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仙履奇缘(1950版)电影字幕中英对照仙履奇缘(1950版)电影字幕中英对照 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 仙履奇缘 Cinderella [00:05.00]仙度瑞拉 You're as lovely as your name [00:08.50]你就像你的名字一样甜美 Cinderella [00:12.24]仙度瑞拉 You're a sunset in a frame [00:14.82]你就像夕阳一样美丽 Though you're dressed in rags [00:20.18]虽然穿着破旧衣旧 You wear an air of que...
仙履奇缘(1950版)电影字幕中英对照 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 仙履奇缘 Cinderella [00:05.00]仙度瑞拉 You're as lovely as your name [00:08.50]你就像你的名字一样甜美 Cinderella [00:12.24]仙度瑞拉 You're a sunset in a frame [00:14.82]你就像夕阳一样美丽 Though you're dressed in rags [00:20.18]虽然穿着破旧衣旧 You wear an air of queenly grace [00:22.91]依然掩藏不住你的高贵气质 Anyone can see [00:28.05]任何人都看得出 A throne would be your proper place [00:30.45]皇宫才是你的归宿 Cinderella [00:36.43]仙度瑞拉 If you give your heart a chance [00:39.53]如果你愿意倾听自己的心 It will lead you [00:43.03]它将会引领你 To the kingdom of romance [00:46.17]找到浪漫的爱情 There you'll see your dreams unfold [00:51.34]你的美梦将会成真 Cinderella [00:58.78]仙度瑞拉 Cinderella [01:02.09]仙度瑞拉 In the sweetest story [01:05.49]传说中 Ever told [01:08.29]最美的故事的女孩 [01:15.90](仙履奇缘) [01:24.64](很久很久以前 在一个遥远的地方„) Once upon a time, in a faraway land, [01:27.94]很久很久以前 在一个遥远的地方 there was a tiny kingdom... [01:31.58]有个很小的王国 ...peaceful, prosperous and rich in romance and tradition. [01:35.55]一个祥和、繁荣 既浪漫又传奇的国家 Here, in a stately chateau, [01:43.86]在那里有一座大庄园 there lived a widowed gentleman and his little daughter, Cinderella. [01:45.96]住着一位丧妻的绅士 和他的小女儿仙度瑞拉 Although he was a kind and devoted father, [01:51.90]虽然他是个慈爱的父亲 and gave his beloved child every luxury and comfort, [01:54.94]竭尽所能 给他的女儿最好的生活 still he felt she needed a mother's care. [01:58.21]他依然觉得她需要母爱 And so, he married again, [02:01.51]于是,他又再婚 1 choosing for his second wife a woman of good family, [02:03.18]他的第二任妻子出自富有家庭 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 with two daughters just Cinderella's age: [02:07.02]也有两个 跟仙度瑞拉同样年纪的女儿 By name, Anastasia and Drizella. [02:09.89]她们是安泰西亚 和崔西里亚 It was upon the untimely death of this good man, however, [02:15.89]过没多久,这位绅士过世了 that the stepmother's true nature was revealed. [02:19.50]而继母真正的本性 也就显露无遗 Cold, cruel and bitterly jealous of Cinderella's charm and beauty, [02:22.43]冷酷无情的继母 非常妒嫉仙度瑞拉的美貌 she was grimly determined to forward the interests [02:27.24]她极度自私的偏袒着 of her own two awkward daughters. [02:29.91]自己的两个笨女儿 Thus, as time went by, [02:35.01]随着光阴飞逝 the chateau fell into disrepair. [02:37.45]庄园日渐残破 For the family fortunes were squandered upon the vain and selfish stepsisters, [02:39.72]因为家里的钱都浪费在 既自私又虚荣的继妹身上 while Cinderella was abused, humiliated [02:44.29]而仙度瑞拉却饱受虐待和羞辱 and finally forced to become a servant in her own house. [02:47.62]最后被迫成为家中的仆人 And yet, through it all, [02:52.23]虽然饱受欺凌 Cinderella remained ever gentle and kind. [02:55.03]仙度瑞拉却依然温柔善良 For with each dawn, she found new hope that someday [02:58.77]每当太阳升起 她都能找到新希望 her dreams of happiness would come true. [03:02.41]希望有一天 她梦想的幸福能实现 Well, serves you right, spoiling people's best dreams. [03:46.08]你活该,谁叫你扰人清梦 Yes, l know it's a lovely morning, but... [03:50.59]我知道这是个美丽的早晨 可是„ ...it was a lovely dream too. [03:52.96]我的梦也很美丽 What kind of a dream? [04:00.16]什么样的梦, an't tell. [04:03.50]我不能说 'ause if you tell a wish, it won't come true. [04:06.90]如果说出愿望 它就不会实现了 And, after all... [04:10.64]而且„ A dream is a wish [04:12.28]梦就是你心中„ Your heart makes [04:16.85]的愿望 When you're fast asleep [04:21.18]当你熟睡时 In dreams you will lose [04:26.99]在梦中你会忘却„ Your heartaches [04:31.16]你的忧伤 Whatever you wish for [04:35.03]不管你抱着 2 You keep [04:39.17]什么样的愿望 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 Have faith [04:43.04]对自己的梦 In your dreams and someday [04:45.07]要有信心 Your rainbow will come smiling through [04:51.38]有一天终将拨云见日 No matter how your heart is grieving [04:59.32]无论你心里有多悲伤 If you keep on believing [05:05.80]只要你相信 The dream that you wish [05:10.97]你的梦想愿望 Will come true [05:15.41]就会成真 Oh, that clock. [05:22.21]噢,那个钟声 Old killoy. [05:25.78]真是扫兴 l hear you. ome on, get up, you say. [05:28.05]我听到了 你是在叫我起床 Time to start another day. [05:31.65]又是新的一天 Even he orders me around. [05:34.19]连它都要命令我 Well, there's one thing. [05:37.73]但有件事他们不能命令我 They can't order me to stop dreaming. [05:39.86]他们不能阻止我做梦 And perhaps someday... [05:43.30]而且或许有一天 The dreams that I wish [05:46.24]我希望我的梦想 Will come true [05:50.17]将会成真 No matter how your heart is grieving [07:00.78]无论你心里有多悲伤 If you keep on believing [07:07.48]只要你相信 The dream that you wish [07:13.29]你的梦想愿望 Will come true [07:16.63]将会成真 Look what l found. Over there. [07:21.93]看看我找到了什么 在那边 Wait a minute. [07:24.77]等一下 One at a time, please. [07:26.87]请你慢慢说 Now, Jaq, what's all the fuss about? [07:28.97]杰克,你们在吵什么, New mouse in the house. Brand-new. Never saw it before. [07:31.44]屋里有新老鼠 以前没见过的 - Visitor. Visitor! - Oh, a visitor. [07:34.71]有客人,有客人! 喔,有客人 Well, she'll need a dress... [07:37.48]那么她会需要一件衣服 - No, no. - lt's not a she, it's a he. [07:40.98]不是啦 不是女的,是男的 3 - He, he. - Oh, that does make a difference. [07:43.65]男的 喔,那就不同了 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 - He'll need a acket and shoes... - Gotta get him out! [07:46.42]他会需要一件夹克和一双鞋子 必须放他出来! - lt's in a rat trap. - Where? [07:50.43]他在捕鼠笼里 哪里, ln a trap? Why didn't you say so? [07:52.20]捕鼠笼, 怎么不早说呢, Now, now, calm down, everybody. [08:09.68]大家先安静 Oh, the poor little thing's scared to death. [08:13.72]可怜的小东西被吓坏了 Jaq, maybe you better eplain things to him. [08:16.89]杰克,或许 你最好先跟他解释一下 Zuk, zuk, inderelly. [08:19.86]她是仙度瑞拉 Now, now. Look, little guy. [08:22.26]你看,小傢伙 Take it easy. Nothin' to worry about. [08:24.83]你放心,没事了 We like you. inderelly likes you too. [08:27.86]我们喜欢你 仙度瑞拉也喜欢你 She's nice, very nice. [08:30.63]她人很好,超好的 That's better. ome on, now. Zuk, zuk. [08:32.37]没有错,跟我来 Well, that's better. [08:40.61]这样好多了 Well, let's ust slip it on for size. [08:44.95]先看看合不合身 lt is a little snug. [08:50.15]好像小了点 But it'll have to do. [08:52.15]但还是穿得下 Now, for a name. [08:54.79]现在取个名字吧 l've got one. Octavius. [08:57.16]有了,就叫奥大维 - But for short, we'll call you Gus. - Like it, Gus-Gus? [09:00.86]简单的叫,就叫葛斯 喜欢吗,葛斯, - Like it? - Gus-Gus. [09:04.27]喜欢吗, 葛斯,葛斯 l've got to hurry. See he keeps out of trouble, Jaq. [09:07.54]我得走了 杰克,别让他惹麻烦 And don't forget to warn him about the cat. [09:10.51]也别忘了警告他小心那只猫 Zuk, zuk. Look, did you ever see a cat, cat? [09:13.28]你看过猫咪吗, - at, cat? - at, cat. Lucify. That's him. [09:16.25]猫咪, 对,猫咪鲁斯佛 Meany, sneaky. [09:20.25]他又坏又狡猾 Jump at you. Bite at you. [09:22.99]他会把你扑倒 再咬你 Big, big. Big as a house. [09:25.05]他很大,就跟房子一样大 Zuk, zuk, Lucify? [09:28.82]记得了吗, Lucify, zuk, zuk. [09:30.33]鲁斯佛 4 Here, kitty, kitty. [10:04.79]猫咪过来 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 ome, kitty. ome on. [10:09.70]快点,猫咪过来 Lucifer! ome here! [10:16.47]鲁斯佛!过来! l'm sorry if Your Highness obects to an early breakfast. [10:36.03]我很抱歉 如果阁下你不想这么早吃早餐 lt's certainly not my idea to feed you first. [10:39.86]但这的确不是我的主意 lt's orders. ome on. [10:43.87]这是命令,来吧 Lucify. ls that Lucify? [10:47.87]那是鲁斯佛吗, Zuk, Lucify. That's him. [10:50.44]没错,那就是他 Gus-Gus take-a Lucify and... [10:53.54]葛斯抓住鲁斯佛然后„ - ...look at! - No, Gus-Gus, no. [10:57.15]让他好看 不,葛斯,不行 Now, listen here. Lucify not funny. [11:00.15]听我说 鲁斯佛可不好玩 Lucify mean. [11:02.45]他非常的坏 Bruno. [11:18.63]布鲁诺 Bruno! [11:21.70]布鲁诺! Dreaming again. [11:30.01]又做梦了, hasing Lucifer? [11:31.88]是不是在追鲁斯佛, atch him this time? [11:34.45]这次逮到他了吗, That's bad. [11:36.39]那样不好 Suppose they heard you upstairs. [11:40.16]楼上的人或许会听到 You know the orders. [11:42.73]你知道规矩的 So if you don't want to lose that nice, warm bed, [11:44.36]如果你不想失去这个温暖的窝 you'd better get rid of those dreams. [11:47.76]最好别再做那些梦 Know how? [11:51.20]知道怎么做吗, Just learn to like cats. [11:53.80]只要学着去爱那只猫 No, l mean it. Lucifer has his good points too. [11:58.47]我是说真的 鲁斯佛也有他的优点 For one thing, he... [12:02.31]比如说,他„ Well, sometimes he... [12:06.78]有时候他„ There must be something good about him. [12:12.69]他总会有优点的嘛 Bruno! [12:28.47]布鲁诺 Oh, Bruno. [12:32.58]走吧,到外面去 5 ome on, now. Outside. [12:38.15]我知道这不容易 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 l know it isn't easy, [12:40.85]但至少你要试着跟他和平相处 but at least we should try to get along together. [12:45.52]你也一样,猫大人 And that includes you, Your Maesty. [12:56.80]早餐时间 大家起床了,快点 Breakfast time. Everybody up. Hurry. [13:00.70]快点,来吃早餐了 ome on, everybody, breakfast. [13:03.87]快点,来吃早餐 Breakfast? Breakfast! [13:07.54]早餐,早餐! Lucify. How we gonna get out? [13:21.76]是鲁斯佛,我们要怎么出去, Let's see. [13:26.80]想想办法 Listen, everybody. Got an idea. [13:29.67]我有好点子了 Now, somebody got to sneak out, [13:32.37]必须要有人先溜出去 get Lucify to chase him, [13:35.60]让鲁斯佛先去追他 run over to the corner and keep Lucify there. [13:37.24]再把鲁斯佛引到角落 - Then we all run out. Zuk? - Zuk, zuk. Out. [13:40.51]然后大家再跑出去 太好了 Now we choose the one to do it. lbby-dibby hop. [13:44.01]现在我们来选一个人 向后转 - Hop. - Hop. [13:47.72]向后转 向后转 - eady, hop. - Hop. [13:49.45]好了,向后跳 向后跳 Hop. [13:51.22]跳„ - Now... - Hop, hop, hop. [13:52.99]好了 跳„ Hop. [13:55.72]跳 Oh, there you are. [15:45.53]你们在这里啊 l was wondering. [15:47.37]我还在找你们呢 All right. Breakfast is served. [15:49.24]来吧,你们的早餐 Take it easy, cluck-cluck. [16:03.95]这是我的 Let go! Let go, now. [16:08.86]放手!放手啦! Stop that. Shoo! Go on. Shoo. [16:13.66]住手,走开! 走开! Shoo, shoo! [16:16.80]走开! Poor little Gus. [16:19.84]可怜的小葛斯 Here. [16:22.17]这些给你 Help yourself. [16:23.51]你吃吧 6 Where's Gus-Gus? Well, guess he got away. [18:06.58]葛斯呢, 我想他逃掉了 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 inderella! [18:29.57]仙度瑞拉! All right. l'm coming. [18:32.80]好了,我来了 Oh, my goodness. Morning, noon and night. [18:35.77]我的天 每天从早吼到晚 inderella! [18:38.91]仙度瑞拉! oming, coming. [18:41.04]来了,来了 inderella! [18:53.06]仙度瑞拉! l'm coming. [18:54.39]我来了 - inderella! - ln a minute. [19:05.70]仙度瑞拉! inderella! [19:06.77]再等一下 inderella! [19:09.57]仙度瑞拉! Good morning, Drizella. Sleep well? [19:24.42]仙度瑞拉! As if you care. [20:04.16]早安,崔西里亚 睡得好吗, Take that ironing and have it back in an hour. [20:06.73]别假了 One hour, you hear? [20:08.63]把衣服拿去烫 一个钟头内拿回来 Yes, Drizella. [20:11.03]一个钟头,听到没, - Good morning, Anastasia. - Well, it's about time. [20:13.00]好的,崔西里亚 Don't forget the mending. [20:22.38]早,安泰西亚 你终于来了 Don't be all day getting it done, either. [20:26.18]别忘了替我改衣服 Yes, Anastasia. [20:28.48]你可别给我拖一整天 - Well, come in, child, come in. - Good morning, Stepmother. [20:30.92]好的,安泰西亚 Pick up the laundry and get on with your duties. [20:35.42]进来,孩子,进来 早,母亲 Yes, Stepmother. [20:39.76]把衣服拿去洗 别忘了你该做的事 Mother! Oh, Mother! Mother! [20:42.56]是,母亲 Mother! [20:58.58]喔,妈„ You did it. You did it on purpose. [21:04.59]是你,你是故意的 Mother! Mother, Mother, Mother! [21:06.66]妈„! Now what did you do? [21:09.12]你又做了什么好事, She put it there. A big, ugly mouse, under my teacup. [21:11.99]她把一只又大又丑的老鼠 放在我的茶杯里 All right, Lucifer. What did you do with him? [21:17.03]鲁斯佛,告诉我 你把他怎么了, 7 Oh, you're not fooling anybody. [21:21.87]你别想骗人了 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 We'll ust see about this. [21:23.91]我们来看看他在哪里 ome on. Let him go. [21:26.07]快点,放他走 Now the other one. [21:28.64]还有另一只脚 ome on! [21:30.65]快点! Oh, poor little Gus. [21:33.05]噢,可怜的葛斯 Oh, Lucifer, won't you ever learn? [21:40.09]鲁斯佛 你怎么就是不听话呢, inderella! [21:42.76]仙度瑞拉! Yes, Stepmother. [21:44.53]我在这里 Are you gonna get it. [21:50.77]你有苦头吃了 lose the door, inderella. [21:52.77]把门关上,仙度瑞拉 ome here. [22:02.01]过来这里 - You don't think that l... - Hold your tongue. [22:17.79]你该不会是认为„ 闭嘴 Now... [22:21.73]看来„ ...it seems we have time on our hands. [22:25.60]你很闲嘛 - But l was only trying to... - Silence! [22:27.94]我只是想„ 安静! Time for vicious practical okes. [22:33.04]有时间作弄别人的话 Perhaps we can put it to better use. [22:37.25]倒不如做些更有意义的事 Now, let me see... [22:39.88]我来想想„ There's the large carpet in the main hall. [22:42.55]大厅有张大地毯 lean it! [22:45.95]去把它洗干净! And the windows, upstairs and down. [22:47.96]楼上楼下的窗户 Wash them! [22:51.09]也要擦干净! Oh, yes. And the tapestries and the draperies. [22:53.43]对了,还有所有的挂毡和窗帘 - But l ust finished... - Do them again! [22:57.40]可是我才„ 再洗一次 And don't forget the garden. Scrub the terrace. [23:00.20]别忘了还有花园 刷洗台阶 Sweep the halls and the stairs. lean the chimneys. [23:02.70]打扫大厅,还有楼上 把烟囱也清一清 And, of course, there's the mending and the sewing and the laundry. [23:05.81]当然,还有针线活儿 和洗衣服等等 Oh, yes. And one more thing. [23:13.25]对了,还有一件事 See that Lucifer gets his bath. [23:17.49]给鲁斯佛洗个澡 8 My son has been avoiding his responsibilities long enough. [23:39.41]我的儿子 早就把他的责任给忘了 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 lt's high time he married and settled down. [23:43.01]该是他结婚 并且安顿下来的时候了 Of course, Your Maesty. [23:46.38]那当然,陛下 - But we must be patient. - l am patient! [23:49.48]但我们要有耐心 我已经夠有耐心了! But l'm not getting any younger, you know. [23:54.69]你知道我也不再年轻了 l want to see my grandchildren before l go. [23:58.79]我想在死之前能抱到孙子 - l understand, sire. - No. [24:02.06]我了解,陛下 不 No, you don't know what it means to see your only child [24:04.90]你不了解看着自己唯一的孩子 grow farther, farther [24:09.47]离你愈来愈远 and farther away from you. [24:12.11]愈来愈远的感觉 l'm... [24:15.48]我„ l'm lonely in this desolate old palace. [24:16.81]我好孤单 在这冷清的皇宫里 l... l want to hear the pitter-patter of little feet again. [24:20.02]我想再听到小孩可爱的声音 Now, now, Your Maesty. [24:27.22]别伤心了,陛下 - Perhaps if we ust let him alone... - Let him alone? [24:30.53]或许我们该让他自己做主 让他自己做主, With his silly romantic ideas? [24:35.20]他那些不切实际的浪漫想法, But, sire, in matters of love... [24:37.87]可是,陛下,爱情这种事„ Love. [24:40.84]爱情 Just a boy meeting a girl under the right conditions. So... [24:42.44]只不过是男女双方 在适当的气氛下遇见彼此 - ...we're arranging the conditions. - But, Your Maesty, [24:47.71]这我们可以安排 可是,陛下 - if the prince should suspect. - Suspect! [24:51.28]要是王子怀疑的话怎么办 怀疑什么! - Look, the boy's coming home today. - Yes, sire. [24:54.68]王子今天要回来对吧, 是的,陛下 Well, what could be more natural than a ball to celebrate his return? [24:58.65]有什么比得上开舞会 欢迎他回来更自然不过的事, Nothing, sire. [25:02.86]没有,陛下 lf all the eligible maidens in my kingdom ust... [25:04.83]假如说王国里所有的未婚女孩 ...happen to be there, [25:10.40]恰巧就在那里 why, he's bound to show interest in one of them, isn't he? [25:12.23]他应该会看上其中的一个 - lsn't he? - Yes, sire. [25:17.11]对吧, 是的,陛下 The moment he does... [25:19.98]一旦他看上某个女孩 Soft lights. [25:22.41]柔和的灯光 9 omantic music. [25:24.91]浪漫的音乐 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 All the trimmings! [25:27.62]加上所有的美好气氛! lt can't possibly fail. [25:31.09]这样就万无一失了 an it? [25:33.82]对吧, Yes, sire. No, sire! [25:36.19]是的,陛下! Very well, sire. [25:38.16]很好,陛下! l shall arrange the ball for... [25:40.53]我这就去安排舞会在„ - Tonight. - Tonight. Tonight? [25:42.30]今晚 今晚, - Oh, but, sire... - Tonight! [25:44.93]可是,陛下„ 就今晚 And see that every eligible maid is there. [25:46.64]还有,确定所有的未婚女孩 都要到场 Understand? [25:50.17]了解吗, Yes, Your Maesty. [25:54.41]是的,陛下 The pear-shaped toad [25:58.08]在树梢上 Sing, sweet nightingale [26:03.15]美丽的夜莺在歌唱 Sing, sweet nightingale [26:06.66]美丽的夜莺在歌唱 High [26:10.33]高高地„ Above me [26:13.46]在枝头上 Oh, sing, sweet nightingale [26:16.40]美丽的夜莺在歌唱 Sing, sweet nightingale [26:20.57]美丽的夜莺在歌唱 High [26:23.81]高高地„ Above [26:27.81]在枝头上 Oh, sing, sweet nightingale [26:31.88]美丽的夜莺在歌唱 Sing, sweet nightingale [26:35.42]美丽的夜莺在歌唱 High [26:39.32]高高在枝头上 Oh, sing, sweet nightingale [26:46.33]美丽的夜莺在歌唱 Sing, sweet [26:50.70]美丽的夜莺 Nightingale [26:54.30]在歌唱 Oh, sing, sweet nightingale [26:58.04]美丽的夜莺在歌唱 Sing, sweet [27:03.11]甜美的在歌唱 Oh, sing, sweet nightingale [27:06.95]美丽的夜莺在歌唱 10 Sing [27:11.82]在歌唱 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 Oh, sing, sweet nightingale [27:15.96]美丽的夜莺在歌唱 Oh, sing, sweet [27:20.63]美丽的夜莺 Oh, sing [27:26.40]在歌唱 Oh, Lucifer! [27:32.81]噢,鲁斯佛! You mean old thing. [27:38.75]你这个坏东西! l'm ust going to have to teach you a lesson. [27:42.75]我要好好教训你 Open in the name of the king. [27:46.72]奉国王陛下之名,请开门 Open in the name of the king. [27:46.82]奉国王陛下之名,请开门 An urgent message from His lmperial Maesty. [27:50.29]这是国王的紧急通知 - Thank you. - From the king! [27:53.09]谢谢 国王! - What's it say, inderelly? - What's it say? Huh? [27:55.83]上面写什么呀,仙度瑞拉, 上面写什么, l don't know. [27:59.40]不知道 He said it's urgent. [28:00.97]他说是紧急的事 Oh [28:03.04]喔„ Maybe l should interrupt the... music lesson. [28:05.21]或许我该打断她们 Sing, sweet nightingale [28:07.91]美丽的夜莺在歌唱 Sing, sweet nightingale [28:10.88]美丽的夜莺在歌唱 High [28:14.12]高高地„ High [28:17.35]高高地„ You clumsy! You did it on purpose. [28:20.99]你这笨蛋! 你是故意的 Be still, you! - emember, above all... - lt's her fault. [28:24.93]是高高地在歌唱 是她的错 ...self-control. [28:27.26]别忘了自制 Yes! [28:31.47]什么事, l've warned you never to interrupt... [28:34.40]我不是警告过你别打断„ - This ust arrived from the palace. - From the palace! [28:37.04]皇室刚来了通知 皇室的通知! - Give it here. - Let me have it. [28:39.97]拿过来 给我 l'll read it. [28:42.34]我来念 Well, there's to be a ball. [28:43.98]要召开舞会 11 - A ball! - ln honor of His Highness, the prince. [28:47.25]舞会! 是为王子举办的 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 - Oh, the prince! - And, by royal command, [28:50.02]王子! 皇室还命令 every eligible maiden is to attend. [28:53.86]所有的未婚女孩都要参加 - Why, that's us! - And l'm so eligible. [28:56.86]那就是我们 我也未婚 That means l can go too. [29:01.63]那表示我也能去 Her, dancing with the prince. [29:04.20]她想跟王子跳舞, l'd be honored, Your Highness. [29:07.30]我的荣幸,王子陛下 Would you mind holding my broom? [29:09.57]你介意拿着我的扫帚吗, Well, why not? [29:15.71]为什么我不能去, After all, l'm still a member of the family. [29:19.05]我毕竟是这家里的一份子 And it says, ''By royal command, every eligible maiden is to attend.'' [29:21.95]而且这是皇室的命令 所有的未婚女孩都得参加 Yes, so it does. [29:27.69]是这样没错 Well, l see no reason why you can't go. [29:31.93]没什么理由不准你去 - lf you get all your work done. - Oh, l will. l promise. [29:35.43]如果你能完成工作的话 我会的,我保证做完 And if you can find something suitable to wear. [29:39.60]还有,如果 你找得到合适的衣服的话 l'm sure l can. Oh, thank you, Stepmother. [29:43.37]我会找到的 谢谢你,继母 Mother, do you realize what you ust said? [29:46.81]妈,你知道 你刚才说了什么吗, Of course. [29:50.45]当然 l said ''if.'' [29:52.78]我是说“如果” Oh. ''lf.'' [29:55.05]哦“如果” lsn't it lovely? [30:06.93]很漂亮吧, - lt was my mother's. - lt's pretty, but it looks old. [30:08.46]是我妈的 它很漂亮,可是旧了 Well, maybe it is old-fashioned, but l'll fi that. [30:11.23]或许式样有些老旧 不过我可以改一改 - How do you do it? - Wait a minute. [30:15.90]你要怎么做, 等一等 There ought to be some good ideas in here. [30:19.41]书里应该有些好点子 Uh-huh. - This one. - Oh, very nice. Nice. [30:24.11]这一款 很好看 - Like it. - lt'll be easy. [30:26.08]我喜欢 真的很美 l'll have to shorten the sleeves, l'll need a sash, [30:28.12]我可以把袖子改短 做一点裙花 - a ruffle, something for a collar... - inderella! [30:30.92]领子再做一点装饰 仙度瑞拉! 12 - Oh, now what do they want? - inderella! [30:34.12]又怎么啦, 仙度瑞拉! 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 Oh, well. [30:39.16]好吧 l guess my dress will ust have to wait. [30:40.53]看来,我的衣服 只好再等一会儿了 - inderella! - inderella! [30:44.30]仙度瑞拉! All right, all right. l'm coming. [30:45.97]好啦,这就来了 Poor inderelly. [30:51.67]可怜的仙度瑞拉 Poor inderelly. [30:52.67]可怜的仙度瑞拉 Every time she finds a minute, that's the time when they begin it. [30:53.81]才刚闲下来 就又被叫去干活 - inderelly, inderelly. - inderella! [30:57.58]仙度瑞拉!叫个不停 仙度瑞拉! Cinderelly, Cinderelly Night and day it's Cinderelly [31:03.08]仙度瑞拉„ 从早到晚被叫个不停 Make the fire Fix the breakfast [31:06.55]砍柴生火,打点早餐 Wash the dishes Do the moppin' [31:08.59]清洗碗盘,擦擦桌子 And the sweepin' and the dustin' [31:10.46]扫扫地板,清清灰尘 They always keep her hoppin' [31:12.49]成天到晚被差遣着 She go around in circles [31:14.30]总是忙得转呀转 Till she very, very dizzy [31:15.83]就算疲惫不堪 - Still they holler - Keep a-busy, Cinderelly [31:17.77]还是不让她歇息 一刻都不得闲的仙度瑞拉 Yeah. Keep a-busy. [31:22.30]没错,就是没办法休息 You know what? [31:27.18]你们知道吗, - inderelly not go to the ball. - What? [31:28.98]仙度瑞拉无法参加舞会 什么, - Not go? - What did you say? [31:32.15]不能去, 你说什么, You'll see. [31:34.45]你们看好了 They'll fi her. [31:36.62]她们会要她„ Work, work, work. [31:39.19]不停的工作 She'll never get her dress done. [31:41.02]她永远没时间做她的衣服 Poor inderelly. [31:44.19]可怜的仙度瑞拉 Hey! We can do it! [31:48.00]嘿!我们可以做啊! We can do it We can do it [31:50.13]只要我们同心协力 We can help our Cinderelly We can make the dress so pretty [31:52.17]就能帮仙度瑞拉 做出美丽的衣旧 There's nothing to it, really [31:55.97]这真的不难 13 We'll tie a sash around it Put a ribbon through it [31:57.81]我们可以做出裙花 在上面别上蝴蝶结 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 When dancing at the ball she'll be more beautiful than all [32:01.64]仙度瑞拉穿上我们做的衣旧 In the lovely dress we'll make for Cinderelly [32:05.15]就会成为舞会上最美丽的女孩 Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry [32:08.82]快点,快点„ Gonna help our Cinderelly [32:10.49]我们必须帮助仙度瑞拉 Got no time to dilly-dally [32:12.35]没时间浪费了 - We got to get it goin' - l'll cut it with the scissors. [32:14.19]我们得快动手 我用剪刀把它剪开 - And l can do the sewing. - Leave the sewing to the women. [32:18.06]我来做针线活 针线活是女人的事 You go get some trimmin'. [32:21.56]你去找些缎带 And we'll make a lovely dress for Cinderelly [32:23.36]我们来帮仙度瑞拉 做漂亮的衣旧 We'll make a lovely dress for Cinderelly [32:27.47]我们来帮仙度瑞拉 做漂亮的衣旧 Follow me, Gus-Gus. l know where to go. [32:30.31]跟我来,葛斯 我知道上哪儿找 Find the pretty-pretty for this dress. [32:32.67]这衣服一定会很漂亮 inderelly will be surprised. [32:36.34]仙度瑞拉一定会感到惊喜 Surprise, surprise. Very surprised. [32:38.21]惊喜,惊喜 And this, too, my slippers. Don't forget... [32:48.72]还有这个,我的拖鞋 别忘了„ - Take my dress. - Here, mend the buttonholes. [32:51.49]这件衣服也要 把纽扣修补一下 - Press my skirt, and mind the ruffle. - And inderella? [32:53.96]把裙子烫一烫,小心裙摆 仙度瑞拉, - Yes? - When you're through, [32:57.37]是, 等你做好了 and before you begin your regular chores, [32:59.23]在你开始日常的活儿之前 - l have a few little things. - Very well. [33:01.90]我还有一些小事 知道了 l don't see why everybody else has nice things to wear, [33:05.01]为什么 其他人都能穿漂亮的衣服 and l always end up in these old rags. [33:08.78]而我老是穿这些旧衣服 This sash! l wouldn't be seen dead in it. [33:10.95]这个腰带丑死了 You should talk. These beads! l am sick of looking at them. [33:13.98]还说,这条项链才丑呢 - Trash. - Oh, l hate this. [33:17.72]垃圾 真是讨厌 ome on, and be care-fee. [33:24.06]来吧,小心点 Yes, yes. eal care-fee. [33:26.16]对,要非常小心 We can use that, Gus-Gus. [33:39.24]我们可以用这个,葛斯 Pretty, pretty. [33:41.91]漂亮,漂亮 14 Look out. Lucify! [33:43.75]小心,鲁斯佛在 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 Oh! Beads! [34:31.19]哦,项链! Very pretty beads! [34:34.43]好漂亮的项链! A dream is a wish your heart makes [36:40.35]梦就是你心中的愿望 When you're fast asleep [36:44.76]当你熟睡时 In dreams you will lose your heartaches [36:48.76]在梦中你会忘却你的忧伤 Whatever you wish for, you keep Have faith in your dreams and someday [36:52.40]不管你抱着什么样的愿望 No matter how your heart is grieving [37:05.85]无论你心里有多悲伤 If you keep on believing [37:08.35]只要你相信 The dream that you wish will come true [37:10.35]你的愿望就会实现 Okay. One, two, three, four, five, si, seven, eight. [37:26.17]好了,一,二,三,四 五,六,七,八 Whatever you wish for, you keep [37:32.64]不管你抱着什么样的愿望 All right. [37:38.00]好了 Heave-ho. Heave-ho. [37:41.90]加油,加油 Heave-ho. [37:44.00]加油 The dream that you wish will come true [37:48.71]你的梦想愿望将会成真 Will come true [37:51.88]将会成真 - Yes? - The carriage is here. [38:54.51]什么事, 马车来了 Why, inderella, [38:58.61]仙度瑞拉 - you're not ready, child. - l'm not going. [39:00.31]你怎么还没准备好, 我不去了 Not going? Oh, what a shame. [39:03.15]不去了, 那有多可惜啊 But of course, there will be other times. [39:07.48]不过,当然,以后还有机会的 Yes. Good night. [39:10.05]是啊,晚安 Oh, well. [39:22.70]算了吧 What's a royal ball? [39:24.74]皇室舞会也没什么, After all, l suppose it would be frightfully dull [39:28.37]我想那一定很无聊 and boring and completely... [39:31.71]枯燥无味,一定很„ ompletely wonderful. [39:35.95]一定很棒 - lt's my... - Surprise! [39:45.79]那是我的„ 惊喜! 15 - Surprise! - Surprise! [39:48.19]惊喜! 惊喜! 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 - Happy birthday! - No, no, no, no! [39:51.43]生日快乐 不是啦 Well, l never dreamed it. [39:53.80]我做梦也想不到 lt's such a surprise. [39:56.20]好棒的惊喜 Oh, how can l ever...? [39:58.80]我怎么能„ Oh, thank you so much. [40:03.07]喔,太谢谢你们了 emember, when you're presented to His Highness, [40:12.52]记得,当你们见到王子时 - be sure... - Wait! [40:15.19]一定要„ 等等! Please, wait for me. [40:17.69]请等一下! lsn't it lovely? Do you like it? [40:20.52]很漂亮吧, 你们喜欢吗, Do you think it will do? [40:23.86]这件衣服可以吗, - inderella! - Mother, she can't. [40:27.80]仙度瑞拉! 妈,不可以 - Oh, no. - You can't! [40:29.60]不可以 她不能去! Girls, please. [40:31.90]安静 After all, we did make a bargain. [40:34.67]无论如何我们说好了的 Didn't we, inderella? [40:37.37]是不是,仙度瑞拉, And l never go back on my word. [40:41.11]而我从不食言 How very clever. [40:45.95]真聪明啊 These beads, [40:48.45]这项链 they give it ust the right touch. [40:50.25]摸起来还真舒服呢 Don't you think so, Drizella? [40:53.26]你说是不是,崔西里亚, No, l don't. l think she's... [40:55.89]我才不觉得呢,她„ Oh! Why, you little thief! [40:58.30]噢!你这个小偷! - They're my beads. Give them here. - Oh, no. [41:01.63]那是我的项链,还给我 不 And look, that's my sash. Wearing my sash. [41:04.77]她还偷我的腰带 - She can't! - Oh, please. [41:07.81]是我的! 不要 Please, no. [41:10.67]求求你不要 Thief! You ungrateful little... [41:12.94]小偷! Girls, girls. [41:16.58]孩子们 That's quite enough. Hurry along now, both of you. [41:19.32]夠了 你们两个快点走了 16 l won't have you upsetting yourselves. [41:23.02]我不要你们坏了情绪 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 Good night. [41:30.26]晚安 You will lose your heartache [42:11.20]你会忘却你的忧伤 Whatever you wish for, you'll keep [42:16.61]不管你抱着什么样的愿望 Oh, no. No, it isn't true. [42:20.71]噢,不 这不是真的 Have faith in your dreams and someday [42:23.48]对自己的梦要有信心 lt's ust no use. [42:27.92]没有用的 Your rainbow will come smiling through [42:30.22]有一天一切终将拨云见日 No use at all. [42:32.79]一点都没有用 No matter how your heart is grieving [42:35.59]无论你心里有多悲伤 If you keep on believing [42:40.10]只要相信 - l can't believe. Not anymore. - The dream that you wish [42:42.70]我不再相信了 你的梦想愿望 - Will come true - There's nothing left to believe in. [42:48.01]没什么好相信的了 就会成真 - Nothing. - Nothing, my dear? [42:52.71]没什么 真的吗,亲爱的, - Oh, now you don't really mean that. - Oh, but l do. [42:56.58]你不会是说真的吧 我是说真的 Nonsense, child! [43:00.08]胡说,孩子! lf you'd lost all your faith, l couldn't be here. [43:01.99]如果你不相信的话 我就不会在这里了 And here l am. [43:05.32]我不是来了吗, Oh, come now. Dry those tears. [43:07.36]来,擦干眼泪 You can't go to the ball looking like that. [43:10.86]你不能像这样去参加舞会 - The ball? Oh, but l'm not... - Of course, you are. [43:13.06]舞会,可是我不能„ 你当然能去 But we'll have to hurry, [43:16.73]但我们得赶快 because even miracles take a little time. [43:18.20]因为就算是奇迹 也是需要时间的 - Miracles? - Watch. [43:20.50]奇迹, 你看 What in the world did l do with that magic wand? l was sure... [43:24.11]我的魔术棒到哪去了, 我记得„ - Magic wand? - That's strange. [43:27.18]魔术棒, 真是奇怪 - l always... - Then you must be... [43:30.11]那你一定是„ 我都放„ Your fairy godmother? Of course. [43:32.88]神仙教母 当然了 Where is that wand? l... [43:36.12]我的魔术棒到底在„ Oh! l forgot. [43:38.56]喔,我忘了 17 l put it away. [43:41.26]我收起来了 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 - Look at what she did. - How'd she do it? [43:45.40]你们看她, 她怎么变的, Now, let's see. [43:48.60]让我想想 l'd say the first thing you need is... [43:51.67]首先你需要的是„ - ...a pumpkin. - A pumpkin? [43:54.94]一个南瓜 一个南瓜, Now... the magic words. [43:57.34]接下来要念咒语 Sala-gadoola-menchika-boo-la Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo [44:05.88]莎拉卡都拉,梅气卡布拉 比比迪巴比迪布 Put 'em together and what have you got? [44:10.89]念完之后 会变成什么呢, Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo [44:13.09]比比迪巴比迪布 Sala-gadoola-menchika-boo-la Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo [44:15.19]莎拉卡都拉,梅气卡布拉 比比迪巴比迪布 It'll do magic believe it or not [44:19.76]它会变魔术 无论你信不信 Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo [44:22.10]比比迪巴比迪布 Now sala-gadoola means a menchika-boolaroo [44:24.23]莎拉卡都拉就是梅气卡布拉 But the thing-a-ma-bob that does the job [44:28.81]但关键的咒语是 Is bibbidi-bobbidi-boo [44:31.31]比比迪巴比迪布 Sala-gadoola-menchika-boo-la Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo [44:33.84]莎拉卡都拉,梅气卡布拉 比比迪巴比迪布 Put 'em together and what have you got [44:38.62]念完之后 会变成什么呢, Bibbidi-bobbidi, bibbidi-bobbidi Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo [44:40.82]比比迪巴比迪布„ - Oh, looky. - lsn't it wonder-fee? [44:46.16]你们看 真是太棒了 Oh, it's beautiful. [44:50.09]喔,好美的马车 Yes, isn't it? [44:52.50]是啊 With an elegant coach like that, of course, [44:54.97]当然了,有这么高贵的马车 we'll simply have to have... [44:57.47]就得配上„ - ...mice! - Mice? [45:00.64]„老鼠 老鼠, Oh, this really is nice. [45:03.24]喔,太好了 Why, we'll have a coach and four when we're through. [45:05.78]我们会有4匹马的马车 Just a wave of my stick, and to finish the trick, [45:08.95]只要挥一挥魔术棒就能完成 bibbidi, bobbidi, boo. [45:12.52]比比迪巴比迪布 Gracious, what did l do? [45:15.52]怎么搞的, l was sure there were four. There should be one more. [45:17.65]我确定有4只 怎么少了1只 18 There you are. [45:21.53]你在这儿啊 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 Bibbidi, bobbidi, boo. [45:24.76]比比迪巴比迪布 Oh, poor Lucifer. [45:37.34]可怜的鲁斯佛 Serves him right, l'd say. Now... [45:39.64]他也该尝点苦头了 Where were we? Oh, goodness, yes. [45:42.05]好了,然后呢„ 喔,对了 You can't go to the ball without... [45:45.02]你不能去舞会,如果没有„ - ...a horse. - Another one? [45:47.62]马儿 还要另一匹, But tonight, for a change, you will handle the reins, [45:50.69]今晚,就换点新鲜的 你来当马夫 and sit in the driver's seat too. [45:54.93]就坐在驾驶座上 For instead of a horse, you're the coachman, of course. [45:57.46]你就改当马夫好了 Bibbidi, bobbidi, boo. [46:01.30]比比迪巴比迪布 That does it, l guess, ecept for... oh, yes! [46:07.17]这样应该完成了 除了„对了 The finishing touch. And that's you. [46:11.01]最后一项 那就是你了 Yes, Bruno, that's right, you'll be footman tonight. [46:14.24]没错,布鲁诺 今晚你要当侍童 Bibbidi, bobbidi, boo. [46:17.95]比比迪巴比迪布 Well, well, hop in, my dear. We can't waste time. [46:22.25]好了,赶快进去吧,亲爱的 不能再浪费时间了 - But... - Now don't try to thank me. [46:24.79]可是„ 你不用谢我了 Oh, l wasn't... l mean, l do, but... [46:27.59]我只是„ 我是很谢谢你,可是„ But don't you think my dress... [46:31.33]可是你不觉得我穿得„ Yes, it's lovely, dear. Lov... [46:33.10]是啊,你穿得很美,亲爱„ Good heavens, child. You can't go in that! [46:36.00]我的天,孩子! 你不能穿这样去! Now, let's see, dear. [46:41.57]让我来看看 Your size and the shade of your eyes. [46:43.94]配合你的身材和眼睛的颜色 Something simple, but daring too. [46:48.25]需要简单和可爱一点的衣服 Oh, ust leave it to me. What a gown this will be. [46:51.42]交给我就可以了 这件礼服一定很美丽 Bibbidi-bobbidi. Bibbidi-bobbidi. [46:55.12]比比迪巴比迪布„ Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. [46:57.95]比比迪巴比迪布 Oh, it's a beautiful dress. [47:02.46]喔,好漂亮的衣服 Did you ever see such a beautiful dress? [47:05.83]你们有见过 这么美丽的衣服吗, And look, glass slippers. [47:09.13]还有,你们看玻璃鞋 19 Why, it's like a dream. [47:13.64]这就像美梦一般 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 A wonderful dream come true. [47:15.91]一个好美的梦实现了 Yes, my child. [47:18.91]是啊,孩子 But like all dreams, [47:20.58]但是,就像所有梦境一样 well, l'm afraid this can't last forever. [47:22.35]我怕它只能维持短暂的时间 You'll have till midnight, then... [47:25.22]这一切只能发生在午夜之前 然后„ Midnight? Thank you. [47:27.18]午夜,那没关系 Now, now, now, ust a minute. You must understand, my dear. [47:28.89]不不不,你得听我说 亲爱的 On the stroke of 1 2 the spell will be broken, [47:32.49]当12点钟声响起时 咒语就会被解除 and everything will be as it was before. [47:35.79]所有的一切都会变回来 Oh, l understand, but... [47:38.46]我了解,可是„ ...it's more than l ever hoped for. [47:40.80]这已经比我希望的好太多了 Bless you, my child. [47:43.57]祝福你了,孩子 l... Goodness me! [47:45.37]惨了! lt's getting late. Hurry up, dear. The ball can't wait. [47:47.97]已经很晚了,快点去 舞会可是不等人的 Have a good time. Dance. Be gay. [47:51.24]好好的玩 尽情跳舞开心点 Now, off you go. You're on your way. [47:53.68]现在快去吧,上路了 With a bibbidi-bobbidi Bibbidi-bobbidi [47:55.88]神奇的比比迪巴比迪布„ Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo [47:58.25]比比迪巴比迪布 Princess Frederica Janie de la Fontain. [48:27.88]玻多利卡优金芳登公主陛下 Mademoiselle Augustina DuBois. [48:35.89]法俄塞尔奥古斯坦小姐 Daughter of General Pierre DuBois. [48:38.89]奥古斯坦将军之女 The boy isn't cooperating. [48:53.37]这孩子真不给面子 Mademoiselle Leonora Mercedes de la Tour. [48:56.34]南若拉科隆爵士之女 Daughter of olonel and Madame de la Tour. [49:00.71]维多利亚小姐 l can't understand it. [49:11.56]我真是不明白 There must be at least one who'd make a suitable mother. [49:14.26]这当中总有一个 能当个好妈妈 - Sire. - A suitable wife. [49:18.26]陛下 能当个好妻子 Mademoiselles Drizella [49:40.65]安泰西亚 and Anastasia Tremaine. [49:43.39]以及崔西里亚科曼妮小姐 20 Daughters of Lady Tremaine. [49:46.59]科曼妮夫人之女 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 l give up. Even l couldn't epect the boy to... [49:55.37]我放弃了 连我都看不上,何况是王子 Well, if l may say so, Your Maesty, l did try to warn you, [49:58.87]请容我这么说,陛下 我早就提醒过您了 but you, sire, are incurably romantic. [50:02.81]但是您想得太浪漫了 No doubt you saw the whole pretty picture in detail. [50:07.81]你是想在今天的舞会里 The young prince... bowing to the assembly. [50:12.32]看到王子回礼时 Suddenly he stops. He looks up. [50:16.72]突然愣住,他往前一看 For, lo, there she stands. [50:20.06]就在他眼前 The girl of his dreams. [50:23.73]他梦中的女孩 Who she is or whence she came, he knows not, nor does he care, [50:27.73]不管她是谁,她来自何方 那都不重要 for his heart tells him that here, [50:32.64]因为他的心告诉自己 here is the maid predestined to be his bride. [50:35.57]那就是他的真命天女 A pretty plot for fairy tales, sire. [50:42.51]真是好美的童话故事呀 陛下 But in real life, oh, no. [50:44.98]但在现实生活中 No! lt was foredoomed to failure. [50:47.42]那是注定不会发生的 Failure, eh? [50:50.79]不会发生, Take a look at that, you pompous windbag! [50:53.59]你自己亲眼看看 你这个自大狂 Who is she? You know her? [50:58.43]她是谁,你见过她吗, No, sire. l've never seen her before. [51:00.40]没有,陛下 我没见过她 That's one thing in her favor. [51:03.80]她真是美 The wallz. uick, the wallz! [51:06.20]华尔滋,快,华尔兹 Lights. [51:11.88]灯光 The lights. [51:13.54]灯光 Failure, eh? [51:35.23]你还说不会成功, Well... [51:39.80]好了 Now for a good night's sleep. [51:42.24]现在可以好好睡个觉了 Oh, quite so, sire. l believe l, too... [51:43.94]是啊,陛下 我想我也该睡了 You will stay right here. [51:46.71]你给我好好待这儿 See they're not disturbed, [51:49.55]确定没人打扰他们 and when the boy proposes, notify me immediately. [51:51.05]王子求婚的时候 再马上通知我 21 - ''Notify me immediately.'' - And remember: [51:56.42]“马上通知我” 还有记住„ 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 lf anything goes wrong... [51:59.72]如果出了什么事„ - Who is she, Mother? - Do we know her? [52:18.54]妈,她是谁啊, 你认识她吗, Well, the prince certainly seems to. [52:21.11]王子的样子好像认识她 - l know l've never seen her. - Nor l. [52:23.75]我想我没见过她 我也是 But she certainly is... Wait. [52:27.35]但她真的是„ 等等 There is something familiar about her. [52:31.09]她看起来有点眼熟 So this is love [52:54.44]这就是爱 So this is love [52:59.25]这就是爱 So this is what makes life [53:03.79]爱让生活 Divine [53:07.76]充满欢乐 I'm all aglow [53:10.99]我的心充满喜悦 - And now I know - And now I know [53:14.56]现在我明白了 现在我明白了 The key to all heaven [53:19.00]天堂的钥匙 Is mine [53:23.61]就在我的手中 My heart has wings [53:27.14]我的心有着翅膀 And I can fly [53:30.95]可以飞翔 I'll touch every star [53:35.32]飞到天空中 In the sky [53:39.26]在繁星星里 So this is the miracle [53:43.59]原来这就是奇迹 That I've been dreaming of [53:48.73]我一直梦想的奇迹 So this [54:03.55]原来 Is [54:06.05]这就是 Love [54:08.75]爱 Oh, my goodness. [54:14.92]喔,糟了 What's the matter? [54:17.26]怎么了, - lt's midnight. - Yes, so it is. But why...? [54:19.10]午夜到了 是啊,那没关„ - Goodbye. - No, wait. [54:22.50]再见 不,等等 - You can't go now. lt's only... - Oh, l must. Please. [54:24.90]你不能现在离开,我们才„ 我必须走了 - Please, l must. - But why? [54:27.74]求求你 为什么, 22 Well, l... Oh, the prince. [54:29.44]我„ 王子 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 - l haven't met the prince. - The prince? [54:31.77]我还没见到王子 王子, But didn't you know...? [54:34.74]你难道不知道„ - Goodbye. - No, wait. [54:37.15]再见 不,等一下 ome back. Please come back. [54:39.38]回来,请你回来 l don't even know your name. How will l find you? [54:41.75]我什至还不知道你的名字 我要怎么找你, Wait! Please wait. [54:44.45]等等!请等一下! Goodbye. [54:47.39]再见 Oh, l say. Young lady! [54:49.33]小姐 - Wait! - The prince! [54:51.46]等一下! 王子! Mademoiselle. Senorita. [54:59.00]小姐,你别走啊 Just a moment. [55:04.31]等一下 Guard! Guard! [55:06.34]快来!快点! Stop that coach! lose those gates! [55:10.38]拦下马车! 关上大门! Follow that coach! [55:16.65]去追那马车! Open those gates! [55:18.92]别让他们逃了! l'm sorry. [55:57.96]对不起 l guess l forgot about everything. [56:00.56]我一玩什么都忘了 Even the time, but... [56:04.37]什至忘了时间,可是„ But it was so wonderful. [56:07.64]可是这一切真的好美 And he was so handsome, and when we danced... [56:11.34]他好英俊,当我们跳舞时„ Oh, l'm sure even the prince himself couldn't have been more... [56:15.98]我想就算是王子也不比他„ ...more... [56:19.48]不比他„ - Oh, well, it's over, and... - inderelly. [56:22.05]算了,这都结束了 仙度瑞拉 Look, look! The slipper! [56:24.79]你看!鞋子! - Yeah, your slipper. - Your slipper, inderelly. [56:26.86]是啊,你的鞋子 你看你的鞋子 Thank you. [56:34.36]谢谢你 Thank you so much, for everything. [56:36.47]谢谢你给我的一切 Your Majesty, l see no point in beating about the bush. [56:49.21]陛下,我就直截了当的说吧 l regret to inform you, sire, [56:53.72]我很遗憾禀报你,陛下 23 that the young lady has disappeared, [56:55.72]那位小姐不见了 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 leaving behind only this glass slipper. [56:57.99]她只留下了这只玻璃鞋 Yes. l'll do it. [57:00.86]就这样,我马上去 No. l just can't. [57:04.69]不,我不敢 Well, come in. [57:36.59]好吧,进来 ome in! [57:38.39]进来! - Your Maesty... - So, he's proposed already? [57:40.16]陛下„ 所以他求婚了, - Tell me about it. - Well... [57:43.87]快告诉我 这„ - Who is she? - l didn't get a chance... [57:45.44]她是谁, 我没机会„ No matter. We've more important things to discuss. [57:47.94]没关系 我们还有更重要的事要讨论 Arrangements for the wedding, [57:50.64]婚礼的安排 invitations, a national holiday. [57:52.38]寄邀请函,订那天为国定假日 - All that sort of thing. - But, sire... [57:55.68]诸如此类的事 可是,陛下„ Here. Have a cigar. Take a few more. [57:58.01]来,来抽根雪茄 多来几根 But... [58:00.75]可是„ Better practice passing these out. [58:02.35]你最好先学会怎么分雪茄 But if you'd... [58:05.25]请您„ - ...only listen. - And for you, my friend. [58:07.66]您听我说 至于你呢,我的朋友 - Your Maesty, please... - A knighthood. [58:10.39]陛下,陛下„ 一位爵士 l hereby dub you Sir... [58:14.23]在此,我封你为„ - By the way, what title would you like? - Sire? [58:18.07]对了,你想要什么名称, 陛下, - She got away. - Sir ''She Got Away''? [58:21.74]她逃走了 “她逃走了”, A peculiar title, but if that's what you... [58:24.24]这是很特别的名称 但如果你要的话„ She what? Why, you... [58:27.18]什么,她怎么了, You... you traitor! [58:30.21]你„你这叛徒! Now, sire. emember, your blood pressure. [58:32.45]不,陛下,别忘了你的血压 Treason! [58:35.45]叛徒! No, sire. No! [58:39.52]不,陛下,不要! Sabotage! [58:41.76]没用的傢伙! You were in league with the prince. [58:45.09]你不是跟王子在一起吗, 24 l tried to stop her, [58:47.13]我有阻止她 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 - but she vanished into thin air. - A likely story. [58:49.20]可是她就消失了 你真会鬼扯 But it's true, sire. All we could find was this glass slipper. [58:53.04]是真的,陛下 我们只找到她的玻璃鞋 The whole thing was a plot! [58:56.44]这件事从头到尾都是阴谋! But, sire, he loves her. [58:59.44]可是陛下,王子爱她! He won't rest till he finds her. [59:02.61]不找到那女孩 他是不会罢休的 He's determined to marry her. [59:04.61]他决心要娶她 What? What did you say? [59:07.88]什么,你说什么, The prince, sire, swears he'll marry none [59:10.92]陛下,王子发誓什么人都不娶 but the girl who fits this slipper. [59:13.89]一定要找到能穿这只鞋的女孩 He said that, did he? [59:16.09]他是这么说, We've got him! [59:19.83]那就搞定了! But, sire, this slipper may fit any number of girls. [59:26.60]可是陛下 可能有很多女孩穿得下这只鞋 That's his problem. He's given his word. [59:30.14]那是他的问题 他既然说了 - We'll hold him to it. - No, Your Highness. [59:33.11]就不能反悔 是啊,陛下 l'll have nothing to do with it. [59:36.35]这可不关我的事 You'll try this on every maid in my kingdom. [59:38.41]你让全国的女孩都试试这只鞋 And if the shoe fits... [59:41.22]谁穿得上这只鞋 ...bring her in. [59:44.05]就把她带进宫 Yes, Your Maesty. [59:46.02]遵命,陛下 inderella? inderella? [60:02.57]仙度瑞拉,仙度瑞拉, - inderella! Where is that...? - Yes? [60:05.81]仙度瑞拉又跑哪儿去了, 是, - Here l am. - My daughters, where are they? [60:08.18]我在这儿 我的女儿在哪里, l think they're still in bed. [60:11.58]我想她们还在睡 Don't ust stand there! [60:14.92]别光只是站着! Bring up the breakfast trays at once. And hurry! [60:16.79]马上把早餐端上来 快一点! Wow. l wonder what's the matter. [60:20.49]哇,我在想出了什么事 - What's the matter with her? - l don't know. [60:23.16]她是怎么了, 我不知道 Let's find out. ome on. [60:25.49]我们去查一查,来吧 Drizella! [60:34.97]崔西里亚! 25 - What? - Get up. uick. This instant. [60:38.21]怎么啦, 快点起床,马上 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 We haven't a moment to lose. [60:41.54]一刻也不能迟 Anastasia. [60:44.61]安泰西亚 Get up, Anastasia. [60:50.45]起来,安泰西亚 What for? Why? [60:52.72]什么事, Everyone's talking about it, the whole kingdom. [60:55.12]全国的人都在讨论这事 - Hurry now. He'll be here any minute. - Who will? [60:57.83]快点,他随时都会到 谁, The grand duke. He's been hunting all night. [61:00.63]爵士大人 他已经找了一整晚了 - Hunting? - For that girl. [61:03.77]找什么, 那个女孩 The one who lost her slipper at the ball last night. [61:05.84]昨晚在舞会上 留下一只鞋的女孩 They say he's madly in love with her. [61:08.57]他们说他疯狂的爱上她 - The duke is? - No, no. The prince! [61:10.61]你是说爵士大人, 不,我是说王子! The prince! [61:15.21]王子! You clumsy little fool. [61:18.21]你这笨手笨脚的傢伙 lean that up. And then help my daughters dress. [61:20.58]快清一清 然后帮我的女儿们打扮 - What for? - lf he's in love with that girl, [61:23.95]有什么用, 他不是爱上那女孩吗, why should we even bother? [61:27.46]我们费什么劲呢, Now you two, listen to me. [61:29.33]你们两个好好听着 There is still a chance that one of you can get him. [61:32.19]你们还是有机会的 One of us? Why, Mother, what do you mean? [61:35.30]有机会, 怎么说呢,妈, Just this: [61:38.73]因为„ No one, not even the prince, knows who that girl is. [61:40.50]没有人,什至是王子本人 都不知道这女孩是谁 We know! We know! inderelly! [61:44.17]我们知道,是仙度瑞拉! The glass slipper is their only clue. [61:47.04]唯一的线索是一只玻璃鞋 Now, the duke has been ordered to try it [61:49.58]现在,爵士奉命„ on every girl in the kingdom. [61:52.15]要全国的女孩试穿它 And if one can be found whom the slipper fits, [61:53.65]只要能找到 适合这只鞋的女孩 then, by the king's command, [61:56.85]奉国王之命 that girl shall be the prince's bride. [61:59.32]那个女孩就是王子的新娘 - His bride. - His bride! [62:01.89]王子的新娘 王子的新娘! 26 inderella, get my things together. [62:04.79]仙度瑞拉,快拿我的东西来 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 Never mind her. Get mine right away. [62:07.23]别管她,先拿我的 - Not until she irons my dress. - This too. Add these. - After she's brushed my shoes. - First get my... What's the matter with her? [62:16.44]她是怎么搞的, - Wake up, stupid. - We've gotta get dressed. [62:19.08]醒一醒,傻子 我们得换衣服了 Dressed. Oh, yes. [62:22.75]衣服,是啊 We must get dressed. [62:26.22]喔,得换件衣服 lt would never do for the duke to see me... [62:28.28]穿这样不能见人 Mother, did you see what she did? [62:30.32]妈,你看她, - Are you ust going to let her...? - uiet! [62:32.09]你怎么可以让她„ 安静! So this is love [62:36.29]这就是爱 - What's she gonna do? - l don't know. Gotta watch her. [62:52.68]她想做什么, 不知道,我们得监视她 ome on. [62:55.95]快点 - inderelly! - inderelly! [63:22.04]仙度瑞拉! 仙度瑞拉! - So this is the miracle - Look out! Behind you! [63:23.84]原来这就是奇迹 小心!你的背后! That I've been dreaming of [63:27.01]我一直梦想的奇迹 What? [63:33.48]什么, Oh, no! [63:36.29]喔,不! No, please! [63:38.25]求求你别这样! Oh, you can't, you ust can't. [63:40.36]喔,你不能这样,你不能 Let me out! You must let me out! [63:42.99]放我出去!放我出去! You can't keep me in here! [63:45.90]你不能把我关在这里! Oh, please. [63:48.96]求求你! No, no. She can't do it. She can't lock up inderelly. [63:51.90]不行,她不能这样 她不能把仙度瑞拉关着 l'm gonna... [63:55.10]我要„ Please, please. [63:56.64]我求求你 We gotta get that key, Gus-Gus. We ust gotta get that key. [63:58.91]我们要拿到钥匙,葛斯 我们一定要拿到钥匙 Whoa. [64:08.18]停车 27 He's over here, the duke-duke. [64:14.49]他来了,那个爵士 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 - The who? - The grand duke with the slipper. [64:16.76]谁, 带着玻璃鞋的爵士大人 - Gotta get that key, quick. - Yup, yup. Key, key. uick, quick. [64:19.90]我们得赶快拿到钥匙 对,钥匙,快点 Oh, Mother, Mother, he's here, he's here. [64:24.83]喔,妈妈 他来了„ - The grand duke - Do l look all right? [64:28.40]爵士大人 我看起来可以吗, - l ust don't know what l'll do. - Girls. [64:30.57]我好兴奋喔 女孩们 Now, remember, this is your last chance. Don't fail me. [64:33.74]记住,这是你们最后的机会 别让我失望 Announcing His lmperial Grace, the grand duke. [64:42.05]爵士大人驾到 You honor our humble home, milord. [64:45.79]欢迎莅临寒舍,大人 - uite so. - May l present my daughters, [64:48.62]很好 她们是我的女儿 Drizella, Anastasia. [64:52.63]崔西里亚和安泰西亚 Your Grace. [64:55.53]大人 Yes. harmed, l'm sure. [64:58.53]很好,很好 His Grace will read the royal proclamation. [65:00.87]请大人宣读皇室命令 ''All loyal subects of His lmperial Maesty [65:07.08]本人在此宣读„ are hereby notified by royal proclamation in regard to a certain [65:09.81]国王陛下的命令 此事有关„ glass... slipper. [65:13.18]玻璃鞋的事 lt is decreed...'' [65:17.45]国王命令能穿上这只„ Why, that's my slipper! [65:18.89]我的玻璃鞋! Well, l like that. lt's my slipper! [65:21.89]真好笑,那是我的鞋! No, no! lt's inderelly's slipper! [65:25.13]不是,是仙度瑞拉的鞋! - How can she stand there...? - Girls, girls. [65:28.50]她怎么能夠„ 女孩们 Your manners. [65:31.53]别忘了礼貌 A thousand pardons, Your Grace. [65:34.74]真是万分抱歉,大人 - Please continue. - Yes, quite so. [65:36.74]请您继续念吧 好吧 Oh, yes. ''lt is upon this day decreed [65:39.78]刚才念到„ 即日起„ that a quest be instituted throughout the length of our domain, [65:43.15]命令到全国各地寻访 the sole and epress purpose of such quest to be as follows: [65:46.45]寻访的目的和规定如下: That every maid throughout the kingdom without eception, [65:52.22]王国境内所有的女孩 shall try on her foot this slipper of glass, [65:55.36]都得试穿这只玻璃鞋 28 and should one be found upon whose foot this slipper shall properly fit... [65:58.36]不管是哪个女孩 只要能穿上这只鞋的女孩 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 ...such maiden shall be acclaimed the obect of this search [66:04.73]就是此次要找寻的女孩 and shall be looked upon as the true love of His oyal Highness, [66:07.87]她将会被视为国王„ our beloved son and heir, the noble prince. [66:11.24]的爱子和继承人 也就是王子的真爱 Said prince will, upon bended knee, [66:16.41]王子将会屈膝 beg, request, or if need be, implore [66:18.45]要求,诚挚的恳求 said maiden that he be granted her hand in marriage. [66:20.88]这位女孩嫁给他 Whereupon, should the maiden look with favor upon his suit, [66:24.45]如果这个女孩„ shall the couple pledge their troth... [66:27.09]答应求婚的话 这对新人必须立誓珍爱彼此 ...and upon the inevitable demise of His Maesty the king, [66:33.40]日后,国王驾崩之后 succeed to the throne to rule over the land as king and queen of our kingdom. [66:37.20]这对新人将继承王位 成为这个王国的国王和皇后 So be it.'' [66:42.50]谨此 You must be quite fatigued, Your Grace. [66:46.78]你一定累坏了,大人 May we offer you some tea? [66:48.94]请喝杯茶吧, What? Tea? [66:51.38]什么,茶, Thank you, madam, no. [66:54.08]谢谢夫人,不用了 We must proceed with the fitting. [66:56.45]我们必须进行试穿这只鞋了 Of course. Anastasia dear. [66:59.12]那当然 安泰西亚 There. l knew it was my slipper. [67:05.73]你看 我就知道是我的鞋嘛 Eactly my size. [67:09.16]完全合脚 l always wear the same size. [67:10.87]我总是穿一样的尺寸 As soon as l saw it, l said... [67:12.74]我一看到它,就说„ Oh, well... [67:14.64]喔,是这样的„ lt may be a trifle snug today. [67:16.61]我的脚今天可能大了点 You know how it is, dancing all night. [67:19.44]你也知道跳了一整晚的舞 l can't understand why. [67:22.11]我真是不明白 lt's always fit perfectly before. [67:24.08]以前总是合穿的呀 l don't think you're half trying. [67:26.55]你根本就不会穿 l don't think you're half trying. [67:26.68]你根本就不会穿 Mother, can you...? [67:29.22]妈,你可不可以„ 29 uiet, my dear. We mustn't disturb His Grace. [67:31.65]安静,亲爱的 别把大人吵醒了 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 Young man, are you sure you're trying it on the right foot? [67:35.02]年轻人,你确定 你穿的是左脚, Oh, it's the right foot, but... [67:40.30]是左脚没错,可是„ - These glass shoes aren't reliable. - ome on. Hurry. [67:44.17]玻璃鞋就是靠不住 来吧,葛斯,快点 Up the stairs. Up the stairs! [67:47.97]上楼去„ This-a-way. This-a-way. Look out. [67:51.51]要小心鲁斯佛 Up with it. [67:57.05]往上拉 Here. [68:09.16]这边 Why can't you hold still a minute? [68:26.71]你怎么连鞋都穿不好, My word. Enough of this! [68:28.71]天啊,夠了 - The next young lady, please. - Did you hear that, Gus? [68:34.42]请换下一位小姐 听到了吗,葛斯, - Yup. - uick, quick. Gotta hurry. [68:38.25]是啊 得快一点 ome on. Hurry. [68:46.90]来啊,快点 Gus-Gus, come on. [68:55.57]醒醒,葛斯 Look, look. Just up there. ome on. [68:58.61]你看,就在上面 快点 Us a-coming, inderelly. Us a-coming. [69:10.15]我们来了,仙度瑞拉 - Us will get you out. - You've got the key! [69:12.55]我们能放你出去 你们拿到钥匙了! How did you ever manage to...? [69:15.26]你们怎么办到„ Lucifer! [69:18.26]鲁斯佛! Let him go, Lucifer. [69:19.93]放他走,鲁斯佛 Please, let him go. [69:22.26]求求你放了他 - Let him go. - Let him go! [69:24.90]放了他 放了他! Let him out! Let him out, you hear? [69:27.50]放了他 放了他,听见没, Lucify, you... [69:30.07]臭坏蛋 Bruno. Yes, Bruno! [70:10.01]布鲁诺,对,布鲁诺! uick, get Bruno. Get Bruno! [70:13.42]快点去找布鲁诺 找布鲁诺! Of all the stupid little idiots. [70:37.87]没见过你这么笨的笨蛋 l'll do it myself. [70:40.88]我自己来 Get away from me. [70:42.81]滚开 l'll make it fit. [70:44.61]我一定给它穿上的 30 - There. - lt fits. [70:48.22]好了 穿上了 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 lt fits? [70:50.15]穿上了, No! [70:53.49]不! Oh, Your Grace, l'm dreadfully sorry. [71:01.56]大人,真的抱歉极了 - lt shan't happen again. - Precisely, madam. [71:04.33]这不会再发生了 最好如此,夫人 ome on, come on. Get up, Gus-Gus, get up. [71:34.06]快点,快点 葛斯,你快醒来 Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. [71:37.13]别打了 Let go, let go, let go. [71:39.64]放手,放手 You are the only ladies in the household l hope... l presume. [71:46.84]我想这里就只有两位女孩 - There's no one else, Your Grace. - uite so. [71:49.95]没有其他人了,大人 好吧 - Good day. Good day. - Your Grace? [71:52.78]日安 大人, Your Grace, please, wait. [71:55.38]大人,请等一等 May l try it on? [71:58.55]我可以试试吗, - Pay no attention to here. - lt's only inderella. [72:00.76]你别理她 她是仙度瑞拉 - From the kitchen. - lt's ridiculous. [72:03.59]是家里的佣人 太荒谬了 - She's out of her mind. - Yes, ust an imaginative child. [72:05.63]她疯了 她只是个爱幻想的孩子 Madam, my orders were ''every maiden.'' [72:09.77]夫人,皇令是说 每个女孩都要试 ome, my child. [72:13.94]来吧,孩子 Oh, no. [72:30.95]噢,不 No, no, no. Oh, no! [72:32.89]不,不„ Oh, this is terrible. [72:35.52]真是惨了 The king, what will he say? [72:37.59]国王会怎么说, - What will he do? - Perhaps, if it would help... [72:40.56]他会杀了我 或许我能帮你 No, no. Nothing can help now. Nothing. [72:43.73]不,谁都帮不了我 我死定了 But, you see, l have the other slipper. [72:47.24]可是,你看 我有另一只鞋 Have faith in dreams [73:27.44]对自己的梦要有信心 And someday [73:30.35]有一天 Your rainbow will come smiling through [73:33.22]一切终将拨云见日 No matter how your heart is grieving [73:38.85]无论你心里有多悲伤 [73:43.73]31 If you keep on believing 31 只要你相信 The dream that you wish 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 Will come true [73:47.96]你的梦想愿望 [73:51.33]就会成真 [73:55.00](从此他们 过着幸福快乐的日子) [73:58.74](仙履奇缘) [74:02.78]谢谢观赏 32 仙履奇缘字幕中英对照 33
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