

2017-11-17 11页 doc 34KB 18阅读




德庆盘龙峡彩虹花田、森林矿温泉、八卦奇村两天德庆盘龙峡彩虹花田、森林矿温泉、八卦奇村两天 德庆盘龙峡彩虹花田、森林矿温泉、八 卦奇村两天 德庆县位于广东省中部偏西西江中游北岸,水陆交通方便。资源丰富,可发展资源型工业。历史悠久,是岭南古郡1996年被定为广东省历史文化名城。旅游行程 第一天深圳—肇庆午餐—德庆盘龙峡水车群 08:00指定地点接团,乘车到肇庆。 inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concr...
德庆盘龙峡彩虹花田、森林矿温泉、八卦奇村两天 德庆盘龙峡彩虹花田、森林矿温泉、八 卦奇村两天 德庆县位于广东省中部偏西西江中游北岸,水陆交通方便。资源丰富,可发展资源型工业。历史悠久,是岭南古郡1996年被定为广东省历史文化名城。旅游行程 第一天深圳—肇庆午餐—德庆盘龙峡水车群 08:00指定地点接团,乘车到肇庆。 inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 11:30享用午餐 12:30乘车到德庆(约2小时车程)。 14:30进入新开发的【盘龙峡生态旅游区】(不含上山车10元/人)(游览2小时),景区内有茂密的原始森林,空气质量达到国家的一级。团友们在这里可以看到罕见而壮观的【瀑布群】,最壮观处在不到200米的距离就有四五个落差达60多米的瀑布,远远望去犹如数匹骏马狂奔而至。西瀑布群则以雄伟闻名,其中一个名为腾龙的瀑布落差达90多米,可以与贵州的黄果树瀑布媲美。整个瀑布群落差近300多米,参inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 观极具特色的【水车群】。团友还可于青山绿水中令略惊险刺激的勇士漂流或悠游自在的逍遥漂流(漂流费用自理:勇士漂138元/人,逍遥漂68元/人),盘龙峡景区全新打造的【彩虹花田】是最洋溢春色之地。面积达到8000平方米的彩虹花田主要由七种不同颜色的鲜花来组成,薰衣草、牵牛花、万寿菊等鲜花精心选择,黄色、大红色、绿色、粉红色等花色巧妙搭配,加上欧陆风情十足的大风车,营造出一个可与北海道富良野花田媲美的七彩花田。放眼花田,缤纷的春天气息让你心情顿时愉悦起来。各位女士们也可以进入彩虹花田,追逐色彩斑斓的各种鲜花,或在花田中跟 inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clampingy2t2d 丹东温泉 www.0415wq.com 随彩蝶随意起舞,或尽情呼吸着清新的花香,留下这个春天最动人的照片。 16:30后在盘龙峡【森林温矿泉】(建议浸泡2小时)里好好过一次SPA瘾,把平日的腰酸背痛一扫而光。泡在自然石子垒成的池中,欣赏举目皆绿的茂密森林,闭目养神尽力感受着水的轻拂,静静地聆听大自然的声音,体验一种久违了的静谧与安宁。据悉,该温泉经地质矿产权威部门,除含人体必需的常量元素外,还含对人体健康必需的微量元素达九种以上,氡和硅酸的含量分别高达657Bq/升和62.3inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 毫克/升,超过医疗矿泉命名标准,被命名为天然氡泉和硅酸泉 19:00后前往享用晚餐。 20:00后乘车前往入住县城酒店,晚上自由活动。 第二天肇庆白沙龙母庙—裹蒸粽作坊—竹缘—八卦奇村—深圳 08:00早餐 08:30后乘车返回肇庆(约2小时) inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clampingy2t2d 丹东温泉 www.0415wq.com 10:00抵达后游览端州古八景之白沙影月,更登【白沙龙母庙】(参观40分钟),此庙始建于明代,因沿西江来往的船夫过大鼎峡必定于龙母庙上香求得平安,2002年翻修扩建龙母庙更为雄伟,岭南建筑的精髓庙内梁、柱、桁、檐,几乎全是木雕、砖雕、石雕、灰雕、陶雕,精妙绝伦的艺术品目不暇接,令人叹为观止。后车观有“端州长城”美称的【古宋城墙】(车观),该城墙周长2800米,宋政和三年(1113年)将土城扩大,并筑为砖城。宋代始建的城墙至今仍然保存完整,全国罕见。 inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 11:00后乘车前往参观肇庆传统的【裹蒸作坊】(购物,约40分钟)制作作坊,团友可免费品尝粽子 12:00前往享用午餐. 13:00前往【竹缘】(购物,约45分钟)参观了解各式各样的竹制品。例如竹纤维做的毛巾、袜子,还有竹盐、竹炭、竹醋液等制品,真是古人的那句“宁可食无肉,不可居无竹”所表现那样,从古至今竹子和我们中华民族的生活密不可分。 14:00后到【高要黎槎八卦村】(游览1.5小时), inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clampingy2t2d 丹东温泉 www.0415wq.com 八卦村是广东电视台,南方电视,香港翡翠电视,等众多媒体最新指定外景拍摄基地。最新100集电视喜剧《跟红顶白大三元》指定外景拍摄基地,后游八卦村儒教园,诵读《弟子规》,在感受圣人孔子儒家思想时,由山村老师释教《弟子规》之后在导游的带领下参观古村落,详细了解我国道儒思想和八卦古村天人合一完美结合,充分展现了我们祖先的聪明才智,村内四边山环绕,小桥流水,绿树成阴。一幢幢古老的青砖大屋围绕中间的圆心而建,密密麻麻地“挤”在一起。整条村庄就像一间大屋,一间大屋就成了一条村庄。黎槎村有条约600米长的环村小路,驾车转一圈,inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 可以感觉村庄是圆的~~后还可参加古村寻宝活动。还可在村内参与到父辈儿时的老游戏,(跳飞机、滚地圈、踢毽、打不死、扔沙包、做竹子„)。 16:00后结束愉快的行程返回深圳温暖的家~(约3.5小时车程)费用包含 交通:按实际参团人数安排空调旅游巴士; 景点:行程表内所列的景点第一道门票; 住宿:德庆县城 inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clampingy2t2d 丹东温泉 www.0415wq.com 用餐:三正餐一早(正餐8菜1汤); 导游:专业导游服务; 保险:旅行社责任险(请提醒客人旅游意外险);费用不含 自费项目、客人个人消费 行程外私人所产生的个人费用; 景点内游览车费用,园中园门票; 单男单女房差准三50元/人、挂四140元/人预定inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 须知 备注: 进当地2个特产购物店,需进店,但不强迫 10人-15人安排16座车、16-22人安排22座车、23-37人安排33、37座车、 38-49人安排45、49座车50-53人安排53座车 特别说明: 集合方式:7:30上海宾馆门口7:50深大北门8: inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clampingy2t2d 丹东温泉 www.0415wq.com 00宝安都之都 特别提示: 从即日起广东省星级饭店已取消免费提供一次性日用品,请您自带有关日用品,舒适环保旅游~ 从即日起广东公安厅规定入住省内所有酒店,都必须每人携带身份证方可入住。 此线路为散拼团线,10人以上成团,若人数不够10人,我社将提前一天(不含出发当天)通知客人,建议客人改期、改线路或者退团处理,我不做合同以外inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 的赔偿。 我司可以根据实际情况,在保证行程景点游览的前提下,对景点游览的先后顺序作合理的调整,如遇台风、塌方、暴雨、塞车等不可抗力因素造成的行程延误或不能完成景点游览,不视为旅行社违约,按《广东省国内旅游报名须知及责任细则》,旅行社不承担由此造成的损失及责任。 导游会于出团前一天晚上20:00前同您核对集合时间地点,出团当天请务必准时抵达集中地点,过时不候,望您体谅。 inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clampingy2t2d 丹东温泉 www.0415wq.com 旅途中请注意保管好自己的财物,如有发生财物丢失旅行社不承担责任漂流 注意事项 酒后、孕妇、或有心脏病等疾病患者及1.3米以下的儿童与60岁以上的老人和不宜进行激烈运动的游客谢绝漂流。 游客参与漂流请先购票,然后按要求穿好救生衣,戴好安全帽,在指定地点按顺序登车,前往漂流起点。 贵重物品请妥善保管好,不宜携带忌湿水物品进inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping 行漂流。 请在本救生人员指导下进行漂流,在漂流过程中,服从救生员的指挥。 在漂流过程中,请不要脱下救生衣和安全帽。遇到激流险滩时,请放好划浆,并双手抓好船的抓手部或防护绳。 请妥善保管漂流器材,不得人为将船艇和划浆损坏,否则本将按成本折价扣赔。 请勿在有深水警示处戏水、打闹或下水游玩。 inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clampingy2t2d 丹东温泉 www.0415wq.com 游客在游玩过程中,必须遵从景区安全告示,私 自违规而造成损失,本概不负责。 请各游客注意安全,自觉遵守以上规定。 inside, and lateral tie circle hooks all the flat to prevent exposure and avoid rust spots in the concrete surface. In order to avoid contradictions between reinforcement and position on the tension bolt and eject pull bolt position on the ground, and sets the vertical identity stem. When it encounters a dash of split bolt and steel, adjacent rows of steel to make proper adjustments, but adjustments must be within the specification allows. Concrete blocks: columns, wall structure suitable for color of concrete and plastic clamping
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