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国税和地税区别国税和地税区别 国税和地税分别交什么税 1、企业一般是根据企业的经济性质和经营业务来确定企业应缴纳的税种和税率; 2、从事生产、销售、修理修配的的企业一般要交增值税,增值税的纳税人分为增值税一般纳税人和小规模纳税人。一般纳税人是指工业年收入能达到100万,商业年收入能达到180万的企业,一般纳税人的税率是17%,可以抵扣购进货物的进项税金;小规模工业企业的增值税税率为6%,商业4%。增值税在国税申报缴纳。 3、从事提供应税劳务(餐饮、服务、广告、运输、咨询等等)、转让无形资产或销售不动产的企业要缴纳营业税。营业税的税率根...
国税和地税区别 国税和地税分别交什么税 1、企业一般是根据企业的经济性质和经营业务来确定企业应缴纳的税种和税率; 2、从事生产、销售、修理修配的的企业一般要交增值税,增值税的纳税人分为增值税一般纳税人和小规模纳税人。一般纳税人是指工业年收入能达到100万,商业年收入能达到180万的企业,一般纳税人的税率是17%,可以抵扣购进货物的进项税金;小规模工业企业的增值税税率为6%,商业4%。增值税在国税申报缴纳。 3、从事提供应税劳务(餐饮、服务、广告、运输、咨询等等)、转让无形资产或销售不动产的企业要缴纳营业税。营业税的税率根据行业不同,从3%到5%,个别的行业20%,如网吧等。营业税在地税缴纳。 4、企业所得税:是针对企业利润征收的一种税,基本税率是33%,另有两档优惠税率18%、27%。应纳税所得额(即税务机关认可的利润)在十万以上33%的税率,三万以下18%税率,三至十万27%。企业所得税有两种征收方式:核定征收与查帐征收,查帐征收是根据企业的申报的收入减去相关的成本、费用算出利润后再根据利润多少乘以相应的税率,算出应纳税金。核定征收就是不考虑你的成本费用,税务机关直接用收入乘以一个固定比率(根据行业不同),得出的数就作为你的利润,然后再根据多少,乘以相应税率。核定征收一般适合核算不健全的小型企业。2002年1月1日以后成立的企业,企业所得税在国税缴纳。(个人独资企业不缴纳企业所得税,而是在地税缴纳个人所得税)。 5、此外企业还交纳一些附加税和小税种。城建税和教育费附加是增值税和营业税的附加税,只要交纳了后者就要用交纳数作为基数乘以相应税率缴纳附加税。城建税根据企业所在地区不同,税率分为7%(市区)5%(县城镇)1%(其他),教育费附加税率是3%。小税种包括印花税、房产税等,此外还要代扣员工的个人所得税等。这些附加税和小税种都是在地税交纳。 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 具体国、地税的征收税种划分如下: 一、国税负责征收的税种: emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 负责征收管理的税种和征管范围 1(增值税; 2(消费税; 3(进口产品增值税、消费税、直接对台贸易调节税(委托海关代征); 4(铁道、各银行总行、保险总公司集中缴纳的营业税、所得税和城市维护建设税; 5(出口产品退税; 6(中央企业所得税;中央与地方所属企、事业单位组成的联营企业、股份制企业所得税;2002年1月1日以后新办理工商登记、领取证的企业、事业单位、社会团体等组织缴纳的企业所得税; 7(地方和外资银行及非银行金融企业所得税; 8(证券交易税(未开征前先征收在证券交易所交易的印花税); 9(境内的外商投资企业和外国企业缴纳的增值税、消费税、外商投资企业和外国企业所得税; 10(个体工商户和集贸市场缴纳的增值税、消费税; 11(储蓄存款利息所得个人所得税; 12(车辆购置税; 13(燃油税(暂未开征); 14(中央税、共享税的滞、补、罚收入; 15(国家税务总局明确由国家税务局负责征收的其他有关税费。 二、地税负责征收的税种: (不包括已明确由国家税务机关负责征收的地方税部分):营业税、企业所得税、个人所得税、土地增值税、城镇土地使用税、城市维护建设税、房产税、城市房地产税、车船使用税、车辆使用牌照税、屠宰税、资源税、固定资产投资方向调节税、印花税、农业税、农业特产税、契税、耕地占用税、筵席税,城市集体服务事业费、文化事业建设费、教育费附加以及地方税的滞补罚收入和外商投资企业土地使用费。 emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 国税: 月报,增值税,资产负债,损益表,附报资料 季报,企业所得税 年报,企业所得税,资产负债表,损益表,现金流量表 地税: 月报,综合报表一,个人所得税 季报,资产负债表,损益表 国税 IC税控卡(要抄好税再去哦~不然还要跑一次呢~) U盘(做增值税申报软件时不是要有一个数据上传--介质申报么,用来存那个的) 打印好的报表(做增值税申报时最后一项-查询打印,增值税总表3张、附表一、附表二、附表三、附表四各一张;当然自己要各打一 份备查) 下面是有的地方要有的地方不用的 购票本 本月所有销售发票(作废的也要) 上月最后一张销售发票和下一张空票(比如你这个月开到00162309,那下一张空票就是00162310) 地税 .填申报表 印花税,城建税。教育附加和土地使用税== 盖公章,拿到地税去, 教育附加如果多的话要交现金 记得 要带, emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 小规模的简单一些,只需要报个申报表就可以了。一般纳税人的要复杂点,正常程序是先抄税,再申报,最后到税务局报税,一般情况是10号之前,五一和十一延期7天 国税: 每月必须要报的表就是主表,表一(销项情况),表二(进项情况),资产负债表,利润表,附报资料表,这些表格都是每月必报的。 地税: 个人所得税表,营业税表,印花税表(目前我们公司只涉及这三个税种),每一个季度还要申报资产负责表和利润表。 月底把帐轧完后,次月的1到10号必须要进行申报(如最后一天遇节假日可顺延). 如果是网上申报,做好纳税申报表包括主表(也就是增值税申报表),附表一(销售情况明细),附表二(进项税额明细),附表三(增值税专用发票申报抵扣明细),还有资产负债表和损益表就可以进行网上申报了;如果不是网上申报,就要带上以上的资料到国税大厅去申报. 地税相对要简单一些,根据增值税来报城建税(增值税的7%),教育附加(增值税的3%),堤坊(增值税的2%),还有教育发展税(销售收入的千分之一).如果有其它业务收入还需报营业税(其它业务收入的5%),相应的还有营业税的附加,即:城建税(营业税的7%),教育附加(营业税的3%),堤坊(营业税的2%),还有教育发展税(其它业务收入的千分之一).然后也要有资产负债表及损益表.到地税申报大厅里申报即可. 企业成立,必须要分别到国家税务局和地方税务局进行注册登记.过后,分别发给国税和地税的登记证书,而后才有经营权. emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 税务会计报税工作 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 目的:为明确税务岗位作业流程,最大限度地节约/利用资金,做到既及时缴纳税款,又合理地安排使用资金,特制订本作业流程。 职能:及时、准确地按税务机关的要求报送企业的相关信息及资料,缔造一个守法经营、按时纳税的企业形象,提高企业的信用度。 一、 报税作业流程 1.电子申报系统 1.1发票认证 1.1.1 报税员在每月30号或者31号前,审核从应付会计处取得的增值税进项发票(包括票面信息填写齐全、密码区打印在限定区域内、印章清晰完整、票面整洁无损),对不符合增值税发票要求的,退回采购员处,由采购员重新向供应商索取合格的增值税发票; 1.1.2 对合格的增值税发票进行电脑扫描、核对,将扫描好的数据保存在3.5寸盘或U盘,在30号或者31号拿到税务机关进行认证,税务机关将通过当期认证的信息反馈至提交的软盘中,当月认证完毕的进项发票必须在当月抵扣。 emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 1.1.3 将载有反馈信息的软盘读入电子申报系统,完成增值税进项发票的认证作业。并按税务机关的要求将已通过认证的发票按每本25份装订,以备查。如果作为固定资产退税的进项税额,则不允许进行抵扣,要在读入的信息后在系统中设置为“本期不抵扣”。 1.2抄税 1.2.1 抄报税是将防伪开票系统开具发票的信息报送税务机关。 1.2.2 报税员每月1-10前,在防伪开票系统对上月开具的销项发票进行抄税处理,将上月开具增值税专用发票的信息读入金税卡中向税务机关申报,抄税完成后未向税务机关申报前不允许再开具发票。 1.2.3通过申报则完成上月的抄税工作。完成抄税后,从防伪税控系统中把每月的销项发票导入电子报税系统中,形成销项税额。 1.3手工发票的录入 1.3.1报税员将每月开立的收购发票和取得的运输发票等其他进项发票在每月纳税申报完成前输入到电子申报系统中,作为当月的进项税额。 1.3.2 将当月开立的普通销售发票录入到电子报税系统中。 1.3.3其他应税劳务,将本月的无票销售情况,录入电子申报系统中,作为无票销售额。 1.4生成电子申报数据及报表 1.4.1完成进项税额及销项税额的基本采集工作后,按电子申报系统的要求填报增值税申报表等一系列报表(报表载于系统中),生成电子数据向税务机关申报并打印相关纸质报表。 2(免抵退申报系统: emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 2.1报税员根据政府统一格式的出口报关单(白单)录入免抵退税申报系统本期出口信息;根据已报关出口的报关单(黄单))、外汇核销单、出口发票录入本期单证收齐信息,完成后形成申报盘并向税务机关预申报,税务机关将电子信息反馈至报盘中再由企业读入该信息。 2.2读入预审反馈信息后,即可生成”免抵退”正式申报盘向税务机关进行正式申报,并打印 相关报表。 2.3”免抵退申报表”的数据应与”电子申报表”的数据核对,确保准确无误。 3. 个人所得税申报系统 3.1 录入公司员工基本资料 3.2 每月工资核算后,跟工资核算员索取每月公司员工薪资情况表,导入系统中,计算所得税额是否跟薪资表结果一样。 4. 地方税收纳税申报 4.1 根据总帐人员提供的娱乐城营收收入/本月申报国税的征税货物和劳务销售额,录入纳税申报表中。 按照本月开具的租赁业发票/服务业发票的金额录入纳税申报表。 4.2 4.3 填写本月发票的领用存 5. 企业所得税申报 emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 5.1 每季终了后15日内申报本月经营利润。 5.2 年度终了后4个月内,向国税局申报企业所得税计算清交的详细资料。 二、 税款申报作业流程 2.1抄报税完成后,企业就可以进行本月电子申报及免抵退申报。一般情况下销项税额与进项税额的差额就是本月应纳税额(应纳增值税额=当期销项税额-当期进项税额)。 如有出口销售则应计算出口退税额抵减当期应纳税额,其征退税差额本期应做进项转出。本月应纳税额=销项税额-进项税额=当期内销货物的销项税额-(当期进项税额+上期留抵税款-当期不予抵扣税额)-退税的金额,进项税额则等于本月认证的进项税额+收购发票+运输发票+海关完税发票等。 2.2报税申报资料 2.2.1国税 申报时间:次月1-10前申报上月税款。 申报: ?《增值税纳税申报表》及6个附表 ?《资产负债表》 emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of ?《损益表》 ?《免抵退税出口货物明细申报表》 ?《免抵退税出口货物单证收齐明细申报表》 ?《免抵退税汇总申报表》 ?《增值税专用发票认证结果清单》 ?《企业所得税申报表》(每季度终了15日前申报) 2.2.2地税 申报时间:次月1-15前申报上月税款 申报内容: ?《广东省地方税收纳税申报表》及其5个附表( ?《扣缴个人所得税汇总报告表》和《扣缴个人所得税明细报关表》 2.2.3报表审核: 报税员将以上报表按要求打印,由财务经理审核,交副董办秘书安排签章及盖印,即可向税务机关进行申报. emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 三、 税款缴纳作业流程 增值税申报之后,税务机关开具税款缴款书,付款核准后出纳员加盖预留印鉴,将缴款书送至开户银行(税款的缴纳须在10日前,地税15日前,遇节 假日顺延),由银行进行转账处理,完成税款缴纳工作。 四、 相关资料的存档 每月报税后,将有税务机关确认的《增值税发票认证书》、《电子申报系统一系列报表》、《免抵退税汇总申报表》、《免抵退 税供货报告》、《季度/年度企业所得税申报表》、《个人所得税申报表》按每月一册装袋处理,年底统一装订归档。 emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of
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