

2017-11-18 22页 doc 60KB 8阅读




动物防疫合格证格式20100419动物防疫合格证格式20100419 编号: 《动物防疫条件合格证》申请表 申请人,签章, 申 请 日 期 中华人民共和国农业部监制 time 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the det...
动物防疫合格证格式20100419 编号: 《动物防疫条件合格证》申请 申请人,签章, 申 请 日 期 中华人民共和国农业部监制 time 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band-pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chisel. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length of 填 写 说 明 1(“编号”由审核机关填写。 编号格式:年份+四位数字顺序号,“,”不用填写~下同,。 2(“申请人,签章,”由申请人如实填写。没有签章的~加盖法定代表人,负责人,名章。 3(“经营范围”一栏由申请人根据从事经营活动范围填写~如:“生猪养殖”、“生猪屠宰”等。 4(“经营场所地址”一栏由申请人填写场所的具体地址。 5.“场所类别”一栏由申请人根据生产经营种类在对应的选择项“?”中划“?”。 6.“动物防疫条件合格证编号”由审核机关填写。 编号格式:发证机关所在行政区简称+动防合字第+年份+四位数字顺序号。 7(本申请表一式两份~用A纸打印或用蓝(黑)色钢笔填写~内容要完4 整、准确~字迹工整清晰~不得涂改。 4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length ofsampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/field s. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 dayl. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chise-r with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing bandogetheing up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high tady to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setton reconstruction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before constructi ow sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) theand lpull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly creteparts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the con no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embeddedtime 20~30s ( 3 申请人名称 姓名 联系电话 法定代表人 ,负责人, 身份证号 经营范围 设计生产规模 经营场所地址 1.动物养殖场 ? 2.动物养殖小区 ? 场 3.种畜禽养殖场,养殖小区, ? 所 4.动物屠宰场,厂, ? 5.动物屠宰加工场,厂, ? 类 6.动物隔离场 ? 别 7.动物无害化处理场 ? 所 附 1.场所地理位置图、各功能区布局平面图 材 2.设施设备清单 料 3.#管理#材料 清 4.动物防疫条件自查表 单 scharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length ofn. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker divatioless than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water consercuring concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not l. (3) conservation of concrete wall,pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chise-200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band teriorcations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exe construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined lobefor han 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2)in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater tating ickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrthan the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "qur ipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farthetime 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel p 4 ?合格。 审? 不合格。原因: 核 人 意 见 审核人签字,1,: 审核人签字,2,: 年 月 日 审 核 单 位 意签字: ,盖章, 见 年 月 日 市 农 委 审 批 意签字: 见 年 月 日 动物防 疫条件 ( )动防合字第, ,号 发证日期 合格证 编号 年 月 日 令 发证人 经办人 4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length ofsampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/field s. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 dayl. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chise-r with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing bandogetheing up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high tady to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setton reconstruction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before constructi ow sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) theand lpull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly creteparts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the con no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embeddedtime 20~30s ( 5 附件2: 动物饲养场、养殖小区动物防疫条件审核表 项审核结果 类 别 内 容 审核说明 目 是 否 距离生活饮用水源地500米以上; 距离动物屠宰加工场所500米以上; 距离动物及动物产品集贸市场500米以上; 动物饲养距离动物诊疗场所200米以上; 场、养殖小 距离种畜禽场1000米以上; 区填写 动物养殖场(养殖小区)之间距离不少于500米; 距离动物隔离场所、无害化处理场所3000米以上; 距离城镇居民区、文化教育科研等人口密集区500米以上; 选 距离公路、铁路等主要交通干线500米以上; 址 距离生活饮用水源地1000米以上; 距离动物饲养场、养殖小区1000米以上; 距离城镇居民区、文化教育科研等人口集中区域1000米以上; 距离公路、铁路等主要交通干线1000米以上; 种畜禽场 距离动物隔离场所3000米以上; 填写 距离无害化处理场所3000米以上; 距离动物屠宰加工场所3000米以上; 距离动物及动物产品集贸市场3000米以上; 距离动物诊疗场所3000米以上。 场区周围建有围墙; 场区出入口处设置与门同宽,长4米、深0.3米以上的消毒池; 生产区与生活办公区分开; 生产区与生活办公区有隔离设施; 布 生产区入口处设置更衣消毒室; 局 各养殖栋舍出入口设置消毒池或消毒垫; 生产区内清洁道、污染道分设; 生产区内各养殖栋舍之间距离应在5米以上或有隔离设施。 scharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length ofn. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker divatioless than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water consercuring concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not l. (3) conservation of concrete wall,pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chise-200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band teriorcations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exe construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined lobefor han 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2)in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater tating ickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrthan the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "qur ipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farthetime 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel p 6 有孵化间 孵化间与养殖区之间应当设置隔离设施; 的禽类饲 孵化间应配备种蛋熏蒸消毒设施; 养场、养殖 小区需额 孵化间流程应当单向,不得交叉或者回流; 外填写 种畜禽场 根据需要,种畜场还应当设置单独的动物精液、卵、胚胎采集 需额外填 等区域。 写 场区入口处配置消毒设备; 生产区有良好的采光、通风设施设备; 圈舍地面和墙壁选用适宜材料,以便清洗消毒; 配备疫苗冷冻(冷藏)设备、消毒和诊疗等防疫设备的兽医室, 设或者有兽医机构为其提供相应服务; 施 有与生产规模相适应的无害化处理设施设备; 设 有与生产规模相适应的污水污物处理设施设备; 备 有相对独立的引入动物隔离舍; 有相对独立的患病动物隔离舍; 种畜禽场 需额外填有必要的防鼠、防鸟、防虫设施或方法。 写 动物饲养场、养殖小区应当有与其养殖规模相适应的执业兽医 人或乡村兽医; 员 从事动物饲养的工作人员不得患有相关的人畜共患传染病。 免疫制度; 用药制度; 检疫申报制度; 疫情报告制度; 消毒制度; 无害化处理制度; 制 畜禽标识制度; 度 养殖档案; 种畜禽场 需额外填有国家规定的动物疫病的净化制度。 写 注:审核结果为“否”的,应在“审核说明”中填写具体审核情况,审核结果为“是”的,无需 填写“审核说明”一栏。 4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length ofsampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/field s. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 dayl. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chise-r with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing bandogetheing up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high tady to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setton reconstruction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before constructi ow sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) theand lpull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly creteparts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the con no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embeddedtime 20~30s ( 7 附件3: 动物屠宰加工场所动物防疫条件审核表 审核结果 项内 容 审核说明 目 是 否 距离生活饮用水源地500米以上; 距离动物饲养场、养殖小区500米以上; 距离动物集贸市场500米以上; 选 距离种畜禽场3000米以上; 址 距离动物诊疗场所200米以上; 距离动物隔离场所3000米以上; 距离无害化处理场所3000米以上; 场区周围建有围墙; 运输动物车辆出入口设置与门同宽,长4米、深0.3米以上的消毒池; 生产区与生活办公区分开; 生产区与生活办公区之间有隔离设施; 入场动物卸载区域有固定的车辆消毒场地; 入场动物卸载区域配有车辆清洗、消毒设备; 动物入场口和动物产品出场口应当分别设置; 布屠宰加工间入口设置人员更衣消毒室; 局 有与屠宰规模相适应的独立检疫室; 有与屠宰规模相适应的独立办公室; 有与屠宰规模相适应的独立休息室; 有待宰圈; 有患病动物隔离观察圈; 有急宰间; 加工原毛、生皮、绒、骨、角的,还应当设置封闭式熏蒸消毒间。 动物装卸台配备照度不小于300Lx的照明设备; 设 生产区有良好的采光设备; scharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length ofn. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker divatioless than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water consercuring concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not l. (3) conservation of concrete wall,pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chise-200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band teriorcations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exe construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined lobefor han 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2)in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater tating ickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrthan the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "qur ipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farthetime 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel p 8 施生产区的地面、操作台、墙壁、天棚应当耐腐蚀、不吸潮、易清洗; 设屠宰间配备检疫操作台; 备 屠宰间配备照度不小于500Lx的照明设备; 有与生产规模相适应的无害化处理设施设备; 有与生产规模相适应的污水污物处理设施设备。 动物入场和动物产品出场登记制度; 检疫申报制度; 制 疫情报告制度; 度 消毒制度; 无害化处理制度。 注:审核结果为“否”的,应在“审核说明”中填写具体审核情况,审核结果为“是”的, 无需填写“审核说明”一栏。 4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length ofsampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/field s. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 dayl. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chise-r with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing bandogetheing up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high tady to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setton reconstruction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before constructi ow sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) theand lpull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly creteparts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the con no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embeddedtime 20~30s ( 9 附件4: 动物隔离场所动物防疫条件审核表 审核结果 审核说明 项目 内 容 是 否 距离动物饲养场、养殖小区3000米以上; 距离动物屠宰加工场所3000米以上; 距离无害化处理场所3000米以上; 距离动物诊疗场所3000米以上; 选址 距离动物和动物产品集贸市场3000米以上; 距离其他动物隔离场3000米以上; 距离城镇居民区、文化教育科研等人口集中区域500米以上; 距公路、铁路等主要交通干线500米以上; 距离生活饮用水源地500米以上; 场区周围有围墙; 场区出入口处设置与门同宽,长4米、深0.3米以上的消毒池; 饲养区与生活办公区分开,并有隔离设施; 布局 饲养区与生活办公区之间有隔离设施; 有配备消毒、诊疗和检测等防疫设备的兽医室; 饲养区内清洁道、污染道分设; 饲养区入口设置人员更衣消毒室。 场区出入口处配置消毒设备; 设施 有无害化处理设施设备; 设备 有污水污物处理设施设备。 配备与其规模相适应的执业兽医; 人员 从事动物饲养的工作人员不得患有相关的人畜共患传染病。 动物及动物产品进出登记制度;; 免疫制度; 用药和消毒制度; 制度 疫情报告制度; 无害化处理制度。 注:审核结果为“否”的,应在“审核说明”中填写具体审核情况,审核结果为“是”的,无需填写“审核说明”一栏。 scharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length ofn. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker divatioless than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water consercuring concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not l. (3) conservation of concrete wall,pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chise-200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band teriorcations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exe construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined lobefor han 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2)in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater tating ickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrthan the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "qur ipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farthetime 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel p 10 附件5: 动物无害化处理场所动物防疫条件审核表 审核结果 项目 内 容 审核说明 是 否 距离动物养殖场、养殖小区3000米以上; 距离动物屠宰加工场所3000米以上; 距离动物隔离场所3000米以上; 距离动物诊疗场所3000米以上; 选址 距离动物和动物产品集贸市场3000米以上; 距离生活饮用水源地3000米以上; 距离城镇居民区、文化教育科研等人口集中区域500米以上; 距离公路、铁路等主要交通干线500米以上。 场区周围建有围墙; 场区出入口处设置与门同宽,长4米、深0.3米以上的消毒池; 场区出入口处设有单独的人员消毒通道; 无害化处理区与生活办公区分开; 布局 无害化处理区与生活办公区之间有隔离设施; 无害化处理区内设置染疫动物扑杀间、无害化处理间、冷库等; 动物扑杀间、无害化处理间入口处设置人员更衣室; 动物扑杀间、无害化处理间出口处设置消毒室; 配置机动消毒设备; 动物扑杀间、无害化处理间等配备相应规模的无害化处理设施设备; 设施 动物扑杀间、无害化处理间等配备相应规模的污水污物处理设施设设备 备; 有运输动物及动物产品的专用密闭车辆。 病害动物和动物产品入场登记制度; 消毒制度; 制度 无害化处理后的物品流向登记制度; 人员防护制度。 注:审核结果为“否”的,应在“审核说明”中填写具体审核情况,审核结果为“是”的,无需填写“审核说明”一栏。 4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length ofsampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/field s. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 dayl. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chise-r with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing bandogetheing up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high tady to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setton reconstruction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before constructi ow sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) theand lpull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly creteparts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the con no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embeddedtime 20~30s ( 11 附件6: 动物防疫条件合格证 ( )动防合字第 号 代码编号: 单位名称: 法定代表人(负责人): 单位地址: 经营范围: 根据《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》规定,经审查,动物防疫条件合格,特发此证。 发证机关(盖章) 年 月 日 中华人民共和国农业部监制 12 附件7: 动物防疫条件合格证编号注明 动物防疫条件合格证编号分为许可编号和代码编号两部分。 1.许可编号部分为“发证机关所在行政区简称+动防合字第+年份+四位数字顺序号”。 2.代码编号部分为“发证机关所在行政区域代码+发证场所类型代码+动物种类代码+年度代码+四位数字顺序号”。 “发证机关所在行政区域代码”按照GB/T 2260-2007填写。 “年度代码”为当年年份的后两位~如:“2008年”则年份代码为“08”。 3. 年月日:填写用数字大写。 4.单位名称:需办理营业执照的~应填写工商部门预先核准的名称,不办理营业执照的~填写申请人申报的名称。 5.法定代表人,负责人,:申请人为个人的~填写负责人姓名,申请人为单位的~填写法定代表人或负责人姓名。 6.“发证场所类型代码”编码表和“动物种类代码”编码表附后。 13 “发证场所类型代码”编码表 发证场所 编号 动物养殖场 1 动物养殖小区 2 种畜禽养殖场,养殖小区, 3 动物屠宰场,厂, 4 动物屠宰加工场,厂, 5 动物隔离饲养场 6 动物和动物产品无害化处理场 7 14 “动物种类代码”编码表 动物种类 编号 猪 01 牛 02 羊 03 鸡 04 鸭 05 鹅 06 马属动物 07 鹿 08 骆驼 09 蜜蜂 10 兔 11 貂、狐狸等经济动物 12 鸽子、鹌鹑、鸵鸟、火鸡 15 其他 00 15
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