

2018-08-04 12页 doc 37KB 23阅读




国内和国际民行机场的区别国内和国际民行机场的区别 我国实行改革开放以来,民航事业飞速发展。1994年,民航运输总周转量584 122万吨公里,居世界第11位;旅客运输4 039万人次,客公里周转量居世界第8位,民航运输周转量的高增长使各种配套条件、尤其是机场条件的不足成为行业进一步发展的主要矛盾。 1994年,我国供民用定期航班使用的机场共127个,其中飞行等级达到4E的机场13个,机场状况远远落后于大多数发展中国家,与人口12亿、领土960万平方公里的大国是很不相称的。为此,民航总局制定了近期和长远的机场发展规划,按照国家经济发展的需求和国力,...
国内和国际民行机场的区别 我国实行改革开放以来,民航事业飞速发展。1994年,民航运输总周转量584 122万吨公里,居世界第11位;旅客运输4 039万人次,客公里周转量居世界第8位,民航运输周转量的高增长使各种配套条件、尤其是机场条件的不足成为行业进一步发展的主要矛盾。 1994年,我国供民用定期航班使用的机场共127个,其中飞行等级达到4E的机场13个,机场状况远远落后于大多数发展中国家,与人口12亿、领土960万平方公里的大国是很不相称的。为此,民航总局制定了近期和长远的机场发展规划,按照国家经济发展的需求和国力,逐步改善我国民用机场的布局、密度和档次。尤其是占吞吐总量70%以上的二十来个主要干线机场,更力求从管理和服务水平上与国际接轨。 航空旅客每到一个国家,往往从机场这第一窗口,判断其所在国的经济发达程度、历史文化特征、社会、国民素质、风土人情等等。行业内人士则更会通过观察一个机场的外观和运作现象,评估其规模能力和管理水平。在当前和今后相当长的时期内,我国将新建、改扩建大量的民用机场,新老机场都面临着改善服务和提高经营管理水平的任务。为此,仔细对比分析一下我国现有机场与国外先进机场之间有哪些异同点,是非常必要的。 为了尽可能全面地找出这些异同点,本文论及的国内外机场均以较大型机场为例,而“国外机场”则以政治概念上的西方国家机场为例,不包括独联体和东欧等国家的机场。 民用机场自美国首创而遍布全球,其功能自与码头、车站相同而发展成技术密集型的第三产业,也只有90年的历史。我国自1920年有了第一个民用机场至今,不必讳言,借鉴国外机场的建设和管理经验是这段历史的主要内容。因此,对比国内外民用机场的异同点,必定是同多于异。为此,本文尽量少提相同点,而突出其差异点进行分析。 一、普通旅客注意到的差异现象 1.国外的市内候机楼给予出发旅客很大方便,而我国没有一个市内候机楼。市内候机楼从功能上分属于机场的延伸,但实际上它是航空公司办的。出发旅客在这里办完交运行李和领取登机牌,可以轻装去机场登机,这就减轻了机场候机楼出发厅的拥挤程度,缩短了机场内值机服务周期。 2.进出机场的通道,我国除深圳机场拥有水上和公路两种通道以外,全部都是单一的公路通道 .国外有很多机场采用多元通道,包括公路、水路、铁路、地铁、自动步道和直升机。例如德国法兰克福机场的地铁月台层与航空旅客出发层、到达层之间,采用滚梯相连。到达旅客领取托运行李放在手推车上之后,能一直推到地铁车厢里,使用完后,由机场当局的雇员回收。反之,出发旅客则从找到机场的手推车开始,就一直使用到托运行李交运。 3.我国的候机楼和停车场的建筑式样,基本上与天安门城楼和天安门广场相似。自驾汽车去坐飞机的旅客,如果停车位远离“天安门城楼”,就苦不堪button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 言了,返回时也一样。国外机场的候机楼一般建成条型或弧型,配上紧邻的带状停车场或立体停车场。旅客的车无论停在何处,与出发厅、到达厅之间没有露天距离或只有极短的露天距离。 4.国内航班出发旅客隔离区的划分,本来国内外机场是相同的,即以出发旅客人身安检为界。但我国首都机场和珠海机场从旅客的托运行李安检处开始就划为隔离区了。由于我国大多数机场候机楼拥挤以及不是每个值机柜台都带安检机,这种划分还有推广的趋势。这就使行李多的旅客和老弱文盲旅客在值机区得不到送客亲友的帮助。国内航班到达旅客隔离区的划分,我国机场是从下飞机一直到提取行李之后的出口处,而国外机场的国内航班到达旅客几乎没有什么隔离区,接客亲友可以到廊桥口接客,陪同旅客提取行李。 5.国际航班旅客流程,我国机场与国外机场是反过来的。即在我国机场,国际航班的出发旅客是先过边检海关,再办行李托运和登机牌;到达旅客是先提取行李再过边检海关。而在国外机场正好反过来。旅客感到在我国机场过边检海关时有着沉重的行李负担,在国外机场过边检海关是轻装的。更有许多国外机场,出发旅客的边检手续是由移民局委托航空公司代理的,出发流程中根本没有移民局关卡。 6.在我国机场里,航管塔肯定是最高的建筑物,因为管制员需要在塔台上目视到跑道头和所有停机位。而在国外机场,旅客往往看不见航管塔在何处。象芝加哥那样的大型机场,航管塔再高也不可能目视到十几处跑道头和几百个停机位的,全靠看屏幕。 7.我国机场都只有一座候机楼,出发厅都是分为国际出发厅和国内出发厅两个部分,旅客要四处去寻找办理登机手续的柜台。国外机场或有多座候机楼,或一座候机楼出发厅按航空公司分区段,标志醒目,旅客从下车开始,就对准其要找的航空公司区段,很快就能找到相应的值机柜台。 8.国内机场候机楼缺乏商业气氛,国外机场候机楼很象大商场。例如香港启德机场候机楼有效面积不到7万平方米,其中商业面积占1万多平方米,它的年旅客吞吐量达2 600万人次,但旅客并不感到比北京首都机场拥挤。 9.国外机场的航班信息显示和各类标志牌都比我国机场的醒目、普及。他们尽量使用屏幕、图形,而不使用广播。 10.在国外机场人们随时能看到在同一条跑道上一架接一架飞机排着队起降的现象。我国最繁忙的机场,两架飞机起降也要相隔2—10分钟。 11.国外机场内旅客服务设施齐全配套,这一点国内机场差距很大,例如: (1)落地签证。国外为了吸引旅客,移民局在口岸机场设点,为未办理该国签证的旅客(尤其是经停旅客)办理1天至7天的入境居留签证。我国只有极少数机场内有此服务。 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment (2)货币兑换。国外机场候机楼内的货币兑换点星罗棋布。香港启德机场也有9处货币兑换点。而我国连口岸机场也很少有此服务,即使有,可兑换币种也很少。 (3)信用卡。在国外机场内买飞机票、交机场费、餐饮、购物„„处处都接受信用卡。我国较大的商店餐旅场所已接受多种国内外信用卡,但在国内任何机场内还不能使用信用卡。 (4)商务中心。国外机场候机楼内除设有面向一切人的商务中心外,在公务舱旅客候机室内还有电话、电传、传真、电脑、复印机及配套办公用品,旅客在候机过程中可以象在自己的办公室里一样进行工作。 (5)残疾人服务。在国外机场候机楼内常常能见到残疾人旅客,有残疾人厕所、电梯、办票柜台、通道等等为他们服务。而在我国除了极少数身份特殊的残疾人之外,是难以出门成为旅客的。 (6)时钟旅馆。许多国外机场候机楼内设有以小时为计费单位的旅馆,为航班延误的年老体弱旅客提供方便。 (7)许多国外机场候机楼内还有托儿所、阅览室、健身房、浴室、理发美容、娱乐游戏等设施,以进一步满足候机客人的需求。 二、货邮托运人、收件人注意到的差异现象 12.在国外,几乎没有货邮托运人、收件人亲自到机场去办理货邮交运和领取手续,但在我国大多数地方还是他们直接去而不是由代理人去机场交取货邮。 13.国外机场的客运站(即候机楼)和货运站同为机场不相上下的两大类门面设施,新机场设计、建设时同时考虑客运站和货运站。而货运站在我国90年代建成的新机场里仍属于后补设施,许多机场没有货运站,在候机楼里或机坪上处理货邮。 14.我国航空客运销售系统已全部实现电脑化,机场的旅客离港系统和行李分拣系统也正在推广电脑化。但航空货运销售系统和机场货站处理系统的电脑化还没有起步。与国外相比,货邮处理效率低、查询难度大。 15.与上述第7条的客运情况相似,我国机场都只有一座货运站,按国际、国内、出发、到达分区。而国外机场一般有多座货运站,以航空公司划分区段。 16.货邮需要打集装板或装集装箱的,我国机场都由货运站统一做,国外机场也可以由货运代理人做好再交给货运站。反过来,拆板拆箱亦然。 17.我国大部分机场货运站不收取货站处理费,而在国外这是一项很高的费用。例如香港启德机场货运站收取的货站处理费一年高达十几亿港元。 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 三、行业内人士注意到的差异现象 18.空中交通管制分为区域管制、进近管制和机场塔台管制三个等级。美国的民用航管经历了与空军分开然后又私有化的改革过程,其他国家也有效仿美国的。无论航管体制各国有何差异,国外有一点是共同的,即塔台管制机构属于机场当局的一个部门。我国机场的塔台管制有三种情况:骨干航空公司基地所在的机场以及新建的象深圳机场这样的机场,塔台管制设施产权和日常运作费用均与机场当局无关,塔台管制机构隶属于民航地区管理局,与相应的机场当局无隶属关系,谁也管不了谁;珠海机场独属一种类型,其塔台管制设施建设和日常运作费用全部由机场当局无偿提供,机构隶属关系与上述机场相同;其他机场及相应的塔台管制机构均隶属于中国民航某某省局,亦即省局是这种机场的当局,这种机场的塔台管制机构是机场当局的一个部门,与国外情况相同。 19.我国机场的安检、飞机守卫和消防,与机场区域的治安、交通、刑侦等属于同一个机构操作,即机场公安(处或分局)。国外机场的安检、飞机守卫和消防是通过招标方法选雇的民间保安公司来承担,与负责该区域治安、交通、刑侦等的政府警察完全是两码事。 20.民用机场最初是作为市政公共设施来建设和管理的,这一点国内外相同。但随着企业化的普及,国外机场逐步都变成了公司,区别只是政府在机场产权中所占的比例多少。我国民航自1987年一分为三改革以来,要求机场转化为企业,但象其他国有企业一样,这种转化举步维艰。 21.国外机场对本国航空公司和外国航空公司的收费标准相同。我国机场实行价格双轨制,即对本国航空公司和外国航空公司执行差别较大的收费标准。 22.我国机场实行全国统一的起降费和地面服务费收费标准(规定有5个机场附加10%和3个机场附加20%)。国外机场的收费标准各不相同,由各机场当局和承担地面服务的公司根据自身的成本和经营策略定价。 23.国外机场当局只垄断飞机起降服务和机坪控制,其他一切与飞机活动有关的专业地面服务和与飞机活动无关的各类通用服务,都让别人来竞争经营。因此机场当局的职能不外乎三种:一是飞机起降服务,包括塔台管制、场道及机坪控制;二是物业设施的出租和经营权的管理;三是安全生产及其他方面的标准、规范的管理,与其相对应的职能部门亦不外乎三种。 24.国外机场的业主无论是政府还是民间,是单一还是多元,产权关系都很明晰,业主权益也很明晰;经营者的权、责也很清楚。国外也有一个机场当局经营几个机场(如英国机场公司)或几十个机场的(如马来西亚机场公司),但各机场单独核算,并不出现“混帐”现象。我国机场还有很多产权关系扯皮的情况,也尚未走上企业化经营的轨道。 25.我国机场从业人员的整体素质和自我提高的风气不及国外机场,缺乏服务意识和忧患意识,很容易流露出端铁饭碗吃皇粮的沾沾自喜思想。 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 26.国外机场里制做航空配餐的设施都建在机场围界上,即一门通外界, 一门通机坪,这样符合安全和检疫要求。我国机场建设时大多没有考虑这一点, 有的地方航空配餐设施距机场几十公里之遥 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment
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