

2017-09-28 11页 doc 35KB 16阅读




成都市温江区司法局成都市温江区司法局 主要职责内设机构和人员编制规定 ,建议稿, 根据中共成都市委办公厅、成都市人民政府办公厅关于印发《温江区人民政府机构改革方案》的通知,成委办„2010?37 号,和中共成都市温江区委温江区人民政府《关于深化政府机构改革实施意见》,温委发„2010?31号,精神~设立成都市温江区司法局,简称区司法局,~为区政府工作部门。 一、职责调整 ,一,取消的职责: 1、取消已公布取消的行政审批事项。 2、取消指导监督社会法律服务机构审批工作的职责。 3、取消组织指导公证员考试工作的职责。 ,二,增加或...
成都市温江区司法局 主要内设机构和人员编制规定 ,建议稿, 根据中共成都市委办公厅、成都市人民政府办公厅关于印发《温江区人民政府机构改革方案》的通知,成委办„2010?37 号,和中共成都市温江区委温江区人民政府《关于深化政府机构改革实施意见》,温委发„2010?31号,精神~设立成都市温江区司法局,简称区司法局,~为区政府工作部门。 一、职责调整 ,一,取消的职责: 1、取消已公布取消的行政审批事项。 2、取消指导监督社会法律服务机构审批工作的职责。 3、取消组织指导公证员考试工作的职责。 ,二,增加或加强的职责: 1、增加指导管理社区矫正工作的职责。 2、加强监督管理法律援助工作的职责。 二、主要职责 根据以上职责调整~区司法局的主要职责是: ,一,贯彻执行国家、省、市、区关于司法行政工作的方针政策和法律、法规、规章~制定司法行政工作的中长期发展规划、年度工作计划并组织实施。 orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active-site describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment and go investment methods, some strings for economic construction in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu province has coordinated relevant merchants to the city many times, such as field trips. Total 16 assist in securing project, seek State investment of 7.64 million Yuan. Three are Windows role to play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new level. The two foreign offices, is an important window for municipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space and good communication networks for their mining resources, promote awareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office in Beijing and around the annual priorities, strengthen cooperation with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang contact who staff in Beijing, expanding information channels, focus on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticity, universality and practicality of a variety of information, using modern Office means the establishment of archives information network, and disseminated the information and news briefing. The blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the building, active in Pingliang records celebrities worked in Pingliang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship of born in Pingliang in the blue people" activities such as LAN Pingliang in the subjects of ,二,制定全区法制宣传教育、普及法律常识和依法治理规划并组织实施~指导各镇街和各行业的法制宣传和依法治理工作。负责区依法治区,创建全国法治城市,工作领导小组办公室日常工作。 ,三,指导和监督管理律师、公证、法律顾问、社会法律咨询工作。负责指导企业法律顾问工作。 ,四,指导、管理、监督全区法律援助工作。 ,五,负责基层司法所建设工作,指导人民调解、社区矫正、基层法律服务、帮教安置工作。 ,六,指导和监督全区司法行政系统队伍建设和思想政治工作,负责全区司法行政系统的警务管理和警务督察工作。 ,七,承办区委、区政府交办的其他事项。 三、内设机构 根据上述职责~温江区司法局设4个内设机构和政治处: ,一,办公室 编制全区司法行政工作中长期规划、年度工作要点并监督实施,组织司法行政调研工作,负责编辑司法行政工作年鉴,负责局机关重大政务活动的组织实施和检查落实,负责综合性文件和报告的起草、审核、承担政务信息、目标管理、文秘、文书、文电收发运转等管理工作和保密、信访、接待工作,负责司法行政执法工作和行政复议应诉工作和行政执法过错、行政处罚错案责任追究,负责行政刑事赔偿有 2liang in the subjects ofN Pingang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship of born in Pingliang in the blue people" activities such as LAhe blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the building, active in Pingliang records celebrities worked in Pingling. Tusing modern Office means the establishment of archives information network, and disseminated the information and news briefi us on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticity, universality and practicality of a variety of information,, foction with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang contact who staff in Beijing, expanding information channelsawareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office in Beijing and around the annual priorities, strengthen coopera romoteunicipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space and good communication networks for their mining resources, pto play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new level. The two foreign offices, is an important window for mTotal 16 assist in securing project, seek State investment of 7.64 million Yuan. Three are Windows role s, such as field trips. ion in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu province has coordinated relevant merchants to the city many timesome strings for economic construct site describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment and go investment methods,-orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active 关工作。负责全区司法行政系统固定资产管理等工作,负责办理人大代表建议和政协委员提案,管理全区司法行政系统的物资装备工作。 ,二,法制宣传科,挂成都市温江区依法治区,创建全国法治城市,工作领导小组办公室牌子, 承担区依法治区,创建全国法治城市,工作领导小组的有关具体工作~负责依法治区,创建全国法治城市,工作领导小组办公室日常工作,负责“依法治区”战略方针和具体目标任务的组织实施及监督检查,负责全区法制宣传教育工作~组织实施在全体公民中开展普及法律常识工作,负责制定全区普法教育、法制宣传、法制和依法治理规划~组织、指导、协调、监督和检查各镇街、各部门、各行业、各单位开展法制宣传教育和依法治理工作,负责法制宣传报道工作。 ,三,基层安帮工作科,增挂社区矫正工作科牌子~挂温江区人民调解工作领导小组办公室的牌子、温江区安置帮 教工作领导小组办公室牌子, 指导基层司法所规范化、化建设,指导司法所、司法助理员工作及有关基层司法行政工作,指导基层法律服务所和指导各级人民调解组织和调解员开展民间纠纷的调处,负责温江区人民调解、刑释解教安置帮教工作领导小组办公 3ties such as LAN Pingliang in the subjects ofctiviies worked in Pingliang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship of born in Pingliang in the blue people" aand news briefing. The blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the building, active in Pingliang records celebrit mationriety of information, using modern Office means the establishment of archives information network, and disseminated the inforrmation channels, focus on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticity, universality and practicality of a vag infoes, strengthen cooperation with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang contact who staff in Beijing, expandinng resources, promote awareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office in Beijing and around the annual prioritir minimportant window for municipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space and good communication networks for theiree are Windows role to play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new level. The two foreign offices, is an iTotal 16 assist in securing project, seek State investment of 7.64 million Yuan. Th to the city many times, such as field trips. or economic construction in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu province has coordinated relevant merchants some strings f site describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment and go investment methods,-orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active 室日常工作,贯彻落实国家、省、市刑满释放人员和解除劳动教养人员的安置帮教政策~拟定工作规划,指导、检查全区安置帮教工作~引导基层创办过渡性安置基地,指导检查和督促各镇街、村,居,安置帮教工作及社区矫正工作~引导基层多渠道的安置~多形式的帮教工作,调查重新犯罪情况~研究预防重新犯罪对策。 ,四,公证律师工作科 贯彻实施有关公证、律师、基层法律服务工作的法律法规和规章~指导、监督公证、律师、基层法律服务工作,检查监督律师事务所、公证处、法律服务所等法律服务机构的执业情况~管理和整治法律服务市场秩序,按授权协助审查律师、基层法律服务机构的成立、律师、基层法律服务机构及执业律师的年检、注册初审等工作。对公证员、律师、基层法律服务工作者进行职业道德、执业纪律教育和业务培训,负责查处律师、基层法律服务机构的违纪法案件及律师、基层法律服务工作者违反执业纪律的行为~提出处理意见~受理当事人对律师、基层法律服务机构的投诉。指导律师做好有重大影响和涉及社会稳定案件的代理工作。 ,五,政治处,增挂纪检监察室、警务科牌子, 负责司法行政机关及直属单位的人事管理、队伍建设、机构编制、离退休人员管理、宣传等工作,承担司法行政机关党的建设、队伍建设和思想政治工作,负责局机关干部职 4liang in the subjects ofN Pingang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship of born in Pingliang in the blue people" activities such as LAhe blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the building, active in Pingliang records celebrities worked in Pingling. Tusing modern Office means the establishment of archives information network, and disseminated the information and news briefi us on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticity, universality and practicality of a variety of information,, foction with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang contact who staff in Beijing, expanding information channelsawareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office in Beijing and around the annual priorities, strengthen coopera romoteunicipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space and good communication networks for their mining resources, pto play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new level. The two foreign offices, is an important window for mTotal 16 assist in securing project, seek State investment of 7.64 million Yuan. Three are Windows role s, such as field trips. ion in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu province has coordinated relevant merchants to the city many timesome strings for economic construct site describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment and go investment methods,-orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active 工年度考核工作,负责干部职工培训及立功创模~表彰奖励工作,协助市、区有关部门搞好机构编制、干警录聘、人员调入和警务工作,负责全局的人事劳资工作,负责全局工青妇工作、纪检监察工作和离退休干部工作。 四、人员编制和领导职数 温江区司法局配备机关行政编制29名~其中:局长1名~副局长2名~政治处主任1名,副局实职,~正科级领导职数5名,政治处设置副主任1名~正科级,。 机关工勤人员编制3名。 五、其他事项 ,一,基层司法所 柳城、公平、涌泉、天府4个街道办事处和万春、永宁、寿安、和盛、永盛、金马6个镇设立基层司法所~级别为正科级~为区司法局派出机构。 1、主要职责:协助基层政府开展依法治理工作和行政执法检查、监督工作,指导管理人民调解工作~参与重大疑难民间纠纷调解工作,指导管理基层法律服务工作,代表镇人民政府,街道办事处,处理民间纠纷,组织开展普法宣传和法制教育工作,组织开展对刑满释放和解除劳教人员的过渡性安置和帮教工作并开展社区矫正工作,参与社会治安综合治理工作。 2、人员编制和领导职数:镇,街,司法所核定司法专项编制3名~其中各镇,街,司法所设所长1名,正科级,~ mationriety of information, using modern Office means the establishment of archives information network, and disseminated the inforrmation channels, focus on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticity, universality and practicality of a vag infoes, strengthen cooperation with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang contact who staff in Beijing, expandinng resources, promote awareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office in Beijing and around the annual prioritir minimportant window for municipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space and good communication networks for theiree are Windows role to play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new level. The two foreign offices, is an iTotal 16 assist in securing project, seek State investment of 7.64 million Yuan. Th to the city many times, such as field trips. or economic construction in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu province has coordinated relevant merchants some strings f site describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment and go investment methods,-orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active5ties such as LAN Pingliang in the subjects ofctiviies worked in Pingliang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship of born in Pingliang in the blue people" aand news briefing. The blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the building, active in Pingliang records celebrit 司法所所长由区司法局任命。 ,二,局属事业单位 1、成都市温江区公证处由区司法局内设机构调整为下属事业单位。 ,1,主要职责:负责制订公证工作规划~依照法律、法规和规章开展公证法律服务。 ,2,人员编制和领导职数:核定事业编制8名~其中主任1名,正科级,,副主任1名,副科级,。 ,3,经费渠道:财政全额拨款。 2、成都市温江区法律援助中心,挂"148"指挥中心办公室的牌子, ,1,主要职责:负责制订法律援助工作规划~协调法律援助工作,负责法律援助案件的审定~监督检查法律援助事项的办理进展情况和质量~指派律师和法律服务人员承担人民法院指定刑事案件辩护和受理公民的涉及民事、经济和行政案件的代理申请事项的法律援助案件。 ,2,人员编制和领导职数:核定事业编制4名~其中主任1名,正科级,。 ,3,经费渠道:财政全额拨款。 六、附则 本规定由中共成都市委机构编制委员会办公室负责解释~其调整由中共成都市机构编制委员会办公室按规定程序办理。 ang and leaders at all levels of work, organized a "Fellowship of born in Pingliang in the blue people" activities such as LAhe blue Office with nostalgia for the link, relying on the building, active in Pingliang records celebrities worked in Pingling. Tusing modern Office means the establishment of archives information network, and disseminated the information and news briefi us on collecting and sorting with dynamic, advanced, authenticity, universality and practicality of a variety of information,, foction with relevant State departments, institutions and Pingliang contact who staff in Beijing, expanding information channelsawareness of Pingliang provides a broad stage. Liaison Office in Beijing and around the annual priorities, strengthen coopera romoteunicipal governments in Beijing and Lanzhou, broad market space and good communication networks for their mining resources, pto play, in terms of promotion and information services to a new level. The two foreign offices, is an important window for mTotal 16 assist in securing project, seek State investment of 7.64 million Yuan. Three are Windows role s, such as field trips. ion in Pingliang. Zhejiang entrepreneurs Association, Gansu province has coordinated relevant merchants to the city many timesome strings for economic construct site describes the city's resources and foreign investment policies, projects, thematic investment and go investment methods,-orientation of enterprise and business investment trends and investment, active6liang in the subjects ofN Ping
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