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临近既有线施工方案临近既有线施工方案 新建铁路宝兰客专兰州枢纽配套房屋工程 邻近既有线施工方案 编制人: 审核人: 审批人: 中铁四局宝兰客专兰州枢纽项目经理部三分部 编制日期:2015年3月26 日 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT stand...
临近既有线施工 新建铁路宝兰客专兰州枢纽配套房屋工程 邻近既有线施工方案 编制人: 审核人: 审批人: 中铁四局宝兰客专兰州枢纽项目经理部三分部 编制日期:2015年3月26 日 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 目 录 1、编制依据 ................................... 0 1.1编制依据 .............................................................. 0 1.2编制原则 .............................................................. 0 2、施工内容 ................................... 0 3、施工流程 ................................... 2 3.1兰州西综合公寓楼 ...................................................... 2 3.2兰州西工务办公楼 ...................................................... 3 4、组织机构 ................................... 3 5、资源配置 ................................... 4 6、安全保证措施 ............................... 6 6.1教育培训 .............................................................. 6 6.2施工全过程监控 ........................................................ 7 7、应急预案 ................................... 8 8、质量保证 ................................... 8 9、安全目标及注意事项 .......................... 8 9.1安全目标 .............................................................. 8 9.2安全注意事项 .......................................................... 8 9.3邻近既有线施工安全措施 ................................................ 9 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 1、编制依据 1.1编制依据 1、新建宝鸡至兰州西铁路客运专线兰州枢纽配套房屋工程施工图纸等。 2、《兰州铁路局营业线施工安全管理补充办法实施细则》(兰铁办【2010】46号) 3、《兰州铁路局营业线施工安全管理补充办法实施细则》(兰铁办【2013】2号) 4、《铁路营业线施工安全管理办法》,铁办【2012】280号,。 5、《铁路工程施工安全技术规程,上、下册,》,J260--2003,。 6、施工调查资料 7、施工组织设计及塔吊专项方案 1.2编制原则 1.2.1、根据工程的实际特点~合理安排工作量~确保工程质量和施工安全。合理配备劳动力资源~充分发挥机械设备施工能力~以达到整体优化的目的。尽量加快工程进度~合理安排施工顺序~避免对既有线运营的干扰。 1.2.2、遵循“安全第一、预防为主”的方针~按设计要求采取切实可行的安全防范措施~根据现场地形地貌和设计勘测所提供的工程地质、水文地质情况~加强对既有铁路及设施的防护~确保工程施工和既有线设备和运营的安全。 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 中铁四局宝兰客专兰州枢纽项目经理部三分部 邻近既有线施工方案 2、施工内容 序竣工时施工项目 施工内容 既有线里程 开工时间 号 间 宝兰线主体结构、二DK1040+131.5次结构及室内兰州西综合公2015.11.31 2- 2014.10.2 外装饰装修施寓楼 0 DK1040+191.5工 2 二次结构宝兰线兰州西工务办2 及室内外装饰DK1038+620- 2015.3.10 2015.6.30 公楼 装修施工 DK1038+666 兰州西综合公寓楼平面布置图 第 1 页 共 10 页 兰州西工务办公楼平面布置图 3、施工流程 3.1兰州西综合公寓楼 3.1.1兰州西综合公寓楼结构边距既有线22.5米,建筑物北侧有线路围墙将施工区域与线路进行封闭隔离, 根据工程结构形式和工程量,新建兰州西综合公寓楼南侧布置1台塔吊~现场北侧邻近铁路营业线~南侧毗邻南山路~南山路北侧高压线距塔吊水平距离34.7米~垂直距离20米~考虑不触碰高压线~塔吊只在北侧旋转~塔吊大臂长度46m~塔吊中心至既有线围墙31米~为防止塔吊作为垂直运输塔吊大臂会侵入营业线范围影响行车安全~本工程已将塔吊臂限位在围墙之内~塔吊限位做到30米。 塔吊作业时~塔司需将大臂转至既有线一侧时~需观测既有线有无车辆通过~当有车辆通过时~塔吊停止作业~待车辆通过后方可旋转大臂, 3.1.2在〒0.000 以上结构、二次结构、装修部分施工时~在外脚手架上布置密封防护安全网~其中在北侧、西侧、东侧安装钢丝防护网~屋面散放材料绑扎牢固~防止施工中施工材料滑落、掉落至既有线~确保既有线行车安全。,如下图所示, 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 中铁四局宝兰客专兰州枢纽项目经理部三分部 邻近既有线施工方案 3.2兰州西工务办公楼 在二次结构、装修部分施工时~在外脚手架上布置密封防护安全网~屋面散放材料绑扎牢固~防止施工中施工材料滑落、掉落至既有线~确保既有线行车安全。 ,如下图所示, 4、组织机构 第 3 页 共 10 页 5、资源配置 主要机械设备表 用于施数量 序国别产制造额定功工 设备名称 规格型号 备注 号 地 年份 率,kw, ,台/套, 部位 不涉及既插入式振捣桩基工1 ZN50 1 台州 2014 1.5 有线安全 器 程 不涉及既土方运2 自卸卡车 6*4 10 徐州 2011 55 有线安全 输 不涉及既基坑回3 压路机 20T 2 徐州 2010 125 有线安全 填 不涉及既基坑回4 打夯机 N80T 4 无锡 2014 2.6 有线安全 填 不涉及既基坑回5 装载机 ZL50 2 柳州 2010 162 有线安全 填 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 中铁四局宝兰客专兰州枢纽项目经理部三分部 邻近既有线施工方案 用于施数量 序国别产制造额定功工 设备名称 规格型号 备注 号 地 年份 率,kw, ,台/套, 部位 不涉及既主体钢6 钢筋切断机 GQ40 3 山东 2014 2.2 有线安全 筋工程 不涉及既主体钢7 钢筋弯曲机 GF20 3 山东 2014 3 有线安全 筋工程 不涉及既主体钢8 直流电焊机 ZX7-250 5 温州 2014 7.0 有线安全 筋型钢 不涉及既主体钢9 钢筋调直机 DF-48AE9 3 邢台 2014 7.5 有线安全 筋工程 不涉及既直螺纹套丝主体钢10 N50 5 上海 2013 1.5 有线安全 机 筋工程 不涉及既木工加工机主体模11 MJ113TA 4 济南 2013 3 有线安全 械 板工程 不涉及既SY5310THB4主体砼12 汽车泵 2 长沙 2011 300 有线安全 0B 50E 施工 不涉及既主体砼13 砼输送泵 HBT60 1 长沙 2012 60 有线安全 工程 不涉及既主体砼14 混凝土罐车 SY312-c 20 长沙 2012 125 有线安全 工程 不涉及既插入式振捣主体砼15 ZN50 5 台州 2014 1.5 有线安全 器 工程 不涉及既砼平板振捣主体砼16 GPZ 2 郑州 2012 1.5 有线安全 器 工程 塔吊大臂主体工邻近既有17 塔吊 5610 1 甘肃 2014 45 程 线 第 5 页 共 10 页 用于施数量 序国别产制造额定功工 设备名称 规格型号 备注 号 地 年份 率,kw, ,台/套, 部位 砌筑及不涉及既人货电梯,双装修垂18 SC200/200 2 长沙 2011 65 有线安全 笼, 直运输 砌筑工 不涉及既程、装饰19 砂浆搅拌机 250 3 兰州 2013 3 有线安全 装修工 程 不涉及既砌筑工20 钢筋切断机 GQ40 2 山东 2014 2.2 有线安全 程 不涉及既砌筑工21 钢筋弯曲机 GF20 2 山东 2014 3 有线安全 程 不涉及既砌筑工22 直流电焊机 ZX7-250 2 温州 2014 7.0 有线安全 程 不涉及既砌筑工23 钢筋调直机 DF-48AE9 2 邢台 2014 7.5 有线安全 程 不涉及既插入式振捣砌筑工24 ZN50 2 台州 2014 1.5 有线安全 器 程 不涉及既装饰装25 直流电焊机 ZX7-250 5 温州 2014 7.0 有线安全 修工程 备注:除塔吊外~其余机械设备均在既有线围墙外作业, 6、安全保证措施 6.1教育培训 项目部组织所有参加施工人员进行邻近既有线安全培训工作~加强安全教育~施工过程中禁止将杂物抛入既有线内~影响车辆正常通行。 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 中铁四局宝兰客专兰州枢纽项目经理部三分部 邻近既有线施工方案 6.2施工全过程监控 6.2.1施工前工作设置专职巡视员、防护员并进行项目专项培训、考核、取证后上岗。 组织全体施工人员,包括民工,进行技术业务知识和既有线安全知识的培训~并经过考试合格后方能上岗。设置大型机械邻近既有线施工的审批制度~需使用大型机械邻近既有线施工时~需填写机械使用#表#~,注明工作时间及地点,上报生产经理通过后~报项目经理通过后方可施工。 6.2.2施工中工作技术施工人员到施工现场蹲点~监督检查施工安全质量。严格执行“施工七不准”: a、施工计划未经审批~不准施工, b、未按规定签定施工安全协议书~不准施工, c、没有合格的施工负责人不准施工, d、没有经过培训~并考试,核,合格的人员,劳务工,不准施工, e、没有准备好必要、充分的施工料具不准施工, f、配合单位人员不到位不准施工。 g、没有制定安全应急措施不准施工。严格执行“四到位”制度~即施工负责人、主管工程师、安全员、巡视员到位。有大型机械在邻近既有线施工时~做到一机一防护~当有车辆通过时~机械停止作业~待车辆通过后方可施工, 6.2.3施工后工作:每天施工下班前施工负责人、安全员、巡视员对邻近既有线防护的车辆停放、施工现场材料码放~以及轻质材料的固定、绑扎进行检查~发现问题督促各工班组进行整治~达到条件后~方可下班。每天下班后施工负责人、安全员、巡视员、各工班长、及民工队负责人召开一次安全形势分析会~总结当日安全质量情况~找出存在的问题。提出整改方法~在施工日志中做好~并在次日工作中抓好落实。不定期对防护人员进行抽查~发现问题及时督促整改。 第 7 页 共 10 页 7、应急预案 7.1成立应急领导小组: 组长:张满文, 副组长:史艳坤、苟亿军~ 组员:唐立泰、张冰、任增燃、张春雨、于池、杨飞刚、康德强、张小勇。具体分工:张满文总负责~张小勇对外联系和物资供应~任增燃负责组织现场施工 ~唐立泰负责制定、研究方案~于池负责与铁路部门联系~张春雨协助任增燃组织现场施工。 7.2施工前~必须对可能发生的安全险情和其他突发事件准备好紧急应对措施~做好人力、物力及机具设备的储备工作~以防突发事件发生后能迅速排除。具体要求做到以下几项工作: 7.2.1明确管理人员和各施工作业班组的施工范围、任务~并进行详细的交底。 7.2.2现场管理人员、施工班组负责人、防护员除配备性能良好的对讲机外~必须配备移动电话一部~保证24小时开通~并人手一份电话联系表。 7.2.3施工作业期间~组建一支以项目经理为组长的青年抢险突击队~人员以项目管理人员为主~施工班组为辅~人数不少于100人。 8、质量保证 8.1建立健全自检系统~加强质量自检工作~充分发挥内部各级管理人员的作用~消除质量隐患。 8.2把住材料进场关~无产品质量证明书、合格证及质量标志的材料拒绝进入施工现场。进场后的材料按规定进行抽检~不合格材料立即清除出场。 8.3严格按照国家~质量验收规范~确保无质量事故, 9、安全目标及注意事项 9.1安全目标 贯彻“安全第一~预防为主”的方针~安全、高效、优质的完成每次施工任务~其安全目标如下:无人身轻伤及以上事故,无铁路行车责任事故,确保既有线通信、信号、电力及工务等设施的安全。 9.2安全注意事项 贯彻“安全第一~预防为主”的方针~并结合本工程实际情况~采取以下安全措施: 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result 中铁四局宝兰客专兰州枢纽项目经理部三分部 邻近既有线施工方案 ,1,安全教育和培训 施工点施工前~对所有参加点内施工人员进行安全教育~并进行考试~不合格者不得进入施工现场施工。 ,2,各级人员的安全职责和各操作岗位安全操作规程: 对特殊工种的作业人员须参加铁路部门专业培训~并经考试合格~取得安全操作证后方可上岗操作。 ,3,建立健全施工现场安全生产保证体系。 ,4,建立工程开工前安全技术交底制度~制定安全技术方案和措施~并认真对施工人员进行交底。 ,5,安全检查 安全检查是安全管理的重要手段~其任务是发现和查清各种危险和隐患~制止违章~落实规程和标准~清除事故隐患。检查中的安全隐患立即进行整改。 9.3邻近既有线施工安全措施 9.3.1 保证人身安全的措施 ,1,所有现场施工人员必须严格遵守劳动纪律, ,2,严禁扒损防护栅栏~进入既有线, ,3,严禁高空抛物~影响行车安全, ,4,配齐配足劳动安全用品,确保安全防护, 5,施工现场设安全标志,作业区悬挂警示标牌, , ,6,所持料具不得侵限, 9.3.2 防施工机械侵限措施 ,1,各机械操作人员特别是塔吊操作手必须通过专业业务技术培训~考试合格并持有上岗作业证书~方准上岗作业。严禁将机械交给无证人员和不熟悉该机械设备性能的人员操作。 ,2,塔吊禁止在既有线上有车辆通过的时间段内使用 ,3,施工作业前~操作人员应认真听取施工技术人员现场交底和有关安全注意事项~并对机械作详细检查。作业中必须集中精力~不得擅自离开工作岗位。 ,4,严禁酒后操作和超劳作业~严禁机械设备带病作业。 ,5,施工机械进入营业线旁施工作业~必须设专职安全防护员~“一机一人”防护~负责来车通知和警戒工作。施工地段有列车通过时~禁止任何机械施工作业。 第 9 页 共 10 页 9.3.3 高处作业安全保证措施 ,1,作业人员必须定期进行身体检查~对不适宜高处作业的人员~如患有精神病、高血压、严重贫血、颠痫、眩晕、心脏病等人员~不得从事此项工作。 ,2,作业人员上下脚架要安设爬梯~不得攀登脚手架上下~更不允许乘 非乘人的升降设备上下~安全网在使用前~应按规定进行试验~合格后方准使用。 ,3,风力为五级,包括五级,以上时~不得进行高空作业及吊装作业。 5min filter: from 20 0mL filtrate, into another 50mL Brown in a volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+11) to scale, time distribution and avoid light. BHT standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0500 g BHT. with a small amount of methanol dissolved. moved into the 100mL Brown volumetric flask. well diluted to scale. keep in dark place. Per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.50 mg BHT. BHT standard liquid: when drawing 1.0mLBHT standard solution, placed in 50mL Brown flask, add methanol to scale, and mix, keep in dark place. This solution is equivalent to 10.0 μg per ml gBHT. 3, instruments steam distillation apparatus. Glycerine bath. SPECTRO photometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 2 g~5 g sample (about 0.40 mg BHT) in 100 mL distillation flask, add 16.0 g of anhydrous calcium chloride powder and water 10.0 mL. when Glycerin bath when the temperature reaches 165 ? c temperature. Alembic in Glycerin bath, connect the steam generator and condenser. Condenser tube bottom immersed in 200mL containing 50mL alcohol bottle, distillation, distillation rate 1.5 per minute mL~2mL, 50 min~60 min to collect about 100 mL distillate (along with the original holding about 150 mL of methanol, ...c M1--samples for determination of BHT in quality, in micrograms (μg g); M2--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); Total volume of samples after V1--distillation units of milliliters (mL); Absorb the volume of samples for determination of V2--. units to milliliters (mL) a result
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