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山东财经大学燕山学院毕业论文格式山东财经大学燕山学院毕业论文格式 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should ...
山东财经大学燕山学院毕业论文格式 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluationNO: 山东财经大学燕山学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 设计(论文)题目: 指导教师: 学 号: 姓 名: 系 专业 届 山东财经大学燕山学院教学办公室制 年 月 日 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 山东财经大学燕山学院学士学位论文 山东财经大学燕山学院学士学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文~是本人在导师的指导下进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外~本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体~均已在论文中作了明确的并表示了谢意。本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 年 月 日 山东财经大学燕山学院关于论文使用授权的说明 本人完全了解山东财经大学燕山学院有关保留、使用学士学位论文的规定~即:学校有权保留、送交论文的复印件~允许论文被查阅~学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容~可以采用影印或其他复制手段保存论文。 指导教师签名: 论文作者签名: 年 月 日 年 月 日 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 山东财经大学燕山学院学士学位论文 论文题目(黑体,三号,居中,段前段后0.5行) 摘要 在此处输入中文摘要内容,摘要内容以300-400字为宜,格式要求:宋体,小四号字,段落首行缩进2字符,段前段后0.5行,行距20磅。如果内容比较长,可以单独放置在一页上 关键词:此处输入关键字,关键字之间用分号分割,最后一个关键字后面空白,关键字不易太多,一般不超出6个,宋体,小四号字。 英文标题,Arial Narrow字体,三号,居中,段前段后0.5行 ABSTRACT 此处输入英文摘要,Arial,小四号字,段落首行缩进2字符,行距20磅。 Keywords:此处输入英文关键字,与中文关键字对应,Arial,小四号字,如果内容比较长,可以单独放置在一页上。 inspection date 9 permit card complete and valid; Pile driver ultra high limit device meets the requirements, work around the 5M no power lines; Hoist wire rope lubrication good, no broken wires exceeds phenomenon; Pile driving track-laying should be consistent with the original said ... Date number name 5-20 engineering machinery mechanical overlap signed shift, successor to Chengdu city, signing the transfer table construction safety supervision and an 5-21 record number record date the successful bidder number processes number project name Project cost structure, layer an area of base type type and height and depth scaffold construction site name mobile (paging) supervision unit, field representative mobile (paging) construction unit, project manager mobile (paging) address safety coordinators name phone (paging) start date completion date telephone note table a-II , Construction units, safety supervision Department hold a copy. (By construction units fill in, units name please with full name), safety station contact phone: 86257682 construction project starts conditions review table Ann prison number: engineering name: engineering address: serial number review content 1 construction project safety by required of funds input has get guarantee (bearing employer both has by into construction sent [2002] No. 347, paper provides signed has project security civilization construction increased fee meter take standard and allocated term of single agreement). 2 construction, supervision of construction projects (construction) units have been set up, the sound, the unit responsibility system for production safety, developed departments at all levels of the project safety production and civilized construction responsibility system and a complete set of safety inspection system, signed a construction guarantee. 3 construction project has established a safe and civilized construction guarantee system, implemented the project security management institutions and full-time safety Manager. 4 construction project site has been a detailed investigation into the surrounding environment, combined with structural features produced targeted construction organization design and special programmes, develop emergency plans and superior technical Department for approval. 5 project has been the development of equipment management and equipment move in inspection system, special operations personnel have made People's Republic of China "special operations". 6 construction project in China had, by law, to handle the accident insurance. 7 main road construction site in the urban area have been set a height of not less than 2.5m (section 1.8M), wall of thickness not less than 0.24m. Hoisting of the size of not less than 1.4x0.9m "five-figure". ... Safety number: an area ? structural layer engineering 5-24 project name address telephone project manager construction figure progress, the construction unit (paging) project self-evaluation 山东财经大学燕山学院学士学位论文 目录 一、此处输入第一部分的标题 ............................................................................................... 开始页码 (一)此处输入第一节标题............................................................................................ 开始页码 1(此处输入第一小节标题 .......................................................................................... 开始页码 2(此处输入第二小节标题 .......................................................................................... 开始页码 (依次类推,输入本节其他各小节的标题及开始页码) (二)此处输入第二节标题............................................................................................ 开始页码 1(此处输入第一小节标题 .......................................................................................... 开始页码 2(此处输入第二小节标题 .......................................................................................... 开始页码 (依此类推类推,输入本节其他各小节的标题及开始页码) (依此类推,输入本部分其他节、小节的标题及开始页码) 二、此处输入第二部分的标题 ............................................................................................... 开始页码 (一)此处输入第一节标题............................................................................................ 开始页码 1(此处输入第一小节标题 .......................................................................................... 开始页码 2(此处输入第二小节标题 .......................................................................................... 开始页码 (依次类推,输入本节其他各小节的标题及开始页码) (二)此处输入第二节标题............................................................................................ 开始页码 1(此处输入第一小节标题 .......................................................................................... 开始页码 2(此处输入第二小节标题 .......................................................................................... 开始页码 (依次类推,输入本节其他各小节的标题及开始页码) (依此类推,输入本部分其他节、小节的标题及开始页码) (依此类推,输入论文其他部分、节、小节的标题及开始页码) 调查附记............................................................................................................................... 开始页码 附录...................................................................................................................................... 开始页码 参考文献............................................................................................................................... 开始页码 致谢...................................................................................................................................... 开始页码 (说明:为保证目录美观,建议使用自动生成方式产生) 山东财经大学燕山学院学士学位论文 从此页开始依次为正文、参考文献、致谢等,要求如下式说明: 1(正文 正文中各部分(章)标题居中对齐,采用3号黑体;节标题为左起,4号黑体;小节标题为缩进2字后左起,5号黑体,标题段前段后0.5行,单倍行距。 正文内容,5号宋体,两端对齐,段落格式为缩进2字左起,段前段后0,单倍行距。 2(页面设置 页面采用A4纸型,上边距为2.5厘米,下边距为2厘米,内侧为2.5厘米,外侧为2厘米,页眉1.5,页脚1.75厘米;页眉为“山东财经大学燕山学院学士学位论文”。 3(页码 页码设置在页脚处,居中放置,字体为小5号宋体;目录页数超过1页者,可从i开始对目录单独设置页码;正文的页码从1开始编号。 4(图 图按部分(章)顺序编号,如图3-1为第三部分(第三章)第一个图;图题中的英文字体为5号Arial字体,中文字体为5号楷体;图题位于图的下面一行,以图为基准居中对齐。 5( 表格按部分(章)顺序编号,如表3-1为第三部分(第三章)第一个表格;表格应有标题,表格内应按规定的符号注明单位;标题中的英文字体为5号Arial字体,中文字体为5号楷体;标题位于表格的上面一行,以表格为基准居中对齐。 6(公式 公式必须单独起行,需要时可为公式编号,以便于说明和引用。 7(调查附记 调查附记是学生为毕业设计(论文)的写作所作的调查活动及其结果的。对于有调查活动的毕业设计(论文),如果有必要可以在该处加入调查附记。 8(附录 不宜放在正文中,但有参考价值的内容,如调查问卷、公式推演、源程序、原始数据附表等,可作为附录。 9(参考文献 参考文献首先注明中文参考文献,然后注明外文参考文献。参考文献按论文(设计)中参考文献出现的先后顺序编号,并按规范写,具体格式可参考《山东财经大学燕山学院本科毕业设计(论文)参考文献规范格式》。 10(致谢 致谢应言简意赅,要有针对性,且不得对本组人员致谢。毕业设计(论文)可以没有致谢。 1
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