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郭政民收郭政民收受外商贿赂案的应用郭政民收郭政民收受外商贿赂案的应用 郭政民收受外商贿赂案 被告人:郭政民,男,52岁,河北省灵寿县人,原系贵州省公安厅厅长。1993年12月14日被逮捕。 1992年9月,香港亚里澳工程贸易有限公司董事长、深圳新王朝酒店董事长、西安台湾酒店董事长、贵州丽晶娱乐股份有限公司董事长、外商金凯利(又名凌秉强,秘鲁籍,另案处理)到贵州从事商务活动。期间,经贵州省国际信托投资公司董事长阎××、贵阳市公安局副局长樊××介绍,被告人郭政民认识了金凯利。金要郭帮助他异地办理其妻刘艳及生意合伙人李宏(深圳新王朝酒店总经理)赴香港的单程通行...
郭政民收郭政民收受外商贿赂案的应用 郭政民收受外商贿赂案 被告人:郭政民,男,52岁,河北省灵寿县人,原系贵州省公安厅厅长。1993年12月14日被逮捕。 1992年9月,香港亚里澳工程贸易有限公司董事长、深圳新王朝酒店董事长、西安台湾酒店董事长、贵州丽晶娱乐股份有限公司董事长、外商金凯利(又名凌秉强,秘鲁籍,另案处理)到贵州从事商务活动。期间,经贵州省国际信托投资公司董事长阎××、贵阳市公安局副局长樊××介绍,被告人郭政民认识了金凯利。金要郭帮助他异地办理其妻刘艳及生意合伙人李宏(深圳新王朝酒店总经理)赴香港的单程通行证。郭政民示同意,遂从贵州省公安厅出入境管理处拿了两张《本国公民出境申请表》交金凯利填写并贴上相片,后由郭在申请表上签署“同意其申请”的意见,交有关部门办理。同年12月4日下午,郭政民将办妥的两份通行证交给金凯利,当晚金凯利宴请郭政民。饭后,金拿出3万元人民币,以“厅长基金”的名义送给郭政民。 1993年2月,被告人郭政民根据樊××的建议,同意吸收金凯利为贵州省公安厅干部。同月即办好各种手续。3月17日,郭政民又应金凯利的要求,为of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 金办理了贵州省公安厅工作证,明确金为副处级侦查员。3月19日,郭政民安排其长子郭×专程前往上海,将工作证送交金凯利。次日,金凯利拿出10万元人民币交给郭×,让他带回贵阳交给郭政民。当日,郭×乘飞机回到贵阳,将10万元人民币交给了郭政民。后郭政民之妻杨××分别于3月30日、4月7日以自己及郭政民的名义将此款中的8万元存入银行,定期三年。 1993年5月中旬,被告人郭政民赴美国考察期间,其妻杨××因病到北京治疗。金凯利得知此事后,即指使其手下职员艾×、贾××对杨××赴京治病予 、贾××分别从贵州丽晶公司、西安台湾酒店各提款3万元于5以照顾。艾× 月12日到达北京。5月17日,郭政民从美国回到北京,当晚与金凯利、艾×、贾××等人见面。当郭与金交谈时,贾××将郭政民的次子郭×叫到门外,将4万元人民币拿给郭×,郭×说:“我爸没对我说,我不能要。”贾××指着里面谈话的郭、金二人说:“那边谈好了的。”郭×便收下了4万元人民币。当晚,郭×将此款交给郭政民,郭政民说:“留就留下吧!等应急用。”此后,郭政民将这4万元存放在北京其妹处。 1993年12月初,被告人郭政民为掩盖其受贿事实,急于将所得赃款转移。经与樊××商量后,将前两次受贿的13万元作为公安业务经费支出,并叫领款人将领款时间倒签为1993年3月26日。 案发后,检察机关在贵阳、北京两地将郭政民受贿所得的17万元赃款查获。郭政民被捕后能检举揭发他人犯罪,经查证属实,有重大立功表现。 「审判」 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 贵州省贵阳市中级人民法院经过不公开开庭审理后认为,被告人郭政民身为公安厅厅长,利用职务之便,为他人谋取利益,收受他人贿赂达17万元之巨,其行为已构成受贿罪。当其罪行行将败露之时,又与他人合谋制造假象,掩盖受贿罪行,妄图逃避惩处。郭政民收受贿赂数额特别巨大,犯罪情节特别严重,社会影响特别恶劣,对国家危害极大,应依法从严惩处。该院依照《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第一百一十一条第一款、全国人民代表大会常务委员会《关于惩治贪污罪贿赂罪的补充规定》第四条第一款、第五条第一款、第二条第一款第(1)项、第十二条和《中华人民共和国刑法》第一百八十五条、第五十三条第一款的规定,于1994年9月5日判决如下: 一、被告人郭政民犯受贿罪,判处死刑,剥夺政治权利终身。 二、随案移送的赃款17万元人民币予以没收,上交国库。 一审判决后,被告人郭政民不服,向贵州省高级人民法院提出上诉。其上诉理由是:本案中的4万元是私人馈赠,不是受贿;另13万元是用于公安业务,不是转移赃款;本人有检举揭发他人犯罪的立功表现,原判量刑过重等。 贵州省高级人民法院经过二审审理认为,上诉人郭政民身为贵州省公安厅厅长,利用职务之便,为他人谋取非法利益,先后收受他人贿赂人民币17万元,其行为已构成受贿罪。一审判决认定的事实清楚,证据确实、充分,定罪准确,审判程序合法。郭政民收受贿赂数额特别巨大,情节特别严重,一审法院判处其死刑,剥夺政治权利终身并无不当。鉴于本案在二审期间,发现郭政民检举揭发他人犯罪经查证属实,有重大立功表现,可以从轻处罚。据此,该院依照《中华of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第一百三十六条第二项和《中华人民共和国刑法》第四十三条第一款的规定,于1995年1月9日作出判决: 一、维持贵阳市中级人民法院刑事判决中对郭政民的定罪和没收赃款部分。 二、撤销该判决中对郭政民判处死刑,剥夺政治权利终身的量刑部分。 三、郭政民犯受贿罪,判处死刑,缓期二年执行,剥夺政治权利终身。 「评析」 本案是在反腐败斗争中揭露出来的又一起贿赂要案。被告人郭政民身为党员领导干部、公安厅厅长,本应模范地遵守党纪国法,严肃地执行法律法规,而他却以权谋私,收受巨额贿赂,影响恶劣,危害极大。一是执法犯法,严重败坏专政机关的声誉。郭政民利用手中的权利,置党纪国法于不顾,尽量满足外商的非法要求,为其追逐非法利益大开方便之门,这是绝对不能允许的。二是卖官鬻爵,严重破坏党的干部政策。郭政民为谋一己私利,居然把专政机关的干部职位拱手出卖给不法外商。在他看来,只要有钱什么都可以卖,侦查员的职权可以卖,处级干部的身份也可以卖。这是赤裸裸的权钱交易,也是从内部瓦解无产阶级专政的背叛行为,必须坚决予以打击。 本案在审理过程中,郭政民对其先后3次收受金凯利17万元的事实供认不讳,但多次辩称其中13万元已用于公安业务经费开支,另外4万元属于私人馈赠,均不是受贿。这种辩解是不能成立的。事实表明,郭、金二人之间进行的是一种权钱交易,正因为郭政民利用职权为金凯利谋取了一系列非法利益,金凯利of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 才在不到半年的时间里先后送给郭政民17万元。透过现象看本质,金3次送钱给郭政民,既不是对公安机关业务经费的公开赞助,也不是私人之间礼尚往来的馈赠,而是对郭政民为其谋取非法利益的回报,同时也是与郭政民继续进行权钱交易的投资,是地地道道的行贿行为。郭政民利用职务上的便利为金凯利谋取利益从而收受其钱财的行为,完全符合受贿罪的特征。至于郭政民辩称13万元已用于公安业务经费一节,不过是郭政民在受贿问行将暴露之时,伙同他人弄虚作假转移赃款,用以掩人耳目而己,并不影响其受贿罪的成立。因此,一、二审法院对郭政民的无理辩解不予采纳是完全正确的。 附带指出,本案一审法院的判决在引用法律条文方面尚有值得商榷的地方。该判决书的理由部分,除引用刑法和全国人大常委会《关于惩治贪污罪贿赂罪的补充规定》的有关条款外,还引用了刑事诉讼法第一百一十一条第一款。这项条款规定:“人民法院审判第一审案件应当公开进行。但是有关国家机密或者个人阴私的案件,不公开审理。”判决书引用此项条款的用意,在于表明本案实行不公开开庭审理的法律依据,但在判决书的理由部分引用此项条款似乎并不恰当。因为法院在制作判决书时,整个案件已经审理终结,判决书的理由部分所要论证的内容,应当是被告人的行为是否构成犯罪,犯的什么罪,适用什么刑罚或者免除刑罚。因此作为对被告人作出有罪判决的判决书,在理由部分应当引用实体法作为定罪量刑的法律依据。如果在这一部分再夹杂引用有关是否公开审理的程序法,就显得不必要和不协调。 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development.
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