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公务员廉洁从政考试试卷公务员廉洁从政考试试卷 公务员廉洁从政、廉洁奉公 试卷满分:100 一.单项选择题(每小题2.0分,共60分) 1.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,党员受到开除党籍处分,()内不得重新入党。 A.五年 B.四年 C.三年 D.二年 自己得分:2.0 2.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,预备党员违犯党纪,情节较轻,尚可保留预备党员资格的,应当对其();情节较重的,应当 取消其预备党员资格。 A.批评教育 B.延长预备期 C.批评教育或者延长预备期 D.批评教育并延长预备期 自己得分:0...
公务员廉洁从政考试试卷 公务员廉洁从政、廉洁奉公 试卷满分:100 一.单项选择题(每小题2.0分,共60分) 1.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,党员受到开除党籍处分,()内不得重新入党。 A.五年 B.四年 C.三年 D.二年 自己得分:2.0 2.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,预备党员违犯党纪,情节较轻,尚可保留预备党员资格的,应当对其();情节较重的,应当 取消其预备党员资格。 A.批评教育 B.延长预备期 C.批评教育或者延长预备期 D.批评教育并延长预备期 自己得分:0.0 3.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,因过失犯罪被判处()有期徒刑或者被判处管制、拘役的,一般应当开除党籍。 A.两年以上(含两年) B.三年以下(含三年) C.三年 D.三年以上 自己得分:2.0 4.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,党纪处分决定作出后,应当在()内向受处分党员所在党的基层组织中的全体党员及其本人宣 布,并按照干部管理权限和组织关系将处分决定材料归入受处分者档案。 A.半个月 B.一个月 C.三个月 D.六个月 clearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed firmly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, switch should be consistent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation and location of the socket should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2) liquid level automatic control device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging boxes are plastic with rotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tide sealed lamps, porcelain lamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weight of more than 3kg, the embedded hook-bolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or plastic tube, ban the use of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover Panel joints and snapped the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) the lamps arranged orderly, symmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviation is less than 5mm. (9) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine location of evacuation lighting, signs should 自己得分:2.0 5.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,在案件的初核、立案调查过程中,涉嫌违纪的党员能够配合调查工作,如实坦白组织已掌握 的其本人主要违纪事实的,可以()处分。 A.减轻 B.从轻 C.免予 D.撤销 自己得分:2.0 6.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,按失职、渎职行为有关责任人员区分:(),是指在其职责范围内,对应管的工作或者参与决 定的工作不履行或者不正确履行职责,对造成的损失或者后果负次要领导责任的党员领导干部。 A.直接责任者 B.主要领导责任者 C.重要领导责任者 D.间接领导责任者 自己得分:2.0 7.《中国共产党党内监督条例(试行)》规定,对委员署真实姓名反映的问题、意见和建议,有关部门或人员应当及时(),不得扣 压。 A.汇报 B.受理 C.转达 D.处理 自己得分:2.0 8.《中国共产党党内监督条例(试行)》规定,党组织对于本地区、本系统、本单位事关全局和社会稳定的重要情况以及重大问题, 应当按照规定时限和程序向()或请示。 A.上级纪委 B.同级纪委 C.同级党组织 D.上级党组织 clearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed firmly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, switch should be consistent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation and location of the socket should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2) liquid level automatic control device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging boxes are plastic with rotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tide sealed lamps, porcelain lamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weight of more than 3kg, the embedded hook-bolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or plastic tube, ban the use of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover Panel joints and snapped the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) the lamps arranged orderly, symmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviation is less than 5mm. (9) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine location of evacuation lighting, signs should 自己得分:2.0 9.《中国共产党党内监督条例(试行)》规定,党的各级领导班子主要负责人应当带头执行(),支持领导班子成员在职责范围内独立负 责地开展工作。 A.首长负责制 B.领导责任制 C.分工负责制 D.民主集中制 自己得分:2.0 10.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,对于应当受到()处分,但是本人没有担任党内职务的,应当给予其严重警告处分。 A.警告 B.严重警告 C.撤销党内职务 D.留党察看 自己得分:2.0 11.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,党员受到警告或者严重警告处分,()年内不得在党内提升职务和向党外组织推荐担任高于其原 任职务的党外职务。 A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 自己得分:2.0 12.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,留党察看期限最长不得超过()。 A.五年 B.四年 C.三年 D.二年 自己得分:2.0 13.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,对于严重违犯党纪、本身又不能纠正的党组织领导机构,应当予以()。 clearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed firmly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, switch should be consistent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation and location of the socket should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2) liquid level automatic control device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging boxes are plastic with rotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tide sealed lamps, porcelain lamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weight of more than 3kg, the embedded hook-bolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or plastic tube, ban the use of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover Panel joints and snapped the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) the lamps arranged orderly, symmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviation is less than 5mm. (9) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine location of evacuation lighting, signs should A.撤销 B.解散 C.改组 D.合并 自己得分:2.0 14.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,组织、领导旨在反对党的领导、反对社会主义、敌视政府或者危害国家安全的非法组 织的,对策划者、组织者和骨干分子,给予()处分。 A.严重警告 B.撤销党内职务 C.留党察看 D.开除党籍 自己得分:2.0 15.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,在国(境)外、外国驻华使(领)馆申请政治避难,或者违纪违法后逃往国(境)外、外 国驻华使(领)馆的,给予()处分。 A.严重警告 B.撤销党内职务 C.留党察看 D.开除党籍 自己得分:2.0 16.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,传播谣言丑化党和国家形象,情节严重的,给予()处分。 A.严重警告 B.撤销党内职务 C.留党察看 D.开除党籍 自己得分:2.0 17.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,参加国(境)外情报组织或者向国(境)外机构、组织、人员非法提供情报的,给予()处分。 A.严重警告 clearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed firmly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, switch should be consistent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation and location of the socket should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2) liquid level automatic control device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging boxes are plastic with rotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tide sealed lamps, porcelain lamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weight of more than 3kg, the embedded hook-bolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or plastic tube, ban the use of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover Panel joints and snapped the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) the lamps arranged orderly, symmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviation is less than 5mm. (9) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine location of evacuation lighting, signs should B.撤销党内职务 C.留党察看 D.开除党籍 自己得分:2.0 18.《行政机关公务员处分条例》规定,对行政机关公务员违法违纪案件进行调查,应当由()以上办案人员进行。 A.2名 B.3名 C.4名 D.5名 自己得分:2.0 19.《行政机关公务员处分条例》规定,行政机关公务员受到开除处分后,没有新工作单位,其本人档案转由()管理。 A.原单位 B.父母所在单位 C.其户籍所在地人事部门所属的人才服务机构 D.社区 自己得分:2.0 20.《行政机关公务员处分条例》规定:受到处分的行政机关公务员对处分决定不服的,依照有关法律规定,可以申请复核或者()。 A.控告 B.申诉 C.复议 D.上诉 自己得分:2.0 21.《行政机关公务员处分条例》规定,有违法违纪行为应当受到处分的行政机关公务员,在处分决定机关作出处分前已经()的,不再给予处分;但是,依法应当给予降级、撤职、开除处分的,应当按照规定相应降低或者取消其享受到待遇。 A.退休 B.死亡 clearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed firmly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, switch should be consistent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation and location of the socket should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2) liquid level automatic control device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging boxes are plastic with rotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tide sealed lamps, porcelain lamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weight of more than 3kg, the embedded hook-bolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or plastic tube, ban the use of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover Panel joints and snapped the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) the lamps arranged orderly, symmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviation is less than 5mm. (9) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine location of evacuation lighting, signs should C.移居国外 D.失踪 自己得分:2.0 22.对法律、法规授权的具有公共事务管理职能的()中经批准参照《中国人民共和国公务员法》管理的工作人员给予处分,参照《行 政机关公务员处分条例》的有关规定办理。 A.企业 B.事业单位 C.社会团体 D.民间组织 自己得分:2.0 23.党员领导干部组织实施和执行《廉政》的情况,应列入党风廉政建设责任制和干部考核的重要内容,应作为对其()的重要依 据。 A.述职考评 B.评先评优 C.任免、奖惩 D.提拔晋升 自己得分:2.0 24.《廉政准则》规定,促进党员领导干部廉洁从政,必须坚持标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、()的方针。 A.教育为主 B.注重预防 C.预防为主 D.惩治为主 自己得分:2.0 25.《廉政准则》明确,党员领导干部廉洁从政是新时期从严治党,不断加强党的()和先进性建设的重要内容。 A.执政能力建设 B.和谐能力建设 C.统筹能力建设 clearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed firmly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, switch should be consistent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation and location of the socket should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2) liquid level automatic control device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging boxes are plastic with rotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tide sealed lamps, porcelain lamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weight of more than 3kg, the embedded hook-bolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or plastic tube, ban the use of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover Panel joints and snapped the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) the lamps arranged orderly, symmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviation is less than 5mm. (9) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine location of evacuation lighting, signs should D.创新能力建设 自己得分:2.0 26.《廉政准则》明确,按照建立健全惩治和预防腐败体系的要求,加强教育,健全制度,强化监督,深化改革,严肃纪律,坚持 自律和()相结合。 A.制度 B.监督 C.教育 D.他律 自己得分:2.0 27.《行政机关公务员处分条例》规定,对需要政府、政府部门决定的招标投标、征收征用、城市房屋拆迁、拍卖等事项,行政机关 公务员违反规定办理,情节严重的,给予()处分。 A.开除 B.降级 C.记大过 D.撤职 自己得分:2.0 28.《行政机关公务员处分条例》规定,行政机关公务员违纪行为情节轻微,经批评教育后改正的,可以()。 A.减轻处分 B.从轻处分 C.免予处分 D.不予处分 自己得分:2.0 29.《行政机关公务员处分条例》规定,行政机关公务员旷工或者因工外出、请假期满无正当理由逾期不归,造成不良影响,情节 较重的,给予()处分。 A.警告或者记过 B.记过或者降级 C.降级或者撤职 clearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed firmly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, switch should be consistent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation and location of the socket should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2) liquid level automatic control device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging boxes are plastic with rotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tide sealed lamps, porcelain lamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weight of more than 3kg, the embedded hook-bolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or plastic tube, ban the use of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover Panel joints and snapped the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) the lamps arranged orderly, symmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviation is less than 5mm. (9) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine location of evacuation lighting, signs should D.撤职或者开除 自己得分:2.0 30.《行政机关公务员处分条例》规定,行政机关公务员违反财政纪律,挥霍浪费国家资财的,情节严重的,给予()处分。 A.警告或者严重警告 B.记过或者记大过 C.记大过或者撤职 D.降级或者撤职 自己得分:2.0 二.多项选择题(每小题4.0分,共40分) 1.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,坚持党员在党纪面前人人平等的原则。即:()。 A.党内不允许有任何不受纪律约束的党组织和党员 B.凡是违犯党纪的行为,都必须受到追究 C.应当受到党纪处分的,必须给予相应的处分 D.有重大立功现的除外 自己得分:4.0 2.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》所依据的原则有:()。 A.党要管党、从严治党的原则 B.实事求是的原则 C.民主集中制的原则 D.惩前毖后、治病救人的原则 自己得分:4.0 3.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,坚持实事求是的原则。对党组织和党员违犯党纪的行为,应当以事实为依据,以()为准绳, 准确地认定违纪性质,区别不同情况,恰当地予以处理。 A.党章、其他党内法规 B.部门规章 C.国家法律、法规 D.行政规章 clearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed firmly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, switch should be consistent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation and location of the socket should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2) liquid level automatic control device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging boxes are plastic with rotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tide sealed lamps, porcelain lamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weight of more than 3kg, the embedded hook-bolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or plastic tube, ban the use of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover Panel joints and snapped the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) the lamps arranged orderly, symmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviation is less than 5mm. (9) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine location of evacuation lighting, signs should 自己得分:4.0 4.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,有下列情形之一的,可以依照规定从重或者加重处分:()。 A.强迫、唆使他人违纪违法的 B.串供或者伪造、销毁、隐匿证据的 C.阻止他人揭发检举、提供证据材料的 D.包庇同案人员或者打击报复批评人、检举人、控告人、证人及其他人员的 自己得分:4.0 5.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,留党察看处分,分为()。 A.留党察看半年 B.留党察看一年 C.留党察看二年 D.留党察看三年 自己得分:4.0 6.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,坚持资产阶级自由化立场,公开发表反对四项基本原则,或者反对改革开放的()等的,给 予开除党籍处分。 A.文章 B.演说 C.宣言 D.声明 自己得分:4.0 7.《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,组织、参加反对党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领、基本经验或者重大方针政策的集会、 游行、示威等活动的,对(),给予开除党籍处分。 A.策划者 B.组织者 C.煽动者 D.骨干分子 自己得分:4.0 8.根据《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,下列行为属于挥霍浪费公共财产应受到党纪处分的有()。 clearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed firmly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, switch should be consistent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation and location of the socket should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2) liquid level automatic control device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging boxes are plastic with rotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tide sealed lamps, porcelain lamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weight of more than 3kg, the embedded hook-bolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or plastic tube, ban the use of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover Panel joints and snapped the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) the lamps arranged orderly, symmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviation is less than 5mm. (9) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine location of evacuation lighting, signs should A.经商办企业的 B.用公款旅游或者以考察、学习、、研讨、招商、参展等名义用公款出国(境)旅游的 C.购买、更换超过规定标准的小轿车或者对所乘坐的小轿车进行豪华装修的 D.在国(境)外注册公司的 自己得分:4.0 9.《廉政准则》规定,禁止利用职权和职务上的影响谋取不正当利益。不准有下列行为:()。 A.接受可能影响公正执行公务的礼品、宴请以及旅游、健身、娱乐等活动安排 B.在公务活动中接受礼金和各种有价证券、支付凭证 C.以交易、委托理财等形式谋取不正当利益 D.利用知悉或者掌握的内幕信息谋取利益 自己得分:4.0 10.《廉政准则》规定,禁止违反规定干预和插手市场经济活动,谋取私利,不准有下列行为:()。 A.干预和插手建设工程项目承发包、土地使用权出让、政府采购、房地产开发与经营、矿产资源开发利用、中介机构服务等市场经济活动 B.干预和插手国有企业重组改制、兼并、破产、产权交易、清产核资、资产评估、资产转让、重大项目投资以及其他重大经营活动等事项 C.干预和插手批办各类行政许可和资金借贷等事项 D.干预和插手经济纠纷 自己得分:4.0 clearly, for maintenance management. 4. install (1) all sorts of switches, sockets and other equipment should be installed firmly, position accurate, when installing rocker panel, switches, switch should be consistent, generally up to "close" down to "off" switch should cut off the line. Switches the elevation and location of the socket should conform to the drawings, the same interior height difference should not be greater than 5mm. (2) liquid level automatic control device used in a variety of angle brackets, there should be galvanized. (3) fixed lamp hanging boxes are plastic with rotary table round table. (4) light bulb capacity of 100W or less, available resin lamp, 100W and the tide sealed lamps, porcelain lamps. (5) the wiring inside the lamp shall not be less than 0.4mm2 wires. (6) the chandelier with a weight of more than 3kg, the embedded hook-bolts, install lighting in the brick or concrete structures, should use expansion bolts or plastic tube, ban the use of wooden wedges instead. (7) the ceiling mounted light fixtures, border of the shade should cover Panel joints and snapped the ceiling panel, determine the size lamp open position, strictly according to the drawings. (8) the lamps arranged orderly, symmetrical when installing the vertical and horizontal center lines should be on the same line, deviation is less than 5mm. (9) the emergency lighting installation: according to the design and specifications to determine location of evacuation lighting, signs should
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