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沙发生产工艺中英版沙发生产工艺中英版 Outlook International Ltd. 6 -1- 1903, Nan Du Yin Zuo, No. 99 Wen Xin Road, Hangzhou 310012, China 沙发生产工艺 所有用于沙发的皮革/布料、风格、颜色、纹理、花样均以客户提供的原样或者工厂打样经确认签字样为准。标准是检验员最重要的第一个环节。 皮 所有用于沙发的皮革必须经过专业仪器的检测,测试项目包括:扩张强度、撕裂强度、断裂伸张率、擦色牢度(干擦和湿擦)、涂层粘着牢度、,,,染料迁移、耐磨损...
沙发生产工艺中英版 Outlook International Ltd. 6 -1- 1903, Nan Du Yin Zuo, No. 99 Wen Xin Road, Hangzhou 310012, China 沙发生产工艺 所有用于沙发的皮革/布料、风格、颜色、纹理、花样均以客户提供的原样或者工厂打样经确认签字样为准。标准是检验员最重要的第一个环节。 皮 所有用于沙发的皮革必须经过专业仪器的检测,测试项目包括:扩张强度、撕裂强度、断裂伸张率、擦色牢度(干擦和湿擦)、涂层粘着牢度、,,,染料迁移、耐磨损牢度耐高温、耐低温断裂、耐光牢度、皮革厚度等。测试结果必须达到相应测试指标。否则拒绝使用于我公司的任何产品。 二层 所有用的二层革与头层革匹配、包括纹理、着色和风格。包括以上与皮革的所有测试。 仿皮,移膜革 所有用于沙发的仿皮应达到质量要求(通过客户所指定的测试)其色泽在专用灯箱各光源下,都应该与正革匹配;方可使用。 辅料 所有产品选用的辅料都应按客户所指定辅料相符,未客户许可不可以擅自更换其它材料替代。 皮革检测项目及指标 检测项目 技术指标 耐碱(NaOH) (NaOH : 水= 2 :98) ?3级(一分钟试验) 抗张强度(Mpa) ?10 撕裂强度(N/MM) ?30 断裂伸张率(%) ?80 干擦(80次) 颜色摩擦牢度(级) ?4.0/3.0(级) 湿擦(50次) 涂层粘着牢度 ?2.5N/10MM 厚度(MM) ?0.1MM PVC染料迁移(80?3小时) 无 耐摩损牢度(8000次) 无损伤 耐高温粘着(80?2小时) 不粘 耐光牢度(级) 72小时?3级 XL-250A型拉力机 FOUR ARM PRECISION LDS-20D数字式材料试验机 检测用主要仪器: GJ9GI型颜色磨擦牢度测定仪 SC101-1型鼓风电热恒温干燥箱 SOLARBOX--1500 GJ9BI型皮革厚度测定仪 GB/4689.1:GB/4689.2:GB4689.5:GB/4689.6 检测依据: GB4689.20: GB/8427-87:QB/T1327 布艺质量检验标准 一、 布艺的分类规定: 1、 机织布: I类:普通织物(除平方码重量小于8盎司的轻薄印花棉织物); II类:机织绒织物(如雪尼尔布)、簇绒织物、植绒织物; III类:平方码重量小于8盎司的轻薄印花棉织物。 2、 针织布: 粗号针织布:每英寸等于或小于15纵行数或横列数的纬编或经编针织品; 二、布的测试及标准: 项目 测试方法 标准 耐磨性能 ASTMD 4157 注明等级 1、机织物: I类织物:最小6磅 撕破强力 ASTMD 2262 II类织物:最小4.5磅 III类织物:最小4.0磅 2、针织物: 最小4.5磅 断裂强力 ASTMD 5034(抓样强力) 经向和纬向:最小50磅 ASTMD 5034 植绒织物:最小0.7%,最大5% 断裂伸长 UFS-1979-12 其它:最小1%,最大5% 耐 水:变色最低4级 沾色最低3级 耐水及耐溶剂色牢度 AATCC-1017 耐溶剂:变色最低4级 沾色最低3级 素色:AATCC-8 干磨:最低4级 耐磨擦色牢度 印花:AATCC-8 湿磨:最低3级 色织:待定 耐光色牢度 AATCC-16A或E 最低4级(光照40小时) 三、外观质量: 1、 色差: 1.)卷内无色差,包括横向左、中、右及纵向卷头至卷尾。不允许有任何外观上的色泽 不一致性,如色条、条花等。如同一卷布中有两段以上的布,每一段都必须来自同 一染色批或生产批。 2.)卷间的颜色一致性要符合客人确认的色差范围。(原则上要求同一定单的同一种布 卷间也不允许有色差存在) 3.)那些易出现色差的(如水洗布等),先请客户确认一个色差范围,不同批次产品的 颜色要控制在此色差范围内。 4.)绒面织物的色差:绒面织物绒毛的倒向会引起色差问,因此后整理及布卷的处置 要使卷与卷之间绒毛的倒向保持一致。卷装、储存、运输绒面织物时要将毛向的紊 乱降低到最低限度。当平铺布时,任何方向都不允许绒毛卷曲或布面折皱。 5.)对色光源:荧光、白炽光和自然光。在这三个光源下,被检验的布都要和标准样布 的色泽保持一致。 6.)对色标准样布:所有的标准应当存放在远离污染(包括煤气、光照、灰尘等)的地 方。 7.)标准布样的确认:以第一次大货为基础,由我公司,,经理签字确认并贴上公司标 签,以此为标准确定标准留样。标准留样一式四份,布厂一份, QC一份,杭州办 公室一份,配合的套厂(如卡森)一份,大家以此为标准对色、对花型、对经纬等 等。 2、 布幅宽度: 有效幅宽(边除外或针眼以内)不能小于54英寸,总的幅宽(包括边)不能大于60英寸。 3、 纬弓与纬斜: 1.)花板机织物:纬弓<0.5",纬斜<1.0"。 2.)花板针织物:纬弓<0.75",纬斜<1.0"。 4、 疵点和缺陷: 1.)经向疵点:与布边平行测量时长度大于6"的疵点和缺陷,标疵时,用黄色的线在开 始和结束处在布边标出。在黄线之间的码数应当从布卷总长中减去。在一英尺内有 两个以上的经向疵点应当看作一个疵点。 2.)纬向疵点:与布边平行测量时长度小于6"的疵点和缺陷,标疵时,用红色的线在布 边标出。每处红色标疵,从布卷总长度中减去30CM。 3.)每卷布允许标疵的个数: A. 非绒面布:平均9码布不能超过一个疵点,对于50码匹长的布不能超过4 个疵点。 B. 绒面布:平均7码布不能超过一个疵点,对于50码匹长的布不能超过6个 疵点。 C. 开剪规定:一卷布内的布段数不能超过2段,也就是说一卷布只能开剪一次。 最短的长度应当是15码无疵点的布,每次铺的层数不可超过60层,对花的 不可超过40层。 4.)通常需要标的疵点包括:污渍、破损、断经、跳丝、粗纱、脱毛、断纬、带纡(重 叠线)叠纬等等一切暴露于布面且又无法修补的在沙发的任何部位都不可以接受的 疵点。 5、 花循环长度: 1.) 卷内、卷间的花循环长度大于或等于13”:误差不超过0.5";累积的最大误差不 超过1”。 2.) 卷内、卷间的花循环长度小于13”:误差不超过0.25";累积的最大误差不超过0.5"。 3.) 卷内、卷间的花循环长度大于27”:累积的误差不超过1”。 6、 布卷卷长: 1.)平均的布卷长度不短于30码。 2.)纺织厂标明的布卷总长和用户测得的总长之间的差异在?2%。 四、抽检: 1、 抽检数量不低于定单数量的20%。 2、 如果不合格率达到10%,则抽检数量再增加10%。如果不合格率仍达到或超过10%, 则认定此批产品为不合格产品,可以拒绝接收或工厂重反修后再按上述方法进行 抽检。 3、 不合格品的定义(满足任何一条均视为不合格品): 1.) 平均的布卷长度不短于30码。 2.) 纺织厂标明的布卷总长和用户测得的总长之间的差异在?2%。 3.) 一卷布能接受漏检,其中包括:结头、线头等不影响布的外观,但是可以修补的 疵点; 4.) 出现超标一处即视为不合格品; 5.) 有可疑印记面而又无法查明其产生原因时作为疵点处理; 6.) 漏标不允许超过两处(含两处)。 布沙发套验货重点 绒布质量: 1、 每卷布的颜色是否与客户确认样有较大差别;且卷与卷之间的色差是否达到四级 以上。 2、 布面上有无较多疵点如线头、接头、接点、断纬、缺经、粗纱、带纡 、跳纱等。 3、 布面上的花型及花纬是否与客户的确认样一致。 4、 要求布面上花的位置及花纬的大小尽可能一致。 裁剪 所有用于生产的皮的色泽应在客户确认的深浅范围内。任何超过客人确认的产品不得使用。(特别是油、蜡变风格的皮) 疵点的控制与要求。 开口伤:对于全粒面的皮,由于皮面未经修补,故常常存在没有愈合的伤口,这类疵点会影响皮的牢度,不可用。 烙印:对于全粒面和修面都可能有烙印,不可选用。 虻眼:牛虻的叮咬,牛皮上有洞,不可用。 手术疤:有缝合的痕迹,影响牢度。 存在皮革的边缘部位,特别是牛腹部和脖子部位。 死皱: 腐烂:牢度不够,不可选用。 血筋:过于严重的血筋皮,不可用. A部位不可用的疵点 (A部位是指: 坐垫正面和前侧, 靠背正面和上部, 扶手面及内侧, 前下.前扶手板等). 不同客户的具体要求可能有差异. 1、较为严重的愈合伤. 2、数量较为集中的愈合伤. 3、尺寸过长的愈合伤. 4、愈合伤口同皮的色泽不一致的愈合伤. 5、特别是牛腹部和脖子部位不能存在于产品的A部位. 6、明显的色块,不可用于A部位. B部位皮革要求 (B部位是指: 扶手外侧, 后下, 坐垫四周除前侧外的另外三边, 靠背四周除上侧个的另外三侧等). 1、过于严重的愈合伤 2、数量大且过于集中的愈合伤. 3、弹性很大的肥纹皮. 4、做好色泽的自然过度,不充许有过大色差. C部位是指所有隐藏部位 1. 腐烂的牢度不够的皮革不可选用 2. 色泽有迁移情形皮革不可选用. 3. 面积过大裂浆情形皮革不可选用. 裁剪的具体标准 1、裁剪用的生产模板应完整无缺,任何残缺的模板都应该及时更换. 2、对于有小范围可接受色差皮革,都应该注意同一部位的色泽自然过度. 3、严格按照A/B/C各部位的标准来控制皮面的疵点. 4、所有检验都应该有标准模板核对实样. 5、裁片对于产品的精准度是关键的一环,任一检验员都应该严格控制产品尺寸 精准度,及客户所制定的相对标准. 缝制: 1、 布艺类缝宽为1.2CM.皮革类缝宽为1.0CM 2、 布艺类针距为7针每英寸。皮革类针距为6针每英寸。 3、 刀眼对准,接缝对齐;无重针;无滑针,无脱针. 4、 吃势均匀,且皮面无针眼露白情形. 5、 嵌条圆滚. 6、 花型朝向与样套一致。所有毛向/排向更改须经客人认可.且缝合与标准相符。 7、 以上均与客户的样套及样板为准。(殊多特殊工艺请参照确认样) 8、 皮面无线头或污渍。 9、 嵌条缝合好后要圆鼓,且要顺平. 10、 双针线须平直,双针线要牢固,底面加扁带,(扁带颜色注意与皮革色泽对应,并长 出尺寸不低于30MM). 11、 所有产品使用线都要求与皮革色泽相符,除客人有特殊工艺外. 配线错误是工厂 最易出现的问题. 客人所要求选用的进口线不可用国产线替代. 12、 开缝与收口缝合地方必须打回针,且内缝合线宽度标准50MM。 木架 1. 所有木架结构必需能通过结构牢度测试 2. 所有选用材料都应控制含水率.木材在10%, 多层板在14%. 3. 木架组装时布胶均匀,结构无异响.木架结构尽量选用三角板固定. 4. 木架受力处,客人指定木材(硬杂木)材质,不可用松木替代,如:扶手面桦木或杂木 料, 装脚板都应该选用多层板结构. 5. 所选用锣钉连接部位必需沉入深度不低于四分之三英寸(12MM). 6. 不接受超过5MM公差的木架上线生产. 7. 所有出组立木架出钉产品都应该处理,方可上线生产. 8. 木架尽可能的打好线上生产的组立的沉孔,这样可以避免木架木方在加工中而裂 开. 9. 木架弧度必须保持对称性.圆顺。 10. 木脚可见部位无阴阳拼板,检验木架色泽是否有客人选用标准相符. 11. 脚沉孔深度都须达到一定深度,避免组装锣钉外露划伤地板.包括所选用的塑料脚. 12. 木脚安装保证四周间距一致.尽量选用模具装脚. 13. 木脚底面必需干净清洁,至使出运将不会导致弄脏客户地毡. 14. 包装木方选料无开裂,无大节疤,无树皮木,安装与外口垂直,固定牢固,任一不够强度 的木方不得使用. 座簧/背簧 1. 每一个座位不低于有9个宝塔簧. 2. 弹簧位置的摆放必须左右一致,均匀适中.摆放不均的座簧将造成座感偏移情形. 3. 所有背靠必须按要求用松紧带或S簧垂直固定 4. 所有背簧装订都应该使用标准模具定位,致使靠感均匀一致. 5. 所有搁脚使用松紧带交叉固定在木架上. 6. 检验弹簧规格尺寸.错误用簧是工厂易出现的品质. 座垫 1. 嵌条保持整齐顺畅没有弯曲纠结 2. 坐垫前侧嵌条不允许有接头 3. 嵌条与皮接头处不能有脱针 4. 坐垫转角缝成90度角,不要缝圆角;而客户要求圆角产品不接受方角情形。 5. 嵌条处结口只接受向后。 6. 等边间距一致,无大小情形。 7. 坐垫下的魔术贴要缝在适当位置,不要错开 靠垫 1. 嵌条保持整齐顺畅没有弯曲纠结 2. 靠垫背顶面嵌条不允许有接头,接头皮口在侧面可接受向下产品。 3. 嵌条与皮接头处不能有脱针 4. 靠垫转角缝成90度角,不要缝圆角,而客户要求圆角产品不接受方角情形。 5. 活靠垫与背靠相连接的拉链必须有皮盖庶住 6. 沙发两个靠垫与背靠相连接的拉链长度必须一致 7. 嵌绳内芯符合样套标准。客人选用的硬嵌条不可用同等大小的软嵌绳替代。 里布 1. 皮样须缝在坐垫下里布的选定的位置。 2. 里布布料都需要有通过客户所选定测试证,方可使用. 3. 里布上的魔术贴要缝在适当的位置,不要与坐垫下的错开 4. 所选用里布应与皮的色泽相近.除客人的特殊要求以外. 座垫填充及海绵 1. 所有海绵防火性必须达到所要求的标准 2. 边角到位分部均匀,整体平整,无空缺起鼓,不呈现块状. 3. 坐垫用海绵压缩指数都应该达到不同客户所指定的系数. 4. 坐垫海绵厚度至少达到坐垫皮套的高度 5. 坐垫海绵需要用喷胶绵或无胶绵包住 6. 复合海绵上下粘贴喷胶均匀,上下大小尺寸一致 7. 坐垫超出前裙边1/2” 8. 坐垫中间隙缝与前下拼接线对整齐. 开松绵及靠垫 1. 靠垫使用7D及15D开松棉混合物填充 (1:2) 2. 边角到位分部均匀,整体平整,无空缺起鼓,不呈现块状. 3. 靠垫必须将开松棉固定以免其迁移 4. 所有靠垫选用开松绵必须达到要求重量 弹簧/松紧带/铁架 1. 每一个座位不低于有9个宝塔簧.簧的选用与客人确认的规格一致.高低粗细 都应与确认样相符 2. 弹簧位置的摆放必须左右一致,均匀适中.摆放不均的座簧将造成座感偏移情 形. 3. 所有背簧装订都应该使用标准模具定位,致使靠感均匀一致. 4. 所有搁脚使用松紧带交叉固定在木架上. 5. 接绳工艺操作先拉好十字绳再拉米字绳,绳子应尽量拉紧,但不接受拉斜座簧情形. 6. 松紧带的订装工艺数量与客人确认产品相符.无松软歪斜情形. 7. 松紧带的宽幅及规格与标准工艺相符,且收口处打钉回叠 8. 背簧工艺不接受后压可触及背中侧板情形. 9. 背簧均匀排列,且拉簧都应有S型收口,扣压锁片松动情形都应调整. 钉 1. 胖钉的包覆面料与周围用料应相配,不得有色差. 2. 胖钉的面料要包紧,边缘折叠应整齐,帽扣应牢固. 3. 胖钉固定的深浅要保持一致.大小也要与样品相符. 4. 胖钉固定之后间距要均匀一致. 5. 装饰铜钉排列应整齐/平整/直处直挺/圆弧处过渡自然,间距均匀,固定牢固. 6. 铜钉斑点,脱漆,缺边,敲扁及色差都不能选用. 7. 铜钉钉装工艺应保持客人所选定的数量 8. 任何弯曲的外部配件都不可接受,每个木脚底部必须有一个白色脚钉 沙发生产工艺 1. 线缝要拉直 2. 嵌条保持整齐顺畅没有弯曲纠结 3. 扶手前板不能有皱摺,且牢固 4. 扶手上装饰性摺皱数量及位置必须保持对称一致 5. 扶手左右尺寸必须保持一致 6. 任一的产品下方的收口锯齿印不被接受出运. 7. 嵌条的装订必需直挺,高低左右间距都应该控制在标准工艺内. 8. 干燥剂存放产品内的必需订装牢固,且按客人所要求的数量存放. 9. 底布装订距角边最少不低于一公分,不接受直观可见封底布 10. 绷好后的扶手外侧及靠背外侧不可有皱纹 11. 所有木档在包前必须确认开松棉或海绵已包好 12. 确认皮下或任何暴露在外的部分没有枪钉突出 13. 确认铜钉颜色正确且排列方式正确,排列弯曲的不能接受 14. 裸露的木质配件按要求与主体部分连接 标签/吊牌 1. 所有选用标签都将是客人指定使用的标签 2. 所有商标/使用说明书/标牌/吊牌/合格证应根据不同客户的指定要求使用. 3. 所有标签都应按客人所指定的部位及数量粘贴. 4. 标签对应产品内外相符,对于出运产品条形码检验是致关重要的. 包装 1. 所有零售标签以及产品担保卡都按要求放置 2. 所有暴露的部分都必须用海绵包好 3. 宝利龙(泡沫塑料)与扶手外侧间要放一块海绵以免宝丽龙将皮面压出痕迹 4. 活动靠枕拉链要拉好并放入未端皮套内 5. 包装时先使用有拉绳的白色无纺布袋包住产品,然后按标准使用纸板及通气孔的塑 料薄膜包装,并有警示标签. 6. 纸箱用料强度/排版/字体大小及色泽都应按照客户选定标准 7. 按要求在外包装上贴好条码/或产品识别码. 8. 包装检验是否有附代配件移漏. 装柜 1. 检验货柜是否有积水或积油情形,清理干净方可进行装柜. 2. 装柜时确保产品的美观与清洁,包装无破碎情形.产品外包装无脚印. 3. 装柜时产品与产品之间保持紧密性.且装柜利用率不低于客人要求标准. 达不到利 用率的柜子须经客户认同后,方可出运. 4. 客户有要求存放干燥剂的货柜装货时应按要求存放其指定数量及部位. Manufacturing process of upholstered furniture The style, color and grain of leather used in upholstered furniture will definitely follow the original sample customers provide or sample signed by customers. Standards are so crucial to every inspector. Leather Any leather used in upholstered furniture should be subject to tests through special apparatuses. The tests include Tensile Strength, Tear Strength, Elongation (%), Colorfastness to Crocking (dry/wet crocking test), Coating Adhesion, PVC Dye Transference, Abrasion Resistance, Blocking Resistance, and Colorfastness to Light etc. All of the test results must reach the standards, or none of them can be used in our products. Split The grain, color and style of split should be consistent with those of leather. Both leather and split are supposed to pass all of above tests. PVC / Bi-cast All PVC used in the upholstered furniture should meet the requirements (and pass the tests specified by customers). Under all types of light source from light box, the color of PVC should be matched with that of leather before applying to UPH furniture. Supplementary materials The supplementary materials used in all our products should meet the requirements specified by customers. No material changing is allowed without customers’ approval. Leather/split tests and standards Tests standards (NaOH) (NaOH : = 2 :98) ?class 3.0(one minute) Alkali proof(NaOH)(NaOH:water=2:98) Tensile strength (Mpa) ?10 Tearing strength(N/MM) ?30 elongation(%) ?80 Dry crocking (80 cycles) Colorfastness to crocking ?class 4.0/3.0 Wet crocking (50 cycles) Finish adhesion ?2.5N/10MM thickness ?0.1MM PVC dye transfer(80?,3hours) Free of dye transfer Abrasion resistance(8000 cycles) no tore Blocking resistance(80?,2 hours) Not sticky Colorfastness to light 72 hours ? class 3.0 XL-250A tensile tester FOUR ARM PRECISION LDS-20D digital material tester Apparatus GJ9GI crockmeter SC101-1 oven SOLARBOX--1500 GJ9BI thickness gauge GB/4689.1:GB/4689.2:GB4689.5:GB/4689.6 Acceptance criteria GB4689.20: GB/8427-87:QB/T1327 Quality inspection for fabric Categorization of fabrics Woven upholstery fabrics Category I: flat fabrics except lightweight printed cotton fabrics of less than 8 ounces/sq.yard. Category II: Woven (such as chenille), tufted, and flocked pile fabrics. Category III: Lightweight printed cotton fabrics less than 8 ounces/sq.yard Knitted upholtery fabrics Coarse Gauge Knits: Weft Insertion and Raschel knits constructed with 15 or less wales and courses per inch. Tests and acceptance criteria for fabric tests reference Acceptance criteria Abrasion resistance ASTMD 4157 give clear indication of grading 1、woven fabric: I 6lb Min Tear Strength ASTMD 2262 II 4.5lb Min III 4.0lb Min knitted fabric: 4.5lb Min Tensile strength ASTMD 5034 warp/fill: 50lb Min ASTMD 5034 Flocked fabric:0.7% Min & 5% Max Elongation UFS-1979-12 The others: 1% Min & 5% Max to water:color chaning 4.0 Min staining 3.0 min Colorfastness to water AATCC-1017 To solvent: color changing 4.0 Min and solvent Staining 3.0 Min solid:AATCC-8 Colorfastness to dry crocking>=4.0 printing:AATCC-8 crocking wet crocking>=3.0 printing: undetermined 耐光色牢度 AATCC-16A or E 4.0 Min(40 hours) Colorfastness to light Visual appearance 1. Color deviation: a. Color remains consistent within each single roll, no matter between the left, middle and right or the ends of the roll. Any kind of color difference is not acceptable, such as that of streak, stripe, etc. If there’re more than two sections within one roll of fabric, each section should come from the same dye lot or cutting. b. The consistency of color between rolls should fall within the shade variation that customer has confirmed. (No color difference is allowed between fabric rolls of the same item under the same PO in principle) c. With regard to the fabrics(such as washed fabric) that are more likely to run into shading problem, please have customers confirm the shading range. Fabrics from different cuttings should belong to this range. d. Shading problem in chenille: the nap direction in fabric would result in shading problem. Post-treatment, disposition of the fabric roll should keep the nap direction consistent within rolls. Nap direction need to be as consistent as possible while packaging, storing and transporting fabric rolls. e. Light source:fluorescent light, incandescent light and natural light. Under above light sources, the color of fabric should agree with that of standard sample. f. Standard sample fabric: all the standard fabrics need to be stored away from places with contamination (such as gas, sunlight and dust) g.To set up the standard fabric, it should agree with first mass production and be confirmed and labeled by our QC manager, then 4 pcs of this fabric will be kept as standard, one for fabric mill, one for our QCs, one for HZ office and one for Kasen. Then, everyone can compare the color, pattern, and warp & fill direction of fabric in production with those of standard fabric. 2. Roll width: Effective width (except selvage, or section between needle eys) of any fabric should not be less than 54 inches and total width (including selvage) should not be more than 60 inches. 3. Bow and skew a. All patterned woven fabrics shall not exceed more than 0.5” of bow or 1.0” of skew. b. All patterned knit fabrics shall not exceed more than 0.75” of bow or 1.0” of skew. 4. Flaws and defects a. Warp direction flaws parallel to the selvages and greater than 6” in length shall be flagged with a yellow thread at the beginning and end of the flaw. The yellow threads shall be placed in the fabric selvage. The exact yardage between all yellow threads shall be deducted from the gross yardage. Two or more flaws within the same lengthwise foot shall be considered a warp direction flaw. b. Filling direction flaws parallel to the selvage and less than 6” in length shall be flagged by a red thread placed in the selvage. Each red thread means that 30cm will be deducted from the gross yardage. c. The number of flaws: a) Non- pile fabric: No more than an average of one flaw in every 8 linear yards, for a total of no more than 4 flaws in any 50-yard piece. b) Pile fabric: No more than an average of one flaw in every 6 linear yards, for a total of no more than 6 flaws in any 50-yard piece. c) Rules of cutting fabric: No roll shall contain more than two separate pieces within the roll, that is to say only one cut is allowed in one roll. The minimum piece or cut length shall be 15 flawless yards of the fabric. Each time at most 60 pcs of fabric are allowed to lay on each other while no more than 40 pcs of fabric with patterns are allowed. d) Flaws as below are to be clearly flagged: blot, damage, warp yarns cut off, depilation, filling yarns cut off, overlapped weft etc. Any exposed and irreparable flaw on surface of fabric is not acceptable. 5. Pattern repeat a. For woven fabrics having pattern repeats of 13 inches or more, the variation from the specified repeat from roll-to-roll shall be no greater than + or – 0.5 inch, a total maximum variation of 1.0 inch. b. For woven fabrics having pattern repeats less than 13 inches, the variation from the specified repeat from roll-to-roll shall be no greater than + or – 0.25 inch, a total maximum variation of 0.50 inch. c. For woven fabrics having pattern repeats greater than 27.0 inches, the total maximum variation shall be no greater than 1.0 inch. 6. Roll length a. The average roll length should be no less than 30 yards. b. The difference between the manufacturers’s stated gross yardage and the user’s measured gross yardage shall not exceed +/- 2%. Spot check. 1. The percent for spot check shall be no less than 20% of order quantity. 2. If the percent for rejection reaches 10%, then the percent for spot check will increase 10% more. If the percent for rejection still reaches 10% or more, then the product shall be rejected, or spot check will be performed again after repairing. 3. Definition of rejection (either of below will cause rejection) a. A roll with three or more reparable flaws effecting visual appearance in crown of thread, thread end etc. b. Only one place that exceeds the range of acceptance criterion will cause rejection. c. The controversial marks on fabric without clear reason are considered as flaws. d. It is not allowed to miss marking two or more flaws. Upholstery Inspection Emphasis Fabric: 1. Any excessive color variation on fabric rolls against the standard is unacceptable; the dye lot between rolls needs pass the test (colorfastness to light) up to grade 4. 2. Need to check flaws on both the face and backside of the cloth such as thread end, joint-in, loose stitches, broken end & wrap, coarse yarn, yarns ravels, floating thread. 3. Need to check if both design & nap direction match the standard agreed upon by customer. 4. The design width should be same on each repeat to avoid any off-center cutting. Cutting: 1. All leather hides used in manufacturing need to fall within the dye lot range of darkest and lightest agreed upon by Thomasville. No hides outside of this range will be acceptable especially for Oil and pull-up. The requirements on defects control: Open scars: on all top grain without being sanded or putty to cover the defects, it uses to showing unhealed defects, such defects should be avoided due to weakness in these areas of the leather. Brand marks: No brand marks are allowed on any part of the piece. Insect bites: No insect bites (holes) are allowed any where on the piece. Operation scars: the mark of operation will affect the firmness of leather. Belly wrinkles: the leather on belly or flank. Rotten leather: can’t be used on any piece due to weakness. Blood veins: the leather with excessive blood veins is not allowed to use. Defects are not allowed in A places: (A places consist of face sides of cushions, cushion borders, back pillows, back pillow borders, in arms, front seats, front tack borders and front arm panels.) they are some varied between different customers. a. The obvious healed scars. b. Concentrated and plenty of healed scars. c. Too long healed scars. d. Color variation between leather and healed scars. e. No belly /flank is allowed on A places. f. Partial color shade on two/three tones leather is not allowed. g. Proper dye lot matching on all parts of A places. Leather requirements on B places: (B places consist of out arms panels, out back panels, side cushion border panels, backside back pillow borders) 1. The obvious healed scars. 2. Concentrated and plenty of healed scars. 3. Flexible belly/neck wrinkles. 4. Proper dye lot matching, too much color variation is not allowed. (C places consist of all non-visible leather areas) C places: 4. Rotten and weak hides are not allowed to use. 5. Leather off-color is not allowed to use. 6. No any crackled leather is allowed on any piece. Cutting standard: 1. All the paper patterns for production need to be completed; any incomplete patterns must be replaced timely. 2. For the hides with color variation, need to be proper dye lot matching, light and dark places not allowed on a piece. 3. Need follow strictly the requirements on defects control of A/B/C places mentioned above. 4. The approved standard is the reference always when check the actual samples. 5. Cutting is one of vital steps for the product; inspector need follow all the standards and check all measurements as accurate as possible. Sewing: 1. All sewn seams to have a 1.2cm minimal selvage seam tolerance for the fabric; have a 1.0cm minimal selvage seam tolerance for the leather. 2. 7 sewing stitches per inch required on all seams for the fabric; 6 sewing stitches per inch required on all seams for the leather. 3. Need match notch and seams to line up, no duplicate /slip/loose stitches on any seams. 4. No exposed leather edge along the stitches. 5. Require straight welt cord with no kinks. 6. Design direction of fabric should be same as the approved sample covers. Nap direction need to be approved by customer. 7. All above need follow the specifications on sample cover and pattern sent by customers. (For special requirements refer to the approved sample covers). 8. Surface of leather need to be clean and without thread end shows. 9. All welts to be straight and kink free. 10. All double needle stitched seams to be straight and reinforced with tape behind the seam, (tape color to match leather color as close as possible). 11. Thread color to match leather/fabric color as close as possible except for the extra requirement by customer. Need pay more attention on unmatched thread, for the required import threads; factory can’t use the domestic thread as replacement. 12. All sewn seams need tack back 50mm at end of joint. Frame 1. All frames must pass frame fastness test. 2. Glue to be evenly applied, no sway when pushing, use comer block to fasten frames. 3. The points(aim panel) sustain stress can’t be pine, but be birch or others. The plywood for bun feet needs to be multilayer. 4. Screw needs to be sunk at lest 3/4”(12mm). F. Frames need to be with 5mm variation in size. 5. No exposed nail on frame. 6. Radians of frame needs to sustain symmetrical. 7. No color variation on visible part of bun feet. Make sure frame shade can match the standard. 8. Screw or plastic foot needs to be stapled to the point, incase exposed part scratch floor. 9. Bun feet need to be stabled in the centre by mold. 10. Make sure bun feet are clear, in case soil floor. 11. No split, dead knot, wood without bark in packing stick, fastened vertically to sofa face. Make sure the stick with good intensity. 12. Moisture content of wood must be no more 10%, plywood must be no more 14%. Back Cushion 1. Keep welt straight without crawl 2. No welt joint in front of the cushion 3. Joint of leather and welt need sewing well without unraveling 4. Cushion corner need be 90 degree without round corner 5. Leather flap for loose cushion zipper 6. Zipper joint inback and cushion must be same length Denim 1. Leather swatch is sewn in seat deck position accordingly 2. Denim needs to pass all specified tests customers request 3. Velcro sewn on seat deck must be in correct position to hold 4. The color of denim needs be close to leather used, except special requirement Cushion Filling & Foam 1. Foam fire-retardant meet CAL117 requirement. 2. Evenly filled with foam at corner without lumpy. 3. Support factor can meet requirements of different customers. 4. Foam thickness is at least up to the height of cushion border. 5. Foam is wrapped by Polyester fiber. 6. Cushion overhang is 1/2” beyond upper border. Back cushion fiber filling 1. Fiber filling should be mixtured of fiber 7 denier and 12 denier 2. Make sure an even filling without lumpy. 3. Weight of fiber must be correct. Coils 1. Each seat needs at least 9 coils. 2. Coils’ position need even at LFS & RFS to keep a good seating. 3. All back pillows need to be fastened by webbing or “S” coil. 4. Use template for back sinuous installation to keep an even back pushing. 5. Webbing to be crossed fastened on frame. Nail 1. The leather or fabric covers on nails needs to be resistant to the one used on sofa. 2. Material used on nail needs tightly with evenly pleats 3. All nails are fastened with the same depth. 4. The distance of nails keeps the same. 5. Brass nails keep tidy, straight, even with the same distance. 6. Spot, decolor, flat and color variation are unacceptable on brass nails. Upholstery 1. Straight stitch is necessary. 2. No crook welt 3. No wrinkle on arm panel 4. Pleats on both arm panels keep consistent. 5. The dimension of two arms keeps consistent. 6. Welt needs keep straight, wave height in the actable range. 7. Bottom denim should be at least 1cm from bottom edge. 8. No wrinkles on outarm and outback after upholstery. 9. All fiber and foam need to be packed well before upholstery 10. No pin-head protruding from leather underneath. 11. Brass nails curved aligned is not acceptable. 12. All wood parts exposed outside need be connected based on requirement to sofa, leather and other material needs to be tidy and smooth. 13. All distorting exposed parts are unacceptable, white glide needs to be attached on every wood foot. Label/Hanging Tag 1. Make sure all label is what guest request 2. Make sure all labels are placed with correct quantity and position 3. Make sure products correspond to right label, especial Bar Code Package 1. Make sure all labels on package are placed in correct position. 2 All exposed parts need to be packed with foam. 3.A foam needs to be placed between outside arm and , in case indentation shown on arm. 4. Zip head of attached back cushion needs to be hidden in zip leather end. 5. Wrap products with white non-woven ticking having pull rope, then wrap with standardized cardboard and air-bubble bag. Warning labels shall be attached also. 6. Follow the requirements to stick the bar code or product ID# outside the package. Loading 1. The container of shipment to be clean, no water or oil inside. 2. Make sure products ready for ship is tidy and clean, no breakage, or smut in package. 3. No room between packages in container, utilization rate needs to be up to requested standard, except guest confirms it is acceptable. 书中横卧着整个过去的灵魂——卡莱尔 人的影响短暂而微弱,书的影响则广泛而深远——普希金 人离开了书,如同离开空气一样不能生活——科洛廖夫 书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过去和未来文化生活的源泉 ——库法耶夫 书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者———史美尔斯 书籍便是这种改造灵魂的工具。人类所需要的,是富有启发性的养料。而阅读,则正是这种养料———雨果
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