

2019-07-27 40页 doc 98KB 56阅读




Rightship检查准备关于:RIGHTSHIP检查准备 船长、轮机长和大副, 此次卸港将安排RIGHTSHIP检验,其要求高于PSC检查标准,请做好相关准备工作: 1.安全航行 1)航次计划严格按照体系文件要求制定完善的航次计划(TKM-SM-02-17)(航次计划表不 要漏填项目)下沉量的计算方式参考体系中的TKM-MN-0207-02C。船长指令栏加入船长对 航行的特殊要求如加入“呼请船长指令”,“注意来往船舶,保持避让距离”“注意定位方法” 等等。保持计划中的定位间隔和海图作业一致。多种方式进行定位,不单单只是GPS船位; ...
关于:RIGHTSHIP检查准备 船长、轮机长和大副, 此次卸港将安排RIGHTSHIP检验,其要求高于PSC检查,请做好相关准备工作: 1.安全航行 1)航次严格按照体系文件要求制定完善的航次计划(TKM-SM-02-17)(航次计划表不 要漏填项目)下沉量的计算方式参考体系中的TKM-MN-0207-02C。船长指令栏加入船长对 航行的特殊要求如加入“呼请船长指令”,“注意来往船舶,保持避让距离”“注意定位方法” 等等。保持计划中的定位间隔和海图作业一致。多种方式进行定位,不单单只是GPS船位; 2)海图作业海图上标注“No Go Area”“ Emergency Anchorage”“Abort Point”船长对航行的 一些要求标注,航线附近危险/障碍物等标示,平行航法(Parallel Index), VTS 报告等。 沿岸,进出港缩短定位间隔。海图改正(包括永久和临时的)。 3)航海图书资料保证在用图书资料为最新版本,并进行改正和登记。 4)Log Book记录将开航前12小时操舵系统检查记入甲板和轮机日志并统一时间;救生设备 的周检,月检记入航海日志;各种演习和训练记入航海和轮机日志; 5)驾驶台各种记录 罗经差记录航行中罗经差每班进行观测并记录,如天气不允许在记录中加以说明。 雷达记录保持连续性,并将各栏目填齐。 GMDSS记录接收和发送的安全,紧急和遇险信息记入,每天,每周和每月的测试结果 打印存档并记入记录中,船长每页进行审核并签字。 进水警报装置建立检查本每班进行检查记录。 6)驾驶台检查表(TKM-CH-B)按要求逐项进行核实并由驾驶员和船长签字。 7)船长常规命令(所有驾驶员、船长签字后置于驾驶台夜航命令记录簿附近) 2.安全装载 按要求完成航次货载计划、航次操作检查表,并妥善存档; 配载计划、装卸顺序、排压水顺序、稳性强度计算等按航次顺序妥善存档; 压载水更换记录(包括压载水管理计划要求表格和压载水管理计划的培训,有关港口当 局要求的报表); 配载仪测试记录保证每隔2-3个月一次,将装载手册中装载模式数据输入后打印,比对打印结果和装载手册中的数据是否有出入。比对后大副签字并注明测试日期和结果。 混合气体探测仪,测氧仪建立检查记录本,大副能够正确使用仪器。 煤炭装载每天进行气体检测并记录在表格中存档。提醒-根据BC Code煤炭装货后第一个24小时要进行充分的通风。 3.演习/演练/培训 根据SOLAS训练手册/消防培训手册的培训(要求两个月的授课期内应包括该船的全部救生和消防设备);并记录(TKM-SM-01-12) 新接班船员基本安全熟悉培训(上船当天),新接班船员上船后,应尽快在不迟于2个星期 内,对其进行有关使用包括救生艇属具在内的船上救生设备和船上消防设备的船上训练; 按年度演习计划进行演习/演练,并记录 4.防污染操作 按体系要求完成“防污染捡检查表”(抵港前),并妥善存档; 油污应急计划和垃圾管理计划的培训(每隔3个月一次,新接班船员上船),溢油演习, 并记录和登记; 油类/垃圾记录簿按要求正确规范记录; 油水分离器/焚烧炉/生活污水处理装置维护保养、检查试验并记录; 操作规程和警告牌张贴 垃圾分类/收集/处理满足要求 保证机舱整洁,无任何跑冒滴漏现象和痕迹 甲板液压管系和千斤顶无任何跑冒滴漏现象和痕迹 5.个人安全 每月安全活动日和记录(有关人员签字),每月填写附表反馈公司; 每天工作布置和安全会议记录(大副/轮机长签字) 进入封闭处所/明火作业检查表(检察官进入封闭场所前,提前准备好相关检查表,并根据检查表 要求做好相关准备工作) 扫洗舱/高处舷外作业检查表; 药品管理(建立有关台帐) 6.维护保养 根据年度维护计划制定每月的维护计划,并按计划进行维护保养和完成月度维护报告(不 要遗漏); 7.不符合、险情和事故报告及处理 PSC/FSC、船级社、公司、PNI和船上自查发现的缺陷按体系要求进行分析、研究并采取纠 正填写“缺陷报表”予以关闭(最后公司DP签字确认)存档; 险情和事故报告按程序要求完成。 8.培训 Onboard training, Essential instruction, Safety minutes report, SMS familiarization Training, MSC Circular 1205,1206, 1143,1014 training record Company Circulars Training Record 9.与公司重要的来往电文(涉及安全、修理及其他岸基支持等)存档 10 档案管理规范整洁 11.保安 有关记录齐全规范; 严格梯口值班和保安登记检查; 保安设备/SSAS维护保养试验正常并记录 12.保持生活区公共场所/个人房间、厨房、餐厅和机舱整洁; 13.库房整洁 Inspection Requirements. In order that the inspector can be able to conduct the inspection with minimal disruption to the vessel wewould be grateful if you would arrange for the information in this email to be passed to the Master.Our inspector will need to view a number of ballast thanks and the preferred combination is as follows: Fore Peak Tank A forward topside tank on the port side Mid-ship topside tanks. An after side topside on the starboard side The after Peak Tank We do not require to inspect a double bottom tank. If the vessel is double skinned it would be helpful to see in one such space. We will not necessarily view all of the above in detail and it is possible to reverse the port and starboard tanks, so long as the inspector sees representations of both sides. A decision will be made at the time of the inspection depending on findings. Please ensure that these tanks are fully ventilated and open for the inspection. T he inspector will inspect any enclosed space in accordance with proper testing and precautions and the vessel’s performance in this respect will affect the outcome of the inspection. We would add that this is an area where too often, vessel’s staff is found lacking. No s pace will be entered if Oxygen levels are below those of the outside atmosphere. We would also add that it is understood that occasionally tanks may not be available for inspection but we would expect sound operational reasons such as draught, trim or stress limitation to be the reason. We will endeavour not to disrupt the vessel’s port operations any more than is necessary to successfully complete the inspection, the inspector will work closely with the master and his staff at all times. For reasons of gaining best access to spaces we normally spread the inspection over two days since some of the spaces we need to see – holds and sometimes adjoining voids - will not usually be available until late in a discharge. Inspections of all tanks, holds and other enclosed spaces should be in daylight. The inspector will need to see a selection of void spaces/duct keel, as appropriate to the design of the vessel and he will discuss his choice with the master on his arrival on board. Other spaces that will be inspected will be store rooms, holds, pumprooms, accommodation, bridge, engine room and steering flat and any other specialized space that may be considered of relevance. If the vessel is equipped with cranes, the inspector will need to inspect one or two of these. The other part of the inspection will be administrational. The vessel’s performance records, maintenance records and ISM and ISPS conformance will be scrutinized as well as Port State or Flag State inspection records. Vessels deck and engine room logs In particular, steelwork renewals and thickness testing will be looked at closely. Copies of the following documents will be needed by the inspector: Ship’s Particulars Endorsed and stamped by Master; Class Status Listing; Port State Control Reports for the past 6 months; The last Flag State Inspection Reports; Crew List; Company ISM DOC and endorsements; Ship’s ISM SMC and endorsements; Ship’s ISSC and endorsements; Safety Committee Minutes for last two meetings and Hazardous Occurrence (Near Miss) Reports and statistics. Checklist: SECTION 1: VESSEL PARTICULARS 1.1 General Information 1.1.1 Year of build [mm/yy]:...................................................................... 1.1.2 Place built:..................................................... 1.1.3 Name of Owner from Certificate of Registry:...... 1.1.4 Name of Company on ISM Document of Compliance: ........................... 1.2 Principal Dimensions 1.2.1 Summer Deadweight [tonnes]: ........................................... 1.2.2 Summer Draft [metres]: ............................................................... 1.3 Registration, Class & Insurers 1.3.1 Flag: ........................................................................................ 1.3.2 Class & Notation: ................................................................................... 1.3.3 P&I Club: ................................................ 1.4 Ship Construction 1.4.1 Ship Type: ........................................................ 1.4.2 Double/Single skin:............................................................... 1.4.3 Hatch cover type: ................................................... 1.4.4 Suitable for heavy cargoes of 1.780 t/m3 and above: ...................... 1.4.5 Is the vessel restricted by SOLAS XII/14......................................... 1.4.6 Are cargo holds used for ballast ...................................................... 1.5 Additional Comments or Observations on Vessel Particulars section. . SECTION 2: INSPECTION SUMMARY 2.1 General 2.1.1 The vessel was inspected as per instructions received from RightShip in the LOA signed on: ...................................... 2.1.2 The inspection schedule was as follows: Commenced inspection : Finished inspection : Commenced travel : Returned to home base : 2.1.3 Was the ship’s gangway correctly rigged giving safe access: ........ [If no, explain] : 2.1.4 The owners representative was on board during the inspection. ....................................................................................... 2.1.5 The Master had been apprised of the RightShip inspection. ........... : 2.1.6 A member of the ship’s staff [or Superintendent] accompanied the Inspector............................................................................... [If Never give reasons] : 2.1.7 The inspector discussed outcomes with the Master and/or Superintendent. ............................................................................... [If NO give reasons] : 2.1.8 A copy of the Inspectors List of Deficiencies and Recommendations has been left with Master.................................. [If NO give reasons] : 2.1.9 Vessel status at time of inspection: ........................... 2.2 Physical Inspection Summary 2.2.1 Accommodation structure:............................................................. 2.2.2 Accommodation interior:............................................................... FO D06 Inspection & Assessment Report for Dry Cargo Ships Rev: 06 Date: 14/08/07 Page: 4 of 19 2.2.3 Wheelhouse: ....................................................................... 2.2.4 Engine Room/Machinery Spaces: ....................................... 2.2.5 External shell plate .............................................................. 2.2.6 Main/Weather Deck & Fittings: ............................................ 2.2.7 Cargo holds: .................................................................................. 2.2.8 Ballast tanks: ....................................................................... 2.2.9 Other spaces - stores etc: ................................................... 2.3 Management Summary 2.4 Additional Comments or Observations on the Summary Section. SECTION 3: DOCUMENTATION 3.1 Statutory and Class Status and Records 3.1.1 The vessel's certification as required under statutory and class requirements is complete and valid. ................................................ 3.2 Technical 3.2.1 Does the vessel have any conditions of class at the time of inspection? ........................................................................................ [If Yes, provide details and due date] : 3.2.2 Are the CSM survey items up to date?............................................ 3.2.3 Have records of ultrasonic tests been maintained on board?.......... [If yes, period for which records are available] : From 3rd May 3.2.4 Does the vessel have an Enhanced Survey Programme [ESP] report file? ....................................................................................... [If No, reasons for same] : 3.2.5 Are the results of the ultrasonic tests considered satisfactory......... 3.2.6 Does the vessel have a history of major repairs?.............................. [If Yes, reasons for same] : 3.2.7 Has the vessel had extensive steel renewal [>25 tons]? ................. [If Yes, reasons for same] : Steel renewals at the following 3.2.8 Date of last Special Survey ................................................. 3.2.9 Date of last dry-dock ......................................................... 3.3 Inspections 3.3.1 Are deficiencies noted under PSCI [last 6 months only] ...................... [If Yes, provide details] : 3.3.2 Have all findings been cleared........................................................... [If No, provide details] : 3.3.3 Are deficiencies noted under Flag State inspections in the past 6 months?.................................................................................... [If Yes, provide details] : 3.3.4 Have all findings been cleared............................................................ [If No, provide details] : 3.4 Operational 3.4.1 Are cargo operations planned and recorded in accordance with the BLU Code .......................................................................... [If No, provide details] : 3.4.2 Are the Loading Instrument operational and test records available .......................................................................................... [If No, provide details] : 3.4.3 Is a Ballast Operations Log maintained........................................... 3.5 Manning 3.5.1 The number of nationalities represented on board are:........................ [Specify nationalities] : Chinese 3.5.2 The working language(s) understood on board is ..................... 3.6 Additional Comments or Observations on the Documentation Section. SECTION 4: STRUCTURAL CONDITION [Guidance Note: Any structural item fitted with a doubler should be marked as unsatisfactory and clarification entered in the appropriate comments field.] 3.3.3 Are deficiencies noted under Flag State inspections in the past 6 months?.................................................................................... [If Yes, provide details] : 3.3.4 Have all findings been cleared........................................................... [If No, provide details] : 3.4 Operational 3.4.1 Are cargo operations planned and recorded in accordance with the BLU Code .......................................................................... [If No, provide details] : 3.4.2 Are the Loading Instrument operational and test records available .......................................................................................... [If No, provide details] : 3.4.3 Is a Ballast Operations Log maintained........................................... 3.5 Manning 3.5.1 The number of nationalities represented on board are:........................ [Specify nationalities] : Chinese 3.5.2 The working language(s) understood on board is ..................... 3.6 Additional Comments or Observations on the Documentation Section. SECTION 4: STRUCTURAL CONDITION [Guidance Note: Any structural item fitted with a doubler should be marked as unsatisfactory and clarification entered in the appropriate comments field.] 4.1 Holds 4.1.1 Bulkheads...................................................................................... 4.1.2 Shell plating Frames, Brackets, Bracket connections.................... 4.1.3 Hopper and Stool sloping plating......................................... 4.1.4 Tank top plating................................................................... 4.1.5 Topside tank plating - as seen from hold spaces .......................... 4.1.6 Bilges, Suction boxes, Extended spindles etc. .............................. 4.1.7 Water ingress sensors................................................................... 4.1.8 Air vents, Sounding pipes Manhole covers.................................... 4.1.9 Hold ladders - rungs, stanchions, platforms ........................ 4.1.10 Protective coatings .......................................................................... 4.1.11 Hold ventilation, Fire dampers, Access spaces ............................. 4.1.12 Other general comments on hold condition: 4.2 Hatch Covers And Associated Areas 4.2.1 Hatch covers tops and sides ......................................................... 4.2.2 Hatch covers internal stays and/or stiffeners................................. 4.2.3 Sealing rubber, channels..................................................... 4.2.4 Compression bars and weight bearing pads ................................. 4.2.5 Securing cleats.............................................................................. 4.2.6 Track-ways and rollers .................................................................. 4.2.7 Hydraulic system - jacks, pipes & securing cleats ............... 4.2.8 Drains and non-return valves ........................................................ 4.2.9 Hatch coaming plates [fwd, aft, port & starboard].......................... 4.2.10 Hatch coaming stays [vertical and horizontal] ............................... 4.2.11 Hatch coaming connections to deck plates ................................... 4.2.12 Other general comments on hatch cover condition [Include any evidence of leakage etc.]: Repairs have been carried out on the hydraulic system. No leaks noted. 4.3 Ballast Tanks 4.3.1 Bulkheads in tank spaces.................................................... 4.3.2 Side shell plating ................................................................. 4.3.3 Frames, Brackets, Side & Longitudinal Stiffeners ............... 4.3.4 Tank sloping plating ............................................................ 4.3.5 Dump valves and filling valves for topside tanks ................. 4.3.6 Suction and Filling valves, Extended spindles, Markings .... 4.3.7 Air vents, Sounding pipes.................................................... 4.3.8 Manhole covers ............................................................................. 4.3.9 Protective Coatings ......................................................................... 4.3.10 Cathodic protection - anodes or others ............................... 4.3.11 Access spaces to tanks, ladders etc. .................................. 4.3.12 Sludge, scale and other deposits ............................................ 4.3.13 Other general comments on ballast tank condition: 4.4 Shell and Deck Plating, Fittings & Equipment 4.4.1 Shell plating (P&S) .............................................................. 4.4.2 Deck plating including forecastle and poop ......................... 4.4.3 Deck plating between hatches............................................. 4.4.4 Deck pipes and valves [fire main, bunker and hydraulic]..... 4.4.5 Air vents and Sounding pipes.............................................. 4.4.6 Watertight openings, access hatches, manholes ................ 4.4.7 Ventilators, Mushroom heads [including fire flaps] .............. 4.4.8 Railings, bulwarks and ramps.............................................. 4.4.9 Gangway, accommodation, deck and pilot ladders ............. 4.4.10 Non-slip paint, if applied .................................................................. 4.4.11 Windlass, winches: Brake-bands & linings......................................... Clutches, gears & controls.................................. Foundations........................................................ Spurling pipes, covers, cockspurs and guards ... Have the windlass/winch brakes been tested................. [Inspector to issue a recommendation if No.] [If Yes date of last test] ..................................... Are brake tests a part of the PMS .................................. [Inspector to issue a recommendation if No.] 4.4.12 Bollards, rollers & fairleads.................................................. 4.4.13 Mooring ropes, wires, anchors & cables.............................. 4.4.14 Bunkering connections, manifolds, save alls ................................. 4.4.15 Other deck machinery inc. storing and bunkering cranes.... 4.4.16 Deck lighting........................................................................ y 4.4.17 Other general comments on plating and deck fittings: Doubler plate previously reported on the ballast line now replaced with a new pipe section. New mooring ropes have been supplied to the vessel and all well identified. 4.5 Additional Comments or Observations on the Structural Condition Section. General cosmetic condition of decks and hatch coaming was satisfactory. One rope lead on the f'cle was damaged and it was recommended that it be repaired. SECTION 5: MACHINERY MANAGEMENT 5.1 Records and Manuals 5.1.1 Examination of machinery records [logbooks etc.] suggest all machinery items and systems are functional and in good order................................................................................................ 5.1.2 A complete set of all machinery manuals in a language understood by the senior engineers available on board. ................. 5.2 Observation Of Conditions In Machinery Spaces 5.2.1 Cleanliness in the engine room in way of scavenge spaces and crank case doors is good.......................................................... 5.2.2 Tank tops and bilge spaces in a good clean condition. ................... 5.2.3 Purifier room free of leaks and accumulation of oil.......................... 5.2.4 Drip trays in way of machinery items and fuel tanks dry.................. 5.2.5 Steering spaces clean, free of obstructions and oil leaks and readily accessible ............................................................................ 5.2.6 Engine room floor plates in place and free of obstructions.............. 5.2.7 Spare parts and other gear or equipment firmly secured and stored appropriately......................................................................... 5.2.8 Safety instructions appropriate to the space displayed ................... 5.2.9 Engine control room clean with chairs secured, no loose mats and garbage placed in proper bins .................................................. 5.2.10 Machinery guards in place............................................................... 5.2.11 Monitoring and indicating devices fitted to relevant machinery items and in working and safe condition.......................................... 5.2.12 Are gauges and instruments functional? ......................................... 5.2.13 Auto-closing devices on sounding pipes being used properly ......... 5.2.14 Lube oil samples are taken regularly............................................... 5.2.15 Any adverse comments on the condition of these oil samples ........ [If Yes, provide details] : Safety and Environment 5.3.1 It is evident that only safe and pollution-free practices are being followed in the machinery spaces [Compliance with MARPOL]........................................................................................ 5.3.2 Oily Water separator maintenance records in order ........................ 5.3.3 Oil content meter last calibration date ............................... 5.3.4 What type of planned maintenance system is in place for all machinery, including Steering Gear? ................................ 5.3.5 Critical Equipment and Systems have been identified by the Company and methods to promote reliability have been put in place................................................................................................ 5.3.6 Standby arrangements have been identified by the Company and regular testing of such equipment is conducted. ...................... 5.3.7 Gantry crane in ER last tested on (7) 5.3.8 Other general comments on safety and environmental issues: Chemical locker in the steering flat did not have the correct PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Only gloves were available. Also no Safety Data sheets available for the chemicals on board. OWS 15ppm alarm was tested during the inspection and found to be working satisfactorily. 5.4 Ballast Systems 5.4.1 No of ballast pumps & rating ...................................... 5.4.2 Stripping system............................................. 5.4.3 De-ballasting time required excluding ballast hold ................... 5.4.4 De-ballasting time required including ballast hold. ............ 5.4.5 Other general comments on ballast systems: Ballast system comprised of: 5 P&S Top side tanks, 5 P&S double bottom tanks, Apt Peak tank and Fore Peak. 5.5 Additional Comments or Observations on the Machinery Management Section. SECTION 6: BRIDGE MANAGEMENT 6.1 Bridge Equipment 6.1.1 Bridge and Radio Equipment is provided as per relevant regulations....................................................................................... 6.1.2 All Bridge and Radio Equipment is in good working order................. 6.1.3 Operating manuals for Bridge equipment are available on board in a language understood by the ship’s staff. ........................ 6.1.4 Other general comments on bridge equipment: Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) not in working order. (Note: Technician attendance had been requested by the Master). 6.2 Navigational Practices 6.2.1 Navigation records are available and maintained in a satisfactory state. ............................................................................ 6.2.2 Relevant and up-to-date navigational publications to aid vessel operations are available. ................................................................. 6.2.3 Up-to-date [corrected] charts for the intended voyage(s) have been prepared. ................................................................................ 6.2.4 Relevant and up to date marine notices for the trading patterns for the ship have been provided. ..................................................... 6.2.5 There is a defined practice for the collection, dissemination and monitoring of all latest navigation warning information. ............ 6.2.6 Operating procedures and instructions for Bridge functions are clearly specified, displayed and staff are aware of the same. ......... 6.2.7 There are Owners/Managers policy and procedures, which require the testing of all bridge and engine room equipment and instruments, critical to the safe navigation of the vessel, at relevant stages of the voyage. Records of such tests are maintained....................................................................................... 6.2.8 Other general comments on navigation practices: Additional Comments or Observations on the Bridge Management Section. SECTION 7: SAFETY, SECURITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 7.1 Certification 7.1.1 State issuing Authority for the Document of Compliance. Bureau Veritas 7.1.2 State date on which the Document of Compliance was issued................................................................................ 7.1.3 State date on which the Document of Compliance was last endorsed..................................................................... 7.1.4 State date on which the Safety Management Certificate was issued. ......................................................................... 7.1.5 Date of last internal audit................................................... 7.1.6 Date of last external audit.................................................. 7.1.7 Other general comments on safety certification: C 7.2 Safety Documentation 7.2.1 Are Safety Committee Meetings undertaken on a regular basis and with acceptable frequency?............................................. 7.2.2 Are minutes available for last two meetings? .................................. 7.2.3 The following are reported, investigated and analyzed: Non-conformities................................................................. Accidents .............................................................................. Hazardous occurrences [near-misses] ................................. 7.2.4 Corrective actions recorded for items in section 7.2.5 Corrective actions and close-out recorded for internal audits?............................................................................................. 7.2.6 Corrective actions and close-out recorded for external audits?........................................................................................... 7.2.7 Other general comments on safety documentation: 7.3 Safety Publications [In addition to statutory requirements] 7.3.1 Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port [ILO] ................................................................................................ 7.3.2 Guidelines on early assessment of hull damage and possible need for Abandonment of Bulk Carriers [MSC/Circ.1143] .............................................................................. 7.3.3 Guidelines for the mitigation and management of fatigue. [MSC/Circ.1014] .............................................................................. 7.3.4 Other general comments on safety publications: Solas amendments were missing. 7.4 Safety Plans & Drawings 7.4.1 Muster lists. ..................................................................................... 7.4.2 Fire Control Plans in accommodation and at gangways.................. 7.4.3 SOPEP kept with piping diagrams and other key plans. ................. 7.4.4 Contingency plans for emergency response. .................................. 7.3.5 Other general comments on safety plans & drawings: 7.4 Security Matters 7.5.1 Security was at level............................................................................. 7.5.2 Appropriate security system was being implemented...................... 7.5.3 Vessel has a valid Continuous Synopsis Record ............................ 7.5.4 Other general comments on security matters: 7.6 Environmental Plans and Records 7.6.1 Bunkering Plan. ............................................................................... 7.6.2 Garbage Management Plan ............................................................ 7.6.3 Ballast Management Plan................................................................ 7.6.4 Oil Record Book .............................................................................. 7.5.5 Other general comments on environmental plans and records: Safety Equipment Tests Specify which items of safety equipment, if any, were tested by the inspector: Safe Carriage Of Coal The vessel can be considered suitable for the carriage of coal cargoes as per IMO regulations. [Check all procedures, records, condition of monitoring equipment, sensing devices etc] .................................................. [If No, reasons for same] : The MSA ORION - Multigas detector on board is not suitable for measuring combustible gases in an oxygen deficient atmosphere. Noted that on the previous voyage, with a coal cargo on board, no records of testing the Ph value in hold bilges. The Ph test strips were onboard. Safety Culture What level of safety consciousness and practice is apparent onboard [including where applicable, legible display of relevant plans, safety notices, use of protective clothing etc.] ............................................ Additional Comments or Observations on the Safety, Security and Environmental Section. Noted that the fuel storage tank in the stbd lifeboat was only half full. Noted that BA bottles are sent ashore to be refilled as the BA compressor on board is no longer serviceable. Noted that the chemical locker did not have the appropriate personal protective equipment. It was recommended that calibration gas to be carried on board for the gas detection instruments (at present only annual shore calibration). Inspection & Review 1. Masters Review of SMS – Has it been completed in last 12 months – Is it effective – Does Shore Management provide Feedback? Last Masters Review was carried out on 30th April 2007. Reviews are carried out annually. Operators response sighted. Response to Safety Committee meeting minutes sighted. No recording of near miss reports. 2. Feedback from Management – Performance of Fleet (PSC, Safety, ISM Audits) – Investigation Reports of incidents – Is it provided? This is provided by circular letters to the fleet. 3. RightShip Inspections – Are Deficiencies and Recommendations correlated and whole Fleet informed? Distributed to the fleet by circular letter. Emergency Management 1. Has emergency drill involving Shore Management been conducted in last 12 months? Last drill (suspected terrorist) involving shore management was carried out on 19th April 2007. 2. Is there a program for drills and exercises. Is it followed and documented? Drills and exercises were being conducted in accordance with the Annual Drill Planner. Both lifeboats were waterborne on 18th Dec. 2007 3. Are Senior Officers aware of MSC/Circ. 1143 – Has any training been completed? Training required by MSC/Circ. 1143 was recorded on 28th Dec. 2007. Master and Chief Officer were aware of MSC/circ 1143 Safety Management 1. Is induction/familiarization for new crew members conducted – are records kept? It was recommended that calibration gas to be carried on board for the gas detection instruments (at present only annual shore calibration). Inspection & Review 1. Masters Review of SMS – Has it been completed in last 12 months – Is it effective – Does Shore Management provide Feedback? Last Masters Review was carried out on 30th April 2007. Reviews are carried out annually. Operators response sighted. Response to Safety Committee meeting minutes sighted. No recording of near miss reports. 2. Feedback from Management – Performance of Fleet (PSC, Safety, ISM Audits) – Investigation Reports of incidents – Is it provided? This is provided by circular letters to the fleet. 3. RightShip Inspections – Are Deficiencies and Recommendations correlated and whole Fleet informed? Distributed to the fleet by circular letter. Emergency Management 1. Has emergency drill involving Shore Management been conducted in last 12 months? Last drill (suspected terrorist) involving shore management was carried out on 19th April 2007. 2. Is there a program for drills and exercises. Is it followed and documented? Drills and exercises were being conducted in accordance with the Annual Drill Planner. Both lifeboats were waterborne on 18th Dec. 2007 3. Are Senior Officers aware of MSC/Circ. 1143 – Has any training been completed? Training required by MSC/Circ. 1143 was recorded on 28th Dec. 2007. Master and Chief Officer were aware of MSC/circ 1143 Safety Management 1. Is induction/familiarization for new crew members conducted – are records kept? 8.4 Enter observations on cranes and grabs in the following table: 8.5 Additional Comments or Observations on the Cargo Cranes Section
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