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财务工资管理系统解决方案财务工资管理系统解决方案 TheEdge推荐 [2008-6-29] 出处:csai 作者:黎宇 【摘要】本文介绍了财务工资管理系统开发的全部过程,包括需求分析、系统设计软件实现。利 用Rational Rose建模工具设计软件模型,进行系统构架设计、逻辑设计及技术结构设计。 【关键词】 工资管理 分析 设计 建模 【正文】 1 引言 1.1 编写目的 本文对财务工资系统的需求作了详尽的描述,包括系统整体结构和各个功能模块需求说明。 财务工资系统是针对企业而开发的软件系统。通过计算机软件系统将彻底将改变由人...
财务工资管理系统解决 TheEdge推荐 [2008-6-29] 出处:csai 作者:黎宇 【摘要】本文介绍了财务工资管理系统开发的全部过程,包括需求分析、系统设计软件实现。利 用Rational Rose建模工具设计软件模型,进行系统构架设计、逻辑设计及技术结构设计。 【关键词】 工资管理 分析 设计 建模 【正文】 1 引言 1.1 编写目的 本文对财务工资系统的需求作了详尽的描述,包括系统整体结构和各个功能模块需求说明。 财务工资系统是针对企业而开发的软件系统。通过计算机软件系统将彻底将改变由人工计算 工作量大、更改麻烦、效率低、计算不准确的特点。因此,财务工资系统的开发成功与否,不单 只对从事人事、财务工作人员有影响,而且对整个企业有极大影响。而作为系统的解决方案,对 系统开发和定位有着决定性的作用,是系统的基础。因此,“财务工资系统解决方案”将从业务需 求以书面的形式,真实、客观、详细地描述出来,供系统设计、开发作为参考依据之用。 1.2 文档约定 在此,对本文档的组织形式做如下约定: 本文档建立在多层的组织结构上; 顶层以阿拉伯数字顺序标识, 下层的标识 = 上层的标识 + “.” + 阿拉伯数字(顺序) 各层依序缩进 各层标识及标题依序采用如下的字体大小 : 小二,小三,小四,五号,所有标识及标题均加粗 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 正文中的字体一律采用五号字体,对某些关键的词或词组可考虑加粗 1.3 预期的读者和阅读建议 作为用户:核对本文档中所描述的各项需求是否符合自己已提的要求, 如有不符,应以书面的形式提出修改意见; 作为开发人员:分析本文档中所描述的业务需求,定义出系统结构,对于各项具体业务的实现,以本文档所做描述为准; 作为测试人员:可根据本文档所做的业务描述,来确定测试方案; 1.4 产品的范围 本系统作为财务工资的使用软件,提供了使用人可以通过该系统完成不同人员的工资的计算、个人所得情况查询、文件的转存等一系列功能。 2 综合描述 2.1 产品的功能 本软件由六个部分组成:系统登陆、 基本资料录入、资料查询、系统计算、用户管理、系统设置、帮助 2.2 系统网络及其构架 2.3 三层体系结构 三层体系结构是指系统将数据层、服务层、应用层分开的一种系统体系结构。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 这种结构的运作方式是:当用户操作应用程序时,应用程序向系统提出请求,由系统COM或者 COM+向应用组件提出请求,之后服务根据请求统一在数据层查询数据库或访问文件系统,然后通 过应用组件返回结果给应用程序 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 这种结构的优点是: 三层体系相对独立,每层单独负责自己层面应完成的工作 一旦将来某一层面发生变化,对其余两层影响较小。 2.4 数据层结构 本系统数据层管理系统数据和系统文件。系统数据采用Orcale 9i来充当数据库服务器并采用 一个系统数据库的组织形式。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 2.5 运行环境 网络环境:要建立起财务工资系统必须搭建好相应的网络环境。 硬件环境:主要包括客户端和应用服务器两部分。 软件环境:与硬件环境一样,同样包括 客户端和应用服务器两部分客户端推荐配置。: 2.6 设计和实现上的限制 数据库使用自己的MS SQL-Server数据库,但还要考虑一个接口使用人事的Orcale人士资料的数据库。 采用Microsoft 公司的开发工具系列。包括Vs.net、SQL-Server等,考虑到系统的安全性、处理数据的完整性以及易维护性,将采用三层结构的方式来实现。 3 外部接口需求 3.1 用户界面 界面风格:遵循严肃,大方,适用的原则进行。 屏幕布局的限制:一个大的业务范围作为同类别的内容存在。大标题下面明细罗列。 错误信息显示标准:捕获操作,存储、删除过程中出现所有的错误信息,反馈给操作人以便于做出相应修改。显示格式如下: 失败: + 错误类型 :+ 错误信息。 例如: 失败:该用户名称不存在:你真的要删除此记录吗? 3.2 软件接口 此软件需要和人事的Orcale数据库相连,完成对其数据的提取和处理功能。对数局库的访问通过ODBC实现 4 功能需求: 4.1 整体功能架构 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 用户管理 工资管理 工资查询 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 部门管理 系统处理: 1、各部门不能修改其他部门的数据。 2、负数的显示为零,并将负数的另外保存。 3、所有的数据录入、修改都不能超过每月的29号(也就是这些操作必须要在29号以前完成),超过这个月的将被默认为下个月的数据。 4、财务计算所得税可以自己根据情况设置计算公式和扣减基数。 5、除财务和人事部可以查询其他科室的资料以外,其他各科室只能查询自己科室的资料。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 5 其他非功能需求 5.1 性能需求 在运行Window 的500 MhzPentium ? 的计算机上,当系统至少有空闲资源时。 数据库采用SQL-Server数据库配置或者Oracle9I。 5.2 安全设施需求 5.3 安全性需求 安全基础设施: 防火墙系统:根据各安全区域具体的安全防护策略,实现各安全区域的边界保护。 监控系统:发现和修补安全漏洞,对各种入侵和破坏行为进行检测和预警。包括脆弱性扫描、入侵检测、WEB网页防篡改等机制。 防病毒系统:防范病毒入侵和传播。 容灾备份系统:对核心组件进行容灾和备份。 应用系统安全: 统一认证:在统一用户管理的基础上,最好为提供身份真实性鉴别服务,建立可信的安全信任环境。 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 授权管理:提供授权管理服务,实现对信息资源和服务的有效管理和访问控制。 用户必须登陆成功以后才可以使用系统提供的功能。 每个用户必须拥有财务发放的安全认证密匙。 6 数据字典 6.1 说明 本数据字典定义财务工资管理软件系统的本地数据库。 本地数据库管理软件为Microsoft SQL_Server2000 OR Oracle 9I 6.2 Formula 6.3 Login(系统等陆表) aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 6.4 MoneyPrint(养老金记录表) 6.5 Print(打印报表) 6.6 dept(单位部门信息表) 描述:存放记录单位部门设置的资料(创建的Squession名称为WageDeptValue)创建的方法为 “select 创建的拿取序列号的Squession的名称.NextVal as strID from dual ” aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 6.7 income(个人所得税表) 6.8 TempMoney(其他收入临时表) 6.9 money(其他收入表) aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 6.10 prix(奖金信息表) 6.11 sql(SQL语句记录表) 6.12 People(人事资料库) 6.13 Deal(人事应付数据表) 6.14 Wage_Total(存放汇总后的解密的数据) 6.15 TotalTemp(解密的未汇总的数据) 6.16 Reduce(财务应扣资料记录) 6.17 TEMP(记录字段表) 描述:记录用户增加的字段(创建的Squession名称为WageTempValue)创建的方法为“select 创建的拿取序列号的Squession的名称.NextVal as strValue from dual ”) 6.18 IncomeTotal(所得税汇总表) aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 6.19 Bank(奖金生成送银行文件) 6.20 Pay(工资送银行文件表) 6.21 Account(所得税计算公式表) 6.22 PrixTemp(奖金打印临时表) 6.23 DealTemp(工资表打印临时表) 6.24 Voucher(记账凭证清单表) 6.25 Public_people(公用人事信息表) aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and
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