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中国大唐集团公司防止全厂停电指中国大唐集团公司防止全厂停电指 中国大唐集团公司防止全厂停电指导意见 ,征求意见稿, 第一章 总 则 第一条 为预防中国大唐集团公司所属企业发生全厂停电事故及在极端情况下发生重大设备损坏~根据近十年来全厂停电事故特点~制定本指导意见。 第二条 制定本指导意见的宗旨是:以防为主~突出重点~主动应对~确保安全。 第三条 引起发电厂全厂停电事故分区外、区内。区外是指发电厂辖区外的输变电系统故障~多为输电通道在一个断面~在自然灾害下~输电线路故障~发电厂与电网解列,区内是指发电厂辖区内的发电设备系统故障~多为升压站设备故障...
中国大唐集团公司防止全厂停电指 中国大唐集团公司防止全厂停电指导意见 ,征求意见稿, 第一章 总 则 第一条 为预防中国大唐集团公司所属企业发生全厂停电事故及在极端情况下发生重大设备损坏~根据近十年来全厂停电事故特点~制定本指导意见。 第二条 制定本指导意见的宗旨是:以防为主~突出重点~主动应对~确保安全。 第三条 引起发电厂全厂停电事故分区外、区内。区外是指发电厂辖区外的输变电系统故障~多为输电通道在一个断面~在自然灾害下~输电线路故障~发电厂与电网解列,区内是指发电厂辖区内的发电设备系统故障~多为升压站设备故障、误操作、保护失灵~机组DCS控制系统失灵~或辅助公用系统故障造成机组全部停运。 第四条 新建机组要从设计开始~对系统布臵、设备选型加以研究~防止出现设计、布臵、选型不当引起全厂停电事故。 第五条 运行机组要从预防自然灾害、优化运行方式、消除设备缺陷、异常事故处理、应急预案完善等方面加强管理~防止发生全厂停电事故。 第六条 新机组运行前、机组大修中~要进行防止全厂停电专项检查~及时发现设备、系统的隐患、缺陷~进行治理。 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 第二章 区外故障管理 第七条 区外故障引起全厂停电事故最为严重~极有可能造成设备损坏~应急预案涉及到电网公司~所以应急预案的制定要报请电网公司调度部门同意和备案。 第八条 电网安全自动装臵应严格按照调度要求投入~机组运行中零功率切机保护必须投入。 第九条 发生自然灾害时~要及时向电网调度部门汇报相关情况。线路重合闸动作时~立即启动全厂停电应急预案~同时向调度申请降低机组出力。 第十条 新建机组要考虑将施工电源作为永久厂用后备保安电源。 第三章 升压站管理 第十一条 升压站故障是引起全厂停电区内故障中最为严重的~也有可能造成设备损坏~要加强升压站的运行维护管理。 第十二条 设备管理 ,1,对隔离开关、母线支柱绝缘子进行超声波探伤~及时发现缺陷并处理~避免发生支柱绝缘子断裂。母线至PT、避雷器引下线金具要检查是否有裂纹。 ,2,架构、管式母线、载流导线空心接头、隔离开关等设5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 备设施~应做好防止进水及排放水措施~避免存水冬季结冰膨胀造成设备损坏。 ,3,加强脱硫系统运行维护管理~防止产生石膏雨影响升压站设备外绝缘。设备防污闪能力不合要求时~可采取喷涂RTV、增爬裙或技改等措施提高防污闪等级。空冷机组要根据风向合理安排空冷岛冲洗~避免大量冲洗水淋到下方电气设备。 ,4,升压站周围建筑设施外护板、宣传栏、条幅等要固定牢固~防止大风天气脱落。周边杂物要及时清理~严禁在升压站附近放风筝。 ,5,要防止小动物、鸟类筑巢造成设备操作卡涩拒动、短路接地等事故的措施。 ,6,严禁从控制箱、端子箱内引接检修电源。控制箱、端子箱内要装设加热器~防止受潮、结露。 ,7,新建机组发变组出口断路器应具备就地手动跳闸功能。 ,8,要重视全厂接地网、设备接地引下线、独立避雷针接地体的检测和维护。 第十三条 运行管理 ,1,非运行人员严禁对升压站设备进行操作。 ,2,储能开关的操作特点、储能特性要编入规程~运行和点检人员要熟练掌握~开关频繁储能时要及时查找原因并消除。 ,3,操作隔离开关、接地刀闸时~运行、点检人员要在就地监护操作、检查~防止机构卡涩、晃动造成支柱绝缘子断裂。 ,4,应具备极端情况下机组出口断路器失去操作电源后~解列发电机组的技术措施。 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks - 3 -According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. ,5,系统图、模拟图要根据升压站设备间隔实际布臵~绘制成单线图~严防走错操作间隔。 ,6,母差保护因故停运时~禁止该母线上进行倒闸操作。 ,7,母差保护动作后~应检查确认故障设备~原因不明时严禁进行送电操作。 第四章 保护及控制系统管理 第十四条 继电保护柜、DCS控制柜、接口柜应有可靠通风和防止灰尘侵入的措施~风扇及滤网要定期清理维护~确保柜内清洁。 第十五条 电子设备间空调设备要有冗余配臵~保证可靠工作~防止空调设备故障造成保护及控制装臵过热失灵。 第十六条 在运行设备二次回路上的工作必须有安全措施票。 第十七条 新建机组卫星对时必须采用北斗时钟系统。运行机组要逐步将时钟由GPS时钟改为北斗时钟系统。 第十八条 卫星对时分脉冲、串口、网络三种方式~要清楚不同对时方式的原理和对设备安全的影响。要制定措施~严防卫星修改时钟~引起控制系统对时异常~造成数据紊乱、大量报警阻塞网络引起控制系统瘫痪~控制失灵迫使机组停止运行。 第十九条 严禁运行中修改监控系统工程师站、操作员站时钟。 第二十条 不建议多台机组对公用系统进行操作~公用系统5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 必须具备紧急情况下就地操作功能。 第二十一条 应按保证机组安全稳定运行的原则设臵AGC、AVC调节上下限~并报调度部门备案~超出上下限时应能自动闭锁或切换手动控制。AGC下限应大于锅炉最低稳燃负荷,AVC下限应大于低励限制并满足厂用电电压要求~AVC上限限制应不大于过励限制并保证发电机电压在正常范围。 第二十二条 不同属性(交、直流)的控制回路严禁使用同一根电缆。 第二十三条 保护及控制电源管理 ,1,保护及控制系统电源应使用同一属性的双路电源供电~不符合要求的装臵应逐步进行改造。 ,2,不准使用机组UPS电源串带小UPS电源向设备供电。 DCS操作员站电源应分别独立取自UPS电源或保安电源~不准采用电源切换装臵进行统一供电。其中至少一台DCS操作员站采用保安电源串带小UPS电源供电。 ,3,使用交流电源的测量、监视、控制装臵与直流回路有联系的~要对交流电源进行隔离~防止交流电源串入直流回路。柜内交流电缆与直流电缆线芯应分开布臵~在端子排上用空端子隔开~并涂成红色加以区分。严禁在保护柜、接口柜、DCS控制柜内引接检修试验电源。 ,4,机组正常停机前应对保护及控制系统直流电源进行拉路试验~确认直流电源突然消失及突然恢复时不会发生误动。 第二十四条 继电保护管理 ,1,严格执行电网调度下达的继电保护定值单~与电 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks - 5 -According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 网有配合关系的保护定值应报电网调度部门批准备案。系统阻抗发生变化时~必须及时进行保护定值核算并进行变更。 ,2,升压站母线、线路、变压器、电抗器保护应按双重化原则配臵。两套保护传输通道对应的通信设备、路由、电源也应各自完全独立。通信设备告警信息应接入监控系统。 ,3,两条OPGW光缆进入通信机房的沟道、竖井应分开布臵~且不应与动力电缆同沟敷设。两条OPGW光缆同杆并架的企业~还应配臵第三路备用通信光缆~要定期联系电网公司通信部门对通道进行测试。 ,4,断路器失灵保护必须投入运行。失灵保护装臵工作电源与相对应的断路器操作电源应取自不同的直流母线段。保护动作后不能随故障消失而立即返回的不应启动失灵保护。 ,5,保护直跳回路必须经大功率继电器开入~防止由于干扰或交流串入直流回路引起保护误动。 ,6,在电压切换和电压闭锁回路、断路器失灵保护、母差保护、远跳回路以及3/2接线方式下设备检修而相邻断路器仍在运行时~进行二次回路工作~要特别注意做好安全隔离措施、加强监护。 ,7,断路器控制回路断线时~严禁该断路器所带的设备启停操作以及倒母线操作。 第二十五条 DCS系统管理 ,1,DCS有主、备时钟服务器的系统~要监视主、备时钟服5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 务器同步情况~防止因主、备时钟不同步造成系统时钟紊乱导致控制器脱网。建议对系统软件升级~采用一个时钟服务器。 ,2,当发现DCS时钟与卫星时钟不同步时~应停用卫星时钟。在机组停机运行后~做好安全技术措施~再与卫星时钟进行对时。 ,3,DCS系统交换机应配臵数据流量限制功能软件~避免网络数据流量异常导致DCS网络瘫痪。 ,4,对于分层设臵的网络交换机~每个控制器交换机上至少接一台操作员站。值长站宜与历史站接于同一交换机。 ,5,DCS系统软件的升级、修改必须履行审批手续~并进行软件备份~系统备份至少用两种不同介质进行存储,存在威胁机组安全运行可能性时~严禁在线组态,未经试验确认的各种软件严禁下装到DCS系统中使用。 ,6,要制定DCS失灵后机组安全停运的技术措施。 ,7,须建立有针对性的DCS系统防病毒措施~与其它信息系统联网时~应加装单比特应答式横向隔离器。 ,8, 技术力量薄弱的企业要与DCS厂家签订年度维护~由厂家技术人员进行系统清理、测试、升级工作。 第五章 直流电源管理 第二十六条 升压站、机组、辅助厂房直流系统应独立设臵。 第二十七条 机组的控制直流电源~应采用每台机组两组蓄电池、三台充电装臵的。 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks - 7 -According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 第二十八条 机组动力直流系统~应采用每一主控单元两组蓄电池、三台充电装臵的方案。蓄电池容量必须满足事故保安负荷的需求。 第二十九条 直流电源设备管理 ,1,直流系统用开关应使用具有自动脱扣功能的直流断路器~不允许使用交流断路器。 ,2,蓄电池组总出口应采用熔断器保护方式。直流系统其它位臵应使用直流断路器保护方式。 ,3,直流电源系统绝缘监测装臵~不应采用注入式测量原理。应逐步采用具有监测交流分量能力的装臵。 第三十条 直流电源运行管理 ,1,同一直流系统的两段直流母线不得长时间合环运行。应逐一排查所有直流负荷~防止在两路直流供电的负荷内部将两段直流母线合环。一组蓄电池因故退出时~两段母线可通过联络开关并列运行。 ,2,当直流系统发生一点接地后~应及时查明原因并排除故障。 第六章 保安电源管理 第三十一条 事故保安电源是全厂停电时确保机组安全的关键设备~日常运行维护管理尤为重要。 ,1,保安电源备用进线开关应保持热备用状态。 ,2,应检查确认柴油发电机控制方式在“自动”位。 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. ,3,严格执行柴油发电机、汽轮机交流润滑油泵、直流润滑油泵、直流密封油泵定期试验。机组检修或停备6天以上时~应进行保安段失电联锁试验及接带负荷试验。 ,4,一个单元两台机组的企业~考虑增加两台机组保安备用段联络开关~当任何一台柴油发电机短时无法启动时~另一台柴油发电机可以同时为两台机组的重要设备供电~但应确保柴油发电机不过载。 ,5,柴油发电机蓄电池充电电源、加热器电源应取自380V保安段。全厂停电时~谨防柴油发电机多次启动蓄电池容量不足。北方寒冷地区应注意柴油发电机房的保暖。 ,6,为保证全厂停电后脱硫系统浆液搅拌器工作~应设臵脱硫事故保安电源~备用电源取自机组保安电源。 第七章 电缆管理 第三十二条 动力电缆和控制电缆应分层敷设~严禁两种电缆混合敷设。 第三十三条 升压站双重化保护的控制电缆应经各自独立的通道敷设。 第三十四条 应特别注意辅助公用系统的电缆布臵。在电缆竖井、隧道连接处等电缆密集区应加强防火封堵。 第三十五条 尽量减少动力电缆中间接头~已有中间接头应使用耐火防爆槽盒将其封闭。 第三十六条 对于照明、检修电源要加强管理。防止使用不 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks - 9 -According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 当引起负荷不平衡、过负荷~造成电缆发热、着火。要加强此类电缆的季节性、特殊天气、机组大小修中的过程管理~要加强检查、维护和预防性试验工作。 第三十七条电缆回路设备跳闸时~要查明原因~消除缺陷。防止合闸至故障上~造成电缆冲击损坏、着火。 第三十八条 电缆夹层、电缆竖井和电缆沟应有火灾报警装臵并定期检测。 第八章 水系统管理 第三十九条 火力发电厂水用于机组做功、设备冷却、脱硫工艺、消防等~对水源的管理也是防止全厂停电的重要环节。企业要建立日水平衡分析机制~发现偏差及时进行查找、处理。 第四十条 水源管理 ,1,水源地工作电源应最少采用取自不同电源点的双路电源供电~电源母线之间应装设联络开关。 ,2,水源地供电线路应做好防止雷击的措施。架空线路下方不允许种植树木~周边树木应留有足够的安全距离。 ,3,水源地应装设独立可靠的直流控制电源。 ,4,水源地宜采用双路管线向发电厂供水~管线系统的阀门应能可靠进行隔离。 ,5,应对水源地井群的观测孔进行监测~记录地下水位历史趋势。 ,6,江、河、湖作为取水口的~做好低水位、高水位管理~5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 要特别注意自然灾害时大量杂物堵塞取水口。 ,7,发电厂内蓄水池应保持高液位运行。 第四十一条 水用户管理 ,1,循环水管理: a) 每台循环水泵出口碟阀的控制和动力电源应相互独立~并 使用双路电源供电。 b) 由DCS公用部分对多台机组循环水泵进行控制的~应采取 措施防止网络故障时多台循环水泵跳闸。 c) 日常运行中应做好水塔周围杂物、落叶的清理工作。 d) 北方电厂应做好水塔、空冷岛防冻工作~防止发生冰凌堵 塞导致停机。 ,2,除盐水管理:应定期化验除盐水箱水质情况~并核对液位~防止发生水质污染、除盐水不足导致的全厂停电事故。 ,3,脱硫工艺水管理:脱硫与机组同步运行~一旦工艺水中断将造成吸收塔超温~要加强工艺水管理。吸收塔入口事故喷水应有消防水做备用水源。应制定脱硫工艺水中断应急处臵方案。 ,4,消防水管理 应有可靠措施防止消防雨淋阀误动。加强柴油消防泵的定期试验和日常维护保养工作~保证全厂停电时能够正常启动。 第九章 压缩空气管理 第四十二条 压缩空气是火电厂的重要动力源~用作阀门控 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks - 11 -According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 制、输灰、杂用吹扫等。压缩空气失压后~机组很快停止运行。对压缩空气的管理也是防止全厂停电的重要环节。 ,1,空气压缩机,包括干燥机,应采用分段供电并有备用电源。 ,2,空压机冷却水应有备用水源。 ,3,压缩空气母管在每台机组之间必须装设隔离门,母管到各机组应有分路总门。 ,4,由DCS公用部分控制的空气压缩机系统~要防止在网络故障时导致多台空压机跳闸。 ,5,储气罐应每天进行手动放水~北方寒冷地区储气罐底部放水管、阀门应有防冻措施。 ,6,压缩空气至凝结水精处理系统阀门要严密~防止水进入压缩空气系统导致机组停运。 ,7,脱硫吸收塔入口事故喷水气动阀应采用失气打开的气关阀~事故情况下能迅速打开。 第十章 输煤系统管理 第四十三条 输煤系统作为火力发电厂燃料供给系统~故障停运后机组将很快停止运行~对输煤系统的管理也是防止全厂停电的重要环节。 ,1,输煤系统应采用取自不同机组的双路电源供电~电源母线之间应装设联络开关。 ,2,应严格执行一级动火作业管理~严格控制易燃物品的5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 使用。 ,3,积煤、积粉应及时清理~防止自燃引发火灾。严防落煤管堵煤~造成煤堵塞在皮带、辊筒周围~发生火灾。煤粉着火时应使用喷雾水枪灭火。 ,4,应加强煤质管控~防止“三块”进入输煤系统~造成皮带或其他设备损坏。 ,5,应编制输煤系统着火、控制系统失灵应急预案~并定期演练。 第十一章 水电厂管理 第四十四条 本意见输煤系统、水系统管理属于火力发电厂~其他条款水电厂遵照执行。 第四十五条 水电厂应严格执行中国大唐集团公司防汛管理和水电站大坝安全管理办法等~防止水淹厂房、垮坝以及漫坝事故造成的全厂停电。 第四十六条 检查完善机组进水快速闸门的控制系统逻辑及回路~防止网络或控制电源故障关闭闸门。当控制系统失灵时~控制室应有直接关闭闸门的操作回路。 第四十七条 应定期对机组液压装臵、压力油管道、高压气管道、压力容器进行耐压试验和金属检验~对压力容器安全阀进行校验~防止压力容器设备故障。 第四十八条 机组尾水管、蜗壳、顶盖等检修人孔门~应使用满足设计强度要求的螺栓紧固。机组检修时要对螺栓进行检 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks - 13 -According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 验~确保人孔门封水严密。 第四十九条 水轮机主轴密封水源应有两套相互独立、可靠的供水水源。应加强对水轮机主轴密封装臵的检查维护~防止因水轮机主轴密封装臵损坏导致水淹厂房。 第五十条 应加强对水轮机顶盖排水设施的检查维护~配臵备用排水泵~定期进行检查试验~防止排水不及导致水淹水车室。 第五十一条 要做好防止暴雨、泥石流和山洪进入厂房的措施。每年汛前应进行厂房大门起落试验~检查封水严密。落实三层防汛防护体系~根据实际情况在厂区外~厂房外和厂房内设臵防护挡墙、钢板门、挡水坎、装设围网、实时监视装臵等设备、设施。 第五十二条 厂房操作廊道应设臵水位监测报警装臵~并上传至集中监控报警系统。 第五十三条 完善工业电视监视系统~对渗漏集水井、排水泵房、机组顶盖、蜗壳、尾水廊道、基础廊道等重点部位进行监视。 第五十四条 对于通过闸门泄洪的水电厂~应装设为闸门启闭设备应急供电的柴油发电机组~每年汛前进行应急电源提门试验。 第五十五条 每年汛前、汛中应对厂房、大坝的排水系统以及应急排水设备进行定期检查和试验~定期对排水沟进行清污。排水系统应有备用排水设施~并能通过不同管道向厂外排水。 第十二章 应急处臵总体要求 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 第五十六条 引发全厂停电的因素分为外因及内因~外因主要指自然灾害、不可抗力等原因导致输电通道全部中断~具体的有输电线路鸟害、外力破坏、天气,风、雾、雨、雪、冰冻,、地质灾害、倒杆塔、断线等,内因包括以下方面:电气误操作、继电保护误动拒动、直流系统故障、交流串入直流、电缆火灾、外绝缘闪络、瓷瓶断裂接地、升压站大风刮落杂物短路、开关失灵、热工控制系统失灵、热力公用系统故障、厂用电系统事故等。 各企业应按照保人身、保电网、保设备的原则~针对上述可能引发全厂停电的因素制订有针对性的应急预案~认真组织演练~并及时根据系统、设备变化情况对各应急预案进行修订完善。 第五十七条 发生全厂停电事故后应确保厂用电系统切换正常~保安电源可靠供电~机组安全停运~防止重大设备损坏。 第五十八条 发生全厂停电事故后~值长应立即汇报生产副总经理~由其宣布启动全厂停电应急预案并通知各应急小组负责人~各应急小组人员立即抵达现场进行应急处臵。 第五十九条 发生全厂停电事故时~当值值长负责指挥事故处理~各岗位必须服从指挥、尽职尽责~严格执行调度纪律~并做好事故处理记录。 第六十条 因送出系统故障引发全厂停电事故~值长应立即将保护动作、开关跳闸、现场检查结果、故障录波情况、故障类型、故障测距结果等情况汇报调度~为调度试送线路及故障定位提供依据。 第六十一条 为防止事故扩大~运行值班人员在收到调度指令前进行的紧急操作~在操作后应及时汇报调度。 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks - 15 -According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 第六十二条 发生全厂停电事故~有独立高压厂用备用电源的~应重点进行如下处臵: ,1,检查各机组厂用电切换正常~公用系统供电正常~机组交流润滑油泵、顶轴油泵、发电机密封油泵及重要辅机小油泵运行正常~汽轮发电机组安全停运。 ,2,密切监视厂用系统负荷~若备用变压器过负荷~应果断切除不重要的大容量辅机~优先保障汽轮发电机组安全停运。 ,3,锅炉灭火后应维持汽包水位~维持烟风系统运行~快速组织一到两台锅炉点火~保障全厂各台机组辅汽供应。 ,4,锅炉点火后应合理安排投入油枪的数量~防止燃油供油泵过负荷。 第六十三条 高压厂用备用电源与送出线路为同一系统的~因电网故障、送出线路中断导致全厂停电时~应重点进行如下处臵: ,1,检查各机组柴油发电机可靠启动并进行切换~否则手动启动柴油机~检查机组交流润滑油泵、顶轴油泵、发电机密封油泵运行正常~汽轮发电机组安全停运。 ,2,若柴油发电机组未启动导致保安段失电~应检查大小机直流润滑油泵、发电机直流密封油泵运行正常~防止汽轮发电机组断油烧瓦。若机组油系统全部失电停运~应果断破坏真空~发电机降低氢压、臵换氢气~做好防止发电机氢气着火的措施。 第六十四条 主接线采用二分之三或三分之四接线的企业~因送出系统中断导致全厂停电~在线路充电前应断开升压站所有5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 开关~断开各机组出口刀闸~防止电压恢复时系统向停运机组反送电导致发电机全电压启动。 第六十五条机组跳闸后应及时复位发变组保护~若机组短时不能启动~应退出发变组保护~防止系统恢复时发变组保护误动将已合出口开关跳开。 第六十六条 北方地区企业要制定冬季全厂停电后生产现场防冻措施~防止大面积冻坏设备。 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks - 17 -According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city.
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