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办公室管理试题办公室管理试题 课程代码:0344 第一部分 选择题 一、单项选择题 (本大题共29小题,每小题1分,共29分) 在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求 的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1. 传统办公室的主要职能是 A. 文字工作 B. 办文、办事、当好参谋 C. 指挥、决策 D. 组织协调 【B】 2. 办公室管理的理论渊源是 A.《科学管理原理》 B.《管理工作原理》 C.《办公室工作原理》 D.《管理科学》 【A 】 3. 办公室工作的基本任务是 A. 文件管理 B. 财务...
办公室管理试 课程代码:0344 第一部分 选择题 一、单项选择题 (本大题共29小题,每小题1分,共29分) 在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求 的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1. 传统办公室的主要职能是 A. 文字工作 B. 办文、办事、当好参谋 C. 指挥、决策 D. 组织协调 【B】 2. 办公室管理的理论渊源是 A.《科学管理原理》 B.《管理工作原理》 C.《办公室工作原理》 D.《管理科学》 【A 】 3. 办公室工作的基本任务是 A. 文件管理 B. 财务管理 C. 信息处理 D. 数据统计 【C 】 4. 在目标管理中,目标考核是指 A. 目标设定情况 B. 目标运行情况 C. 目标完成情况 D. 目标可行性 【C 】 5. 化解矛盾体现了办公室的 A. 指导职能 B. 协调如能 C. 监督职能 D. 参谋咨询职能 【B 】 6. 激光传递信息的范围一般是 A. 500米以内 B. 20英里以上 C. 15英里以内 D. 30—300英里 【C】 7. 不属于办公部门的应用软件是 A. 公司专用信息系统 B. 文件管理系统 C. 邮件管理软件 D. 数据库管理系统 【A 】 8. 办公室职位划分提供的用人有 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends A. 因人设职 B. 因事求才 C. 资历较长 D. 工作态度好 【B 】 9. 集体领导式的办公室管理系统组织结构是 A. 集权组织结构 B. 线性组织结构 C. 横向组织结构 D. 委员会组织结构 【D】 10. 工作定额修改,一般在试行期需要 A. 每半年修改一次 B. 每月修改一次 C. 每年修改一次 D. 每二年修改一次 【C】 11. 注办是指 A. 对公文提出建议性意见 B. 对公文提出批示性意见 C. 具体办理和解决公文内容所针对的事务或问题 D. 注明办理经过或结果以备查考 【D】 12. 办公室工作系统简称 A. 办公体系 B. 办公室管理 C. 办公室组织 D. 办公活动 【A 】 13. 请示、报告属于 A. 平行信息 B. 上行信息 C. 下行信息 D. 非正式信息 【B】 14. 工作定额这种劳动管理方法在西方的历史已有 A. 100多年 B. 200多年 C. 50多年 D. 150多年 【B】 15. 量化管理最早用于 A. 人事管理 B. 生产管理 C. 办公室工作人员的管理 D. 辅助生产的劳动管理 【B】 16. 下面各系统属于营销与金融型的是 A. 库存管理系统 B. 人事档案系统 C. 市场调查分析系统 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends D. 指纹分析系统 【C 】 17. 开拓型程序的基本步骤的起点是 A. 确定问题所在,提出目标 B. 制定条例 C. 系统综合 D. 系统分析 【A 】 18. 办公室地面黑白相间的条纹图案叫做 A. 同步图案 B. 异色图案 C. 对比色图案 D. 差比图案 【C】 19. 办公自动化系统建设实施阶段的验收依据是 A. 领导满意 B. 有系统说明书和设计 C. 专家满意 D. 上上下下都满意 【B 】 20. 能使人产生消极困倦的心理反应的颜色是 A. 蓝色 B. 红色 C. 灰色 D. 黑色 【C 】 21. 发达工业国家办公自动化发展最早最快的是 A. 德国 B. 英国 C. 日本 D. 美国 【\D】 22. 办公室管理工作技术型程序是指 A. 办公室务中的技术方法的程序 B. 办公室务中的技术活动的程序 C. 办公室务中的技术手段的程序 D. 办公室务中的技术措施的程序 【B】 23. 下面不属于办公自动化的是 A. 生产中的经营管理自动化 B. 行政办公事务自动化 C. 生产中的机械加工自动化 D. 决策自动化 【C 】 24. 办公自动化系统建设中利用小型机或超级微机形成完善的三级网是为实现 A. 内部资源共享 B. 会务效率更高 C. 扩印稿件更快 D. 为领导决策提供有力支持 【D 】 25. 工作调动时随人走的是 A. 职位 B. 职务 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends C. 职权 D. 职称 【D 】 26. 办公自动化系统安全与保密内容涉及 A. 安全性 B. 完整性 C. 保密性 D. 前三者 【D 】 27. 《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》颁的年份是 A. 1988年 B. 1990年 C. 1992年 D. 1998年 【A 】 28. 计算机网络出现于 A. 20世纪50年代 B. 20世纪60年代 C. 20世纪40年代 D. 19世纪60年代 【B】 29. 国际互联网是 A. 广域网 B. 局域网 C. 以太网 D. 城域网 【A 】 二、多项选择题 (本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 在每小题列出的五个选项中有二至五个选项是符合题目要 求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。多选、少选、错选均无分。 30. 办公室内部的噪音来源于 A. 办公室机器设备 B. 适当的音乐 C. 建筑设计对控制噪音注意不够 D. 办公室工作人员 E. 办公室周边环境 【ADE 】 31. 办公室管理化建设包括 A. 建立制度 B. 制订法律 C. 形成标准 D. 组织实施 E. 维护标准 【ACDE 】 32. 办公室管理工作程序设计的组织形式有 A. 委员会制 B. 专门机构制 C. 委员会与专门机构结合制 D. 董事会制 E. 办公室会议制 【 】 33. 办公自动化系统中不可缺少的有 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends A. 影音设备 B. 人 C. 机器 D. 操作系统 E. 信息 【 】 34. 列入国家密级的某一事项泄密可能造成的后果有 A. 危害国家政权的巩固和防御能力 B. 影响国家统一、民族团结和社会安定 C. 影响国家领导人和外国要员安全 D. 削弱国家经济、科技实力 E. 妨害国家重要的安全保卫工作 【 】 第二部分 非选择题 三、简答题 (本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分) 35. 办公室的参谋咨询职能。 36. 公文撰写前的准备工作。 37. 办公室室内空气环境管理的内容和作用。 38. 办公室工作量化管理的主要特点与研究内容。 39. 办公室工作安全与保密的特点。 四、论述题 (本大题共3小题,每小题12分,共36分) 40. 试述办公室管理系统组织结构设计的关键因素及其作用。 41. 试述办公室管理工作简化的程序与意义。 42. 试述我国办公自动化建设中存在的问题及其解决办法。 办公 室管 理试 题参 考答 案 课程 代码:0344 一、单 项选择题 (本大题共 29小题,每 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 小题1分,共29分) 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. C 21. D 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. D 26. D 27. A 28. B 29. A 二、多项选择题 (本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10 分) 30. A D 31. A D 32. A B C 33. B C E 34. A B C D E more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 三、简答题 (本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分) 35. 办公室要发挥参 谋作用,积极出谋献 策。 (1) 收集信息,向领导班子提供 服务; (2) 协助决策; (3) 帮助制定目标实 施。 36. (1) 调查掌握情 况; (2) 整理积累材料; (3) 吃透方针政策; (4) 选择剪裁例证; (5) 撰拟写作提纲。 37. 办公室室内空气 环境的管 理包括:适当的温度;良好的空 气流通;良好的空气 流通;良好的空气净 化措施;有效的、适当的空气调 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 节。实践证明,生活或工作在空 气温度适 度、湿度适宜、通风良好、空气新鲜、空气净化的环境 中,可促进脑力活动,提高工作 效率。 38. (1)研究改进或变 革现行工 作程序、方法,使之更科学化。 (2) 实现办公室管理 现代化。 (3) 用量化管理优化 劳动组合,充分发挥 办公人员 潜力。 (4) 改善办公和管理 环境。 (5) 排除无效劳动。 39. 办公室工作安全 与保密的 特点是: (1) 鲜明的政治性; (2) 明显的现实性; (3) 明确的秘密性; (4) 广泛的 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 群众性; (5) 一定的区域性。 四、论述题 (本大题共3小题,每小题12分,共36分) 40. 管理人员在进行组织结构设计时,必须考虑6个关键因素 (1) 工作部门化; (2) 工作专门化; (3) 命令 链; (4) 控制跨度; (5) 集权与分权; (6) 正规 化; 41. 办公室管理工作简化应遵循下列程序: (1) 确定在办公室整个系统还是局部系统做出调整,即首先确定调查对象并拟定有关文件; (2) 规划调查测定范 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 围及具体 的测定方 法; (3) 通过个人观察与办公人员面谈或发问卷等多种形式,收集事实材料; (4) 对各种资料进行深入细致的分析,提出哪些方面需要改进,改进的意见如何,并拟定具体的改进方案; (5) 将改进方案上报,等批准实施后,还应注意信息的反馈及方案的修正,为未来的发展做预测并提出建议。 办公室管理工作简化的意义表现在:它从整体上提高办公室管理工作的效率;节省办公开支、人力和物力;通 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends 过办公室 工作系统 的测定分 析,办上级管理者提供咨询,帮助他们做好管理和决策;在全体办公人员中灌输“效率就是生命”的观念,使办公人员心中时刻有效率观念。 42. 问题: (1) 缺乏计划性,盲目上马。 (2) 缺乏办公自动化人才。 解决: (1) 领导重视。 (2) 制定科学的规划,合理的总体设计,适当的规模,提供必需的资金。 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends
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