

2017-09-26 34页 doc 495KB 12阅读




犀牛角的种类及鉴别方法犀牛角的种类及鉴别方法 1、黑犀牛 分布于非洲东部和南部。它们的肤色其实是深褐色,而不是纯黑色。黑犀牛可长至肩高5英尺(1.5 米)、体重5000英磅(2300千克),它们的前后两只犀牛角可长达4英尺(1.2米)。 2、方吻犀(白犀牛) 全身呈黄色或灰白色,分布于南非、苏丹(Sudan)南部、乌干达(Uganda)和扎伊尔(Zaire)东部,得名于它们的宽口鼻(白犀牛的“白”来源于南非荷兰语(Afrikaans)wijd,意思是“宽”)。方吻犀是所有犀牛中最大的一种,可长至肩高6.5 英尺(2米)、8000英磅(36...
犀牛角的种类及鉴别方法 1、黑犀牛 分布于非洲东部和南部。它们的肤色其实是深褐色,而不是纯黑色。黑犀牛可长至肩高5英尺(1.5 米)、体重5000英磅(2300千克),它们的前后两只犀牛角可长达4英尺(1.2米)。 2、方吻犀(白犀牛) 全身呈黄色或灰白色,分布于南非、苏丹(Sudan)南部、乌干达(Uganda)和扎伊尔(Zaire)东部,得名于它们的宽口鼻(白犀牛的“白”来源于南非荷兰语(Afrikaans)wijd,意思是“宽”)。方吻犀是所有犀牛中最大的一种,可长至肩高6.5 英尺(2米)、8000英磅(3600千克)。它们的前角通常有3英尺(90厘米)长,并可最多长至5英尺(1.5米)。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 3、印度犀 呈灰色或白色,分布于印度北部的阿萨姆邦和尼泊尔境内。它们只长有一个牛角,且很少长过12英寸(30 厘米),而雌性犀牛的牛角更短,但它们的犀牛角底部可宽达6英寸(15厘米)。印度大犀牛肩高可达5.5 英 尺(1.7米),体重超过4000英磅(1800千克)。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 4、爪哇犀 皮肤颜色介于灰色和黑色之间,可长至肩高 4 ?英尺(1.4米)、体重超过2000英磅(900千克)。它们 只长有一个犀牛角,雄性的角可长达 10 英寸(25厘米),雌性或长有更短的角或不长角。这种犀牛主要分 布于爪哇(Java)。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 5、苏门答腊犀 分布于亚洲东南部,肤色介于灰色和黑色之间,长有短而坚硬的体毛和又短又钝的犀牛角。它们可长至 肩高4.5 英尺(1.4米),但体重还不到 2000英磅(900千克)。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 印度犀牛和非洲犀牛很容易就能区分出来。鉴别方法之一就是看犀牛角,印度犀牛头部长有一只角,而 非洲犀牛(白犀牛和黑犀牛)则长有两只角。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 非洲犀和亚洲犀的主要区别在: 1.犀角底部的形状——椭圆的是亚洲犀,圆形的是非洲黑犀,近长方的是非洲白犀; 2.犀角底部凹腔处旁边的“裙边”——裙边阔的是亚洲犀,裙边窄的是非洲犀。从犀角杯成品来看,先看杯 口沿的形状,若是圆形的(比如碗等)肯定是非洲黑犀,长方的多半是非洲白犀,椭圆的便可考虑亚洲犀的可能 性。这是因为犀角极其珍贵,雕刻者一定是根据角的形状来考虑雕什么东西。 非洲犀牛有二只角,角大,最大的长度可达80至90厘米,质梗,易裂,半透明,亚洲犀牛只有一只角, 角小,最大的印度犀其角也仅三十厘米,而最小的印尼苏门塔拉犀,角只有十几至二十厘米,质细性糯。非surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 洲犀角大量进入中国市场皆在清代中期以后一般由广州进入,就地加工,故非洲犀角的雕刻多广工,现代仿 明清犀角雕的角料,所用的也都是非洲角。所仿器形多佛像、马蹄杯、没乃何,及牌片、挂件、印章等。 亚洲犀牛角:产自泰国、印度、尼泊尔等地。颜色:黑褐色或黑红色。 犀角既是犀牛的角,俗称的亚洲角,小的一二斤,大的十几斤重,犀角为珍贵的中药材和雕刻原料。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 犀角有纹丝,而且较直,较粗。犀角横切面为小砂眼,形似蜂窝状,斜切面为鱼籽状纹,犀角的纹丝都 是直线形,互不粘连,有破茬处用手一撕轻松到头,犀角圆身的上面有一深沟,底部洼进部分底面凸出一条 岗,俗称天沟地岗。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 非洲犀牛角:称广角广角产自非洲,颜色:黑褐色。 广角又名天马角,可雕刻工艺品,也可做药用,但药效不及亚洲犀角。 为与犀牛角相区别,广角也是犀牛角,但产自非洲,因自然气候条件不同,也与亚洲犀牛各异。过去大 部分由广州进口,又是广运通进口商经营,故一般习称广角。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 广角一般是黑褐色,纹丝较犀牛角细,而且相互粘连。广角无蜂窝状眼,无鱼籽样纹,无天沟地岗,这是与犀牛角得显著区别之一。 广角又名天马角,可雕刻工艺品,也可做药用,但药效不及亚洲犀角。过去大部分由广州进口,又是广运通进口商经营,故一般习称广角。广角的纹丝较犀牛角细,而且相互粘连,无蜂窝状眼,无鱼籽样纹,无天沟地岗,这是与亚洲犀牛角的显著区别之一。 中药界称非洲的白犀角和黑犀角为广角;称印度犀角为火犀角;婆罗门犀牛角和爪哇犀牛角为水犀角。这也许是因为婆罗门犀牛和爪哇犀喜游水、怕晒与水的接触时间比印度犀牛长的原因。水犀角的药用价值是火犀角的2,3倍。水犀角纹如甘蔗,横剖面(断面)有“粟纹”、香味浓、个型小。是贵重的中成药原料配药,如“安宫牛黄丸”等。世面上说的文犀、香犀及价格最昂贵的犀牛角就是这种水犀角。婆罗门犀牛角底盘如西瓜籽;爪哇犀牛角底盘椭圆。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 犀牛角材质断面如毛竹之截面,有细小颗粒状纹。而牛角、羊角等没有此特征。另外,犀角加水研磨汁 如牛奶。但一般犀角雕刻艺术品鉴定不必用此办法,因为这毕竟是“有损鉴定”。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 犀角和犀角雕质稀物贵,动辄千万之数,故须明察秋毫方可下手。其实犀角的特征比较明显,首先是它 的造型:犀角底盘的造型为马蹄形,角的前端和后端分别有一条浅浅的纵向凹槽和一楞凸起的筋脉称之“天沟 地岗”。故明清间的犀角雕造型多马蹄形杯,利用天沟作杯的流口,地岗作杯的把柄。其次犀角有纹理,即纵 向的直丝纹,犹如甘蔗的丝纹,其横向的断面上有一点点的粟米纹,和毛竹节的断面纹一般。第三,犀角有 腥味,尽管明清犀角雕至今已有三五百年的历史,其皮上的腥味已经挥发,但再将角雕放在毛皮上磨擦仍 能闻到一阵类似麻油的香味(腥味),在鉴定分辨犀角时必须将这三条综合有机地联系起来。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 犀角雕有新旧之分,犀角亦有亚洲犀角和非洲犀角之别,在药用价值上说,据记载亚洲犀角是非洲犀角 的二十倍。非洲犀牛有二只角,角大,最大的长度可达80至90厘米,质梗,易裂,半透明,亚洲犀牛只有 一只角,角小,最大的印度犀其角也仅三十厘米,而最小的印尼苏门塔拉犀,角只有十几至二十厘米,质细 性糯。非洲犀角大量进入中国市场皆在清代中期以后一般由广州进入,就地加工,故非洲犀角的雕刻多广工, 现代仿明清犀角雕的角料,所用的也都是非洲角。所仿器形多佛像、马蹄杯、没耐何,及牌片、挂件、印章 等。图为两件将在博海秋拍会现身的明清旧器。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 鉴别水牛角与犀牛角的区别 1、水牛角的底盘系扁三角形,与犀角之马蹄形差距很大,且水牛角更没有“天沟地岗”的特征。 2、水牛角的腥味淡而臭,与犀角的类似麻油般香味的腥大相径庭。 3、水牛角的纹丝细、质韧,受热压后会变形,可加工成多种形状,为了冒充犀角的粗而直的纹丝,作伪 者将水牛角雕件,用餐馆里发蹄筋的方法,将其浸发,务使其纹丝变粗,但其横断面上的“粟米纹”则是无论 如何也做不出来的。除此之外,我们还可看它的雕工线条,包浆、色彩等等。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 犀角的鉴定不难,但由于禁猎,犀角变得十分珍贵,而见过犀角的人又很少,一般人能上手的机会也不多, 从而更显得十分珍罕,所以不少收藏者和古玩商只好凭着猜测臆断。从而使造假者大行其道.为防上当减少经 济损失,特发鉴别方法以飨藏友。 犀角是最珍贵的牙角材料。自古以来犀角不仅被作为辟邪稀罕的灵物而宝之,而且被认为具有解毒解热surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 之药用(比如《本草?犀》载:入药惟犀生者为佳)。而明代开始兴起的利用犀角底部凹腔雕成的犀角杯是牙角类古玩中的顶级精品,其在国外国内艺术品拍卖会中长盛不衰。 关于犀角的成分,20世纪50年代有学者提出是“固体状的凝集的头发”。其后,这种看法被普遍接受。但最新研究表明:犀角不是凝结的头发,它没有头发的囊,它实际上是由纵向的角朊纤维所组成的固体集合体。 以上五类犀角的共有鉴别特征是犀角表面有国外行内人士所称的“发丝纹”或国内所称的“竹丝纹”。 犀角截面又有竹所没有的如同皮肤发囊般的肌理,其斜剖面摸上去有类似皮肤鸡皮疙瘩的感觉,故其纹亦可称“发丝纹”。这纹路难伪造,牛角的仿品和合成的都不具备。 牛角(最常见的犀角仿品之一)和犀角的区别还体现在底截面和色泽。牛角底截面有圈状的角朊层,这是牛角特点,犀角绝没有这样的圈状角朊层。此外,牛角和合成的往往有桔红的上色。犀角中有糖蜜色的,但绝无桔红色的。凡桔红色的“犀角制品”必是伪品。 虽然辨别犀角和牛角不难,但有些自明代以来即有的犀角高仿——犀角贴面的牛角制品——还需收藏者小心鉴别。 以前行内有种说法:看纹路,纹细的是亚洲犀,纹粗的是非洲犀。其实这种说法没有科学依据。 鉴别犀牛角的方法 1、看底盘:容器可从口部,雕像、摆件可从底部观察材料的底盘形状。亚洲犀角是西瓜籽或龟背形;非洲犀角(广角)是圆形或长方形,也不绝对:因为煮成熟犀角后可以人工扳为花口等各种形状,但仍有迹可寻。 2、看纹理:任何犀角的纵剖面都有平行的“竹丝纹”(也叫“顺纹”),亚洲犀角“竹丝纹”粗;非洲犀角竹丝纹”细。任何犀角的横剖面都有“粟纹”(也称“鸡皮纹”、“毛囊纹”、“鱼子纹”)。水牛角纵剖面都有交缠的“绞丝纹”(也叫“绞纹”“牛毛纹”)而没有平行的“顺纹”。 3、看角髓:水牛角在横剖面可见围绕中心层叠的白色圈状角髓(角朊层),亚洲犀角没有,非洲犀角只在外围有一圈阔边的角髓,没有层层套叠。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color 4、看色泽:苏门犀角和爪哇犀角制品为蜜色或栗色,色较纯,透明度高;印度犀角上部色暗,下部明朗,称“云头雨脚”。广角上部灰黑色,下部灰黄色。犀牛角的颜色不是单一的,靠近纵向中心一律是黑的,这是区分犀牛角与其他牛角的重要特征;犀牛角颜色往往被染成古红色,是为了达到仿古的效果。其实自然界中只有绝种的亚犀种群中才有红色的角质。 5、看个头和腔子:亚洲犀角个头较小,腔子较浅,一般用来制作30厘米以内的工艺品,如犀角杯、鼻烟壶等,古代较大一些(超过30厘米)的犀角雕品如仙佛雕像,一般用印度犀角。非洲犀角则个头大,腔子深,较大型犀角雕品多为广角雕制。 6、感觉温度:犀角凉而温;水牛角凉而寒(冰冷);树脂合成品没有冰凉的感觉。 7、闻气味:亚洲犀角清香;广角味腥;水牛角干磨有硫磺味。 8、看雕刻:犀角雕刀工细腻流畅,细部处理认真,地子光整;牛角雕刀工或粗率或僵硬呆板,细部处理草率,常见毛刺、刀痕、刀伤,地子不平整。树脂模制品不见刀工,没有雕刻痕迹。(犀角雕和牛角雕之刀工优劣系就一般情况而言,不可绝对化。) 9、手触摸:犀角光亮滑润,泛油明显,不干涩,很少见到裂纹,手感良好。水牛角干燥,油性差,常有裂纹,手感差。犀角沾水后表面无变化,水牛角沾水后表面变软,有一种类似摸肉的感觉。 10、犀牛角区分其它牛角的另一个显著特征:就是犀牛角(亚犀非犀都具有)的纵向纹路永远是直的且相互平行,即便是因年代的久远而出现开裂,也不会出现如其它牛角般那样的交叉网路。犀牛角的横断面,虽有年轮,但因纵向纤维纹路是相互平行的结构,所以反映于横截面上的现象是:对于亚犀被称做“鱼子纹”;对于非犀被称做“甘蔗纹”,行内人士都统称叫“鱼子纹”。而其它牛角则没有这种特征。 编后语:20世纪初,非洲和亚洲有50万头犀牛,现在只剩下29000头,这一切都源于按重量比黄金还贵的犀牛角。动物保护组织和非洲国家的政府并没有能力阻止偷猎越来越严重的趋势。在这种情况下,动物保护部门会采取另外一种手段——锯角,这也是很残忍的。小编觉得,犀牛角饰品虽精美,但请珍爱每一只犀牛的生命。保护犀牛,还是要靠加强安全措施,打击国际犀角贸易,锯角只是最后的手段。 surface 5mm~10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing φ 12 and a horizontal φ 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrapped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particle size mixed ... (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the design of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color
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