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旅行社产品的销售渠道旅行社产品的销售渠道 《旅行社管理》作业 2011 —2012第一学期 题 目:旅行社产的销售渠道 本文是从销售和销售渠道两方面来写的,简略的了解下销售, 着重了解销售渠道。如何选择和开创旅行社产品的销售渠道,是 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, effort...
旅行社产品的销售渠道 《旅行社管理》作业 2011 —2012第一学期 目:旅行社产的销售渠道 本文是从销售和销售渠道两方面来写的,简略的了解下销售, 着重了解销售渠道。如何选择和开创旅行社产品的销售渠道,是 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 旅行社得到更好发展的重要体现。大多数旅行社销售渠道都是采取直销的方式,很少数建立了旅游电子商务网站(如青旅在线),日常业务操作还停留在手工操作阶段,科技含量低,未能真正引入计算机管理,对网络营销、电视直销、商业信函,概念销售,销售渠道的整合等现代营销手段相对陌生。 一、销售的概述 (一)、销售的含义 销售是创造、沟通与传送价值给顾客,及经营顾客关系以便让组织与其利益关系人受益的一种组织功能与程序。销售就是介绍商品提供的利益,以满足客户特定需求的过程。商品当然包括着有形的商品及其附带的无形的服务,满足客户特定的需求是指客户特定的欲望被满足,或者客户特定的问题被解决。能够满足客户这种特定需求的,唯有靠商品提供的特别利益。 (二)、销售技巧的五条金律 第一:在不能了解客户的真实意图时,尽量让客户说话 ,并学会倾听;多打听一些问题,带着一种好奇的心态,发挥刨根问底的精神,让客户多发发牢骚;多提提问题,引出客户的真实意图,了解客户的真实需求。 (注意;在自己问客户问题的时候,也要记住客户的回答。) 第二:感同客户的感受。当客户说完后,不要直接回答问题,要感性回避,比如说我同意您。这样可以降低客户的戒备心理,让客户感觉到你是和他站在同一个起跑线上。最简单的做法就是回答 (恩,是的,我觉得很有道理) 第三:把握关键问题,让客户具体阐述“复述”一下客户的具体异议,详细了解客户需求,让客户在关键问题处尽量详细的说明原因。 (重点就出来了) 第四:确认客户问题,并且重复回答客户疑问。你要做的是重复你所听到的话,这个叫做先跟,了解并且跟从客户和自己相互认同的部分,这个是最终成交的通道,因为这样做可以了解你的客户是否知道你的产品的益处,这为你引导客户走向最后的成功奠定基础。 (用自己的产品益处排除客户的忧虑) 第五:让客户了解自己异议背后的真正动机。当客户看到了背后的动机,销售就可以从此处入手,想到并且说出客户需要的价值,那么彼此之间的隔阂就会消除,只有这样才能和客户建立起真正的相互信任的关系。(成交) speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the (三)网络销售 随着互联网的发展,人们获取信息的渠道已经不再局限于传统渠道,企业的新型销售渠道正一步步地建立起来。网络销售是企业整体营销战略的一个组成部分,是建立在互联网基础之上、借助于互联网特性来实现一定营销目标的一种营销手段。 目前主要的网络营销平台有:Baidu营销、GOOGLE营销、YAHOO营销、TAOBAO营销、ALIBABA营销、其它各行业网站营销 1、网络营销的定义 网络营销是以互联网络为媒体,以新的方式、方法和理念实施营销活动,更有效地促成个人和组织交易活动的实现。 2、网络营销的特点 市场营销中最重要也最本质的是组织和个人之间进行信息传播和交换,如果没有信息交换,交易也就是无本之源。 (1)跨时空。营销的最终目的是占有市场份额。互联网具有的超载时间约束和空间限制进行信息交换的特点,使得脱离时空限制达成交易成为可能,企业能有更多的时间和更多的空间进行营销,可每周7天,每天24小时随时随地提供全球的营销服务。 (2)拟人化。互联网络上的促销是一对一的、理性的、消费者主导的、非强迫性的、循序渐进式的 ,而且是一种低成本与人性化的促销,避免推销员强使推销的干扰,并通过信息提供与交互式交谈,与消费者建立长期良好的关系。 (3)整合性。互联网络上的营销可由商品信息至收款、售后服务一气呵成,因此也是一种全程的营销渠道。另外,企业可以借助互联网络将不同的营销活动进行统一规划和协调实施,以统一的传播资讯向消费者传达信息,避免不同的传播渠道中的不一致性产生的消极影响。 (4)超前性。互联网络是一种功能强大的营销工具,它同时兼渠道,促销,电子交易,互动顾客服务以及市场信息与提供等多种功能。它所具备的一对一营销能力,恰好符合定制营销与直复营销的未来趋势。 (5)经济性。通过互联网络进行信息交换,代替以前的实物交换,一方面可以减少印刷与邮递的成本,可以无店销售,免speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 交租金,节约水电与人工成本,另一方面可以减少由迁回多次交换带来的损耗。 (6)技术性。网络营销是建立在以高技术作为支撑的互联网络的基础上,企业实施网络营销必须有一定的技术投入和技术支持,改变传统的组织形态,提升信息管理部分的功能,引进懂营销与电脑技术的复合型人才,在未来能具备市场竞争优势 二、销售渠道的概述 (一)、销售渠道的含义 销售渠道:指某种产品从生产者手中转移到消费者手中所经过的各个销售环节连接起来所形成的渠道。旅行社产品的销售渠道:又称流通渠道或者销售分配系统,指旅行社通过各种方式将产品从旅行社转移到最终旅游者手中所经过的途径或路线。 (二)、销售渠道的类型 1.直接销售渠道 零层次渠道,指旅行社销售给旅游者,没有任何中间环节的介入。最简单、最短的销售渠道。网上直接销售渠道越来越受到旅游者的欢迎。但是,由于客源市场特别是对于国际客源市场范围大、距离远,旅行社受自身的人力财力等条件限制不可能在所有的主要客源地都设立分支机构,而且,在国外设立分支机构还要受到其他国家政策的约束,所以这种渠道适用范围较窄,只适合在本地或其他最主要的客源市场使用。 2.间接接销售渠道 是指旅行社产品到达旅游者之前介入了旅游中间商。 (三)、影响销售渠道选择的因素 1.目标市场的距离 2.目标市场集中程度 3.旅行社自身条件 4.旅行社的产品 5.旅行社发展的外部环境 (四)、旅行社产品销售渠道选择方法 1.销售渠道长度策略 销售渠道的长度:指旅游产品从生产者(或供应者)向最终消费者转移过程中所经过中间层次的多少。 一般地讲,在条件允许的情况下,短渠道优于长渠道。 2.销售渠道宽度策略 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 一般指销售某企业旅游产品的零售网点的数目和分布广度,其中既包括自设网点,也包括代销网点。另外,也长指直接经销和直接代销某企业旅游产品的中间商的数量。 (1)广泛性销售渠道策略 特点:在使用旅游中间商时不加任何选择,只要对方愿意经销或代销产品并接受双方商定的利益条件,便可以肠胃销售该产品的旅游中间商。 (2)选择性销售渠道策略 优点:有目的地集中少数有销售能力的中间商进行产品推销,可以降低销售成本。 缺点:如果中间商选择不当,则有可能影响相关市场的产品销售。 (3)专营性销售渠道策略 优点:可以提高中间商的积极性和推销效率,更好地为旅游者服务。 缺点:如果专营中间商经营失误,就可能在该地区失去一部分市场。若中间商选择不当,则可能完全失去该市场。 (五)、旅行社产品销售的新渠道 1、企业旅游部 除了传统的销售渠道外,一些旅行社借鉴了国际商务旅行社派驻人员到客户公司办公的模式,即“内植旅行服务”的概念。在大型公司的办公区内建立自己的旅游部门,即“企业旅游部”或“内部旅行社”,以零渠道的形式向终端客户销售自己的产品和服务,在市场竞争中寻求一个更为稳定的专业化细分市场。 企业旅游部在规定的旅游预算内安排企业的商务旅游活动。在满足公司旅游需求的同时,确保公司的旅游经费可以得到最高效的利用。与旅游代理商不同,企业旅游部并不向供应商收取佣金,与供应商谈判所得的折扣或回扣用于维持旅游部的成本。由于它们通常位于公司的办公区内,因此公司雇员将其视为“企业旅游部”,其实它们是旅行社的一种新的销售渠道。 2、虚拟销售网络 无论是旅游经营商与代理商的分工,还是产品的研发与创新,最终总是要为旅游者所认可,并通过旅游者的现实购买行为转化speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the 为现实的经济利益才能说明商业模式的成功。在“旅行社—产品—旅游者”这一价值链条中,销售渠道无疑是旅行社商业战略中的关键一环。大体上说,旅行社既可以通过服务网点、代理商等传统销售渠道来分销产品,也可以通过基于电子商务平台的虚拟网络来培育其分销渠道。 (1)携程旅行网:中国领先的在线旅行服务公司,创立于1999年,总部设在中国上海。携程旅行网向超过五千余万注册会员提供包括酒店预订、机票预订、度假预订、商旅管理、高铁代购以及旅游资讯在内的全方位旅行服务。目前,携程旅行网拥有国内外五千余家会员酒店可供预订,是中国领先的酒店预订服务中心,每月酒店预订量达到五十余万间夜。在机票预订方面,携程旅行网是中国领先的机票预订服务平台,覆盖国内外所有航线,并在四十五个大中城市提供免费送机票服务,每月出票量四十余万张。 (2)同程旅游网:同程网(苏州同程旅游网络科技有限公司)创立于2004年,总部设在中国苏州,注册资本1600万元人民币。经过数年在旅游在线市场的成功运作,已成为国内最大的旅游电子商务平台之一,也是目前中国唯一拥有B2B旅游企业间平台和B2C大众旅游平台的旅游电子商务网站。2006年12月,同程网项目荣膺CCTV赢在中国五强项目,并得到软银赛富、IDG、今日资本等多家海内外风险投资商的青睐,2008年获得国内著名创投机构苏州创业投资集团凯风创业投资公司首轮风险投资1500万元。 speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological "two peels" phenomenon, says from the Dongping real, is to provide research institutions with more into place. Strengthening the agricultural scientific and technological achievements in the field to improve efforts to help farmers, crop planting, processing, animal husbandry and other agricultural products, increase the intensity of transforming scientific and technological innovation, science and technology to improve agricultural efficiency, improve the mass income and services immigrants safe haven siege works. Wuhan Institute of freshwater should give full play to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and improving the added value of Dongping Lake aquatic products. 1th, in the middle of this yearProposed to increase the level of modernization in agriculture, hoping the county levels to seriously study the documents. 18 plenary session "storing food in, storing food in land", this requirement is very high, population, food is not enough, and not completely rely on imports, has to rely on technology to increase food production and limited land mass, relevant departments at the county level in particular, agricultural sector, active docking tertiary institutions, the Institute took the lead in the
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