

2017-09-01 50页 doc 153KB 24阅读




常用成语中容易读错的字安步当车常用成語中容易讀錯的字 安步當車 安分手己 白頭偕老 百廢俱興 to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prio...
常用成語中容易讀錯的字 安步當車 安分手己 白頭偕老 百廢俱興 to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low-down the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrument unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ensure 百戰不殆 百折不撓 暴虎馮河 暴殄天物 卑躬屈膝 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha2 奔走呼號 笨口拙舌 比肩繼踵 閉目塞聽 并行不悖 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o3 病入膏肓 博聞強識 不寒而慄 不脛而走 不咎既往 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha4 不可理喻 不省人事 不著邊際 殘羹剩飯 殘垣斷壁 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o5 滄海一粟 藏污納垢 草菅人命 插科打渾 車載斗量 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha6 乘人之危 懲錢毖後 嗤之以鼻 魑魅魍魎 重道覆轍 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o7 崇洋媚外 窗明几淨 垂頭喪氣 垂涎欲滴 猝不及防 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha8 打躬作揖 大腹便便 大興土木 簞食壺漿 丟三落四 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o9 東鱗西爪 動人心弦 獨闢蹊徑 度德量利 耳濡目染 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha10 發號施令 發聾振聵 發人深省 返璞歸真 方興未艾 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o11 防微杜漸 風馳電掣 扶危濟困 負隅頑抗 改弦易轍 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha12 隔三差五 功虧一簣 觥籌交錯 狗尾續貂 呱呱墬地 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o13 管中虧豹 海市蜃樓 駭人聽聞 汗流浹背 厚古博今 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha14 呼天搶地 怙惡不悛 誨人不倦 火中取栗 掎角之勢 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o15 家給人足 家喻戶曉 狡兔三窟 矯揉造作 揭竿而起 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha16 嗟來之食 金蟬脫殼 謹小慎微 驚世駭俗 居安思危 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o17 居高臨下 鞠躬盡瘁 開門揖盜 扣人心弦 膾炙人口 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha18 潰不成軍 狼奔豕突 老牛舐犢 樂善好施 離群索居 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o19 里應外合 厲兵秣馬 良莠不齊 量體裁衣 龍潭虎穴 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha20 屢見不鮮 滿載而歸 毛遂自薦 每況愈下 蒙頭轉向 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o21 民脂民膏 冥思苦想 摩肩接踵 目瞪口呆 南轅北轍 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha22 寧缺毋濫 寧死不屈 弄巧成拙 奴顏婢膝 排懮解難 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o23 蓬頭垢面 皮開肉綻 否極泰來 樸朔迷離 潛移默化 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha24 強詞奪理 沁人心脾 情不自禁 曲高和寡 人微言輕 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o25 忍俊不禁 目不暇給 如初一轍 如法炮製 如火如荼 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha26 喪心病狂 色厲內荏 少安毋躁 少不更事 設身處地 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o27 深惡痛絕 審時度勢 韜光養晦 天旋地轉 恬不知恥 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha28 鐵杵成針 同仇敵愾 兔死狗烹 唾手可得 外強中乾 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o29 剜肉醫瘡 萬馬齊暗 妄自菲薄 望洋興嘆 危言聳聽 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha30 微不足道 惟妙惟肖 為虎作倀 未雨綢繆 味同嚼蠟 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o31 聞風喪膽 穩操勝券 無微不至 蝦兵蟹將 瑕不掩瑜 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha32 下車依始 相濡以沫 相行見絀 心廣體胖 心灰意懶 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o33 心急火燎 心曠神怡 欣悅誠服 興風作浪 尋根究底 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha34 偃苗助長 養尊處優 么五喝六 咬文嚼字 一唱一和 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o35 一蹴而就 一帆風順 一丘之貉 一語破的 油煎火燎 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha36 游刃有餘 有的放矢 有朝一日 餘勇可賈 愈演愈烈 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o37 怨聲載道 越俎代庖 載歌在舞 瞻前顧後 真知灼見 quality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, ha38 振聾發聵 質疑問難 眾矢之的 諸如此類 裝模作樣 of prod. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection system, handling written delivery list. The transfer r and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, quality form a basis of the project when completengineehe workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advance written notice to the management company site eists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection system, each process was finished, filled in by tpecialning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representatives of the management company and the factory swork and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construction plan key single equipment prior to commissioent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the instrument device is not properly installed and redown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-nology to give the lowd techconstruction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thorough check, calculate construction materials antruction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General requirements to ensure smooth instrument to achieve high quality project. 5. instrument installation consensurers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulation and construction site safety regulations to ngineeut the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineering processes must inform the management company efessional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes installed on disqualification, shall not be carried o39 捉襟見肘 自怨自艾 縱虎歸山 e writsystem, each process was finished, filled in by the workers, technicians and construction quality inspection requests, advancof the management company and the factory specialists is confirmed, in order to perform. strictly quality inspection tives tion plan key single equipment prior to commissioning, shall report the test application by party representatives, representanstrument device is not properly installed and rework and, if necessary, corresponding with the related technical or construcent unit, with the active cooperation, so as to avoid the idown the construction workers. closely linked to pipeline construction of the instrum-check, calculate construction materials and technology to give the low roughequirements to ensure smooth instrument construction, instrument technician prior to construction workers, have a thoquality project. 5. instrument installation construction alternatives 5.1 5.1.1 the instrument construction methods General r to achieve hightion and construction site safety regulations to ensurecesses must inform the management company engineers check and a written record. strictly abide by the national regulang proalled on disqualification, shall not be carried out the next working procedure operation; important instrumentation engineerindling written delivery list. The transfer of professional process, must be fully installed quality inspection processes instem, haquality form a basis of the project when completed. strictly professional transfer of process quality inspection systten notice to the management company site engineer and QC personnel, make conclusions on construction quality in the future, 40
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