

2018-09-05 18页 doc 51KB 15阅读




如何开个小汽车美容店如何开个小汽车美容店 如何开个小汽车美容店(太能团队 朱红兵) 2010-10-01 10:44:32| 分类: 太能在线讲述 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 一, 开业前准备的工作。 1, 市场定位。为什么把市场定位放在第一位呢,开店前做得最多的事情,应该是市场调查,调查所在地其他同行的日常经营情况,经营档次和客流量还有经营项目是主要了解的内容。只有在充分了解了对手的情况后,才能更好的制定出自己的经营路线取长补短。是做大排档还是专业店这很关键,关乎到日后的可持续发展和新业务的拓展。 2, 店铺准备。关键在于寻找有足...
如何开个小汽车美容店 如何开个小汽车美容店(太能团队 朱红兵) 2010-10-01 10:44:32| 分类: 太能在线讲述 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 一, 开业前准备的工作。 1, 市场定位。为什么把市场定位放在第一位呢,开店前做得最多的事情,应该是市场调查,调查所在地其他同行的日常经营情况,经营档次和客流量还有经营项目是主要了解的内容。只有在充分了解了对手的情况后,才能更好的制定出自己的经营路线取长补短。是做大排档还是专业店这很关键,关乎到日后的可持续发展和新业务的拓展。 2, 店铺准备。关键在于寻找有足够大内室空间的店面(最好在200平方以上,低于200平方则不利于日后的发展),因为室内洗车将是未来美容业的趋势,室内洗车必然会淘汰露天洗车的。除了面积要够大,还要注意几点:租金要合理,太贵的话划不来。门口要有足够的停车位,否则洗完的车无处可停。临近路边、附近没有红绿灯,路中间无绿化隔离带能让车子随时掉头为好。入口最好有两个,如果只有一个,那也要够同时进出两辆车的为好。 3, 经营项目。汽车美容店当然应该以洗车和美容为主业啦,但是具体的美容项目是什么呢,这里给大家写一下(注:仅仅是美容部分而已):新车开蜡、手打蜡、机打蜡、内饰清洗、内饰消毒、发动机室清洗、封釉、镀膜、真皮保养等。至于怎么做以上说的这些项目呢,在下面的文中会详细列出。书面写的只能给出个大概,是对日后的具体操作提供参考而已。如果,想要做一站式汽车美容养护中心,那就要准备多些新的项目,以便能给客人提供一整套完善的服务。 4, 招聘员工。最好在招工时,多招熟练工人。除了可以快速进入工作状态令店面迅速走上正轨之外,还能顺带的安排他培训其他的新手。此外,需要注意的是,不要在招工启事上注明“招美容师傅”。因为这样招来的人,多数只干打蜡、抛光封釉之类的活,绝不肯洗车的。招人一定要招什么都肯干的人,如果有这样的师傅,宁可多付点工资。除了可以减少不必要的闲人、降低店面运营费用之外,还能在队伍里树立一个好的榜样。 5, 装修店面。装修美容车间时,应多以方便日后的使用为好,并尽可能的考虑到多方面的情况,安排好蓄水(水池)、排水(污水)、滤水(污水)等方面,电器插座还要考虑防潮防短路等问题。车间尽量简洁,布线布管要合理,最好把车间的用电独立一个闸刀,以防日后因短路跳闸而影响全店面的正常用电。此外,要考虑到日后的拓展需要,为日后拓展新业务需要而预留空间,比如说贴膜房和举升机位置,我给些准备装修的朋友一些建议: 1,洗车位置应设计有3个以上为好,要是面积不够,最少也不能少过两个位置,否则雨后的晴天,是根本忙不过来的。 2,最好能安装提升机,无论是更换机油还是喷底盘装甲,都是给客人显示你们专业形象的最好方式。 3,保留贴膜房,而且最好是靠近外面设置,而不是缩在店里面。在贴膜的时候,关上玻璃大门,行人经过就可以看到了。 6, 设备购买。我给大家列举需要购买的设备: and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head 1,抽水机2台或以上。以备不时之需,突然坏了,另一台顶上。 2,地毯甩干机1台。最好是不锈钢外壳的。 3,吸尘器2台最好。刚开业时,工少,可以只购买一台,但需要备马达。 4,打蜡机2台。车多时或是赶工时,可以同时施工,快点。 5,抛光机2台。理由同上。 6,臭氧消毒机或者是高温消毒机 1台。臭氧消毒机实用和危险度低于高温机。 7,泡沫机1台。装洗车液用。 8,水桶若干、毛巾若干、刷子若干。 7, 设定。任何的公司企业,都要有员工守则,要用制度去约束员工而不是老板去监督员工。具体的细则将在下文提供参考。 8, 加盟学习。如果你考虑到加盟一个品牌的话,那么就需要做这方面的准备了,但是在众多的美容品牌里挑选一个好的,的确不是件容易的事。因此,加盟前必须了解清楚该品牌的实力、能够提供的帮助、企业与产品的知名度、加盟条件与费用等等。就算是选好的连锁品牌,在签约时也必须把看清楚,了解透彻了方好签字。否则日后出来问题,就又免不了一些无谓的争吵了。加盟的合同写多漂亮都好,和现实都有很大的差别。不如说,他写的都是超正常的运营状态,排除了雨天、停电、停水、放假等因素。此外他们通常都是强调的是收入,而没有给大家计算费用的成本。就算是列出了成本,也只是简单的计算了一下工资、房租、水电税金等常用费用,而没有把其他的杂七杂八的费用给大家列明,例如说水桶、水鞋、制服、刷子、清洗剂、机器设备配件和维修折旧、工人的伙食费、工人房的租金、工人提成等等一系列的费用。这些都是很运营成本,而很奇怪的是,加盟总部总是不约而同的没有一一列明出来。不能说是故意的,只能说是“善意”的。只有当你真正加盟了以后,才能看到问题的所在,但到那时一般都是骑虎难下了。虽然不能一棍子打翻一船人,但有心想加盟的你,必须有这个心理准备才好。 9, 产品购买。如果选择了加盟连锁品牌,那么多数是使用品牌提供的产品了。但如果没有选择加盟的话,那选择什么产品来使用呢,其实不难,这就要看你市场调查的工作做得够不够细了。通过仔细的观察同行,不难发现他们通常使用的产品是什么牌子的,既然大家都选择了这个牌子的产品,自然不会差到哪里去了。 二,美容施工项目细解。 许多朋友都问我,我想做汽车美容,可是我连基本的洗车流程都不会,怎么办呢,洗车不难,洗干净一部车也不难,难在每天洗的每部车都是要干干净净的。如果你没有选择加盟,那么就意味着你必须找专业化的产品和有经验的技师来帮你完成专业化的美容工作。以下我在这里就为大家提供一份美容项目施工流程,供大家参考。 洗车的流程: and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head 1,用散枪形式表面冲水,和用直枪形式将底盘冲洗。把车上的脚垫拿下来清洗,清洗完后用甩干机弄干,放在一旁等待处理。 2,全车喷上洗车液,然后用手套将全车清洗,洗的时候需要注意的是,要先洗玻璃后洗漆面,先洗车上部后洗车下部。手套洗完每部车后需要过过水。车头灯有时会有蚊虫,此时需要用刷子和洗车液配合才能清理掉。 3,全车仔细冲水,包括底盘部分,在冲水时,需留意洗车没有抹到的地方,顺手把它洗干净。 4,将洗完的车,开到干车区停好。抹干车身,门边、发动机盖、后尾箱盖等部位由于比较多沙粒,因此需要用不同的毛巾擦拭。 5,内饰吸尘、用干净的半干湿白毛巾抹内饰,顺序是仪表台》中控台》方向盘》前挡玻璃》门窗及把手等。把刚才清洗干净的脚垫放上去。 6,用压缩空气吹干净缝隙里的水份。 做完以上的步骤,一台车就洗好了,需要注意的是每抹完一台车,所用的毛巾最好都用清水过一过,以免在抹下一台车时,产生污水印。最好能做到就是抹不同部位的毛巾,颜色最好不同。在培训工人的时候,就必须强调这一点,毛巾不能用错地方了。 手工打蜡的流程:(专业级) 1,洗干净车(用以上流程清洗)。 2,洗干净车身上的沥青。最好洗了,收费增值项目。 3,过全车过一边胶泥。有条件的话,把这个步骤做了,收费增值项目。 4,全车过清水,吹干,开往干车区停好准备。 5,全车的镀铬件、转弯灯、车门饰条等用美纹纸贴上。体现专业的所在。 6,全车手工打蜡,待蜡干后,抹去。 7,撕去美纹纸,用小毛刷清理个别地方的蜡屑,完工。 封釉的步骤: 1,洗干净车身,包括把沥青也清除干净。 2,有条件的,最好全车身过一遍胶泥,好把顽固污垢去除。 and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head 3,吹、抹干车身。 4,用研磨剂配合抛光机全车研磨,把车身的划痕处理得更细微一些。 5,用还原剂配合抛光机全车还原,主要是把车身的光泽提高回接近新车的水平。 6,全车手工涂上釉,待30分钟后,用振抛机全车抛完,就算是完工了。 7,全车的缝隙用半干湿布擦拭,因为有飞溅的蜡屑在里面,深色车较为明显,需要及时清理干净,否则待日子久了,就不好处理了。 还有镀膜的施工方式是和封釉的是大同小异的。只是最后上的是膜而不是釉而已。有需要的朋友,可参考封釉作法,日常的全车抛光,也同样是这样的步骤,只是使用产品有所区别而已。 内饰清洗消毒的步骤: 1, 把车内的杂物,用袋子装好,放入后尾箱中,有贵重物品最好放收银台处。 2, 如果内饰座椅是真皮的,最好先小部分用泡沫清洗,看是否出现脱色的反应,若没有则可全面清洗,如果是布座套的则可直接清洗,须注意的是洗布套时不能放过多的水,以至于难干。 3, 清洗过程中,尽量避免弄湿车内电路,特别是清洗仪表台时需要非常注意。 4, 清洗完毕,将车窗关闭,打着车,开空调到最大档,并选择内循环。把消毒机放入车内,开着。10分钟后取出,熄火,抹干玻璃和仪表台上的雾气(因为开了空调),然后把物品放回原处,完工。 以上的几个工作流程下来,应该使大家对汽车美容有了更深一层的了解了吧,其实美容的项目不外乎就是那么几种,但是如何做到和别人店同样的项目,而收费不同呢,这里就需要各位去仔细研究了,正如我说的那样,把工作细化、细化、再细化,在原有项目的基础上提供增值服务,使其更显专业化,便可达到增收的效果了。拿手工打蜡来说吧,许多的店都只有1和6两个步骤,这样简单的打蜡谁都会做,试问,如何能收到更高的价钱呢,如果你使用的是我说的这个专业打蜡步骤,就算车主不是在现场,别的车主看到了,一样会觉得你的店专业的。而区分专业与非专业,就是看这些细节的工作是否做到位了,工夫到位了,就算是价高客人也会觉得是值得的~当得到客人的认可,那就赢得了口碑。 三,员工的招聘、培训、管理问题。 许多老板都把技术和产品当成重点来抓,而忽视的管理。其实管理也是一门学问,赚钱与否和管理好话是成正比的。也就是说,一间店赚钱了,我们都会认为是老板的管理到位了。而如果是平本或者是亏损呢,那就是管理失败了。我们都说要制度管人而不是人管人,但是真正能做到这样的企业是很少的,而在汽车美容行业来说,更是少之又少。并不能都说是老板的水平有问题,而是这个行业的人员素质参差不齐,从而导致管理难、难管理的现状存在。具体有多难,只有真正去接触过了才能深切体会到。 洗车工人是美容店的重要的组成部分,也是比较难以管理和让老板最为头疼的事情之一。如果把这些工人都管好了,老板80%的工作就算是完成了,可见其重要性。但是,由于洗车工该工种比较辛苦,甚至有些and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head 人认为是比较低等的工作,所以一般从事该项工作的多为低学历或无一技滂身的人,正因为如此,许多工人的素质都比较低。素质低往往给老板、管理者带来许多难题,考勤制度不遵守、工作态度散漫、破坏公物、小偷小摸、饮酒闹事等都能让你头疼上好久好久。太笨的人不能招,招进来学东西半天不开窍,榆木脑袋气死你。太精的也不能要,工作偷懒往往都是这么几个人,人家拼命干,他就睡大觉,问起他为什么,一般都有那么几个回答,一我不会、不懂干,二那么些活用不了这么多去干,三不是我工作的范围。总之一句话,就是想偷懒。因此,为了方便日后的管理和断绝有人想当东郭先生吃大锅饭的念头,应该从招聘这项工作抓起,把好第一道关。 开业前的1个月,就应该着手考虑招人的问题了。否则到了开张之期无人干活就麻烦了。既然招人,就肯定要说明用工政策,其中包括了工资待遇、食宿、休假等日常问题。这里,将给出一个招工范本供大家参考。 招工启示 急招:汽车美容洗车工10名(男女不限) 待遇工资:600-800元,加提成,奖励 (千元以上) 包吃包住 食三餐,每人每天伙食10元 住宿:集体宿舍(电视空调房) 工作时间:上午-下午6点30分,每月工作28天 工作地点:某某市某某区 联系电话:2000000(上午8:30-下午18:30) 这份招工启示是我们当地一间美容店在网上写的,我借以给大家参考,另外,我建议增加一些条款,比如说,试工三天,试工期间包食住但不计算工资。试工合格者正式聘用,工资从试工日开始计算。试用期一个月后根据个人表现变更工资待遇。如果大家能提供以上的这些薪酬福利的话,估计你的店的员工流失率相对较低一些。而员工的流失率低将会有利于店面的良性发展。当员工流失率高时,相应的客户流失率也随之提高,这将严重威胁到店面的正常经营。所以,作为老板的必须重视员工的正当福利,给其有归属感,解决了后顾之忧,工作效率必定提高了,而往往许多老板因为经营利润不高,而想到在工人的待遇方面克扣或降低,此举将会造成严重的后果,而后果的最终承担者终归是老板自己。 当人员招齐后,应该适当进行配对组合。比如说你招收了10个人,其中生手和熟手员工各有5人,那么就应该安排一个熟手带一个生手,不用一个星期,生手就能很快的上手并独立工作了。此外打蜡等美容项目也是如此,应由熟手示范,生手在一旁学习,并给予动手的机会,一定要要求所有的员工都能独立手工打蜡和清洗内饰,避免个别员工以不会为借口,借机偷懒。往往通过观察生手的独立操作水平,就可以看得出什么人是真正用功去学习了,什么人是混日子的。如果有发现偷懒者,第一时间就应该给出警告,如果想留下干活的,就必须用功去学、主动去干,否则只有离开的份。如果同一个人出现2次以上的偷懒情and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head 况,那就只有辞退了。因为一个人偷懒很容易带坏周边的人和他一起偷懒。适当的时候杀一儆百是非常手段。 对于技师和师傅的管理,也同样不能松懈。由于新店开张,往往没有很多项目可做,而老板都把主要的精力都放在了招待客人和监督管理洗车工的身上,对于师傅们通常是无暇顾及,技师和师傅通常都比较空闲,此时会出现相当长的一段“守株待兔”的日子。为了顾及到日后的生意需要,这时师傅还不能一炒了之。此时,合理安排技师和师傅的日常工作就成了关键。所以,对于技师和师傅的管理,我给出以下意见: 1. 店面的设备日常保养归他们负责,设备出现问题,第一时间负责整修。 2. 新进的产品,要第一时间学习使用、安装。 3. 当店面干活人手出现不足时,必须无条件帮忙。 4. 学习商品销售工作,如能成功向客人推销商品,可给予提成。 5. 工作完和下班前要马上清点和收拾工具,如有缺失为其是问。 对于技师和师傅的约束要在他们进入店面那一天就要说清楚了,因为许多技师和师傅都有一定的工作经验,而在其之前工作过的店面未必给过这样的约束,日子久了当他们养成坏习惯时就会造成难管理的情况出现。因此,在招聘时需要对那些有过工作经验的员工先礼后兵的讲清楚店面的规矩,别等到发现问题时就晚了。到时他们大多会说,我在以前的那间店就是这样的了,我来这里的时候你又没有说这样不可以。此时再讲规矩已经没有用了。 家有家规,店也要有店规。制度定出来之前要考虑到实际的情况,定出来之后,要包括老板在内的人都要遵守,否则出现问题以后,就很难处理了。以下,给大家提供一份通用店规,以便参考。 1. 准时上班,不得迟到、早退、无故旷工。 2. 上班后第一时间要打卡,不打、漏打、替打者均按旷工处理。扣除当日工资。 3. 需要请假者,需提前一天请假,当日请假者不批,除特殊情况外。不批自行离开者按旷工处理,扣除当日工资。 4. 上班时,必须衣着整齐,身穿工衣,不许穿拖鞋上班。 5. 上班到位后,必须打扫岗位卫生,摆放好工具产品准备开门营业。 6. 上班时间看电视、看报纸杂志、睡觉的。每次扣10元。 7. 无事坐客户车上或开CD空调的。扣除50元。 8. 不按工作要求,违规操作者;扣除奖金20元 and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head 9. 过夜车钥匙必须交到营业室。 10. 驾车离开车间或工作区以外的;立即开除,扣除当月工资并报案处理。 11. 下班后,应收拾好器具、打扫地面积水后方可离开。 12. 如在工作中出现以外事故,导致客户车辆受损时,如工作人员按照公司规定流程施工,可以不负责任。但没有按照规定流程施工的,按照责任人负责30%、公司负责70%来赔偿。如果发现个人是故意行为,由当事人全部负责赔偿。 13. 如果客户车内丢失贵重物品时,查出经手人则立刻报警并扭送派出所,同时开除且扣除当月工资最为赔偿。 以上条例,仅供参考。具体的细则需要切合本店实际,加以修正。 除了日常的洗车及美容外,设备的保养和检修同样值得关注,一旦个别工具在工作途中突然失效或损坏,便会耽误了交车的时间,导致没有必要的麻烦。所以,在没有活干的时候,工人们也不能闲着,把所有的设备都要检修保养,未雨绸缪。需要保养、检查的项目如下: 1. 抽水机要每星期检查一次机油是否足够,不足的要及时添加或更换,否则缺油会导致抽水机拉缸罢工。 2. 吸尘器需要定期检查碳刷,吸尘器罢工多数是由碳刷磨损导致的。 3. 抛光机同样需要检查碳刷,故障情况同上。 4. 地毯甩干机需要定期检查轴承,由于地毯湿的时候重量增大不少,会使得甩干机的轴承很快磨损并松动,松动后会出现异响。 5. 气管、气管接口是否漏气。 6. 打气机一个星期放水一次,如遇到雨天,则要在次日放水。 7. 打气机机油同样要检查、更换。 8. 水桶是否漏水、毛巾是否需要更换等都是不可忽视的细节。 以上工具和设备的保养,是应该由1,2个人负责的,除了要有责任心之外,还要有一定的动手能力和电工知识,否则由一知半解的人去弄只会好心了做坏事,越弄越糟。 and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Department's credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head
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