

2017-11-12 16页 doc 43KB 24阅读




Today目标–如虎添翼(虎指suffixToday目标–如虎添翼(虎指suffix Algorithms in Bioinformatics91/10/30筆記 Today目標–如虎添翼(虎指suffix tree) * An fundamental query that significantly strengthens suffix tree --Range Minima Query (RMQ) -->>前翼: RMQ for ?sequences. -->>後翼: RMQ for general sequences. *今天介紹內容的Hierarc...
Today目标–如虎添翼(虎指suffix Algorithms in Bioinformatics91/10/30筆記 Today目標–如虎添翼(虎指suffix tree) * An fundamental query that significantly strengthens suffix tree --Range Minima Query (RMQ) -->>前翼: RMQ for ?sequences. -->>後翼: RMQ for general sequences. *今天介紹內容的Hierarchy --+/-RMQ(最底層) --LCA(第二層) --LCE、RMQ(第三層分兩邊) --Wildcard matching、Fuzzy matching (建構在LCE的第四層) --Document listing (建構在RMQ的第四層) Part 0: 簡介RMQ 1. RMQ: Range Minima Query *S: a sequence of numbers. *小(S, i, j) = k if.(k是位置i到位置j中子字串最小值的位置) --i ? k ? j, and --S[k] = min(S[i], S[i+1], …, S[j]). *例題: 123456789 S = 340141932 --小(S, 2, 6) = 3 --小(S, 4, 9) = 4 (or 6). 2. The RMQ challenge *Input: a sequence S of numbers. *Output: a data structure D for S.(建造一個D,使其可以滿足時間複雜度的要求) *Time complexity(要求要達成的目標) --Constant query time -->>Each query 小(S, i, j) for S can be answered from D and S in O(1) time. --Linear preprocessing time -->>D can be computed in O(|S|) time. 3. Naive approach *Storing the answer of 小(S, i, j) in a table for all index pairs i and j with 1 ? i ? j ? |S|.(直覺想法:將所有的”小(S, i, j)”算出來存著) *Query time = O(1). *Preprocessing time = Ω(|S|?).(不符合要求) 4. Faster Preprocessing(讓Preprocessing time縮短一點) *Assumption (without loss of generality).--|S| = 2^k for some positive integer k.(Sequence的長度必須為2的次方) *Idea: --Precomputing the values of 小(S, i, j) only for those indices i and j with j–i + 1 = 1, 2, 4, 8, …, 2^k = |S|.(不算出全部的答案,只求出2的次方長度的小(S, i, j)來儲存) *Preprocessing time --O(|S| log |S|).(還沒有達到目標,但是比Ω(|S|?)短了一些) 5. 小(S, i, j) still in O(1) time *Let k be the (unique) integer that satisfies 2^k ? j – i + 1 < 2^ (k+1). *Then, 小(S, i, j) is --x = 小(S, i, i + 2^k–1) or --y = 小(S, j–2^k + 1, j).(因為j – i + 1在2^k和2^ (k+1)之間,所以由i開始算到i+2^k-1的”小”和由j往回算2^k-1的”小”都已經在Preprocessing被算出來了,所以只要比較兩者誰小,就是i到j的小(S, i, j)了,且這兩個小所比較的範圍會將整個i到j 中所有的數值全部包括下去) --因為所有2^k的小(S, i, j)已經記住,所以query可以在constant time完成. Part 1: 前翼 *The RMQ Challenge for ?sequeneces(只針對特殊的sequences) 1. ?sequeneces *S is a ?sequence if S[i] – S[i – 1] = ?1 for each index i with 2 ? i ? |S|.(前後數值的關係不是1就是-1) *For example,(允許負數在sequence裡面) --S = 5 6 5 4 3 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 -- + - - - - + - + + + + - + + --S = 3 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -1 0 1 2 1 -- + - - - - - - + + + + - 2. 前翼: The RMQ Challenge for ?sequeneces *Input: a ?sequence S of numbers *Output: a data structure D for S *Time complexity --Constant query time -->>Each query 小(S, i, j) for S can be answered from D and S in O(1) time. --Linear preprocessing time -->>D can be computed in O(|S|) time under the unit-cost RAM model. -->>全部假設在Unit-Cost RAM model下才能達到此time complexity的目標. 3. Unit-Cost RAM model *Operations such as add, minus, comparison on consecutive O(log n) bits can be performed in O(1) time. --在排序演算法中需要O(n*log n)的時間才能排好,但若把bit=log n的時間考慮下去,則需要O(n*(log n)?)的時間,所以一般都是省略bit的時間. 4. Idea: compression *Breaking S into blocks of length L = ? log |S|. (any constant c < 1 is OK,L的長度要為log|S|*(小於1的數值)才可以) --There are B = 2|S|/log |S| blocks.(將S切開成B個blocks,每個blocks長度為? log |S|) *Let 縮[t] be the minimum of the i-th block of S. --縮[t] = min {S[j] | (t–1) L < j ? tL} for t = 1, 2, …, B.(縮[t]記住第t個block最小的數值) --Computable in O(|S|) time. *RMQ on縮: 小(縮, x, y) --O(1) query time. --O(|S|) preprocessing time. (Why?)(所有的縮有(|S|/log |S|)個,比較彼此之間的大小需要花log(|S|/log |S|)的時間,所以處理所花的時間為O{(|S|/log |S|)*log(|S|/log |S|)}會在O(|S|)之中). 5.小(S, i, j) via 小(縮, s, t) *Suppose S[i] is in the α-th block of S. --(α–1) L
回答出小(S, i, j)的答案). Part 2:LCA: Lowest Common Ancestor *An application of RMQ for ?sequences 1. Lowest Common Ancestor *T is a rooted tree. *祖(x, y) is the lowest (i.e., deepest) node of T that is an ancestor of both node x and node y. *For example, … --第一層 1 / \ --第二層 2 \ / \ \ --第三層 3 4 7 / \ --第四層 5 6 --祖(3,6)=2 --祖(5,7)=1 2.The challenge for 祖(x, y) *Input: an n-node rooted tree T. *Output: a data structure D for T. *Requirement: --D can be computed in O(n) time. --Each query 祖(x, y) for T can be answered from D in O(1) time. 3.Idea: depth-first traversal *給一個已知tree -- 1234567890123 *V=1232454642171(用depth-first traversal,每遇到一個點就寫下來寫成V) *L=1232343432121(根據V將每個點的深度寫下成為L) *If V[i]=x and V[j]=y, then 祖(x, y)=V[小(L, i, j)] --尋找i和j兩點間最低的共同祖先,在遇到i之後走到j之間,至少會遇到一次最低level的祖先一次,所以只要找L中的小即可,再對應至V上找出祖. -- depth-first traversal每個邊只會走兩次,n個點的tree只有n-1個邊,所以只走2n-2次,因此linear time的時間可以找出. *每個點都給一個出現在V位置的代表號 --點 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 --出現位置I=1,2,3,5,6,8,12 --則祖(x, y)=V[小(L, i, j)]可以寫為祖(x, y)=V[小(L, I(x), I(y))]. *O(n)-time Preprocessing --Computing V and L. --Preprocessing L for queries 小(L, i, j). --Precomputing an array I such that V[I[x]] = x for each node x. *Query time is clearly O(1). Part 3: LCE: Longest Common Extension *An application of LCA queries 祖(i, j). 1. Longest Common Extension *Suppose A and B are two strings.*Let 延(i, j) be the largest number d + 1 such that A[i…i+d] = B[j…j+d].(A由i開始延伸d+1個位置會全等於B由j開始延伸d+1個位置) 2. The challenge for 延(i, j) *Input: two strings A and B. *Objective: output a data structure D for A and B in O(|A|+|B|) time such that each query 延(i, j) can be answered from D in O(1) time. 3. Idea: Suffix Tree for A#B$ *x is the i-th leaf *y is the (j+|A|+1)-st leaf. *The depth of 祖(x, y) is exactly 延(i, j). --祖(x, y)的深度正好為延(i, j)的長. Part 4: Wildcard Matching *An application of longest common extension 延(i, j) 1. Wildcard Matching *Input: two strings P and S, --where P has k wildcard characters „??, each could match any character of S.(P有k個?,且?可以match任何的character) *Output: all occurrences of P in S. 2. Naive algorithm *Suppose S has t distinct characters.(假設S有t個不同的characters) *Naive algorithm: --Construct the suffix tree of S; --For each of tk possibilities of P do -- Output the occurrences of P in S; *Time complexity = Ω(|S|+t^(k)|P|). 3. Wildcard Matching via longest common extension *Suppose j1 < j2 < … < jk are the indices such that --P[j1] = P[j2] = … = P[jk] = „??.(出現?的位置) *P matches S[i…i+|P|–1] if and only if --延(i, 1) ? j1–1;(算延(i, 1)可以延伸多長,若延伸到?的前一個位置,表其所包括的characters都相等) --延(i+ j1, j1+1) ? j2–j1–1;(因為可以延伸到?的前一個,所以跳過?繼續問是否可以延伸到第二個?的前一個位置) --延(i+ j2, j2+1) ? j3–j2–1; --…(依此類推) --延(i+ jk-1, j(k-1)+1) ? jk–j(k-1)–1; and --延(i+ jk, jk+1) ? |P|–jk + 1. --只要所有的步驟中有一個不滿足,則P沒有出現在i的位置. 4. O(k|S|) time *O(|P|+|S|) = O(|S|) time: preprocessing for supporting each 延(i, j) query in O(1) time. *O(|S|) iterations, each takes time O(k).(每一個位置只問k次) Part 5: Fuzzy Matching *Another application of longest common extension 延(i, j). 1. Fuzzy Matching *Input: an integer k and two strings P and S *Output: all “fussy occurrences” of P in S, where each “fussy occurrence” allows at most k mismatched characters.(允許有k個mismatch) 2. Fuzzy occurrences *Whether P occurs in S[i…i+|P|-1] with k or fewer errors can be determined by… --j = 延(i, 1); error = 0;(一開始沒有error) --while (j < |P|) -->>If (++error > k) then return “no”;(進入while loop則error要加1,若error大於k則表示P在此沒有fussy occurrences) -->>j += 1 + 延(i + j + 1, j + 2);(error沒有超過k,則繼續比對下去) --return “yes”. --loop只花k次的時間,所以全部只花k*|S|的時間 3. O (k|S|) time *O(|P|+|S|) = O(|S|) time: preprocessing for supporting each 延(i, j) query in O(1) time. *O(|S|) iterations, each takes time O(k). Part 6: 後翼: The RMQ (i.e., 小(S, i, j)) challenge for general sequences *Another application of lowest common ancestor 1. The RMQ challenge *Input: a sequence S of numbers *Output: a data structure D for S *Time complexity --Constant query time -->>Each query 小(S, i, j) for S can be answered from D and S in O(1) time. --Linear preprocessing time -->>D can be computed in O(|S|) time. 2. Idea: Minima Tree *建構Minima Tree 123456789 S=432417363 --先找整個string中最小值的當root,由這個位置分左半邊和右半邊,再分別尋找最小值來當root,依此類推將整個tree建構起來. *小(S,i,j)=祖(i,j). --若i和j為不同邊,不管怎麼挑i和j,則root一定是它們的最小值,若在同一邊,根據每次都挑最小的當root,則一定會找到最小的值. 3. Homework 1 (Optional)(兩週之內交) *Show how to construct a minima tree for any sequence S of numbers in O(|S|) time. *Due in two weeks. --Email your typesetted solutions to TAs, or hand in your hand-written solutions to me before the end of next lecture (in two weeks.) Part 7: Listing source strings that contains a pattern string [Muthukrishnan, SODA’02] *An application of RMQ for general sequences 1. The problem *Input: --Strings S1, S2, …, Sm, which can be preprocessed in linear time. --A string P. *Output: (問的問題可以有許多種,這只是其中的一種) --The index j of each Sj that contains P.(P若出現在Sj中,則將j output出來) 2. Preliminary attempts *Obtaining the suffix tree for S1#S2#…#Sm$. --Find all occurrences of P. -->>i.e., exact string matching for S1#S2#…#Sm$ and P. -->>Time = O(|P| + total number of occurences of P).(加上P在這個tree中出現的次數,但是這樣的時間複雜度不佳,因為若P只出現在S2中,但卻重複出現了100次,則時間的複雜度要為O(|P| + 100),但output卻只有”2”一個index,實在是太浪費時間了) *Obtaining the suffix tree for each Si.--Determining whether P occurs in Si. -->>i.e., substring problem for each pair Si and P. -->>Time = O(|P| * m).(每個S都去建一個tree,到每個tree去詢問P是否在裡面,則需要O(|P| * m)的時間) 3. The challenge *Input: --Strings S1, S2, …, Sm, which can be preprocessed in linear time. --A string P. *Output: --The index j of each Sj that contains P. *Objective --O(|P| + 現(P)) time, where 現(P) is the number of output indices.(P出現在幾個S中,則為現(P)的值) 4. The second attempt *Constructing the suffix tree for S1#S2#…#Sm$. *Keeping the distinct descendant leaf colors for each internal node.(在internal node中記住自這個點以下所包含的葉子顏色) *Query time? 符合我們所要求的目標 *Preprocessing time? 會花太多的時間 *Each query takes O(|P|+現(P)) time. (Why?) --因為P出現在哪裡,代表以下所有包含的葉子顏色都出現了P. *The preprocessing may need Ω(m|S1#S2#…#Sm$|) time. (Why?) --因為internal node要記住的顏色太多. *Q: Any suggestions for resolving this problem? --像之前一樣,將所有葉子的顏色由左至右排列,以方便查詢. 5. Compact Representation *Keeping the list 彩 of leaf colors from left to right.(將全部的葉子由左至右排列並用一個”彩”來記住所有葉子的顏色) *Each internal keeps the indices of leftmost and rightmost descendant leaves.(internal node只要記住葉子最左邊和最右邊的兩個index) *例題中共有8個葉子,所以彩也有8個,但是顏色只有3種,output時間中的現(P)希望和出現的顏色種類成正比. 6. The challenge of listing distinct colors *Input: a sequence 彩 of colors. *Output: a data structure D for 彩 such that --D is computable in O(|彩|) time. --Each 顏(i, j) = {彩(i), …, 彩(j)} query can be answered from D in O(|顏(i, j)|) time.(顏(i, j)是指在彩(i)到彩(j)中出現幾種顏色) 7. An auxiliary index array *Let 前[i] = 0 if 彩[j] ?彩[i] for all j < i. (多一個array來幫忙,若第i個彩在之前的i-1個彩中都沒有出現過,則前[i]的值給0) *Let 前[i] be the largest index j with j < i such that 彩[i] = 彩[j].(若在i之前已經出現過這個顏色,則前[i]為前一個出現這個顏色的位置) 8. An observation *A color c is in 顏(i, j) if and only there is an index k in [i, j] such that 彩[k] = c, and 前[k] < i. --在i到j中,若有一個顏色c在位置k,要output出去,則表示這個彩[k]=c且前[k]會小於i,因為若前[k]大於i則表示在i到j之間已經出現過顏色c,所以不應該再output一次. 9. The algorithm 解(i, j) *Just recursively call 破(i, j, i); *Subroutine 破(p, q, 左界): (左界為i,且自始至終都沒有改變) --If (p > q) then return; (p ? q才能往下一步走) --Let k = 小(前, p, q);(請問p到q之間最小的前在哪個位置) --If (前[k] ? 左界) then return;(若最小的前值已經在左界的右邊,則表示p到q之間已經沒有新的顏色可以output了) --Output 彩[k];(前[k]<左界表示為第一次出現的顏色) --Call 破(p, k–1, 左界);(因k而分兩邊來繼續找,所以左右邊分別呼叫破) --Call 破(k + 1, q, 左界); 10. Tracing 破(4, 8, 4)… *例題: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 彩 黃紅綠紅綠黃綠黃 前 0 0 0 2 3 1 5 6 --判斷p是否小於等於q,因為4<8,成立往下計算 --小(前,4,8)=6 --判斷前[6]=1<左界=4,繼續往下計算 --輸出彩[6]=黃色 --call破(4,5,4) (4=p ? q=5成立,找小(前,4,5)=4,且前[4]=2<左界=4,輸出彩[4]=紅色,呼叫破(4,3,4)和破(5,5,4);破(4,3,4)因為4=p > q=3所以return,破(5,5,4) 則因5=p ? q=5成立,找小(前,5,5)=5,且前[5]=3<左界=4,輸出彩[5]=綠色,呼叫破(5,4,4)和破(6,5,4);因這兩個5=p > q=4和6=p > q=5,所以皆return) --call破(7,8,4)(p左界=4,所以return不用再找了) 11. Time = O(|顏(i, j)|) *Why?
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