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2014年剑桥商务英语中级考试试题及答案解析(一) 剑桥商务英语中级考试试题及答案解析(一) 一、中READING(PART ONE )(共7小题,共7.0分)· Read these sentences . · Which type does each sentence (1--7) describe? · For each sentence mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet. 第1题 Listen better, manage better A There is a great differe...
剑桥商务英语中级考试及答案解析(一) 一、中READING(PART ONE )(共7小题,共7.0分)· Read these sentences . · Which type does each sentence (1--7) describe? · For each sentence mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet. 第1题 Listen better, manage better A There is a great difference between listening and hearing. You should make efforts in listening. Listening demands your attention and concentration. It may mean quizzing the speaker for additional information or for clarification. It is always better to ask than to continue regardless and get things wrong. However, if you are absent-minded, even for a few minutes, you'll miss what the speaker is saying probably at the very moment when he or she is saying something critical. And not having heard, you won't know you've missed anything until it's too late. B We are likely to accuse others of not listening, pretending that We ourselves are faultless, yet in our hearts we know that many of the mistakes we make come about because we haven't listened carefully enough. We get things wrong because we have failed to understand completely what someone meant when they were talking to us. Anyone who has ever taken the minutes of a long meeting will know how hard it is to remember—despite the benefit of notes—exactly what everyone said. But Success depends on getting things right—and that means listening. C You should be aware that many people are not very good at communicating. It's helpful to remember that the ways people move and position themselves while they are speaking can reveal a great deal about what they are saying. It is equally important that you should put yourself in the other person's place, both intellectually and emotionally; it will help you to understand what they are getting at and form a response. But don't be too clever. Faced with a know-all, many people keep quiet because they see no point in continuing. D It is a very bad habit that we start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject long before the other speaker has finished. We then stop listening. Even worse, this often adds rudeness to inattentiveness. as once you have decided what to say, there is a fair chance you will interrupt to say it. Good listeners don't interrupt. In fact it is often worth explaining the main idea of what you have just been told before going on to make your own points. Nobody is offended by this and it shows that you have listened well. You do not mind hearing your own views summarised. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [题干题点] …do not mind…summarised. [对应线索] …explaining the main idea…Nobody is offended… [答案精解] 题目意为:人们不介意别人把自己的观点总结一下。D段指出“…it is often worth explaining the main idea of what you have just been told…. Nobody is offended by this…”即:应该把你听到的主要观点解释一下……没有人会因为这个生气……。其中,文中的Nobody is offended与题干中的do not mind表意相吻合,文中的explaining the main idea与题干中的summarised意义相符。 第2题 It is risky to allow your mind to wander onto something else while someone is speaking. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [题干题点] …wander onto something else… [对应线索] …absent-minded, you'll miss…something critical… [答案精解] 题目意为:别人讲话时你想别的事是很危险的。A段指出“…if you are absentminded,…you'll miss what the speaker is saying probably…when he or she is saying something critical.”即:如果你心不在焉……你很可能在说话者正在说重要事情的时候错过了他/她说的内容。其中,文中的absent-minded对应于题干中的wander onto something else. 第3题 People are reluctant to admit that they don't listen well. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [题干题点] …reluctant to admit…don't listen well [对应线索] …pretending…faultless…haven't listened carefully enough… [答案精解] 题目意为:人们不愿意承认自己没有好好聆听(别人的意见)。B段指出“We are likely to accuse others of not listening, pretending that we ourselves are faultless, yet in our hearts we know that many of the mistakes we make come about because we haven't listened carefully enough.”即:通常我们指责别人没有倾听(他人意见),假装我们自己没有犯错,但是我们心里清楚我们(沟通中)的很多错误是因为我们自己没有认真听。其中,文中的pretending…faultless与题干中的reluctant to admit相对应,文中的haven't listened carefully enough与题干中的don't listen well意义相同。 第4题 It is beneficial to you when you see things from the speaker's perspective. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [题干题点] …beneficial…see things from the speaker's perspective [对应线索] …put yourself in the other person's place…help… [答案精解] 题目意为:从说话看的角度看问题会有好处。C段指出“…you should put yourself in the other person's place…it will help you to understand what they are geeing at and form a response.”即你应当站在他人的立场……这可以帮助你明白对方的意思,并帮助你做出回应。其中,文中的help对应于题干中的benefits,题干中的see things from the speaker's perspective与文中的put yourself in the other person's place相吻合。 第5题 Your listening skills will be supported if you observe the speaker closely. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [题干题点] …observe the speaker closely… [对应线索] …the ways people move and position themselves… [答案精解] 题目意为:仔细观察说话者有助于提高我们的听话技巧。C段指出“It's helpful to remember that the ways people move and position themselves while they are speaking can reveal a great deal about what they are saying.”即:记住人们说话时的姿势和动作,它们能够透露很多与他们谈话内容相关的信息,这一点很有帮助。其中,文中的the ways people move and position themselves与题干中的observe the speaker closely相对应。 第6题 While others are still speaking you shouldn't dwell on your response. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [题干题点] …shouldn't dwell on your response. [对应线索] bad habit…to start thinking of what we are going to say…before… [答案精解] 题目意为:他人仍在讲话时,你不应当把注意力集中在自己要做出什么样的回应上。D段指出“It's a very bad habit bad habit that we start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject long before the other speaker has finished.”即:最坏的习惯就是在别人还没说完的时候就开始想自己要说什么。其中,文中的It's a very bad habit对应于题干中的shouldn't, 文中的to start thinking of what we are going to say与题干中的dwell on your response表意相一致。 第7题 Further explanation is necessary sometimes, so you should keep at it. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [题干题点] Further explanation… [对应线索] …quizzing…for additional information or for clarification. [答案精解] 题目意为:有时有必要坚持让对方就所说的话进一步解释。A段首先指出聆听他人说话需要集中注意力,接着指出“It may mean quizzing the speaker for additional information or for clarification. It is always better to ask than to continue regardless and get things wrong.”即:这就意味着要询问说话者额外的信息或是要求其澄清某些事情。询问总是要比亳不在乎地继续谈话然后出错要好。其中,题干中的further explanation与文中的quizzing…for additional information or for clarification相对应。 二、中READING(PART TWO )(共5小题,共5.0分)· Read this text. · Choose the best sentence below to fill in each of the gaps. · For each gap 1--5, mark one letter A--G on your Answer Sheet. · Do not mark any letter twice. 第1题 Customer Contact Which of the following is the most important way of keeping in touch with your customers: telephone, email, fax, letters, website, or face-to-face meetings? Despite the choice, there is only one correct answer. That anyone who thinks that only one type of customer contact is sufficient is missing the point. Different customers have different preferences, so all types of contact are equally important. The smart manager is, therefore, always looking for ways to improve the different types of customer contact—and there are plenty of helpful solutions out there to choose from. (1)At the same time, email is rapidly catching up, while the volume of business letters is declining. So, you would think that a good place to begin your quest for better-managed customer contact is to look at what's new in telephone and online technology. It might, though, be better first to consider the factors that make for better contact management and see what can be done to improve them. The starting point for this is obvious: any type of customer contact is going to be more effective if the person handling it knows about the customer. (2)When did these customers last order? What are their product or service preferences? What is their credit status? To make improvements in contact operations possible, all the staff who have contact with the outside world need to have immediate access to the same data. The software that can provide this is known as customer relationship management, or CRM. (3)Just as important, staff can enter any necessary details about the client they are dealing with while the contact is actually in progress. The data from this contact are stored in the system immediately. Then. if the client calls back a few minutes later, whoever picks up the call can see exactly what has just happened. (4). CRM systems can give a valuable edge even to companies that rely more on personal contact than on handling large numbers of phone calls and emails. Arguably, it is more important for senior executives to have fully up-to-date information to hand when talking to an important client than in any other situation. (5)With the right laptop or hand-held PC, there are even ways of providing secure access when they are out of the office. In this way, managers need never be without the information they need, no matter where they happen to be A.To put it simply, contact relies on people, and successful contact relies on people with information at their fingertips. B.In spite of this, it would be extremely valuable if all members of staff could call up information on any of the company's clients whenever they needed it. C.Software can deliver critical information to selected users on a need-to-know basis. D.For most businesses, the telephone is still the most commonly used channel of customer contact. E.Basically, it enables any member of staff to type in a name and within seconds have on the screen in front of them all they need to know about that particular customer. F.Once a member of staff has this recently processed information, he or she will be able to provide a faster and more efficient service. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [前一句] 因此,聪明的管理人员总是在寻找改进不同类型的客户沟通联系的方法,而且也存在许多有用的方法供他们选择。 [后一句] 同时,电子邮件数量在上升而纸质商务信件数量在减少。因此,你会考虑关注电话与网络,并以此作为加强与顾客沟通的有效途径。 [推测出] 前一句说明了一些方法供管理人员选择来改进与顾客的沟通。后一句指出电话与网络可以作为加强与顾客沟通的有效途径。而D项意为:电话仍是大多数企业与客户联系的主要方式。此句既承前句,又接后句。 第2题 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [前一句] 如果负责人对顾客情况有所掌握,任何一种沟通方式都会变得更加有效。 [后一句] 顾客上次都订购了什么?购买的喜好是什么?他们的信用程度如何? [推测出] 前一句说明掌握顾客情况的重要性,后一句是关于顾客情况的三个问题,所缺句子应说明掌握信息的重要性。而A项意为:简言之,沟通取决于人,成功的沟通取决于掌握充分信息的人,符合文意;且此句中的代词it,指代的就是空格前的一句话。 第3题 【正确答案】:E 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [前一句] 能够为联系人迅速提供客户信息的软件叫做客户关系管理软件,即CRM。 [后一句] 同样重要的是该软件可以在员工与客户沟通的过程中提供所需的信息。 [推测出] 前一句介绍能够为联系人迅速提供客户信息的系统,后一句指出该系统可以在联系人与客户沟通的过程中提供所需的信息,所缺句子应该围绕该系统的作用和便利。而E项意为:基本上只要员工键入客户名称,几秒钟之内就能在屏幕上看到客户相关信息,符合文意;另外,此句中的代词it明显指代前文中所说的CRM。 第4题 【正确答案】:F 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [前一句] 如果客户几分钟后又拨回电话,接听电话的任何人都能看到之前的客户的相关信息。 [推测出] 由前一句内容可判断出,所缺句子应与客户服务有关,而F项意为:一旦接听的员工查找到相关信息,他/她就可以立即提供快捷、高效的服务,符合文意,而且该选项中的this recently processed information, 所指的就是空格前what引导的宾语从句。 第5题 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [前一句] 可以断言,当高级管理人员与重要客户联系时,全面掌握与客户有关的最新信息则显得更为重要。 [后一句] 即使他们不在办公室时,手提电脑或掌上电脑也能成为为其提供信息的可靠途径。 [推测出] 前一句内容说明掌握与客户有关的最新信息对高级管理人员更为重要,后一句指出手提电脑或掌上电脑能成为为其提供信息的可靠途径,所缺句子应围绕此系统的作用展开,而C项意为:软件能为重要用户提供所需信息,符合文意。 三、中READING(PART THREE )(共6小题,共6.0分)· Read the article and the questions on the opposite page. For each question 1 --6, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose. 第1题 The Management of Change Today, change is a permanent characteristic of business activity. In some cases it is expected and planned for. In others it is not. Some changes may be impossible to forecast and therefore pose the greatest danger. The effect will be heightened when the factors driving change fall beyond the control of the business. New consumer tastes, the rise of competitors, new legislation and economic fluctuations are all examples of this. People bring about change, but they are also the most important barrier to its success. Individuals may resist change to protect pay, for example. It often takes time for workers to adapt. and if payment is based on output, they may, to begin with, earn less. They may also, since change can endanger a person's authority, regard change as a threat to their status. In addition, the wish to maintain group membership can be strong, and workers may resist change because they are worried about what others may think if they do not. There are two key ways in which managers can help individuals overcome their natural resistance to change. The first is to involve those affected at every stage of the process so they understand why a new approach is necessary and have an interest in its success. To achieve this, when a decision is to be made, a proposal should pass between all employees who have an interest in the outcome. They are then asked to comment on the idea: in this way agreement about the best way forward gradually emerges and a final plan can be developed. Of course, this is much less useful if rapid change is needed in response to a crisis. An alternative is to keep all those people affected by a change informed of what is happening at each stage of the process. Make sure everyone is aware of the options available. Many of the difficulties caused by a new situation are the result of fear of the unknown, but by informing those involved, some of the uncertainty can be removed. When change is actually introduced, the process must be controlled. The final outcome of the programme should be the situation that was identified as 'where we want to be' in the initial planning phase. Targets should be set for each stage to ensure that progress is focused and does not slow down. It is essential that each target is measurable and that people recognise what is involved. If the outcome of each stage is well defined, action can be taken if the process shows any sign of moving out of control. One individual experienced at managing change is Martin Chambers, CEO of a North American computer firm. He says, "The secret is to build an organisation that isn't afraid to make changes while it's still on top, when it's not a matter of survival, " He also encourages his management team to learn from competitors. "It's important to understand how the market works, to know what products are available, and to always be thinking ahead." His approach signals that failure to constantly adapt to market conditions is why companies fall from positions of market dominance. What is said in the first paragraph about business responses to change? A External changes are the biggest threat to a company. B Certain companies are better at predicting change than others. C Periods of economic instability result in the greatest degree of change. D Change can produce more efficient management throughout a company. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [题目考查点] 细节理解题,考查公司对变革的反应。 [解题关键句] 题目意为:“第一段中有关公司对变革的反应是怎样说的?”文中第一段首先指出,变革是现在公司活动中一个常见的特点。有些变革是可以预料到的,而且是做了的(如销售额的迅速增长),但有些则不能。如果能够为变革做准备,就能够有效地管理变革。继而指出“…some changes may be impossible to forecast and therefore pose the greatest danger. The effect will be heightened when the factors driving change fall beyond the control of the bushiness.”即:……有些变革无法预测,从而带来最大的威胁。当造成变革的因素超出了公司的控制范围,就会更加危险。A项意为外部变化是对公司最大的威胁,与文中意思相符。文中的factors driving change fall beyond the control of the business对应选项中的External changes;文中的the greatest danger对应选项中的the biggest threat。而B、C、D项在文中均找不出对应文字。 第2题 According to the text, the attitude of staff towards change can be influenced by A unrealistic productivity targets. B the opinions of colleagues. C new managers being brought in. D a longer working day being introduced. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [题目考查点] 事实细节题,考查影响员工对待变革态度的因素。 [解题关键句] 题目意为:“根据本文作者的观点,员工对变革的态度受什么影响?”文中第二段列出一些人们抗拒变革的原因,例如,不愿意降薪,不希望自己的权威或地位受到威胁等。此外,文中指出“the wish to maintain group membership can be strong, and workers may resist change because they are worried about what others may think if they do not.”即:成为集体中的一员这种意愿会很强烈,员工可能会因为担心如果自己对变革不持抗拒态度,别人会有不好的看法。由此可见,B项“同事的看法”为正确选项。 第3题 Why does the author say employees should be included in decisions about change? A Staff may have better proposals than the one being considered. B Possible problems can be identified by including a range of staff. C The benefits of change become much clearer when all staff is involved. D Staff is less likely to oppose change when they have a personal investment in it. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [题目考查点] 推理判断题,考查员工参与变革决策的原因。 [解题关键句] 题目意为:“为什么作者说员工应当参与到变革的决策中来?”文中第三段指出:让员工对变革不产生抗拒的办法之一就是让员工参与到这个过程之中,让他们明白为什么需要新的方式,从而希望变革取得成功。这就需要在做决定时,所有关心变革结果的员工都要听取一下提案。接下来指出“They are then asked to comment on the idea; in this way agreement about the best way forward gradually emerges and a final plan can be developed.”即:他们都要对提案中的想法发表评论,这样可以逐渐得出大家都认同的最好的办法,最终制定出一个计划来。因此A项“员工可能会有更好的提议”与文中意思相符。 第4题 What reason is given for staff not always being involved in decisions about change? A A high level of resistance to the changes is expected. B The different stages add up to a highly complex process. C Far too many staff may be affected for this to be practical. D The urgency of a situation does not allow for lengthy consultation. 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [题目考查点] 事实细节题,考查员工不能参与变革决策的原因。 [解题关键句] 题目意为:“为什么员工不一定总是可以参与有关变革的决策?”文中第三段阐述了员工参与变革决策的原因和方式。在第四段的第一句,作为承上启下的一句话,指出“Of course, this is much less useful if rapid change is needed in response to a crisis.”即:当然,当紧急情况出现,需要快速做出变革时,这(相关员工参与决策)就不是那么可行了。由此可见,D项“情况紧急,不允许长时间的商讨”与文意相符。其中选项中的“urgency of the situation”与文中的“crisis”对应。 第5题 According to the fifth paragraph, what is important when carrying out a process of change? A It is necessary to decide who is responsible for the different stages. B Managers should continue to inform staff about the progress being made. C It should be clear whether each stage of the process has been achieved. D Potential problems need to be highlighted earlier in the process. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [题目考查点] 推理判断题,考查对文章第五段的理解。 [解题关键句] 题目意为:“根据第五段内容,在实施变革的过程中重要的是什么?”文中第五段首先指出,开始实施变革后,要对过程进行控制。变革的最终结果应当与计划最初确立的目标是一样的。接着指出“Targets should be set for each stage to ensure that progress is focused and does not slow down. It is essential that each target is measurable and…If the outcome of each stage is well defined, action can be taken if the process shows any sign of moving out of control.”即:每一阶段都应当树立目标,以确保变革的进展是有中心的,速度没有放慢。关键的是每一个目标(是否完成)都是可以衡量的……如果每个阶段的目标都非常明确,一旦发现任何失控的迹象,就可以采取行动。由此可以判断出,实施变革的过程中,重要的是明确每一阶段的目标,以确保变革过程的每一步都保证可以实现最终的目标。因此C项“要清楚变革讨程中的每一阶段是否已经完成”与文中意思相符。 第6题 Martin Chambers believes that his company is successful because A he has built up a management team he can rely on. B it introduces change before it becomes necessary to do so. C he is experienced at responding to changes in the market. D it has more innovative products than competitors. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [题目考查点] 细节理解题,考查对Martin chambers所说的话的理解。 [解题关键句] 题目意为:“Martin chambers认为他的公司之所以能够成功是因为什么?”文中最后一段首先说明:Martin Chambers的公司在变革管理方面比较有经验。Martin Chambers是这样评价自己成功的原因的:“The secret is to build an organisation that isn't afraid to make changes while it's still on top, when it's not a matter of survival.”即:(成功的)秘诀是建立一个不惧怕变革的团队,即便居于领先位置,变革不关乎生死存亡时也敢于变革。可见,B项“不是无可选择的时候才进行变革”与文中意思相符。 四、中READING(PART FOUR )(共15小题,共15.0分)· Read the text . · Choose the correct word from A, B, O or D on the opposite page to fill in each gap. · For each question 1--15, mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet. 第1题 GOODMAN RING Universal Movers Our ref: UM/2/A 21st August, 2010 Dear Mr. Chamberlin, Re: Business equipment removal Your enquiry letter of August 16th is acknowledged with thanks. I am writing to provide you with the quotation that you requested. In addition (1)this, I am including further details of our service. The price is based on the items that you mentioned in your letter and will, of course, (2)if you decide to add extra items or (3)some. We will move your equipment when it is most convenient for us so as to keep the cost as low as (4).We will try to combine your move with (5)of other clients who ask us to transport goods at around the same time. I am sure you will (6)that if we were to make a special trip just for your equipment the cost (7)be much higher. This means that (8)you requested a move on 23rd September, this precise date may not be possible. However, we regularly transport goods (9)Singapore and Hong Kong, and we would (10)to be able to move your equipment within two or three days of your requested date. The (11)does not include packing. I understand that you (12)to carry out your own packing since (13)of your equipment is quite fragile. It is our sincere hope that these initial details meet with your (14)and ask that you do not hesitate to (15)us if you require any further advice. Yours sincerely, A to B with C of D by 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查固定搭配,in addition to意为“除……以外”。 第2题 A rise B increase C vary D lower 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查动词辨析。此处句意为:如果你方增加或取消一些项目,价格会有变化。符合“变化”词义的只有vary一词。 第3题 A decrease B prevent C omit D reduce 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查动词辨析。文中此处句意同上。A项为不及物动词,后边不能跟some;B项意为“阻止”,不符合文意;D项意为“使……降低,使……减少”,不符合文意,故正确答案是C。 第4题 A realistic B possible C probable D desired 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查固定搭配。文中第二段开头指出:为了尽可能降低支出,我们将会在最合适的时候为你方搬运设备。“as…as possible”为固定搭配。 第5题 A one B which C that D those 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查代词辨析。此处句意为:我们将会把你方的设备和其他在同一时段需要搬运的客户的物品安排在一起搬运。A、B和C项虽都是代词,但其前面没有先行词,故不可用,而D项则可指代“其他客户的物品”,所以该项为正确答案。 第6题 A appreciate B satisfy C wish D consider 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查动词辨析及对文章的理解。此处句意为:如果因为单独装运使你们的支出大为增加,你们肯定会对这样的安排表示……。B项意为“满意”,C项意为“希望”,D项意为“考虑”,而A项意为“赞赏”,符合文意。 第7题 A will B would C might D could 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查虚拟语气用法。此处句意同上。句中用的是与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,主句中通常用助动词would,虽C项和D项也可接受,但不是最佳选择,故最合适答案应为B。 第8题 A still B even C despite D although 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查连词辨析。此处句意为:这就意味着尽管你方已经要求在9月23日进行装运,但按这一确切的时间进行装运是不可能的。A项意为“仍然”,B项意为“甚至”,C项意为“尽管”,但却不是连词,不能跟从句;D项意为“虽然,尽管”,连词,符合要求。 第9题 A among B beside C between D along 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查介词辨析。此处句意为:我们通常在香港和新加坡之间运送货物,我们期望在你们要求时间的两三天内将设备运到。“在两者之间”介词为“between”, 故答案为C。 第10题 A forecast B think C choose D expect 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查动词辨析。此处句意同上。A项意为“预报”,B项意为“思考”,且后不跟“to”, C项意为“选择”,而D项意为“期待”,符合文意。 第11题 A guess B value C estimate D judgment 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查同义词辨析。A项意为“猜测”,B项意为“价值”,D项意为“决断”,而C项意为“估计”,符合文意。 第12题 A refer B prefer C infer D transfer 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查动词辨析。A项意为“谈及,提及”,与题意相悖,B项意为“更喜欢”,与to搭配,符合题意,C项意为“推断”,D项意为“转移”,这两项均与题意不符。 第13题 A part B section C piece D bit 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查同义词辨析。此处句意为:设备中的一部分易碎。B项虽意为“部分”,但强调界限分明,C项意为“块”,D项意为“一点”,只有A项意为“部分”,符合文意。 第14题 A kindness B approval C permission D allowance 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查名词辨析。此处句意为:希望这些细节安排能获得你方许可,并希望你方在需要更多建议时与我们联系。A项意为“好意”,B项意为“同意”,D项意为“津贴”,而C项意为“许可”,符合文意。 第15题 A dial B connect C reach D contact 【正确答案】:D 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处考查动词辨析。此处文意同上。A项意为“拨”,B项意为“连接”,C项意为“达到”,而D项意为“联系”,符合文意。 none、五(共中READING(PART FIVE )小题,12共分)12.0 第1题 BEST SECRETARY OF THE YEAR 1 to be very strong. and I have to say I found that the selection procedure really 2 hard, "she says. "I didn't think I had any chance of winning. When I heard my 3 name, my legs were so weak I could only hardly stand up." she laughs. So 4 how is 'the best' secretary chosen from a group of so extremely good 5 and very different individuals? The final decision was reached after a 6 day-long session of the tests, interviews and exercises. Cathy Dunkin believes 7 the skills she uses in her job helped her how to perform well. For instance, although 8 most of her work is for her company's Managing Director, she works for six bosses 9 in all, so she always tries out to be prepared for anything that might happen. 10 As for the future, her firm has closed for its summer break now; as soon as 11 they will open again, there is a pay rise waiting for her. But Cathy is not 12 going to be relax. She says, "There's always room for personal development. You must keep trying to improve.\ 【正确答案】:答案:THAT [答案精解] 此句的结构为find sth. +[adj.]。I found the selection procedure really hard意为“我觉得评选程序非常严格”。find之后跟的不是宾语从句,而是宾语和(形容词担任的)宾语补足语,故THAT多余。 第2题 【正确答案】:答案:CORRECT 第3题 【正确答案】:答案:ONLY [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处句意为:我双腿发软,几乎站不起来。hardly是“几乎不”的意思,而ONLY在此处与整句意思不符,故多余。 第4题 【正确答案】:答案:SO [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处句意为:最佳秘书是如何从一群非常优秀,各不相同的人里面选出来的呢?其中extremely是修饰good的程度副词,相当于very。而so也是修饰形容词的程度副词,是不能够与另外一个程度副词一起用的,故SO多余。 第5题 【正确答案】:答案:CORRECT 第6题 【正确答案】:答案:THE [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处session意为“a period of time used for a particular activity”,也就是说session可用period来替换,a period of之后的名词是不需要加冠词的。类似的结构如a group of, a cup of之后的名词也都是不需加冠词的。故THE多余。 第7题 【正确答案】:答案:HOW [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处句意为Cathy Dunkin相信她在工作中的技能帮助她(在比赛中)有好的表现。此处使用的是固定搭配help sb. (to) do sth.,故HOW多余。 第8题 【正确答案】:答案:COMPANY'S [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处的Managing Director已经有限定词her,表示她为总裁工作,正如“我的老板”为my boss,而非my company's boss。故COMPANY'S多余。 第9题 【正确答案】:答案:OUT [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处为固定搭配try to do sth,意为努力做某事,故OUT多余。 第10题 【正确答案】:答案:ITS [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 文中此处summer break意为暑假。各种假期之前不用限定词,包括代词和冠词,除非表示某一次假期,故ITS多余。 第11题 【正确答案】:答案:WILL [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处as soon as引导时间状语从句,表示从句动作一发生,主句动作随之发生。其后不用情态动词,所选用时态由句意决定。此处句子应为一般现在时,故WILL多余。 第12题 【正确答案】:答案:BE [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [答案精解] 此处relax为动词,其前面无需再用be动词,故BE多余。 六、中WRITING(PART ONE)(本大题1小题.每题5.0分,共5.0分。 ) 第1题 · You are the Marketing Director of a stationery company, which is a subsidiary of a larger corporation. The chairman of the corporation is visiting your company next week. · Write a memo to all your staff: · informing them of the visit · telling them why the visitor is coming · telling them when he will arrive and asking them to be at the welcome reception for him. · Write 40-50 words. MEMO To: From: Date: Subject: 【正确答案】:答案: [参考范文] To: All staff From: Marketing Director Date: 7th January,2009 Subject: Chairman's visit I am glad to inform that the Chairman of the corporation is visiting our company because our sales volume has increased recently. The Chairman will arrive at 3:00 p.m. next Tuesday. Please come to the welcome reception for him at 2:30 p.m. Thank you. [本题分数]: 5.0 分 【答案解析】 [仿真说明] 本题要求写一个总公司总裁要来参观的备忘给员工们。结构与集第二辑Test 3中写作第一题类似。 [思路点拨] PART TWO 七、中WRITING(PART TWO)(本大题1小题.每题5.0分,共5.0分。 ) 第1题 · You are responsible for planning the magazine advertising of your company's new product. which is a polish for cars. You have just received the letter below from the magazine that you are going to advertise with. You have also received a memo from your Marketing Manager about the advertising campaign on which you have already made some handwritten notes. · Then, using the letter and your handwritten notes, write a letter to Mr. Goodson at the magazine, telling him about the changes to the advertisement booking, and asking him for any other information that you require. · Write 100-120 words Dear Ms. Remington. Thank you for your advertisement booking, the details of which I confirm below. Name of Company: Autocare Products Name of Product: Supergloss Details of advert: 11/2-page black & white Advert will appear in: June, July and August issues of the magazine Cost of advert: $350 per issue (3 issues=$1050) Discount: 5% for early booking Total Cost: $997.50 We trust that this is satisfactory. Yours sincerely, Jack Goodson Advertising Sales Manager 【正确答案】:答案: [参考范文] Dear Mr. Goodson. Thank you for sending the details which I need to know and confirm. Most of the details you provided are right except the product name, the correct spelling should be Supagloss. I was informed by our marketing manager that the advertisement booking has been changed to the following: colour advert, six issues. The other details are the same as we have booked. Could you tell us the price of colour advertisement? I will be obliged if you offer us 7% discount. Your prompt attention and early reply will be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Cathy Remington [本题分数]: 5.0 分 【答案解析】 [仿真说明] 本题要求给与公司合作的杂志销售经理写封信,告诉对方自己产品宣传计划的变化并商谈价格。结构与真题集第二辑Test 1中写作第二题类似。 [思路点拨] none、八(共中LISTENING(PART ONE)小题,12共分)12.0 第1题 SMART OFFICE SUPPUES LTD TELEPHONE MESSAGE Caller's Name: Jennifer Bryant Company: (1) Order Number: 78362 Dispatch Date: (2) Notes: Last batch of (3)was faulty. Action: Collect from the shop this afternoon. Change the (4)accordingly. 【正确答案】:答案:SUNFLOWER STATIONERY [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] 1-4 Man: Smart Office Supplies Ltd. Can I help you? Woman: Oh, hi. This is Jennifer Bryant here, Assistant Manager at Sunflower Stationery. Man: Hello, Jennifer. What can I do for you? Woman: I'm afraid we've had a bit of problem with the last order you sent us. Man: Oh, dear. Do you have the order number there by any chance? Woman: Yes, it's 78362 and was dispatched on the 17th Of August. Man: Right. I've got a note of that. Now, what was the problem? Woman: Well, we had a lot of customer complaints about those computer USBs. Apparently it was impossible to save any data on them. I am not sure why exactly. Man: Was that all the USBs or just one or two of them? Woman: Well, we exchanged the first few, but the replacements were just as bad, so after that, we gave everyone a refund and withdrew them from sale. Man: Mm, it seems the whole batch of them was faulty then. Woman: I'm afraid so. Man: I'll tell you what I will do. I will come over and collect them myself this afternoon. And I will send them all back to the manufacturer. Woman: Okay. Man: Great, and we will adjust the invoice accordingly, of course. Sorry about this. Woman: That's all right. Thanks a lot. [要点] 对话中女士说道:This is Jennifer Bryant here, Assistant Manager at Sunflower Stationery. 由此可知她所在的是一家文具公司。 [注意] 考生要注意Stationery一词的拼写。 第2题 【正确答案】:答案:17TH OF AUGUST [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [要点] 对话中男生问道:Do you have the order number there by any chance? 女士答道:Yes, it's 78362 and was dispatch on the 17th of August. [注意] 考生在听之前应仔细看表格,留意关键词dispatch date,做好充分准备。 第3题 【正确答案】:答案:COMPUTER USBS [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [要点] 对话中男士问道:Now, what was the problem? 女士答道:Well, we had a lot of customer complaints about those computer USBs. [注意] 题目中问的是:Last batch of______was faulty. 即:上一批什么有问题。题目没有直接提到problem一词,考生要注意理解题目。 第4题 【正确答案】:答案:INVOICE [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [要点] 答题的关键信息在于男士最后说道:we will adjust the invoice accordingly. 即:因此我们会更改发票/发货单。 [注意] 题目中用的是change一词,原文中是adjust,考生要注意辨别。 第5题 PHONE MESSAGE To: Paul Tench Re: (1) meeting. · Patrick Brown is unable to attend meeting arranged for (2). · Can meeting be rearranged for (3)? · If not, please leave a message with his (4). 【正确答案】:答案:THE FINANCE COMMITTEE [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] 5-8 Woman: Hello, Marketing. Man: Hello. This is Patrick Brown speaking. Can I speak to Paul Tench, please? Woman: Oh, I'm sorry, but he is out on business this afternoon. Can I help you? Man: Yes, please. I need to get a message to him. Woman: Of course. Is tomorrow morning soon enough? Man: Well, actually it's rather urgent. I'm calling about the meeting of the Finance Committee. I've been having some serious problems with the new software, and I'm not sure if I will have all the spread sheets ready for our meeting tomorrow afternoon. Can you ask Paul if we can postpone the meeting and have it on Wednesday, which I think was one of the alternative dates we discussed? Woman: Well, the best I can do is to contact him at home this evening. Man: Yes, that's a good idea. Thanks. Er, I'm not available this evening, but if he'd like to change it to another day, could you ask him to call my home number and leave the details with my wife. And she will be in all evening. I will be grateful if he could do that… [要点] 打电话的男士说道:I'm calling about the meeting of the Finance Committee. 可见,这是财务委员会的会议。 [注意] 考生要注意Committee一词的拼写。 第6题 【正确答案】:答案:TOMORROW AFTERNOON [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [要点] 打电话的男士说道:I'm not sure if I will have all the spread sheets ready for our meeting tomorrow afternoon. 第7题 【正确答案】:答案:WEDNESDAY [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [要点] 打电话的男士问道:Can you ask Paul if we can postpone the meeting and have it on Wednesday,可见他想把会议推迟到周三。 第8题 【正确答案】:答案:WIFE [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [要点] 打电话的男士最后说道:I'm not available this evening…could you ask him to call my home number and leave the details with my wife. 第9题 MESSAGE For: Mrs. Freeman Charles Tyzeck phoned about the post of (1). He's already got the (2). Told him interviews were being held in the (3)of June. He said he wouldn't be available then and requested a (4). Can you let him know if that's possible? 【正确答案】:答案:PROJECT MANAGER [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] 9-12 Man: Good afternoon. Could I speak to Mrs. Freeman please? Woman: I'm afraid she is in the meeting at the moment. I'm her assistant. Can I help you? Man: Mm, maybe, yes. It's Charles Tyzeck here. I'm calling about the vacancy for the position of project manager, which was advertised in the national paper last week. I just received the application form and before I send it back to Mrs. Freeman, there are one or two points I'd like to know. Woman: All right. What are they? Man: I'd like to know when you are planning to hold the interviews. Woman: Mrs. Freeman has scheduled both for the third week of June. Is that OK for you? Man: No, it's not, actually. I'm afraid I am out of the country all that week. Would it be possible to have a telephone interview? Woman: Mm. I'm not sure. I'll have to ask Mrs. Freeman about that. And then she will get in touch with you. Man: OK. Thanks very much. I hope that something can be done… [要点] 男士说道:I'm calling about the vacancy for the position of project manager. [注意] 考生要注意题目中的post和原文中的position都是“职位”的意思。 第10题 【正确答案】:答案:APPLICATION FORM [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [要点] 男士说道:I just received the application form,可确定正确答案是application form。 第11题 【正确答案】:答案:THIRD WEEK [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [要点] 男士说道:I'd like to know when you are planning to hold the interviews. 女士回答:Mrs. Freeman has scheduled both for the third week of June. 第12题 【正确答案】:答案:TELEPHONE INTERVIEW [本题分数]: 1.0 分 【答案解析】 [要点] 男士说:I'm afraid I am out of the country all that week. Would it be possible to have a telephone interview? [注意] 题目问的是:He said he wouldn't be available then and requested a______. 题目和原文的表达方式不同,考生要注意辨析,找出关键信息。 九、中LISTENING(PART THREE)(共8小题,共8.0分) · You will hear a talk given by a spokesman of the U.S. International Communication Department. He talks about a number of privately owned telephone discounters attacking the cartel of national telephone monopolies that keeps the price of international calls high. · You have to complete the sentences (1--8) by choosing the correct ending. · Mark one letter (A, B or C). 第1题 When did Tesco start expanding across mainland Europe? A 1978 B 1986 C 1993 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [听力原文] 23-30 Woman: And now as more and more UK companies look to expand worldwide by way of mergers and acquisitions, we are going over to Sara Pickford who is looking at the expansion strategy of Tesco, one of the big UK supermarket chains. With me in the studio this morning is Tesco's marketing director David Pugh. Good morning. Mr. Pugh! Man: Hello! Woman: Now. first of all. Tesco has had his presence in the mainland Europe for some time now. But when did they first do their business there? Man: Well, we first broke into foreign market when we acquired stores in U. S. A. in 1978. But it was sold jn 1986. The 1990s produced a much better climate for expansion. And Tesco has been expanding their businesses there since 1993 especially in Europe. Woman: Why did you look to Europe when you were doing so well in the U. K.? Man: Well, we've grown to become one of the U. K.'s largest food retailers. But in such an extremely competitive market, we knew that any further growth would be very expensive. So we decided to expand our operations into Europe to take advantage of opportunities for growth of these rapidly expanding market output. Woman: So where did Tesco begin their European expansion? Man: Well. we started closest to home in France. Woman: And how did you go about entering the French market? Man: Well, we bought up the French food retailer Cockto and acquired seven hypermarkets and 95 supermarkets in northern France. We continue to operate under the Cockto name in these stores, in Paris though we did open one new hypermarket under our own name. In 1997, however, we decided to sell the Cockto chain and concentrate on expanding the Central European operation. Woman: Your company is very active in Central Europe now, what effect do you think the foreign investors have had? Man: Well, until recently many of the goods there were very cheap, but there wasn't much variety available. And that's what we've been able to offer. I suppose eventually as competition increases, the quality of products will get better as well. Woman: And so what effect has this expansion into Europe had on Tesco? Man: Initially of course it involves a very heavy investment。And we don't expect to recover these capital costs in a short term. But interestingly it has made us rethink how we can go about producing our goods. And we have come up with more effective ways of doing that. Eventually we will have to look at the way we deliver the goods to the stores. That's definitely one area where we need to be more efficient. Woman: And how is Tesco's trading strategy in Central Europe different from that in the U. K. ? Man: Well, although the customer needs are different from those in the U. K.., our commitment to product quality, value and service are just as strong. We believe these values are universal. Therefore, our traditional trading strategies will be just as successful in Central Europe. Woman: Mm. And how do you actually go about promoting the Tesco brand? Man: The company advertises on televisions and elsewhere. But our adverts instead of advertising products in stores or special price promotions, are aiming at building trust in the brand and these values. A sort of long-term strategy. Woman: And what about the future? What is Tesco's European strategy? Man: Well, our initial investment has given us an opportunity to get to know the needs of our new customers. We now have to consolidate what we've already achieved. So rather than opening new stores or acquiring any more companies, we are looking to our grade and enlarge the outlets we already have and invest in our staff a commitment to high standards of service. Woman: Mm. That's very interesting. Thank you very much for talking to us. Mr. Pugh. And now back to Richards in the studio… [要点] 考查对信息细节的理解能力。Mr. Pugh提到“And Tesco has been expanding their businesses there since 1993 especially in Europe.” [注意] 录音中还有1978,1986,the 1990s几个时间,考生要注意细节。 第2题 Tesco decided to expand into Europe in order to A take advantage of lower operating costs. B enter fast-growing markets. C increase the range of its products. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [要点] 考查对信息细节的理解能力。Mr. Pugh提到“So we decided to expand our operations into Europe to take advantage of opportunities for growth of these rapidly expanding market output.”即:我们决定把经营扩展到欧洲是为了在快速扩张的市场中抓住发展的机会。A项意为利用较低的经营成本,B项意为进入快速发展的市场,C项意为扩大产品范围,因此B项和原文的意思一致。 [注意] 题干中已经给出了关键词expand into Europe,考生可以基于这些关键词去有意识地关注相关的信息,这样按图索骥题目比较容易答对。 第3题 Tesco entered the French market by A forming a joint venture. B buying supermarkets there. C opening a chain under its own name. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [要点] 考查干扰信息的排除。题干考查Tesco进入法国市场的方式,Mr. Pugh提到:“we bought up the French food retailer Cockto and acquired seven hypermarkets and 95 supermarkets in northern France.”可见,他们通过购买法国当地的食品零售商Cockto,并购7家大超市和95家超市的方式进入法国。B项是正确的,A项意为建立合资企业,C项意为开设自己名下的连锁店。 [注意] 题干中已经给出了关键词entered the French market,考生可以基于这些关键词去有意识地关注相关的信息。 第4题 According to Mr. Pugh, what effect has foreign investment had on the Central European market? A The cost of products has fallen. B The quality of goods has improved. C The range of items has increased. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [要点] 考查干扰信息的排除。题目问的是:外资对中欧市场的影响。Mr. Pugh提到“…until recently many of the goods there were very cheap, but there wasn't much variety available. And that's what we've been able to offer.”即:直到近来,那里(中欧市场)的许多商品价格便宜但是不够多样化,那是我们所能提供的,即:我们能使那里的商品更丰富。C项是正确的。 [注意] A、B项都是干扰项,尤其是B项。Mr. Pugh提到:“I suppose eventually as competition increases, the quality of products will get better as well.”可见,最终,产品的质量会得到提高,但并不是现在,B项被排除。 第5题 As a result of expansion into Europe, Tesco has A set up a new distribution network. B reduced its capital costs. C changed its production methods. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [要点] 考查干扰信息的排除。题目问的是:Tesco扩展到欧洲的结果是什么?Mr. Pugh提到“…it has made us rethink how we can go about producing our goods. And we have come up with more effective ways of doing that.”即:我们重新考虑如何生产并且已经想到更加有效的方法。C项是正确的。 [注意] A、B项都是干扰项,尤其是A项。Mr. Pugh提到“Eventually we will have to look at the way we deliver the goods to the stores. That's definitely one area where we need to be more efficient.”可见,最终我们会建立更有效的送货方式,但并不是现在,A项被排除。 第6题 What is Tesco's trading strategy in Central Europe? A It trades in exactly the same way as it does in the UK. B It offers special products to meet local customers' needs. C Its stores are designed in traditional styles. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [要点] 考查语篇整体的把握。题目问的是:Tesco在中欧的经营策略是什么? Mr. Pugh表达得很明确:“our traditional trading strategies will be just as successful in Central Europe.” A项是正确的。B项意为它提供特殊的产品来满足当地顾客的需要。C项意为它的商店被设计成传统的样式。 第7题 How does Tesco advertise in Central Europe? A It offers special discount prices. B It promotes certain products and stores. C It concentrates on the image of the company. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [要点] 考查语篇整体的把握和干扰信息的排除。题目问的是:Tesco如何在中欧做广告?Mr. Pugh说:“The company advertises on televisions and elsewhere. But our adverts instead of advertising products in stores or special price promotions, are aiming at building trust in the brand and these values.”他强调做广告的目的不在于宣传产品和特价促销,而在于建立顾客对品牌和商品价值的信任。C项意为它把重心放在企业形象上,和原文意思相符。A、B项排除。 [注意] 考生要仔细理解instead of的意思,做出正确判断。 第8题 What is Tesco's European strategy for the future? A It intends to buy more outlets. B It is going to invest in its existing stores. C It plans to build more stores. 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 [要点] 考查语篇整体的把握。题目问的是:Tesco在欧洲的未来发展战略是什么?Mr. Pugh表达得很明确:“So rather than opening new stores or acquiring any more companies, we are looking to our grade and enlarge the outlets we already have and invest in our staff a commitment to high standards of service.”即:我们不会开新店或并购任何新公司,而是扩大现有的商店并且在提高员工服务水平上投资。B项和原文意思相符。A、C项与原文相矛盾。 [注意] 观察题目内容和对话可以发现基本上题目都是按照对话进行的自然顺序设计的,即:前面的题目一般出题点都在对话的前半部分,后面的题目则来源于对话的后半部分,在这里提醒考生注意这个规律。 十、中SPEAKING (PART TWO )(本大题1小题.每题5.0分,共5.0分。"Mini presentation" about 6 minutes You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas. ) 第1题 In this part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas. A: What is important when…? Monitoring employees' performance · Attitude to work · Motivation · · B: What is important when…? Maintaining customer base · Discounts · After-sales service · · C: What is important when…? Aiming to improve quality of products · Raw materials · New technology 【正确答案】:答案: If you choose topic A: what is important when monitoring employees' performance? [思路点拨] 主题 陈述要点 原因 Monitoring employees' performance 已给要点 Attitude to work 工作态度 Attitude is everything. 态度决定一切。 Motivation 动作/积极性 The driving force to work 工作的动力 补充要点 Punctuality 守时 The basic requirement 基本要求 Efficiency 工作效率 Time is money. 时间就是金钱。 [参考范例] Monitoring employees' performance is closely related to the successful operation of the company and four factors should be taken into consideration when doing that. Firstly, it is employees' attitude to work. As is well-known, attitude is everything. Those who have a positive attitude to work are always willing to do more for the company and therefore they should be praised. Secondly, the employer should monitor employees' motivation, which is the driving force to work. Either motivated by salary or promotion, employees work hard and vigorously. On the contrary, he who has no motivation cannot perform well and going to work is just a daily routine. Thirdly, employees' punctuality should be monitored. Arriving at office and attending meetings on time are basic requirements in most companies. In order to make everyone punctual, the equipment for registration is necessary. Fourthly, it is employees' efficiency. Whether they can meet the deadline or finish the task ahead of time is important to the company, since time is money. If you choose topic B: what is important when maintaining customer base? [思路点拨] 主题 陈述要点 原因/结果 Maintaining customer base 已给要点 Discounts 折扣 An effective way to attract customers 吸引顾客的有效方式 After-sales service 售后服务 The guarantee of a large customer base 拥有顾客群的保障 补充要点 Quality 质量 The quality of products is what customers really care. 顾客真正关心的是产品质量。 Promotion activities 促销活动 Help to maintain customer base 有助于保留客户群 [参考范例] How to maintain customer base is crucial to businesses. As far as I am concerned, four factors should be considered. First and foremost, discounts. Buying their desirable goods with lower price is what most customers want. Therefore, offering discounts is an effective way to attract customers. Secondly, after-sales service is the guarantee of a large customer base. According to the survey, customers prefer products with long and good after-sales service even though their prices are higher。The companies that have a professional team and provide 24-hour help to customers when their products are in trouble always take a lead in business. Thirdly, the quality of products is what customers really care. The good quality include satisfying design, excellent workmanship, durability and so on. The companies should try their best to improve the quality of products. Fourthly, some promotion activities help to maintain customer base. For example, if you are doing retail, you can hold raffles regularly to keep your customers; if you are running a training school, you can give free trial classes. If you choose topic C: what is important when aiming to improve quality of products? [思路点拨] 主题 陈述要点 原因/结果 Aiming to improve quality of products 已给要点 Raw materials 原材料 Essential factor 关键因素 New technology 新技术 Help to improve the quality of products 有助于提高产品质量 补充要点 Strict production and check system 严格的生产和检查系统 The guarantee of quality 质量的保障 Customers' feedback 顾客反馈 Make us realise the problem and thing of ways to improve 使我们意识到问题并想办法改进 [参考范例] The quality of products is the life of an enterprise and "quality first" is an important policy. When deciding how to improve the quailty, four factors should be considered. First of all, the raw material must be good, for they are essential for production. The buyers must be honest and responsible when they select raw materials. Secondly, new technology helps to improve the quality of products. It is the research and development department that has the duty to introduce and explore new technology to upgrade products. Thirdly, a strict production and check system is the guarantee of quality. Workers of the production line should receive systematic training before they start to work. The check system, including special checking equipments and persons, are very important for quailty control. Fourthly, enterprises need use different ways to know customers' feedback, especially their complaints of bad-quality products. The useful feedback makes us realise the problem and think of ways to improve. 十一、中SPEAKING(PART THREE)(本大题1小题.每题5.0分,共5.0分。· Discussion -- about 5 minutes · In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. · For two candidates ) 第1题 In this part of the test, you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the task prompt, an example of which is below, and then about three minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that, the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. For two candidates Facing Complaints Your company is going to recall one kind of products due to a fault in design. It is expected that there will be some complaints. You have been asked for your suggestions about settlement of the potential complaints. Discuss the situation together and decide: · what kind of attitude you should have · how to make the customers satisfied For three candidates Facing Complaints Your company is going to recall one kind of products due to a fault in design. It is expected that there will be some complaints. You have been asked for your suggestions about settlement of the potential complaints. Discuss the situation together and decide: · what kind of attitude you should have · how to make the customers satisfied · how to avoid this kind of problem in the future. 【正确答案】:答案: [参考范例] A: I am honoured to have this opportunity to work with you. As is informed to us, our company is going to recall one kind of products due to a fault in design and it is expected that there will be some complaints. How to settle the potential complaints? Now, let's begin with the first aspect, that is, what kind of attitude we should have? B: Recalling products is really troublesome. Of course, we should have a proper attitude, since it is our problem that disturbs customers. We should be polite and patient to their complaints. A: I agree with you. The manager of customer relation department should hold a meeting to tell his staff the importance of the problem and ask everyone to be polite and patient when listening to complaints. Our general manager must make an apology in public to all the customers involved. B: Yes, that's true. Now let's move on to the next topic. How to make the customers satisfied? A: Firstly, we have a free repair of the faulty products. We need to make some arrangement for our technicians to work in turn to make sure customers can come and have their products repaired anytime within this month. B: Many customers may ask for refunds. To make them satisfied and trust our company, we should give them refunds if they want. A: Definitely. Maybe some want to change other kind of products. We should be ready to introduce the functions and deal with price differentials. B: We can also prolong the guarantee period from 2 years to 3 years. I'm sure the customers will feel satisfied. Let's report our viewpoints to the general manager immediately. A: Wait a moment, please. I think we should put down what has been discussed in a written report, instead of informing the general manager orally. Don't you think so? B: That's a good idea. Besides, we'd better draw up a specific timetable for those requests of refund and replacement of the faulty parts. Shall we do it right now, or put it off till tomorrow morning, since I myself have some urgent things to handle at the moment? A: In that case, let's draw up a report and the timetable tomorrow. Why don't you work on the timetable, and I will think more about the report? B: You can say that again. 跟多请访问《做题室》www.zuotishi.com
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