治改革。杜如晦作为李世民的主要谋臣,发挥了重要作用。凡军政大事,皆参与议定,在协助唐太宗建立朝章、选用官吏、确立法制等各方面发挥了作用。当时,统治阶级吸取隋王朝灭亡的教训,对农民采取了一些让步政策,使生产力得到发展,国家政治形势趋于稳定,经济逐步繁荣,开创了历史上有名的“贞观之治”。时论认为:房玄龄善谋,杜如晦善断,是当时的名相。 贞观四年(630)初,杜如晦病重,太宗曾亲去其家探望。是年十二月,杜如晦因病而卒,时年46岁。太宗为他废朝三日,以示哀悼。又命虞世南为其撰碑文。诏赠开府仪同三司,加司空,改封莱国公。 魏征 (580 - 643 ) 魏征(580,643)字玄成,馆陶(今属河北)人,从小丧失父母,家境贫寒,但喜爱读书,不理家业,曾出家当过道士。隋大业末年,魏征被隋武阳郡(治所在今河北大名东北)丞元宝藏任为书记。元宝藏举郡归降李密后,他又被李密任为元帅府文学参军,专掌文书卷宗。 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 唐高祖武德元年(618),李密失败后,魏征随其入关降唐,但久不见用。次年,魏征自请安抚河北,诏准后,乘驿驰至黎阳(今河南浚县),劝嵛李密的黎阳守将徐世绩归降唐朝。不久,窦建德攻占黎阳,魏征被俘。窦建德失败后,魏征又回到长安,被太子李建成引用为东宫僚属。魏征看到太子与秦王李世民的冲突日益加深,多次劝建成要先发制人,及早动手。 玄武门之变以后,李世民由于早就器重他的胆识才能,非但没有怪罪于他,而且还把他任为谏官之职,并经常引入内廷,询问政事得失。魏征喜逢知己之主,竭诚辅佐,知无不言,言无不尽。加之性格耿直,往往据理抗争,从不委曲求全。有一次,唐太宗曾向魏征问道:「何谓明君、闇君,」魏征回答说:「君之所以明者,兼听也,君之所以闇者,偏信也。以前秦二世居住深宫,不见大臣,只是偏信宦官赵高,直到天下大乱以后,自己还被蒙在鼓里;隋炀帝偏信虞世基,天下郡县多已失守,自己也不得而知。」太宗对这番话深表赞同。 贞观元年(837),魏征被升任尚书左丞。这时,有人奏告他私自提拔亲戚作官,唐太宗立即派御史大夫温彦博调查此事。结果,查无证据,纯属诬告。但唐太宗仍派人转告魏征说:「今后要远避嫌疑,不要再惹出这样的麻烦。」魏征当即面奏说:「我听说君臣之间,相互协助,义同一体。如果不讲秉公办事,只讲远避嫌疑,那么国家兴亡,或未可知。」并请求太宗要使自己作良臣而不要作忠臣。太宗询问忠臣和良臣有何区别,魏征答道:「使自己身获美名,使君主成为明君,子孙相继,福禄无疆,是为良臣;使自己身受杀戮,使君主沦为暴君,家国并丧,空有其名,是为忠臣。以此而言,二者相去甚远。」太宗点头称是。 贞观二年(628),魏征被授秘书监,并参掌朝政。不久,长孙皇后听说一位姓郑的官员有一位年仅十六七岁的女儿,才貌出众,京城之内,绝无仅有。便告诉了太宗,请求将其纳入宫中,备为嫔妃。太宗便下诏将这一女子聘为妃子。魏征听说这位女子已经许配陆家,便立即入宫进谏:「陛下为人父母,抚爱百姓,当忧其所忧,乐其所乐。居住在宫室台榭之中,要想到百姓都有屋宇之安;吃着山珍海味,要想到百姓无饥寒之患;嫔妃满院,要想到百姓有室家之欢。现在郑民之女,早已许配陆家,陛下未加详细查问,便将她纳入宫中,如果传闻出去,难道是为民父母的道理吗,」太宗听后大惊,当即深表内疚,并决定收回成命。但房玄龄等人却认为郑氏许人之事,子虚乌有,坚持诏令有效。陆家也派人递上表章,声明以前虽有资财往来,并无订亲之事。这时、唐太宗半信半疑,又召来魏征询问。魏征直截了当地说:「陆家其所以否认此事,是害怕陛下以后藉此加害于他。其中缘故十分清楚。不足为怪。」太宗这才恍然大悟,便坚决地收回了诏令。 由于魏征能够犯颜直谏,即使太宗在大怒之际,他也敢面折廷争,从不退让,所以,唐太宗有时对他也会产生敬畏之心。有一次,唐太宗想要去秦岭山中打猎取乐,行装都已准备停当,但却迟迟未能成行。后来,魏征问及此事,太宗笑着答道:「当初确有这个想法,但害怕你又要直言进谏,所以很快又打消了这个念头。」还有一次太宗得到了一只上好的鹞鹰,把牠放在自己的肩膀上,很是得意。但当他看见魏征远远地向他走来时,便赶紧把鸟藏在怀中。魏征故意奏事很久,致使鹞子闷死在怀中。 贞观六年,群臣都请求太宗去泰山封禅。藉以炫耀功德和国家富强,只有魏征表示反对。唐太宗觉得奇怪,便向魏征问道:「你不主张进行封禅,是不是认为我的功weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 劳不高、德行不尊、中国未安、四夷末服、年谷未丰、祥瑞末至吗,」魏征回答说:「陛下虽有以上六德,但自从隋末天下大乱以来,直到现在,户口并未恢复,仓库尚为空虚,而车驾东巡,千骑万乘,耗费巨大,沿途百姓承受不了。况且陛下封禅,必然万国咸集,远夷君长也要扈从。而如今中原一带,人烟稀少,灌木丛生,万国使者和远夷君长看到中国如此虚弱,岂不产生轻视之心,如果赏赐不周,就不会满足这些远人的欲望;免除赋役,也远远不能报偿百姓的破费。如此仅图虚名而受实害的事,陛下为甚么要干呢,」不久,正逢中原数州暴发了洪水,封禅之事从此停止。 贞观七年(633),魏征代王珪为侍中。同年底,中牟县丞皇甫德参向太宗上书说:「修建洛阳宫,劳弊百姓;收取地租,数量太多;妇女喜梳高髻,宫中所化。」太宗接书大怒,对宰相们说:「德参想让国家不役一人,不收地租,富人无发,才符合他的心意。」想治皇甫德参诽谤之罪。魏征谏道:「自古上书不偏激,不能触动人主之心。所谓狂夫之言,圣人择善而从。请陛下想想这个道理。」最后还强调说:「陛下最近不爱听直言,虽勉强包涵,已不像从前那样豁达自然。」唐太宗觉得魏征说得入情入理,便转怒为喜,不但没有对皇甫德参治罪,还把他提升为监察御史。 贞观十年(636),魏征奉命主持编写的《隋书》、《周书》、《梁书》、《陕书》、《齐书》(时称五代史)等,历时七年,至此完稿。其中《隋书》的序论、《梁书》、《陈书》和《齐书》的总论都是魏征所撰,时称良史。同年六月,魏征因患眼疾,请求解除侍中之职。唐太宗虽将其任为特进这一散职,但仍让其主管门下省事务,其俸禄、赏赐等一切待遇都与侍中完全相同。 贞观十二年(638),魏征看到唐太宗逐渐怠惰,懒于政事,追求奢靡,便奏上著名的《十渐不克终疏》,列举了唐太宗执政初到当前为政态度的十个变化。他还向太宗上了「十思」,即「见可欲则思知足,将兴缮则思知止,处高危则思谦降,临满盈则思挹损,遇逸乐则思撙节,在宴安则思后患,防拥蔽则思延纳,疾谗邪则思正己,行爵赏则思因喜而僭,施刑罚则思因怒而滥」。 贞观十六年(642),魏征染病卧床,唐太宗所遣探视的中使道路相望。魏征一生节俭,家无正寝,唐太宗立即下令把为自己修建小殿的材料,全部为魏征营构大屋。不久,魏征病逝家中。太宗亲临吊唁,痛哭失声,并说:「夫以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以古为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以知得失。我常保此三镜,以防己过。今魏征殂逝,遂亡一镜矣。」 房玄龄(579-648),字乔(一说名乔,字玄龄),齐州临淄(今山东淄博市)人,生于一个世代为官的官宦之家。 父亲房彦谦为官颇有政绩,百姓称他为“慈父”。隋文帝仁寿年间,曾遣使者巡视天下,考察官吏的政绩,结果房彦谦被定为天下第一。房彦谦不但为官清廉,还是一个饱学之士,他无论为官还是赋闲在家,对子侄们的学业都非常重视,时常督促勉励他们。房玄龄自幼就聪明机警,对父亲要求自己熟读的经书,无不朗朗上口,深得房彦谦的钟爱。随着年龄的增长,房玄龄在父亲的教育下,不仅写得一笔体兼草隶的好书法,更深受父亲那breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 恢廓闲雅的文笔影响,文章也写得篇篇珠玑,非同一般。对于儿子的日益长进,房彦谦的内心充满喜悦,但他并不单单教育儿子攻读学业,还经常培养儿子的品德。有一次,房彦谦对房玄龄说:“别人都因为做官而发了财,我做官却还是一贫如洗。我留给后世子孙的,只有清白的名声。”父亲的一席话影响了房玄龄一生,他后来的官宦生涯,无处不体现着父亲的教诲。 公元618年,李渊建唐,李世民受封为秦王。房玄龄官拜秦王府记室,封爵临淄侯。李世民经常称赞房玄龄,唐高祖李渊也高兴地说:“玄龄机敏正直,是担大任的料。” 贞观元年,唐太宗任命房玄龄为中书令。这一年的九月,唐太宗对朝中官员论功行赏。结果,房玄龄、杜如晦、长孙无忌、尉迟敬德、侯君集功名列第一,得到了重赏。 封赏完了以后,唐太宗说:“今天论功行赏,大家有什么意见尽管讲出来。” 淮安王李神通说:“陛下,臣带兵打仗,舍生忘死,而房玄龄、杜如晦等人只是端坐朝中,舞文弄墨而已,功劳却排在最前面,臣心里不服。” 唐太宗说:“你们是有功劳,但房玄龄运筹帷幄,把握全局,你们只是具体执行而已,所以他功劳最大,当然应该排在第一。” 淮安王李神通惭愧而退,其他大臣也无话可说。 房玄龄为人非常谦虚谨慎,对于论功行赏的事深感不安,便对唐太宗说:“陛下将臣排第一,臣心里很不安。” 唐太宗回答说:“从前汉高祖封赏大臣,萧何在最前面,你就像是朕的萧何,功列第一,理所应当。王者公正无私,才能得人心。朕和大臣们每天吃的穿的,都来自于百姓,所以设官定职,也是为了百姓。国家理应重用、优待贤能的人,让他们更好地为国出力,也使全国上下形成见贤思齐的良好风尚。今天就是依照这样的一个原则,而不是根据某个人的喜好。你当之无愧,就不要再多说了。” 不久,房玄龄又升为尚书左仆射,监修国史,加封为魏国公。唐太宗对房玄龄说:“听说你处理公务夜以继日。你身为仆射,最重要的职责是广求贤才,但你这么忙,哪有时间来为国选才。以后你只要把握重大的方针、政策就可以了,具体事务就让别的人去办吧!”房玄龄感激唐太宗如此关心自己,更加为国事日夜操劳。 有一天,唐太宗与房玄龄讨论为政之道,房玄龄说:“政策应该宽松公平,执行则要严格公正。官员们都要竭尽所能,尽职尽责。对人不要求全责备,不要以己之长去衡量他人之短。” 唐太宗说:“你说得对,你也正是这样去做的。” 房玄龄回答说:“臣一定遵照陛下的旨意,尽心效力。” weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 贞观三年(629),房玄龄、王珪以宰相身份主持评议百官政绩,治书侍御史权万纪觉得不公,便上奏给唐太宗,请求治房玄龄、王珪的罪,唐太宗派侯君集调查此事。魏征上奏,为房玄龄,王珪辩护说:“玄龄、王珪都是朝廷旧臣,向来以忠直为陛下所器重。他们考评了数百名官员,有一二人的评价欠妥只能算是百密一疏,而并不是因为他们有什么私心。” 唐太宗也觉得有道理,他说:“朕希望能选出天下贤才,让他们担任官员,为国家效力,为百姓造福。以后只要宰相审核,再上报给朕就可以了。有功则赏,有罪则罚,谁不愿竭力尽心呢,如果能这样,天下哪能不太平?” 当时,各位朝臣对房玄龄尽于职守,无不由衷地佩服,唐太宗更加看重他,屡屡褒奖。 房玄龄虽身居相位,名贯天下,却从不居功自傲,更不贪权图利。唐太宗曾经召集大臣,讨论世袭之事,封房玄龄为宋州刺史和梁国公。唐太宗之所以要封房玄龄为宋州刺史,目的是为了让房玄龄的子弟世袭。但房玄龄觉着自己身为宰相,应为各位大臣作出榜样,不应贪图私利,便上奏唐太宗说:“臣已经担任宰相,现在又封为宋州刺史,这样恐怕会使大臣们争相追逐名利,使朝政大乱。臣认为不妥,请陛下先罢免臣的刺史职位。” 唐太宗便依了房玄龄的奏折,只封他为梁国公。房玄龄辞掉了宋州刺史之后,朝中大臣纷纷仿效,辞去能世袭的官职。唐太宗十分感慨地说:“上行下效,朝中大臣今天能有这样行动,都是玄龄的功劳!” 后来,房玄龄又加封为太子少师,当他初到东宫见皇太子时,皇太子要拜他。房玄龄慌忙躲避一旁,坚决不受。人们看到当朝宰相如此谦虚恭谨,不由得暗中称赞,都说他是亘古未有的贤相。 贞观十六年(642),房玄龄觉得自己当了很长时间的宰相,不宜长期身居高位,多次提出辞呈。唐太宗对他说:“辞让,固然是一种美德。然而国家长久以来都依靠您,如果失去了像您这样的贤相,朕就好像失去了左右手一般。” 晚年的房玄龄经常疾病缠身。唐太宗依旧委以重任,下诏说:“玄龄多病,就让他在家里办公,躺在床上处理公务。”朝中遇到大事,便命人抬他上殿。每一次遇到这种场面,唐太宗便流泪不止,说:“您老了,朕也老了!” 后来,房玄龄处于病危状态,唐太宗不仅派皇太子去他家里慰问,还亲临探视,与房玄龄握手诀别。君臣两人悲痛不已,房玄龄挣扎着说:“臣先走一步了,愿陛下保重!” 不久,房玄龄便去世了。唐太宗下诏为他举行了隆重的葬礼,赠官太尉、并州都督,谥号“文昭”。 高俭,字士廉,渤海修人。其祖父高岳是北齐神武帝高欢的堂弟,封清河王,官至左仆射、太尉。其父高励,北齐乐安王,也曾任左仆射。北齐之后入周,不知何故竟没被周武帝与齐后主高纬一起杀掉。隋朝取代北周后还任过隋朝的洮州等四州刺史。史载,高士廉“少有器局,颇涉文史”,与大文豪薛道衡等人结为忘年之交,为一时才俊。 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 隋炀帝大业年间,高士廉的妹妹嫁给右骁卫将军长孙晟,生子长孙无忌和一个女儿。长孙晟死后,高士廉把妹妹接回自己家中,并非常厚待自己的外甥和外甥女。当时他发现年青的贵族子弟李世民异于常人,就把外甥女嫁给他,这位长孙氏就是后来的文德皇后。隋炀帝时,由于和高世廉逃亡到高丽的兵部尚书斛斯政关系密切,隋廷把他流放至交趾。萧铣称帝时,交趾太守丘和附梁,高士廉也随之降梁。萧铣被唐朝平灭后,高祖李渊因亲戚关系,命高士廉巡按岭南诸州。后来他升迁为雍州治中,而当时他的外甥女婿李世民为雍州牧。“玄武门之变”,高士廉与外甥长孙无忌并预密谋,他自己还亲率吏卒从监牢里释放囚犯,授以兵甲,组成临时的部队驰援李世民。贞观元年,提升为侍中。贞观十二年,以其佐命之功授申国公,拜尚书右仆射。高士廉为人谨慎缜密,表奏皇帝的草稿一概焚毁,不使左右知晓。贞观二十一年病死,时年七十二。当时太宗刚刚饮服“药石”(类似“五石散”的东西,当时认为既“壮阳”又“保健”,实际上是毒性很大的东西。多位贵族、皇帝因之而死),闻讯马上整装要亲临看视。高士廉的外甥长孙无忌急忙策马跪伏于半路迎接,痛哭陈说高士廉临终前切言皇上不要亲临,加之“饵石临丧”是医家大忌,劝了半天才把药性正发作的太宗皇帝劝回宫去。赠司徒,陪葬昭陵,谥曰文献。 高士廉一家三代仆射(宰相),子为尚书、驸马,外甥为太尉,外甥女为皇后,一时无两。想想北齐皇族中他那些年不过四十就暴死的高家堂叔、堂兄弟们,高士廉一枝可谓是下场最好的。即使日后长孙无忌被诛,其子高履行也仅仅受牵连贬官而已。 尉迟敬德,朔州善阳人。行伍出身,隋炀帝大业本年,以官军身份四处讨“贼”,由于他勇武过人,获朝散大夫封号。刘武周在河间起事,武人惺惺相惜,以尉迟敬德为偏将,和宋金刚一起南侵,与唐朝争夺天下。尉迟敬德一军深入关中,在夏县大破永安王李孝基军队,生俘李渊的重臣唐俭和独孤皇后的侄子独孤怀恩等一帮猛将亲戚,可谓战功赫赫,吓得唐高祖李渊不仅命李世民勒军前往,他自己也亲自到蒲津关督战。武德三年(公元620年),人中之龙的秦王李世民,大败宋金刚和尉迟敬德于介休,宋金刚亡命突厥,尉迟敬德率残兵固守城池。当时冷兵器时代,攻城最难,况且尉迟敬德勇智超人,介休城成为唐军最难啃的一块骨头。李世民派任城王李道宗和宇文士及前往城内劝降。隋末内乱,英雄各思良主,尉迟敬德确实是“知命”之人,便举城投降。李世民见这么赫赫有名的大将归降,大喜过望,宴席欢饮之间,封敬德为右一府统军,带着他进击割据东都洛阳的王世充。 由于战事胶着,互有胜负,“世上英雄本无主”的刘武周昔日降将纷纷叛逃,给唐军在心理上打击很大。没获李世民同意,唐军诸将就把尉迟敬德捆起来囚禁,他们怀疑这位猛将肯定会和其他人一样叛逸而去。李世民帐下屈突通、殷开山两位高级助手又劝言:“敬德初归国家,情意未附。此人勇健非常,又被囚禁,必生怨望,留之肯定生祸,请即杀之~”秦王李世民想都未想,随口答言:“我和你们想的完全不同。”马上派人把尉迟敬德放了,引入卧内,只剩下他和这位勇武的将军两个人。秦王又拿出一大包金宝,说“丈夫以意气相期,勿以小疑见意。我绝不会听信谗言杀害忠良。如果您真想离开,今以此物相资,以表我们一时共事之情。”李世民不是奸雄,一番话语肯定是出自肺腑。尉迟敬德武人直肠,并未有什么一番剖解自己“报效”的丑表功之言。当天,跟从李世民一帮人在榆窠打猎,忽遇王世充率数万步骑,估计是想偷袭唐军,没想到半路上遇见秦王李世民这条“大鱼”。王weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 世充帐下骁将单雄信率一队骑兵直冲李世民,说时迟那时快,快马名将,眼巴巴看着单雄信一丈八多长的大槊就要刺到。危急关头,尉迟敬德跃马大呼,横刺单雄信坠马,其徒众见领将滚落,冲势稍减。尉迟敬德把李世民挡于身后,缓缓后撤出包围圈。待李世民等人进入唐军人多的安全地带,尉迟敬德又率一队骑兵与王世充军队交代,大斗数合,王世充军大败,尉迟敬德生擒其大将一名,获排槊兵六千多人。李世民面对意气高扬归来的尉迟敬德,感慨言道:“上午我身边众人都说您肯定要叛逃,天诱我意,独保明之,所谓福善有征,只是没想到您报答得这么快~”大庭广众之下,特赐尉迟敬德一大柜金银。自此,恩遇日隆。 尉迟敬德武艺极其高强,特别善于两将相战对合之际躲避对方槊刺。他常常在两军对阵间,单人独骑直冲入敌阵,即使敌方众人举槊齐刺,都伤不了他,最奇的是他还能在左闪右避之间夺取敌人的长槊,返刺对方。李世民的弟弟、太子李建成的心腹齐王李元吉也非常善于马上击槊,听说秦王李世民帐下尉迟敬德也有这方面的技艺,心中很是不服,就到营中亲自比试,一来炫耀一下自己的武艺,二来挫一挫秦府兵将的锐气。兄弟相见坐下,招来尉迟敬德。齐王李元吉命尉迟敬德把两根长槊去掉金槊尖刃,只以木竿相击,比试一下武艺。尉迟敬德很恭谨地禀报:“请大王您用有尖刃的槊,肯定伤不了我。我自己把我的槊尖去掉就是。”李元吉心中暗气,心想我今天就成全你。上马疾驰,槊尖直贯尉迟敬德三路要害处。相合数次,尉迟敬德俯仰左右,齐王的槊尖终不能及。秦王李世民在旁心中暗喜,为了更加打击这位暴戾兄弟的气焰,他故意问尉迟敬德:“夺槊和避槊,哪个更难,”敬德回答:“夺槊难。”世民就命敬德夺李元吉的槊。这位一直以为槊马天下第一的王爷已经气得七窍生烟,跃马执槊,朝着对面空手而来要夺槊的尉迟敬德狠命刺去,想置之死地而后快。“敬德俄倾三夺其槊”。最后,这位齐王不得不服,嘴上大声赞叹敬德神勇异常,心中的耻愤却不知有多大。钢牙咬碎,也只能叹服其能了。 尉迟敬德艺高人胆大,总能在万马军中干出令人喝彩叹绝的事情。唐军攻打王世充的洛阳城,背后窦建德的救兵数万前来救援夹击。王世充的侄子王琬当时出使于窦建德营内,胯下骑着当初隋炀帝的亲乘御马,铠甲鲜明,浑身上下打扮齐整,金玉镶嵌,在两军阵间来回奔驰,夸耀于军。李世民是识马之人,用鞭指着王琬的乘马,说“这真是匹无双的良马。” 尉迟敬德一听,马上请命说要过去夺马。李世民连忙阻止,“怎能以匹马之故而丧勇将~” 尉迟敬德摇摇手,说了句“无妨”,策马直去,身后仅高甑生、梁建方两人跟随。众目睽睽之下,在双方对阵数万军将眼皮底下,三骑直入窦建德阵。敬德抓小鸡一样把身穿价值连城铠甲的王琬生擒,牵着隋炀帝的御马,从容还营。“贼众无敢当者”。可以想见,那种昂然意气、成竹于胸的大将英雄气魄,无论敌我,都会心悦诚服。 尉迟敬德从李世民征战多年,不仅破王世充、窦建德,后来又打败刘黑闼、徐圆朗等人,战功卓著,为秦王府中数一数二的大将。 太子李建成也素知尉迟敬德英勇,暗地派人赠以一大车金银器物,并卑辞下意地表示要和敬德达成“布衣之交”。敬德婉言谢绝,表示自己“身逢隋亡,窜身无所,幸逢秦王饶以不死,又为属下将官,惟当以身报恩,不敢有二心。”太子李建成大怒,就不再breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 与敬德交往。齐王李元吉深忌其骁勇,屡次派人行刺尉迟敬德。尉迟敬德提前知道些风声,睡觉时也重门洞开,自己在帐中安然大睡,刺客多次都已悄入庭院之中,但见这阵势都心中犹疑,以为敬德有什么防备或更深的计诱,最终没有一个人敢下手。 玄武门之变前夕,尉迟敬德也知晓太子李建成很快要动手,就和长孙无忌一起劝李世民先下手。如此大事,涉及太子和齐王以及自身的生死,李世民还很犹豫。尉迟敬德以言语相激道:“人情畏死,众人以死拥奉大王您,此是天授啊。如果天与不取,必受其咎。大王您存仁爱小情,忘社稷之大计,诚非明计。您如果不行事,那请容许我尉迟敬德先逃命,不能等事发时束手被杀。我现在逃走,长孙无忌也和我一起跑掉。”李世民听此言心中发悚,尉迟敬德又说:“大王您现在处事犹豫不决,非智非勇。而且我已经召集了八百壮士披甲持弓,其势不得不发~”侯君集和长孙无忌也一旁死劝,李世民最终下定决心。 唐高祖武德九年(公元626年)阴历6月4日,玄武门之变,李世亲自发箭射死太子大哥李建成。齐王李元吉张弓射李世民,三发不中。李世民胯下马惊,跳跃狂奔中把李世民甩下地,狼狈之中,狠戾的齐王李元吉飞马赶到,翻身落地,用弓弦勒住刚刚爬起身还未站稳的李世民脖子。万分危急关头,又是尉迟敬德跃马大喝赶到。估计要是别人来,李元吉肯定先把李世民脖子勒断再说,见是尉迟敬德策马冲前,李元吉自知不敌,松开李世民转身跑向武德殿,估计是想奔进宫殿内门或找老爹李渊诉冤。尉迟敬德马疾手快,一箭把这位齐王射死在当地。然后,他手里拿着李建成、李元吉的两颗血淋淋人头,赶到正在玄武门混战的太子、齐王府军与秦王府军前,大呼示意。东宫及齐王属兵见到主人人头,全都死心,顿时溃散。 唐高祖李渊当时正和一帮宠妃侍姬在海池上泛舟游玩。李世民命敬德“待卫”高祖,其实是真正的“逼宫”。尉迟敬德全身披挂身持长予,突然出现在李渊面前,差点把老头儿吓死,惊问:“今日是谁作乱,爱卿你因何而来,”敬德回禀:“太子、齐王作乱,秦王已举兵诛之,特派遣为臣来宿卫。”当时宫外还有些太子、齐王的兵马在各处与秦王府兵交战,尉迟敬德“奏请降手敕”,其实是逼着老皇帝手谕各军统归李世民掌管。此时的李渊只得称好,“于是内外遂定”。又下诏杀建成、元吉诸子。一天之内,二子十孙横死,老李渊不知心中是什么滋味。不过想想他下令诛杀仁德宽厚的大英雄窦建德、萧铣、李密等人,也算是冥中相报了。 论功行赏之际,尉迟敬德居功甚伟,获赐绢万匹,而且李世民把齐王李元吉的府邸全部封存,一股脑赏赐给这位大功臣。贞观元年,尉迟敬德拜右武侯大将军,赐爵吴国公。突厥寇边,敬德以泾州道行军总管的身份前往迎击,在泾阳阵前故伎重演,单骑挑战,立斩突厥名将,大胜而归。 尉迟敬德毕竟是武人出身,又自负大功,多次和长孙无忌、房玄龄、杜如晦等文臣廷上争执,不久被这些文臣合伙排挤出京师,到襄州和同州等地任地方官。一次大臣们与皇帝同宴庆善宫,有人坐在尉迟敬德上列,大英雄刚从地方外任回来,一肚子鸟气,趁weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 酒劲大骂:“你有什么功劳,能坐在我的上列,”坐于其下的任城王李道宗好心起身解劝,敬德更是勃然大怒,回手一记老拳,把这位王爷几乎打瞎。任城王李道宗十七岁随李世民征战,屡有殊功,又曾带军打败突厥和梁师都的大军,开疆拓地千余里。这么一个武人王爷,挨了尉迟敬德一大拳也不敢说什么,只能捂着脸坐在原地自叹倒霉。居于主座的太宗李世民此时非常恼怒,宣布罢宴。他把尉迟敬德唤至近前,说:“朕览汉史,见刘邦手下功臣没几个有好下场的,对此常常怪罪这位汉高祖。自从朕当皇帝以来,一直想保全功臣,但爱卿你居官屡犯法度,在国宴上当着朕面又来这个,我才知道韩信和彭越被杀,也不尽是汉高祖的过错。国家大事,只有赏罚两种,非份之恩,不可能数行。希望你好好反省,以免有后悔之时。”一席话很有份量,尉迟敬德也忽悟自己是“登鼻子上脸、登着老二上肚脐”,有些过分猖狂了。从此他深自谦抑,不再张扬招摇。 贞观十一年,太宗大封功臣,册封建德宣州刺史,改封鄂国公。贞观十七年,敬德上表乞骸骨(要求退休)。唐太军征伐高丽,尉迟敬德上表进谏,太宗不纳,并命这位老将跟随自己以左一马军总管身份进军,大破高丽于驻跸山。还军后,照例退休。晚年在家的尉迟敬德崇信道教,和道士们一起炼丹服药,又吃大量云母粉养生。而且他闭门谢客,不与外人交通,远离政治,在家里穿池筑台,奏清商乐自娱自乐,长达十六年之久。高宗显庆三年(公元658年),敬德善终于家,年七十四。册赠司徒,谥曰忠武,陪葬昭陵。 李靖,本名药师,雍州三原人。此人累世为将,祖父李崇义是后魏殷州刺史,父李诠是隋朝赵郡郡守。史载,李靖“姿貌瑰伟,少有文武才略”,他常对朋友讲:“大丈夫若遇主逢时,正当立功立事,以取富贵。”其舅韩擒虎是隋朝名将,常常与这个从未经战阵的外甥论兵,每次都啧啧称奇(最终事实表明,李靖不是赵括式“纸上论兵”的人物)。李靖年青时就声名通显,常常是左仆射杨素和吏部尚书牛弘的座上客。杨素曾有次拍着自己的坐床(椅子)对李靖说:“卿终当坐此”。后来小说中有杨素侍儿红拂夜奔李靖两人私逃的故事,应是附会编造,观史可以明人,以李靖的性格,肯定不会有这么“浪漫”的事,况且杨素何人,谁敢偷当朝宰相的女侍~但不知为何,李靖官一直也没做大,隋炀帝大业末年只当个马邑郡丞。当时李渊奉隋廷诏命勒兵在塞外击突厥,李靖已经得知这位唐公有不臣之意,就暗中潜逃往炀帝所在的江都方向跑,想密报李渊要造反的消息(更加看出此人忠勇)。当时天下已经大乱,李靖跑到长安就过不去了。不久,李渊攻克长安,马上把李靖抓起来亲自临斩。李靖临刑大呼:“唐公您兴义兵,本为天下除暴乱,难到为私仇斩壮士吗,”李渊闻言壮之,李世民一旁又数次恳请放掉李靖,最终李靖得以免斩。 李靖马上被秦王李世民延入幕府,在讨伐王世充过程中表现不错,以军功授开府。当时南方多事,萧铣坐大,唐高祖就派李靖率军前去征伐。也怪李靖出道运气差,在硖州被萧铣军队阻挡,迟留许多天,李渊闻讯觉得李靖是故意迟留观变,前仇新怨,加上李渊是小气之人,就密令硖州都督许绍斩杀李靖。许绍爱惜李靖才能,估计两人也一起宴座谈过兵,为李靖请命,有了这么一个贵人,李将军又逃过一死。正赶上王爷李孝恭讨伐开州土蛮冉肇则兵败,李靖将兵八百奇袭,临阵斩冉肇则,还俘虏五千多人。高祖李渊大喜,对旁人讲:“朕闻使功不如使过,李靖果展其效。”马上亲降玺书慰问李靖,手敕告诉这位应死breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 了两回的将军:“既往不咎,旧事吾久忘之矣。”在其后攻伐萧铣的战斗中,李靖首出奇兵,击败萧铣大将文士弘,兵围江陵,迫使萧铣投降,以军功获封为岭南道抚慰大使。其后,又率军平灭江南辅公袥,并带江淮兵一万人前赴太原前拒突厥。当时诸军皆败,惟李靖一军独全。唐高祖李渊对李靖大为叹赏,常说:“李靖打萧铣、辅公袥,手到擒来,数数古代良将如韩信、白起、卫青、霍去病,恐怕都赶不上他。” 太宗李世民继位后,拜李靖为刑部尚书。贞观三年,封兵部尚书。 当时,突厥诸部离叛,唐朝方盛,正想报昔日委曲求和之怨,就派李靖为代州道行军总管,乘间讨伐。李靖仅率三千骑兵,自马邑飞奔至恶阳岭,使得突厥突利可汗大骇,这位可汗望着忽然出现的三千唐军,惊惶地说:“唐兵如果不是倾国大军随后,李靖断不敢孤军而至~” 李靖立营,也不马上进击,先和突利可汗打心理战。突利“一日数惊”,吓得寝食不安。李靖摸清突利可汗底细后,又暗中离间可汗左右,逼使突利亲信大将康苏密来降。贞观四年,李靖进击定襄,获隋齐王杨暕的儿子杨正道和陷入突厥多年的炀帝皇后萧氏。突利可汗大败,仅以身免。太宗李世民大喜,进封李靖为代国公,并对凯旋而还的李靖夸道:“从前李陵将五千兵入塞北,不免身降匈奴,但尚能因勇武而青史留名。爱卿你以三千轻骑深入虏庭,克复定襄,威振北狄,真是古今未有之奇迹~” 自高祖武德四年起,突厥颉利可汗就不断攻伐中国(处罗可汗死,其弟为颉利可汗,突利可汗是处罗可汗之子,颉利可汗之侄),李世民从武德五年起多次与两可汗交战,时战时和,从无大胜。唐太宗新登基不久,颉利可汗自率十多万骑兵入寇,与突利可汗称二可汗总兵百万来战,害得刚刚坐上帝位还没热乎的太宗以天子之尊亲自披甲上阵,隔渭水与颉利交语,晓以利害,颉利见所属各部落酋师见太宗都恭敬罗拜,知道没有胜算,就做个顺水人情请和。而后,就赶上突利可汗被李靖打败,颉利可汗闻讯后大惧,忙率军退保铁山,遣使入朝谢罪。无论是匈奴、柔然、突厥、吐蕃,这些北方少数民族都是这样,打胜仗则大掠人民财物而去,打败仗就奉表称臣装孙子,喘息定后又回来大肆杀掠。 太宗李世民任李靖为定襄道行军总管,率军迎降颉利。你不是说投降吗,大唐现在派兵来受降。颉利实际上根本不想投降,只是找借口趁机喘息重整旗鼓。太宗不放心,又派出鸿胪卿唐俭和将军安修仁带国书前往慰谕。 李靖对当时突厥内部的情势知道得一清二楚,对将军张公瑾说:“我国诏使到颉利处,他肯定一时心安,不再防备逃逸。马上精选一万骑兵,备二十天粮食,引兵奇袭,肯定大胜。”张公瑾有些为难,“皇上已答应他投降,又有使臣在颉利处,好象不该此时进击啊。”李靖不以为然,断然道:“此兵机也,时不可失,正是韩信破齐的良机。似唐俭之辈,又何足惜~”(唐俭日后也是凌烟阁功臣)马上下令发兵,督师疾进,行至阴山,俘获突厥边哨千余帐,都用绳子拴上随军。这一厢,颉利可汗见唐帝使者来,大悦,根本没想到weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 李靖一军突然杀来,直到唐兵距帐十五里,突厥人才发觉,颉利可汗吓得自己跨乘上千里良马一溜烟跑得没影,部众大溃,李靖军斩万余级,俘虏男女十余万,并杀掉一直和唐朝作对的隋朝义成公主(处罗可汗之妻)。颉利可汗跑到半道被人抓住,捆送京师。突利可汗听说叔父败讯,自知不是“天可汗”的对手,也忙派人内附称臣。此役大获全胜,唐俭也没象汉代那位“高阳酒徒”郦食其一样被用油锅烹死,乘间跑掉,平安回朝。 太宗听说李靖大破颉利,喜出望外,对侍臣说:“朕闻主忧臣辱,主辱臣死。往年国家草创之际,太上皇不得已向突厥称臣,朕未尝不痛心疾首,志灭匈奴,坐不安席,食不甘味。现在李靖将一偏师,无往不捷,使得颉利可汗被俘,突利单于附款,往年大耻,一朝而雪~”于是大赦天下。当时唐高祖李渊还活着,闻讯忙命人大摆酒席,席间命被俘的颉利可汗起舞,入贡的林邑王上酒赋诗,真正享受到了大唐天子之父太上皇的尊荣,纵观整个古代历史,多是中原之主被马上民族俘获“青衣侑酒”的耻辱,堂堂“天之骄子”被抓入汉庭,起舞献寿,“前无古人,后无来者”~ 李靖虽建此殊勋,仍为文吏御史大夫温彦博弹劾,说他军无纲纪,纵兵抢掠突厥宝物。太宗闻言大怒,召李靖责让,大将军伏地道歉。又过了几天,太宗把李靖又召来,说:“有人说你坏话,我现在忽然明白过来,希望爱卿不要介怀。”赐绢二千匹,拜尚书右仆射。虽官至宰相,李靖为人谦恭至极,朝会之上总是“恂恂若不能言”,太宗深叹其为“真是一代楷模~” 贞观九年,吐谷浑侵犯边塞,太宗对侍臣说:“如果李靖为元师 ,战胜不难啊。”已经退休在家的李靖对房玄龄说:“靖虽年老,固堪一行。”太宗大悦,以李靖为西海道行军大总管,统摄兵部尚书任城王李道宗、凉州都督李大亮、利州刺史高甑生三总管前往征伐吐谷浑。吐谷浑为慕容氏别部,鲜卑种,听闻李靖率师前来,坚壁消野,烧掉野草,退保大非川。唐朝诸将都认为春草未生,马匹无草羸弱,不能打仗。李靖力排众议,决计进击。唐军逾积石山,前后与吐谷浑大战数十合,杀伤甚众,大破其国。最后被迫无奈,吐谷浑贵族杀掉可汗前来归降,唐军扶立听话的慕容顺为王,振旅而还。 贞观十一年,诏改封李靖为卫国公。贞观十四年,李靖结发老妻病死,按例夫妻同葬,先营坟莹,太宗下诏,命有司为李靖营坟依据汉朝卫青、霍去病故事,筑阙象突厥铁山、吐谷浑积石山的形状,以表彰他的赫赫战功。后来,太宗亲帅军队伐高丽前,召李靖入阁赐座,问这位老英雄,“公南平吴会,北清沙漠,西定慕容,唯东有高丽未服,公意如何,”李靖强撑病体,壮言道:“臣虽残年朽骨,陛下不弃,请随军行。”太宗怜其病老,没有答应。贞观二十三年,病死于家,年七十九。册赠司徒,陪葬昭陵,谥曰景武。 李靖不知为什么,在《西游记》中,又变成了托塔天王,着实奇怪。民间传说,有时非常荒诞不经。 (另外,《旧唐书》李靖传后有廖廖数语记载其弟李客师之语,诚可一哂,附录于下:李靖弟名为李客师,贞观中,官至右武卫将军,以战功累封丹阳郡公。高宗永徽初breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 年,以年老致仕。性好驰猎,又四季好放鹰纵猎,没有一刻暂歇。李客师在昆明池南有别墅,自京师之外,西至澧水,鸟兽皆识此老翁,每出行,大群鸟鹊在他头顶盘旋鸣噪,当地农人称这个老头为“鸟贼”。总章年间卒,年九十余。可见李家皆属长寿仁者,性情中人。) 功臣九、萧瑀 萧瑀,字时文,其祖父是后梁宣帝萧察。与唐朝争地的萧铣还属他的子侄辈亲族。隋炀帝皇后萧氏是他亲姐姐。萧瑀自幼以孝行闻名天下,且善学能书,骨鲠正直,并深精佛理。以皇后亲弟之重,萧瑀在隋朝年纪轻轻就已做到银青光禄大夫的官,参决要务,但后来由于屡屡上谏忤旨,渐为隋炀帝疏斥。特别是萧瑀谏炀帝应该舍高丽而防突厥,引起皇帝震怒,贬放为河池郡守。 唐高祖很器重萧瑀,刚刚进京定位,就遣书招致,授光禄大夫,封宋国公,拜民部尚书。李渊所以这么亲重他,一则萧瑀为人正直,二则累世金枝金叶,三则他又是皇后独孤家族的女婿。因此,李渊以心腹视之,每次临朝听政,都赐萧瑀升于御榻而立,亲切地呼之为“萧郎”。唐朝革创,以萧瑀最熟识国典朝仪,他又孜孜自勉,留心政事,故而深得李渊信任。 唐太宗继位,拜为尚书左仆射,当时房玄龄、杜如晦新朝臣子正在风头上,萧瑀深感不快,上书时辞旨寥落,殊有怏怏之意,被废于家。不久太宗念其旧情,恢复了他的官爵。由于性情骨梗,有一次又与大臣在太宗面前厉声愤争,因不敬罪又被免官,而后很少再能进入太宗政事载决的核心班子。即便如此,太宗仍常回忆他当秦王时恐惧畏祸,萧瑀在李渊面前公正持平为自己讲好话的旧事,说:“此人不可以厚利诱之,不可以刑戮惧之,真社稷臣也。”并赐诗曰:“疾风知劲草,版荡识诚臣。”(此诗为古诗,非李世民创作。杨素替刚即位的隋炀帝平亡皇弟杨谅造反,炀帝致杨素的“感谢信”里也引用这两句诗。) 贞观二十一年,萧瑀病死,年七十四。宫廷太常上谥曰“肃”,太宗认为萧瑀性多猜贰,刚忌太过,最后谥曰“贞褊公”,册赠司空,陪葬昭陵。由此,可见一个人再忠厚梗直,毕竟逆触龙鳞,使人耿耿于怀。 功臣十、段志玄 段志玄,齐州临淄人。其父段偃师为太原书佐,从高祖李渊起义,官至郢州刺史。段志玄自少就和李世民关系相当亲密。在潼关与刘文静协同抵拒隋将屈突通时(此人日后也成为凌烟阁上二十四功臣之一),刘义静被屈突通大将桑显和击溃,关键时刻,段志玄率二十骑飞奔进击,杀数十人而还。当时他脚上中了一中流箭,怕属下知道自己受伤,weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 摇功军心,就忍痛不言,多次往返冲入敌阵。桑显和军大乱,唐军趁机复振,最终大败隋军。 不久,段志玄跟随李世民讨伐王世充,他冲入敌阵时马倒被俘,为两个兵将挟持着,一人抓住他的一边头发骑马拖着将过洛水,“志玄踊身而奋”,努力一挣,两个敌将落入水中,他乘机夺马驰还,后面追者有百余骑,都不敢近逼,最终安全回营。而后太子李建成以金银财宝贿赂他,段志玄都告知给秦王李世民,并在玄武门之变中参加战斗。太宗继位,封樊国公。文德皇后丧礼期间,段志玄与宇文士及分统兵马出章肃门,太宗在夜间派宫使至二将军处,宇文士及马上开门迎纳使者,段志玄闭门不纳,说:“军门不可夜开。”宫使说:“有皇帝手敕。”志玄说:“夜中不辩真伪。”竟让皇帝宫使等到天明才放进。太宗闻后赞叹:“真将军也。周亚夫也比不了呵。”贞观十六年病死,赠辅国将军,谥曰忠壮,陪葬昭陵。 功臣十一、刘弘基 刘弘基,雍州池阳人。其父刘升,是隋河中刺史。刘弘基少时为干部子弟,落拓不羁,好侠仗义,不事家产。隋炀帝大业末年,已经沦落到一贫如洗,连随军征辽东的盘缠都凑不够,只能装疯卖傻私宰耕牛,故意被县令关进监狱来躲兵役。后来趁乱盗马,一路边卖边吃,竟撞巧来到太原,因其豪壮,结交了当时正在太原做官的李渊父子。大概此辈哥们义气相投,刘弘基与李世民有一阵竟亲热到“出则连骑,入同卧起”的地步。李渊起事,刘弘基又招募到兵士二千多人跟随。而后他又跟从李世民攻下西河,特别是霍邑一战,刘弘基神威大振,亲斩隋朝名将宋老生,功拜右光禄大夫。 而后,刘弘基又率千余人下冯翔,西略扶风,南渡渭水,大败隋将卫文升,攻破京城之功,刘弘基实为第一。后来在讨伐薛举的战斗中,刘弘基苦战至矢尽,兵败被俘。李渊深嘉其不屈之志,赏赐其家里粟帛无数。后来来薛举之子薛仁杲被俘斩,刘弘基得以放归,复还原官。不久,又跟随李世民破宋金刚,大败刘黑闼,累封为任国公。 太宗继位,亲遇甚隆。贞观九年,改封夔国公,世袭朗州剌史。太宗征伐高丽,刘弘基又为前军大总管,力战有功。高宗永微元年病死,年六十九,赠开府仪同三司,谥曰襄,陪葬昭陵。刘弘基临死,遣命只留给诸子每人奴婢各十五人,良田五顷,对朋友说:“诸子如果有本事,本来就不用多财物;如果没本事,守此田产足可以免于冻饿。”其余家产都散施给亲朋乡里。由此,仍可见其青年时代的豪爽之气。 功臣十二、屈突通 屈突通,雍州长安人。其父屈突长卿为北周邛州剌史。屈突通禀性忠毅,好武略,善骑射。隋文帝开皇年间,为亲卫大都督,属于御林军高官,深得文帝喜爱。有次文帝派屈突通去陇西检校军马,得知有隐瞒未报的马匹两万多头,杨坚大怒,要把太仆卿慕容悉达和一千五百多监官都杀掉。屈突通跪地极谏:“人命至重,陛下岂能以马匹之故杀掉千人,”文帝大睁双眼叱责。屈突通表示以己一命换那将要斩杀的一千五百多人的命。杨坚毕竟不是昏君,不久转过神来,说:“朕之不明,以至于此。”由此更加委信屈突通,升为右武侯车骑将军。 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 屈突通正直无私,即使自己亲戚犯法也无所宽贷。当时他弟弟屈突盖当长安令,也以清正严肃知名。当时人有顺口溜:“宁食三斗艾,不见屈突盖;宁服三斗葱,不逢屈突通。”可见兄弟俩的肃然为官之气。隋炀帝初即位,他只身前往造反的汉王杨谅军中征招其回京,事后竟得以安全返京。大业年间,任关内讨捕大使,为隋朝剿灭了不少反叛。 隋炀帝巡幸江都,命屈突通镇守长安。当时天下纷起,屈突通听说永丰仓为义军所破,大惧奔还,想自武关趋蓝田返长安,在潼关与唐军刘文静相遇,其大将军桑显和与文静军大战,在马上要获胜时,桑显和因为隋兵饥疲命令炊事兵送饭上阵地,就一顿饭的功夫让刘文静复整旗鼓,唐军大奋夹击,隋兵大败。屈突通常有必死之心,抚勉将士,他常常自抚其脖颈说:“要当为国家受人一刀耳~”慷慨流涕,当时人对他非常敬重。不久唐军攻克长安,大将桑显和投降,并与唐将段志玄带着俘获的屈突通儿子屈突子寿一起追击屈突通。双方结阵相持,唐军让屈突子寿劝父投降,屈突通大叫:“昔与汝为父子,今与汝为仇敌~”命左右军士朝儿子射箭。桑显和在对面劝说隋兵:“京师已陷,你们都是关西人,能跑到哪里去呢,”隋兵闻言都放下兵仗准备投降。屈突通自知不免于败,下马向南再拜号泣道:“臣力屈兵败,不负陛下~”(陛下当指隋炀孙杨侗“皇泰主”)众军涌上,擒送长安。 唐高祖李渊亲见屈突通,问:“怎么这么晚我们才见面啊~”屈突通泣道:“我不能尽人臣之节,力屈而至,为本朝之辱~”高祖由此更加敬重,说:“真是隋朝忠臣啊~”立授兵部尚书,封蒋国公。而后,从秦王李世民攻伐薛举,又参与讨伐王世充的战争。当时屈突通有两个儿子在洛阳没跑出来,为王世充所羁押,李渊就问:“您有二子在洛阳,您又参与攻伐,这怎么办呢,”屈突通回答道:“至尊您对老朽我亲加恩礼,粉身难报,此命终归国家所有。为臣我做前驱攻伐王世充,两儿若死,自是其命,我绝不会以私害义~”高祖闻言叹息不已。平定王世充后,屈突通功居第一,拜陕右大行台右仆射。贞观二年卒,年七十二。太宗痛惜久之,赠尚书右仆射,谥曰忠。后与房玄龄配飨太宗庙庭。 对屈突通,《旧唐书》的作都有如下评价:“或问屈突通尽忠于隋而功立于唐,事两国而名愈彰,何也,”答云“若立纯诚,遇明主,一心可事百君,宁限于两国尔~” 功臣十三、殷峤 殷峤,字开山,雍州人。其父殷僧首为隋朝秘书丞。殷开山年青时以学行知名,尤善尽牍写作。李唐起兵后,秦王李世民召之为长史,常常四处招慰关中流民、群盗,并与刘弘基一起首入京城,赐爵陈郡公。后来又跟随太宗评讨薛仁果和王世充,以军功进爵勋国公。在征伐刘黑闼的路上,殷开山病死,李世民临丧痛哭赠陕东道大行台右仆射,谥曰节。贞观四年,诏以佐命之功配飨唐高祖庙庭。 功臣十四、柴绍 柴绍(?—638年),字嗣昌,晋州临汾(今山西临汾)人,唐朝大将,凌烟阁二十四功臣之一。 weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 柴绍的祖父柴烈曾是北周骠骑大将军,历任遂、梁二州刺史,封冠军县公;父亲柴慎,为隋太子右内率,封钜鹿郡公。柴绍出身于将门,自幼便“趫捷有勇力”(《旧唐书?柴绍列传》),以以抑强扶弱而闻名于关中。少年时便当了隋朝元德太子(隋炀帝长子)的千牛备身(陪伴)。唐国公李渊也将三女儿(即后来的平阳公主)嫁给了柴绍。 此时,农民起义烽火已燃遍全国各地(参见隋末农民起义),并逐渐形成以李密(参见瓦岗农民起义)、窦建德(参见窦建德起义)、杜伏威为首的三支主力农民起义军,他们分别活动在今河南、河北、山东和江淮一带,以摧枯拉朽之势瓦解着隋王朝的统治,将隋统治集团及其军队主力分隔于江都(今江苏扬州)、洛阳、长安三处,陷入四分五裂的状态。一些隋贵族和地方官吏见隋朝大势已去,也乘机而起,占据郡县,建立割据政权,称王称帝,隋王朝的统治已是日薄西山、奄奄一息。在这种形势下,早就心怀异志的太原留守李渊父子也开始做起兵的准备。 隋义宁元年(617年)四月,李渊见时机成熟,开始征太原、西河(治隰城,今山西汾阳)、雁门(治雁门,今山西代县)、马邑(治善阳、今山西朔县)四郡20至50岁的男子为兵征高丽,以激怒人民起来反隋。李渊还秘密派人召李建成、李元吉和柴绍到晋阳(今山西太原市西南)。当时柴绍夫妇都在长安,二人接信后,便商议如何脱身。柴绍说:“尊公将扫清多难,绍欲迎接义旗;同去则不可,独行恐罹后患,为计若何,”李氏知情况紧急,便对柴绍说:“君宜速去。我一妇人,临时易可藏隐,当别自为计矣。”(《旧唐书?平阳公主列传》)于是柴绍自长安启程赶往晋阳。 柴绍在道上路遇自河东出发的李建成、李元吉二人。李建成对柴绍说:“追书甚急,恐已起事。隋郡县连城千有余里,中间偷路,势必不全,今欲且投小贼,权以自济。”柴绍则认为不妥,便果断地说:“不可。追既急,宜速去,虽稍辛苦,终当获全。若投小贼,知君唐公之子,执以为功,徒然死耳 。”(《旧唐书?柴绍列传》)李建成听从了柴绍的话,加速赶路。行至雀鼠谷(今山西介休西南、霍县以北汾河河谷)时,听说李渊已于五月十五日晨宣告起兵,三人相互庆贺,李建成、李元吉都称柴绍的主意对。 李渊太原起兵后,于六月建大将军府,授柴绍右领军大都督府长史之职。七月初五,李渊统甲士3万于晋阳誓师出发,柴绍又兼领马军总管。李渊军将至霍邑(今山西霍县)时,柴绍先到城下侦察了隋将守宋老生的布防,回来后对众将领说:“老生有匹夫之勇,我师若到,必来出战,战则成擒矣。”(《旧唐书?柴绍列传》)八月初三,李渊计诱宋老生出城,两路夹击,大败隋军(参见霍邑之战),柴绍也力战有功。霍邑之战的胜利,为李渊军进军关中打开了通道。 李渊军攻取霍邑后,沿汾水南下,乘胜破临汾,拔绛郡(治正平,今山西新绛),柴绍在作战勇敢,每战都当先登城破阵,因功又授右光禄大夫。十五日李渊军进至breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 龙门(今山西河津西北)。九月初,隋左武侯大将军屈突通派虎牙郎将桑显和率数千名士卒乘夜袭击左统军王长谐等军,王长谐等初战不利。孙华率精锐渡河增援,柴绍则与史大柰率轻骑从侧后袭击桑显和军,桑显和大败,败回河东(郡治河东,今山西永济西南)。 柴绍离开长安后,李氏从长安避居鄠县(今陕西户县),散家财,招引山中亡命,得数百人,以此响应父亲的起义。又遣家奴马三宝招降地主武装何潘仁,合兵攻下鄠县城。马三宝又招降反隋的李仲文、向善志、丘师利等部,李氏部众达7万人。他们相继攻下盩厔(今陕西周至)、武功(今陕西武功西北武功镇)、始平(今陕西兴平东南)等县。后来他们发展到七万人,李氏派人报告她的父亲,李渊喜出望外,便派柴绍率军渡过黄河去占领华阴,依傍南山接应其妻。这时李氏引精兵1万多人在渭河北岸与李世民会师,而后与柴绍别后重逢。于是依带兵将军的惯例,各自设置幕府,一齐包围长安。军中称其军为“娘子军”。李氏的起兵,牵制了隋军力量,为李渊西进关中夺取长安扫除了障碍。李渊进据长安后,即封她为平阳公主,以其独特的功劳,赏赐重于他人。 十月二十七日,李渊命李建成从东、南两面,李世民从西、北两面,同时向长安城发起进攻。十一月初九,军头雷永吉等先登入城,诸军继进,遂克长安。李渊入城后,拥杨侑即位。柴绍因功进右光禄大夫,封临汾郡公。 唐武德元年(618年)五月,李渊在长安称帝,建立唐朝,是为唐高祖,柴绍又拜左翊卫大将军。此后柴绍随秦王李世民参加统一战争(参见唐统一战争),平薛举(参见浅水原之战),破宋金刚,败王世充,擒获窦建德(参见洛阳、虎牢之战),屡立战功,因此封为霍国公,赐食邑一千二百户,并转为右骁卫大将军。 武德六年(623年)四月,吐谷浑侵扰芳州(治常芳,今甘肃迭部东南),唐芳州刺史房当树逃奔松州(治嘉诚,今四川松潘)。二十一日,吐谷浑军进扰洮(治美相,今甘肃临潭)、岷(治溢乐,今甘肃岷县)二州。五月初五,柴绍(时为岐州刺史)奉命率兵前去救援(参见岷州之战)。十五日,吐谷浑及党项侵犯河州(治临夏,今属甘肃),唐河州刺史卢士良将其击败。六月,柴绍军进至岷州。二十九日,柴绍与吐谷浑作战,被围困在一山谷中。吐谷浑军据高临下射击柴绍军,箭如雨下,形势危急,唐军将士皆失色。柴绍则临危不惧,安然而坐,让人弹奏胡琵琶,使二美貌女子翩翩对舞。吐谷浑士卒非常奇怪,都放下弓矢驻足观瞧。柴绍见吐谷浑军阵容不整,乘其无备,暗遣精骑绕到吐谷浑军背后,突然袭击,大败吐谷浑军,斩首500余级。八月,吐谷浑归附唐朝。此役,柴绍在被围情况下,临危不乱,用美人计迷惑吐谷浑军,然后乘其不备派精骑迂回到其背后,突然袭击,终袷だ ,廊思扑湓诶 仿糯伪皇褂茫 癫裆苷庵钟梅ǎ 蚯拔薰湃耍 笪蘩凑咭樱?br> 同年,柴绍的妻子平阳公主去世。 自武德七年(624年)三月起,突厥军不段入侵唐边(参见唐与突厥的战争)。八月十二日,秦王李世民率军在五陇坂(今陕西凤翔西)计退突厥军(参见五陇阪之战)。为配合李世军,柴绍于二十三日率军在杜阳谷(今陕西麟游西北)击败了突厥军。 weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 武德八年(625年),突厥军又多次南下攻扰唐边,十月十七日,突厥军侵扰鄯州(治西都,今青海乐都),柴绍奉命前去救援。 武德九年(626年)五月,柴绍(时为平道将军)率军兵攻打胡人。六月,秦王李世民率部在玄武门(长安太极宫北面正门)发动政变(参见玄武门事变),伏杀太子李建成、齐王李元吉,夺取了皇位继承权。初七,李渊立李世民为皇太子。柴绍拜右卫大将军。 同年,突厥军仍然多次骚扰唐边。四月二十五日,突厥侵扰西会州(治会宁镇,今甘肃靖远)。五月十一日,侵扰秦州(治上邽,今甘肃天水)。同月侵扰兰州。六月,突厥侵扰陇州(治沂源,今陕西陇县)。十五日,突厥侵扰渭州(治襄武,今甘肃陇西东南)。面对突厥的不段入侵,柴绍又奉命率军出击,七月初三,柴绍在秦州打败突厥,斩杀突厥特勒(官名)1名及将士1000余,凯旋而归。 八月初八,唐高祖李渊退位(参见玄武门事变)。初九,李世民即皇帝位,是为唐太宗。十月,唐太宗大封功臣,柴绍食实封一千二百户。 在隋义宁元年(617年)二月时,朔方鹰扬郎将梁师都据朔方郡(今陕西靖边东北白城子),起兵反隋。后称帝,国号梁。唐朝建立后,梁师都依附突厥,经常引突厥军南下侵扰。唐军虽多次击败梁师都军,但因其受突厥保护,一直未将其歼灭。贞观二年(628年),突厥内部争斗,政局混乱,无力继续庇护梁师都。唐太宗李世民乘机用书信劝其归降,梁师都不从。太宗乃命夏州都督长史刘旻、司马刘兰成伺机出击。刘旻等数次遣轻骑践其禾稼,又使反间计,离间其君臣,梁师都国势渐衰,降唐者接踵而至。梁师都名将李正宝等企图抓获梁师都投唐,事情败露后,降唐。从此,梁国上下更加互相猜忌,刘旻等见时机成熟,上表请求出兵。 唐太宗即命柴绍与殿中少监薛万均率军攻打梁师都,同时又遣刘旻等进屯朔方东城进逼。梁师都引突厥兵至城下,唐将刘兰成偃旗息鼓,按兵不动,待梁师都夜间退兵时,出兵追击,大败其军。突厥大发兵救援梁师都,柴绍军在离朔方数十里处与其遭遇。柴绍率军唐军奋勇出击,大破突厥军,乘胜包围朔方城。突厥不敢救援,城中食尽。四月二十六日,梁师都堂弟梁洛仁杀梁师都,举城投降。唐以其地置夏州。唐军击灭梁师都,占领朔方重镇,为反击突厥准备了前进基地。 不久柴绍转左卫大将军,又为华州刺史。 贞观三年(629年)十一月,突厥军进扰河西,唐太宗于二十三日诏命6路军马反击突厥(参见唐灭东突厥之战):并州都督李勣为通汉道行军总管,兵部尚书李靖为定襄道行军总管,任城王李道宗为大同道行军总管,检校幽州都督卫孝杰为恒安道行军总管,breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 灵州大都督薛万彻为畅武道行军总管,柴绍则为金河道行军总管,与上述5路共同出击。唐军共计10余万,皆受李靖节度,于贞观四年(630年)正月出征,最终灭了掉东突厥。 贞观七年(633年),柴绍加镇军大将军,行右骁卫大将军,改封谯国公。 贞观十二年(638年),柴绍病重,唐太宗亲自前去探望。不久,柴绍去世,赠荆州都督,谥号襄。 贞观十七年(643年)二月二十八日,唐太宗命人画二十四功臣图于凌烟阁,皆真人大小,柴绍名列其中,位于第十四名。 功臣十五、长孙顺德 长孙顺德是李世民文德皇后的族叔。从李渊父子太原起兵,一路上攻城陷地,多参与其间,高祖即位,封薛国公。玄武门之变站在李世民一边,率兵与李建成余党大战。太宗即位后以宫女赐之。贞观年间,长孙顺德居官贪婪,几次被削爵,最后病发身死。李世民仍念旧情旧功,赠荆州都督,谥曰襄。贞观十三年,封邳国公。(死后改封) 功臣十六、张亮 张亮,郑州荥阳人。出身寒贱,务农为业。史载,张亮“倜傥有大节,外敦厚而内怀诡诈。”隋炀帝大业年间,投李密瓦岗军,因告密而获得信任。后来属李世勣,在李世勣投唐过程中起到重要作用。李世勣、房玄龄荐张亮给李世民,为秦王府车骑将军,逐渐大受宠任。李世民与太子、齐王争位时,派张亮到洛阳一带,广结当地豪杰以待时变。齐王李元吉向李渊告发张亮图谋不轨,因此他被唐廷逮捕,严刑拷打下倒一直没把李世民招供出来。太宗践位,封长平郡公,授怀州总管。 自贞观五年起,张亮被召回朝,历任御史大夫、金柴光禄大夫,贞观十一年改封勋国公。张亮为人有明察之能,又常常暗遣手下侦知治下善恶细隐,动若有神,抑豪强而恤贪弱,颇有政声。张亮在怀州新娶妻子李氏,淫悍又好巫蛊左道,干预政事,渐渐张亮的名声就被这妇人败怀掉。由于曾诳骗侯君集套出对方有“反意”,侯君集被杀后因张亮有“先见之明”,迁为刑部尚书,参预朝政。太宗伐高丽时,张亮随军,为沧海道行军大总管,管理军船事宜。屯兵于建安城下时,张亮士兵多出去打柴找吃食,营垒未固,忽然高丽一大队人马杀到,军中士兵张皇失措。张亮本性怯懦,真正冲阵临敌的场面几乎没有经历过,“无计策,但踞胡床,直视而无所言”,吓得目瞪口呆,连逃跑都想不起来。他手下将士见到这情形,反误以为张总管临危不惧,胆气冲天,都稳下心神挺身斗敌,其副手又及时赶到,鸣鼓奋击,竟大破敌军。过后此事传到太宗那里,李世民也知张亮没有将师才能,并无责备于他。 贞观二十年,有人告发张亮讲过“有弓长之君当别都”的谶语,加上他有义子五百人,有谋反之嫌。太宗对张亮畜养五百壮士之事极其愤恨,虽然其“反形未具”,仍下诏处斩,籍没其家。侯君集地下有如,知道张亮这老哥们也到地下与自己相聚,可能会为之一笑。(事见侯君集事传) 功臣十七、侯君集 weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 看见侯君集三字,总想起少年时代听单平芳评书《隋唐演义》中那个瘦小枯干、行事如水浒中鼓上蚤时迁一样的偷儿。成年后细读《唐史》,发觉此公和演义中人大不相似。侯君集,豳州三水人。史载:“性骄饰,好矜夸,玩弓矢而不能成其艺,乃以武勇自称。”可见,是个二吊子弓马玩家,但肯定机谋方面有过人之处。秦王府中,侯君集极受信任,数从征伐,累军功封全椒县子。玄武门之变,侯君集之策居多。太宗即位后,立封潞国公,赐邑千户,拜右卫大将军。贞观四年,迁兵部尚书,参议朝政。 李靖伐吐谷浑,侯君集与任城王李道宗为副手。一路上侯君集进献不少奇计,都为李靖采纳,大破敌军于库山,又与李道宗自为一军,从南路挺进,历破逻真谷,逾汉哭山(估计是当地人起的名字,从前汉军肯定于此战死不少),经途二千余里,盛夏降霜,山多积雪,转战过星宿川,一路上数次与敌大战,每战必胜,获牛马无算,斩获颇丰。一直行军,直到北望积玉山,观黄河源头,然后凯旋,与李靖一军会于大非川,平定吐谷浑。贞观十一年,改封陈国公。转年,拜吏部尚书。侯君集行伍出身,入秦王府后才开始读书,聪颖异常,竟能典选举,定考课,出将为将,入则参政,为时人所叹美。 侯君集一生最光辉的事迹,当属他独担重任,率唐军平灭高昌的壮举。 高昌,就是汉朝时候的车师。距长安以西四千三百里(从唐书),有三十一城,先都交河,后移至高昌,是西域大国,胜兵万人,土壤肥沃,麦果丰饶,以葡萄酒知名。隋朝进入贡,封其王鞠伯雅为车师大守,弁国公。高祖武德三年,伯雅死,其子鞠文泰嗣位,遣使告哀,高祖派使臣前去祭吊,正式承认了其藩贡国地位。鞠文泰开始还很“孝敬”,经常贡献奇珍异兽白玉盘什么的,又上贡一对大狼狗,能曳马衔烛。贞观四年,鞠文泰还亲身入朝,回去时获赏赐甚厚,大打秋风而回,其妻还被赐姓李,封常乐公主。按理说鞠文泰亲朝天子,又获巨赏,应该安心臣服才是。但此人在朝贡时经过唐朝西边久经战争之地,见人民稀少,城邑空虚,就心中升起轻唐之念。渐渐地,鞠文泰把西域诸国经过高昌前往唐朝的商人和贡使都扣押起来,又暗中和突厥人勾结,攻打唐朝另外的西域属国伊吾。不久,竟胆大妄为,和突厥连兵进攻唐朝另一属国焉耆,拔克三城,尽掳男女而去。焉耆王上表告状,太宗大怒,说:“高昌数年无状,没有尽藩臣之礼;其国中模仿我大唐,设置官号;今年岁首,万国来朝,文泰独不至。高昌还不断拘押西域来使,离间邻好,所谓恶而不诛,何以劝善~”贞观十四年,太宗命侯君集为交河道大总管,率左屯卫大将军薛万均等人将突厥等西域归附军数万人征讨。 当时,唐朝众大臣都以为行经沙漠,用兵万里,恐难取胜,而经高昌界处绝域,得之难守,不如不伐。太宗坚执不从,侯君集身负皇命,浩荡而来。 鞠文泰作梦也想不到唐朝会真的出兵,他常对左右讲:“我先前去唐朝贡见秦、陇之北,城邑萧条。假使唐兵攻伐,军队人数多,路上不能有足够的军需供给;如果兵发三万以下,我高昌力能制之。加之沙漠艰险,唐军即使能来也疲惫至极,我以逸待劳,不用忧虑啊。”等到听说唐军已到达碛口,这位西域名王惶骇无计,未见唐兵,竟活活吓死。其子鞠智盛嗣立。 侯君集率军至柳谷,侦察兵报告说鞠文泰这几天就要下葬,breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 共时高昌国人毕集。诸将要求趁发丧时起兵突袭。侯君集独表异议:“天子以高昌骄慢无礼,使吾辈恭行天罚。如果我们趁人发丧时偷袭,非问罪大国之师所为~”于是全军整装,鼓行而进,类似拿破仑战场上那种双方光明正大的进击。高昌大兵汇集于田地城,城坚墙厚,高昌人起初还固城自守。侯君集军队携带了威力巨大的撞城车和抛石机,巨石飞空,尖车推城,很快就一攻而入,俘获男女七千多口。接着,大军前行,直逼都城高昌。鞠智盛无奈,来信乞怜,表示“有罪于天子者乃先王,今已无罚丧身,我本无罪,望候尚书哀怜。” 侯君集回书:“如能悔过,应束手投降~”鞠智盛还不肯出降,侯君集命人填其城壕,又大发抛石机,并树十丈高楼,于楼顶指挥抛石机落点,巨石纷下,高昌守兵顿成肉泥。早先答应和高昌里外为援的西突阙兵此时还影都没有,向已西逃千余里,哪还顾得上邻家。计穷之下,鞠智盛出城门出降。侯君集马上分派兵马,一时攻灭其余城池,平灭高昌,带着俘虏的高昌国王及将士、刻石勒功而还。此次远征,下高昌三郡、五县、二十二城,得人口三万七千七百,马四千三百,其国东西八百里,南北五百里。非常值得人玩味的是,侯君集军到之前高昌国内有童谣流唱:“高昌兵马如霜雪,汉家兵马如日月。日月照霜雪,回手自消灭。”鞠文泰当时让人搜捕初唱者,最终也未抓获,不知是何为所为。唐太宗以高昌故地为西州,置安西都护府,留遣兵马镇守。 虽立此平国大功,侯君集仍不免前辈平灭西域将领犯下的过错——私取宝物。他属下战胜的将士得悉总管大拿高昌宝物,也纷纷效仿,竟来盗窃。侯君集上梁不正,也不敢阻挡,怕他们把自己也连带告出来,以致于高昌一国宝物被掠一空。大军回京,御史们早把弹劾奏章报上,功劳再大,赏罚应分,迎接侯君集的不是红地毯和凯旋乐曲,而是国家大狱。还是中书侍郎岑文本有远见,认为功臣大将不能轻加屈辱,上书列举汉朝李广利、陈汤、晋朝王浚以及隋朝韩擒虎等大将事迹,并以黄石公兵法内容作为补充——《军势》一书中讲,使智、使勇、使贪、使愚。故智者乐立其功,勇者好行其志,贪者邀趋其利,愚者不计其死,希望太宗以帝王之德,含弘为美,弃人之短,收人之长,使侯君集能悔过报效。奏上,太宗很觉有理,下诏把侯君集放出。 侯君集立此殊勋,回京就被关进大狱,虽然日后放出,仍然终日怏怏不快。贞观十七年,多年一起共事的老哥们张亮出任洛州地方官,与侯君集道别,侯君集乘机激怒他说:“怎么,被排挤出京城了,”张亮不乐,答道:“当然是你背后排挤我,还能怨别人吗,” 侯君集闻言激起心中积恨:“我功平一国,回来就被天子谴怒,哪还有机会背后挤兑你~这种日子我过不下去了,你敢造反吗,我和你一起反了吧~”张亮为人外忠内诈,一转身就把侯君集的话密告太宗。李世民毕竟大度君王,对张亮说:“你和侯君集都是唐朝功臣,刚才的话只有你和他两个人知道,如果审验成狱,你们都不会承认有谋反之语。”就把此事压下,对待侯君集如初,不久命人图君集等二十四人像于凌烟阁。 当时,太子李承乾怕被李世民废掉,暗中准备谋反,又知道侯君集心怀怨望,就通过侯君集的女婿贺兰楚石(当时为东宫属官)与他牵线,两人数次密谋 。侯君集深知李承乾气量劣弱不能成大事,但仍想借机旁图,就答应与李承乾一起干,举手对太子说:“此好手,当为殿下用之~” 虽如此,毕竟谋反事大,侯君集常常夜中惊醒,一醒就再也睡不着觉,四转叹息。他的妻子很奇怪,劝他说:“您是国家大臣,怎么会这样,如有辜weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 负国家之事,还是自首的好,肯定能保全性命。” 侯君集也不应声。 不久,太子李承乾谋反事反,辞连侯君集。他那作为牵线人的女婿贺兰楚石为了活命,又诣阙上告岳父谋反的实情。对这么一个共事几十年的老功臣,太宗亲自审问,说:“我不欲令刀笔吏辱公,自己亲自问你案情。” 侯君集最初还狡辩,但太子、贺兰楚石等人证及书信等等物证俱在,最终辞穷服罪。太宗临朝,对百官讲,君集于国家未安之时有大功,我想活其一命。但谋反是封建社会不可饶恕的大罪,群臣争进,都讲:“君集之罪,天地所不容,必诛之以明大法。”太宗又回到私室,对跪伏于地的侯君集讲:“与公永别了,从今而后,以君之故,我不忍复上凌烟阁~”言毕,皇帝唏嘘泣下,痛哭不止。君集也自投于地,泣不能起。读各类唐朝史书,每读到这一点,都可感觉唐太宗的真性情感人之处,透过千年烟云,仍可想见李世民身为帝王之尊,当其时没有一丝矫饰做作,他肯定是回忆起这位勋臣与他自己年青时代的豪情友谊,想起连骑冲杀,攻城掠城的浴血艰难,加之故人病死被杀无数,至此廖廖,不能不凄然伤情。 按刑法,侯君集被斩于四达通衢。这位大将临刑之时,容色不改,对监刑将军说:“君集我怎能真反呢,是蹉跌至此啊~念我为唐家大将破灭二国(高昌国以及与李靖一起灭的吐谷浑),还是有微功可陈。为我对陛下讲一声,留下我一个儿子活着以守祭祀。”(谋反应诛满门)监斩官驰奏,特诏原其妻及一子,徒于岭南。 功臣十八、张公瑾 张公瑾,字弘慎,魏州繁水人。开始在王世充手下为官。高祖李渊建唐,张公瑾归国,后为尉迟敬德等人荐于李世民,引入幕府。玄武门之变前,李世民让占卜的人烧龟甲卜吉凶,张公瑾恰巧从外而入,拿起龟甲扔在地上,进言道:“凡行卜签,是以决嫌疑,定犹豫,现在举事不疑,用得着卜卦吗,如果卜不吉,势已不可停阻,希望大王仔细想想。”李世民深然其言。其年六月四日,张公瑾与长孙无忌等九人埋伏于玄武门之外,成为李世民日后登基的关键人物之一。李建成、李元吉被杀后,其党羽进攻玄武门,张公瑾有勇力,“独闭门以拒之”。贞观元年,拜代州都督。后助李靖伐突厥,擒颉利,屡有战功,封邹国公。不久,在襄州都督任上,张公瑾病死,时年仅三十九。太宗不避辰日而哭之(古礼及当时风俗,辰日不能哭泣),谥曰襄。贞观十三年,改封郯国公。 功臣十九、卢公程知节(程咬金) “半路杀出个程咬金”,“程咬金的三板斧”这两句俗谚,中国人耳熟能详。估计提起程知节,除研究历史的学者以外,肯定会面对茫茫然的脸,几乎没有人知道是谁。所以,通俗演义小说的民间力量,可以把历史人物的本来面目涂改(或美化或丑化)得与本来全非。 程知节,本名咬金,济州东阿人。他年青时就骁勇异常,善于马上击槊。隋末四海鼎沸,大乱之中,程咬金聚数百徒众,捍卫乡里。李密起兵,他前去投靠,署为内军骠骑。当时李密简选八千名勇敢异于常人的兵士,以四骠骑统领,号为内军,程咬金即四骠骑之一。李密常对人讲,“此八千人可当百万军”。李密与王世充交战时,breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 程咬金领内马军与李密在北邙山指挥。王世充率众猛攻单雄信统领的外马军(单雄信也是隋唐之际大名鼎鼎的好汉),李密见状就命程咬金与裴行俨前去支援。裴行俨也是勇猛骑将,先行冲阵,行到中间被流矢所中,滚落马下。程咬金挺身而出,一骑先行,击杀敌人,王世充那些争前想斩大将人头的兵士望之披靡。程咬金下马把受重伤的裴行俨抱上马,两个人骑一匹马往回走。王世充又派骑兵追击,由于马上还有裴行俨这名伤员,程咬金的动作不如平时灵活,一根尖槊洞穿其身(估计不是胸部等致命处),这位大英雄牙关紧咬,回身生生把槊把折断,顺手一带把追刺他的兵士拉至近前,刀斩其头,后面追骑大骇,谁都不敢再近前,最终两个人平安归营。(裴行俨就是《隋唐演义》中第三条好汉裴元庆的原型。正史中,他勇猛善战,号“万人敌”,降于王世充后,心有不甘,想行刺未成,被王世充所杀。) 李密与王世充大小近百战,胜多败少,但洛水之战大败,败投李渊。程咬金、单雄信、秦叔宝等人不得已,归于王世充。这位隋炀帝宠臣、西域胡人出身的枭雄对这几位大将“接遇甚厚”,很希望他们帮助自己扫平天下。相处没多久,程咬金就对秦叔宝说:“王世充器量浅狭,平时胡乱妄语,喜欢诅咒发誓,迷信神怪,简直就是个跳大神的老娘们儿,根本不是拨乱济世之主~”不久,王世充与李世民战于九曲,程咬金等人列于战阵,忽然与秦叔宝等人拨转马头,面向王世充说:“蒙您接待,极欲报恩。但您性多猜疑,身边又多小人,不敢在您身边久留,今谨奉辞~”言毕,与左右数十人跃马而奔唐军。王世充身后数万兵马,但因惧怕程咬金等人的勇武,只得眼睁睁望着他们离去,无一人敢蹑追其后。 归唐后,程咬金“每阵先登”,随李世民破宋金刚,擒窦建德,降王世充,以军功封宿国公。高祖武德七年,太子李建成为了剪除秦王李世民左右羽翼,把程咬金外调为康州刺史。情急之下,武人出身的程咬金对李世民以言相激:“大王手臂今并剪除,身必不久。我冒死不走,请大王您也速下决心~”玄武门之变后,升为右武卫大将军。贞观年间,改封卢国公,是唐太宗至始至终的忠臣之一。 唐高宗显庆元年(公元656年),程知节任葱山道行军大总管讨伐西突厥,击其歌逻、处月二部落,斩首千余级。十二月,程咬金引军至鹰娑川,遇突厥强兵四万骑,其前军总管苏定方师五百骑驰迎冲击,西突厥大败,追奔二十里,杀获一千五百多人,缴获的战马及器械,漫山遍野,不可胜计。副大总管王文度非常急妒苏定方的大功,对程咬金说:“现在虽说是获胜,但官军也有死伤,千万不要急追敌寇,应自结方阵,慢慢谨慎前行,敌则战,万全之策。”更出格的是,王文度还对人讲皇上有密旨给他自己,让程咬金及全军归他指挥,并下令军队不许深入追敌。可怜远道万里的唐军士卒终日骑行马上,严冬朔风,身被重甲缓缓而行,粮草不继,人马相继冻病而死。苏定方劝程咬金:“我们出师目的是为了歼敌,现在反而坐困自守,敌来必败,如此怯懦,何以立功~皇上以您为大将,怎么可能又密诏副手发号施令,其中肯定有诈。请下令把王文度抓起来,飞表上奏皇上弄个清楚。”英雄老矣,此时程咬金全无青壮年时代的锐气,摇头不从。 唐军至恒笃城,有胡人数千归降。王文度说:“这些人等我们离开,肯定又会反叛,不如全部杀掉,还能得大笔资财。”苏定方切谏:“这样干我们自己倒成贼了,怎能称得上是为国伐叛~”程咬金默许王文度。几千胡人被杀得干净,王文度“分其财,独定方不受”,史书虽未明讲程大将军也贪财宝,但“独定方不受”,已表明程老自己肯定也分了一大份儿。回师以后,事情败露,王文度因矫诏当死,特除名免职。程咬金因逗留不进及不努力追敌,减死免官。大英雄晚节不保,杀降利财,贪生怕死,令人遗weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 憾。虽然不久又怕朝廷起用为刺史,毕竟气短,程咬金上表退休。高宗麟德二年(公元665年),程咬金善终于家。赠骠骑大将军,赔葬昭陵。其后代下场都不错,次子尚公主,几个儿孙都为金吾将军这样的高级禁卫军将领。 功臣二十、虞世南 虞世南:南朝陈武帝二年。公元(558年)——唐太宗贞观十二年(公元638年),终年81岁。越州余姚(今浙江)人。 字伯施。他在陈、隋二代都做过官,入唐时已上年纪,唐太宗让他当了“参军”。贞观七年封为永兴县子,又一年进封为县公,故后人也称虞永兴。虞世南幼年学书于王羲之七世孙,著名书法家僧智永,受其亲传,妙得“二王”及智永笔法。虞世南为人沉静寡欲,志性刚烈,议论正直,深得唐太宗器重。他的书法,笔势圆融遒劲,外柔而内刚。论者以为如裙带飘扬,而束身矩步,有不可犯之色。他的书法,得到智永的传授,继承了二王的传统,收到很好的效果,称得起接魏晋之绪,启盛唐之作,与欧阳询、褚遂良、薛稷号称初唐四大书家。他的楷书笔圆体方,外柔内刚,无雕饰气。 虞世南作书不择纸笔,却很注意坐立姿势和运腕方法。他认为,只要姿势正确,手腕轻虚,即使是粗纸,秃笔,信手拈来也能挥洒自如,别出新意。 相传有一次,唐太宗把虞世南召来说:「朕近日来,已命人将大明宫的巨幅屏风装饰一新。你才思敏捷,书法精妙,快把一百零五名烈女的小传用工楷写在屏风之上。」唐太宗边说着便拿出稿本,把这些烈女的主要事迹一一介绍给虞世南听。虞世南听完圣意,来到大明宫,凭着自己惊人的记忆力,一边挥毫,一边构思,在屏具上写了起来。为了保持脸部与屏面平行,虞世南忽而垫凳而上,忽而又弃凳蹲下,笔法纯熟,姿态稳健。只花了一昼夜的功夫便完成了任务。虞世南写毕屏风,犹无倦意,细心校阅一过,竟一字不误,一笔未改~ 他的传世书迹刻石楷书有《孔子庙堂碑》;行书有《汝南公主墓志铭》可与《兰亭序》比美。 1、《孔子庙堂碑》:楷书,为历代书法家公认之虞书妙品。 唐高祖李渊武德和九年(公元626年)十二月立碑。记唐高祖立孔德伦为褒圣侯并新修孔庙事。 2、《汝南公主墓志铭槁》:行书,温润圆秀,笔意近似宋代米芾,所以也有说是米芾的临本。唐太宗贞观十年(公元636年)书。 功臣二十一、刘政会 刘政会,滑州胙城人。高祖李渊欲起兵时,其副留breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 守王威、高君雅预先知道李渊要谋反,很想提前动手剪除。当时刘政会为太原鹰杨府司马,李世民就“恶人先告状”,派刘政会到议事厅先告王威、高君雅两人谋反,借机囚斩两人。武德初年,留守太原,为唐朝经营后方根据地,贡献很大。其间被刘武周俘虏过,还不忘秘密向李渊告知敌方军情。累任刑部尚书,光禄卿等职,封邢国公。贞观九年卒,谥曰襄。 功臣二十二、唐俭 唐俭,并州晋阳人。其父唐鉴与李渊就是老朋友。起事之初,唐俭就极力赞成。武德元年,升为中书侍郎。唐初之时,天下割据政权还有不少,唐俭与永安王李孝基等人一起被刘武周俘获。李渊元贞皇后的侄子独孤怀恩当时兵据蒲州附近,先前就与其属下元君实想反叛李渊。刘武周大军忽至,元君实也被抓住,和唐俭关押在一起,私下对唐俭抱怨:“独孤尚书如果早掌事,今天被俘之事也不会发生。”独孤怀恩趁乱从刘武周乱军中跑出,李渊还不知他先前曾想谋反,仍让他驻守蒲州。唐俭虽身陷贼营,仍对唐朝忠心耿耿,派亲信跑出告发独孤怀恩之谋。 当时坚守蒲州的隋将王行本以蒲州城降唐,高祖已乘船准备亲往蒲州与独孤怀恩相会,一起入州受降。船行到中路,唐俭密奏到,高祖大惊:“真是天命啊~”忙下命返航,派人抓捕独孤怀恩按验,怀恩畏惧自杀上吊而死。如果没有唐俭,李渊很可能以皇帝之尊被怀恩劫持,唐室必亡。李世民击破刘武周后,唐俭还朝,拜礼部尚书,授天策府长史,封莒国公,朝廷把抄没独孤怀恩的全部财产赐给唐俭。 贞观初年,太宗一面派唐俭为使说降匈奴,一面派李靖进军。大将李靖倒不在乎唐俭的性命,也不顾唐俭作为使者正在匈奴处,奇袭突厥,生擒颉利可汗。唐俭命大,竟趁乱脱身。回朝后,授民部尚书。后来有一次他随太宗打猎。太宗神勇如初,发四箭连杀四只大野猪,有只大公猪张着獠牙直冲御马,已至马镫,唐俭滚身下马上前搏击,太宗拔箭斩杀野猪,笑对唐俭说:“天策长史,你没见过我当上将击贼的样子吗,干吗这样害怕,”唐俭回答:“汉祖以马上得天下,不以马上治天下。陛下以神武定四方,岂复逞雄心于一兽。”太宗纳谏,为之罢猎而归。 高宗显庆元年(公元656年),唐俭卒于家年七十八,谥曰襄,陪葬昭陵。 功臣二十三、李勣 李勣,曹州离狐人。本姓徐,名世勣。高宗永徽年间,为避太宗李世民名讳,改单名勣。李勣年青时家本豪富,隋末徒居滑州。史称其“家多僮仆,积栗数千钟”,与其父徐盖都是乐善好施之人,拯救贫乏,不问亲疏。隋炀帝大业末年,李勣才十七岁,见天下大乱,就近参加了翟让的军队。他劝说翟让:“附近是您与我的家乡,乡里乡亲,不宜侵扰,宋、郑两州地近御河,商旅众多,去那里劫掠官私钱物非常方便。”翟让称善,于是在运河上劫取公私财物无算。有钱就不缺人,不久兵众大振。隋朝遣名将张须陀讨伐,翟让吓得要跑,李勣止之,与隋军两万多人交战,竟于阵中斩张须陀,大败官军。 当时,蒲山公李密参与杨玄感反叛,兵败逃亡。李weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 勣与浚仪人王伯当知道李密天下英雄,一同劝说翟让奉李密为主,以收买人心,扩大影响。 隋朝令王世充讨伐李密,李世勣多次拒战,以奇计在洛水两岸几次大败王世充,李密因此封他为东海郡公。当时河南、山东大水,饥民遍地,隋朝赈给不周,每天饿死数万人。李勣向李密进言:“天下大乱,本是为饥。如果我们攻陷黎阳国仓,大事可成啊。”李密听计,派李勣带五千人自愿武渡黄河掩袭黎阳仓隋朝守军,当日攻克,开仓招民众随便领粮,十天之间,就招募到兵士二十多万人。一年多后,宇文化及江都弑隋炀帝,越王杨侗即位于东京洛阳,赦免李密诸人,封魏国公,拜太尉。隋廷又授李勣右武侯大将军,命他们一同讨伐宇文化及。李勣守黎阳仓城,宇文化及率军四面攻城,形式危急,李勣从城中向往挖地道,忽然现身城外,大败宇文化及,解围而去。 讲李勣,不得不交待李密。李密为人,身先士卒,躬服俭素,号令严整,每战所得金宝都赐与手下将士,因此非常受人爱戴。在与隋军的交战过程中,威信日隆,号为魏公,他让祖君彦所作的《讨隋炀帝檄文》千古流传,辞采壮烈。后来李密与翟让之间产生矛盾,两人手下都劝他们先下手为强,其间原委,皆是由争权夺利而起,不是简单的“地主阶级阴谋家杀害农民起义军领神”那么简单,而且翟让为人简单粗暴,其兄翟宽与属下又数次侮辱李密手下兵士,逐渐结怨。李密最后在众人劝说下决定除去翟让,趁宴请机会斩杀翟氏兄弟。由于李勣当时是翟让属下,也被乱兵刀砍剑劈,遭受重创,李密见到后马上制止士兵的杀戮,李勣免于一死。翟让另外的大将单雄信等人叩首求命,李密都释而不杀。李密后来又多次打败隋军,最盛时有众三十余万,各地割据的首领都派使请他为称帝,李连渊也不得不上书推戴,肉麻地称“天生蒸民,必有司牧,当今为牧,非子而谁,老夫年余知命,愿不及此,欣戴大弟,攀鳞附翼......”屡战屡胜之际,李密军士有粮而无饷银,军士渐怨,几次反败于王世充。其间李密手下有人谋叛王世充,李密本想将计就计,趁王世充半渡洛水时出兵一举击灭。岂料天意弄人,王世充发军时,李密的侦察兵都没有发觉,等整军将战时,王世充军队已经全军渡河上岸。李密见大事已去,不得不率小股人马逃遁。本来李密想去黎阳李勣处,有人劝他:“杀翟让之时,李勣被乱兵砍伤差点死掉,他能不记仇吗,现在投奔他,靠得住吗,”最后,不得已之下,李密与王伯当投靠李渊。 当时李勣全统李密旧境,东至于大海,南至于长江,西至汝州,东至魏郡,一时间未有所属。不过李勣是真义士,他对长史郭孝恪说:“魏公(李密)已归大唐,如果我自己上表向唐主献地,是自邀功劳而彰主公败绩,还是把土地人口军人数目造册,总启魏公,让魏公自献。于是派使臣上表。唐高祖李渊听说李勣有使人来忙召见,一见只有给李密的信,很感奇怪。使人详细道明原委,高祖大喜,认为李勣“感德推功,实纯臣也~”马上下诏封李勣黎阳总管、莱国公,不久又加右武侯大将军,赐姓李氏,并封其父李盖为王,为李盖固辞,于是封为舒国公。下诏遣李勣部统河南、山东之兵以拒王世充。 李密归唐后,从前在信中对自己亲热过份的“老哥”李渊相待甚薄,只拜光禄卿的散官。不久,唐朝听说李密降于王世充的旧将纷纷离心,就派李密前往黎阳招降旧部。心怀怨望的李密行至洮阳,高祖李渊又派人召还他,疑惧之下,李密决定反唐。王伯当一直劝他不要反唐,但见李密意决,就横下心,说:“义士之立世,不以存亡易心。我一直受您厚恩,期待以性命相投。您不听我劝告,我肯定会和您一道起事,生死以之,但是恐怕结果也不会好啊。”隋唐之际,英雄辈出,男儿义气相应,很是感人。唐将史万宝、盛彦师早有准备,伏兵山谷,横击李密及王伯当等人,众人皆被杀。李密时年才三十七岁。虽然旧《唐书》称他“狂哉李密,始乱终逆”,但字里行间也不得不佩服此人breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 的倜傥奇才和爱人下士的仁德大度。 李勣听说李密被诛,上表请唐朝容许他收葬故主,唐庭诏许。李密服重孝,与从前僚属旧臣将士隆重地把李密安葬于黎山之南,坟高七仞,以君礼葬之,朝野闻讯都赞叹他的忠义。 不久,窦建德军擒斩弑隋炀帝的宇文化及,乘胜又大败李勣,并以其父李盖为人质,令李勣仍守黎阳。转年,李密趁机又归唐,有人劝窦建德杀掉李盖,可建德也是位磊落大夫,表示说“李密忠臣,各为其主”,派人送李盖归唐。后来就一帆风顺。李密协同李世民连平王世充、窦建德、刘黑闼、徐圆朗、辅公袥等人,功勋赫赫。其间,还有一个插曲可述。单雄信投王世充后,极受宠遇,也很卖命。李世民攻洛阳时,有一次与单雄信相遇,雄信号为“飞将”,艺高胆大,援枪直刺李世民,好几次差点追及把这位秦王捅落马下。(有史记载李勣当时在旁,对单雄信这位老哥们说“此秦王也”,“雄信惶惧遂退”,这肯定是小说家语,绝不可信,以单雄信性格,他肯定会枪挑李世民向王世充报功。王世充投降后,李世民把与唐军苦战的十几名大将列入处决名单,李勣泣请,以自己家财爵位换这位老哥们一命,由于先前差点被单雄信杀掉,李世民坚执不允。李勣无奈,与单雄信诀于大狱。单雄信埋怨他,“我固知汝不办事”。李勣大哭,用刀从腿上割下一块肉给单雄信吃掉,说“本来想随仁兄一起死,但谁来照顾你的家人呢。此肉随兄入地下,以表我拳拳真情。”单雄信死后,李密如家人般照顾他的妻子儿女,确是千古义气的典范。 贞观十五年,拜李勣为兵部尚书,还未赴京上任,薛延陀部又侵扰李思摩部落。李勣获唐廷委任为朔州行军总管,率轻骑三千追薛延陀于青山,大败敌师,斩名王一人,俘五万多人。(薛延陀部为匈奴别种,为铁勒族,对唐朝时叛时附)。回朝后,李勣遇暴疾,药方上讲治此病胡须灰可以做药引。唐太宗听说后,自剪胡须,为李勣和药。儒家礼仪,身体发肤受之父母,一般人都不会轻易损伤,何况九五天子,亲剪“龙须”为臣子做药引,诚为千古美谈。(明太祖朱元璋把大便晒干后也分赐臣下,显然就是暴虐王八蛋所为,是朱家天子的一贯作风,同唐太宗此举相去十万八千里)。李勣叩首见血以谢,感动得一塌糊涂。太宗说:“吾为社稷计耳,不烦深谢~”不久,君臣宴饮,太宗醺然对李勣 讲:“朕将以太子托付于您。您往年不负李密,今日必不会负朕。”李勣雪涕,誓以必死。俄而沉醉,太宗亲解御衣为这位勋臣盖上以免着凉,如此宠遇,古今罕有。 贞观十八年,李勣跟从太宗伐高丽,攻破辽东、白崖等数城。贞观二十年,又率军大破薛延陀部,平定碛北。 贞观二十三年,太宗李世民病重,临崩前对太子说:“汝于李勣无恩,我现在把他责出外贬。我死后,你再以新皇名义授他仆射(宰相)之职,受汝恩遇,李勣必致死力。”于是,诏出李密为叠州都督。其实,太宗大不可和李勣这样重义气的人玩这一手,有些人英明一世,却糊涂一时。李密也是一样,大败于王世充后,如果去投李勣,说不定东山再起,江山姓“唐”姓“魏”还都不一定。他也和太宗一样,以“小人”之心度君子之腹,认为李勣会因杀翟让时被砍重伤会怀恨在心,结果转路归唐,最后是龙虎入牢,再无出头之日。 weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 高宗即位后,立拜李勣为尚书左仆射。永徽四年,册拜司空。李勣为人小心谨慎,对于皇帝家事一概不过问。后世对他不反对高宗立武后一事颇有微词,笔者独以为不然。皇帝椒房内事,外臣权位再高,血缘再亲,掺和入宫闱之事无论成败,最终难逃一戮。李勣又非皇亲国戚,为人又深沉谨慎,加之太宗托负他的是社稷国事,所以他的表现实为中允,并非油滑臣下所为。因此,武后对他非常,对待李勣的老姐还亲自临问,赐以衣服,家人一般。 高宗乾封元年(公元666年),高丽权臣(官号莫离支)盖苏文病死,其子男生继掌国事,另外两个儿子男建、男产发难,驱逐男生。男生奔唐朝,恳求唐朝发兵相助。高宗任李勣为辽东道行军大总管,率军征高丽。乾封二年二月,李勣大军渡辽水,攻拨高丽重城新城。李勣一路连捷,直抵平壤城南扎下大营,男建不断派兵迎战,皆大败而还。不久,城内人投降唐军为内应,大开城门,唐兵四面纵火,烧毁城门,男建窘急,自杀未死。平壤城最终被攻下,唐朝共获一百七十六城,六十九万七千户。至此高丽国灭,分其地置九个都督府,四十一州,一百县,设安东都护府统管整个高丽旧地。自隋文帝以来,屡伐高丽,无一成功。隋炀帝四次伐辽,因此亡国。英明神武如唐太宗,御驾亲征,也因天寒少粮而无功罢兵。高宗继位,前后派兵部尚书任雅相、左武卫大将军苏定方、左骁卫大将军契必何力多次征讨,皆无功而返。直到李勣老将出马,乘高丽内乱,加之指挥有方,一举讨灭东边这个多年难拔的“钉子”,想必隋、唐几位皇帝如果地下有知,肯定惭叹不已。 李勣回国后不久,因征伐劳累而病重,卒,年七十六。高宗亲为举哀,辍朝七日,赠太尉,谥曰贞武,陪葬昭陵。 李勣一生,经战阵无数,所得赏物,大都分赐手下将士。大功成就,常推功于别人,故而人尽死力。重病后,只服皇帝送来的御药,家里人延请的的大夫一律不见。他说:“我山东一田夫耳,攀附明主,滥居富贵,位极三台,年将八十,岂非命乎,修短必是有期,宁能就医人求治~”临终之时,李勣忽然让其弟李弼置酒宴乐,堂下子孙满排而立。他对李弼说:“我自知必死,怕你悲哭,所以假装病情转好为此宴乐。你现在脑子清醒,听我讲话。我亲见房玄龄、杜如晦、高士廉等人辛苦建立门户,都被后辈破家亡人。我这些不肖儿孙,现在都交付给你,应细加防察,如有操行不伦、结交非类,马上打杀,然后奏之,以免倾覆家族......” 虽如此,李勣的忧恐最终成为现实。唐高宗崩后,武后临朝,随意废杀儿皇帝,大戮李唐宗室,武氏家族高官重权,天下人情怨愤。恰巧李勣孙子李敬业与两个兄弟都因受赃贬官,在扬州又遇见同遭贬斥的唐之奇、骆宾王等人,几个人趁机起事于扬州,旬日之间,竟有胜兵十多万。然而李敬业终属志大才疏之辈,也并非真的想力复唐室,纯属有个人野心的半吊子阴谋家。武则天派三十万大军,很快捕诛众人。此次起事惟王能影响后世的,是骆宾王那篇千古流传的《讨武盟檄》。武则天边读这篇大骂自己的文章,边赞叹不已,并讲“宰相之过,安失此人,” 平定李敬业后,武则天下诏追削李敬业祖、父官爵,创坟斫棺,复本性徐氏。李勣直系子孙诛戮无遗,偶然有旁支逃脱的,“皆窜迹胡越”。唐德宗贞元十七年(公元801年),吐蕃攻陷麟州,驱掠民畜而去。一行俘虏走到盐州时,有位名徐舍人的吐蕃将领,把几千汉人俘虏召集一处,对和尚延素说:“大师勿惧,我本汉人五代孙。从前武太后杀唐宗室,吾祖建义不果(当指徐敬业),子孙流落绝域,至今已经三代了。虽然我们几代居此,有兵有地,然思本之心,无忘于国。但至今旌属繁衍已多,无由自拨归汉了。”言毕,把几千作为奴隶breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 本来要累病死于吐蕃的汉人全被放掉。 英国公做梦也想不到,他一辈子都为唐朝在边疆和“夷狄羌狄”多个少数民族作战,殊不料自己残留的血脉最终竟也混同于其中,这真是中国历史上最大的黑色幽默。我对大儒王夫之一直钦服有加,惟独于他对李勣的评价大不以为然。王夫之讲:“李世勣始终一狡贼而已矣。......夫为盗贼而能雄长于其类者,抑必有似信似义者焉,又非假冒之而欺人亡实也。相取以气,相感以私,亦将宇之生死而不贰。......其然毕观李勣一生,于李密,忠也;于单雄信,义也;于兵士,恤也;于唐朝,始终如一,灭之高丽,功至高也。其孙李敬业反叛,皆非李勣力所能及,想所能想,以一后世乱臣贼子而追愤前人,实无可取。 (后记:李勣也是民间演义歪曲最甚的一个人。在《隋唐演义》中,他成了“牛鼻子老道”徐茂公,变成诸葛亮、吴用一类的军师人物,羽扇纶巾,掐指运算,诚为误导后人。) 功臣二十四、秦叔宝 《隋唐演义》,秦琼秦叔宝是绝对主角,以“秦琼卖马”为引线,牵出全书情节。殊不料二十四功臣中,秦叔宝竟排名倒数第一。虽然演义作者当初有心,非有本事把你最末一名变成正数第一。人民群众的力量是巨大的,二十四功臣中,以秦叔宝最为广大群众所熟悉,过年贴年画,说门神是神荼、郁垒没几个人知道,但都晓得一个是秦叔宝,一个是尉迟敬德。 秦叔宝,名琼,齐州历城人。隋炀帝大业年间,为隋大将荣国公来护儿帐下卫士。秦叔宝母亲病死,来护儿派人送钱送物吊孝。军士们议论纷纷:“士卒死亡以及兵将家里死人的很多,来将军从未吊问过,为什么单单这样礼待秦琼呢,”来护儿闻此议论,对左右说:“叔宝勇悍,又有志节,必当自取富贵,岂得以卑贱处之~”这位来公也是慧眼识英雄,见人下菜碟。(来护儿是江都人,和秦叔宝出身差不多,少年时常常发陈涉之叹:“大丈夫当取功名,安能久事陇亩~”后追随隋将杨素数次击贼有功,又从蒲山公李宽(李密之父)在现在的黄山一带破贼,进位柱国。炀帝即位,数被宠遇,几次征高丽均参与其中,并以平灭杨玄感被封为荣国公。最后一次击高丽,来护儿劝炀帝不要因高丽王假装称臣就撤兵,当时城破指日可待,炀帝不听,功败垂成。宇文化及江都弑帝,来护儿作为贵臣也为乱兵所杀。其长子来楷也以勇武出名,讨击群盗,所向皆捷,贼人为之作歌曰:“长白山头百战场,十十五五把长枪。不畏官军十万众,只畏荣公第六郎。”后与父一起遇害,诚为父子英雄。) 隋朝末年,秦叔宝在大将张须陀手下。这张须陀也是一个英雄,有一次以万人对有众十多万的大盗卢明月,相持十余天,极尽且退,他对诸将士说:“我们撤退,贼兵一定追击我们,到时其营空虚,如以千人袭其大营,必定大胜。只是这个任务太危险,谁愿意去呢,”众将默然,惟独秦叔宝、罗士信自告奋勇。(罗士信十四岁从军,勇猛异常,《隋唐演义》中也是主人公之一。历史上,罗士信投唐,也是李世民亲密战友之一,最后在与刘黑闼争战中被俘,坚不投降,被杀,年仅二十八)两人依计行事,趁卢明月追击隋军时袭其大营,焚烧三十多营栅。卢明月奔还,张须陀带兵还击,大破十万之众,卢明月只和百十号人逃走。由此,秦叔宝威名大震。不久,他跟随张须陀击李密,哪知天外有天,张须陀军败身死。秦叔宝去武牢投奔隋官裴仁基(裴仁俨之父),不料不久裴仁基归降李密,秦叔宝就顺理成章成了李密大将。李密英明贤达,厚待叔宝,以他为帐内骠骑。在与宇文化及大战中,李密曾为流矢射中,堕马闷绝。当时左右奔散,追兵继至,只有秦叔宝一人捍卫左右,把李密救回营中。后来,李密败于王世充,这个胡人也久闻秦叔宝大名,署为龙骧大将军。与程咬金等人一样,秦琼对这个“卷发豺声,性多诡诈”的西域胡人后人很看不起,阵前告辞,奔投唐军。 高祖李渊亲自下命秦叔宝跟从秦王李世民征战,在美良川大战中,助李世民击降尉迟敬德,功居最多。高祖李渊专门派使臣赏赐叔宝金瓶,慰劳说:“爱卿不顾妻子,远来投我,又立功效。朕肉可为卿用者,当割以赐卿,况子女玉帛乎,卿当勉之。”由此而观,雍正给年羹尧写的信还不算太肉麻。唐朝革创之初,太需要叔宝这样的良勇之将了。接着,秦叔宝又从李世民击败世充、窦建德、刘黑闼等人。每次与秦王李世民征伐,只要敌方阵垒中有骁weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 将锐卒在阵前跃马招摇示威,李世民都会派秦叔宝去把对方“处理”掉。秦叔宝一得命,立即跃马提枪,万众之中必刺对方于马下,敌军人马群易,却会潮水般后退,场面煞是壮观。李世民以此“益重之”,叔宝也“以此颇自矜尚”,得意洋洋。(史书及此,似有贬意,不知何因)。 玄武门之变,从李世民诛太子建成和齐王元吉。太宗即位,拜左武卫大将军。此后,秦叔宝就一直患病在家,他常对人说:“我自少所经二百多战阵,屡中重创。大概前后受伤流出的鲜血有数斛之多,又怎么不生病呢。”贞观十二年,卒,赠徐州都督,陪葬昭陵。太宗特令在他坟莹内立石人马,以旌其战阵之功。贞观十三年,改封胡国公。 二十四公自左至右为: 蒋国公 司空、陕东道大行台右朴射屈突通 梁国公 司空、尚书左朴射房玄龄 勋国公 司空、陕东道大行台右朴射殷开山 莱国公 司空、尚书右朴射杜如晦 夔国公 开府仪同三司、辅国大将军刘弘基 赵国公 司徒、吏部尚书长孙无忌 邳国公 开府仪同三司、左骁卫大将军长孙顺德 申国公 司徒、尚书右朴射高士廉 卢国公 泸州都督、左领军大将军程知节 褒国公 扬州都督、辅国大将军段志玄 郑国公 司空、侍中魏征 郯国公 荆州都督、左骁卫大将军张公谨 谯国公 荆州都督、镇军大将军柴绍 卫国公 司徒、尚书右朴射李靖 陈国公 陈州刺史、吏部尚书侯君集 莒国公 开府仪同三司、民(户)部尚书唐俭 勋节公 洛州都督、刑部尚书张亮 英国公 太尉、兵部尚书李绩 河间王 司空、礼部尚书李孝恭 渝襄公 (民)户部尚书、洪州都督刘政会 鄂国公 开府仪同三司、右武侯大将军尉迟敬德 永兴公 银青光禄大夫、礼部尚书虞世南 胡国公 涂州都督、左武卫大将军秦叔宝 宋国公 司空、尚书左朴射萧瑀 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel
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