

2017-09-01 25页 doc 462KB 5阅读




武汉到张家界自驾游2武汉到张家界自驾游2 向想到“张家界”自驾游的车友推荐一家好旅店——“地主客栈” 到张家界自驾游的成本很低,“地主客栈”就是一家属于农家乐形式的旅店,位于杨家界门票站内三公里处,也是唯一个准许私家车开进景区的门票站,他的好处是不受景区门票套票两天内有效的限制,同时 也给登山游览带来了方便。 老板周文是一位20来岁的土家族青年,在网上可以用qq就旅游事项与他沟通,互联网上也有对客栈的详尽介绍,用百度搜索“张家界地主客栈”就可以看到。 住在“地主客栈”的最大好处是价廉而服务质优,一个人住两晚,游三天,含张家界门票(245元)...
武汉到张家界自驾游2 向想到“张家界”自驾游的车友推荐一家好旅店——“地主客栈” 到张家界自驾游的成本很低,“地主客栈”就是一家属于农家乐形式的旅店,位于杨家界门票站内三公里处,也是唯一个准许私家车开进景区的门票站,他的好处是不受景区门票套票两天内有效的限制,同时 也给登山游览带来了方便。 老板周文是一位20来岁的土家族青年,在网上可以用qq就旅游事项与他沟通,互联网上也有对客栈的详尽介绍,用百度搜索“张家界地主客栈”就可以看到。 住在“地主客栈”的最大好处是价廉而服务质优,一个人住两晚,游三天,含张家界门票(245元),旅游保险(3元),全程导游,吃5个正粲,2个早餐,每人是470元。抵扣自付的门票与保险费后,实际收取每人220元。 自助游的好处是两人就可以成团(由客栈配导游),游览景点,出行时间都可以根据游客成员身体情况自由选择。 旅游结束后如果想多住一晚,两人房每晚加收60元(淡季价格),the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 我们夫妇俩是加住一晚后,吃晚餐与早餐后才向凤凰出发的,再收40元餐费。 餐厅的菜式是农家菜形式,由周老板的姐夫袭先生担任大厨,游客如果有口味上的特殊,他都会尽量办到。如果另外加钱,或者是自已动手,可以吃到更好的,(房子后面就喂养着走地爬山的鸡群)一般自驾或自助式的游客都不会去计较这些,毕竟连吃带住包导游,包接车的价格摆在面前。 虽然客栈到高速公路出口的接车带路是免费的,但是有很远的距离,如果是有GPS导航仪的,可以将目的地定为“教字垭镇邮电局”,在教字垭镇就是一个丁字路口,向右转,向中湖乡方向只有一条路。 转弯行驶后,如果途经“兴隆乡”“黄官塔”就确认无疑了,走到这条路的尽头(也就是中湖乡),就有一指示路牌,向右转弯行驶很快就到达景区的杨家界门票站了。 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 据周文老板说;我是第一个不用到高速公路出口接站的自驾老人(其 实本人还是一名职业老司机),我想做为读者的你,作为第二个,第三 个不用接站的自驾者也不难吧。让周老板的家人有更多的精力来搞好其 他服务。 下面上图介绍: 1. 彩虹宾馆全貌 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 2.餐厅 3 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 4.农家菜 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 5.宾馆大厅 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 6.周老板的姐姐(任财务)与姐夫龚先生(大厨兼向导) the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 7.漂亮的土家后代 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 8.停车场地 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 9.停车场地 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 10.客栈前乘凉的小亭(也是车到宾馆的地标建筑) the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 11.屋旁的果树 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 12.桃子结满枝头 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 13.走地爬山的鸡群 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the 14.小道上四处撒着喂鸡的玉米颗粒 the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the the complicated situation, boost scientific development points the way. County, the County Government decided to 2016 as "innovation development", with the focus on cultivation and platform construction, and science and technology cooperation priorities, new breakthroughs in science and technology innovation work. 1, Enterprise innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure. Enterprise to seize the commanding point in technology innovation, will be able to grasp market dominance. To fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises ' technology innovation, guide enterprises to focus on developing innovative new products and extend the industrial chain, expanded resources on the use of space and energy saving, and strive to develop distinct characteristics, advantages and adapt to new technologies and new products in the market, so that enterprises become r, results into principal, technology innovation. To focus more on innovation of medium and small micro-enterprise support, guide, to help medium and small micro-enterprises based on market demand, aimed at the high-end of the market, continue to increase investment in science and technology. Focus strong desire of scientific and technological innovation, with a certain group of science and technology innovation Foundation, with strong market competitiveness of medium and small micro-enterprises as the main cultivation, promotion of small and micro businesses, according to their level of development, relying on scientific and technological innovation and development of new technologies, develop new products, occupy the
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