

2017-09-25 10页 doc 34KB 40阅读




健峰培训心得[林勇]健峰培训心得[林勇] ——健峰《经理人领导力与管理技能提升》 11月15日至19日在公司的组织安排下,我有幸参加了健峰学校关于经理人领导力与管理技能提升的培训。非常感谢公司领导给了我这次难得学习的机会。在五天的培训中,邓元炜和林建安两位老师通过鲜明的事例给我们列举和指引了如何成为杰出的有效的领导人、经理人,拓展和提升我们的思维方式和能力。培训的时间虽然很短,却给我们深深的触动、激励着我们的头脑,让我感受到自己沟通的突破、思维的净化、误区的清晰、理念的领悟、管理的提升……感悟颇深。 一、 领导力的发展和提升 为了能在今天改...
健峰心得[林勇] ——健峰《经理人领导力与管理技能提升》 11月15日至19日在公司的组织安排下,我有幸参加了健峰学校关于经理人领导力与管理技能提升的培训。非常感谢公司领导给了我这次难得学习的机会。在五天的培训中,邓元炜和林建安两位老师通过鲜明的事例给我们列举和指引了如何成为杰出的有效的领导人、经理人,拓展和提升我们的思维方式和能力。培训的时间虽然很短,却给我们深深的触动、激励着我们的头脑,让我感受到自己沟通的突破、思维的净化、误区的清晰、理念的领悟、管理的提升……感悟颇深。 一、 领导力的发展和提升 为了能在今天改变迅速的世界中保持竞争力,就需要有应付改变的角色与责任的领导力及管理能力。人们总是将领导力与高职位联系在一起。但领导力不是一个位臵,它是一个过程。你的作为是否诚信正直,是否拥有正确的价值观是非常重要的,你得树立起一个明确的好榜样,否则团队的价值观会受到严重的扭曲和影响。所以你希望部属怎么做,自己就应当怎么行。 管理包括计划、组织、领导、控制。作为经理人就是要做好上中下的沟通,做好内外部关系和矛盾的处理。规划好部门和个人的发展目标,确定工作重点及计划部门,完善部门系统流程,选拔和招聘人员,分配下属的责任,调配和适用资源,与下属共同发展个人目标,教他如何做事,告诉他好与不好,让他开心的做事。 quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 若想成为一个卓越的领导者就应让自己具备决策管理、时间观念、授权技巧、沟通技巧、目标管理、绩效管理、激励士气的技巧、推动变革的应变能力、驾驭、会议管理、对个体和团队领导等能力。 二、 领导的魅力风格 “领导力首先不是要把别人塑造的更好,有效的领导力是把自我塑造的更好” 领导者必须具备其应有的品德,领导必须是一个值得信赖的人,所谓权利就是责任,带人就是带责任心,因此只有明确了自己的身份,才能带好下属。子曰:“其身正,不令而行,其身不正,虽令不从”,作为一个领导人要想领导好自己的下属或达到团队的向心力,首先就应自己做到以身作则。 当要求别人改变时,光靠鼓舞人心的演讲是不够的,哪怕那些具有说服力的言辞是鼓舞人们精神所必要的,主要还是需要领导者的可信度,而如何判断是被别人所信赖的,简单说就是能被评价为“说到做到”。你如何才能让下属愿意把他们的生命放到你的手中,最好的办法就是遵循领导力的黄金规则:“说到做到”---言行一致。 人都要学会赞美学会爱,尤其是一名领导者。在学习过程中老师让我们实践了赞美的互动,互动的过程其实就是一个激励的过程、是一个舒展身心的过程。当我们在赞美他人的时候也是在分享他人快乐的时候,我们可以敞开自己,当我们得到别人的赞美时,我们的身心非常愉悦,斗志得到激励。当所有人都处在一个愉悦的环境中时那我们的工作势必也是愉快的,同时也会将所有的激情投入到自己的工作quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 和生活中去。因此我得到的感悟是“我们要善于发现别人的优点,同时更要善于让别人发现自己的优点“。 领导者要注意以人为本,注重人文关怀,要做到任劳任怨,始终保持积极向上的态度,要“不忧不惧”,要注意自己的行为举止、衣着打扮、庄重得体,对员工要加以教育引导避免员工犯错误,注意过程监督,要有考核和约束员工,一定要有胸怀和魄力,指令的下达不能朝令夕改。 三、 知人善用 现代管理就是以人为中心的管理,一切管理的好坏都是人所创造、影响和决定的。“知人善任者,最具杀伤力”,善于管理的领导人,要有自知之明和知人之明,方能集合众人之智慧,创造出伟大成就。所谓“有多大度量办多大事业,没有废品,只有放错地方的物品”,人也是一样,必须放到对的位臵上。作为领导者,要有广阔的胸襟,要学会尊重他人,要对事无情对人有情,要常怀感恩的心,要勇于做表率,要学会慎言,要学会反躬自省,控制情绪。“用人之长、天下无不用之人”、“用人之短、天下无可用之人”。 四、 绩效管理 人们不会做你希望的,人们只会做你检查的。因此我们在计划执行完成中会有一个必不可少的检查的过程,而绩效考评正是一个监督行为的过程,确保做出的行为是为了完成预计的目标,并且对行为的任何明显的背离做出纠正,对于绩效的管理包括:目标计划、绩效沟通、数据分析、绩效考核、薪酬管理、人事决策和管理。即使最优秀quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 的人聚集在一起工作,工作责任还是要分开的,因此要当好一个管理者,第一习惯就是以绩效结果为导向的行动。 五、 执行力和有效团队 简单的说执行就是把事情做完,去实践我们的目标,从基本意义上说就是一种暴露事实,并根据现实采取行动的系统化的方式。执行是一种纪律,是战略和目标的重要组成部分,是不可缺失不可分割的一部分,是领导者重要的工作,也是成败的关键,必须成为组成文化的核心成分。执行也可以说是有结果的行动,要实现结果必须要具备有时间、有价值、可考核三个要素。态度好不代表有结果,做任务不代表有结果,完成职责不代表有结果,没有结果意识,职责就是一纸空文。因此执行力必须具备三个维度:高度、力度、速度。 一个企业执行力好与不好体现在市场占有率和客户满意度两个方面,而要提升执行力就必须建设有效的团队。团队的凝聚力+向心力=执行力,团队执行是一套纪律与系统,必须深入贯彻PDCA的循环程序。一个高效的团队必须有一致的愿景和目标,有互补的角色和技能,有有效的领导和授权,有科学的制度和行为规范,建立起归属感,团队成员彼此信任,有良好的沟通和分享,得到内外部的支持。 六、 沟通的突破 在生活,工作中我们时刻都在沟通中,可见沟通是尤为平常的话题,但如何达到高效的沟通,不是每个人都能够随便达成的,可见沟通更是门艺术。沟通是建立有效团队的基本方法,主动的沟通也是克服自我恐惧心理的最好的方法。一直以来我都会检讨自己, 在这次quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you 的学习中老师的授课打动了我,敲开心中的那层门, 与85名同学一起阐述自己的观点、交流自己的心得、分享自己的感悟,对我来说或许是种巨大的突破,但也正因为这样的突破让我感受到从未有过的轻松和畅快,老师的鼓舞、同学的认可和掌声都深深触动我的神经,真正体验到沟通的效果和魅力。正像一位同学对我说的:“要从1开始,跨出第一步”,沟通是建立良好人际关系强有力的武器。 在健峰的学习虽然只有短短的五天,但对我的触动和改变或许是五个月甚至五年,从五天前的忐忑到五天后的期待,邓老师的深入心扉引导思维和林老师的坚强意志人心激励,都让我们每个人感受到不断学习、勇于突破和改变的重要性,只有这样才能持续完善自己、提升自己,让自己的人生充满魅力。 林 勇 2013 年11月 23日 quality egg, chicken, ... Development of poultry industry will occupy a certain area of land, there is a modern product with comprehensive rollup of 50,000 chickens laying hens, covers an area of 14.87 hectares (233 acres) more (including Office of hatching, brood rearing, and laying House, eggs, feed processing workshop, Office, etc). The poultry industry should work in land conservation, not accounted for or less cultivated land, wasteland, the principle of slope land. When the chicken farm should generally not available to local arable land area to determine an appropriate level of breeding size and not, as in the past, first determine the size, then go to the expropriation. 3. energy-saving, water-saving awareness in the 1970 of the 20th century, the pig and chicken farm mechanization in our country forward under the slogan, the country started building a modern large chicken farms in the climax. Was built as the fully enclosed intensive chicken farms, using artificial light, mechanical feeding and mandatory ventilation, a small number of chicken farms also use mechanical sets eggs and manure. According to statistics, fully enclosed chicken coop per chicken when the annual electricity consumption of 10-kilowatt •, half opened the henhouse when • 2~5 kW (open), when the entire opening is 0.5 kW •, rolling open sheds at 0.45 kW •. Hen house types, power consumption difference is very big, a difference of 10~20. China's energy supply is in short supply. Therefore, in determining the breeding, poultry equipment selection should take full consideration of energy saving issues. Lack of fresh water resources in China, the average annual precipitation is 600 mm. 1988 2474 cubic meters of water per capita in China, only 1/4 of the population all over the world, now reduced to 2300 cubic meters. Hen daily water intake to about 1.5~2 times, so when you
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