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煤矿水硬度的测定方法煤矿水硬度的测定方法 types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", an...
煤矿水硬度的测定方法 types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people lCS D 备案号 MT 中华人民共和国煤炭行业标准 MT/T XXXX—XXXX 代替MT/T 206—1995 煤矿水硬度的测定方法 Determination of hardness of coal mine water (报批稿) 200x-xx-xx发布 200x-xx-xx实施 国家安全生产监督管理总局 发布 types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people MT/T 206—200X 前 言 本标准根据GB/T1.1-2000《标准化工作导则 第1部分:标准的结构和编写规则》和GB/T20001.4-2001《标准编写规则 第4部分:化学方法》的规定,对MT?T206—1995《煤矿水硬度的测定方法》标准部分条目的内容作了修订和补充。 本标准从生效之日起代替MT?T 206—1995《煤矿水硬度的测定方法》。 本标准附录A为资料性附录。 本标准由中国煤炭工业协会提出。 本标准由全国煤炭标准化技术委员会归口。 本标准起草单位:重庆地质矿产研究院。 本标准主要起草人:朱振忠、李玉芳、许玲、杨洁。 本标准1989年首次发布。 ? sit, stood watching, slack. We can't wait, drag, dialectical, and strive for an early reverse. To strengthen education and training. Leading cadres should have a professional thinking, professionalism, professional way. District Committee party school and county level theoretical study Central Group of the Party Committee leaders to address gaps in knowledge, experience blind, weakness, precision of theoretical training, policy training, it training, management training, and regulatory training, highlights the pertinence and effectiveness of ensuring political qualities of leading cadres to keep up, thinking to keep up with, knowledge structure to keep up with and ability to keep up with, expert economic and social management. Discipline must be strengthened. Party committees at all levels should adhere to the overall strictness, discipline ... And political rules, effectively enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, consciousness and awareness. To strengthen care and support. From "love" starts with protection on cadres, strict management of cadres at the same time, cadres on political motivation, work, psychological care, General relief, shelter, security, promoting the cadres and feel comfortable, confident, positive, and dare to play. To established fault-tolerant exemption mechanism, let officer of people not chilling, seriously implementation types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people MT/T 206—200X 煤矿水硬度的测定方法 1 范围 本标准规定了乙二胺四乙酸二钠(EDTA)络合滴定法测定煤矿水中钙、镁总硬度。 本标准适用于煤矿水中钙、镁总硬度的测定。 2 原理 在pH值为10的氨性溶液中,用铬黑T作指示剂,用EDTA标准溶液络合滴定钙、镁离子合量,计算钙、镁离子所构成的总硬度。 3 试剂 3.1 除非另有说明,在分析中仅使用确认为分析纯的试剂和蒸馏水或去离子水或相当纯度的水。 3.2 盐酸溶液:用盐酸(GB/T 622)配制成6 mol/L的盐酸溶液。 3.3 氨水溶液:将1份体积的氨水(GB/T 631)加入到4份体积的水中,摇匀,备用。 3.4 硫化钠溶液:称取5g硫化钠(NaS?9HO)溶于100 mL水中,摇匀,贮于有严密22 橡皮塞的玻璃瓶中与空气隔绝。 3.5 氨性缓冲溶液:称取67.50g氯化胺(GB/T 658)溶于570 mL氨水(GB/T 631)中,再加入5.0gEDTA二钠镁盐(CHNONaMg),用水稀释至1000 mL,混匀,贮于聚乙烯1082212 瓶中。 13.6 EDTA标准溶液:c(EDTA),0.0200 mol/L,称取3.725g EDTA(GB/T 1401)溶于水2 中,稀释至1000 mL,混匀,贮于聚乙烯瓶中。 EDTA标准溶液的标定:用移液管吸取20mL?0.04mL钙标准溶液(3.7),移入250 mL锥形瓶中,用水稀释至约50 mL,按5.3条的步骤标定3份,取其用量的算术平均值。并用50mL水作空白试验,记录用量。按式(1)计算EDTA标准溶液浓度: 20M1 c , „„„ (1) 1V,V1 式中: c—EDTA标准溶液浓度的准确数值,单位为摩尔每升( mol/L); 1 V—EDTA标准溶液用量的算术平均值数值,单位为毫升(mL); 1 types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people MT/T 206—200X —空白试验消耗EDTA标准溶液用量, 单位为毫升(mL); V1 —钙标准溶液的浓度准确数值,单位为摩尔每升( mol/L)(,0.0200)。 MM11 13.7钙标准溶液:c(CaCO),0.0200 mol/L,称取已在105?,110?干燥至恒重,并在32 干燥器中冷却至室温的优级纯碳酸钙1.0010g?0.0002g,置于500 mL锥形瓶中,用少量水润湿。滴加盐酸溶液(3.2)至碳酸钙完全溶解(切勿加入过量酸),加入200 mL水,煮沸3 min,5min驱尽二氧化碳。冷却至室温后加3滴,5滴甲基红指示剂溶液(3.9),用氨水溶液(3.3)中和至橙色,并转移溶液到1000 mL容量瓶中,用水稀释至刻度,摇匀。 13.8 镁标准溶液:c(MgO),0.0200 mol/L,称取已在约800?灼烧至恒重,并在干燥2 器中冷却至室温的光谱纯氧化镁0.4032g?0.0002g,置于250mL锥形瓶中,用少量水润湿,滴加盐酸溶液(3.2)至氧化镁完全溶解(切勿加入过量酸),加入50 mL水,然后定量转移溶液到1000 mL容量瓶中,用水稀释至刻度,摇匀。 3.9 甲基红指示剂溶液:称取0.1g甲基红(HG/T 3958),溶于60mL乙醇(GB/T 679)中,加入40mL水,混匀。 3.10 铬黑T指示剂:称取0.5g铬黑T(HGB—3086)和25g氯化钾(GB/T 646)混合研细,贮于有磨口塞的玻璃瓶中。 3.11 刚果红试纸。 4 仪器 4.1 分析天平:感量0.1mg。 5 测定步骤 5.1 做两份试验水样的重复测定。 5.2 用移液管吸取50mL?0.08 mL已用玻璃纤维器过滤、除去悬浮物的水样,移入250 mL锥形瓶中,放入1小块刚果红试纸,滴加盐酸溶液(3.2)至试纸刚变成蓝紫色,对于碱度大于300 mg(CaCO)/L的水样,应煮沸1 min,2 min,并冷却至室温。 3 5.3 加入4mL缓冲溶液(3.5)和约0.05g铬黑T指示剂(3.10),用EDTA标准溶液(3.6)滴定至溶液由紫红色变为蓝色即为终点,记下用量。 如果缓冲溶液中未配入EDTA二钠镁盐,则标定EDTA标准溶液(见3.6条)和滴定不含镁离子的水样时终点不明显,应加入2mL?0.05 mL镁标准溶液(3.8)至被滴定溶液中,并用已加入2mL?0.05mL镁标准溶液的50mL水作为空白。被滴定溶液消耗的滴定液用量扣除空白后,再进行计算。 5.4 若水中含有干扰离子,使滴定终点不明显,则应加入1.0 mL硫化钠溶液(3.4)。 5.5 当滴定液用量少于4.5 mL时,应改用较多试验水样滴定,并按比例增加缓冲溶液(3(5)的体积;当滴定液用量大于20 mL时,应改用较少试验水样滴定,并加水使初始滴定体积为50 mL。 2 sit, stood watching, slack. We can't wait, drag, dialectical, and strive for an early reverse. To strengthen education and training. Leading cadres should have a professional thinking, professionalism, professional way. District Committee party school and county level theoretical study Central Group of the Party Committee leaders to address gaps in knowledge, experience blind, weakness, precision of theoretical training, policy training, it training, management training, and regulatory training, highlights the pertinence and effectiveness of ensuring political qualities of leading cadres to keep up, thinking to keep up with, knowledge structure to keep up with and ability to keep up with, expert economic and social management. Discipline must be strengthened. Party committees at all levels should adhere to the overall strictness, discipline ... And political rules, effectively enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, consciousness and awareness. To strengthen care and support. From "love" starts with protection on cadres, strict management of cadres at the same time, cadres on political motivation, work, psychological care, General relief, shelter, security, promoting the cadres and feel comfortable, confident, positive, and dare to play. To established fault-tolerant exemption mechanism, let officer of people not chilling, seriously implementation types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people MT/T 206—200X 6 测定结果 煤矿水的钙、镁总硬度按式(2)计算: 1000cVM112 TH, „„„ (2) V2 式中: TH—煤矿水中钙、镁总硬度的数值(CaCO计),单位为毫克每升(mg/L); 3 c,EDTA标准溶液浓度的准确数值,单位为摩尔每升( mol/L); 1 —滴定试验水样消耗的EDTA标准溶液体积的数值,单位为毫升(mL); V1 —试验水样的体积的数值, 单位为毫升(mL); V2 1—碳酸钙(CaCO)的摩尔质量数值,单位为克每摩尔(g/ mol)(=50.04)。 MM3222 如果已测得煤矿水中钙离子含量,则镁离子的含量可按式(3)计算; 1000cVM2,2,113 Mg,- 0(6064Ca „„„ (3) V2 式中: 2,Mg—煤矿水中镁离子的含量的数值,单位为毫克每升(mg/L); 12,—镁离子(Mg)的摩尔质量的数值,单位为克每摩尔(g/ mol)(=12.152); MM332 2,Ca—煤矿水中钙离子的含量的数值,单位为毫克每升(mg/L); 0(6064—钙离子换算成镁离子的转换系数。 计算结果示到小数点后两位。 7 精密度 煤矿水硬度测定方法结果的重复性限应符合下表规定: 重复性限, ?/L 重复性限, % 总硬度,mg(CaCO)/L 3 ?200 4 ,200 2 镁离子含量,?/L 重复性限, ?/L 重复性限, ?/L ?25 1 ,25 4 3 types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people MT/T 206—200X 附录A (资料性附录) 水硬度的概念 水的硬度是用以描述水中钙、镁含量的一种古老概念,有不同的表示法(总硬度、碳酸盐硬度等等)。不同的国家有不同的概念和定义,其中一些列于表A1。 A1 概念和定义 A1.1 总硬度:在一般水中,水的硬度主要决定于钙、镁离子的含量。总硬度被定义为钙和镁的总浓度。 A1.2 有些水中除含钙、镁离子外还含有相当数量的铁、铝等多价金属离子,计算总硬度时也应包括在内:1mmol/L的二价金属离子换算为1mmol/L的碳酸钙;1mmol/L的三价金属离子换算为1.5mmol/L的碳酸钙,并在分析报告上注明。 A1.3 碳酸盐硬度和非碳酸盐硬度:当总硬度在数值上大于碳酸盐和重碳酸盐碱度的总和时,相当于碱度的那部份硬度称为“碳酸盐硬度”;剩余的那部份硬度称为“非碳酸盐硬度”。当总硬度在数值上等于或小于碳酸盐和重碳酸盐碱度的总和时,全部硬度都是碳酸盐硬度,而不存在非碳酸盐硬度。 A2 硬度标度 A2.1 德国硬度标度:1德国硬度标度(1?DH)表示水中含10mg/L的氧化钙或c(CaO)=0.178mmol/L时水的硬度。 A2.2 英国硬度标度:1英国硬度标度(1?Clark)表示水中含1格令?英国加仑,即14.3mg/L的碳酸钙或c(CaCO)=0.143mmol/L时水的硬度。 3 A2.3 法国硬度标度:1法国硬度标度表示水中含10mg/L的碳酸钙或c(CaCO)=0.1mmol/L3时水的硬度。 A2.4 美国硬度标度:在美国,硬度以碳酸钙在水中含量的百万分率(ppm)或每升水中含碳酸钙的毫克数表示。1mg/L的碳酸钙相当于c(CaCO)=0.01mmol/L时水的硬度。 3 A3 换算表 各种硬度单位可用下表互相换算。 表A1 西德 英国 法国 美国 mmol/L ?DH ?Clark 法国度 ppm mmol/L 1 5.61 7.02 10 100 西德 ?DH 0.178 1 1.25 1.78 17.8 英国 ?Clark 0.143 0.80 1 1.43 14.3 0.1 0.56 0.70 1 10 法国 法国度 0.01 0.056 0.070 0.1 1 美国 ppm 4 sit, stood watching, slack. We can't wait, drag, dialectical, and strive for an early reverse. To strengthen education and training. Leading cadres should have a professional thinking, professionalism, professional way. District Committee party school and county level theoretical study Central Group of the Party Committee leaders to address gaps in knowledge, experience blind, weakness, precision of theoretical training, policy training, it training, management training, and regulatory training, highlights the pertinence and effectiveness of ensuring political qualities of leading cadres to keep up, thinking to keep up with, knowledge structure to keep up with and ability to keep up with, expert economic and social management. Discipline must be strengthened. Party committees at all levels should adhere to the overall strictness, discipline ... And political rules, effectively enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, consciousness and awareness. To strengthen care and support. From "love" starts with protection on cadres, strict management of cadres at the same time, cadres on political motivation, work, psychological care, General relief, shelter, security, promoting the cadres and feel comfortable, confident, positive, and dare to play. To established fault-tolerant exemption mechanism, let officer of people not chilling, seriously implementation
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