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神探夏洛克第一季S01E02台词1 手艺精湛的匠人都说 The great artisans say the more the teapot is used 茶壶是愈用愈美之物 the more beautiful it becomes. 壶身常年浸润在溢出的茶水中 The pot is seasoned by repeatedly pouring tea over the surface. 久而久之挂在壶身的茶锈形成唯美的光感 The deposit left on the clay creates this beautiful patin...
1 手艺精湛的匠人都说 The great artisans say the more the teapot is used 茶壶是愈用愈美之物 the more beautiful it becomes. 壶身常年浸润在溢出的茶水中 The pot is seasoned by repeatedly pouring tea over the surface. 久而久之挂在壶身的茶锈形成唯美的光感 The deposit left on the clay creates this beautiful patina over time. 有些茶壶在400年前就用茶水来抛光了 Some pots, the clay has been burnished by tea made over 400 years ago. 博物馆将在10分钟后闭馆 This museum will be closing in 10 minutes. 400年的古董他们也让你来泡茶 400 years old, they're letting you use it to make yourself a brew. 有些东西不该摆在玻璃罩里 Some things aren't supposed to sit behind glass, 而是需要双手的呵护 they're made to be touched. 需要把玩 To be handled. 茶壶也要关爱 These pots need attention. 不然茶壶会有裂纹 The clay is cracking. 溅出来这点水真有这么大作用吗 Well, I can't see how a tiny splash of tea is going to help. 有些事物的价值要用心才能体会 Sometimes you have to look hard at something to see its value. 看 See? 这只壶更有光泽 This one shines a little brighter. 我... I don't suppose... 我想说... Um, I mean... 我想请你和我去喝一杯 好吗 I don't suppose that you want to have a drink? 当然不是喝茶 今晚跟我一起去酒吧怎样 Not tea, obviously. Um, in a pub, with me, tonight. 你不会喜欢我的 You wouldn't like me all that much. 这个让我来决定好吗 Can I maybe decide that for myself? 我不能去 I can't. 对不起 I'm sorry. 请别问了 Please stop asking. 是保安吗 Is that security? 有人吗 Hello? 28 00:03:18,160 --> 00:03:21,120 新福尔摩斯 请柜台收银主管到... Can the till supervisor please go to...? 袋装区有不明物品 Unexpected item in bagging area, 请再次尝试 please try again. 无法识别 请再次尝试 Item not scanned. Please try again. 能不能小点声 Can you maybe keep your voice down? -此卡无法使用 -好 知道了知道了 - Card not authorised. - Yes, all right! I've got it. 请使用其他付款方式 此卡无法使用 Please use an alternative method of payment. Card not authorised. 请使用其他付款方式 Please use an alternative method of payment. 放着吧 我不要了 Keep it. Keep that. 怎么这么久 -好吧 东西还没买到 - You took your time. - Yeah, I didn't get the shopping. 怎么 What? Why not? 因为我和自动识别机发生了一些口角 Because I had a row in the shop with a chip and PIN machine. 你跟机器吵架 You...You had a row with a machine?! 差不多 机器纹丝不动 我却大喊大叫 Sort of. It sat there and I shouted abuse. 有现金吗 Have you got cash? 用我的卡吧 Take my card. 你怎么不自己去买 一早上净坐在这里 You could always go yourself, you know, you've been sitting there all morning, 从我离开到现在 你连动都没动 you've not even moved since I left. 那件亚里亚钻石案 进展如何 And what happened about that case you were offered - the Jaria diamond? 没兴趣 Not interested. 我给他们去了个信 I sent them a message. 没事 我自己来 Don't worry about me, I can manage. 夏洛克- 老兄 近况如何? 好久没见面了 听闻你现在做咨询侦探 银行发生了桩"意外" 希望你能帮我解开疑团 欢迎你来 当然 我会 -那是我的电脑吗 -当然 - Is that my computer? - Of course. -你的呢 -我的在卧室 - What? - Mine was in the bedroom. 你怎么就不去拿自己的 What? And you couldn't be bothered to get up? 我设密码了 It's password protected. 从你的说话方式就能猜出密码 In a manner of speaking. 用不了一分钟 Took me less than a minute to guess yours, 一点也不牢靠 not exactly Fort Knox. 行行行 还我 Right. Thank you. -我要找份工作 -无聊 - Need to get a job. - Oh, dull. 听着 Listen, um... 你看能不能借我... ..if you'd be able to lend me some... -夏洛克 在听吗 -我要去一趟银行 - Sherlock, are you listening? - I need to go to the bank. 76 你刚才说要来银行时... Yes, when you said we were going to the bank... 纽约 时间 伦敦 时间 香港 时间 我是夏洛克·福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes. 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes. -塞巴斯蒂安 -老兄 自从上次见面到现在 - Sebastian. - Hiya, buddy. how long - eight years 一别八年了 since I last clapped eyes on you? 这位是我的朋友 约翰·华生 This is my friend, John Watson. -朋友吗 -同事 - Friend? - Colleague. 好 Right. 随便坐 Grab a pew. 喝点什么 咖啡还是水 Do you need anything, coffee, water? 不用麻烦了 多谢 No. We're all sorted here, thanks. 看来过得不错 经常出国 So you're doing well. You've been abroad a lot. 怎么说 Well, so? 每个月两次环球飞行 Flying all the way around the world twice in a month. 对 你又来了 Right. You're doing that thing. 我们是大学同学 We were at uni together, 这家伙原来就喜欢玩这种把戏 and this guy here had a trick he used to do. 这不是把戏 It's not a trick. 他看着你 就能把你一生说完整 He could look at you and tell you your whole life story. 对 我见识过 Yes, I've seen him do it. 他让所有人都害怕 我们讨厌他 Put the wind up everybody, we hated him. 早上在学校用餐时 We'd come down to breakfast in the formal hall 这怪胎就能说出你昨晚鬼混的事 and this freak would know you'd been shagging the previous night. 略微观察就能看出来 I simply observed. 继续 启发我一下 Go on, enlighten me. 一个月两次 飞遍全世界 Two trips a month, flying all the way around the world, 没错 you're quite right. 怎么看出来的 How could you tell? 别又说我领带上有什么番茄酱 Are you going to tell me there's a stain on my tie 这种酱很特殊 只能在曼哈顿买到 from some special kind of ketchup you can only buy in Manhattan? -不 我... -还是说我鞋上有泥点吗 - No, I... - Is it the mud on my shoes? 我就是刚跟你秘书在外面闲聊 I was just chatting with your secretary outside. 她告诉我的 She told me. 很高兴你能来帮忙 我们公司遭人非法闯入 I'm glad you could make it over, we've had a break-in. 那是威廉爵士的办公室 他曾是银行总裁 Sir William's office - the bank's former chairman. 那间办公室一直原封未动 算是种纪念吧 The room's been left here like a sort of memorial. 昨晚这里遭人非法闯入 Someone broke in late last night. -丢什么了 -没有 - What did they steal? - Nothing. 只留下一条讯息 Just left a little message. 60秒的空档 60 seconds apart. 有人半夜潜入房间 So, someone came up here in the middle of the night, 利用不到1分钟的时间画了两笔就跑了 splashed paint around and left within a minute. 有几条路通到这间办公室 How many ways into that office? 这个说来就有意思了 Well, that's where this gets really interesting. 银行内所有的出入口都从这里关闭 Every door that opens in this bank, it gets locked right here. 另外还有所有的大型橱柜和洗手间 Every walk-in cupboard, every toilet. 昨天哪里没关吗 That door didn't open last night? 保安系统应该有漏洞 There's a hole in our security. 你来找 我们付报酬 Find it and we'll pay you - 5位数 five figures. 这是定金 This is an advance. 找出此人是如何潜入的 Tell me how he got in. 剩余款稍后奉上 There's a bigger one on its way. 塞巴斯蒂安 你不必以此来激励我 I don't need an incentive, Sebastian. 他开玩笑呢 明摆着 He's, er..he's kidding you, obviously. 我能替他保管吗 Shall I look after that for him? 谢谢 Thanks. 136 00:11:06,920 --> 00:11:08,240 纽约时间 香港事务专理 爱德华·范孔 这个月的两次环球之旅 Two trips around the world this month. 你没问过他的秘书 You didn't ask his secretary, 那说辞不过是想激怒他 you said that just to irritate him. -怎么看出来的 -注意他的手表没有 - How did you know? - Did you see his watch? 手表 His watch? 时间没错 不过日期不对 The time was right, but the date was wrong. 晚了两天 倒过两次时差 不过他没有调日期 Said two days ago. Crossed the date line twice and he didn't alter it. -怎么看出是一个月内 -新款的百年灵表 - Within a month? How did you get that? - New Breitling. 今年二月才上世 Only came out this February. 好吧 我们还要在这里再逗留一会吗 OK. So do you think we should sniff around here for a bit longer? 该查的都已经查清楚了 多谢 Got everything I need to know already, thanks. 涂鸦是想传达一条讯息 That graffiti was a message. 是留给在银行交易大厅里工作的某人 Someone at the bank, working on the trading floors. 一旦找到信息接收方... We find the intended recipient and... 就能顺藤摸瓜找到留信的人 They'll lead us to the person who sent it? 很显然 Obvious. 交易大厅里有300名工作人员 会是谁呢 Well, there's 300 people up there, who was it meant for? -柱子 -什么 - Pillars. - What? 有柱子和屏幕挡着 Pillars and the screens. 只有很少几个地方能看到那信息 Very few places you could see that graffiti from. 大大缩小了范围 That narrows the field considerably. 还有 信息于昨晚11点34分留下 And, of course, the message was left at 11:34 last night. 这就说明了很多 That tells us a lot. -是吗 -交易大厅每小时都有人轮班 - Does it? - Traders come to work at all hours. 跟香港方面的交易 就得在午夜进行 Some trade with Hong Kong in the middle of the night. 香港事务专理 那信息就是专门留给午夜来上班的人 That message was intended for somebody who came in at midnight. 电话黄页中姓范孔的可不多 Not many Van Coons in the phone book. 爱德华·范孔 的士 Taxi! 范孔 那现在怎么办 坐等他回来吗 So what do we do now? Sit here and wait for him to come back? -刚搬来的 -什么 - Just moved in. - What? -他楼上这家 标签还是新的 -可能是刚换过 - Floor above, new label. - Could have just replaced it. 温特尔 没人换这个 No-one ever does that. 你好哪位 Hello? 你好 我就住你家楼下 但好像没见过你 Hi, um, I live in the flat just below you. I don't think we've met. 是没见过 我刚搬来 No, well, er, I've just moved in. 其实是这样的 我钥匙忘家里了 Actually, I've just locked my keys in my flat. 要我放你进来吗 Do you want me to buzz you in? 对 能借用下你家阳台吗 Yeah. And can we use your balcony? 什么 What?! 夏洛克 Sherlock? 夏洛克 你还好吧 Sherlock, are you OK? 好吧 差不多了就让我进去 Yeah, any time you feel like letting me in! 你觉得他是因损失大笔钱而自杀吗 Do you think he'd lost a lot of money? 城里年轻人自杀现象非常普遍 Suicide is pretty common among City boys. -还不能确定是自杀 -拜托 - We don't know that it was suicide. - Come on. 门从里面锁着 你还得从楼上阳台爬下来 The door was locked from the inside, you had to climb down the balcony. 从待洗衣物来看 出差过三天 Been away three days judging by the laundry. 看他的箱子 还有几件衣服叠得好好的 Look at the case, there was something tightly packed inside it. -谢了 我听你的判断就行了 -有问题吗 - Thanks. I'll take your word for it. - Problem? 我还没绝望到要去翻找某人的脏内衣裤 Yeah, I'm not desperate to root around some bloke's dirty underwear. 银行里的那些符号 为什么要涂在那儿 Those symbols at the bank, the graffiti, why were they put there? -是某种暗码 -显然是 - Some sort of code? - Obviously. 问题是为什么要涂上 想联系干嘛不用电邮 Why were they painted? Want to communicate, why not use e-mail? 可能他不回邮件吧 Well, maybe he wasn't answering. 很好 你总算跟上思路了 Oh, good, you follow 还没 No. 哪种信息会让大家避之不及 What kind of a message would everyone try to avoid? 像你今早看的那些如何 What about this morning? -你今早看的那些信吗 -是账单 - Those letters you were looking at? - Bills? 对 他被威胁了 Yes. He was being threatened. 肯定不是煤气公司 Not by the Gas Board 看能否在杯子上提取到指纹 ...see if we can get prints off this glass. 警官 初次见面 Sergeant, we haven't met. 我可久仰你大名了 Yeah, I know who you are 你最好没乱动任何证据 and I would prefer it if you didn't tamper with any of the evidence. 我给雷斯垂德打过电话 他来了吗 I phoned Lestrade. Is he on his way? 他很忙 这里由我负责 He's busy. I'm in charge. 我不是什么警官 而是笛墨探长 And it's not Sergeant, it's Detective Inspector Dimmock. 显然是自杀事件 We're obviously looking at a suicide. 这是现场所有证据的唯一解释 It does seem the only explanation of all the facts. 错 这是现场某些证据的一个可能解释 Wrong, it's one possible explanation of some of the facts. 你得出自己喜欢的结论 然后就一叶障目 You've got a solution that you like, but you are choosing 忽视所有对自己结论不利的证据 to ignore anything you see that doesn't comply with it. -比如 -致命伤口在头部右侧 - Like? - Wound's on the right side of his head. -然后呢 -范孔是左撇子 - And? - Van Coon was left-handed. 身体得扭曲成啥样才能自杀 Requires quite a bit of contortion. -他是左撇子吗 -你竟然没注意 - Left-handed? - I'm amazed you didn't notice. 这屋里到处都是证据 All you have to do is look around this flat. 咖啡桌在左手一侧 Coffee table on the left-hand side, 咖啡杯柄朝向左侧 coffee mug handle pointing to the left. 电源插座 日常惯用左侧那几个 Power sockets, habitually used the ones on the left. 纸笔都放在电话左侧 Pen and paper on the left of the phone. 因为他用右手接电话 左手写留言 Because he picked up with his right, took messages with his left. -要我继续说吗 -不用 够了 - D'you want me to go on? - No, I think you've covered it. 我还是继续吧 反正也快说完了 I might as well, I'm almost at the bottom of the list. 案板上有把餐刀 黄油涂在刀口右侧 There's a knife on the breadboard with butter on the right side of the blade 因为他惯用左手拿刀 because he used it with his left. 实在不大可能 It's highly unlikely 一个左撇子会用右手开枪自杀 that a left-handed man would shoot himself in the right of his head. 结论就是 有人闯入并谋杀了他 Conclusion, someone broke in here and murdered him - 这才是现场所有证据的唯一解释 only explanation of all of the facts. -但那枪呢 -他那时是在等凶手 - But the gun? - He was waiting for the killer. -他被威胁了 -什么 - He'd been threatened. - What? 今天银行的涂鸦 就是种警告 Today at the bank, sort of a warning. 凶手闯入的时候 他开过一枪 He fired a shot when his attacker came in. -子弹呢 -从开着的窗户飞出去了 - And the bullet? - Went through the open window. 得了 Oh, come on! 这几率多小你知道吗 What are the chances of that?! 那你就等着看弹道报告吧 Wait until you get the ballistics report. 我敢担保 他头部中的子弹不是自己枪里的 The bullet in his brain wasn't fired from his gun, I guarantee it. 但门从里面锁住 凶手是怎么进来的 If his door was locked from the inside, how did the killer get in? 很好 你总算问到点子上了 Good, you're finally asking the right questions. 他留在那儿想用把叉子剪自己头发 He's left trying to sort of cut his hair with a fork, 那当然是不可能的 which of course can never be done. 那涂鸦是在威胁人 It was a threat, that's what the graffiti meant. 我们在开会呢 I'm kind of in a meeting. 你能跟我秘书另约时间吗 Can you make an appointment with my secretary? 这事可不能等 抱歉 塞巴斯蒂安 I don't think this can wait. Sorry, Sebastian. 你们办公室里的一名交易员 被谋杀了 One of your traders, someone who worked in your office, was killed. -什么 -是范孔 - What? - Van Coon. 警方正在他公寓 The police are at his flat. -被谋杀 -抱歉扰了诸位雅兴 - Killed?! - Sorry to interfere with everyone's digestion. 还想让我另约时间吗 Still want to make an appointment? 还是明早直接去苏格兰场谈 Would maybe nine o'clock at Scotland Yard suit? 哈罗公学 牛津大学 相当聪明 Harrow, Oxford...very bright guy. 在亚洲工作过一阵 所以... Worked in Asia for a while, so... 你把香港事务交给他负责了 You gave him the Hong Kong accounts? 一个早上损失了五百万 一周后全部赚回 Lost 5 million in a single morning, made it all back a week later. 爱德有着钢铁般强韧的意志 Nerves of steel, Eddie had. -谁会有杀他的动机 -我们都有敌人 - Who'd want to kill him? - We all make enemies. 但不会都被一枪毙命 You don't all end up with a bullet through your temple. 通常是不会 抱歉 Not usually. Excuse me. 是我们董事长 It's my chairman. 警方联系他了 Police have been on to him. 显然他们告诉他是自杀事件 Apparently they're telling him it was a suicide. 那是他们搞错了 塞巴斯蒂安 他是被谋杀的 Well, they've got it wrong, Sebastian. He was murdered. 恐怕他们不这么看 Well, I'm afraid they do -所以呢 -我老板也不这么看 - So? - And neither does my boss. 我是让你来查其它事 别本末倒置了 I hired you to do a job. Don't get sidetracked. 我一直认为银行家都是无良混蛋 I thought bankers were all supposed to be heartless bastards. 你去一趟克里斯潘拍卖行 I need you to get over to Crispians. 两个明代花瓶要拍卖 成化年间的 Two Ming vases up for auction - Chenghua. 你去鉴定下好吗 Will you appraise them? 该让素琳去 她才是专家 Soo Lin should go. She's the expert. 素琳已经辞职了 得你去 Soo Lin has resigned her job. I need you. 姚 素 琳 约翰·华生 个人简历 -只是临时工哦 -没关系 - Just locum work. - No, that's fine. 你来干这个可能有点大材小用了 You're, um... well, you're a bit over-qualified. 只要有钱挣就行 Er, I could always do with the money. 这周我们有两名医生去度假了 Well, we've got two away on holiday this week 一名刚开始休产假 and one's just left to have a baby. 你可能会觉得有点太过平淡 It might be a bit mundane for you. 不会 有时候平淡反而好 Er, no, mundane is good, sometimes. 平淡点就行 Mundane works. -简历上说你当过兵 -是军医 - It says here you were a soldier. - And a doctor. 还有别的技能吗 Anything else you can do? 上学时学过竖笛 I learned the clarinet at school. 很期待看你演奏 Oh..well, I'll look forward to it. 我说了 能递我支笔吗 I said, could you pass me a pen? -啥 什么时候 -大约一小时前 - What? When? - About an hour ago. 没注意到我外出了吗 Didn't notice I'd gone out then? 我去那家外科诊所面试去了 I went to see about a job at that surgery. -怎么样 -很好 她很棒 - How was it? - Great. She's great. 谁 Who? 那工作 The job. 你说了她 She?! 是它 It. 好吧 来看这个 Yeah, have a look. 会穿墙术的入侵者 "The intruder who can walk through walls." 昨晚发生的事 It happened last night. 记者在自己的公寓内被枪杀 Journalist shot dead in his flat. 门窗都从屋内反锁着 Doors locked, windows bolted from the inside. 和范孔的案子完全一样 Exactly the same as Van Coon. -天 你觉得... -他又杀了一个 - God! You think...? - He's killed another one. 新苏格兰场 布莱恩·路基斯 自由记者 Brian Lukis, freelance journalist, 被害于自己的公寓 murdered in his flat. 门从屋内反锁着 Doors locked from the inside. 你得承认 两个案子确有相似之处 You've got to admit, it's similar. 两人都是被某个 Both men killed by someone 能穿越坚实墙壁的凶手杀害 who can walk through solid walls. 探长 你当真相信 Inspector, do you seriously believe 爱·范孔不过是一起自杀案吗 that Eddie Van Coon was just another city suicide? 我想你已经看过弹道测试报告了吧 You have seen the ballistics report, I suppose? 那发致命的子弹是用他自己的枪打的吗 And the shot that killed him was it fired from his own gun? -不是 -没错 所以如果你肯听我的话 - No. - No. So this investigation might move a bit quicker 此案还可能快点了结 if you were to take my word as gospel. 我是向你调查一宗谋杀案 I've just handed you a murder inquiry. 就去他的公寓勘察5分钟 Five minutes in his flat. 四层楼高 Four floors up. 所以他们认为可以高枕无忧 That's why they think they're safe. 挂上门链 插上门闩 Put a chain across the door, 反锁起来 就以为坚不可摧了 bolt it shut, think they're impregnable. 根本没想到还有另一个入口 They don't reckon for one second that there's another way in. -我不明白 -一个会飞檐走壁的杀手 - I don't understand. - Dealing with a killer who can climb. 你在干什么 What are you doing? 凶手像昆虫一样攀附在墙上 Clings to the walls like an insect. 他就是这么进来的 That's how he got in. 什么 What?! 他顺着墙爬上来 跑到屋顶 He climbed up the side of the walls, ran along the roof, 从这个天窗跳进来 dropped in through this skylight. 你开玩笑的吧 像蜘蛛侠那样吗 You're not serious?! Like Spider-Man? 他爬到了码头区公寓楼的六楼 He scaled six floors of a Docklands apartment building, 从阳台跳入 杀害了范孔 jumped the balcony and killed Van Coon. 得了吧 Oh, hold on! 当然他也是这样潜入银行 And of course that's how he got into the bank - 顺着窗台爬到露台上 He ran along the window ledge onto the terrace. 我得找到这两人之间的联系 I have to find out what connects these two men. 肯辛顿西区图书馆 书上的借书日期就是他被害的那天 Date stamped on the book is the same day that he died. 夏洛克 Sherlock? 凶手去了银行 So, the killer goes to the bank, 给范孔留下了一个恐吓密码 leaves a threatening cipher for Van Coon. 范孔惊慌失措 跑回自己家锁起来 Van Coon panics, returns to his apartment, locks himself in. 数小时后 他死了 Hours later, he dies. 凶手在图书馆找到了路基斯 The killer finds Lukis at the library, 并在他能看到的书架上留下密码 he writes the cipher on the shelf where he knows it'll be seen. 路基斯逃回家 Lukis goes home. 那天深夜 他也死了 Late that night, he dies too. 他们为什么会被杀 夏洛克 Why did they die, Sherlock? 只有密码才能告诉我们答案 Only the cipher can tell us. 约翰 这世上充满了暗号和密码 The world's run on codes and ciphers, John. 从价值数百万英镑的银行保卫系统 From the million-pound security system at the bank 到普通的密码机皆是如此 to the PIN machine you took exception to. 只要我们醒着就得跟密码打交道 Cryptography inhabits our every waking moment. 是 没错 不过 Yes, OK, but... 不过都是由电脑生成 But it's all computer generated 例如电子编码 电子加密程序 electronic codes, electronic ciphering methods. 这次不一样 This is different. 这是一种古老的编码 It's an ancient device. 现代的密码破译技术无法破解 Modern code-breaking methods won't unravel it. -我们去哪里 -我得去咨询一下 - Where are we headed? - I need to ask some advice. 什么 再说一次 What?! Sorry? 你听得很清楚 我不想重复 You heard me perfectly. I'm not saying it again. -你也要咨询 -绘画方面的 - You need advice? - On painting. 没错 我得向专家咨询一下 Yes, I need to talk to an expert. 新作的冰山一角 Part of a new exhibition. -有意思 -我叫它 - Interesting. - I call it... 《都市杀戮狂》 Urban Bloodlust Frenzy. 朗朗上口 Catchy! 再过两分钟 I've got two minutes before a Community Support Officer 社区协警就从那拐角过来了 comes around that corner. 可以让我边画边说吗 Can we do this while I'm working? 认识创作者吗 Know the author? 我认得这涂料 I recognise the paint. 像是密歇根牌 某种高手用原料 It's like Michigan...hard-core propellant. 我想是锌 I'd say zinc. 那这些符号呢 你认识吗 And what about the symbols? Do you recognise them? 我不确定这是不是某种语言 I'm not even sure it's a proper language. 两个人被害了 拉兹 Two men have been murdered, Raz. 破译这密码就是找到凶手的关键 Deciphering this is the key to finding out who killed them. 这就是你们唯一的线索吗 And this is all you've got to go on? -就这么一点吗 -你到底帮不帮我们 - It's hardly much, is it? - Are you going to help us or not? 我会去打听下 I'll ask around. 总会有人了解点内情 Somebody must know something about it. 你到底在干什么 What the hell do you think you're doing? 这美术馆可是保护建筑 This gallery is a listed public building. 不不 等等 这不是我画的 No, no. Wait, wait. It's not me who painted that. 我只不过是帮人拿着... I was just holding this for... 你还真是热心呐 跟我们走一趟吧 Bit of an enthusiast, are we? 那件陶器她才刚刚修复到一半 She was right in the middle of an important piece of restoration. 她为什么要突然辞职 Why would she suddenly resign? 家庭原因 她辞职信上是这么说 Family problems. She said so in her letter. 但她没有家庭 But she doesn't have a family. 她独自一人来到英国 She came to this country on her own. -安迪 -看这些茶壶 这些陶器 - Andy! - Look, those teapots, those ceramics. 它们令她着迷 They've become her obsession. 连着几个星期她都在修复这些 She's been working on restoring them for weeks. 我不信她会就这样弃它们不顾 I can't believe that she would just...abandon them. 我想是某人把她吓跑了 Perhaps she was getting a bit of unwanted attention? 你去了很久 You've been a while. 是啊 你清楚那些程序 Yeah, well, you know how it is. 拘留所的警官可不会轻易放人走 是吧 Custody sergeants don't really like to be hurried, do they? 各种手续 指纹 Just formalities. Fingerprints, 控诉书 周二我还得上治安法庭
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