

2017-09-28 20页 doc 229KB 98阅读




电路图的画法和连接电路图的画法和连接 个 性 化 教 案 授课时间: 备课时间: 年级:九年级 课时:2小时 学员姓名: 授课老师:黄老师 课题:电流和电路 教学1、电路图的画法,实物图的连接。 2、串并联电路的电流特点。 目标 难点1、掌握电路图的画法,实物图的连接。 2、串并联电路的电流计算。 重点 例一: 1.按照图1至图4所示的四个电路图,分别将实物图中的各元件用笔画线表示导线连接起来. 教学 内容 of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alk...
电路图的画法和连接 个 性 化 教 案 授课时间: 备课时间: 年级:九年级 课时:2小时 学员姓名: 授课老师:黄老师 课题:电流和电路 教学1、电路图的画法,实物图的连接。 2、串并联电路的电流特点。 目标 难点1、掌握电路图的画法,实物图的连接。 2、串并联电路的电流计算。 重点 例一: 1.按照图1至图4所示的四个电路图,分别将实物图中的各元件用笔画线示导线连接起来. 教学 内容 of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 例二:2.根据实物连线图(图5至图9所示)画出对应的电路图 of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 中小学个性化辅导专家 例三: 1、对照下列电路图(图11)用笔画线代替导线画实物连线图。 2、由实物图(图12)画成对应的电路图。 爱,赋予学习的灵感~of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the pro 第 3 ject outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fibe页 共 10 页 r in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 一、选择题(1—7小题为单项选择题;8—10小题为多项选择题) 1(下列说法中正确的是( ) A(用导线把开关、电灯等用电器连接起来就组成了一个完整的电路 作业 B(电源是电路中供电的装置 C(干电池、蓄电池、发电机、电动机都是电源 of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 中小学个性化辅导专家 D(用手电筒时,电流方向是由电池的负极经灯泡流向正极 2(如图1所示电路接通后发现A的示数比A的示数大一些,下列原因不可能的是( ) 12 图1 图2 A(因为电流从正极流到负极越来越小 B(可能A表和A表都不准确 12 C(可能是两电表所用的量程不同 D(可能是电路未接通之前,某电流表的指针不在零刻线处 3(如图2所示,下列说法正确的是( ) A(只闭合开关S和S时,电灯L和L并联,电流表测L、L的电流之和 121 2 12 B(只闭合S和S时,灯L短路,电流表测通过L的电流 1221 C(开关S、S、S都闭合时,形成了短路,L和L将烧坏 12312 D(只闭合S和S时,电灯L和L并联,电流表测通过L的电流 23121 4(如图3所示的电路中,以下判断错误的是( ) A(S和S均闭合时,电路短路 12 B(S和S均断开时,L、L、L串联 12123 C(S闭合S断开时,电路中只有L工作 123 D(S闭合,S断开时,电路中只有L工作 211 爱,赋予学习的灵感~of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the pro 第 5 ject outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fibe页 共 10 页 r in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 图3 图4 5(如图4,若开关闭合后,灯L、L均不亮,小华同学用电流表检查电路故障,当她将电流表接在12 L两端时,两灯都不亮,将导线连接在灯L两端时,L亮而L不亮(由此可以判断( ) 1212 A(L短路 B(灯L短路 C(灯L断路 D(灯L断路 1212 6(教室里有六盏日光灯,每两盏日光灯由一只开关同时控制,则连接时要( ) A(每两盏灯并联为一组,再分别与一只开关串联 B(每两盏灯串联为一组,然后三组并联 C(每三盏灯并联为一组,再与开关串联 D(这些灯都与开关并联 7(关于导体和绝缘体,下列说法正确的是( ) A(通常情况下,液体都是导体 B(非金属物质一定是绝缘体 C(绝缘体在一定条件下可以变成导体 D(导体导电都是靠电子 8(有甲、乙两个不带电的验电器,现将一根与丝绸摩擦过的玻璃棒与验电器甲接触后,发现验电器 甲上的金属箔张开,另取带绝缘柄的金属杆将两个验电器的金属球接触,则( ) A(自由电子由甲到乙 B(自由电子由乙到甲 C(电流方向由甲到乙 D(电流方向由乙到甲 9(下列说法正确的是( ) A(只要导体内自由电荷存在,就能形成电流 B(在闭合电路中要得到持续电流就必须有电源 C(在串联电路中,有一个用电器开路,其余用电器均不能工作 D(在并联电路中,有一个用电器被短路其余用电器仍可照常工作 10(关于电流,下列说法正确的是( ) A(金属导体中自由电荷定向移动的方向与导体中电流的方向相反 B(通过导体的电荷量越多,导体中电流就一定越大 of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 中小学个性化辅导专家 C(横截面积越大的导体,通过的电流就越大 D(电流的方向就是自由电荷定向移动的方向 二、填空题 11(纺织厂里有一道工序叫做“梳棉”,只有将杂乱无章的棉絮梳理成顺直的棉絮条后,才可用于纺线。梳棉车间必须保持一定的潮湿程度,以防止因 而造成的不便和危害。 12(北京市在申办2008奥运会期间推出一种太阳能环保路灯,如图5所示,该环保路灯主要部件由太阳能电池板及照明灯泡组成,在晴好的白天里充分接受阳光照射,在这一过程中实现 能转化为 能(到了傍晚,当外界光线平均照度降低到约20LX时,照明灯泡就能自动发光,在这一过程中电池板的 能最终转化为照明灯泡的 能。 图5 图6 13(如图6是一个简化的电冰箱电路图,学习了串联和并联电路知识,你能懂这个电路图吗,其中M是压缩机用的电动机,L是电冰箱内的照明灯泡。电路图中的灯泡L与电动机M是串联的还是并联的,请写出你的猜想和判断。 你的猜想: 。 判断的方法: 。 14(如图7所示,闭合开关S时,灯泡L、L都不亮。用一段导线的两端接触a、b两点时,两灯都不12 亮;接触b、c两点时,两灯都不亮;接触c、d两点时,两灯都亮,则故障是 。 爱,赋予学习的灵感~of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the pro 第 7 ject outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fibe页 共 10 页 r in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 图7 图8 15(图8甲电流表的示数为______________;图8乙电流表的示数为_______________。 16(构成电路的四个部分是____________________________________。当电路闭合后,在电源的外部,电流流动的路径是: ____________________。 17(陶瓷、橡胶、汽油、玻璃、碳笔、铝等物质,其中属于绝缘体的是 ,(至少填写2种),选出两种你最熟悉的物质做电工材料,说明它的用途。 ? ; ? 。 18(如图所示9电路,要使小灯泡L、L串联,必须闭合开关_________;要使L、L并联,必须闭合2312开关__________,此时 被短路( 图9 图10 19(如图10所示,当S闭合、S和S都断开时,电流表A的示数为1A,电流表A和A的示数各123123为 、 ;当S和S闭合、S断开时,电流表A和A的示数分别为4(5A和1(5A,电流表23132 A的示数为 ;若将S、S和S同时闭合会发生 现象。 1123 20(学了电路的串并联知识后,小文问“家中的电视机、电灯、电风扇等用电器之间是什么方式连接,”“当然是并联”小玲回答说(哪些现象能说明它们是并联的, (举一例)。 三(实验与作图题 of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 中小学个性化辅导专家 21(如图11所示的电路盒面板上,有红、绿灯各一个,三个开关S、S、S。为了在盒子未打开的情123况下探究盒内的电路结构,小明做了多次实验并将结果填入下表内。 只闭合的开关 S S S SS SS S S S S S 1231 22 313123 灯的发红灯 不亮 不亮 不亮 亮 不亮 不亮 亮 光情况 绿灯 不亮 不亮 不亮 不亮 亮 不亮 亮 根据上述实验情况在虚线框内画出盒内的电路图。 22(在图12甲中,闭合开关后,通过灯泡L的电流为0(5A,通过灯泡L的电流为0(4A。试根据图甲将图l2 乙中的实物用铅笔画线表示导线连接起来。 四、创新与应用 23(如图13所示,(1)当S闭合、S和S都断开时电流表A的示数为1A,求电流表A和A的示数123123各为多少,画出电路简图(等效电路图);(2)当S和S闭合、S断开时,电流表A和A的示数分别为231324(5A和1(5A,求电流表A的示数为多少,(3)若将S、S和S同时闭合会发生什么现象, 1123 爱,赋予学习的灵感~of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the pro 第 9 ject outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fibe页 共 10 页 r in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of 复 习 预 习 老师最欣 赏的地方: 教师 课后 老师建议: 赏识 老师想知 道的事情: 学员 情况 反馈 学习管理师 家长或学生阅读签字 of the official testing unit (content and aggregate alkali activity) test report. According to the design requirements, the project outside the Foundation, basement walls, negative two layer roof waterproofing concrete, added WPA crack resistance of fiber in waterproof concrete expansion agent, fiber content of expansive agent to plastic grey 5%. Requirements for ready-mixed concrete: ready-mixed concrete projects used, separately for mixing technology gives the low-down in terms of quality, including initial setting time speed, concrete supply, final setting time, pouring speed, concrete temperature, the tank temperature, slump, content, technology, and more specific requirements. Official alkali content of the concrete comes into play to provide test reports, includes raw materials of sand, alkali, alkali content in concrete results. Imposes on commercial concrete manufacturer 20 years without corresponding liability for damage of concrete alkali-aggregate reaction. In front of a custom concrete, and concrete manufacturers have signed the relevant responsibility. (B) transport in selection of concrete mixing station to be reasonable when taking into account distance, in summer and in winter construction of concrete transit time has certain requirements when pouring concrete to the site, the slump must conform to the requirements. Five levels with auto pump delivery, five more than pouring concrete trailer pump, pump is 90m, pump tube diameter for PHI 100mm, ensuring continuity in the concrete. (C) concrete pumping configuration ... In concrete pouring Qian, should wall bottom fill 50~100mm thick and cut force wall concrete ratio same of
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