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张裕干红红酒广告策划书 (2)

2018-10-05 24页 doc 66KB 5阅读




张裕干红红酒广告策划书 (2)张裕干红红酒广告策划书 (2) 品味决定生活 目 录 前言 一 市场分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 1 (一)张裕葡萄酿酒历史简介 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 1 (二)文化传播,培育市场 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 1 (三)营销兴企”,网络致胜 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 3 二 产品分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 4 (一)产品系列 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 4 (二)产品特点 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 7 三 消费者分析„„„„„„„„„...
张裕干红红酒广告策划书 (2)
张裕干红红酒广告书 (2) 品味决定生活 目 录 前言 一 市场分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 1 (一)张裕葡萄酿酒历史简介 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 1 (二)文化传播,培育市场 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 1 (三)营销兴企”,网络致胜 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 3 二 产品分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 4 (一)产品系列 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 4 (二)产品特点 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 7 三 消费者分析„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 8 四 全国分销网络„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 10 五 产品策略 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„12 (一)目标市场策略 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 12 (二)产品定位策略 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 12 六 广告策略„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 12 (一)广告诉求策略 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 12 (二)广告主题策略 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 12 (三)广告创意策略 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 12 (四)广告媒介策略 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 13 七 公共营销策略„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 13 (一)目的 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 13 (二)对象 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 13 (三)对象分析 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 13 (四)活动策划 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 13 八 广告效果评估„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 13 reinforcing ? declare hidden wall reinforcing ? test ? next step. Base plate Joint: reinforced joints staggered,aasxq Taiwan. C. According to the design prepared templates, connectors, and support, release agents, cleaning preparations for material preparation and manipulation tools. D. numbers after assembling, and paint release agents, specification pile up. E. place axis, template line level elevation, template, locate the line of control and the line of control, templates should do the leveling layer at the bottom. F. installation sequence: a. before installation check: must be carefully inspected before installation template edge level elevation, template, the line of control and the correctness of the line of control, check the smoothness of leveling layer at the bottom of the template, sponge form is correct, Complete. B. welding wall spacer bars: from the roof at 50mm, according to the axis of the wall wall positioning of welding steel, using steel @600 12, welding. Basements ' outer defence walls and air walls are made of steel @900 12, plum blossom features as wall thickness control based on, and positive and negative zero wall above the middle of the basement wall with grade concrete with wall support @600 plum blossom arrangement to ensure the wall thickness. C. template installation: template installation should be in place, calibration, and installation of 前言 情深张裕葡萄酒 移植丰台芍药花 且避蟹鳖写新句 已忘蒙难征莲华————康有为 一 : 市场分析 (一)张裕葡萄酿酒历史简介 张裕集团的前身是 “张裕酿酒公司”,1892年,由著名爱国华侨实业家张弼士投资300万两白银创办,是中国第一个工业化生产葡萄酒的厂家。1994年,组建成立了烟台张裕集团有限公司。1997年和2000年张裕B股和A股先后成功发行并上市,成为国内同行业中唯一同时发行A、B两种股票的上市公司。 经过110多年的发展,张裕集团公司已经成长为中国乃至亚洲最大的葡萄酒生产经营企业,至2004年末,张裕集团的总资产为23.7亿元,净资产为16.6亿元。张裕集团的主要产品为葡萄酒、白兰地、香槟酒、保健酒四大系列数百个品种。其产品在国内市场的综合占有率为20,以上,连年保持行业第一。 近几年来,张裕集团发展速度加快,以年均15,左右的速度增长,2004年,主要产品的产量为7万余吨,实现销售收入25亿元,利税6亿元,利润3亿元,三项指标均居国内同行业首位,在行业总额中所占比例也都在30,以上。在2004年的中国酒业百强评选中,张裕集团以6亿元的利税总额进入酿酒行业十强,位列第七,这也是进入十强的唯一一家葡萄酒企业。 (二)、文化传播,培育市场 虽然我国的葡萄酒市场潜力巨大,但由于生活习惯和消费水平的影响,目前中国的葡萄酒消费群体较小,人们对葡萄酒知识和文化的了解甚少,更谈不上对葡萄酒的鉴赏。因此张裕认为,对于葡萄酒市场这个有待培育的市场来说,传播文化就等于开拓市场。 reinforcing ? declare hidden wall reinforcing ? test ? next step. Base plate Joint: reinforced joints staggered,aasxq Taiwan. C. According to the design prepared templates, connectors, and support, release agents, cleaning preparations for material preparation and manipulation tools. D. numbers after assembling, and paint release agents, specification pile up. E. place axis, template line level elevation, template, locate the line of control and the line of control, templates should do the leveling layer at the bottom. F. installation sequence: a. before installation check: must be carefully inspected before installation template edge level elevation, template, the line of control and the correctness of the line of control, check the smoothness of leveling layer at the bottom of the template, sponge form is correct, Complete. B. welding wall spacer bars: from the roof at 50mm, according to the axis of the wall wall positioning of welding steel, using steel @600 12, welding. Basements ' outer defence walls and air walls are made of steel @900 12, plum blossom features as wall thickness control based on, and positive and negative zero wall above the middle of the basement wall with grade concrete with wall support @600 plum blossom arrangement to ensure the wall thickness. C. template installation: template installation should be in place, calibration, and installation of 而在文化传播方面,张裕有着独有的优势。张裕公司是中国最早的葡萄酒生产企业,在110多年的发展史中不仅创造了独具特色的品牌文化,也为中国葡萄酒文化写下了灿烂的一笔。在此基础之上,张裕近几年来加大了对积淀下来的丰厚文化资源的挖掘和传播力度。 始建于1992年、重建于2000年的张裕酒文化博物馆是中国第一座专业酒文化博物馆。博物馆通过历史实物、珍贵照片、翔实等,真实的展示了张裕公司100余年的传奇故事,向消费者展示了中国葡萄酒文化的无穷魅力,每年都吸引了大量中外游人前来参观。 2002年,张裕又与法国葡萄酒业巨擘卡斯特集团合资兴建了张裕?卡斯特酒庄,这是中国第一座严格遵循国际酒庄3S(阳光sun,大海sea,沙滩sand)原则兴建的世界级葡萄酒庄,集高档葡萄酒生产、旅游观光、休闲娱乐于一体,通过高档葡萄酒的整个生产过程的展示,宣传葡萄酒文化、引导消费者正确认识葡萄酒,理性消费葡萄酒,成为国内首家酒庄文化的传播阵地。 2004年张裕还设立旅游公司,深度开发文化旅游资源,以更广泛地传播葡萄酒文化和张裕品牌文化。目前张裕形成了以酒文化博物馆为中心,串联酒庄、葡萄基地、葡萄发酵中心、现代化生产线的旅游线路,以独具特色的内容和形式吸引了越来越多的游客。 张裕在全国各地设立的“张裕名品专卖店”都是统一规格,里面古色古香的欧式酒架,张裕百年来的重要历史图片、流光溢彩的张裕主流产品,成为展示张裕历史文化、品牌文化和普及葡萄酒文化的窗口。2005年3月,张裕又在广州成立了中国首个酒庄俱乐部——张裕?卡斯特酒庄VIP俱乐部,积极倡导和引领葡萄酒文化高端消费。该俱乐部还出版了一本会员刊物《葡萄酒鉴赏》,专门提供葡萄酒鉴赏的指导。 (三)、营销兴企”,网络致胜 在全球迈入整合营销时代的背景下,张裕确立了“营销兴企”的发展战略,在同行业中率先构筑起了一个全国性、多品牌共享的市场营销网络体系。在近几年的发展中,张裕始终坚持“终端致胜”的营销理念,不断扩大和完善营销网络体系,提升了营销网络竞争优势。 reinforcing ? declare hidden wall reinforcing ? test ? next step. Base plate Joint: reinforced joints staggered,aasxq Taiwan. C. According to the design prepared templates, connectors, and support, release agents, cleaning preparations for material preparation and manipulation tools. D. numbers after assembling, and paint release agents, specification pile up. E. place axis, template line level elevation, template, locate the line of control and the line of control, templates should do the leveling layer at the bottom. F. installation sequence: a. before installation check: must be carefully inspected before installation template edge level elevation, template, the line of control and the correctness of the line of control, check the smoothness of leveling layer at the bottom of the template, sponge form is correct, Complete. B. welding wall spacer bars: from the roof at 50mm, according to the axis of the wall wall positioning of welding steel, using steel @600 12, welding. Basements ' outer defence walls and air walls are made of steel @900 12, plum blossom features as wall thickness control based on, and positive and negative zero wall above the middle of the basement wall with grade concrete with wall support @600 plum blossom arrangement to ensure the wall thickness. C. template installation: template installation should be in place, calibration, and installation of 张裕采用三级营销体系,即销售公司总部——各销售分公司——经销处。其中,销售公司作为决策中心,分公司作为指挥中心,经销处作为执行中心,各自行使自己的职能。目前,张裕已在全国建立了39个省级分公司、500多个城市经销处。 2003年以来,张裕开始实施“一个布局,四个调整”的营销思想。“一个布局”即在全国所有发达的县级以上市场,都要有张裕的市场业务人员和一级经销商;“四个调整”即向高档产品、向酒店终端、向多酒种发展、向整合投入调整。经过一年多的实施,目前张裕已拥有1000余人的市场人员队伍和2700余家代理商队伍,形成了一个基本上覆盖全国所有发达县级以上市场的营销网络。在产品结构上,稳步向高档方向发展,酒庄酒、解百纳等高档产品的销量均以50,以上的高速度增长,成为国内高端消费群体的首选品牌之一。 (三)主要竞争品牌分析 1.法国葡萄酒 在法国,随着连续6年的出口暴跌,以及面临新世界市场扩展,葡萄酒领域面临着历史上最严重的危机和竞争性的挑战。专家指出,法国有很多因素制约着葡萄酒产业的良好运营: 存在许多独立的干预者,引起市场混淆并使市场缺乏灵活性。能够直接从酒庄卖到各种销售渠道或者卖给进口商的葡萄酒,在大多数时间,都卖给了位于销售环节中间的酒批发商和经纪人。 由于存在许多小型的生产者,供给显得太分散。应该考虑到法国拥有400个以上的法定产区,在这些产区中还应该加上本地酒和餐酒。这在消费者中间造成很大的混淆,他们记不住“国家-产区-商标”这样一个概念。生产成本过高:昂贵的劳动力和高价的地皮,以及高额的税收和直接间接税等,构成了法国葡萄酒业发展的一个障碍,这些都使葡萄酒变得十分昂贵。 2.意大利 葡萄酒业一直是意大利的传统优势行业,也是世界上仅次于法国的第二大葡萄酒生产大国。据意大利酿酒家协会数据显示,该行业涉及生产企业65万个,年销售收入超过130亿欧元,年出口约36亿欧元。葡萄酒行业产量中的55%为reinforcing ? declare hidden wall reinforcing ? test ? next step. Base plate Joint: reinforced joints staggered,aasxq Taiwan. C. According to the design prepared templates, connectors, and support, release agents, cleaning preparations for material preparation and manipulation tools. D. numbers after assembling, and paint release agents, specification pile up. E. place axis, template line level elevation, template, locate the line of control and the line of control, templates should do the leveling layer at the bottom. F. installation sequence: a. before installation check: must be carefully inspected before installation template edge level elevation, template, the line of control and the correctness of the line of control, check the smoothness of leveling layer at the bottom of the template, sponge form is correct, Complete. B. welding wall spacer bars: from the roof at 50mm, according to the axis of the wall wall positioning of welding steel, using steel @600 12, welding. Basements ' outer defence walls and air walls are made of steel @900 12, plum blossom features as wall thickness control based on, and positive and negative zero wall above the middle of the basement wall with grade concrete with wall support @600 plum blossom arrangement to ensure the wall thickness. C. template installation: template installation should be in place, calibration, and installation of 红葡萄酒,45%为白葡萄酒。意大利葡萄酒出口的前五大对象国分别是:德国、英国、荷兰、法国和奥地利。 二 产品分析 (一)产品系列 简 介 产品名称 一、 白兰地系列 张裕水晶蕴含自清末以来各个年份的陈酿,百年地窖贮存三十年以上,酒质XO金奖白醇郁,卓而不凡,盛于特制之水晶瓶中,表里如一,为中国白兰地兰地 之极品,具有收藏价值。 张裕木桶中国人自己酿制的第一瓶XO,在百年酒窖经过十六年以上的酝酿,XO金奖白品质尊贵超凡,口味香醇丰厚,独有橡木桶型包装,更显酒质纯正。 兰地 张裕可雅中国唯一的低度白兰地,具有XO的口味,秘方独到,精心调兑,口味白兰地 柔顺爽口,夏日聚会的首选佳品。 张裕拿破源自科涅克的一个故事,传说一八零五年,拿破仑大败奥军后,乘仑级白兰兴巡营,看到兵士痛饮克洛地亚家酿白兰地,拿破仑尝过后,连夸地 好酒,逐命名为拿破仑白兰地。张裕出品的拿破仑白兰地,系白兰 地的一种级别。酒精28度窖藏贮存十年酒质醇和甘冽色泽金黄, 口味纯正。 张裕VSOP经过八年之久的蕴藏,均衡的香醇风味,在同等级的白兰地中占有级金奖白成功地位,纯正品质,高贵华丽的包装,是高尚社交场合的至爱。 兰地 张裕VO级百年地窖,六年蕴藏;酒质醇郁,余味绵长;金顶长颈,益显尊贵reinforcing ? declare hidden wall reinforcing ? test ? next step. Base plate Joint: reinforced joints staggered,aasxq Taiwan. C. According to the design prepared templates, connectors, and support, release agents, cleaning preparations for material preparation and manipulation tools. D. numbers after assembling, and paint release agents, specification pile up. E. place axis, template line level elevation, template, locate the line of control and the line of control, templates should do the leveling layer at the bottom. F. installation sequence: a. before installation check: must be carefully inspected before installation template edge level elevation, template, the line of control and the correctness of the line of control, check the smoothness of leveling layer at the bottom of the template, sponge form is correct, Complete. B. welding wall spacer bars: from the roof at 50mm, according to the axis of the wall wall positioning of welding steel, using steel @600 12, welding. Basements ' outer defence walls and air walls are made of steel @900 12, plum blossom features as wall thickness control based on, and positive and negative zero wall above the middle of the basement wall with grade concrete with wall support @600 plum blossom arrangement to ensure the wall thickness. C. template installation: template installation should be in place, calibration, and installation of 金奖白兰风范;是有识之士的选择。 地 张裕VS级百年酒窖,四年蕴藏;酒液金黄,醇厚甘冽;瓶形秀顺高雅;送礼金奖白兰自用一样尽显独特品味。 地 张裕特种中国销量最大的白兰地,选用优质葡萄为原料,在橡木桶内贮存有金奖白兰两年,具有浓郁果香和橡木香,可加冰加茶,风味不变,是普通大地 众的实惠选择。 二、葡萄酒系列 张裕干红张裕干红葡萄酒是采用优良玫瑰香型葡萄为主要原料,经低温发酵葡萄酒 工艺酿制而成的一种干型葡萄酒。饮用最佳品温12-16摄氏度。干 红葡萄酒佐餐肉制品具特异风味。 张裕高级张裕高级解百纳干红葡萄酒以世界著名的解百纳品系中的品丽珠、解百纳干蛇龙珠、赤霞珠等葡萄品种为原料,经低温发酵精酿而成,为中国红葡萄酒 之首创,酒体丰满,具有葡萄的典型性,口感纯正,酒香悦怡,酒 质典雅独特。 张裕干白张裕干白葡萄酒选用优良玫瑰香型葡萄为主要原料,经低温发酵工葡萄酒 艺酿制而成的一种干型葡萄酒。饮用最佳品温10-14摄氏度。干白 葡萄酒佐餐海鲜品具特异风味。 张裕高级张裕高级雷司令干白葡萄酒选用世界著名的雷司令葡萄品种,采用雷司令干先进工艺技术酿造而成,本品果香浓郁、风格高雅,具有微酸爽口白葡萄酒 悦怡的特色,有效地保存了雷司令葡萄的营养成份。 张裕天然本品系选用优良红葡萄品种,以科学的酿造方法酿造而成,色泽优红葡萄酒 美,清亮透明,果香新鲜,酒香浓郁,营养丰富,是家庭和宴会的 饮用佳品。 张裕天然本品选用优良白葡萄品种,以科学酿造方法酿制而成。酒液晶亮透白葡萄酒 明,具新鲜悦怡的果香,酸甜适中、气味清爽、入口舒适,含有葡 萄糖、有机酸和多种维生素,营养丰富,为宴会和家庭饮用之佳品。 张裕玫瑰选用优良玫瑰香红葡萄为主要原料,经科学的酿造方法酿造而成。reinforcing ? declare hidden wall reinforcing ? test ? next step. Base plate Joint: reinforced joints staggered,aasxq Taiwan. C. According to the design prepared templates, connectors, and support, release agents, cleaning preparations for material preparation and manipulation tools. D. numbers after assembling, and paint release agents, specification pile up. E. place axis, template line level elevation, template, locate the line of control and the line of control, templates should do the leveling layer at the bottom. F. installation sequence: a. before installation check: must be carefully inspected before installation template edge level elevation, template, the line of control and the correctness of the line of control, check the smoothness of leveling layer at the bottom of the template, sponge form is correct, Complete. B. welding wall spacer bars: from the roof at 50mm, according to the axis of the wall wall positioning of welding steel, using steel @600 12, welding. Basements ' outer defence walls and air walls are made of steel @900 12, plum blossom features as wall thickness control based on, and positive and negative zero wall above the middle of the basement wall with grade concrete with wall support @600 plum blossom arrangement to ensure the wall thickness. C. template installation: template installation should be in place, calibration, and installation of 红葡萄酒 色泽优美,清亮透明,果香新鲜,酒香浓郁,营养丰富,是家庭和 宴会的饮用佳品。 三、香槟工艺酒系列 张裕葡萄张裕牌张裕葡萄红香槟工艺酒 香槟工艺醴泉牌张裕葡萄红香槟工艺酒 酒 本品系采用优质葡萄为原料,经分选、取汁、发酵配制而成的含饱 和二氧化碳的起泡酒。本品果香怡人,酸甜爽口,营养丰富,开瓶 声音清脆,泡沫细腻持久。是适于宴会和馈赠的佳品。 (三)产品特点 张裕干红葡萄酒是采用优良玫瑰香型葡萄为主要原料,经低温发酵工艺酿制而成的一种干型葡萄酒。饮用最佳品温12-16摄氏度。干红葡萄酒佐餐肉制品具特异风味。 干红的品质和个性是无与伦比的。采用传统的方法,气候土壤条件得天独厚。为了保护矜贵的葡萄树,葡萄园一般是不允许别人参观,雇用顶级酿酒大师。干红酒的个性温柔婉细,较为内向,不像其他的刚强个性。干红酒的花香、果香突出,芳醇柔顺。 三 消费者分析 根据饮用红酒的消费者 价值取向对消费者进行消费者分类,有红酒文化认知极高的懂酒人群、经常在星级酒店和高档餐饮消费的商务人群、私企老板与企业白领等新富人群、55岁以上的中老年保健人群等四种类型的消费人群。针对这四种消费者有一个简单的调查分析 消费者分类 比例 消费特征 价值取向 reinforcing ? declare hidden wall reinforcing ? test ? next step. Base plate Joint: reinforced joints staggered,aasxq Taiwan. C. According to the design prepared templates, connectors, and support, release agents, cleaning preparations for material preparation and manipulation tools. D. numbers after assembling, and paint release agents, specification pile up. E. place axis, template line level elevation, template, locate the line of control and the line of control, templates should do the leveling layer at the bottom. F. installation sequence: a. before installation check: must be carefully inspected before installation template edge level elevation, template, the line of control and the correctness of the line of control, check the smoothness of leveling layer at the bottom of the template, sponge form is correct, Complete. B. welding wall spacer bars: from the roof at 50mm, according to the axis of the wall wall positioning of welding steel, using steel @600 12, welding. Basements ' outer defence walls and air walls are made of steel @900 12, plum blossom features as wall thickness control based on, and positive and negative zero wall above the middle of the basement wall with grade concrete with wall support @600 plum blossom arrangement to ensure the wall thickness. C. template installation: template installation should be in place, calibration, and installation of 红酒文化认知15% 品质、文化 进口评分酒、极高的懂酒人庄园酒 群 经常在星级酒50% 重品牌和广告国产品牌年份店和高档餐饮效应、偏好高酒和进口庄园消费的商务人价酒 酒 群 私企老板、企25% 高知、高收、广告推广力度业白领等新富喜欢交际、追大的品牌和定人群 求时尚、注重位、包装新鲜 生活品质 的产品 55岁以上的中10% 注重自身保健国产主流品牌老年保健人群 和健康、看重的中、低端和 价格因素 地方品牌红酒 继而,网上进行发帖调查,得出 A知道,且消费非常清楚 B 听说过,A 经常喝,者对知道点感觉不错 C 没有,不B 很少见到拉菲知道 C 从来没喝过reinforcing ? declare hidden wall reinforcing ? test ? next step. Base plate Joint: reinforced joints staggered,aasxq Taiwan. C. According to the design prepared templates, connectors, and support, release agents, cleaning preparations for material preparation and manipulation tools. D. numbers after assembling, and paint release agents, specification pile up. E. place axis, template line level elevation, template, locate the line of control and the line of control, templates should do the leveling layer at the bottom. F. installation sequence: a. before installation check: must be carefully inspected before installation template edge level elevation, template, the line of control and the correctness of the line of control, check the smoothness of leveling layer at the bottom of the template, sponge form is correct, Complete. B. welding wall spacer bars: from the roof at 50mm, according to the axis of the wall wall positioning of welding steel, using steel @600 12, welding. Basements ' outer defence walls and air walls are made of steel @900 12, plum blossom features as wall thickness control based on, and positive and negative zero wall above the middle of the basement wall with grade concrete with wall support @600 plum blossom arrangement to ensure the wall thickness. C. template installation: template installation should be in place, calibration, and installation of 酒的相关情况。主要内容与统计结果如下: 问题1:您知道张裕干红葡萄酒么, A 知道且非常清楚 B 听说过,有印象 C 没有,不知道 问题2:在您的日常生活、各类约会、应酬、交际中是否经常喝到干红葡萄 酒吗, A 经常喝,感觉很棒 B 很少见到,一般喝其他酒类 C 从来没见过。 问题3:您在喝过干红葡萄酒后,对其整体感觉如何,(该问题只针对喝过 干红葡萄酒朋友) 四 分销网络 以下省市设有办事处: 省地区办事处 (市) 营销 分公 司 黑龙哈尔滨、大庆、齐齐哈尔、(佳木 江 斯、鹤岗、双鸭山)、双鸭山、(鸡 西、七台河)、牡丹江、海拉尔 吉林 (长春,松源,白城)、吉林、(通 化,白山)、(延吉,图们)、(四 平,辽源,通辽) 辽宁 沈阳、抚顺、大连、本溪(辽阳, 鞍山)、丹东、开原、铁岭、(盘 锦,营口)、(锦州,葫芦岛)、 (朝阳,赤峰)、(阜新,新民) 北京 天津 河北 (石家庄,邢台,沧州)、(唐山, reinforcing ? declare hidden wall reinforcing ? test ? next step. Base plate Joint: reinforced joints staggered,aasxq Taiwan. C. According to the design prepared templates, connectors, and support, release agents, cleaning preparations for material preparation and manipulation tools. D. numbers after assembling, and paint release agents, specification pile up. E. place axis, template line level elevation, template, locate the line of control and the line of control, templates should do the leveling layer at the bottom. F. installation sequence: a. before installation check: must be carefully inspected before installation template edge level elevation, template, the line of control and the correctness of the line of control, check the smoothness of leveling layer at the bottom of the template, sponge form is correct, Complete. B. welding wall spacer bars: from the roof at 50mm, according to the axis of the wall wall positioning of welding steel, using steel @600 12, welding. Basements ' outer defence walls and air walls are made of steel @900 12, plum blossom features as wall thickness control based on, and positive and negative zero wall above the middle of the basement wall with grade concrete with wall support @600 plum blossom arrangement to ensure the wall thickness. C. template installation: template installation should be in place, calibration, and installation of 秦皇岛,廊坊)、(承德,张家口, 保定)、(邯郸,衡水) 山西 (太原,忻州,阳泉)、(大同, 朔州)、(长治,晋城)、(临汾, 离石)、运城 内蒙 (包头,临河) 山东 (济南,泰安,莱芜,德州)、青岛、 (济宁,菏泽,曲阜,聊城)、烟台、 威海、(淄博,东营,滨州,维坊)、 (临沂,枣庄,日照) 河南 郑州、(漯河,许昌)、(信阳, 南阳)、洛阳、(三门峡,商丘, 新乡)、平顶山、(安阳,鹤壁, 濮阳)、(驻马店,焦作)、开封 上海 江苏 南京、(徐州,连云港)、(镇江, 扬州)、常州、南通 安徽 合肥 浙江 (杭州,湖州,绍兴)、(温州, 台)、(宁波,嘉兴,舟山)、(金 华,衢州,丽水) 福建 (福州,南平,莆田,宁德,漳州, 龙岩)、(厦门,泉州)、三明 江西 南昌 海南 (海口,三亚) 广东 广州、(南海,佛山)、(湛江, 茂名,阳江,梅州)、(汕头,潮 州,揭阳,汕尾)、(深圳,东莞, 惠州) reinforcing ? declare hidden wall reinforcing ? test ? next step. Base plate Joint: reinforced joints staggered,aasxq Taiwan. C. According to the design prepared templates, connectors, and support, release agents, cleaning preparations for material preparation and manipulation tools. D. numbers after assembling, and paint release agents, specification pile up. E. place axis, template line level elevation, template, locate the line of control and the line of control, templates should do the leveling layer at the bottom. F. installation sequence: a. before installation check: must be carefully inspected before installation template edge level elevation, template, the line of control and the correctness of the line of control, check the smoothness of leveling layer at the bottom of the template, sponge form is correct, Complete. B. welding wall spacer bars: from the roof at 50mm, according to the axis of the wall wall positioning of welding steel, using steel @600 12, welding. Basements ' outer defence walls and air walls are made of steel @900 12, plum blossom features as wall thickness control based on, and positive and negative zero wall above the middle of the basement wall with grade concrete with wall support @600 plum blossom arrangement to ensure the wall thickness. C. template installation: template installation should be in place, calibration, and installation of 广西 (南宁,北海,钦州,防城港,百 色)、(柳州,河池,桂林,玉林, 梧州) 湖南 (长沙,株州,湘潭)、(郴州, 衡阳,永州)、(邵阳,娄底,怀 化) 湖北 (武汉,孝感,咸宁,黄石)、(荆 州,荆门,宜昌,恩施)、襄樊 贵州 (贵阳,凯里,铜仁,都匀)、(安 顺,六盘水,兴义,遵义,毕节) 云南 昆明 重庆 重庆、(涪陵,南川,忠县)、(万 县,达川) 四川 (成都,都江堰,乐山)、(广元, 巴中)、(绵阳,德阳) 川南 (内江,自贡,荣县)、(雅安, 康定)、泸州、(攀枝花,西昌)、 (南充,遂宁)、宜宾 陕西 西安、宝鸡、(汉中,安康) 甘肃 兰州 新疆 乌鲁木齐 宁夏 银川 注:括号中的地区办事处由一个人负责,可视为一个办事处。 五 产品策略 (一)目标市场策略 价格比较高昂,所以它的市场定位也就比较高,目标消费群体为中高端消费者,如有红酒文化认知极高的懂酒人群与经常在星级酒店和高档餐饮消费的商务人群、私企老板与企业白领等新富人群。这部分类型的群体对于品尝红酒都有研究,对于口感与品质也有一定的见解,所以,拉斐酒在这方面有一定的优势,reinforcing ? declare hidden wall reinforcing ? test ? next step. Base plate Joint: reinforced joints staggered,aasxq Taiwan. C. According to the design prepared templates, connectors, and support, release agents, cleaning preparations for material preparation and manipulation tools. D. numbers after assembling, and paint release agents, specification pile up. E. place axis, template line level elevation, template, locate the line of control and the line of control, templates should do the leveling layer at the bottom. F. installation sequence: a. before installation check: must be carefully inspected before installation template edge level elevation, template, the line of control and the correctness of the line of control, check the smoothness of leveling layer at the bottom of the template, sponge form is correct, Complete. B. welding wall spacer bars: from the roof at 50mm, according to the axis of the wall wall positioning of welding steel, using steel @600 12, welding. Basements ' outer defence walls and air walls are made of steel @900 12, plum blossom features as wall thickness control based on, and positive and negative zero wall above the middle of the basement wall with grade concrete with wall support @600 plum blossom arrangement to ensure the wall thickness. C. template installation: template installation should be in place, calibration, and installation of 可以在产品的包装,品质上加深形象,提升它在高端市场的地位。 (二)产品定位策略 张裕干红葡萄酒,有着优良的品质和悠久的历史,它的原材料是采用矜贵的葡萄树。所以拉斐酒定位是高贵、优雅、矜贵的高端奢侈产品。 六 广告策略 (一)广告诉求策略 广告的诉求对象将是中高端消费者,讲究生活品质,懂得生活品味,让了解干红的消费者更喜爱拉斐,让那些新兴的富商与白领也加入对干红消费的行列。同时,广告的重点便是将干红的形象深入人心,让更多的人了解,更多的人购买。 (二)广告主题策略 广告的主题:品味决定生活。 (三)广告创意策略 不是生活决定品味,而是品味决定生活。通过邀请国际明星的同时具有一定地位的人士进行表演一则广告,广告的主题依据便是知名资深人士的形象将拉干红的形象进行一个侧面的烘托。 (四)广告媒介策略 (1)对媒介策略的总体表述 电视媒体(CCTV1、CCTV2、CCTV5) 奢侈品大厦的LED屏幕,各大商场的LED电视。 印刷媒体(广告牌、著名的时尚杂志、名人杂志、时代报刊) (2)媒介的选择与组合 拍摄广告加上宣传广告,需要的是拥有高品质的电视台媒体,通过高档大厦的LED屏幕的放映,再加上名流参加的红酒研讨会,通过著名的时尚杂志,时代报刊。 (3)广告发布与频率 reinforcing ? declare hidden wall reinforcing ? test ? next step. Base plate Joint: reinforced joints staggered,aasxq Taiwan. C. According to the design prepared templates, connectors, and support, release agents, cleaning preparations for material preparation and manipulation tools. D. numbers after assembling, and paint release agents, specification pile up. E. place axis, template line level elevation, template, locate the line of control and the line of control, templates should do the leveling layer at the bottom. F. installation sequence: a. before installation check: must be carefully inspected before installation template edge level elevation, template, the line of control and the correctness of the line of control, check the smoothness of leveling layer at the bottom of the template, sponge form is correct, Complete. B. welding wall spacer bars: from the roof at 50mm, according to the axis of the wall wall positioning of welding steel, using steel @600 12, welding. Basements ' outer defence walls and air walls are made of steel @900 12, plum blossom features as wall thickness control based on, and positive and negative zero wall above the middle of the basement wall with grade concrete with wall support @600 plum blossom arrangement to ensure the wall thickness. C. template installation: template installation should be in place, calibration, and installation of 目标广告到达率为30%,目标受众每月至少有一次通过各种渠道接触到广告。 七 公共营销策略 (一)目的:扩大张裕干红葡萄酒的知名度,树立与提升形象,深入消费者心中,从而扩大消费者的认知度,扩大销量。 (二)对象:希望,贫困山区。 (三)对象分析:这些处于社会底层的孩子,需要关爱,需要帮助,张裕公司的一次送温暖活动,一定会激起人们心中的共鸣,从而对张裕公司的声誉有很大提升,进而也就为张裕公司的产品做了次很有意义的广告。 八 广告效果评估 (一) 电视、报纸、网络以及户外广告通过文案有机的联在一起,形成强有力的感官冲击和视觉冲击。 (二)让消费者(至少使国内消费者)大部分知道并了解张裕葡萄酒,使产品形象在消费者心中的地位更加确定。 (三)产品的国内市场占有率持续增长,让消费者更加信赖。 reinforcing ? declare hidden wall reinforcing ? test ? next step. Base plate Joint: reinforced joints staggered,aasxq Taiwan. C. According to the design prepared templates, connectors, and support, release agents, cleaning preparations for material preparation and manipulation tools. D. numbers after assembling, and paint release agents, specification pile up. E. place axis, template line level elevation, template, locate the line of control and the line of control, templates should do the leveling layer at the bottom. F. installation sequence: a. before installation check: must be carefully inspected before installation template edge level elevation, template, the line of control and the correctness of the line of control, check the smoothness of leveling layer at the bottom of the template, sponge form is correct, Complete. B. welding wall spacer bars: from the roof at 50mm, according to the axis of the wall wall positioning of welding steel, using steel @600 12, welding. Basements ' outer defence walls and air walls are made of steel @900 12, plum blossom features as wall thickness control based on, and positive and negative zero wall above the middle of the basement wall with grade concrete with wall support @600 plum blossom arrangement to ensure the wall thickness. C. template installation: template installation should be in place, calibration, and installation of
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