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泰国高僧关于一些灵异问题的解答泰国高僧关于一些灵异问题的解答 泰国高僧关于一些灵异问题的解答[转] 2011-12-30 22:36阅读(34) 下一篇:佛陀不是中国人,... |返回日志列表 泰国高僧-梦中梦因果问答(11) 不管福报多或少的灵魂、鬼、妖怪,他们有什么样的日子 问:当我在墓地睡时,有个大汉子把他的头钻入蚊帐来看着我。他是谁,他来干嘛,我见到过坐在礁石上的那位八戒女,她是谁,为什么她会坐在那边,当我去素难陀师范学院接受培训,我和我的朋友的床都浮动着,那是否是真的,那里经常有女人穿著泰国传统服装走来走去,那是真的吗, 答:你在森林坟墓...
泰国高僧关于一些灵异问题的解答 泰国高僧关于一些灵异问题的解答[转] 2011-12-30 22:36阅读(34) 下一篇:佛陀不是中国人,... |返回日志列 泰国高僧-梦中梦因果问答(11) 不管福报多或少的灵魂、鬼、妖怪,他们有什么样的日子 问:当我在墓地睡时,有个大汉子把他的头钻入蚊帐来看着我。他是谁,他来干嘛,我见到过坐在礁石上的那位八戒女,她是谁,为什么她会坐在那边,当我去素难陀师范学院接受,我和我的朋友的床都浮动着,那是否是真的,那里经常有女人穿著泰国传统服装走来走去,那是真的吗, 答:你在森林坟墓里睡觉时,有一个高大的身影低头看着,睡在蚊帐里面的你。那是住在那里的夜叉,是属于地居天人的(见附注)。他来看你,因为你体内的功德球很亮。 你看到坐在湄公河中的石头上的八戒女,她是属于科学家天人的地居天人,是属于她学派里的科学家天人,还没证得什么,高深的修行成果。但是很攀缘那一区的环境,所以才会喜欢坐在那里边修行边欣赏风景 ! 你在素难陀师范大学里睡觉时,你跟朋友的床都没有真正的浮上起来,而是那一区的地居天人用威力让你体会到那种感觉而已 ! 那位穿着古代泰式服装走来走去的女士,那是真实的事件,她是住在那里I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 的地居天人 ! 问:不管福报多或少的灵魂、鬼、妖怪,他们有什么样的日常生活, 答:福报多或少的妖精、灵魂和鬼怪,他们的生活作息也不一样。例如,有些一直游荡,有些也坐着观赏风景。如同你看到坐在湄公河中的那一个,有些在服务自己的地居天人长官,有些被地居天人长官派去守护各地的财富,有些有自己的房子,有些在谈恋爱,有些却结婚生子。如同居住在隐密村庄里的生活一样 ! (参见《统领世间所有鬼神的四天王天揭秘》) 问:当时我求塔暖八戒女教我静坐,有什么恶业,使我感觉很难过甚至昏倒了,而且塔暖八戒女还说:“你被黑鬼打败了”那是什么意思, 答:你让塔暖八戒女引导静坐时,你感到痛苦到往后倒退,是因为你太过用力推、赶、凝视或盯住,由于太过想得到,让你产生压力,最后才会往后倒退出来 ! 八戒女说:你输给黑法了,意思是她已经尽量调整,让你能如意了,但因被魔罗阻碍才会失败。所以她才会那样说 ! 问:我曾修过何善业,才能当这么多人的善知识,并有何恶业,让我遇上了不少障碍, 答:你能栽培了许多善知识,这是因为过去世,你有劝人行善的功德,宏扬了许多佛法的功德,让你有这样的个性 ! 但也遇上了许多障碍,这是工作上的正常性,不是什么业报。有些人属于I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 利根就容易被劝请,有些人属于弱根就会很难被劝请等等 ! 问:是什么恶业使我差点儿溺水身亡,但我能存活下来,是否是由于吉祥宝王佛的威德力, 答:你差一点溺毙,这是因为过去世,你有其中一世,在你年轻时很疯狂,抓小猫咪去浸水,因为希望教它游泳。但是它因不会游泳而差一点死亡,此业力来报应 ! 你能活过来是因为曾经跟团体修过的功德来保护你 ! 问:我的父亲会往生,是因何恶果,为什么我在父亲旁,但没有听到父亲的叫声,父亲有没有按我说的话来做,往生之后他去哪儿,父亲批评《梦中梦》节目,会有何恶果,我该怎么帮助他, 答:你父亲因为寿缘已尽而往生,你因为睡得很甜,所以才没听到在你身旁的他在呻吟 他往生后转世为一般的地居天人,由于你正确修功德的方法,使他不用堕落苦道 ! 他因不相信梦中梦的事情而反驳批评,如果业力轻微报应会使他堕落阴间地狱,被阴间官员用手、木或很锋利的东西打嘴吧,这要看他怎样批评了 。 如果是用话来讽刺的话,就会被用很锋利的东西刺嘴吧;如果讲话来顶撞他人,将会被把舌头拉出来,用烫铁锤敲舌头等等,也等于关闭自己通往I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 天堂和涅槃之门 ! 你要经常修功德回向给他,而且他也要自己来消业 ! 问:我的母亲往生,是因何恶果,往生后她去哪儿,母亲收到我供养佛像所回向给她的功德, 答:你母亲往生的原因,也是因寿缘已尽,包括过去世和现世宰杀动物做菜肴的业力来报应。 她往生后,转世为一般的地居天人,获得你回向的功德后,使她的情况都能转好 ! 问:现在我的哥哥在哪儿,他有多辛苦,该修何功德,可以让他解脱那种痛苦, 答:你哥哥往生后,到别间地狱受刑之前,他先堕落到第五间大地狱。因为生前酒醉后,犯了第五条戒,正在被狱卒把黑硫酸灌入嘴吧,很痛苦,不能接收你所回向的功德 ! 你要经常回向功德给他,功德将在阴间地狱等他。那时候他脱离大地狱上到阴间地狱,就会接收到你所回向的功德 ! 问:当我们犯戒会让我们过去世累积的戒波罗蜜减少吗,若再开始回来持戒,需要先把曾犯过戒律的那一部分补回吗, 答:犯戒会让过去世所累积的戒波罗蜜威德力变弱。如果改过自新回来持I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 戒,将能让戒波罗蜜恢复以前的程度 ! 但恢复得快或慢,要看他犯戒的业力多重,而且是否经常犯戒等等 ! 问:我曾造过何恶果,为什么我会住在没有温情的家庭里,不互助,尤其是第二的姐姐,她的脾气很火爆,我跟她有何宿怨吗,为什么我可以叫很多人来寺院,却无法叫我的兄弟姐妹来寺院, 答:你出生在不温暖的家庭里,家人没有互相帮助,尤其二姊,她很容易就动怒。这是因为过去世,你对家庭外的人很好,但却对家里的人,却易动怒。此生命模式延留到今世,但跟二姐并没有什么恶缘关系 ! 解决的方法就要原谅这位姐姐,尽量跟她说好话,对待好她,对她有人情味 ! 你能劝请很多人来寺院。这是因为过去世曾经劝人行善的功德来回报 ! 但是无法劝请家人来寺院,这是因为过去世向家人发脾气的业力来报应 ! 问:我来寺院之前,为什么我喜欢行头陀,即使我是女人但却喜欢行头陀,为什么经常碰到辛苦、神奇,有关灵魂和妖怪的事情。我的来世是否可生为男生,能如意的出家吗, 答:你来法身寺之前,喜欢去持守八戒,而且虽然是女生。但却喜欢行头陀,这是因为过去世,你生为男生时曾经出家,所以此习性延留到今世 ! 你喜欢奇奇怪怪的现象,如妖精、灵魂和鬼怪。这是因为你过去世经常发I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 愿能以肉眼,就能看到这些奇怪或神秘的东西,此愿力在今世让你如愿 ! 你的来世要取决于今世的行为,若你认真终身修梵行,且坚持的话,来世你要生为男生,就会如意。因为你已快要消完,会生为女生的业力了 ! 问:我曾跟团体修过什么功德,我今世有足够的福报能证入法身,且能深修法身法门吗, 答:你曾跟团体修过波罗蜜,在前尊佛陀时代,是出家的那位国王的军人。但很风流,有许多女友,此业力让你今世生为女生 ! 但在前尊佛陀时代,你也跟着国王出家,出家后终身行头陀到各个城市弘法,修行程度能证得透明球、透明佛像,能保护自己回到兜率天,也下来修波罗蜜了两次 ! 今世若你经常以正确的方法来认真修行,就能证入法身 ! 附注一:名词解释:地居天 与“空居天”相对。佛典谓居住于空中之天众为空居天;谓居住于地上之天众为地居天,亦即六欲天中的四天王天及忉利天。色界诸天与六欲天中,夜摩、兜率、化乐、他化自在等四天皆在空中,故称空居天。反之,四天王天与忉利天依止须弥山,故名地居天。 1. 为什么我会比预产期提早三个月出生,什么业力让我母亲会早产, 2. 我母亲去询问的那位女士,然后她说:我母亲在过去世曾被人活埋,那是真的吗,什么 原因让母亲会有恐惧感, 3. 什么原因让我没有跟父亲同住,该如何消除此业力, 4. 什么业力让我父亲的亲戚们会争夺遗产,虽然我双亲已经离婚了,但什么原因让我的姑 妈,还是一直帮助我们, 5. 什么业力让我姑妈患了关节炎,什么业力让我的姑丈对药物严重的过敏,直到皮肤如被I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 烧焦一样, 6. 什么业力让我外婆的双腿都有伤口,什么业力使她半身瘫痪,她往生后去了什么地方, 7. 什么业力让我的舅舅在外婆的胎里时,被脐带缠着颈项,使他的声线不清晰, 8. 什么业力让我不喜欢被别人碰我的身体,这也包括自己的母亲,什么原因让我怕胖,然后禁食直到患了厌食症,差一点往生,且经常被自己的想法所折磨,该如何消除此业力, 9. 虽然我兄弟姊妹们都爱酗酒与抽烟,但什么功德保护我能教导自己不要喝酒或抽烟,而且为什么我去工作或实习时,都只会遇到好人,没有遭遇到任何问题,这是因什么功德,我曾经跟团体修过什么样的波罗蜜,曾经负责过什么任务,修行程度如何, 答 案 1. 你会提早三个月出生,因为过去世的其中一世,你跟你母亲是对好朋友。那一世你母亲怀了男友的孕,然后她来请教你说:想堕胎。你就帮忙开几剂药给她,但是她服了一两剂后就能想通了。之后她就跟你商量说,应该保留胎儿~之后你们就同意不继续堕胎了。但药力还是让胎儿早产,但没有死。此业力让那位朋友就转世为你母亲,而且早产,但跟团体修过的功德,来保护她没有往生 ! 2. 你母亲去询问的那位女士,然后她说:你母亲在过去世曾被人活埋,这也有一点儿答对了 ! 情形是这样:那一世你母亲跟一位已丧妻的富翁结婚,当富翁丈夫往生后,富翁前妻的儿子就想暗杀那一世的她,偷偷把安眠药放在她的食物里,她吃了就昏迷,就被人放入棺材,然后埋入坟墓里。后来在棺材里的她醒起来,但是因出不来而就在坟墓里往生了 ! 你母亲会有恐惧感,是因为当世被活埋在黑暗的棺材里的恐怖经验,使她感到害怕。这种感觉延留到今世,使她无原无故会害怕黑色 ! 3.你自已没有跟父亲在一起。这是来自你过去世,生为男生时,曾风流与犯邪淫的业报,酗酒与风流使家庭没温暖,直到要跟太太离婚。此业力来报应使你转世为女生,且无法跟父亲在一起,但现在此业力已轻薄了 ! 想要解决的话,要累积各种功德,布施、持戒、静坐、修梵行与终身修波罗蜜,然后发愿能脱离此业力 ! 4. 你父亲的亲戚们会争夺遗产。这是来自他们每个人心里的贪婪,想得到最多的遗产。所以当遗产的分配不平均时,就感到不服气了 ! 虽然你双亲已经离婚了,但你姑妈还是一直帮助你们。这是因为她在过去世,曾是你们的亲戚,曾互相帮助过,再加上每个人也都有帮助亲戚的功德都来回报,使你姑妈在今世就 I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 想帮助你们 ! 5. 你姑妈曾经患关节炎,这来自她过去世生气时,经常向家里的人和动物动粗,让他们很痛苦。但不至于打到受重伤,只是经常动粗,但出手不重,这些业力集中来报应 ! 你姑丈对药物严重的过敏,直到皮肤如烧焦一样。这是来自他过去世喜欢活生生地烤动物,不论是买来或自己打猎而获得的动物,偶尔也宰杀动物做菜肴。这些业力都来报应了一段时间 ! 6.你外婆双腿都有伤口,这来自她过去世生在农业社会里时,曾经绑动物的四肢放着。例如鸭子、鸡只、鹅、猪只等等,为了准备宰杀做菜肴,这些业力集中来报应 ! 她半身瘫痪,来自绑紧动物的四肢的业力,让动物的脚有伤口和瘫痪,和再宰杀它们的业力来报应 ! 她往生后转世为一般的地居天人,居住在一个瑞士山峰上的地居天人村庄里,拥有一般的房子、衣服与食物。所以你要修每一种功德:布施、持戒与静坐等,然后经常把功德回向给她,就能使她的生活更舒适 ! 7. 你舅舅在你外婆的胎里时,就被脐带缠着颈项,使他的声线不清晰。这是来自他过去世喜欢嘲弄,在当时发音不清楚的出家人。除了嘲弄也在出家人开示时跟朋友聊天,不专心听法。当法师教导他们说:不要在闻法的时间聊天,他也不开心,以怒目斜视法师。这些业力来报应使他声线不清晰,且一只眼睛也不能直视了 ! 8. 你不喜欢别人碰你的身体,包括你自己的母亲,这来自在过去世,的其中一世你遭受了许多婚姻生活上的苦,就逃离去剃度出家为白衣八戒女。然后被教导说:不要喜欢触摸的感受,这个习性就延留到今世 ! 你怕胖且禁食直到患了厌食症,差一点逝世,且经常被自己的想法折磨。这来自过去世经常对发胖的朋友造了口业,即是唆使她去减肥,直到朋友开始担心,也建议那位朋友禁食,直到她患了厌食症,而差一点往生。如你今世的情况一样,这种业力来报应 ! 解决的方法,你要放下对体型执著,不要执著于胖或瘦,只要健康能修波罗蜜就够了。且要每天常常以正确的方法来静坐,就能证入内在的快乐 ! 9. 你能教导自己不要喝酒或抽烟,但是你的兄弟姊妹却是爱酗酒、抽烟与争吵。这是因为功德程度的不同,过去世你曾出家为白衣八戒女,且教导自己禁止恶业、行善、净化心灵。所以此功德就让你能教导自己。至于你的兄弟姊妹,他们的功德也比你少,当被现代社会风气所污染与结交了损友,就会那样顺着潮流而走 ! 你去工作或实习时,都只遇到好人,没有遭遇任何问题,这是来自你过去世来认识团体后,就只顾着行善,且发愿说:来世只要见到好人,生活顺利,没有任何问题,此功德来回报你 ! I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 你曾经跟团体修过波罗蜜,在前尊佛陀时代,你是一名信女,有结婚。后来遇上婚姻生活上的苦,就逃离家庭到团体里来剃度出家为白衣八戒女 以忧婆夷的身分来帮忙弘法,且修行证入透明球、透明佛像,属于善禅相,能保护自己回到兜率天 ! 梦中梦因果问答 67 为什么小时候,我会有不良的习性,喝酒、吸烟、吸... 问 题(后皮或硬骨) 1.为什么小时候,我会有不良的习性,喝酒、吸烟、吸大麻、喜欢翘课、偷采邻居的水果,未来我会获得什么样的恶果报,该如何解决, 2.我所听到男生和女生的声音,那是什么,他们俩是谁,跟我有什么样的关系,该声音能偶然预告将来的情况,或真的能预告未来,如果是真的,他们是怎么能预告未来的情况, 3.为什么在我第一次打坐就能看到佛像、大雄宝殿的主佛、师父、老奶奶,即使我从来没来过法身寺, 4.什么业力让我被人向我开枪后,但我却没什么事,那是因为内在之佛来帮助我吗,为什么内在之佛会告诉我,要我到旅馆去拿钱,科学家天人的刀枪不入的法门和法身的威德力有何不同, 5.为什么詹老奶奶跟我说:“奶奶的女儿回来了,要跟奶奶住,别离开寺院了。”奶奶的话是指要我来当寺院的优婆姨吗,在我生活中遇上了许多障碍,是因我没有按照老奶奶的话吗,我和老奶奶有何善缘, 6.为什么师父会跟我说:将来我会带许多人来寺院,我以导游为行业,请旅客来寺院,我会得到什么样的功德,有时候,我会带旅客到各寺院和神庙去请净水、求福报、算命等等,即使我不是很愿意,我会得到什么样的恶果,该如何解决,为什么我的工作,会每次会遇上障碍,该如何解决, 7.什么业力让父亲患了睾丸癌,往生前的预兆是如何,往生后去了什么境界,有什么想转告我吗,父亲能安祥的离开,是来自我所许愿或是他自己过去所修的功德, 8.什么业力让双胞姐姐和哥哥,同时掉下楼梯,且视网膜衰退,将来他们两位的双目会失明吗,该如何解决, 9.我和第一位善知识感觉很亲切,这来自什么善缘,什么恶缘让我们后来发生磨擦,直到分开修波罗蜜,该如何解决, 10.我能让许多女生着迷,直到有女生因了我而吵架,这来自什么恶业,为什么她们会那么爱和关心我, I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 11.我的背部很疼痛,这对我打坐有影响,用了各种治疗的方法,花了快一百万块,都无法治好,那是来自什么恶业,该如何解决, 12.在前尊佛陀时代,我曾跟团体修过什么样的波罗蜜,担任什么任务,修行经验是如何,下来修波罗蜜了几次, 答 案 1.你小时候,你会有不良的习性,喝酒、吸烟、吸大麻、喜欢翘课、偷采邻居的水果。因为过去世曾结交损友,此习性延留到今世。这种行为的恶果报就是会不聪明、智慧低,直到发疯、哑巴、弱智、贫穷、住在有损友的环境中,经常东西会被偷等等 ! 解决的方法,要累积每种功德,布施、持戒、打坐,且许愿让该恶业跟不上回报你 ! 2.你在体内所听到男生和女生的声音,那是过去世,你曾学习过科学家天人的修行法门,以及属于鬼神预告的法门,让你有这种习性和习惯,其实并没有任何男女生的声音 ! 这种情况会在心舒服时出现 ! 预告情况的声音那是偶然的事情。因为很多次也不正确的 ! 你自己也可以注意到。所以你就不要太在意了 ! 3.你第一次打坐就能看到大雄宝殿的主佛、师父、老奶奶,即使你从来没来过法身寺。因为曾跟团体和导师修的功德来回报你 ! 4.你被人向你开枪后,但你却没什么事。因为过去世你曾开枪恐吓他人,但没有使那人往生 ! 而且内在之佛也在保护你 ! 内在之佛会告诉你,要你到旅馆去拿钱,那只是业力让你有那种感觉,那并不是佛像的声音 ! 科学家天人刀枪不入的法门,那是跟“咒语、老师、修定”有关系,越学习会越傲慢,有可能成为** ! 但法身的威德力是功德的威德力,以及保护修行人的法,越学习心会越清静,心中的执着会减少,不会找别人的麻烦 ! 5.詹老奶奶跟你说:“奶奶的女儿回来了,要跟奶奶住,别离开寺院了。”意思就是要跟团体修波罗蜜,不要流失,但不至于来当优婆姨,只是当护法居士 ! 在你生活中遇上了许多障碍,那是你个人的恶业,并不是因你没有按照老奶奶的话做 ! 你曾跟老奶奶和团体结过善缘 ! 6.师父会跟你说:将来你会带许多人来寺院,因为这是你的功德,要请人来行善,而且要去当富翁,当团体的护法居士 ! 你以导游为行业,请旅客来寺院,你会得到的功德,会让你有很多随从,友好的朋I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 友,支持你修波罗蜜等等 ! 有时候,你会带旅客到各寺院和神庙去恭请净水、求福报、算命等等,即使你不是很愿意,这会让你的生活,留在没有信仰三宝的环境中 ! 你的工作,每次会遇上障碍,因为你没有连续修功德 ! 解决的方法,要累积每种功德,布施、持戒、打坐,经常许愿逃脱没有信仰三宝的环境,且让生命与生意都能获得成就 ! 7.你父亲患了睾丸癌,因为过去世和今世的宰杀动物做菜肴和淫业来回报 ! 他往生前的预兆是不染浊,也不清净 他往生后,转世为一般的地居天人。因为你在他生命晚期让他修的功德,使他不用堕落恶道 ! 他已获得所回向的功德,使他全面情况转好 他转告说:如果没有你请他修功德,他一定往恶道,且向你随喜功德 ! 父亲能安祥的离开,因为你所修的功德,且许愿,以及你请他所修的功德,同时回报他 ! 8.你那双胞的姐姐和哥哥,会同时掉下楼梯,且视网膜会衰退。因为过去世你姐姐和哥哥也曾当过兄弟姊妹,跟邻居小朋友一起玩,一起推该小朋友掉下楼梯,让该小朋友的视网膜衰退,跟今世他们俩的情况一样 ! 解决的方法,要累积每种功德,布施、持戒、修行,并许愿让功德去消除该恶业,且要赶快去找好的眼科医生来治疗,就有机会让严重的情况减轻,轻的就消除了 ! 9.你和第一位善知识感觉很亲切,因为过去世曾是互相支持的善知识 你们后来发生了磨擦,直到得各自修波罗蜜。因为你很有魅力,有很多的恋情,但还有一些未了的情缘留在心中 解决的方法,要从你自己开始,只当大家的善知识,不要让彼此感觉太过亲切,要尽量修波罗蜜,多累积每种功德 ! 10.你能让许多女生着迷,直到有女生因了你而吵架,因为过去世你曾是个风流的男生,多世风流的恶业在今世同时回报。此外经常许愿,愿自己有魅力能让女生着迷 ! 有些女生会那么爱和关心你,因为各都有自身的淫业,吸引来相见,且一起再次造做了新的业力 ! 11.你的背部很疼痛,花了快一百万块,都无法治好,因为过去世曾使动物超劳,扛过重的东西。例如:驴、骡等等,此恶业来报应 ! 解决的方法,要累积每种功德,布施、持戒、修行,放生,并把功德回向给曾冒犯过的众生 ! 12.在前尊佛陀时代,你是位风流的男生,当了团体的护法居士,有时随意修功德,有时尽量,当没有心情时就不做了。修行经验能看到透明的佛像,维持自己回到兜率天,下来修波罗蜜一次而已 ! 所以今世要赶快改变自己的风流习性,彻底处理好。否则就有机会到达有这种倾向I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 的四天王天 ! 在前尊佛陀时代能回到兜率天,下来修波罗蜜一次,就很好了,今世要改过自新 ! 泰国高僧对不同经历的人三世因果分析案例 泰国法身寺高僧对不同经历的人三世因果分析案例,因果真实不虚,看了没人敢做恶了,请多 转贴功德无量~如能打印出来广为流通那更好~ 个案研究 为老师供养模组 我是来自远地的梦中梦幼稚园学生,对师父的宏愿深深地感动,师父的伟大志愿是任何人都比不上的。因此,我希望自己和家人都能跟师父一起修波罗蜜直至法的究竟。在此恭请不大老师 慈悲解答我多年以来存于心中的一些疑惑,则感恩不尽~ 我母亲是个毅力坚强,做事果断的家庭主妇,家中的大小事务,皆由她处理。至于我父亲,个性善良谦虚,孝顺父母,很照顾家庭,尤其对我母亲更是言听计从,疼爱有加。因此,他们两 人的感情很好,即使偶尔有口角,也无损于他们之间的感情,他们始终是那么恩爱。 但有一件事,父亲却不听母亲的,那就是,母亲因为具有封建的思想观念,不肯让女孩接受高等教育,但是,父亲却很有远见,不顾母亲的反对与不快,继续供我读书直到大学毕业。父亲 在晚年时,身体虚弱,经常患病,终于在他六十一岁那年,离开了我们。 在七个孩子中,我排行第三,我自小得父亲的疼爱,但是却与母亲无缘。因此,有时日子难免过得不甚如意。父亲往生后,母亲处境相当不如意,她所疼爱的儿子与女儿,不但没有好好地照顾她,还时常忤逆她,只有我和大姐照顾她的一切生活费用,为她付所有的医药费。她晚年时患有许多疾病,例如,高血压、心脏病、关节炎,最后因中风,血管爆裂,而在医院逝世, 享年六十二岁。 我是七个兄弟姊妹中,唯一接受过高等教育的人。我是中文系毕业,从小就特别喜欢中国艺术 和文化。而其他兄弟姊妹,因为受教育不高,又不信佛,因此我们之间,就难以沟通。 自从我母亲逝世后,兄弟姊妹们都四分五裂,我受母亲生前所托,必须负起责任,处理与解决她所遗留下来的一切琐碎问题,而那时候我已经从事老师的行业,且已结婚生子了,面对如此处境,令我感到心力交瘁,精神近乎崩溃,以致患上了严重的忧郁症,半年无法工作。我在家里休息养病的时候,完全吃不下饭,一天只能喝半杯美禄,体重减轻了十公斤。有时候也有自杀的念头,但因为担心丈夫和女儿,才压抑了这种想法。我休养了半年才勉强返校授课,此时,我透过诵经拜佛的方法来维持自己的正念,但还是必须服药,控制病情。但后来我自行停止服I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 药,靠自己的意志力来治疗心病,一旦发现自己开始有压力,就诵经打坐,并继续到大乘佛寺 教去帮忙,直到痊愈为止。另外,我曾发生过一件奇怪的事, 那就是在我刚出来工作大概两、三个星期后,同事们为了联络感情,因此在一个星期天,在海边的一个度假村聚会,以促进新旧同事之间的了解。就在当天早上,我和几个同事一起到沙滩上去散步。记得当时经过一棵大树下时,我忽然就晕过去,之后的事情我完全无法记得起来。一直到了当天晚上,他们却能把我安全地送回家。其实,他们对我的一切是毫无所知,他们根本不知道我住在那里,因为我刚到那里工作,没有人知道我的住处。而且,当我昏迷时,他们是从我口中得知我家的电话号码。这一点真让我百思不得其解,因为从我晕过去之后,直到我回家这一段过程,我完全没有记忆,我根本不知道我曾对他们说过什么。但为什么却能在那种状况下正确地告诉他们我家的地址与电话号码。即使至今我仍然无法明白,这真是不可思议。 我婚后的生活相当幸福,我外子性格较内向,为人踏实,待人至诚,无不良嗜好,非常疼爱妻子与孩子。我很爱我的娘家,虽然结婚了,仍然负起养育父母的责任,而外子也爱屋及乌,对我娘家的一切也很关心,从不拂逆我的意思。我们互相尊重,在我遇上痛苦与烦恼,得到佛法甘露滋润心灵时,丈夫也会从旁提醒与鼓励我,要积极学习佛法,令我感恩不尽。在六年前,他发现自己患了癌症(睾丸癌症)。后来接受了手术,使他恢复健康了一段时间,但是三年后,他 的病情又再复发,幸好即使发现,经过医治后,目前暂时没有什么大碍。 婚后,育有两个女儿,她们俩都长得很漂亮,样貌很相似,但是性格却有天渊之别。小女儿自小乖巧听话,斯文秀气,很有气质,得人疼爱,从来不让我们操心。而大女儿却倔强无比,从 小就喜欢闹别扭,软硬兼施都无法折服她,自小就令我们俩伤透了脑筋。 在佛历2531年,在我两个女儿还年幼时,承蒙一所大乘佛寺法师的慈悲,邀我教导该寺院所主办的佛学班,并担任佛曲合唱团的团长,而两个女儿也顺理成章地成为儿童佛学班的学生。我们希望通过佛法能驯服大女儿的野性,而她们也在三宝的加持下,平安顺利地长大。大女儿与其他人或朋友都能相处得很好,每个人都称赞她是个好女孩。可是,每当有我在场,她就会不断地来折腾我,令我无法忍受,无论我用好言相劝,或加以打骂也好,总是无法解决,我为此 伤心落泪。虽然她常常与我过不去,但心情好时,还是与我有说有笑。 本来她跟外子与妹妹的感情很好,不过,在佛历2543年她大学毕业后,从事了电视节目导演的工作,有一次,她交代外子替他办点事,而外子是个二十四孝父亲,自然乐于为她服务。怎么知道,外子却把她交给他的文件给丢失了,虽然过后外子再三道歉,但她却不领情。从此对我们视如陌生人,即使对面相遇也不理不睬,我曾苦苦追问原因,含泪相劝,但她仍然铁石心肠, 对我们视若无睹,甚至连妹妹也不加理睬。 I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 去年不知道发生了什么事情,她不晓得为什么,也不去工作,整天在家里,每天睡到下午三、四点才起身,然后就对着电视机,观看节目,直到凌晨四、五点才睡觉。我也因此天天失眠,天天伤心,她怎么变得如此不可理喻。我真是为她感到担心。我每天都活在无奈当中,我怕外子知道,只能偷偷地哭泣,因为我怕影响他的健康,我知道他是非常疼爱这个女儿的,他的内心深处也是很痛苦的。但由于我的怏怏不乐,外子终于察觉我的悲伤,他劝慰我说:你学佛多年,为何还放不下,这样下去对健康无益。其实我也知道应该放下,只是,一旦看到她,我就无法理智地面对与处理。这或许是为人母亲所必须接受的痛苦,无人可理解的。而没当过母亲 的人都无法体会到这种感受的。 闭上眼睛,梦这梦那,醒起来, 打个哈欠,听成传奇故事就好了! 1.你父亲这么疼爱你母亲,对她言听计从,因为今世他们也互相爱护,而且在过去世也曾经结为夫妻了许多世。最重要的是有其中一世,你母亲有结婚,但不是跟你今世的父亲结婚,那一世她特别地照顾好她的丈夫。之后她经常许愿说:今世我照顾好自己的丈夫,来世愿我得到好丈夫,来关心与照顾我,所以此愿力让她得到疼爱与对她言听计从的你父亲为丈夫 至于你从小就跟母亲不太合得来,因为她感到不高兴你父亲那么疼爱与关心你,才会经常讽刺挖苦你。你跟她并没有任何的宿怨,这是属于今世的因缘关系罢了 2.你母亲往生后转世去生为属于夜叉种类的地居天人,已得到你后来所回向的功德了。虽然你跟丈夫每年都有回向功德给她 * 但是,当你偶尔梦见你母亲时,她在梦里仍然如生前一样,百般刁难你,那是你心中过去的记忆所产生的幻觉,才会做那样的梦。但是后来你为她供养了自身佛像,此功德就消除了你心中的阴影,使你不再做那种恶梦了 3.你深爱你的父亲,那是因为今世你父亲特别疼爱你,在过去世你也曾经生为他的孩子了许多世 * 目前你父亲已转世到一个地居天人的村庄里当地居天人,且已经获得你所回向的功德了,他很快乐,也转告你说:谢谢你~ 4.你的家翁与家姑往生后,都转世为地居天人住在一个地居天人的村庄里,起初他们的生活环境不太好,后来得到你经常所回向的功德,使他们的情况好了很多。他们既高兴又感恩你回向 功德给他们,使他们的财富与天人的食物更好、更精致。他们也想念且问候你们夫妇俩 I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 5.你丈夫患了睾丸癌,这是因为过去世他曾经试着结扎家里的狗,把绳子绑住狗的睾丸,直到它腐烂。起初无法完全医治好,这是因为他这样结扎狗儿了许多次。此业力还没消完,来世可能还会再受此种报应,所以消业的方法,要布施、持戒和静坐,然后把功德回向给自己曾经虐 待过的动物 6.你大女儿的个性那么倔强,且跟你无缘。这是因为你今世也曾经跟自己的亲生妈妈顶嘴,而且在过去世有其中一世你也经常对妈妈那样倔强,如同你今生女儿的行为一样。因此,此业力 就接引了你这位大女儿来投胎 * 她在过去世曾经是你的邻居,且曾经跟你吵过架。情形是这样,过去的其中一世,你跟今世的 丈夫也结为夫妻如今世一样,那一世你的大女儿生为你的邻居,住在你家隔壁 * 起初你跟这位邻居都互相帮忙关系很好,但是后来你却担心和吃醋,怕自己丈夫去喜欢上这位 邻居,就开始讽刺她直到互相吵架了 * 令这位邻居,也就是你今世的大女儿牵怒于你丈夫,故意找他麻烦,演变成宿世以来的仇恨 2. 你要原谅她,经常为她修功德,会使业力逐渐消轻。如果还续生气会影响到来 世 * 未来你的大女儿育有孩子,也会得到如同她自己今世,如此待父母的行为业报。虽然父母 没有生她的气,也原谅了她,就只能让她的业力消轻了一些罢了,但还不会消完,未来她 还会再受此业报了许多世 7.你小女儿很乖巧,她今年正在跟男朋友成家立业,你应该当他们的善知识,邀请他们布施、 持戒,且陆续逐渐增加护持每一种功德,并要邀请他们打坐。他们也曾经跟团体结过一些 善缘,不久就能再回来一起修功德了 8.你在兼顾两个家庭的负担时,即是在娘家和婚后的家庭,产生压力,以致直到吃不下饭, 一天只能喝半杯美禄长达半年之久。原因是在过去世你的个性,经常推卸各种责任给其他 兄弟姊妹,使其他兄弟姊妹压力大,类似你今世的情况一样。 * 但是你曾经有跟团体修过的功德和护持佛法的功德,使功德庇佑,让你没有自杀,并能透 过诵经拜佛的方法来克服如同精神崩溃的情况。另外,你也没有自杀的业力 * 消除此业力的方法,就要多多做善知识,修每一种功德,然后经常许愿自己出生在好的 家庭,有道德具足的双亲和兄弟姊妹。此功德将帮助你来世不会再遇上,这种情况 I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management, 9.你在海边跟朋友散步时,会突然昏倒下去,但刚昏倒时你还有一点正念,所以就能把电话号码告诉了你的同事。但是后来你也失去了那段时间的记忆,使你记不得那时候的情况 10.你曾经来寺院当了好几次的义工,到了星期天看到许多工作人员,因为工作繁忙,或者放不下工作等等,所以就在办公室里面的电脑荧幕前或电视上DMC节目前面打坐。这跟把带着肉身到法堂参加导师引导加持的静坐活动,与留在办公室单独一人打坐,哪一种的功德比较大 就要看说:如果在法堂和办公室里都有同样的定力和心也一样的攀缘了导师的话,来法堂里静坐会得到比较大的功德,因为靠近加持的中央区。但是如果在法堂里面,心没有专注力,也没有攀缘导师,而留在办公里能让心产生定力和攀缘导师,这样在办公室里打坐,会得到比较大的功德 11.你、丈夫和两个女儿都曾经当过团体的护法居士,但修功德时,经常很慢才决定,使你们在年纪大了才认识团体。另外,也是因为没有周全地的许愿:“从小能认识团体 *你们会出生在海外,是因为曾经想要帮团体宏扬法身**到远地,不是什么业力啊~ * 你们要用自己的中文语文能力来把入“法身之**”和“不大老师”,的法语翻译成中文,且当全世界华人的善知识,让他们对修行感兴趣,且来打坐直到证得内在的法身 今世来相见了,就要积极修每一种功德,然后许愿,一起回到兜率天特殊功德区菩萨圈,永不流失 I signed with the Bank of the qilu Bank loan contract (contract) conventions, and I use scheme, I would request the loans (in words) until I opened personal settlement account with your Bank (account), uses loan for 。 Loan operation, business unit name: account number: loan funds from these personal settlement account into the account of a payment. Loans in accordance with the following payment methods to pay. One, lender trustee payment. Delegate qilu Bank loan funds of the borrower to meet the stipulation of the contract the following borrowers, counterparties, commitment funds, regulatory compliance, legal, and willing to take the pay disputes, loss and other consequences of the delegate. Payee account number Bank name amount purpose II, borrowers own payment methods. Qilu Bank according to the borrower's withdrawal request to loan funds disbursed directly to the borrower's account, and independently by the borrower payments to borrowers who meet the stipulation of the contract transactions. I guarantee to your bank contracts and other prove of material submitted by real and effective. When in accordance with one payment, I agree with the above account with your bank loan funds that are not used for stop payment management,
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