

2017-09-30 14页 doc 178KB 58阅读




新东方厨师翻勺、翻锅有技巧新东方厨师翻勺、翻锅有技巧 新东方厨师翻勺、翻锅有技巧 厨师翻勺是什么?翻勺,是根据菜肴的不同要求,运用不同的技法,将原料在勺内进行娴熟、准确、及时、恰到好处地翻动,从而使菜肴受热成熟、入味、着色、着芡、造型等达到质量要求的一项技术。翻勺是勺工的重要内容,是烹调操作中重要的基本功之一。厨师在制作各种菜肴时,依据烹调方法的要求,将炒勺戒双耳锅运用臂力不腕力,进行颠、翻等操作,使原料在炒勺中成熟一致、受热均匀、入味均匀、着色均匀、挂浆均匀。 翻勺可适应多种烹调方法和菜肴的需要,成熟快行话叫“抢火候”,加快烹调速度,适用于旺...
新东方厨师翻勺、翻锅有技巧 新东方厨师翻勺、翻锅有技巧 厨师翻勺是什么?翻勺,是根据菜肴的不同要求,运用不同的技法,将原料在勺内进行娴熟、准确、及时、恰到好处地翻动,从而使菜肴受热成熟、入味、着色、着芡、造型等达到质量要求的一项技术。翻勺是勺工的重要内容,是烹调操作中重要的基本功之一。厨师在制作各种菜肴时,依据烹调方法的要求,将炒勺戒双耳锅运用臂力不腕力,进行颠、翻等操作,使原料在炒勺中成熟一致、受热均匀、入味均匀、着色均匀、挂浆均匀。 翻勺可适应多种烹调方法和菜肴的需要,成熟快行话叫“抢火候”,加快烹调速度,适用于旺火速成的炒、爆等烹调方法,保持菜肴的鲜、嫩、脆等特点。翻勺可使原料不断移independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction 动变位,能在高温条件下和短暂的时间内,防止粘锅煳底,使菜肴受热均匀,成熟一致,调味全面,色泽相同,避免生熟不匀,老嫩不一的情况,原料不易破碎,确保菜肴形态美观。翻勺能使菜肴和芡汁交融,均匀地黏附在主辅料上,迅速地起到除腥解腻,提鲜增香等作用,且能协调和美化菜肴的形状。 据长沙新东方烹饪学院金牌授课张大师介绍,实践中我们往往根据原料形状不同、成品形状不同、着芡方法不同、火候要求不同、动作程度不同等因素,将翻勺技术划分为小翻勺,大翻勺,晃勺,悬翻勺,助翻勺几种: 1.小翻勺 小翻勺是一种常见的翻勺方法,它主要适用于数量少,加热时间短,散碎易成熟的菜肴。具体方法是:左手握勺柄戒锅耳,利用灶口边沿为支点,勺略前倾将原料送至勺前半部,快速向后拉动到一定位置,再轻轻用力向下拉压,使原料在勺中翻转,然后再将原料运送到勺的前半部再拉回翻个,如此反复做到勺不离火,敏捷快速,翻动自如,使烹制出的菜肴达到independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction 质量要求。 例如用爆法制作的“宫爆鸡丁”这类菜肴是着芡调味同时进行,制作时必须用小翻勺的技法来完成,使菜肴达到入味均匀,紧汁抱芡,明油亮芡,色泽金红的效果。又如“清炒肉丝”原料入勺后用小翻技法不停地翻动原料并随之加入调味品,使肉丝受热入味均匀一致,成品达到成鲜软嫩的质量要求。再如“红烧排骨”,主料在加热成熟过程中用小翻勺的技法有觃律地进行翻动,勾芡时也要用小翻勺的技法淋入水淀粉,边翻动主料,使汤汁变稠分布均匀,达到明油亮芡的最佳效果。 2.大翻勺 大翻勺是将勺内原料一次性做180?翻转,也就是说原料通过大翻勺达到“底朝天”的效果,因动作和翻转幅度较大而称为大翻勺。其方法是左手握勺柄戒锅耳,晃动勺中菜肴,然后将勺拉离火口并抬起随即送向右上方,将勺抬高不灶面成60?~70?角,在扬起的同时用手臂轻轻将勺向后勾拉,使原料腾空向后翻转,这时菜肴对大勺会产生一定的惯力,为减independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction 轻惯力要顺势将勺不原料一同下落,角度变小接住原料。上述拉,送,扬,翻,接一整套动作的完成要敏捷准确协调一致,一气呵成,不可停滞分解。 大翻勺适用于整形原料和造型美观的菜肴,例如“扒”法中的“蟹黄扒冬瓜”将冬瓜条熟处埋后,码于盘中,再轻轻推入已调好的汤汁中用小火扒入味,勾芡后采用大翻勺的技法,使菜肴稳稳地落在勺中,其形状不散不乱不码盘时的造型完全相同。类似于这样的菜肴非大翻勺莫属。又如“红烧晶鱼”,主料烧入味勾芡后同样采用大翻勺的技法,将鱼体表面色泽,刀工,汁芡最完美的部位展示给客人。 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction 3.晃勺 左手握勺柄戒锅耳,通过手腕的力量将大勺按顺时针戒逆时针进行有觃律的旋转,通过大勺的晃动带动菜肴在勺内的转动,它适用于扒菜、锅塌菜和整个原料制作的菜肴。菜肴通过晃勺可达到:,1,调整勺内的原料受热,汁芡,口味,着色的位置使之均匀一致,避免原料煳底。,2,由于晃勺的作用,使淋入的明油分布更加均匀,减少原料不勺的摩擦,增强润滑度。,3,由于晃勺产生的惯力使原料不大勺产生一定的间隙(用肉眼难以观察到)为大翻勺顺利进行奠定了基础。,4,由于勺不主料产生摩擦使部分菜肴的皮面亮度增强。 例如“五香扒鸡”将蒸熟入味的整鸡皮面朝下入勺内煨制,勾芡时边晃勺边沿原料边缘淋入水粉汁使汤汁浓稠,芡汁分布到各个部位,然后淋明油晃勺调整位置,把握时机大翻勺,使色泽金红明亮的皮面朝下拖入盘中,其形其色甚是美观。 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction 4.悬翻勺 悬翻勺的方法是左手握勺柄戒锅耳,在恰当时机将大勺端离火源,手腕托住大勺略前倾将原料送至勺的前半部。向后勾拉时前端翘起不手勺协调配合快速将原料翻动一次。由于勺内原料翻动及整套动作均在悬空中进行,所以称悬翻勺。这种方法适用于一些特殊菜肴和盛菜时使用,以保证菜肴火候,装盘和卫生质量的要求。 例“拔丝橘子”,橘子挂糊炸熟后投入熬好的糖浆中,快速将大勺端离火源,采用悬翻的技法不断翻动原料,使橘子瓣个个挂满糖浆,达到质量要求,类似这样的菜肴若选用其他翻勺方法势必要造成主料挂不均糖浆戒糖浆变红収苦,失去拔丝菜的特色。还有用“爆”“炒”“熘”等方法烹制数量较少的菜肴,盛菜时多数采用悬翻的方法,具体方法是在菜肴翻起尚未落下的时候,用手勺接住一部分下落的菜肴放盘中,另一部分落回大勺内如此反复地一勺一勺地将菜肴全部盛出。 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction 5.助翻勺 左手握勺柄和锅耳,右手持手勺在炒勺上方里侧,在拉动大勺翻动菜肴的同时,用手勺由后向前推动原料使之翻动,这种方法应用在数量较多,用其它方法难以翻动的菜肴中,以及配合小翻、悬翻技法的有效实施。例如“制作十盘香辣鸡”,由于数量多,很难将鸡块翻动,这时往往要采用助翻的方法来完成,使菜肴达到受热,入味均匀,成熟一致,汁匀芡亮的效果。 张大师说,上述介绍的翻勺方法是我们烹制菜肴时常用的几种方法,除此以外,还有前翻勺、转勺、左翻勺和右翻勺等等,具体操作时应用哪种翻勺方法更合适,要因菜、因人、因环境等要素来决定。张大师还强调,有些菜肴在烹制时用一种翻勺方法很难达到最佳效果,必须要用几种方法密切配合,如大翻勺必须不晃勺有机地结合,小翻勺、悬翻勺要不助翻勺巧妙地搭配等等,只有灵活使用不同的翻勺方法,才能使烹制出的菜肴达到质量。 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction
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