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母乳喂养周讲座母乳喂养周讲座 健康教育活动记录表 活动时间:2013年8月6日 活动地点:**中心卫生院 活动形式:健康教育讲座 活动主题:母乳喂养知识宣教 组织者:**中心卫生院 接受健康教育人员类别:辖区居民 接受健康教育人数:20人 健康教育资料发放种类及数量:20份 活动内容:1.母乳喂养的好处,2.早开奶的重要性,3.母婴同室的重要性,4.喂奶的姿势或含接姿势,5(按需喂乳的重要性, 活动总结评价:本次活动提高了年轻妈妈对母乳喂养的认识,对医生提出的7个问题健康知识知晓率90%以上,达到了预期效果。 活动图片 存...
母乳喂养周讲座 健康教育活动记录 活动时间:2013年8月6日 活动地点:**中心卫生院 活动形式:健康教育讲座 活动主题:母乳喂养知识宣教 组织者:**中心卫生院 接受健康教育人员类别:辖区居民 接受健康教育人数:20人 健康教育资料发放种类及数量:20份 活动内容:1.母乳喂养的好处,2.早开奶的重要性,3.母婴同室的重要性,4.喂奶的姿势或含接姿势,5(按需喂乳的重要性, #活动#评价:本次活动提高了年轻妈妈对母乳喂养的认识,对医生提出的7个问题健康知识知晓率90%以上,达到了预期效果。 活动图片 存档材料请附后 ?书面材料 ?图片材料 ?印刷材料 ?影音材料 ?签到表 ?其他材料 填表人(签字):*** 负责人(签字):*** 填表时间:2013年8月6日 母乳喂养知识宣教 1.母乳喂养的好处, 1,.有利于子宫的尽早恢复, 2,.降低患乳腺癌的几率, 3,.降低母亲绝经期前患卵巢癌的几率, 4,.降低母亲患风湿性关节炎的几率, 5,.可以起到“瘦身”的作用, the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the 6,.母乳喂养能够促进婴幼儿生长发育, 7,.母乳喂养能够促进婴幼儿认知发育, 8,.母乳喂养可以降低感染性疾病的发生, 9,.母乳喂养可以降低儿童成年期患肥胖的危险性, 10,.母乳喂养可以降低特异反应和哮喘。 2.早开奶的重要性, "早开奶是母乳喂养成功的关键",婴儿通过吸吮乳头的刺激~产生一系列神经反射和内分泌活动~由脑下垂体释放催乳激素~促使乳房分泌乳汁。所以~婴儿越早吸吮乳头也就是早开奶~乳汁分泌就开始得越早~乳汁也比较充足。 3.母婴同室的重要性, 1,.有利于建立和巩固母乳喂养, 2,.有利于牢固母子间的亲密关系, 3,.有利于提高母乳喂养和促进婴儿心理和社会适应性的发育。 4.喂奶的姿势或含接姿势, 在喂奶的过程中~妈咪要放松、舒适~宝宝要安静。妈咪坐在低凳上或床边上~如果位置较高可把一只脚放在一个脚踏上~或身体靠在椅子上~膝上放一个枕头抬高宝宝,把宝宝放在腿上~头枕着妈咪的胳膊~妈咪用手臂托着他的后背和小屁股~使小脸和小胸脯靠近妈咪~下颌紧贴着乳房;妈咪用手掌托起乳房~先用乳头刺激宝宝口周the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the 皮肤~待宝宝一张嘴~趁势把乳头和乳晕一起送入宝宝的嘴里,这样婴儿在吸吮时能充分挤压乳晕下的乳窦~使乳汁排出~又能有效地刺激乳头上的感觉神经末梢~促进泌乳和排乳反射。婴儿的嘴及下颌部紧贴乳房~婴儿从嘴角到耳部都在有节律的运动。如发现两面颊向内缩的动作~说明婴儿含接姿势不正确。妈咪一边喂一边用手指按压乳房~以便于宝宝吸吮~又不会使他的小鼻子被堵住。 5(按需喂乳的重要性, 1,.按需哺乳的概念:当孩子饿了或母亲乳房胀了就应喂哺。喂奶的次数和间隔时间不受限制。 2,.重要性:按需哺乳能保证宝宝生长发育的需要~频繁有效的吸吮能刺激泌乳素的分泌~加速产后子宫的复旧~并且预防奶胀。 6.如何保证母亲有充足的乳汁, 婴儿频繁有效地吸吮母亲的乳头~是保证母亲拥有足够乳汁的关键。 1,.实行三早,早接触、早吸吮、早开奶, 2,.实行24小时母婴同室~保证按需哺乳~特别是夜间喂哺, 3,.母亲和婴儿同步休息~保证足够的睡眠, 4,.母亲保持愉快的心情~在哺乳时选择舒适的体位~尽量放松, the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the 5,.注意营养均衡~多进水分。忌吃抑制泌乳的药物。 7. 纯母乳喂养的重要性, 1,.纯母乳的定义:纯母乳喂养是指母亲喂哺自己的婴儿~不添加任何食品和饮料、水,药物、维生素、矿物质除外,~对于母亲挤出的奶不能用奶瓶喂养~可用小杯子喂哺。 2,.重要性:纯母乳喂养可增加母婴之间的感情~预防乳胀~减少因添加任何食品引起的乳头错觉、小儿过敏反应~避免因添加食品减少婴儿吸吮次数而引起的乳汁分泌不足。增加婴儿的免疫力~预防感染。 通知 各社区服务站: 为提高对母乳喂养的认识~让居民了解母乳喂养的好处~**中心卫生院决定举办母乳喂养知识讲座~现通知如下: 时间: 2013年 8月6 日 8:30—9:30 地点: **中心卫生院 讲座内容:母乳喂养知识宣教 授课人:*** the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the 参加人员:你站辖区准妈妈本人或家属。 二〇一三年八月三日 the line box installation ? households within electric bottom box installation ? tube thread ? insulation test ? sent distribution debugging ? completed information finishing ? completed acceptance material and the accessories test PVC line tube and the line box acceptance 1, and pipe and fittings of color should consistent, no color not are and the decomposition color line; pipe thickness to used Vernier caliper for check, deviation shall not over +5%. 2, pipes and fittings for internal and external wall should be smooth, flat, no bubbles, nicks, cracks, peeling and severe cold spots and obvious scar patterns, depression; 3, pipe fittings should be complete, no defects, deformations, mold seam, gate should be smooth, without cracking; 4, construction of advance pipe before transported to the construction site, its storage temperature range ambient temperature close to the construction site. Materials during storage and should be taken to prevent ... BV wire inspection: 1 power cord used in the engineering core PVC insulated and sheathed copper wire (BV); 2, material certificate of entry should be accompanied by a factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents; packing, plastic sheath without damage; 3, allocating part of the power cord, check the wire diameters and sheath; 4, submission of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use; indoor distribution box check: 1, the
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