

2018-04-13 21页 doc 56KB 23阅读




宝宝白天睡觉晚上哭闹的应对方法宝宝白天睡觉晚上哭闹的应对方法 一般不外乎以下几种情况。 ?环境不适应 有些孩子对自然环境不适应,黑夜白天颠倒。父母白天上班他睡觉,父母晚上休息他“工作”。若将孩子抱起和他玩,哭闹即止。对于这类孩子,可用些镇静剂把休息睡眠时间调整过来,必要时需请儿童保健医生作些指导。 ?白天运动不足 有的孩子白天运动不足,夜间不肯入睡,哭闹不止。这些孩子白天应增加活动量,孩子累了,晚上就能安静入睡。 ?午睡时间安排不当 有的孩子早晨起不来,到了午后2~3点才睡午觉,或者午睡时间过早,以至晚上提前入睡,半夜睡醒,没有人陪着玩就哭闹。这些...
宝宝白天睡觉晚上哭闹的应对方法 一般不外乎以下几种情况。 ?环境不适应 有些孩子对自然环境不适应,黑夜白天颠倒。父母白天上班他睡觉,父母晚上休息他“工作”。若将孩子抱起和他玩,哭闹即止。对于这类孩子,可用些镇静剂把休息睡眠时间调整过来,必要时需请儿童保健医生作些指导。 ?白天运动不足 有的孩子白天运动不足,夜间不肯入睡,哭闹不止。这些孩子白天应增加活动量,孩子累了,晚上就能安静入睡。 ?午睡时间安排不当 有的孩子早晨起不来,到了午后2~3点才睡午觉,或者午睡时间过早,以至晚上提前入睡,半夜睡醒,没有人陪着玩就哭闹。这些孩子早晨可以早些唤醒,午睡时间作适当调整,使孩子晚上有了睡意,就能安安稳稳地睡到天明。 为了宝宝晚上能及时入睡,注意每天傍晚4点到7点不要让他睡 刚刚出生的小宝宝没有白天和晚上的概念。他需要一天24小时睡觉和吃奶,这样才能正常发育和成长;因此白天和晚上对他来说并没有什么特别的含义。总的说来,新生儿每24小时大约会睡16-18小时;他通常会一口气睡上2-4小时,然后饥肠辘辘地醒来。刚开始的时候,他会不分昼夜地吃奶,但是他逐渐就会在晚上睡得稍微比白天的时候时间长一些。 宝宝之所以出现日夜颠倒的现象是情有可原的,因为宝宝在妈妈肚子里过了那么久不分昼夜的生活,出生后总得需要些时间来适应白天与夜间的现象,对此,爸爸妈妈要有耐心,其实只要过几个礼拜宝宝就不会如此了。如果你想缩短这个适应过程,不妨试试以下方法: 首先应该让宝宝将日夜区别清楚。具体方法是,白天把宝宝放在婴儿车里睡,带宝宝出门走走。如果在房里睡的话,不必刻意弄暗室内光线,或降低音量。当宝宝醒来时,逗一逗宝宝,让宝宝兴奋起来,到了夜晚,宝宝累了自然就睡了。 其次可以尝试限制宝宝白天的睡觉时间。一次不要超过3~4小时。如果不容易弄醒宝宝,可以帮宝宝脱掉衣服,抚弄宝宝的脸,或是搔宝宝的脚心。等宝宝稍微清醒时,可用说话、唱歌或把玩具拿到他的视野范围内的方法,进一步刺激宝宝的反应。 特别要注意的是:在设法改变宝宝日夜颠倒的毛病时,千万不要抱宝宝。其实,即使小宝宝在白天睡得很久也是一件好事,这示宝宝的睡眠状况良好。改变宝宝日夜颠倒的现象需要一个过程。 黑白颠倒的睡眠,必须再颠倒过来 宝宝白天睡得太足了,晚上没觉了,而爸爸妈妈劳累一天,实在没精力和宝宝交流了,宝宝怎么办,哭啊~爸爸妈妈也没法睡。 宝宝睡觉黑白颠倒,不是宝宝的错,而是爸爸妈妈养育方法不够正确,给惯出来的。现在,唯一明智的选择,就是把颠倒的时间再颠倒过来。当然不是硬拧,而是通过游戏,帮助宝宝逐步改正。 上午洗澡完毕,喂奶,如果宝宝吃着睡着了,就把宝宝唤醒,和宝宝说话,做游戏,比如妈to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 妈竖着抱宝宝,爸爸用一块红布蒙在脸上,再快速拿下来,并对着宝宝笑,然后妈妈玩红布,爸爸抱宝宝。宝宝一定会笑起来,时间就这样过去了。 晚上如果宝宝不睡觉,哭闹,就把宝宝的小手放在他的腹部上,妈妈双手按在宝宝手上轻轻摇一摇,不开灯,也不和宝宝说话。如果还哭,寻找哭的原因,是否尿了,拉了,饿了,病了,环境不舒服等,如果没有原因,就尽量冷处理。这样坚持一段时间,宝宝黑白颠倒的睡眠习惯,就会慢慢改变过来。 抓住时机训练宝宝 新生儿出生头几天,除了吃奶,几乎就处在睡眠状态,不分白天和黑夜。随着日龄增加,宝宝睡眠时间缩短了,一天24小时内,一般是在上午八九点钟,沐浴后,喂完奶,有一段比较长的觉醒时间。 爸爸妈妈要抓住这个时机,给宝宝做做体操,和宝宝说说话,要竖着把宝宝抱起来,让他看看周围的世界,要知道,宝宝一直在看天花板啊。在训练宝宝的过程中,开发了宝宝各项能力,也延长了觉醒的时间,对宝宝形成良好的睡眠习惯,有极大作用。 黑白颠倒的睡眠,必须再颠倒过来 宝宝白天睡得太足了,晚上没觉了,而爸爸妈妈劳累一天,实在没精力和宝宝交流了,宝宝怎么办,哭啊~爸爸妈妈也没法睡。 宝宝睡觉黑白颠倒,不是宝宝的错,而是爸爸妈妈养育方法不够正确,给惯出来的。现在,唯一明智的选择,就是把颠倒的时间再颠倒过来。当然不是硬拧,而是通过游戏,帮助宝宝逐步改正。 上午洗澡完毕,喂奶,如果宝宝吃着睡着了,就把宝宝唤醒,和宝宝说话,做游戏,比如妈妈竖着抱宝宝,爸爸用一块红布蒙在脸上,再快速拿下来,并对着宝宝笑,然后妈妈玩红布,爸爸抱宝宝。宝宝一定会笑起来,时间就这样过去了。 晚上如果宝宝不睡觉,哭闹,就把宝宝的小手放在他的腹部上,妈妈双手按在宝宝手上轻轻摇一摇,不开灯,也不和宝宝说话。如果还哭,寻找哭的原因,是否尿了,拉了,饿了,病了,环境不舒服等,如果没有原因,就尽量冷处理。这样坚持一段时间,宝宝黑白颠倒的睡眠习惯,就会慢慢改变过来。 大胆地把宝宝放下来 许多妈妈说自己的宝宝只能“抱着睡”,不能放,一放就醒。这是谁的过错呢,宝宝当然喜欢妈妈抱着睡,问题在于妈妈应不应该“抱着睡”。不应该,从一开始就不应该这样做。已经这样了,现在马上改正还来得及。 大胆地把宝宝放下来,开始可能不干,慢慢就会接受的。新生儿睡觉不踏实,动作多多,不一定是有问题,这样的宝宝也许长大了,是个好动的宝宝。请医生排除了疾病的可能,就不必管了,不必宝宝一动,就马上去拍,去哄,本来宝宝没有醒,你一拍一哄,倒把宝宝弄to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 醒了,捅了“马蜂窝”。 醒了就先让他醒着 宝宝睡眠时间短,最好的处理方法是:醒了就先让他醒着,先不要理会他,也许过一会又睡着了;真的醒了,只要不闹,也先不要理会他;如果哭闹明显了,再去看看是什么原因,这样就把睡眠时间逐渐拉长了。宝宝要是知道了我们的秘密,他一定不干,不过他这时实在太小了,妈妈的小技巧,一定会灵验的。 熟睡中的孩子安详宁静的睡容是这个世界上最美妙的一个情景。对于大多数初为人父的家长来说,这也是他们很多时候求之不得的一个情景。但是,有些宝宝总是白天睡觉,晚上起来玩,实在是让家长们头痛。 其实宝宝在来到这个世界的时候,睡与醒的循环周期就已经建立。在妈妈的子宫里,妈妈醒时她就睡,妈妈睡时她就醒。作为父母,你需要使宝宝意识到白天时间是用来吃和活动,夜间是用来睡觉的,而不是两者颠倒过来。 对于宝宝日夜睡眠颠倒的情况,首先要训练宝宝晚上定时入睡的习惯。有的宝宝早上晚起,到了早晨要早些叫醒他,对午睡的时间和长短要进行适当的调整。这样到了夜晚一旦宝宝有了睡意就会安安稳稳地睡到天明。同时晚上关灯睡觉时,周围环境要安静。宝宝睡着时,父母大都轻手轻脚,不敢惊动他,其实大可放心,婴儿一般都具有适应外界环境的能力。如果宝宝从小习惯于在过分安静的环境中睡眠,那么反而一点响动都可能把他惊醒。还可以在宝宝睡眠的时候,用小音量播放一些轻柔优美的音乐,一方面可以促使宝宝安然入睡,也能锻炼宝宝在周围有轻微声音时也能睡得安稳。晚上,小家伙醒来吃奶时,不要跟他玩,屋里的光线调暗一点,保持四周安静,不要跟他多说话。不久,宝宝就会开始意识到是晚上睡觉的时间 其次让宝宝白天多运动,有的宝宝白天运动不足,到夜间便不肯入睡,出现烦躁、哭闹情况。对于这类宝宝,父母应让他们在白天适当增加活动量,宝宝白天累了,晚上就能安静入睡。此外,每次睡眠前都做相同的事情,做完就让宝宝睡在床上,例如:先给宝宝做个安静的游戏,洗个温水澡,然后给他喂奶、讲,再睡觉,并关上卧室灯。反复这样就会让宝宝形成习惯知道我该要睡觉了。 很多婴儿在来到这个世界的时候,睡与醒的循环周期就已经建立。在妈妈的子宫里,妈妈醒时她就睡,妈妈睡时她就醒。作为父母,你需要使婴儿意识到白天时间是用来吃和活动,夜间是用来睡觉的,而不是两者颠倒过来。 对于宝宝日夜睡眠颠倒的情况,首先要训练宝宝晚上定时入睡的习惯。有的宝宝早上晚起,到了早晨要早些叫醒他,对午睡的时间和长短要进行适当的调整。这样到了夜晚一旦宝宝有了睡意就会安安稳稳地睡到天明。同时晚上关灯睡觉时,周围环境要安静。让宝宝白天多运动,有的宝宝白天运动不足,到夜间便不肯入睡,出现烦躁、哭闹情况。对于这类宝宝,父母应让他们在白天适当增加活动量,宝宝白天累了,晚上就能安静入睡。此外,每次睡眠前都做相同的事情,做完就让宝宝睡在床上,例如:先给宝宝洗一个热水澡,然后给他喂奶、讲故事,再睡觉,反复这样就会让宝宝形成习惯知道我该要睡觉了。 1 培养规律的睡眠时间:可以有效减少宝宝睡前哭闹,或因精力过于充沛而无法入睡的情况发生。 2 建立良好的睡眠仪式:在睡前进行一些舒服且安静的仪式,例如沐浴、换舒服柔软的睡衣、漱口或刷牙、按摩、睡前故事、听轻音乐或催眠曲等,让一切都舒缓、安静下来,有助于宝宝培养睡眠的情绪,减少入睡所需的时间,并且睡得更安稳。 3 舒适的睡眠环境:to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 为宝宝布置能够感觉既舒适又温馨的睡房,温度调在26?~27?最佳;而且不要将睡房当作游戏场所,让宝宝对于睡房有正确的功能认识,在每天晚间进入睡房时都能够满怀期待的心情,如此自然能塑造一个温馨的环境。 4 白天不要睡太多:避免宝宝在下午四五点钟以后午睡,以免睌上睡不着。 5 避免让宝宝看太刺激或恐怖的画面:以免宝宝的小脑袋静不下来,或因为害怕而不敢入睡。 6 千万不要让睡觉成为战争:若宝宝不想睡觉或半夜醒来时,除了使用上述的方法外,记得用温和、柔软但坚定的态度处理,千万不要让每天睡前剑拔弩张,这样不但会让亲子的睡眠质量不好,也会破坏亲子关系,造成恶性循环。 下午六点以后不要睡觉了,十点他就困了,睡觉以前给他洗一下澡,给他做一下按摩就好多了。还有一个问题就是家里晚上孩子爱哭、爱闹,睡不好。睡不好的原因,有不同的原因,比如屋子里太热、太凉,或者睡觉以前没有吃饱或者吃过饱,都影响睡眠。常常的原因,有一个不好的睡眠伴随条件,主要表现在白天睡觉的时候老是要抱呀,拍呀,摇呀,或者含着奶头才能睡。这样的话,小孩有睡眠周期了,醒来的时候他老需要这样的条件才能睡,晚上一般睡一个小时左右,睡完一个周期就要醒下来,我没有含着奶头就睡不着,这样他就哭了,家里太嘈了。 每天一个睡眠周期这样醒来,就需要这样条件。如果平常养成他自己睡觉的习惯,困了自己放在床上,用一个毛毛熊或者娃娃在他边上,他一看就睡着了,当他醒来的时候,他自己醒一醒又入睡了,看到小玩具在他旁边挺习惯的,就睡了,这样家长晚上睡得好。其实事业有一个周期接着一个周期醒来,但是他自己入睡了,不觉得他闹。所以要从二三个月培养他的习惯,不要含着奶头睡,不要拍、摇,就是让他自己放在床上睡。这样的话,孩子就可以从小养成很好的习惯。 睡眠问题 抓住时机训练宝宝 新生儿出生头几天,除了吃奶,几乎就处在睡眠状态,不分白天和黑夜。随着日龄增加,宝宝睡眠时间缩短了,一天24小时内,一般是在上午八九点钟,沐浴后,喂完奶,有一段比较长的觉醒时间。 爸爸妈妈要抓住这个时机,给宝宝做做体操,和宝宝说说话,要竖着把宝宝抱起来,让他看看周围的世界,要知道,宝宝一直在看天花板啊。在训练宝宝的过程中,开发了宝宝各项能力,也延长了觉醒的时间,对宝宝形成良好的睡眠习惯,有极大作用。 黑白颠倒的睡眠,必须再颠倒过来 宝宝白天睡得太足了,晚上没觉了,而爸爸妈妈劳累一天,实在没精力和宝宝交流了,宝宝怎么办,哭啊~爸爸妈妈也没法睡。 宝宝睡觉黑白颠倒,不是宝宝的错,而是爸爸妈妈养育方法不够正确,给惯出来的。现在,唯一明智的选择,就是把颠倒的时间再颠倒过来。当然不是硬拧,而是通过游戏,帮助宝宝逐步改正。 上午洗澡完毕,喂奶,如果宝宝吃着睡着了,就把宝宝唤醒,和宝宝说话,做游戏,比to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 如妈妈竖着抱宝宝,爸爸用一块红布蒙在脸上,再快速拿下来,并对着宝宝笑,然后妈妈玩红布,爸爸抱宝宝。宝宝一定会笑起来,时间就这样过去了。 晚上如果宝宝不睡觉,哭闹,就把宝宝的小手放在他的腹部上,妈妈双手按在宝宝手上轻轻摇一摇,不开灯,也不和宝宝说话。如果还哭,寻找哭的原因,是否尿了,拉了,饿了,病了,环境不舒服等,如果没有原因,就尽量冷处理。这样坚持一段时间,宝宝黑白颠倒的睡眠习惯,就会慢慢改变过来。 大胆地把宝宝放下来 许多妈妈说自己的宝宝只能“抱着睡”,不能放,一放就醒。这是谁的过错呢,宝宝当然喜欢妈妈抱着睡,问题在于妈妈应不应该“抱着睡”。不应该,从一开始就不应该这样做。已经这样了,现在马上改正还来得及。 大胆地把宝宝放下来,开始可能不干,慢慢就会接受的。新生儿睡觉不踏实,动作多多,不一定是有问题,这样的宝宝也许长大了,是个好动的宝宝。请医生排除了疾病的可能,就不必管了,不必宝宝一动,就马上去拍,去哄,本来宝宝没有醒,你一拍一哄,倒把宝宝弄醒了,捅了“马蜂窝”。 醒了就先让他醒着 宝宝睡眠时间短,最好的处理方法是:醒了就先让他醒着,先不要理会他,也许过一会又睡着了;真的醒了,只要不闹,也先不要理会他;如果哭闹明显了,再去看看是什么原因,这样就把睡眠时间逐渐拉长了。宝宝要是知道了我们的秘密,他一定不干,不过他这时实在太小了,妈妈的小技巧,一定会灵验的。 白天活动、夜间睡眠,在成人看来是自然而然的。但这种睡眠规律并非与生俱来,而是出生后随着机体调节机制的发育和外界环境的刺激逐步建立的。如果父母不注重宝宝睡眠习惯的培养,小宝宝会出现昼夜不分、睡眠紊乱的情况,这种昼睡夜醒的习惯会使宝宝和家长都得不到充分休息,这就是睡颠倒了。 要调整宝宝的睡眠状态,就要合理安排好宝宝白天、睡前和夜晚的作息时间,逐渐养成良好的生活习惯。 白天玩够、睡好 在白天宝宝清醒时,要多为宝宝安排一些适合他月龄的游戏。天气好的时候,多抱着宝宝到户外散步。如果宝宝白天睡眠时间过长,可以适当延长外出玩耍的时间,或在家中做被动操、和宝宝多说话交流,让宝宝适度的疲劳。但不可过分要求,如果过于疲劳,反而会使宝宝兴奋,夜晚更不易入睡。 白天宝宝入睡后,不要把室内光线调得太暗,也不可过分保持安静,可适当有响动。已使宝宝区分白天睡眠和夜间睡眠的不同。小宝宝白天的睡眠时间每次最好不要超过3小时。对于不易醒来的宝宝,可以用换纸尿裤、挠脚心、抱起说话等方法,叫醒宝宝。 睡前培养好习惯 从宝宝3个月开始,父母可以逐渐培养宝宝在睡前建立一套固定的模式。先洗个热水澡,做抚触和被动操,换上舒适的睡衣;然后喂母乳或配方奶,喝完奶后不要马上入睡,可以给to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 宝宝讲个小故事、念1,2首儿歌,或是玩一会儿玩具;20分钟后再把一次尿,穿上纸尿裤;然后播放一些轻柔舒缓的催眠曲,如果是曾经听过的胎教音乐,效果会更好;最后关上灯,把宝宝放在小床上,不再说话,让宝宝自己进入梦乡。 如果能坚持每天有规律地按时完成这些活动,就可以养成宝宝固定时间睡眠的习惯,会使父母和家人生活得更轻松。 夜间安稳入睡少打扰 当宝宝入睡后,卧室内要保持安静、舒适、光线暗的睡眠环境,以帮助宝宝区别日夜。从宝贝满月开始,除喂奶以外,要尽量少打扰宝贝睡眠。有时宝宝睡觉时会翻身、呓语,有时还会微笑、哭泣,当家长看到这样的情况时,不要“第一时间”去关注宝宝,更不要打开亮灯,这样反而会打扰了宝宝的“美梦”,影响了宝宝正常的浅睡状态,甚至养成不良的睡眠习惯。 宝宝的睡眠周期比成人短,在夜间有时会自然醒来。这种情况下不要立刻抱起宝宝,更不能看宝宝精神好与之玩耍,这样会使宝宝养成夜里固定醒来习惯。如果宝宝是因为不舒服醒来,如饥饿、尿湿,打开小夜灯找到原因,轻轻地给宝宝喂奶、换纸尿裤,再安静地陪宝宝入睡,不要跟宝宝说与睡眠无关的话。 如果到了喂奶时间,宝宝还在深深的睡梦中,不要叫醒宝宝喂奶。要逐步培养宝宝断掉夜奶。不必担心宝宝会饿着,夜间少吃,白天会补上。 小提示:培养宝宝的睡眠习惯需要较长的时间,妈妈要有良好的夜间育儿心态。宝宝睡颠倒了会让妈妈无法正常休息,但切记不可焦虑,更不能对宝宝生气发脾气。这样会使亲子关系紧张,更不利于宝宝睡眠习惯的调整。 培养良好的睡眠习惯 (一)按时睡觉:在宝宝入睡前0.5,1小时,应让宝宝安静下来,不看刺激性的电视节目,不讲紧张可怕的故事,也不玩新玩具。晚上入睡前要洗脸、洗脚、洗屁股。睡前让孩子排空小便。脱下的衣服应整齐地放在相应的地方,要按时上床、起床。逐步形成按时主动上床、起床的习惯。 >>>经常抱着睡觉会惯坏宝宝, (二)自然入睡:宝宝上床后,晚上要关上灯;白天可拉上窗帘,使室内光线稍暗些。 宝宝入睡后,成人不必摄手摄脚。习惯在过于安静的环境中睡眠的宝宝容易惊醒。只要不突然发出大的声响,如“砰”的关门声或金属器皿掉在地上的声音即可。要培养宝宝上床后不说话、不拍不摇、不搂不抱、自动躺下、很快入睡、醒来后不哭闹的好习惯。并让宝宝养成不蒙头、不含奶头、不咬被角、不吮手指,不把玩具放在床上或抱玩具入睡以及不把衣裤放在床上的好习惯。对不能自动入睡的孩子要给以语言爱抚,但决不迁就,要让宝宝依靠自己的力量调节自己入睡前的状态。不要用粗暴强制、吓唬的办法让孩子入睡。有的宝宝怕黑夜,可在床头安一个台灯,教会宝宝开关,使他能控制黑夜,有利于宝宝安然入睡。 (三)睡姿舒适:1岁以后的宝宝已形成了自己的入睡姿势,要尊重宝宝的睡姿,只要宝宝睡得舒适,无论仰卧、俯卧、侧卧都是可以的。如果宝宝晚上刚喝完奶就要接着睡,宜采取右侧卧位,有利于食物的消化吸收。若宝宝睡的时间较长,可以帮他变换姿势。 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note (四)睡眠不安的处理:有的宝宝夜里睡眠不安、易惊醒、哭闹,父母便立刻将其抱起来又拍又哄,让其再度入睡,结果宝宝很快习惯于这种在父母怀里睡眠的情况,不拍不哄便不再入睡。为此,对偶然出现的半夜哭闹,要查明原因。如白天是否受了委屈,听了惊险的故事,睡前是否吃得过饱,或饥饿、口渴,尿床、内衣太紧、太硬以致躯体不适,以及肠道寄生虫或其他原因导致的腹痛、呼吸道感染导致的鼻塞等,给予针对性的处理。若无躯体疾病,则应改变其睡眠环境,如让其一个人独睡;对其夜间醒来,父母应克服焦虑情绪,既不宜过分抚弄孩子,也不要烦躁或发脾气,则夜间哭闹可自行纠正过来。 (五)注意事项: >>>六招让小宝宝按时睡觉(组图) 保持被褥清洁,每周最少晒2次,一年最少拆洗3,4次;厚薄应随季节不同及时调换。 卧室经常开窗通风换气,打扫卫生。夏天可开窗睡眠、露天睡眠或在凉棚下睡眠。寒冷季节可打开1,2个通风窗睡眠,宝宝起床前20分钟可关闭窗户以提高室温,防止宝宝穿衣时着凉。 二、如何帮助宝宝睡眠(白天) (一)给宝宝做一个小的箱子,里面放着他喜欢的籍和玩具。 这样他觉得困倦时便可在小睡前看看书。不要放太好的或贵的书,因为他可能会把书弄皱。可放些识字卡、厚纸板书或旧书。另外一种方法是从杂志上剪下有趣的图画,贴到厚纸板上,用透明纸覆盖其上,这样比较整洁。 (二)让宝宝在你的床上,或在沙发上靠近你的地方睡觉。 (三)如果宝宝不午睡,则要确保他至少有些休息时间。 (四)如果宝宝不肯睡觉,就让他听一盒长的录音带,告诉宝宝等到音乐结束 后,休息时间才结束。 (五)在宝宝刚玩完兴奋的游戏或吵闹以后,不要马上让他睡觉。因为他此时很给安定下来入睡。如果你硬要他睡,只能令你失望。应给他十至十五分钟的时间,让他冷静下来,安静地看看电视或书才睡觉。 (六)即使儿童也喜欢在床上看书的。如果你的宝宝也是喜欢这样做,就放一本他喜欢看的书在床上。 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note (七)给宝宝的枕头略涂上一些香水或涂上一种香膏(刮胡子用的),这样宝宝便会深深地呼吸这些香味。深呼吸有放松和安静的作用。 (八)上床前给宝宝洗澡,然后喝些暖饮料和给他讲故事。 >>>哄宝宝入睡的错误方法解析 三、如何对待半夜醒来的宝宝 据统计,15%的2岁儿童晚上习惯醒来。这影响了父母晚上的睡眠,给父母带来了忧虑。不管宝宝夜间醒来有多频繁,或怎样烦躁不安,都别让他哭。应马上走到他身边,使他舒服并找出问题所在。问题可能不难解决——他可能因为毯子或被子掉了而觉得冷;他可能太热,也许他口渴或咬牙。另一方面,问题可能不太重要:他也许不因上述原因而醒来,可能只是因为恶梦后感到害怕而醒来,但是他不能解释是什么使他感到不安,你亦无从告诉宝宝没有什么东西值得害怕的。所以你应给予他亲切和爱抚,不要担心因此会宠坏他。 四、宝宝早醒的应付方法 (一)在宝宝的床上放一些布料或纸板书,供他“早读”。确保宝宝有足够的灯光看书。如果没有的话,在宝宝晚上上床前留下一盏不太亮的长明灯。 (二)在宝宝的床边放一个软的箱子或塑料桶,里面放小玩具、蜡笔、纸、一些布料或一些有趣的可当玩具的家庭用品。这样他就能够把这些东西拿来玩。 (三)把一些新鲜的水果或面包放在一个纸袋里,再放在宝宝的床底。为安全起见,千万别把食物放在塑料袋里。 (四)在宝宝的手能伸到的地方放个大口杯或普通杯子,里面放着饮料。 五、宝宝拒绝上床睡觉怎么处理 (一)睡觉的时间可灵活掌握,许多宝宝在晚上七至八点就要睡觉了,他们并不介意你是否把他放在床上。所以,为什么一定要让他不情愿地独自睡到睡房中,而不让其快快乐乐地在你身边入睡? (二)提早给你的宝宝洗澡,这能使他精神放松,并早点入睡。 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note (三)如果你的宝宝难以入睡,那么仍旧让他穿着睡衣;假如他过一会睡着了,你就无须叫醒他换衣服,只需把他放到他的小床上就行了。 六、宝宝非要你陪他睡觉怎么办 一种方法是,你对宝宝说:“你静静地躺着,过五分钟我就回来。”然后在五分钟后准时回去,以确保宝宝感到舒服,然后再对他说你五分钟后回来,完了再做一次。当你不在的时候,留下音乐给他听或让他继续看他本已经看了几页的书,或让他继续玩他已玩开头的游戏。这样,当你离开他时,他不会再感到害怕,而是等着你回来。照这样做了三次或四次后,你可能发现小宝宝已经入睡了。 >>>夜间:如何让宝宝乖乖睡觉 如果宝宝拖延就寝时间是因为害怕单独一人在房间,或怕黑,你可以帮助他减轻害怕心理。如果宝宝害怕单独一人在黑暗处,你就用读故事书,玩游戏或唱儿歌来分散他的精神。这样确保他安定下来并感到困倦,你坐在他的床边,轻拍他的背直至他已经入睡为止。宝宝怕黑是完全正常的、有理由的。不要坚持关他卧室的灯。应在宝宝的卧室晚上开着一盏暗的灯,这会使他感到舒适,同时亦方便你晚上到宝宝的房间去看他。 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note
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