
索溪峪的野 黄换君

2018-04-01 10页 doc 33KB 7阅读




索溪峪的野 黄换君索溪峪的野 黄换君 《索溪峪的野》教案设计 营口市鲅鱼圈区神井子小学 黄换君 一、教学背景:《索溪峪的“野”》是人教版六年制小学语文第十一册的一篇略读课文~作者以生动优美的语言从山、水、野物、人四个方面~描写了索溪峪天然的、野性的美。学生在前三课的学习中已经初步掌握了学习写景文章的方法~具备了一定的自学能力~因此在这篇课文的教学中~让学生抓住自己觉得写的最好的地方自读自悟~做到放得开~读得精~悟得深。 二、教材分析:《索溪峪的“野”》是小学九年制义务教育人教版的第十一册第一单元的阅读课文。本单元的课文~它的训练重点是在...
索溪峪的野 黄换君
索溪峪的野 黄换君 《索溪峪的野》教案 营口市鲅鱼圈区神井子 黄换君 一、教学背景:《索溪峪的“野”》是人教版六年制小学语文第十一册的一篇略读课文~作者以生动优美的语言从山、水、野物、人四个方面~描写了索溪峪天然的、野性的美。学生在前三课的学习中已经初步掌握了学习写景文章的方法~具备了一定的自学能力~因此在这篇课文的教学中~让学生抓住自己觉得写的最好的地方自读自悟~做到放得开~读得精~悟得深。 二、教材分析:《索溪峪的“野”》是小学九年制义务教育人教版的第十一册第一单元的阅读课文。本单元的课文~它的训练重点是在理解课文内容的基础上~引导学生领悟作者的达方法。这篇课文~通过描写索溪峪的奇丽风光~赞颂了索溪峪天然野性的美~表达了作者畅游其间无比愉快的心情。文章紧紧围绕题目展开叙述和描写。首先把走进张家界索溪峪的整体感受概括为一个“野”字,接着~分别描写索溪峪山的野、水的野、动物的野、游人的野,最后~作者说由于索溪峪的天然野性荡涤胸怀~使自己感到从未有过的快慰和清爽。《索溪峪的“野”》这篇课文最突出的表达特点~是抓住事物的主要特点~采用先概括叙述再具体描写的表达方法。又由于它是一篇略读课文~因此教学时,要在学生理解课文内容的基础上~用从讲读课文中学到的方法去自学。据此,我确定了以下教学目标: 1、知识和技能目标: procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken ,1,读通课文~理清作者思路~了解课文主要围绕“野”写了哪几方面内容。 ,2,理解课文内容~知道“野”在课文中的意思以及理解作者怎样具体写出这种野的。 ,3,领悟作者抓住景物特点、先概括表述再具体描写的表达方法。 ,4,有感情的朗读课文。 2、能力目标: 训练学生的理解能力和言语表达的能力。 3、思想品德目标: 通过本课的学习~使学生受到热爱大自然的教育~陶冶美的情趣~热爱生活~热爱祖国大好河山。 4、教学重点、难点: 感受索溪峪天然、野性的自然风光~领悟作者的表达方法。 5、教学方法 引导 自主 探究 合作 6、教学手段 多媒体教学 7、课前准备 收集张家界、索溪峪等有关图片和文字资料 三、教学过程 ,一,展示材料 引入新课,多媒体展示, 张家界森林公园~是我国第一个森林公园~它与天子山索溪峪构成了山奇、水奇、石奇、云奇、树奇的武陵源。这里千峰竟立~争奇斗研~山势之雄伟~山色之秀丽~让人称奇叫绝。这里哪儿都是一procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken 副如诗如画的天然绝景。其中的索溪峪~更是别具一格~有着其他景点无法比美的魅力。想去看看吗,今天~我们就一起去游览“索溪峪”。 ,观赏索溪峪风光图片,简介索溪峪 „兴趣能激发学生的学习动机~通过观赏索溪峪风光图片~唤起学生强烈的好奇心和求知欲~使他们进入自主读书与探究的氛围中。? (二)图文结合 初读课文 ,1,自读课文~注意读准字音~读通句子。 ,2,,展示课件,检查字词自学情况 雕琢 赋予 断臂悬崖 一峰独秀 千峰万仞 绵亘蜿 蜒 浩气长舒 随心所欲 不拘一格 旁逸斜出 窈窕淑 女 难以言状 恶作剧 老叟 返朴归真 快慰 荡涤 砰 砰直跳 (三)合作研读 品味“野” 1、作者从哪几方面来写索溪峪的“野”的, ,山~水~动物~游人,课件展示。 2、你对索溪峪的什么最感兴趣, 根据学生的喜好灵活安排学习段落。 山“野”表现在哪些哪里,,惊险、磅礴、随心所欲、不拘一格,,课件展示, 品读各种不同的美~欣赏画面~读文章。指导朗读。 作者是怎样地把这“野山”逼真地展现在我们的面前的呢,,先procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken 概括后具体, 水“野”表现在哪里, 文章在描述时用了什么修辞手法, 指导朗读。 动物“野”表现在哪些方面, 游人人“野”表现在哪些方面, 解释“老叟”“返朴归真”“市井” 3、品读最后一段。课件展示段落。 是啊~作者在这样的境界里~完全被感染了~被净化了。感觉此时的自己是从未有过的快慰~从未有过的清爽~哪个词能作者这样的感受。 从中你能体会到作者什么样的感情, ,四,展示图片 表达情感 看得出来~此时你们对神奇的张家界充满了好奇~在上课前我叫同学们回去收集有关张家界的资料。现在就请同学们展示一下。 ,同学利用互联网展示自己收集的图片, 作者深深地爱上了这片神奇的土地~把自己的感情都赋予了这美丽的山川。在作者眼里索溪峪简直就是大自然的宠儿。你读了这篇文章有何感受呢?想不想把它介绍给大家~把课前搜集有关资料为索溪峪写一篇导游词吧~介绍大家来玩。 „本环节的设计~充分给学生欣赏的空间~运用多种感官~加深了学生对文本的理解。通过大量影像资料感受索溪峪的绮丽风光~使procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken 学生产生身临其境的感觉。? 板书设计: 山野 水野 索溪峪的“野” 动物野 “野”荡涤着我的胸怀 游人野 四、教学反思 《索溪峪的野》是一篇层次分明~结构清晰的文章~中心突出~文字生动~语言优美。对于六年级的学生来说~比较容易理解。所以我把教学的重点放在引导学生体会作者如何运用丰富的想象和联想写出自己的感受~这也是本单元的训练重点。本着这样的思想~本课教学抓住文中 “野”~以读为本~图文对照~让学生在欣赏风光的同时理解课文内容~明白作者的表达方法~以达到“情文相生”的目标。 1、创设情境~激发兴趣。 《语文课程》指出:“语文教学应激发学生的学习兴趣”、“为学生创设良好的自主学习情境”。上课伊始就让天性爱玩的孩子欣赏美丽的索溪峪自然风光~给了他们新鲜直观的刺激~他们的学习兴趣高涨~这样引出课文水到渠成。 2、课件与文本想结合~获得情感~领悟表达方法 语文教学要让学生充分地理解作者所要表达的思想感情~受到情感的熏陶~因此~在教学 “野”这部分课文时~先是让学生自主学procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken 文~找出些“野性美”的句子~圈点批注。接着~让学生对照课文用自己最喜欢的方式把这些语句读出来~可以是自由轻声读~可以是默读~快速读~读完后选出认为写得好的句子反复有滋有味地读。喜欢哪就读哪~觉得怎样能读出野性美~就怎样读。学生汇报读后感受时~各抒己见引导学生联系上下文~联系生活体验~联系搜集的资料~说说自己喜欢的理由~谈谈读后的感受。珍视学生独特的感受、体验和理解~并让学生在情感体验中~培养良好的语感。同时~让学生欣赏品味、揣摩作者遣词造句的精妙~在反复诵读中体会作者的情感。领悟表达方法。还有选择性地运用媒体~在学生品词品句、揣摩表达方法的学习过程中~或是再现画面~或是营造情境~为学生的“情动而辞发”奠定了情感基调。学生在观看的过程中兴趣盎然~也被美景陶醉。 以上几点是自己认为做得好的地方~不足之处首先是课堂气氛略显沉闷~学生的积极性不够。表现在每个环节发言的学生不多~没有顾及到整体。如何更好的运用互联网进行教学~激发每一个孩子表达的欲望~大胆说~是今后在课堂教学中需要特别关注的。 procurement of materials required for this project are strict quality inspection and control, strict implementation of the entry of materials procurement and acceptance procedures. technology ensure that upon receipt of the drawings provided by the owners, and timely internal drawing and design of the project, and make trial records. Project drawings, specifications and standards for learning, be familiar with the drawings and specifications, in strict accordance with construction drawings and specifications. Recorded by the drawing and construction drawings and engineering phase the construction programming and project technology gives the low-down, indicators quantify construction. measurement management to ensure that measuring instruments is an important condition for ensuring the quality, measurement work in an important position in the whole quality control. Measuring instruments for establishing project management accounting of the project. Quality problems and precautions for this project in order to avoid a mechanical and electrical installation engineering quality problems arise, lists and drainage, electrical installation section common faults and preventive measures for the common faults. to drainage quality problems control serial number project phenomenon prevention measures 1 pipeline making installation thread not only or broken
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