

2017-09-19 27页 doc 68KB 642阅读




速度与激情5中英文字幕速度与激情5中英文字幕 多米尼克?托雷多 Dominic Toretto. 你被判25年有期徒刑 You are hereby sentenced to serve 25 years to life 将被关进隆波克最高设防监狱 at the Lompoc Maximum Security Prison system 不得提前假释 without the possibility of early parole. {/fs34}速度与激情5 我们目前知道是... Here's what we know so far. 这...
速度与激情5中英文字幕 多米尼克?托雷多 Dominic Toretto. 你被判25年有期徒刑 You are hereby sentenced to serve 25 years to life 将被关进隆波克最高设防监狱 at the Lompoc Maximum Security Prison system 不得提前假释 without the possibility of early parole. {/fs34}速度与激情5 我们目前知道是... Here's what we know so far. 这里就是一场大胆策划... This is all the aftermath of a daring, daylight breakout. 在光天白日下劫囚的事故现场 警方示囚车上共有26名重刑犯... There were 26 high-risk inmates being transferred... 事发后所有囚犯都已寻回... A daring midday breakout where everyone onboard has been accounted for, 除了多米尼克?托雷多 except for one, Dominic Toretto. 警方公布他们认为是... Police have just released the identity 这场所幸无人伤亡的... of the man they believe to have orchestrated the shocking escape 劫囚案的主谋... that amazingly resulted in no fatalities this afternoon. 前联邦探员布莱恩?奥康纳 He is former federal agent, Brian O'Conner. 目前当局正积极的在缉捕三名逃犯 A fierce manhunt is underway for three fugitives tonight. 多个联邦及地方单位通力合作... Multiple federal and local agencies have joined forces 追捕多米尼克?托雷多 in the search for Dominic Toretto 以及他的共犯... and his accomplices 布莱恩?奥康纳和米娅?托雷多 Brian O'Conner and Mia Toretto. 虽然他们受到全面通缉... But despite every eye in the country looking for them 但是他们的行踪依然成谜 where Toretto and O'Conner are now is anyone's guess. 一定是这里,对吧? It's got to be it, right? 我们走吧 Let's get out of here. VINCE: Whoa, whoa! 别紧张,她是我的朋友 Easy, friends. She's with me. 米娅 Mia. 文斯 Vince. 臭小子 Buster. 上来吧 Come on. 多姆还在这吗? Dom here yet? 不在 No. 你上次是几时和他联络? When was the last time you heard from him? 两星期前在厄瓜多尔 A couple of weeks ago. Up in Ecuador somewhere. 感觉如何? How does it feel? 什么意思?, What's that? 从警探变成通缉犯? To be on the other side of a wanted poster? 他会露面的 He'll show up. 是啊 Yeah. 多姆的朋友? Dom's? 是的 Yeah. 该睡了,小乖乖 Time for bed little one. 可以让我来吗? Can I bring him? 当然 Of course. 晚安 Good night. 不好意思 Excuse me, sorry. 为什么在里约落脚,文斯? Why Rio, Vince? 你是说你在洛杉矶把我们害惨以后? You mean after you screwed everything up in LA? 我在南美洲一边逃亡... Ended up free-falling through South America, you know, 一边苟延残喘... hitting every hellhole on the way down. 要不是遇到萝莎我还会一直下去 Would have kept on going if not for Rosa. 他知道吗? Does he know? 听好了... So, listen. 我接下来有个工作... There is a job coming up. 我希望多姆现在就在这里 I was hoping Dom was going to be here by now 但这一次很容易 没有他也行 but this one is clean enough we can do it without him. 赚头不少 It's a good gig. Couple of high-end cars, easy targets. 几辆名贵跑车 非常容易得手 Couple of high-end cars, easy targets. 我的一朋友正在组织这票活 Guy I know is putting together a team to swipe them. 但还需要几个帮手 Just need a few more willing bodies. 我不知道 I don't know. 这里的窃车市场很大 Look, the way the car scene is down here 很快就能脱手 大赚一笔 we can unload them quick and get top dollar. 这是快钱 It's easy money. 在我看来... And from where I'm sitting, 你们俩都很需要钱 it looks like you both could use the payday. 你在看什么? What are you reading? 旅游指南 Travel guide. 嗯? Yeah? 东京 Tokyo. 莫斯科 Moscow. 果亚 Goa. 你想知道这些地方有什么相同点吗? You want to know what all of these places have in common? 什么? Huh? 都没有引渡条约 No extradition. 行动吧 Here we go. 不好意思 Excuse me, buddy. 好了 Okay. 我们找到了 Hey, we've found them. 倒数第二节车厢 Yeah, second-to-the-last freighter. 这是什么? What is it? 缉毒局标签 这些车是被充公的 DEA tags. These cars have been seized. 看看是谁来了 Look who showed up. 天啊 你没事我好高兴 God, I'm so happy you're okay. 我不是叫你低调一点吗? I thought I told you to lay low. 弹尽粮绝 不得不出来干一票 Been running on fumes. Had to make a call. 嘿 废话少说 我们只有两分钟 Hey! Quit talking. We only got the two-minute window. 动手吧 文斯 Let's go, Vince. 我要那辆福特GT40跑车 I'm taking the GT40. 女士优先 Ladies first. 嗨 Hey! 嗨 Hey! 这辆车更适合我 This car suits me better. 回头见 宝贝 See you, baby. 别担心 反正要再碰头 It's okay... we're all going to the same place. 到时候再拿回来 We'll get the car there. 有变 等我电话 Change of plans. Wait for my call. 开始吧! Let's go! 她要去哪里? Where is she going? 她要去哪里? 嘿! Where is she going? Hey! 嗨, Hey! 我们被抢了!无论发生什么 千万别停车! We're being robbed! Whatever happens, don't stop the train! 跟着那个妞! Go after the girl! 快点! Hurry up! 门锁卡!快拿门锁卡! Access card! Get the access card! 可恶 Shit. 桥!前面有座桥! Bridge! There is a bridge! 行李车厢安全 Luggage car is clear. 一名抢匪倒在这里 One of them down 别动! Freeze! 完了! Oh, shit! 不得不干一票,哈? You had to make a call, huh? 干个鸟,奥康纳 Shitty call, O'Conner. 干个毛 Shitty call. 你们两个今天惹了一点小麻烦 You two stirred up quite a bit of trouble today. 我死了三个手下 Three of my men dead. 三个缉毒局特工也跟着死了 Three DEA agents along with them. 当然了 这是做生意 Of course, this is business 有时 难免失误 and sometimes things go astray. 我只在乎那辆跑车 All I care about is the car. 告诉我车在哪 我就让你们走 Tell me where it is, and I'll let you go. 看这房子 你这黑道老大当得也不咋样啊 This roofing plastic says you're full of shit. 我不知道你们那里的人怎么做生意 I don't know how you guys do business in your part of the world, 但是在里约... but here in Rio, 我喜欢让别人知道是在和谁做对 I like it when all parties know what they're up against. 真好笑 That's funny. 彼此彼此 Because it goes both ways. 你知道吗? You know, 听说你老妹很漂亮 I hear your sister is very beautiful. 不管她躲在哪里... Wherever she hides 我都会找到她 I will find her. 美国逃犯在抢劫火车时... The American fugitives killed three DEA agents 枪杀了三名缉毒局特工 during a train robbery... 警方指出他们拥有武器 极度危险 ...Police warn they are armed and extremely dangerous. 任何获知相关消息者请立即通知执法部门 Anyone with information should contact law enforcement immediately... 米娅? Mia? 嗨 Hey. 你还好吧? You okay? 是的 你也好吧? Yeah, you all right? 嗨 Hey. 嗨 是的 Hey, yeah. 不亏是托雷多家族的 Just like a Toretto. 文斯呢? Where's Vince? 问得好 That's a good question. 他会来的 He'll be here. 兄弟们 我们上新闻了 Guys, we're all over the news. 他们把火车上缉毒特工的死归咎于我们 They're blaming us for the killing of those DEA agents on the train. 这意味关我们又成了头号通缉犯 Which means we just jumped to the top of the wanted list. 他们会派出联邦特工尽一切手段找到我们 The feds have got to show everyone their agents are off limits 而且一定是最厉害的特工 and they're going to send their best guys. 我们得赶快离开 We got to get out of here. 我们能确定一件事... One thing we know for sure 他们要这辆跑车 is that they wanted this car. 里面有他们要的东西 Because something is in it. 如果我们能够找到 就知道我们的对手是谁了 If we find out what it is, we'll know what we're up against. 好了,听我说,我们追捕的是职业逃犯 All right, listen up! The men we're after are professional runners. 他们喜欢飙车而且无所不用其极 They like speed and are guaranteed to go down the hardest possible way 你们要有所准备 so make sure you got your funderwear on. 把他们找出来... We find them, 逮捕他们,再把他们带回来 we take them as a team, and we bring them back. 最重要的是... And above all else, 绝对,绝对,绝对不能让他们有机会进到车里 we don't ever, ever let them get into cars. 犯罪发生已经过了十个钟头并在继续 兄弟们 快去猎捕他们 Crime scene is 10 hours old and counting, men. Let's go hunting. 霍布斯探员,我是警察局长 约翰?奥梅达 Agente Hobbs! Chief of Police, Joo Alemeida. 卢克 Luke. 你的手下遇害我很遗憾 Sorry to hear about the loss of your men. 抓两个人需要这么大阵容吗? Is all this really necessary to apprehend two men? 让我告诉你这两个人的情况 Let me tell you something about these two men. 一个是前联邦干员 卧底五年 One is a former federal officer, been in deep cover for five years. 他熟悉你们抓他的每一个手法 He knows every way you're going to come for him. 另一个是职业罪犯 两次越狱 The other one is a professional criminal, escaped prison twice, 大半辈子都在躲避你这样的家伙 spent half his life on the run avoiding folks like you. 那么 如果有什么我们能够帮得上国安局... Well, if there's anything we can do to help the DSS... 两件事,我需要一名翻译 Two things. One, I need a translator. 公关部有很多翻译 We have plenty in the public relations department. 埃琳娜?内维斯 Elena Neves. 一名巡警? A patrol officer? 你听见了 You heard me. 但是为什么是她?我有经验更丰富的人选 But why? We have many more experienced people. 我喜欢她的笑容 I like her smile. 第二件事呢? What's the second thing? 离我远点 Stay the fuck out of my way. - 布莱恩 - 嗯? - Brian. - Hm? 我有件事要告诉你 I have something I have to tell you. 可恶 God damn. 我们搞砸了! What a mess! 你去了哪里 哥们? Where you been, man? 你说话小心点 You better check that tone. 你最好给我老实回答 And you just better answer the goddamn question. 够了 你们俩 Stop it! Both of you. 你去了哪里 文斯? Where were you, Vince? 有伙人在贫民窟到处找你 Guys all over the favelas asking about you. 我很难脱身 怕把他们引向你们... Couldn't get out of there without leading them straight to you. 得等他们离开 Had to wait them out. 在说什么屁话 That is such horseshit. - 就是你干的 那些家伙都是你的人! - 嘿! - That was your job, and those were your guys! - Hey! 嘿!行了 奥康纳! Hey! Enough, O'Conner! 如果他说他没干 那他就没干 If he said he didn't do it, he didn't do it. 出去吹会风 Go walk it off. 听着 我想将我的运营扩展到你的国家 Look, I would love to expand my operations into your countries 但是,非常坦率的说... but, quite frankly, 你们商业手腕太暴力了 your business methods are too violent. 我给你讲一个真实的故事 Let me tell you a true story.五百年前 Five hundred years ago, 葡萄牙人和西班牙人来到这里 the Portuguese and the Spanish came here, 都想从土著人手中抢走这国家 each trying to get the country from their natives. 西班牙人带着枪炮大开杀戒 The Spaniards arrived, guns blazing, 想证明谁才是老大 determined to prove who was boss. 结果土著人杀了所有西班牙人 The natives killed every single Spaniard. 个人而言 我更喜欢葡萄牙人的作风 Personally, I prefer the methods of the Portuguese. 他们带着礼物来这里 They came bearing gifts. 镜子,剪刀,珠宝... Mirrors, scissors, trinkets. 土著人自己无法获得的东西 Things that the natives couldn't get on their own, 但是要继续得到这些 but to continue receiving them, 他们就要替葡萄牙人干活 they had to work for the Portuguese. 这就是为什么巴西人现在说葡萄牙语的原因 And that's why all Brazilians speak Portuguese today. 现在,如果你用暴力控制人们 Now, if you dominate the people with violence, they will eventually 他们肯定会以暴制暴,因为光脚不怕穿鞋的 fight back because they have nothing to lose. 这才是关键 And that's the key. 我去贫民窟 I go into the favelas 带给他们需要的东西 and give them something to lose. 电力,自来水... Electricity, running water, 孩子读的学校 school rooms for their kids. 我给他们更好的生活 And for that taste of a better life, 他们就属于我 I own them. 先生们 Gentlemen. 抱歉 打扰了 I apologize for the interruption. 雷耶斯老大,我能跟你谈谈吗? Seor Reyes, may I speak with you? 我们找到他们了 We've found them. 失陪了,各位 Pardon me, gentlemen. 我差点就错过了 Almost wish I didn't see that. 差一点 Almost. 等等,多姆 Wait, Dom. 米娅在火车上,我的妹妹! Mia was on that train. My sister! 我并不知情,我绝不会伤害她 I didn't know. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. 这一票是你安排的! You set up the deal! 我以为他们要的是车子 I thought the job was for the cars. 我并不知情 原来他们要的是芯片 I didn't know.All they want is the chip. 可恶! Damn! 你应该说实话 You should've come clean. 这是怎么回事? What's going on out here? 没事 Nothing. 拜托了 多姆 就让我拿走芯片吧 我带着去见他们 Please, Dom, just let me have the chip. I can take this to them. 他们会交给雷耶斯 然后事情就解决了 They'll give it to Reyes and set things right. 出去 Get out. 什么? What? 滚出去! Get out! 你从来都不听我的 You never listen to me. 我告诉你他是个警察你不信 Not when I told you he was a cop, 现在还是不信 and not now. 你从来都不相信我 You never trust me 看看我们落到什么下场 and look where it's gotten us. 看看我们一家人 Look at our family now. 我有家不能回! I can't go home! 你妹妹流离失所 Your sister is stuck in this life! 莱蒂在哪 多姆? Where's Letty, Dom? 莱蒂在哪里? Where's Letty? 乙炔切割机 Plasma cutter. 威尔克斯,我要一份50英里之内 Wilkes, I want a list of every place within 50 miles 贩售压缩气瓶的店家名单 that distributes compressed gas tanks. 把载货清单给我 Pass me that manifest. 内维斯警官 我正等着你 Officer Neves. Been waiting for you. 你调我来的? You asked for me? 没错 I did. 为什么? May I ask why? 我的笑容没那么好看 My smile is not that great. 你丈夫是警察 在贫民区被枪杀 Your husband was an officer who was gunned down in the favela. 半年后你重新振作并加入警局 Six months later, you upped and joined the force. 你是有动机的 You're motivated. 还有 我认为你是里约唯一不会被收买的人 Plus, I figure you're the only one in Rio who can't be bought. 我说的对吗? Am I right? 对 Yes. 我当然是对的 Of course I am. 有个好消息和坏消息 Good news, bad news. 你知道我喜欢先吃甜点 You know I like my dessert first. 按照你的吩咐 我查了火车路线 Back-checked the rail line like you asked. 找到了两处他们卸车的地点 Found a couple of spots where they unloaded the cars. 有一辆往西开走 One set of tracks headed west 开到高速公路就不见踪影 until it hit the main highway, then disappeared. 另一辆往东开... But another set of tracks headed east. 轴距107寸,胎印8寸半 A 1 07-inch wheelbase, eight-and-a-half-inch tread. 正是货运单中不见的GT40跑车 The GT40 that was missing from the manifest. 跟了两英哩,全都是泥地 Followed the trail a couple of miles.Pretty easy in this scrub. 很难不留下胎印 Can't move without leaving a sign. 坏消息是什么? Give me the damn veggies. 后来开上公路 我们也跟丢了 The ground rolls into a hardpack and we lost that track, too. 未必 Not necessarily. 那条路直通山上的贫民窟 That road heads up through the hills into the favelas. 几年前 被暴风雨冲毁 Couple of years ago, it was washed out by a storm. 离你来的地方一英里全是泥路 It's all dirt a mile from where you were. 如果他们是向着那个方向 就能找到他们的踪迹 If they headed that way, we'll pick up their tracks there. 你是有备而来啊 You come prepared. 我是有动机的 I'm motivated. 好吧 All right, then. 咱们去找那辆跑车 Let's find ourselves a car. 你怎么看? What do you think? 这绝对是特别订做的芯片 Well, it's definitely a custom chip. 看这些侧边菜单 是为了输入数据的 Look at all these side menus here for data entry. 来看看这个 Let's check this one. 你们看 Look at that. 同样的地方,每周同样的订单 Same building, same order every week. 这是交货时间表 It's a delivery schedule. 这是什么? What's this? 毒品? Drugs? 不,那是装现金的袋子 No. That's a dealer pack. 看 黑道老大都习惯秤钞票的重量 See, most major players, they weigh their money 这样就不必一直数钞票 so they don't have to constantly count it. 看这里 49公斤 49公斤就是1百万张的20元钞票重量 Right there, that's 49 kilos.49 kilos is a million in twenties. 所以这里每一批货都是一千万元? You're saying each one of these shipments is worth 10 million dollars? 对 Yeah. 我认为也是 I thought so. 那是什么? So what is that? 一亿多美金在金库里? A 100-million plus in cash houses? 他们就是这样避开警方追踪的 That's how he keeps it off the grid. 我想为了安全起见 雷耶斯一定很想拿回芯片 I think it's safe to say that Reyes is smart to want this back. 这是他的全部网点 就存在一枚芯片里 It's his whole network right there, just laid out on a chip. 威尔克斯,弗斯科,走中路 Wilkes, Fusco, up the middle. 麦克,乔多,从北边包抄 Mac, Chato, flank north. 我呢? What about me? 原地待命 Stay here. - 去那边! - 墙外再去两个人! - Go that way! - The other two went over the wall! 快走!快走! Come on, go! Go! 警察!趴下! Get on the ground. 我逮到了托雷多 在你以北四个街区... I got Toretto. Four blocks north of your... 他们已经知道你是什么人了 They already know who you are. 走吧! Let's go. 解除警戒! All clear? 收到! Clear! 你没事吧? You okay here? 我没事,谢谢你 Yeah. I'm good. Thank you. 他们现在会盯我们三个人 They're going to be looking for the three of us together now. 我们得分开来 We need to split up. 你和米娅向南,我把他们引开 You and Mia head south, I'll lead them away. 不 No. 多姆说的对 Dom is right. 我们刚才算走运,下次就不好说了 Look how lucky we just got. What happens next time? 除了分开别无选择 We have no choice but to split up. 我怀孕了 I'm pregnant. I already lost my family once. 我已经失去过一次家人 不想再发生第二次 I'm not going through that again. 你在开玩笑吗? Are you kidding me? 我没有 No. 我哪儿都不会去 I'm not going anywhere. Okay? 多姆,答应我 我们要在一起 Dom? Promise me we stick together. 我答应你 I promise. 我们的家族又壮大了 Our family just got bigger. 有点儿不对劲 Something doesn't add up. 托雷多和奥康纳 Toretto and O'Conner. 他们该逃的时候没有逃 They stay when they're supposed to run, 偷了油罐车又送人? they steal gas then give it away? 现在却忽然杀了联邦探员? Now they're killing federal agents? 这一点也说不通啊 It doesn't make any sense. 让我告诉你吧 Here's what makes sense. 他们都是通缉犯 All these guys are is names on a list. 他们逃 我们就追 They come up, we take them down. 不用怀疑 不择手段 Not a phone call more, not a bullet less. 威尔克斯 找到什么? Wilkes, we get anything? 常规证据 Standard forensics. 鞋印 毛发和纤维 Shoe prints. Hair and fiber. 车上全是指纹 Prints are all over the car. 还有什么? Anything else? 还有 我们追查到了车主的身份 Yeah, we tracked the owner off the vehicle ID. 拥有几家皮包公司 There are a couple of shell companies in between, 但是最后我们追查到一个集团 but we finally traced it back to a corporation 老板是一名叫赫南?雷耶斯的投资家 owned by an investor down here named Hernan Reyes. 投资家? Investor? 如果里约有什么为非作歹 雷耶斯都有份儿 If there's anything illegal happening in Rio, Reyes is involved. 好吧,盯紧他 Okay, then so are we. 如果他能让我们更了解这些家伙 就要查清楚他的底细 If he could get us any closer to our guys, I want everything on him. 乔托,到屋顶盯梢 Chato, you're on the roof. 也许有人会回来拿东西 I want you on overwatch in case somebody comes back for something. 麦克,查清楚雷耶斯的底细 Mac, give me a cross-check on Reyes, full specs. 即使他去厕所 你也要跟着 If he goes to the john, I want to know how many times he shakes it. 没问 老大 You got it, boss. 威尔克斯,弗斯科! Wilkes, Fusco! 重新组装这辆跑车 Let's put all this mess back together. 那得花一点时间 That's going to take a while. 那你最好马上开始 Then you better get started. 他们拆解这辆车一定有原因 They were taking this car apart for a reason. 重新组装就知道有什么不见了 Let's put it back together and find out what's missing. 多姆,你还记得你爸爸的事情吗? Hey, Dom, what do you remember about your father? 我爸... My father. 他以前... He used to... 每周日去完教堂都会举行烤肉会 He used to have a barbecue every Sunday after church. 让街坊邻居都参加 For anybody in the neighborhood. 你不去教堂就吃不到烤肉 If you didn't go to church, you didn't get any barbecue. 每天白天他都在店里 到了晚上 Every single day he was in the shop, and every single night, 他就陪米娅坐在餐桌旁 he was at the kitchen table with Mia, 教她做功课 helping her with her homework. 就算她去睡了 Even after she went to sleep, 他还是会待上几个小时 he'd stay up for a few more hours 学会下一课,隔天陪她做功课 so he could learn the next chapter and help her the next day. 我记得我爸的一切 I remember everything about my father. 一切 Everything. 我正好相反 That's just it. 我一点都不记得我爸 I don't remember shit about my dad. 我不记得他大吼 I don't remember him yelling. 我不记得他大笑 I don't remember him smiling. 说真的我连他长什么样都不记得 To be honest with you, I don't even remember what the hell he looked like. 我啥都不记得,他...... I don't remember. He just...... 他好像从来就不存在 He was just never there. 你不会像他那样的 布莱恩 You ain't going to be like that, Brian. 我们不能一直逃亡 多姆 We can't keep running, Dom. 我们得离开这种状态 We got to get out. 就是趁现在 We got to get out now. 你说得对 You're right. 我有一个打算 Here's how we're going to do it. 我们要利用这玩意 We're going to use this. 干下最后的一票 We're going do one last job. 拿走雷耶斯所有的钱 We're going to take all of Reyes' money. 让他一毛不剩 Every dime of it, 然后销声匿迹 and disappear. 隐退江湖 Forever. 全新的护照 New passports. 全新的生活 New lives 再也不用提心吊胆 with no more looking over our shoulder. 我们要用钱买回自由 And we're just going to buy our freedom. 没错 That's right. 你知道我们要对付... You realize we're talking about going up against 里约最有权力的黑道老大吧? the most powerful guy in all of Rio? 我知道 Yes, we are. 那我们需要一个团队 Then we're going to need a team. 先从基本的说起,需要谁? Let's run through the bases real quick. Who do we got? 我们需要一个变色龙 First we're going to need a chameleon. 随时可以融入周围环境 Someone who can blend in anywhere. 还有呢? What else? 一个吹牛大王 A fast talker. 可以把死的说成活的,黑的说成白的 Someone who can bullshit their way out of anything. 我有人选 I got that. 雷耶斯一定有很多监视设备 This guy is going to have a lot of surveillance. 我们需要一个电子高手 We're going to need someone who's good with circuits. 他的电脑系统一定有防火墙 And with those circuits, Reyes is going to have walls. 我们需要一个电脑骇客 We're going to need guys to punch through those walls. 还有呢? What else? 武器专家 Utilities and weapons. 天不怕地不怕 Someone who ain't afraid to throw down. 随时能支援每个人 Someone to back up every position. 还需要什么人? Yeah, what else do we need? 最重要的是... Most importantly, 我们需要两名飚车高手 we're going to need two precision drivers. 泰山崩于前而色不改 Guys that don't crack under pressure. 从未失手过 Guys that never lose. 那就非我们莫属了 You know we got that. 哦 天啊 不是吧! Aw, hell, no! 他们真的是矬子里拔大个儿了,对不? I see they really scraped the bottom of the barrel, huh? 我觉得也是 一看到你就知道了 I guess they did, since your ass is here. 快把那辆老爷车还给马丁?路德?金吧 When are you going to give Martin Luther King his car back? {\an8}(马丁?路德?金 - 美国黑人运动领袖) 等你把里克?詹姆斯的夹克送回去再说吧 As soon as you give Rick James his jacket back. {\an8}(里克?詹姆斯 - 70年代著名放克音乐人) 最近怎么样 哥们? What's up, man? 你呢? What's up? 嗯 Hmm. 好性感的双腿,小妞 Sexy legs, baby girl. 啥时我们出去兜风? What time do they open? 出去之日就是你命丧之时 They open the same time as I pull this trigger. 您说还开吗? Want me to open them? 我告诉过你 瘦鸡才下蛋嘛 I told you the skinny chick had balls. 看来 她没等我们就先开派对 Looks like she started the party without us. 嘿 哥们 用西班牙语骂娘有多了不起啊 Hey, anybody can talk shit in Spanish, homie. 这家伙在说什么? What's this guy saying? 不管说什么话 丑男还是丑男 Ugly is still ugly in Spanish or in English. 这两个小丑是谁? Who are these clowns, man? 马戏团的 Circus clowns. 我以为斗鸡在巴西是非法的 I thought cockfights were illegal in Brazil. 看来你们都认识了 I see you all have met. 你把我们叫来里约 You know when you called me to come to Rio 我想应该有更刺激的事要做吧 I assumed it would be for something more exciting than this. 嘿 哥们 Look at this guy. 好久不见 Long time. 挺想你的 哥们 I missed you, man. 见到你真好 Good to see you. 好兄弟 Brother. 最近怎么样 What's up? 嘿 过来认识一下 这是泰吉 Yo, check this out. This is Tej. 东海岸最好的电子专家 Best circuit man on the East Coast. 这是我的死党 罗曼?皮尔斯 And this is my boy, Roman Pearce. 我们是老相识了 在管教所就认识了 We go way back, I met this guy in juvie. 迈阿密那一票就是跟他干的 I pulled that job with him in Miami. 对你早有耳闻 I've heard about you. 这里挺高档的嘛 Nice digs. 啊 瑞兹酒店满了 Yeah, well, the Ritz was sold out. 这是怎么回事 多姆? So what's this all about, Dom? 是啊 翻山越岭跑这么远来干啥? Yeah, man, why did you drag us halfmay around the world? 因为我们要干一票 Because we got a job. 听好了 我们的目标是赫南?雷耶斯 All right, so our target's name is Hernan Reyes. 他是这里的大毒枭 And he runs the drug scene down here. 他从来没栽过 因为他从未开过户 He's never been busted because he doesn't leave a paper trail. 没有户头就意味着没有存银行 No paper trail means no banks. 没有存银行就意味着有金库 And no banks means cash houses. 没错 确切的说 总共十个据点 That's right. Ten of them, to be exact. 散布于整个城市 Spread throughout the city. 我们要把他们都端了 And we're going to hit them all. 全部? All of them? 全部! All of them. 听起来太疯狂了 That sounds crazy. 你把我们大老远找来 You bring us to a whole other country 就为了抢这里的黑道老大? so we can rob the dude who runs it? 我本以为是笔大买卖 I thought this was business. 但听起来更像私人恩怨 Sounds personal to me. 是不是这样? Is that what this is? 我爱你们所有人 I got love for y'all, 但私人恩怨不是什么好买卖 but personal ain't good business. 我想我干不了 哥们 I can't do this, homie. 这一票有一亿美金 So what we're talking about is $100 million. 你说啥? You say what? 一亿? Hundred... 你瞧 我这人有时是有点儿多虑 哥们 See, sometimes I be over thinking, man, 我知道我们才刚认识 但是你刚刚 貌似 说... and I know we just met, but you just, kind of, got to... 没错,一亿美金 That's right, $100 million, 抢来的一切 都会平分 and everything we take, we split even. 人均超过1100万美元 That's a little over $11 million apiece. 我干了 I am down. 我也干 I'm in. 1100万... Eleven million. 听上去 像是无数的女人向我涌来 Sounds like a whole lot of vaginal activity to me. 同样的目标不可能抢十次 You can't pull off 10 heists on the same mark. 你不可能成功十次 You just can't. 一旦抢了第一个... As soon as we hit the first one, 他们就会全力保护其他的据点 they're going to do everything they can to protect the rest. 一点也没错 Exactly. 不准动! Nobody move! 全都在这里 That's all of it. 你死定了! You a dead man. 你们全都死定了! You're all dead men! 你们无处可藏了 You don't have a place to hide. 谁说要藏了? Who's hiding? 你疯啦? Are you crazy? 你疯了吗? Are you crazy? 你知不道这是谁的地盘? Do you know whose house this is? 你们偷的是谁的钱? Whose money are you stealing? 我们并不偷 We ain't stealing it. 告诉你老板到底是谁干的 You tell your boss exactly who did this. 告诉他这事没完,我们还会来的 Tell him there's more coming. 看看吧 Voila 发动引擎 Turn it over. 八个汽缸运转正常 都没问题 She's running on all eight. Checks out fine. 继续找 Keep looking. 老大 如果少了什么 我们一定知道 Boss, if something was missing, we'd know. 改装这款经典跑车真是浪费 It's a goddamn shame putting bullshit like that on a classic. 干脆加装霓虹灯算了 You may as well slap neon lights on it. 他们拿走了芯片 They took the chip. 我们拦截到警方无线电 We got a hit on the police scanner. 黎伯龙一所房屋发生持械抢劫 Armed robbery at a house in Leblon. 案发地点的业主是赫南?雷耶斯 Address cross-checks against property own
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