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学生习惯养成家长评价表学生习惯养成家长评价表 一年级学生习惯养成家长评价表 年 班 学生姓名: 月 日 目标: 一年级(上学期): (一)学习习惯: 1、听别人发言时用眼睛注视对方,努力了解讲话的内容,不抢话说。 2、说话完整,声音清楚、响亮。 3、听课时坐姿正确,昂首挺胸,双手重叠平放于桌上。 4、执笔方法和写字姿势正确,做到“三个一”,用铅笔写字。 (二)道德习惯: 5、知道自己是中国人和国名全称。 6、尊敬国旗、学唱国歌,升降国旗、奏国歌时要肃立。 7、尊敬长辈,遇见他们要热情打招呼。 8、尊敬老师,做到见到老师行队礼...
学生习惯养成家长评价表 学生习惯养成家长评价表 年 班 学生姓名: 月 日 目标: 一年级(上学期): (一)学习习惯: 1、听别人发言时用眼睛注视对方,努力了解讲话的内容,不抢话说。 2、说话完整,声音清楚、响亮。 3、听课时坐姿正确,昂首挺胸,双手重叠平放于桌上。 4、执笔和写字姿势正确,做到“三个一”,用铅笔写字。 (二)道德习惯: 5、知道自己是中国人和国名全称。 6、尊敬国旗、学唱国歌,升降国旗、奏国歌时要肃立。 7、尊敬长辈,遇见他们要热情打招呼。 8、尊敬老师,做到见到老师行队礼问好。 (三)生活习惯: 9、知道吃、穿、住、行、用的都是劳动人民创造的,都要爱惜。 10、知道玩水、玩电、玩火是非常危险的,并注意交通安全。 家长评价: 您认为您的孩子在以上习惯中有哪些优点,还存在哪些不足: 学习习惯: 。等级选择( ) 道德习惯: 。等级选择( ) 生活习惯: 。等级选择( ) 您有何建议: 。 等级选项: A 优 B 良 C 合格 D 待提高 of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 家长签字: 一年级学生习惯养成家长评价表 年 班 学生姓名: 月 日 目标: 一年级(下学期): (一)学习习惯: 1、听别人发言时,若需要补充或有不同的意见时,要耐心听别人说完后再举手发表看法。 2、说话态度自然大方。 3、读书姿势正确,朗读时双手持课本立于桌上,默读时将课本平放。 4、养成先复习再作业的好习惯。 (二)道德习惯: 5、知道国际儿童节、劳动节、妇女节和少先队建队日、教师节以及传统的清明节、老人节、春节和元旦等。 6、知道会用“十字”礼貌用语“您好、请、再见、谢谢、对不起”。 7、要爱护学校建筑物和花草树木。 8、知道工人、农民、知识分子和解放军等都是人民,都要尊敬他们 (三)生活习惯: 9、学会穿衣服、鞋袜;漱口刷牙,洗脸洗脚; 10、整理书包玩具;会洗红领巾、手绢、袜子;学习干简单的家务活。 11、会扫地、擦桌、倒垃圾、会盛饭,端菜和收放碗筷。 您认为您的孩子在以上习惯中有哪些优点,还存在哪些不足: 学习习惯: 。等级选择( ) 道德习惯: 。等级选择( ) 生活习惯: 。等级选择( ) 您有何建议: 。 等级选项:A 优 B 良 C 合格 D 待提高 of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 家长签字: 二年级学生习惯养成家长评价表 年 班 学生姓名: 月 日 目标: 二年级(上学期): (一)学习习惯: 1、听别人发言时,不随意打断他人讲话,以微笑、点头表示感兴趣或赞同。 2、遇到不会读的字或不懂的及时问老师或同学。 3、朗读时做到声音响亮,默读做到不出声、不指读。 4、养成做完作业自觉检查和发现问题及时订正的好习惯。 (二)道德习惯: 5、知道自己是小学生,是学校、班级、少先队组织的一员,主要任务是学习,要好好学习,天天向上,爱班级、队组织和学校,争做一个好学生(优秀队员)。 6、知道家乡是祖国的一部分,会讲本省、地、市、乡(镇)、街道的名称。 7、同学之间要友好,课间活动守秩序;不抢先,不挑拣,不争吵。 8、知道长辈、亲戚的称谓。 (三)生活习惯: 9、从小养成爱惜劳动果实,不浪费粮食、不挑吃穿、不偏食,节约用水用电和生活学习用品。 10、不随便在校外买零食吃 您认为您的孩子在以上习惯中有哪些优点,还存在哪些不足: 学习习惯: 。等级选择( ) 道德习惯: 。等级选择( ) 生活习惯: 。等级选择( ) 您有何建议: 。 等级选项:A 优 B 良 C 合格 D 待提高 of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 家长签字: 二年级学生习惯养成家长评价表 年 班 学生姓名: 月 日 目标: 二年级(下学期): (一)学习习惯: 1、具有与人合作的意识,初步具有团结协作的能力。 2、形成相对固定的学习小组, 3、能和小组成员进行简单、友好、有效的合作。 4、在学习上、生活中有不明白的及时请教。 (二)道德习惯: 5、知道中国共产党的生日;认识党旗;知道现任党和国家主要领导人(党中央总书记、国家主席、国务院总理)。 6、感受同学情、老师爱、学校的温暖,培养爱集体、爱伙伴、爱老师和爱学校生活的情感。 7、懂得亲切称呼的礼仪。 8、不说谎话,不私自拿别人的东西,捡到东西要交公或还失主,做个诚实的孩子。 (三)生活习惯: 9、爱护花草树木,不随地吐痰不,不乱丢果壳、纸屑,保持教室整洁,课桌内书本、作业本等用品要摆放整齐。 10、不玩电、玩火、玩水和玩危险性的游戏。 您认为您的孩子在以上习惯中有哪些优点,还存在哪些不足: 学习习惯: 。等级选择( ) 道德习惯: 。等级选择( ) 生活习惯: 。等级选择( ) 您有何建议: 。 of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 等级选项:A 优 B 良 C 合格 D 待提高 家长签字: 三年级学生习惯养成家长评价表 年 班 学生姓名: 月 日 目标: 三年级(上学期): (一)学习习惯: 1、用心倾听,努力听懂别人的发言。 2、说话音量适中,不大声喊叫 3、课前能根据老师要求或提示预习课文 4、课后做到自主复习。 (二)道德习惯: 5、知道祖国是山河壮丽、历史悠久、文化灿烂的文明古国;自古以来,有许多爱国志士和革命先烈为祖国和人民奉献了自己的一切,我们应该向他们学习。 6、了解父母的工作情况和对社会的贡献。懂得长辈们为社会、为家庭、为自己付出辛劳,应受到尊敬。 7、知道人民是国家的主人。国家有法律,人人要学法、守法,自觉遵守交通规则和公共秩序 8、学会帮助同学、关心班级集体、珍惜集体荣誉,遵守集体纪律,多为集体做好事,不做损害集体利益的事。 (三)生活习惯: 9、要爱护好家里的财物,不比吃穿、不乱花钱,养成俭朴的生活作风。 10、主动帮助有困难的人 您认为您的孩子在以上习惯中有哪些优点,还存在哪些不足: 学习习惯: 。等级选择( ) 道德习惯: 。等级选择( ) 生活习惯: 。等级选择( ) 您有何建议: of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 。 等级选项:A 优 B 良 C 合格 D 待提高 家长签字: 三年级学生习惯养成家长评价表 年 班 学生姓名: 月 日 目标: 三年级(下学期): (一)学习习惯: 1、养成边听边记的习惯,能把握要点再简要转述养成边听边记的习惯,能把握要点再简要转述 2、在与同伴交流中能大胆发表自己意见 3、养成独立的、静心读书的习惯,做到眼到、口到、心到。 4、钢笔写字,做到规范、整洁,行款符合要求。 (二)道德习惯: 5、知道学校、班级、少先队都是集体,自己在集体的关怀下成长,要关心集体,做集体的主人。 6、知道学习是学生的主要任务。初步懂得建设祖国、保卫祖国需要文化科学知识,必须从小努力学习,打好基础。 7、知道家庭财产的置办和经济来源,懂得组建一个幸福家庭来之不易,懂得节约光荣,浪费可耻。 8、爱护公共财物,不在课桌椅上乱涂刻。并爱护好校内一切公共设施、运动器材及卫生工具。 (三)生活习惯: 9、积极参加力所能及的家务劳动,自己的衣服用品要摆放整齐,学会收拾房间、洗衣服、洗刷餐具、做简单的饭菜等。 10、遇到外宾热情大方,不围观尾随。 您认为您的孩子在以上习惯中有哪些优点,还存在哪些不足: 学习习惯: 。等级选择( ) 道德习惯: 。等级选择( ) 生活习惯: of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 。等级选择( ) 您有何建议: 。 等级选项:A 优 B 良 C 合格 D 待提高 家长签字: 四年级学生习惯养成家长评价表 年 班 学生姓名: 月 日 目标: 四年级(上学期): (一)学习习惯: 1、边听边想:同学回答得对不对,错在什么地方,自己怎样回答, 2、养成想好再说的习惯,有条理地把意思说清楚。 3、及时、认真完成作业,做完作业自觉检查、发现问题及时订正的习惯。 4、及时在本上记录在预习本中或学习中的疑问并努力解决。 (二)道德习惯: 5、了解我国是个多民族的国家,懂得各族人民要团结、互相尊重、平等相处,共同建设我们的国家的道理。 、知道要学科学、信科学、用科学。懂得虚心使人进步,骄傲使 人落后。做事6 要有始有终,遇事要经过思考不盲从,从小做个讲信用的人。 7、了解长辈的优点、长处和好传统,并学习、继承和发扬。 8、知道社会上有孤寡老人、残疾人和贫困少年儿童需要大家去帮助。 (三)生活习惯: 9、要珍惜时间,做到今日事今日毕。在学习上要刻苦钻研,养成良好的学习习惯。 10、订一张科学的作息时间表,生活要有规律。 您认为您的孩子在以上习惯中有哪些优点,还存在哪些不足: 学习习惯: 。等级选择( ) 道德习惯: 。等级选择( ) 生活习惯: 。等级选择( ) 您有何建议: of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 。 等级选项:A 优 B 良 C 合格 D 待提高 家长签字: 四年级学生习惯养成家长评价表 年 班 学生姓名: 月 日 目标: 四年级(下学期): (一)学习习惯: 1、对经努力无法解决的问题能虚心向别人请教。 2、比较自觉地运用工具书解决学习中碰到的问题。 3、在老师的指导下,上网搜索。 4、在小组中能聆听别人的意见、大方地发表自己的意见,顾全大局。 (二)道德习惯: 5、初步了解“一国两制”的含义。知道台湾是祖国的领土,统一祖国是中国人民的伟大事业。 6、发现长辈的缺点时,应通过正常途径给予说服帮助,以树立文明家风 7、在校做个文明学生,熟练地运用礼貌用语,学会日常生活中的基本礼节。 8、有辨别好坏美丑、是非的能力,不看黄色书刊和录像,不玩电子游戏机和台球等活动,不随便进网吧 (三)生活习惯: 9、正确支配零用钱,不乱花一分钱。 10、不像父母提出过高的物质要求。 您认为您的孩子在以上习惯中有哪些优点,还存在哪些不足: 学习习惯: 。等级选择( ) 道德习惯: 。等级选择( ) 生活习惯: 。等级选择( ) 您有何建议: of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 。 等级选项:A 优 B 良 C 合格 D 待提高 家长签字: 五年级学生习惯养成家长评价表 年 班 学生姓名: 月 日 目标: 五年级(上学期): (一)学习习惯: 1、在边听边想的基础上,养成听后及时发表自己观点的习惯。 2、养成文明说话习惯,与人交流能尊重、理解对方。 3、通过预习了解课文主要内容,能借助工具书和联系具体语境理解词句的意思。 4、会合理安排时间,做作业有一定的速度, (二)道德习惯: 5、初步了解祖国的特产资源、名胜古迹、山川。 6、知道集体力量与智慧,个人应在集体中发挥聪明和才智。初步懂得集体生活的原则(个人服从集体,少数服从多数的民主集中制原则),在集体中要平等待人,遇事要与大家商量。 7、知道父母和长辈的优良品质对社会、家庭和他人的良好影响。 8、初步认识社会上的不良倾向应该抵制。 (三)生活习惯: 9、爱惜衣物,不追求穿戴; 10、爱惜粮食,不随便丢弃饭菜,不剩饭,节约一粒粮食 您认为您的孩子在以上习惯中有哪些优点,还存在哪些不足: 学习习惯: 。等级选择( ) 道德习惯: 。等级选择( ) 生活习惯: 。等级选择( ) of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 您有何建议: 。 等级选项:A 优 B 良 C 合格 D 待提高 家长签字: 五年级学生习惯养成家长评价表 年 班 学生姓名: 月 日 目标: 五年级(下学期): (一)学习习惯: 1、耐心专注地倾听有一定难度、容量的内容。 2、在需要时,愿意主动大方地与不太熟悉的人作交流。 3、主动带着问题静心读课文,熟练运用各种符号圈划、摘录 、遇到难题能独立思考,认真完成,对错题能自觉分析原因及时订正。 4 (二)道德习惯: 5、知道劳动只有分工不同,没有贵贱之分,劳动光荣。并知道损人利己是可耻的。 6、知道建设祖国,保卫祖国,需要知识和科学,需要勤奋学习、刻苦钻研,初步懂得今天好好学习与实现共同理想的关系。 7、初步了解家乡的昨天、今天和明天的发展,激发对家乡的依恋之情,树立建 设家乡的远大志向。 8、正确认识社会上的坏人坏事对社会危害的严重性。 (三)生活习惯: 9、积极主动打扫教室、走道,校园内不乱扔碎纸,不乱涂乱画。 10、看电视按照家长和老师的要求有限度,不放任。 您认为您的孩子在以上习惯中有哪些优点,还存在哪些不足: 学习习惯: 。等级选择( ) 道德习惯: 。等级选择( ) 生活习惯: 。等级选择( ) of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 您有何建议: 。 等级选项:A 优 B 良 C 合格 D 待提高 家长签字: 六年级学生习惯养成家长评价表 年 班 学生姓名: 月 日 目标: 六年级(上学期): (一)学习习惯: 1、听人发言如有疑问,请对方解释说明时,说话要用上“是否、请您、您是不是可以„„”等礼貌用语。 2、逐步养成乐于参与讨论、有针对性说话、敢于发表不同意见的习惯。 、有选择地阅读文学作品、浏览当天报纸和近期书刊。 3 4、能正确、快速地运用工具书解决学习中碰到的问题。 (二)道德习惯: 5、知道礼貌待人是优良品质的表现,语言肮脏、行为粗野是不文明的表现。 6、正确认识和对待家庭成员中的宗教信仰和习俗,自觉抵制迷信活动。 7、能一分为二对待自己和别人,善于发现和学习别人的长处;受表扬时要发现自己的不足,能总结自己的成绩和存在问题,做到胜不骄,败不馁。 8、培养自己开朗、乐观、积极向上的性格。在困难和挫折面前不灰心、不泄气、不爱虚荣、不妒忌。 (三)生活习惯: 9、不吸烟、不喝酒、不赌博,不参与迷信活动。 10、遵守交通规则,不违章骑车,注意人身安全。 您认为您的孩子在以上习惯中有哪些优点,还存在哪些不足: 学习习惯: 。等级选择( ) 道德习惯: 。等级选择( ) 生活习惯: 。等级选择( ) of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 您有何建议: 。 等级选项:A 优 B 良 C 合格 D 待提高 家长签字: 六年级学生习惯养成家长评价表 年 班 学生姓名: 月 日 目标: 六年级(下学期): (一)学习习惯: 1、养成仔细观察周围事物、遇到问题善于思考的习惯,随时记录身边人和事,积累写作素材。 2、养成自行筛选问题,依靠自己解决简单问题,与同伴互助合作商议重点问题的习惯。。 3、遇到问题或根据要求,能自觉到图书室查阅资料。 4、能在组长的领导下参加小组中的各种活动,能与小组中其他成员和谐相处。(二)道德习惯: 5、知道宪法与法律中与小学生有关的内容。懂得小学生要学法、懂法、守法。 6、学习、遵守同自己生活有关的法律、法规,能运用法律手段保护自己,自觉遵守义务教育法的有关,认真读完小学,毕业升入初中,做个合格的小学毕业生。 7、培养自己具有自学、自理、自护、自强、自律的能力。 8、了解一些简单的实事政治信息。 (三)生活习惯: 9、穿戴整洁,经常洗澡,勤换衣,勤剪指甲,勤洗头,早晚刷牙嗽口,及时梳理头发,预防头虱,自觉、自主搞好个人卫生。 10、懂得学习、做事要讲效率,学会合理安排学习、活动、生活和休息时间。 您认为您的孩子在以上习惯中有哪些优点,还存在哪些不足: 学习习惯: 。等级选择( ) 道德习惯: 。等级选择( ) 生活习惯: of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP. 。等级选择( ) 您有何建议: 。 等级选项:A 优 B 良 C 合格 D 待提高 家长签字: of cases required: name number (?) cerebral infarction 10 20 20 brain hemorrhage following subarachnoid hemorrhage intracranial and intraspinal tumors 10 10 10 brain vascular malformation of encephalitis meningitis in 5 central nervous system demyelinating disease 5 Disc 3 5 brain parasite disease brain, spinal trauma 3 (IX) Neural electrophysiology 2 months 1. Rotary objective: indications of nerve electrophysiological examination methods and points for attention. Be familiar with: the clinical significance of the findings. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) EEG reading 30 reading 30 evoked EMG 20 (10) neuropathic 1 month 1. Rotary objective: indications of peripheral nerve and muscle biopsy. About: specimen materials as well as common the main pathology of peripheral nervous system and muscle disease. 2. basic requirements for learning type and number required: number of species (?) nerve biopsy 2 muscle biopsies 34, written at the end of training with a certain level of literature review and case report v, reference books and IA Jianping. Neurology. Beijing Medical University Press. 2004 Rowland LP.
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