

2018-02-03 24页 doc 69KB 57阅读




公务员遴选题目公务员遴选题目 2013安徽省公务员遴选真题 第一题: 工业明胶不能食用,某地于2009年被媒体曝光一些企业将工业明胶出售给不法药品公司。之后该地政府对明胶生产企业进行了整改。并在县政府网站上向社会和媒体宣布明胶生产、销售已经得到规范。 今年该地被媒体曝光其明胶90%被食用或被出售给药厂制作胶囊,省里非常重视,省领导非常重视,批示成立调查组调查。 题目1:如果你是调查组成员,请写出工作开展思路(200字以内) 15分 第二题 材料1:某省省直机关公开遴选公务员暂行办法规定遴选报考人员需具备:具有两年以上基层工作经历...
公务员遴选题目 2013安徽省公务员遴选真题 第一题: 工业明胶不能食用,某地于2009年被媒体曝光一些企业将工业明胶出售给不法药品公司。之后该地政府对明胶生产企业进行了整改。并在县政府网站上向社会和媒体宣布明胶生产、销售已经得到规范。 今年该地被媒体曝光其明胶90%被食用或被出售给药厂制作胶囊,省里非常重视,省领导非常重视,批示成立调查组调查。 题目1:如果你是调查组成员,请写出工作开展思路(200字以内) 15分 第二题 材料1:某省省直机关公开遴选公务员暂行办法规定遴选报考人员需具备:具有两年以上基层工作经历;近两年年度考核为称职以上等次;年龄原则上不超过35周岁,特殊急需专业人才年龄可以适当放宽;具有大学本科以上学历;符合公开遴选职位所需的专业或技能条件。 材料2:某省直机关公开遴远公务员,一网友在某部门“厅长信箱”中留言,反映该单位招录的一名信息管理人员,其学历要求为研究生学历、硕士学位很不合理。质疑这样不公平。他认为既然是面向基层选公务员,为何要求这么高,并对此感到不解。 题目2:假如你是该部门的人事处工作人员,请草拟一份回复网友的材料。(300字以内) 18 分 Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 第三题 资料较长,主要是某省开展走访基层服务群众活动大致为: 某省以“三项活动”为抓手,省直部门组织开展“走访基层活动”,省直部门一把手纷纷深入农村社区,厂矿企业,走近下岗职工,进城务工人员中,广泛征询群众意见和建议,同时开展调研走访,结对帮扶困难群众等活动,走访期间,深入企业群众n 户,帮助群众n 户,形成调研报告n 篇等。 党的群众路线教育实践活动开展以来,安徽省直机关工委积极组织参加第一批教育实践活动的单位,广泛开展“大调研、大走访、大帮扶、大服务”活动,百名副厅级以上领导干部深入基层一线,与群众“零距离”接触、“面对面”交流、“手牵手”结对、“心贴心”相助,进一步转变机关工作作风,密切党群干群关系。 这段详细解释了三项活动的内涵。 日前,在安徽省直工委联系帮扶村——阜阳市颖东区插花镇赵店村,省工委书记张国富一行冒雨开展驻点调研、走访慰问困难党员群众活动。中午时分,张国富一行来到村民朱建国家中,询问家庭困难情况,征求村民的意见,并送上慰问金,还与朱建国家人一起共进午餐,离开时张国富和随行人员支付了午餐费。朱建国感动地说:“省里的干部一点架子都没有,真心实意地为咱老百姓谋发展。” 活动中,省直机关93个单位的班子成员,深入厂矿车间,了解企业在发展中遇到的困难和问题,征求对政策、服务、环境的意Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 见和要求;深入项目建设一线,了解影响和制约项目建设和发展面临的新情况、新问题;深入社区乡村,广泛征求群众对干部作风及机关工作的意见和建议。7月份以来,共走访企业112家、社区400个、群众8240多户,召开各类座谈会690多个,收集意见建议12700多条。 省直机关百名厅局长充分发挥本单位在知识、技术、信息等方面的优势,主动帮助基层进一步厘清发展思路,找准发展突破口,并整合各种资源,协调各方力量,助推基层发展。7月份以来,该省省直单位共为122个基层联系点制定发展项目600多个,提供项目支持700个,帮扶特色产业1100项,提供帮扶资金1亿多元。 题目3:结合上述材料写一篇500字以内的新闻报道。20分 第四题及第五题 大题目,有十几段资料,主要内容是 我国社会组织成长情况,公共服务提供情况 南京市社会组织培养经验 国外经验 等 1、我国人口老龄化加快。 2、我国社会组织发展迅速,并在医疗卫生、教育培训、慈善等事业上贡献良多,提供了公共服务。 3、中科院调查显示我国公共服务支出增长率低于经济增长率,低于财政支出增长率。 4、一项研究显示我国公共服务严重滞后于经济社会发展和群众需求。 Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 5、欧盟、日本在公共服务外包上采取的措施。包括出台专门的法律进行公共服务强制外包的规定、规范招投标等,取得了显著的效果。 6、南京鼓楼区在公共服务上探索“市场化运作,契约化管理”的基本思路,在居民养老服务、市民信息服务、农贸市场门前及周边管理上取得成效 2009年鼓楼区全区60岁以上老年人口有9.3万人,占全区人口的15,,养老事业任务繁重。为破解养老难题,早在2003年11月,鼓楼区就率先创建了“居家养老服务网”,通过购买民间组织“心贴心老年服务中心”(以下简称“心贴心”)的居家养老服务,为鼓楼区高龄独居的困难老人每月免费提供20个小时的服务。目前居家养老服务网服务对象达5500多人,基本实现了辖区内70岁以,上孤寡、独居老人免费服务全覆盖。此外,在2005年,鼓楼区就把“筑巢引凤”变为“租巢引凤”,出台了《鼓楼区资助社会力量兴办社会福利机构实施办法》,成功运作了民营“金康老年护理中心”(以下简称“金康”)租房项目,区政府每年为“金康”支付150万元的房租,同时还支付各类床位、护理等补贴,推进了养老服务的社会化。 7、打造96180热线综合服务平台等,为社会公众提供优质的公共服务产品。 8、农贸市场门前管理物业化。先将农贸市场门前交给物业公司,后期又将农贸市场交给物业,实现物业化管理,增加了就业。 Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 9、道路机扫。通过招标,实现道路清扫外包,道路机扫率提高,节省下的资金和人力分流到周边小区,提高了小区的管理水平和清洁度。南京市鼓楼区在推进环卫体制改革中,18条主次干道外包全年共需运作资金570多万元,由区财政承担。车辆购置、养车、养人等费用全部由承接公司承担,全区机扫率由15,提高到59,,保洁员的劳动强度大大降低。环卫所将逐步把节省下来的人员分流到小区院落,用于加强小区院落保洁,提升了全区的整体保洁水平。鼓楼区逐步改变了“养人办事、人浮于事”的低效运行状况,建立了“费随事转”和“养事不养人”的公共服务新模式,有效推进了政府职能的转变。 10、李克强总理在一次会议上的讲话,大致为:创新方式,提供更好的公共服务,是惠及人民群众、深化社会领域改革的重大措施,又是加快服务业发展、扩大服务业开放、引导有效需求的关键之举,也是推动政府职能转变,推进政事、政社分开,建设服务型政府的必然要求。要放开市场准入,释放改革红利,凡社会能办好的,尽可能交给社会力量承担,加快形成改善公共服务的合力,有效解决一些领域公共服务产品短缺、质量和效率不高等问题,使群众得到更多便利和实惠。 题目4:结合材料6—9,请结合材料,归纳总结鼓楼区在公共服务上的工作成效。(200字,分条叙述) 12 分 题目5: .结合材料以“我国公共服务的发展方向”为话题。自拟标题,写一篇1000字左右的议论文。 35分 Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 第一个材料:40分 假如你是某省扶贫办综合处科员,扶贫办主要落实国家扶贫政策,处理扶贫事宜。下设六处,你在的是综合处,要协助扶贫事宜,处理联络工作,材料工作,协办扶贫事项,协助业务科室等。以下六件事,需要你一小时内处理,请回答。 1. 在省科技厅支持下,扶贫办要做农村科技人员培训,培训分3期,全省各县农村科技人员上报参加2-3人。问:请写出培训要点。200字内。(6分) 2. 青少年发展基金会在你省实行希望厨房计划,给你办发来:7月11-14日要去你省B县试点学校调研希望厨房实施情况,一行三人。处长要求你接待并促使温暖午餐计划得到更多支持。问:请给出接待方案要点。限250字内。(7分) 3. 你省7月11日要举办重点产业项目评估会议,出席人有各地分管副县长、扶贫办领导、财政、发改委负责人,专家等,会议要交给B市扶贫办举行。问:写一个委托B市扶贫办举办会议的通知。限200字内。(5分) 4. 一封记者建议信,大意是说他去贫困县发现很多贫困户,有的残疾、有的孤寡,有的没钱看病,有的没钱上学等,希望扶贫办能实行贫困户分类登记制度并发布,让更多人更好的帮助这些人。你的大领导让你酌办,你处长让你书面回复记者,请写出书信要点。限250-300字。(7分) Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 5. 给了某县慈善部门相关经验,材料上来先说本县捐助日结束后,干部群众收到一个短信,内容为本次捐助款收到多少钱,支出多少钱。然后具体介绍慈善部门相关做法,大意是本县慈善部门设立慈善短信专号,给群众发送短信汇报慈善款支出情况,建立网上平台,发布款项信息,捐款很快登记公开等。做到了公开透明,取得好效果。问:请总结某县慈善部门可推广经验。限250字内。(7分) 6. 你省把每年7.31定为慈善日,获得踊跃捐款,效果很好。但有的单位要求职工强制捐款,达不到数额还会被谈话。请就此问题规范慈善日活动。问:请写出规范慈善日的工作思路与方法(步骤)。限300字内。(8分) 第二个材料:30分 第一部分,首先介绍十八大三中全会要求深化政治改革,创新管理,打造服务型政府,提高科学管理水平。其次说政府服务要向市场购买。 第二部分,介绍A市购买环卫服务时出现的现状。 1. A市公开招标购买环卫。环卫企业700多家,但a类30家,b类200多,c类400多,好企业少,政府能供选择少。有的企业规模大,发展能力弱,跨区域市场开拓能力差。 2. A市环卫企业数量少,规模小,标准低。标准高的大企业Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 收费高,不敌标准低收费低的小企业。环卫机械化水平和技术低,造成政府惩罚措施不好落实。 3. 环卫服务不确定性高,为创建环卫城市等,市里不分时间段,经常在晚上去街道抽查。街道与企业一般签8-16小时服务约,检查时就要改成24小时约。不确定性造成企业成本不稳定,影响价格或服务质量。 4. 政府想签1年短约防止企业投机,企业想签3年以上长约,以保证收益稳定。企业说一般第一年投入,第二年稳定,第三年才有盈利。签短约他们害怕解约造成亏本,就不愿多投入,从而影响服务质量。 5. 街道主任说:他们缺钱,检查任务重。投标时也不能知道企业到底什么样。专家说,缺钱和企业差只是一部分原因,还有很大原因在于管理水平差。 问题: 1. 请总结A市环卫服务出现问题的原因,限250字内。(10分) 2. 请谈谈你的看法和建议。要求:结合十八大三中全会精神,限450字内。(20分) 第三个材料:30分 假设你是某省某厅综合处的人,材料给了你系统三个市局落Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 实党的群众路线教育实践活动的情况,需要向你省党的群众路线教育实践活动领导小组写2013下半年教育实践活动汇报材料。你负责写基本做法和主要成效两部分,请根据汇报材料的内容结构写。限1000字内。 7月份,领导班子带头,开会,集中学习。8月份开生活会、座谈会、写,征文,交流,警示教育等等各种活动。9月份下基层,走群众,联系帮扶。10月开展检查运动、整风运动、整治四风,纠正各种违规问题,集中学习等11月份再检查,继续学习,继续整顿等等。 2014年5月25日河南省郑州市级机关遴选公务员笔试题 判断题10个 二、单选10个 三、简答 1、社会主义核心价值体系的内容 2、群众路线教育实践活动的意义 四、案例分析 1、官员干部上街打扫卫生、当志愿者、擦皮鞋等现象,深入基层群众现象。 问一:好事被看成“做秀”,你怎么看, 问二:如何践行全心全意为人民服务的宗旨 Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 2、办公室的小陈,领导出差,被安排任务: 一是外市来考察学习3天,要安排接待,后勤等需要可以和办公室协调 二是手头上正在处理来自下面县区的干部培训报名情况、单位人员工资汇总表 三是副局长的群众路线材料要明天完成上交 四是老刘正在埋头工作 五是小邹请假,还要帮他处理几个事 小陈如此做:陪同考察两天,第二天晚上车坏了,调不到车,去租车; 完了又接到电话,当晚要为同学接机,副局长催材料; 第三天考察团走了,领导回来了,批评办公室干部培训的电话无人接,租车违反规定…… 问:如果你是小陈,你怎么做。 五、机关党员干部如何加强自身思想作风建设,写一篇议论文,不少于1000字。 2014年4月河北保定市委办公厅遴选机关工作人员面试题1、一个网络大V,因蓄意编造谣言,侮辱他人,被批准逮捕。而现在我们又倡导言论自由,你怎么看, 2、你新到一个单位工作,你的分管领导经常直接安排任务给你,Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 你的处长对你非常不满意,说你走领导路线,你怎么办, 3、上级部门领导来你单位开展调研,领导要你负责安排,你怎么办, 2014年7月12日黑龙江省行政机关公开遴选公务员笔试题 时间:7月12日上下午 上午卷:第一部分(共50分) 材料:2014年7月7日晚23:10分,某市一个已被停业整顿的煤矿违规开采发生透水事故,近百名矿工被困井下。事故发生10分钟后,当地政府马上开始救援并将情况上报给省政府,省政府领导决定于2014年7月8日凌晨一点召开紧急会议,部署救援工作。2014年7月8日上午五点,省政府主要领导到达事故现场,此时已有68名矿工获救,经反复核查,井下还有25名矿工。省政府主要领导决定不惜一切代价全力营救,截至2014年7月9日,被困的25名矿工有24名获救,1人死亡。之后省政府立 即召开了全省煤矿安全电视电话会议,认定了事故原因,对有关人给与了行政处分,并表示要充分吸取教训,坚决杜绝此类事故的发生。 题目1、如果你是省政府办公厅的工作人员,向主要领导写一篇关于全面开展救援工作的请示。(10分) 题目2、省政府领导接到请示后马上进行批示,并决定立即召开紧急会议,作为省政府办公厅工作人员,写一篇会议通知。(10分) Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 题目3、请草拟一份救援方案提纲供会上讨论。(15分) 题目4、向国务院写一篇关于此次事故的简要情况说明。(15分) 第二部分(共30分) 材料是有关社会公平公正的,太长了实在记不住,只能省略了... 题目1、写出材料中四个自然段的段首语。(12分) 题目2、怎样看待社会公平公正。(9分) 题目3、如何促进和保障社会公平公正。(9分) 第三部分(20分) 同理材料略,是关于培育和践行社会主义核心价值体系的 题目:如何看待培育和践行社会主义核心价值体系。(貌似是的,囧)下午卷:材料巨长,我数了下大概有11个自然段,是关于对外开放的,大概内容如下,归纳不到位或者遗漏的地方欢迎指正。 先引用了习总书记的话,肯定了对外开放的地位以及意义,又引出“两带一路”的提出标志着我国已进入沿海开放和内陆沿边开放的新格局,然后介绍了国家政策对沿边开放的扶持,介绍黑龙江省的地理位置,区位情况,重点点出黑龙江省对俄贸易量占全国前列,指出黑龙江省近年来对外开放转型取得的成功,同时也写出了对外开放的劣势,与发达省区的对外开放程度仍有差距。然后写目前中俄两国处在关系最好时机,双边务实合作项目很多,“中俄博览会”为双边合作和发展第三方国家合作提供了好的平台。 Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 省政府决定召开关于扩大对外开放会议,会议任务一是学习并贯彻习总书记关于对外开放一系列讲话精神,二是审议《黑龙江省关于进一步对外开放的意见》(大概是这名,记不清了),三是对当前和今后一段时期的对外开放工作进行部署。某主要领导主持会议并讲话。 题目1、为某主要领导写一篇讲话稿。(2500字以上)(80分) 题目2、假如你是省报记者,写一篇关于此次会议的报道。(少于800字)(20分) 2014年3月15日中共河北省委组织部遴选公务员笔试题 1、把握京津冀协同发展机遇,确定和培育优势、特色、互补性产业。(论述题) 2、在推进工业化和城镇化的进程中构建和谐社会。(论述题) 3、积极发展党内民主,维护党的集中统一。(论述题) 2014年3月15日昆明市直机关公开选调公务员笔试题 四、题简答(4*5分) 1、公务员的义务, 2、什么是行政复议, 3、行政管理的功能, 4、公务员公共服务的能力, Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 五、论述题(25分) 自己谈谈对“中国梦”的理解, 六、改错题(10分) 给出一篇请示文章,指出错误并改正。 2013年11月30日山东省济宁市公开遴选公务员笔试题及参考答案(附面试题) 笔试时间:2013年11月30日上午9:00—12:00一、辨析题,共5道,每题4分。1、辩证唯物法和形而上学是两种对立的世界观方法论,其主要分歧为是否承认事件是社会历史性。 这种说法是错误的,因为::?唯物辩证法和形而上学是两种对立的发展。它们的对立主要表现在: l 第一 唯物辩证法用普遍联系的观点看世界,形而上学则是用孤立的观点看世界。 l 第二 唯物辩证法用发展变化的观点看世界,而形而上学则用静止不变的观点看世界。 l 第三唯物辩证法认为矛盾是普遍存在的,矛盾是事物发展的动力和源泉;形而上学则否认事物内部存在的矛盾,把事物变化的原因归结为外部力量的推动。 ?唯物辩证法和形而上学的根本分歧和斗争焦点在于是否承认矛盾,是否承认矛盾是事物发展的动力和源泉。 2、经济体制改革是全面深化改革的重点,核心是正确处理好政府与企业的关系。 Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 这种说法是错误的,因为:党的十八届三中全会明确指出,经济体制改革是全面深化改革的重点,核心问题是处理好政府和市场的关系,使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用。 3、党的集中统一是生命。 这种说法是错误的,因为:党的十八大报告中指出,党内民主是党的生命,集中统一是党的力量保证。 4、收入分配制度应坚持初次分配和再分配都要注重效率,再分配要兼顾公平。 这种说法是错误的,因为:《关于深化收入分配制度改革的若干意见》中规定,初次分配和再分配都要兼顾效率和公平,初次分配要注重效率。 5、一切经济问题是需要无限和资源有限的矛盾引起的,经济体制决定资源配置全局。 这种观点是正确的,因为:马克思主义政治经济学原理告诉我们,一切经济问题都是由需要无限与资源有限这个矛盾引起的。决策者应当使经济体制规定的各种有限资源尽量用于最佳用途,取得最高收益,这就是资源优化配置问题。二、辨析题第6题10分,7、8题各15分,总分40分。6、材料是关于西江市成立机动三轮车管理办公室,张某因违反政府规定,为持证上岗被责令停运并罚款1000元的例子。第一题问该管理办公处罚是否合法,第二题问如果张某不服,以谁为复议被申请人。第三题为张某因生Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology: 病需要在外地长期接受治疗,该复议如何处理。还有三道题忘了。 7、材料是史上最严交通法规的例子,要求考生对暂停黄灯处罚这一事件进行评价,并以决策和执行的角度进行分析如何防止类似政策制定又被废除的事情发生。 8、材料主要说的是网上有人发帖说黄河市政府秘书处一开车的的司机不遵守交规与以出租车司机发生车辆摩擦,把人打成重伤,其实这件事情是网上讹传,根本不是事实,问如果市政府要求你来澄清事件,并且如何加强网络舆情监测。三、综合写作题,第9题10分,第10题30分,共40分9、材料是某局关于开展作风大转变、效能大提速、环境大优化活动,要求写活动策划方案,不超过500字(给了600字的空格) 10、大作文,题目是凝识聚力破除改革懈怠,要求1500字左右(给了1800字的空格) Lippincott Williams &Wilkins 2009 participate in modifying the rules for the implementation of personnel: review: Chen Shengdi Ruijin hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wang Xin Zhao Zhongxin, Zhongshan hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Changzheng hospital, second military medical University Sun xiaojiang Liu Zhenguo sixth people's hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Xinhua Hospital wrote: Wang Shaoshi branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University affiliated first people's Hospital Rule of Dermatology Dermatology clinical science is a covering a wide range of disciplines. Professional content including Dermatology, ... More than a month. Third, during the three-year rotation Department and schedule Web Department name 1th year provides Web departments: cardiology respiratory medicine ~ 2 months ~ 2 month obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic 2-4 Urology Clinic 2-4 weeks plastic surgeons or little operating room 1-2 months to choose Web-Department of General Surgery (more than 2) renal Endocrinology internal medicine 1 month 1 month rheumatic Rooms 1 month 1 month 2nd year visits: Ward 3-6 months: 3 years out of the 6-9 months: 1-3 months Ward: 3-6 months of emergency: independent, and 1 times per week or more than 1 skin Pathology:
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