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英语演讲稿——作者非本人英语演讲稿——作者非本人 精品文档 英语演讲稿——作者非本人 标签: 大学英语口语演讲稿校园 our future: a battle between dreams and reality good morning teacher: when i was in the primary school, i have a dream. i want to be a scientist to be remember, when i was in the secondary school, my dream was to...
英语演讲稿——作者非本人 精品文档 英语演讲稿——作者非本人 标签: 大学英语口语演讲稿校园 our future: a battle between dreams and reality good morning teacher: when i was in the primary school, i have a dream. i want to be a scientist to be remember, when i was in the secondary school, my dream was to study in my ideal university. and when eventually i got into the university, my dream was to graduate. how pathetic! when we grow up, we dream less and become more realistic. why? why do we have to change our dreams, so, so in order to let it be “fulfilled”? why do we have to surrender to the so-called “reality”? what is the reality actually?the reality is not real. it is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies. flying, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of years. a hundred years ago, “man could not fly” was still regarded as the “reality”. now if that was really the reality, what did the wright brothers do? only when we believe that the reality is 1 / 17 精品文档 not real can we soar with our dreams. people say that our future is a battle between the reality and our dreams. and if, unfortunately, mr. reality wins this war, then i see no future of mankind at all. aids will never be curable as this is the reality; people living in the undeveloped countries will suffer from starvation forever as this is the reality; disputes among different countries would never be settled as this misunderstandings and intolerance is the reality. how many of you have a dream of being able to make a lot of money? maybe quite a number of person,actually, this is not a dream, but a task. every one of us has to make a living, right? anyway i hope your task will be accomplished. how many of you think that you have already fulfilled your dream and that you don’t dream anymore? dear adjudicators, what do you think? c.s. lewis once said, “you are never too old to dream a new dream.” so for our future, please dream and be unrealistic. now that i am a university student, my goal is to graduate with excellences. but at the same time, i have 2 / 17 精品文档 a dream deeply rooted in our future. one day, people living in the areas now sweltering with the horror of wars will be able to sit with their families and enjoy their every moment. one day, people from the rich countries are willing to share what they have with those from the poor countries and those from the poor countries will eventually be able to make their own happy living themselves. one day, different cultures in this age of globalization will coexist with tolerance and the unfriendly confrontations among them will be eliminated. one day, the globe will share the dream with me and we will all contribute to making our dream come true. one day, our dream will defeat the reality! thank you very much. ? 演讲比赛包含定演讲、即兴演讲、综合 知识速答、辩论等环节,既是英语演讲能力竞赛的平台, 更是选手综合文化素质展现的舞台,选手在 学习语言的同时,平时注重广泛涉猎各学科知识,不仅对语 3 / 17 精品文档 言交流有所裨益,更能增加阅历,提高素养,拓展视野。 为帮助大学生们提高英语能力,提升演讲水平,扩展知识面,为参加比赛做好充分准备,大赛组委会经征求多方专家意见,提出如下建议: ? 备赛小贴士:定题演讲成功与否在很大程度上取决于演讲稿的质量。而一篇毫无思想内容、缺乏令人折服的观点,也没有任何令人信服的例证的演讲稿是绝不会打动听众的。内容永远是判断一篇演讲稿好坏与否的第一标准。 备赛小贴士:在演讲中,实例可用于吸引别人的注意力,贯穿整篇文章的主题;或用来解释某一抽象、复杂的主题;或可以通过例子来强调你的重要观点。没有实例的演讲时非常枯燥的,好的实例可以赋予演讲以生命。 备赛小贴士:平时定期查阅好的杂志或报纸,阅读经典籍或文章,养成思考的习惯,多听不同的声音,多从不同角度看问题,看问题有想法,有深度,有广度。关注周围发生的焦点问题和国际时事,积累各个领域的素材,有的放矢,有支持,有论据。 备赛小贴士:好多学生在准备演讲稿时,往往会抱怨找不到合适的素材,找不到相关的数据或事例。其实这些都可以在平时的积累中做到。平时可以有意识地做些简报,买 4 / 17 精品文档 一些小卡片随时记录最新的统计数字、事例或某一专题报道,并把它们分门别类地整理好。 备赛小贴士:在台上演讲时,应注意以下几点: 1. 开始演讲时,不要太匆忙,给自己和观众几秒钟准备时间; 2. 不要向观众提及你的紧张情绪; 3. 不要让观众的表现影响你的演讲情绪; 4. 和听众保持眼神的交流; 5. 不要对自己要求过高,允许自己犯错。 备赛小贴士:语言的能量是巨大的,演讲者应该赋予语言生命。生动的语言能够描绘出一幅图画,让听众看到;它也能够超越时空、种族差异,激发和唤起人们内心深处的情感,就像亲身体会到一样;它还可以号召大家一起为某个目标而行动。 备赛小贴士:演讲者要避免在演讲过程中语速过快或过慢。对于每分钟应该说多少字为宜,演讲者可以根据个人情况、演讲题目、场合、演讲时间要求等做适当调整。一般是115-140字/分钟。 备赛小贴士:即兴演讲非常具有挑战性,主要考察选手的思维能力、逻辑能力和语言能力。如何应对即兴演讲呢,在选择主题和角度时应注意:是你有切身感触的;具有创造性;应该具体、真实而有意义;所选择的观点或角度一 5 / 17 精品文档 定能经得起推敲和琢磨,是全面的。 备赛小贴士:在即兴演讲中,还应特别注意切题。一般而言,选手拿到的题目都是以问题的形式出现的。你需要表明在这个问题上的立场和观点,决不可以含糊其辞,态度闪烁不定,既谈好处又谈弊端。如果这样,评委和听众就会认为你是在逃避,那也就很难胜出。 备赛小贴士: 在即兴演讲中,观点不能偏激,一定要严谨,主要是指: 1、观点本身能够站得住脚,有充足的论证; 2、避免绝对化的字眼; 3、观点需要限制和修饰,以发展性的眼光来处理你的观点; 4、承认观点有修正和完善的余地。 备赛小贴士: 在赛前准备时,可以录下自己的声音去听,或请同学、老师或外教指点发音方面的问题。如果有条件,还可以用摄像机拍摄下整个练习过程,看一看你的演讲风格还可以在哪些方面提高。 备赛小贴士: 即兴演讲的正文部分,选手主要观点的数量适宜控制在两到三个,不宜过多。在阐述观点时,完成了一个观点就进行下一个,千万不要正谈着第二个观点时,突然想到第一个观点还有些补充,于是又返回去谈第一个观点,这样会显得结构混乱。 6 / 17 精品文档 备赛小贴士: 即兴演讲的结尾部分,许多选手因为时间紧迫,于是草草收场。其实应该用一两句总结你的主要观点作为结尾,给听众一种完整的感觉。 备赛小贴士: 对于定题演讲的问答部分,可以在演讲稿定稿后,站在听众的角度上想象他们可能会问些什么样的问题,然后有针对性地准备,做相应的调研以便准确地回答。也可以让你的朋友或老师帮助你,让他们模拟现场,进行提问,演练几遍。 ”备赛小贴士: 对于即兴演讲的问答部分,选手在赛前准备时,可以和朋友或老师一起把题目按照类别分类,分别做一些调研,然后按照演讲的基本原则来组织布局,做到每个类别各个攻破。 备赛小贴士: 一个成功的演讲者,一定要培养自己成为一个有效的倾听者。在比赛过程中,应该排除一切干扰,专注于你的问题。如果没有听清评委提问,不要害怕,只需要说“I beg your pardon?”或用自己的话复述一下评委的 问题,来验证自己的理解是否正确。 备赛小贴士:在比赛中,留给选手回答问题的时间不是很长,30秒钟到1分钟不等。没有足够的时间进行详细的叙述,答案一定要简短明了。直接明确地回答评委的问题在评判标准中是第一位的。 ? 7 / 17 精品文档 ——。相信大家已经开始立意构思,准备定题演讲稿了。在准备演讲稿时,你需要选择一个你所关心的角度或者切入点,只有你关心你所要表达的,认为自己所传达的信息是重要的,你的兴奋和热情才能感染听众。 许多学生在定题演讲时,选择的题材非常宽泛。有的学生选择在3分钟的演讲中讨论因特网、全球化、东西方文化的碰撞等,这些问题涵盖的内容非常广,有很多具体的问题牵扯在里面,在这么短的时间内很难解释清楚。你需要将题目缩小到一个足够具体的角度,使你能够在给定时间内用充足的材料阐述清楚。 在选择定题演讲的角度时,切记分析一下你的听众,他们的背景、年龄、学识、阅历等。他们对你有一定的期望值,如果你所谈的在他们的期望值之下,恐怕你的演讲也就无法胜出了。但如果你谈的超过了他们的期望值,是他们没有想到的,很新奇,很有趣,有创造性,那么你胜出的机会就会大大增加。 在准备定题演讲时,可以找到一张白纸,开始天马行空式地在脑子里搜寻你想演讲的主题,把它们都写在纸上,然后再针对你最想谈的去做调研,看看有哪些角度可以谈,你最感兴趣的角度是哪些,有哪些不同的声音。在此基础上选出自己的角度,并且确定这个角度是符合自己身份的。 着手写演讲稿之前,应该做充分的调研。可以翻看最 8 / 17 精品文档 近一年的期刊杂志,就选定的主题了解其中所涉及社会问题的方方面面,留心不同的声音。某一专题一般会在很多期刊杂志上或某一杂志的很多期上都有讨论,多收集一些文章,对写稿子非常有帮助。 龙源期刊网 .cn 如何让英语演讲语言“高大上” 作者:李军 作为国内顶尖的英语演讲赛事,中国日报社“21世纪杯”英语演讲比赛自2002年创办以来一直都是国内最高水平的英语演讲比赛之一,其每年举办的中小学组演讲比赛更是吸引着10000多所学校、50多万名选手倾力参与。看过电视直播的同学可能会对那些口语流利、出口成章的小伙伴们心生羡慕。许多同学摩拳擦掌,也想前去一试,但却担心自己的演讲稿拿不出手。别担心,下面我将根据自己当“21世纪杯”评委的经验,为喜欢英语演讲尤其是热衷于参加英语演讲比赛的同学们出谋献策,教大家如何雕琢英语演讲语言,打磨出一篇“高大上”的英语演讲稿。 演讲的成功与否在很大程度上取决于演讲稿的质量,而判断一篇演讲稿的好坏则主要取决于三大因素:内容、结构和语言。一般来说,同学们对前两者的关注较多。这是因为如果我们把演讲比作一部电影,那么内容就是这部电影引人入胜的情节,而结构则是导演想方设法把情节贯穿起来的 9 / 17 精品文档 布局手法,只有二者兼备才能吸引观众从头到尾把电影看 完。不过,很多时候我们爱上一部电影,不是因为其波澜起 伏的剧情或是构思巧妙的布局,而是因为一句令人感动的台 词、一段真诚的对白或是一个不经意间的回眸。这些细节之 于电影就如同语言之于演讲稿,虽然细碎却都是关键帧,只 要把握到位,再经过精雕细琢,就能打动观众,收到意想不 到的效果。那么,如何恰当地运用语言为演讲稿服务呢,下 面就为大家奉上我总结出来的“高大上”英语演讲用语三 原则。 高——使用高度准确的语言 所谓“高”,指的是演讲稿中所用的语言在遣词造句 时必须准确,不能随便抓来一个意思差不多的词就用。马 克?吐温曾说:“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug. ”可见,英语中每个的意思都是很微妙的,尤其是同义词,对中国学生来说, 翻译成中文似乎都差不多,但在具体场合应该选哪个还真是 值得推敲。比如victory、accomplishment、success这三 个名词,乍看上去都表示“成功”之意,但每一个“成功” 又在不同的语境下使用,试填空: ? My cousin’s most important ________ this year was getting an A in calculus . ? His business 10 / 17 精品文档 ________ is the result of a combination of hard work and street smarts . ? Yang Wei’s ________ on the high bar gave him the men’s individual all-around gold medal in the00Olympic Games. 风雨哈佛路作者演讲稿 I don’t know how long can you know that there is something bigger for you, and yet you ignore that. 我不知道你要多久才能知道,你可以做到更重要的事, 但你却忽视了它。 But I swore I have later, and I pushed that out so much. Have you ever heard a saying what a man can be he must to be? See, before she passed away, I thought I have all the time in the world. But then I was back to my neighborhood, and hung out with my friends. I thought life could be the same. But when she wasn’t there any more, this amazing thing happened to me transform the person I am. I have no longer have tolerance for the stagnation in my life. 因为我保证我会有”以后”,我却把它延后太久了。 你是否听说过一条谚语,说“每个人都将成为他自己,”所 以,在她去世之前,我以为在这世上,我拥有所有的时间, 11 / 17 精品文档 我回到邻居家,和朋友一起出去,我以为生活能够像往常一 样。但她不在了,这件惊人的事改变了我。我已经不能再允 许生活的停滞不前。 But you what I do have? Two hands and two feet. I have a brain in my head and air in my lungs. And what else do I really need? Like what else you really need to begin today to lead the life you know you are might to lead. You in your heart what it is. You know and what’ s more you need to change before you step into that. I stood up and I looked at them. And then next feeling which has been the biggest resource in my life sense, gratitude. 但是我拥有什么,双手双脚,脑袋里有头脑,肺里有 呼吸。那么还有什么是我真正需要的,就像还有什么是你在 开始新的一天时真正需要的,去把握你的生活,而你知道你 可能会被生活控制。你心里知道你想要什么,在达成之前还 要做出哪些改变。我站起来,看着他们,接下来我的感受、 后来成为了我生活中最强大的品质:感恩。 You can either pick one thing in life, resentment or gratitude. Get on the side, I promise you. I looked that moment, I realize that I mean haven’t my mother 12 / 17 精品文档 ever again. But I had these resources. I had myself and I could go forward. 你可以选择愤恨或感恩来度过你的生活,务必选择一 个立场。那一刻,我意识到我再也没有妈妈了,但我有这些 品质,我有自己,我还可以继续向前走。 I remembered that the feeling inside of me needing to change my life that voice in the back of my head. It took on the specific question. And the question was “What if?” You know that voice in your back of your head that says “What if?” What if I tried that much harder? What if I pushed one more time? “What if?” It’s the part of those your dreams. 我记得当时内心 的感受要求我改变我的生活,有一个声音响在我的脑后,形 成一个明确的问题。问题就是“如果?会怎样,”。你能体 会脑后一直响着一个声音说“如果?会怎样”吗,如果我更 努力的话、如果我再试一次会怎么样,“如果?”它成为你 梦想的一部分。 I was coming in every single day and I used all the energy in my body to produce in to get things done. Because that vision that I have for myself, this bigger life that I was stepping into, that became my commitment instead of my excuses. 13 / 17 精品文档 从此的每一天,我都用全部力量去做这些事。因为我 的梦想、我步入更广阔的生活,那是我的承诺,取代了我的 借口。 You know you were at the moment, you just see in yourself. There is empowering choice. There is disempowering choice. And you got to pick one. Here’s what holds us back from having what we want to have„.And tragedy gives myself excuse to being in disempowered conversation and give up. And I knew that I could really make this choice, but I so want to give up. And I could have woken up my friends “Hey, guys. Let’s up. I should do anything.” And they go “Yeah! Let’s„” You know they will agree with me. You wanna be careful while you get your agreements in your life. I have lots of agreements around that. 在那一刻,你只能看到你自己。有效选择,或无效选 择,你要作出选择。这就是阻碍所在,阻挡我们获取想要得 到的事物?生活中发生的悲剧给我借口,使我身处在无效对 话中,然后选择放弃。我知道,我完全可以作出选择,可我 又那么想放弃。我还可以叫醒我的朋友:“嘿,伙计们,起 来了,我需要做些事情。”他们会说:“好啊~”他们会赞 14 / 17 精品文档 同我。生活中在你受到赞同的时候,你要小心。我就有得到 过很多像这样错误的赞同。 But here’s difference. A disempowering conversation will do a couple of things. It will look for blame and it is concerns with the past. It will go “What happened before? Why didn’t it work out?” It will account what’s not there. That’s what disempowering conversation will do and it searches for blame. And empowering conversation is unconcerned with blame. It simply says “What’s next?” And it steps forward with the willing next to be responsible for what happens next. That’s difference between empowering and disempowering conversation. 而这是两类对话的不同。无效对话会做两件事。它会 寻求责备,关注过去。它会说:“过去发生了什么,为什么 之前没有奏效,”它考虑的不是那里。这是无效对话的结 果,寻找责备。有效对话则与责备无关,它只是简单地说: “接下来怎么做,”并且富有责任感地步入接下来发生的 事。这是有效对话和无效对话的区别所在。 What transforms a life? One empowering choice after the next overtime. 是什么改变生活,在拖延之后作出有效选择。 15 / 17 精品文档 And you realize, really, there’s no difference between you and someone else. All you need to do is the work. 你会意识到,真的,你和其他人没有什么不同。你需 要做的只是努力工作。 Sometimes when you don’t know what it is and you’ re not 宿迁学院2012级英语师范2班姚远手稿 中国梦 我的梦 英语演讲稿 作者:姚远 Hello everybody! I am very glad to stand here to give you a short speech! Today my topic is Chinese dream First I want to ask you some questions: 1Do you know what is Chinese dream 2what is your Chinese dream? Chinese dream Chinese dream was put forward by chairman xi last year in order to direct Chinese to a clear future.For the whole nation, it means increasing the level of living.For every single Chinese , it means realizing the value of lifeThe realization of the whole nation’ 16 / 17 精品文档 s dream can not be separated from everybody’s own dream. Only by everyone’s efforts can we make the nationy’ s dream come true. For our young people, we are supposed to have our own dream. What is dream? The famous Chinese economist LangXianPing has ever said that:”Please do not expect too munch about Chinese students, because they don’ t have dream. They only want to find a common job to earn money for a house or a car. They only have a target、 purpose、or goal. They don’t have dream. Purpose is not dream. Dream is developed by your warm heart instead of cheating your eyes in the excuse of earning money! A dream is a clear spiritual lighthouse that gives out direction when you do not know what to expect in the days ahead and offers comfort and support when you become doubtful of yourself. So, it’s time that we took our measures to fight for our Chinese dream! That’s all. Thank you! 17 / 17
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