

2018-04-05 10页 doc 82KB 10阅读




监控拾音器连接方法监控拾音器连接方法 一、拾音器监听头安装位置的选择 拾音器监听头可以在天花板上吸顶安装,也可以在墙面侧挂安装。安装位置尽量离主要的谈话区域较近就可以。例如:审讯室可以安装在被审人附近;教室可以安装在讲台附近;小型会议室可以安装在天花板中央。安装原则:尽量靠近主要的谈话区域,这样的拾音效果更佳。 二、拾音器监听头连接电缆的选择和布线 拾音器/监听头可以使用普通4芯电话线、5类网络双绞线、屏蔽/非屏蔽信号电缆等。考虑到复杂的施工环境,推荐使用0.5mm2截面3芯信号电缆(即常用的3×0.5 RVVP电缆) 监听头供电一般采...
监控拾音器连接方法 一、拾音器监听头安装位置的选择 拾音器监听头可以在天花板上吸顶安装,也可以在墙面侧挂安装。安装位置尽量离主要的谈话区域较近就可以。例如:审讯室可以安装在被审人附近;教室可以安装在讲台附近;小型会议室可以安装在天花板中央。安装原则:尽量靠近主要的谈话区域,这样的拾音效果更佳。 二、拾音器监听头连接电缆的选择和布线 拾音器/监听头可以使用普通4芯电话线、5类网络双绞线、屏蔽/非屏蔽信号电缆等。考虑到复杂的施工环境,推荐使用0.5mm2截面3芯信号电缆(即常用的3×0.5 RVVP电缆) 监听头供电一般采用远端集中供电方式(即在音频记录设备端/扩音设备端集中供电),使用的3芯电缆中分别为电源线、音频信号线、公共地线。电磁复杂环境可以使用屏蔽电缆,其屏蔽层单端连接设备地。即监听头一端的屏蔽网悬空,设备端的屏蔽网接设备地(机壳)。 注意:布线时最好单独走线,不要同交流电等强电使用同一缆槽,同时尽量远离变压器、灯具整流器等强电磁干扰设备。 三、电源线正极的连接方法 监听头供电方式要求采用远端集中供电(即在音频记录设备端/扩音设备端集中供电),其主要目的是抗干扰和噪声的能力更强。推荐使用本公司监听头适配器所带的15V直流稳压优质电源(详见下面监听头适配器使用说明),以免由于不洁电源造成声音品质下降。 该系列监听头可以使用 8V-20V 宽范围直流稳压电源,推荐使用DC12V。电源线如果大于500米,由于线损产生电压下降,推荐使用15V-20V直流稳压电源。 由于监听头是非常灵敏的小信号放大设备,所以对电源的杂波比较敏感,务必使用杂波小的洁净优质直流稳压电源。单个TRADIO监听头消耗的电流大约50-100毫安,也就是说一台标称值为2安培的直流稳压电源可以供5个TRADIO监听头同时工作。应用中应当考虑到电源效率和线损问题,尽量选用标称值较高的电源。 这里所指的直流稳压电源就是常说的“变压器”,一般由电源变压器、整流二极管、滤波电容及集成稳压器构成。尽量不要使用开关电源,它可能会导致大量的电路杂音~市面上很多开关电源品质差,纹波系数非常大,会引起监听头有嗡嗡声。 什么是开关电源, 简单的说:就是开关型直流稳压电源,是用电子开关管和电子开关震荡器组成的一种自动稳压电源。 比如普通台式计算机电源就是开关电源。 四、电源负极和音频地线的共地连接 监听头音频地线和电源负极合二为一,必须同时接到直流稳压电源的负极和音频设备音频输入端(Line In)的地线上。如果电源地和音频地没有良好地接好,会导致声音品质下降或没有声音。如果音频设备Line In端子的地没有和监听头的地线相接,一般来说声音会非常小。如下图所示: 五、音频线的连接 音频信号线和音频地线可以直接连接的设备:随声听耳机、有源音箱、音响功放、音视频分配器、DVR硬盘录像机、视频服务器、调音台、录音机、声卡或其他音频设备的Line In 线性输入端(严禁接麦克风接口)。 1、 硬盘录像机。硬盘录像机大都有相应的音频输入端口,一般为同轴电缆 BNC插头。监听头音频线需要连接到BNC插头的中心插针位置,监听头公共地需要连接到BNC插头的外壳(也就是连接同轴电缆的屏蔽铜网) 2、 自带功放的有源音箱。一整套普通的有源音箱一般都是左右两只,分别对应音频线的左右声道。此款监听头只提供一路音源,所以它是“单声道”音源。监听头的音频线接音箱线的左/右声道音频线,监听头公共地接音箱线的地线。 3、 其他诸如功放、调音台等音频设备的连接方法等同上述方式。 4、 严禁把监听头接入声卡、调音台、功放等设备的麦克风(MIC)输入端,否则可能损坏设备。这是因为监听头内部虽然也包含麦克风,但同时也包含放大、降噪、回声处理等电路,输出1Vpp以上的“Line Out”音频信号。 5、 笔记本计算机很少配备有“Line In” 音频输入插孔,一般只配备MIC 输入插孔和SPEAKER输出插孔。监听头不能直接接入到MIC口,只能购买一台专业的外置USB接口台式声卡,使用其中的“Line In”端口来接。 6、 监听头音频线不能直接接到两种音频设备上,必须连接监听头适配器,以避免由于阻抗不匹配可能引起的音质变差。 注意:在所有连接过程中或拨动开关时,将您的放大设备的音量调节到最小,避免瞬间的电冲击。 六、监听头声音增益(音量大小)调节 the weight of the weighing bottle W2 g, ... When; microbalance and 100mg to 20G when have to use tweezers gently picking up using weight values as needed in the box. 8. the object and the center of the big weight on the scale plate and around the small weights weights should be given in sequence. 9. each balance fixed a pair of weights, no swap. Weights are only permitted at the weights on the specified location in the box, placed at the base of the scale, or operation is not allowed on stage. Weighing several times measured on the same sample, apply the same scales and weights to offset errors due to scales and weights. 10. mechanical coded scale readings directly by index and a projection screen. Cyborg overweight scales, Gram and the projection screen of the following reading coded knob indicates numerical; more balance in the scale pan weight value. On balance, 100mg weight of rotating mechanical raise the knob to increase or decrease in weight and over 100mg weight, weights in the weight box to compare. 11. record balance weight value, closing balance, according to the open note the quality weights in the weight box, back when to check it again. The weighing result is recorded on the record. 12. the weighingChinese (company name). Which are easy, elementary school textbooks, and General books, generally recommend to use unit symbols. (2) unit symbols shall be according to their company name, or referred to as read, and not according to the pronunciation of the letters. Should not be used in a combo unit unit symbols and Chinese symbols. For example, the speed units km/hour, there are two mistakes: "hour" is a name, not as a symbol while mixing unit and Chinese symbols. Correct should be km/h or km/h (3) legal units of measurement and prefix symbols, are traditional. Unit symbols have no plural form may attach any additional tags. Usage error: mins (4) multiplication combination unit consisting of two or more units, multiplying units available are the No. However, Chinese symbol must be used when multiplying by points. For example: NM: n • m Nm ...A Effective digital processing, significant figures in section III 1. actual measured figures in the analysis job is called significant digits. 2. effective numbers in the records, which allow several Milkmen regularity, poor and only 1. Second, significant figure rounding rules "four homes and six into the 50%" rules give too many numbers. ? 4 o'clock when the mantissa, the homes; mantissa ? 6 o'clock, then the; tail equal to 5 o'clock, if an even 5 front shed, is odd then go into. When the 5 and there are not any number other than zero, 5 front is the singular is used occasionally when making excursions into. For example, the following rounding off numbers to three significant digits to the left of 2.324 ? 2.325 ? 2.32 ? 2.335 ? 2.32501 ? 2.33 2.33 three, effective digital algorithms 1. addition and subtraction, number and the sum or difference of the effective number of 必须注意:监听头输出声音幅度过大会导致硬盘录像机、音箱等后端音频设备声音阻塞音质变坏。请注意调节到合适程度。 X.TRADIO原声监听头已经根据硬盘录像机调整到最佳声音输出幅度,不用调节。如果个别录音录像设备需要更大的音量调节,请使用本公司的监听头适配器来调节。 七、监听头适配器的连接 如果选用了专用的双路监听头适配器来作为监听头的电源,请参考下面的连接方式。 1、 为监听头提供洁净的12V直流稳压电源,避免选用电源不当引起的噪声或声音品质下降。 2、 为每一路监听头提供两路标准的声音输出端子(莲花头)和一个耳机/音箱插孔,可同时接多种音频设备。 3、 提供两个监听头混音后的声音输出。 4、 每一路监听头独立的声音增益调节。 5、 本产品为TRADIO系列监听头配套的专用适配器,不包含在监听头盒装内,需单独购买。 在下面的适配器面板示意图中,CH1、CH2分别对应1、2路监听头音量调节及声音输出,MIX为混音输出。耳机插孔可以用于头戴式耳机监听声音。 后面板图中,黄色的INPUT1、INPUT2接线端子分别对应两个监听头的接线。中间标志为“A”的插线孔连接监听头的音频线,标志为“V”的插线孔连接监听头的电源线,标志为“G”的插线孔接监听头公共地。 黄色的OUT1、OUT2接线端子分别对应两个监听头的输出接线,可以连接到其他音频设备的Line-In输入端,其中“A”为音频线、“G”为音频地。MIX为两个监听头混音后的输出。 OUT1 和 OUT2 标示的莲花头输出端子对应1、2路监听头声音输出端,MIX 为1、2路混音后的输出端子。以上音频输出端子和前面板上的耳机插孔输出同样的声音,只不过前面板的耳机插孔更便于测试。这些端子/插孔可以同时接到不同的音频设备(硬盘录像机、调音台、耳机等)。 the weight of the weighing bottle W2 g, ... When; microbalance and 100mg to 20G when have to use tweezers gently picking up using weight values as needed in the box. 8. the object and the center of the big weight on the scale plate and around the small weights weights should be given in sequence. 9. each balance fixed a pair of weights, no swap. Weights are only permitted at the weights on the specified location in the box, placed at the base of the scale, or operation is not allowed on stage. Weighing several times measured on the same sample, apply the same scales and weights to offset errors due to scales and weights. 10. mechanical coded scale readings directly by index and a projection screen. Cyborg overweight scales, Gram and the projection screen of the following reading coded knob indicates numerical; more balance in the scale pan weight value. On balance, 100mg weight of rotating mechanical raise the knob to increase or decrease in weight and over 100mg weight, weights in the weight box to compare. 11. record balance weight value, closing balance, according to the open note the quality weights in the weight box, back when to check it again. The weighing result is recorded on the record. 12. the weighingChinese (company name). Which are easy, elementary school textbooks, and General books, generally recommend to use unit symbols. (2) unit symbols shall be according to their company name, or referred to as read, and not according to the pronunciation of the letters. Should not be used in a combo unit unit symbols and Chinese symbols. For example, the speed units km/hour, there are two mistakes: "hour" is a name, not as a symbol while mixing unit and Chinese symbols. Correct should be km/h or km/h (3) legal units of measurement and prefix symbols, are traditional. Unit symbols have no plural form may attach any additional tags. Usage error: mins (4) multiplication combination unit consisting of two or more units, multiplying units available are the No. However, Chinese symbol must be used when multiplying by points. For example: NM: n • m Nm ...A Effective digital processing, significant figures in section III 1. actual measured figures in the analysis job is called significant digits. 2. effective numbers in the records, which allow several Milkmen regularity, poor and only 1. Second, significant figure rounding rules "four homes and six into the 50%" rules give too many numbers. ? 4 o'clock when the mantissa, the homes; mantissa ? 6 o'clock, then the; tail equal to 5 o'clock, if an even 5 front shed, is odd then go into. When the 5 and there are not any number other than zero, 5 front is the singular is used occasionally when making excursions into. For example, the following rounding off numbers to three significant digits to the left of 2.324 ? 2.325 ? 2.32 ? 2.335 ? 2.32501 ? 2.33 2.33 three, effective digital algorithms 1. addition and subtraction, number and the sum or difference of the effective number of
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