

2017-10-01 16页 doc 197KB 13阅读




变频空调应该抽真空变频空调应该抽真空 变频空调抽真空操作程序 三分空调七分安 最近在搞装修,给买变频空调的同学们提个醒,安装的时候一定要抽真空。看外地的90%是排气式安装的,就是扭开阀门放点气,正确的方法应该是用真空泵抽上30分钟,否则空调容易坏掉。我建议是 :宁愿多给师傅点钱 ,也得抽真空。就算是抽真空,里面的猫腻也多了去了,很多操作工只带真空泵,不带压力表,这种抽法,只有上帝知道真空了没。塞个几十块小费吧,总比制冷效果差,搞不好还要重新加制冷剂要好。 抽真空的六大步骤: 1.先没收安装工人的内六角板手。 2.将连接内外机的管道...
变频空调应该抽真空 变频空调抽真空操作程序 三分空调七分安 最近在搞装修,给买变频空调的同学们提个醒,安装的时候一定要抽真空。看外地的90%是排气式安装的,就是扭开阀门放点气,正确的方法应该是用真空泵抽上30分钟,否则空调容易坏掉。我建议是 :宁愿多给师傅点钱 ,也得抽真空。就算是抽真空,里面的猫腻也多了去了,很多操作工只带真空泵,不带压力,这种抽法,只有上帝知道真空了没。塞个几十块小费吧,总比制冷效果差,搞不好还要重新加制冷剂要好。 抽真空的六大步骤: 1.先没收安装工人的内六角板手。 2.将连接内外机的管道接好,上紧。 3.在气管(粗管)三通阀修理口接上压力表连接真空泵,先开真空泵后再打开压力表阀门,抽真空开始后将压力抽置负0.1MPA,再抽15-20分钟,以压力表负压值为准。 4.先关闭压力表阀门,再关闭真空泵。看压力表,观察压力是否回升。 5.归还内六角板手用来打开液管阀(细管二通阀,,,圈),约10秒后关闭,用检漏枪或quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 者肥皂水检测连接头等位置。 6.摘表,液管/气管阀门全部打开,开空调试机。 quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 抽真空第一步:1.先没收安装工人的内六角板手。 除非你信任,他不会在你同意前使用六角板手,否则为了防止安装工任何不必要的操作,先没收安装工的内六角板手!我们先来看看传说中的内六角板手...大家不要收错了... 目的: a,防止安装工人在安装连接内外机后后打开三通阀排气 b,安装工不会抽真空,打开三通阀后再抽真空,那就把空调中的冷媒抽掉排到大气中,有许多工人会这么做,这么做空调就废了,所以对于不懂的工人一定要没收 c,可以坚持抽真空时间,防止安装工只抽几分钟就停机开阀门,因为你不给他板手他无法开阀门也就无法做其他操作 抽真空第二步:2.安装和连接内外机步骤...将连接内外机的管道接好,上紧... 图片上面的细管接口为二通阀,粗管接口为三通阀,工人开始拧开粗管接口的小塞子冒 抽真空第三步...3.在气管(粗管)三通阀修理口接上压力表连接真空泵,先开真空泵后再打开压力表阀门,抽真空开始后将压力抽置负0.1MPA,再抽15-20分钟,以压力表负压值为准... quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 我们先看看未接表前压力表的数值...双头表是这样的...(左蓝色,右红色) 将压力表用蓝管和真空泵相连,外机的气管(粗管)三通阀修理口用红管接上压力表,检查各连接是否上紧。 目的a,排除连接管和室内机内的空气, ,真空状态下水的沸点降低,我国目前为了降低成本多数厂商内机和连接管已不再冲惰性气体保护,含水b 的空气都会进入氧化和其他杂质都可能吸附水 c,压力只是保证空气大致排出,而足够的时间是水份彻底排除的保证 quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 全部连接完毕...建议先开真空泵后打开压力表阀门,抽真空开始...此时检查压力表的数值... 抽真空正式开始... 建议是将压力抽置负0.1MPA,再抽15-20分钟,以压力表负压值为准...我提出抽半小时的要求,安装师傅的建议是抽得越久越好,结果我家的35机抽了整整50分钟...25机最后统计抽了35分钟...抽真空期间安装工人开始摆弄另一台23机... 抽真空第四步...4.先关闭压力表阀门,再关闭真空泵...看压力表,观察压力是否回升... 目的: a,防止真泵里的润滑油在负压力下进入空调系统,不同种类的润滑油会对空调系统造成损害,尤其是R410A系统,所有有调整应该使用带趾回装置的真空泵,防止空气回流 quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you c,保压检漏(是负压检漏手段,只是观察压力是否回升,我觉得正压检漏更明确些) 抽真空安装第五步...5.归还内六角板手用来打开液管阀(细管二通阀,,,圈),约10秒后关闭,用检漏枪或者肥皂水检测连接头等位置... 注:这时候赶紧把内六角扳手还给安装工,一定要安装工在拆去真空泵,压力表前用内六角板手~这一步有许多安装工做错,导致空调空重新混如空气,真空效果就差了,如果动作慢的话等于白抽...图片内的上方细管处为液管阀... 内六角板手用来打开液管阀(细管二通阀,,,圈)....10秒后关闭... 目的: a使管路内变成正压力,可用进行检漏; b,使最后一步时在正压状态下摘表可以防止空气回流 quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 用检漏枪或者肥皂水检测连接头等位置...我拿了一瓶洗洁精给安装师傅...安装师傅加水产生泡沫后涂抹到管道的接口处,检查是否有漏气的情况... 抽真空第六步...终于到了最后关头了...6.摘表,液管气/管阀门全部打开,开空调试机... 一般到了此步抽真空已经成功,会把真空泵和压力表都拿下来...我家的情况比较特殊,工人把真空泵拿掉后,压力表还接在上面,液管气管阀门全部打开...在此状态下即开机测试...我问了工人,说是测试下机器运行时的压力,达到15~20公斤即为正常...达到压力后,工人摘下压力表的瞬间我听到明显的喷气声,感觉到有气体从压力表和外机粗管三通阀接口的地方溢出,虽然溢出很少很短暂,可是声音明显... 经咨询AP和sailholder均说此现象没有问题,工人也表示空调不会受影响... quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you
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