
学而不厌 诲人不倦

2017-10-26 18页 doc 49KB 12阅读




学而不厌 诲人不倦学而不厌 诲人不倦 学而不厌 诲人不倦 山西省繁峙县砂河第四小学 刘焱 2012年11月3日早,我们坐在军人俱乐部会议大厅的座位上耐心等待着《山西省骨干教师五项技能培训会》的召开。会场座无虚席,我环顾四周,看到有的教师已经拿出手机在调静音模式;有的翻出本子,看往哪放才能够方便书写学习笔记;有的为自己没能早到,占到“好位置”而后悔莫已;有的满怀期待地注视着舞台,希望能早点见到省教育界的领导和远道而来的专家„„我和同行的老师各自拿出自己的数码照相机摆弄着,准备把看到的专家,以及屏幕出示的讲课内容和专家的指导思想全部拍下来,尽...
学而不厌  诲人不倦
学而不厌 诲人不倦 学而不厌 诲人不倦 山西省繁峙县砂河第四小学 刘焱 2012年11月3日早,我们坐在军人俱乐部会议大厅的座位上耐心等待着《山西省骨干教师五项技能培训会》的召开。会场座无虚席,我环顾四周,看到有的教师已经拿出手机在调静音模式;有的翻出本子,看往哪放才能够方便书写学习笔记;有的为自己没能早到,占到“好位置”而后悔莫已;有的满怀期待地注视着舞台,希望能早点见到省教育界的领导和远道而来的专家„„我和同行的老师各自拿出自己的数码照相机摆弄着,准备把看到的专家,以及屏幕出示的讲课内容和专家的指导思想全部拍下来,尽可能记录下更多的学习资料。 8点,会议正式开始。华东师范大学新基础教育研究中心的李政涛主任要为我们做精彩的演讲。 一开始,他就告诉我们:“为什么要探讨教师的五项技能呢,”他做了简明扼要的回答:“因为新的理念需要新技能、新基本功~”是的,我们做教师的应该紧跟时代的脚步,不能只停留在“三字一画”、“说普通话”等基本技能上,我们肩负教育下一代的重任,所以我们要不断提高自身文化素质和教育教学专业工作能力的水准,必须利用一切机会,并通过多种渠道,主动、积极采取多种学习自修的,抓紧学习,不断接受新的知识、新的信息。这样,人民教师才能很好地适应课改的要求,才能争当做一名新时代之下的名副其实的合格的人民信任的教师。 接着,李主任说,我们要培训的五项技能是备课、上课、观课或议课、说课、评课。他还讲到:研究学生的技能要贯穿始终——第一步,要知道学生上课之前已经有什么,他们已经掌握了什么知识和技能,他们对学习产生兴趣了吗?他们会有什么需要,他们具备了那些学习方法,养成了什么学习习惯,他们的思维方式是怎样的,第二步,学生缺什么,需要补什么,比如,学生养成倾听的习惯了吗,教师用什么方法引导学生学会倾听呢,可以培养学生复述的能力;指导他们学会评价,指出学生汇报内容的相同点和异同点;最好训练学生学会做批注。第三步,学生的困难和障碍是什么,尽量使学生的学习难点和障碍点变成他的发展点。第四步,学生之间的差异是什么,其实学生之间的差异也是一种资源。我们不仅要指导学生学会取长补短,更要根据出现的差异重新构建此课,争取使学生有更大提高。这时,会议安排我们听了一节初建课。课后,李主任做了更加详细的讲解。他的演讲题目是《如何让教学有效和扎实》: 1、八效: 全效——有没有面向全体学生教学。 不能面向少数“名星”学生教学,忽视“沉默的大多数”。 广效——即培养学生宽广的视野。 “眼界决定境界。”一个人视野是不是宽,非常重要,要教给学生面对同一个现象和问题,可以综合运用不同的思维方式、角度来解决。一位教师要有眼界。 远效——教学要产生持续长远的教学效果。 如上一堂课,培养学生的良好习惯,是教育教学的起点;方法的指导也非常重要,能让学生一辈子受益;练就能力,能让学生很轻松很容易地学习。 深效——深度解读教材和学生。 挖掘出文本的育人价值、教育价值。如何挖掘本中的育人价值,1、读出文appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening 本中必须带给学生的东西——知识价值,情感价值,思想精神价值,智慧思维价值,艺术审美价值,语言开发利用价值。2、读出“此类文本中的这一文本”,在“此一课堂”对“此年级学生”和“此班学生”的独特价值。 准效——准确解读教材,学生。 即如苏霍姆林斯基所言,,对准学生心弦的音调。 强效——要充分激发学生的兴趣和需要。 关注兴趣和需要;如,一位新教师10分钟时间,让一个不喜欢语文的班级,爱上了语文。他是这样做的。上课伊始,教师在黑板上写了一个大大的“射”字,请同学读,学生读“she”时,老师说不念“she”,学生很惊异。(为什么有些课堂上学生很疲沓,同未让学生产生惊异之感是有关系的,教师要善于把熟悉的陌生化,,惊异,从而产生兴趣和需要)老师娓娓道来:“射,,从字形看,一寸的身子。就是矮,这个字就念ai。”学生更惊异了。教师又板书“矮”字,并在矮字中间画上一条线使之分成左右两个部分,并解释说:“矢”就是箭,“委”是派出的意思,把箭派出去是什么意思,学生说是“射”。教师说,,对了。学生异常兴奋,感到汉字真有意思,教师趁热打铁,又举例进一步表现汉字的魅力和美。让孩子们对语文学习产生了浓厚的兴趣。 强效的最高境界:老师一句话,影响学生一生。速算大师史丰收回忆自己怎么会走上研究算法的这条路上时,说过:小学时的一次数学课,在学完乘法后,他问老师:乘法为什么要从右往左算,能不能从左往右算呢,老师说,那你试试看。正是这句话,让史丰收一发而不可收,从此与研究算法结缘。 速效——主张课堂简约。 奇效——化腐朽为神奇。 例子一、语文课上,教师正范读一篇表现父子之情的文章,爸爸如何如何,当教师正声情并茂地喊出“爸爸”时,一学生在座位“唉”了一声,教室里哄堂大笑。教师顿了一下,并没有瞪这个孩子,却说道:这个同学在听老师朗读的时候,进入了角色,带着情感。我们明天上课前,我们就花5分钟请他介绍一下他是如何能够这样投入的,并请他读给我们听听。这位同学当天晚上在家“备课”到了11时半。 李镇西老师曾讲过一个故事。年轻的周老师问同学们,,世界上有著名的四大宫殿,是哪四个,学生不知道,有一个学生说故宫,其他都不知道,这时一个男孩子故意装坏,说还有“子宫”,学生哄堂大笑,这个男生知道自己闯了祸,很紧张。看周老师怎么处理,,她走到学生面前,摸着他的脑袋说:“你说得对。理由是,,因为子宫的确是人类最伟大的宫殿。同学们,周老师,包括所有的人,都是在这伟大的宫殿里孕育,谈到她,不能用轻率的口吻,要充满对妈妈的尊敬。当然,这节课谈的是建筑上的宫殿,你的问题,留在生物课上讨论。”周老师化解了一触即发的冲突,而且不经意间给孩子们上了关于生命关于母爱的教育。 2、如何让课堂有生长感。 (一)备课 教学设计 1、挑战什么,准备给学生什么样的挑战,因为挑战产生兴趣和需要。 2、突破什么,突破哪些难点、障碍点, 3、 提升什么,在学生原有基础上找到哪些提升点, (二)上课 ——教学过程 appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening 1、扎实在于清晰。 学生清晰—— 了解你的学生。 内容清晰—— 三问:为什么要学,为什么要教,什么已经不需要教, 两个对照:对照课标,活出课标来;对照学生的成长需要。 目标清晰——教到什么程度,不要把目标等同于教学内容~ 方法清晰——怎么教,寻找最适合的方法。 指令清晰。 要求清晰。 2、扎实在于细节。 ? 从同桌合作开始。不要让有的学生无所适从。 ? 异质分组,分工。按学生的好中差分组并分工,如谁负责主持、谁负责监督、谁负责记录、谁负责发言、谁负责补充发言等要分工到具体的学生。这样做不仅提高了学生学习与合作的效率,而且能提高学生自身素养,变得有责任、有担当、有成长和发展。 ? 弱者先说,大家补充,强者概括或总结。 ? 注重代表发言时的第一句话,要带有“我们”或“我们组”的字样。 ? 评价和反馈要明确、具体。不要对个人,应是针对小组合作质量,说说具体好在哪,导向一定要明确。 ? 引发组际互动交流。听了某一组的发言,让其他组提问、质疑、评价、补充,然后讲自己组的成果。 ? 用好差异资源。学生展示自己组的好成果,也可参与指导其他组完成学习任务。 ? 心中有两套板书。一种是静态的确定的板书;一种是动态的不确定的板书(因为你要根据学生上课时的表现或回答做板书的调整,使其更完善。) 3、扎实在于生成。 从点状生成到整体生成(织网)。例如:杭州的武凤霞老师在做朗读指导时,先对重音、停顿、节奏、情感做具体的引导,然后通读全文,渗透情感。 从个体生成到全体生成(滚雪球)。把一个人的亮点变成所有人的亮点;把一个人的资源变成所有人的资源。 从浅层生成到深层生成(刨坑)。 从错误生成到有益生成(扭转)。例如:一位老师讲《葡萄沟》时有这样一组对话: 师:第一段有几句话, 生:有三句话。 师:有不同意见吗,(这位老师不会以个体替代群体) 生:有四句话。 师:你敢于发表不同意见,很好~这样吧,你选三位同学读前三句话,第四句你读。 „„ 生:老师,我没有读的话了。 师:你认真地听了他人读句子,很好~你认为你把哪里看错了, 生:我把“,”看成“。”了。 师:你发现得很准~ appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening 学生不再害怕回答错被老师批评,并且有了更大的勇气来面对回答错的局面,因为像例子里的这位学生,老师就给了他自己发现问题并改错的机会,而且在他发现问题的过程中老师还表扬了他其他方面的优点,所以,学生受益的不只在学习上。 4、扎实在于停顿。不要把课堂变成百米赛跑。教学时停顿的艺术,是等待的艺术。什么时候停呢,有亮点时;有错误时;有困难和障碍时;有需要时„„ 5、扎实在于运用。我们很多语文老师平时很注重积累,可不要让学生的积累沉睡,要让学生的积累沸腾起来。要给学生运用他积累到的知识的机会。 6、扎实在于写练。孙双金老师认为好的语文课有三个特点:书声琅琅(读书课)、议论纷纷(互动课)、高潮迭起(才能点亮自己的课堂)、写写练练(10分钟)。 (三)说课 说课说什么, 框架一:三法——做法,想法,依法(依据)。 框架二:三教——教什么,怎么教,教到什么程度,你本来想教什么和实际你教了什么,你教了什么与学生实际学会了什么, 框架三: 说教材; 说学生; 说目标—— 不要为了说目标而说目标。 首先,说目标与教材、学生的关联。 其次,对教学目标的表述要结合实际,要有层次性。比如:要求学会三 个字或词,层次一:会认;层次二:会拼写;层次三:会造句;层次四:会 进行口语表达。 说过程; 一是每个环节解决了什么问题; 二是环节间的衔接、转换、关联和提升点。 说板书和作业; 说变化——以学生发展为本。 框架四:解读文本和学生。解读文本否,(吃透)解读学生否,(读透)达到目标否,(达成度)节奏把握否,(师讲和生学协调)后续研究否,(反思性后续、实践性后续、写作性后续) 框架五:教什么,教对了吗,(适合、学科特征、教学内容、学生基础和水平、教师个性)学会了吗?明白为什么教这些吗,(育人价值) 说课怎么说 1、有感情地说。 2、有条理地说。 基于问题从整体到局部地说;基于关键词说。 3、有思想地说。 重心下移,开放,把提问权、质疑权、评价权、总结权还给学生; 关注学生生长点;通过阅读。 4、有主题地说。 5、有风格地说。 什么是好的说课 appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening 标准一:说得熟练。 标准二:说得有理。 标准三:说得新颖。 窦桂梅老师说:“说课不是对教案的搬家,而是再创造。” 教材要“透”; 学情定位要“准”; 目标阐述要“清”; 教学流程要“简”; 教学设计要“新”。 (四)评课 第一步:判断所听课的性质和目的,选择评课重心和评课方式。例如:观摩型的听课就学、赏;研究型的就专、深;检查型的听课;选拔型的听课。 第二步:依据所听课的实际状态,选择评课内容。 1、评教学目标及依据。 2、评教学过程。 3、评教学思想的转化。 4、评教学素养和新基本功。 5、评教学实效性。扎实,充实,丰实,平实,真实。 李政涛博导是叶澜教授的学生,他首先阐述了叶澜教授的“五实”: 叶澜教授认为,一堂好课没有绝对的标准,但有一些可供参考的基本要求,即可以去努力做到“五实”:扎实、充实、丰实、平实和真实。 ? “扎实”——一堂好课应是一堂有意义的课。对于学生来说,至少要学到东西,再进一步锻炼能力,进而发展到有良好的、积极的情感体验,产生进一步学习的强烈需求。有意义的课,也就是一堂扎实的课,不是图热闹的课。 ? “充实”——一堂好课应是一堂有效率的课。一是看对全班多少学生有效率;二是看效率的高低。效率高的课,才称得上是充实的课,有内容的课。 ? “丰实” ——一堂好课应该是有生成性的课。即一节课不完全是预设的结果,而是在课堂中有教师和学生的真情实感、智慧的交流,这个过程既有资源的生成,又有过程状态的生成。这样的课可以称为丰实的课,内容丰富,多方活跃,给人以启发。 ? “平实”——一堂好课应该是常态下的课。课堂的价值在于通过师生碰撞,相互讨论,生成许多新的东西,这样的课称为平实的课。要淡化公开课,多上研讨课,不管谁在听课,教师都要做到旁若无人,心中只有学生。 ? “真实”——做到了以上几点,这种课应该是一堂有待完善的课,有发展空间。它不可能十全十美,它应该是真实的、未经过粉饰的、值得反思的、可以重建的课。只要是真实的,就有缺憾,有缺憾恰恰是真实的指标。 第三步:依据自身实际,运用评课的技巧。 ——评者不在上,不在外,要在里。 ——优点评够,不足评透,帮助出谋划策。 ——在有意处评,在得意处评,在需要处评。 ——在互动中评,在询问中评,在研讨中评。 技巧——倾听教学意图;抓住评课着力点;采用恰当的方法——点评法 (对某些行为发表见解);段评法(结束时所作的评议);总评法(优点、经 验、特色、建议)。 appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening 第四步:依据要抓住的问题,提出具体性的重建。 第五步:依据他人和自身的评课实际,有针对性的反思重建。 什么是好的评课 1、有核心理念和价值取向的评课。 、把握关键问题的评课。 2 3、条理清楚,表达简明的评课。 4、提出重建思路和策略的评课。 李政涛教授认为我们的课要上成家常课,用了一个非常形象的比喻,他说公开课相当于宴会大餐,而家常课则是家常菜,宴会大餐我们偶而吃一顿还行,吃多了就会生病,还是吃家常菜的好。公开课虽最能锤炼人,但家常课最养人。家常课是最真实的课,虽有缺撼,但有发展的空间。我们在成长的同时学生也在成长,那么课堂就有生长的气息了。所以我们的课堂要看看学生走出课堂和走进课堂在知识、技能、方法、能力、习惯上是否有变化,如果有变化,那么这就是理想的课堂,师生共同生长的课堂。 在所有的报告中,只有李政涛教授的讲座最特别。屏幕上没有演示文稿,只是打开手提电脑,大屏幕上出现一个空白文档,李教授一边讲述,一边灵巧地在键盘上敲打出课题,然后,一个个关键词句,便随着他的讲述和手指的敲打,不断出现在大屏幕上,牢牢吸引着听课者的目光。融讲、写、记为一体。手脑并用,有张有弛,显得从容不迫,更显出现代专家的务实的精神和高超的能力和水平。他引用大量的教育及教育小故事,从日常教育生活中的细节入手,对各个观点作了详尽的理论阐述和实践分析,令人易于接受。报告中那信手拈来的大量详实的资料,不经意中流露出的深厚的理论功底,其理性的分析,鲜明的观点,丰厚的底蕴、严谨的思路,务实的作风等等,无不让人为之折服。尤其是他那胸怀祖国的情怀更是感染着我们每一位听报告的老师。虽然报告已经结束了,可余音袅袅,很多细节,似乎还在脑海中回放,忍不住咀嚼着、回味着。 appearance of the weld appearance quality technical requirements of the project must not have a molten metal stream does not melt the base metal to weld, weld seam and heat-affected zone surface must not have cracks, pores, defects such as crater and ash, surface smoothing, weld and base metal should be evenly smooth transition. Width 2-3 mm from the edge of weld Groove. Surface reinforcement should be less than or equal to 1 + 0.2 times the slope edge width, and should not be greater than 4 mm. Depth of undercut should be less than or equal to 0.5 mm, total length of the welds on both sides undercut not exceed 10% of the weld length, and long continuous should not be greater than 100 mm. Wrong side should be less than or at 0.2T, and should not be greater than 2 mm (wall thickness mm t) incomplete or not allow 7.5 7.5.1 installation quality process standards of the electrical enclosure Cabinet surface is clean, neat, no significant phenomenon of convex, close to nature, close the door. 7.5.2 Cabinet Cabinet face paints no paint, returned to rusted, consistent color. 7.5.3 uniform indirect gap from top to bottom, slot width <1.5mm 7.5.4 adjacent Cabinet surface roughness is 0. 7.5.5 the cabinets firmly fixed, crafts beautiful. 7.5.6 Cabinet surface gauge, switch cabinet mark clear, neat, firm paste. 7.5.7 Terminal row of neat, is reliable, the appearance is clean and not damaged. 7.5.8 cables neat and clean, solid binding, binding process in appearance. 7.5.9 the first cable production firm, crafts beautiful, clear signage does not fade. 7.5.10 fireproof plugging tight, no cracks and pores. 7.6 7.6.1 of the standard electrical wiring quality technology cable a, the multi-core wire bunch arrangement should be parallel to each other, horizontal wire harness or wire should be perpendicular to the longitudinal multi-core wire bunch. The distance between the wire harness and wire harness symmetry, and as close as possible. B-core wiring harness into round, multi-core wire bunch used g wire binding, fastening
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