

2017-11-11 23页 doc 64KB 16阅读




如何拉动消费1如何拉动消费1 如何拉动消费 一、需要澄清的几个基本概念 经济增长:通常是指在一个较长的时间跨度上,一个国家人均产出(或人均收入)水平的持续增加。经济正增长一般被认为是整体经济景气的表现。 度量经济增长速度快慢的指标是增长总量、经济增长率和人均占有量,如按人口平均的国内生产总值或国民生产总值及其增长率。基本方法一般以本年度的GDP总量对比往年的GDP总量,而得出经济增长的百分比。 国内生产总值(简称GDP):在一定时期内(一个季度或一年),一个国家或地区的经济中所生产出的全部最终产品和劳务的价值,常被公认为衡量国家经...
如何拉动消费1 如何拉动消费 一、需要澄清的几个基本概念 经济增长:通常是指在一个较长的时间跨度上,一个国家人均产出(或人均收入)水平的持续增加。经济正增长一般被认为是整体经济景气的表现。 度量经济增长速度快慢的指标是增长总量、经济增长率和人均占有量,如按人口平均的国内生产总值或国民生产总值及其增长率。基本方法一般以本年度的GDP总量对比往年的GDP总量,而得出经济增长的百分比。 国内生产总值(简称GDP):在一定时期内(一个季度或一年),一个国家或地区的经济中所生产出的全部最终产品和劳务的价值,常被公认为衡量国家经济状况的最佳指标。它不但可反映一个国家的经济表现,更可以反映一国的国力与财富。 在现实生活中,从支出角度来看,国内生产总值共有四个不同的组成部分,分别是居民消费、企业投资、政府购买和出口。核算GDP,就是核算一个国家或地区在一定时期内居民消费、企业投资、政府购买和净出口这几方面支出的总和。 1.居民消费,包括购买冰箱、彩电、洗衣机、小汽车等耐用消费品的支出、服装、食品等非耐用消费品的支出以及用于医疗保健、旅游、理发等劳务的支出。建造住宅的支出不属于消费。 2.企业投资,是指增加或更新资本资产(包括厂房、机器设备、住宅及存货)的支出。 3.政府购买,是指各级政府购买物品和劳务的支出,它包括政府购买军火、军队和警察的服务、政府机关办公用品与办公设施、举办诸如道路等公共、开办学校等方面的支出。政府支付给政府雇员的工资也属于政府购买。政府购买只是政府支出的一部分,政府支出的另一部分如政府转移支付、公债利息等都不计入GDP。政府转移支付是政府不以取得本年生产出来的商品与劳务的作为报偿的支出,包括政府在社会福利、社会保险、失业救济、贫困补助、老年保障、卫生保健、对农业的补贴等方面的支出。 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 4.净出口是指进出口的差额。 据GDP的组成部分,经济学认为:拉动国民经济增长有三大要素,分别是投资、出口和消费。 比如,你是一件生产钟表的企业。看你今年利润多少,要看你今年销量如何。老百姓买你的钟表,自己戴。叫消费;企业买你的钟表,挂在车间,指导生产,这叫投资;你卖到海外去,这叫出口。三者决定了你的企业规模和增长速度。同样对一个国家来说,你经济总量有多高,能实现多少的增长。就取决于消费、投资、出口。经济增长的"三驾马车",即扩大国内投资,刺激国内消费和扩大外贸出口。 内需:顾名思意就是国民对本国产品的需求量。内需就是相对的国内的需求。包括国内消费需求和投资的需求 。扩大内需主要是通过扩大国内投资和国内消费来带动国民经济增长。所以,扩大内需和扩大消费是不同层次的概念。扩大内 扩大消费需求。 需=扩大投资需求+ 外需:外需按我通俗的说法就是国外对本国产品的需求量。一般把对外国的出口看作外需。 从主要国家和地区国内需求占总需求比例看,既有主要依靠内需的发展模式,如美国内需占比高达90%左右;也有主要依靠外需的国家和地区,如马来西亚和中国香港外需占比接近60%和70%。 改革开放以来,我国外需占比不断上升,在大国经济中高于美国和日本,低于德国,但内需对经济增长的平均贡献超过70%。所以由于国际竞争力提高带来的外需增长和由于城镇化快速推进、居民消费结构升级带来的内需扩张,共同构成了中国经济增长的内需、外需“双轮驱动”力量。中国完善的基础设施、大量熟练的制造业工人和技术人员,使得物美价廉的中国制造产品走向世界;同时,中国处在城市化快速推进时期,基础设施投资增长和城乡居民消费结构升级加快,为国内投资、消费扩张奠定了基础。同时,中国市场规模不断扩大,已成为全球增长潜力最大的单一内部市场,立足于国内市场需求发展经济具备得天独厚的条件。 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 但是,《十二五规划中》提出“加快形成消费、投资、出口协调拉动经济增长新局面”。 什么叫新局面。以往,投资、出口比重占的很大,消费比重很小。新局面,就是消费在未来中国经济增长中扮演更重要的角色,也就是转变经济增长方式。对我国而言,目前扩大内需的主要方面就是扩大消费,特别是居民消费,以此提高消费需求对经济增长的贡献。但是,扩大消费不能简单理解为提高消费率。扩大消费的实质是保证消费增长率高于经济增长率,是消费率的提升速度快于投资和净出口贡献率。这样才是真正意义上的扩大消费。而不是简单的提高消费率。当然,扩大消费不会必然促进经济的长期增长。经济增长是一个复杂的问,它受许多因素影响,例如,消费、投资、国际贸易、劳动力、科技进步、经济体制以及政府政策等等。必须寻找到消费、投资、出口三者之间的平衡点,才能共同促进经济的长期增长。 二、为什么“十二五”要强调扩大消费需求 消费需求作为最终需求,是拉动经济增长的第一动力,是实现经济又好又快发展的根本保证。当前,国内消费需求不足已成为制约我国经济持续健康发展的重要障碍因素。特别是近两年,需求不足的负面影响越来越明显,需求不足业已成为经济增长缓慢和经济增长质量低下的主要原因。 2009年,政府投资了4万亿。投资对经济增长的拉动作用比较明显,扩大投资成为主要的手段。但是,随着经济总量扩张、基础设施完善,投资回报率下降,经济增长缺乏后续动力。改革以来,钢铁、水泥、电解铝、房地产等行业的投资过快增长,出现了生产能力过剩的局面。如果消费市场不能相应地扩大,由此形成的无效投资和银行呆坏帐必然增加,将直接威胁到经济的持续、平稳、较快发展。 外部需求出现波动,经济增长需要新市场。我国主要是以低成本价格的商品出口,使国外消费者享受了我们低廉的人工成本和大量的不可再生资源,导致国民福利的流失。同时,我国出口的连年大幅度增长,使贸易摩擦增加,顺差扩大,国际收支不平衡也影响着宏观经济的稳定。 消费需求开始启动,国内市场前景看好。市场也是一种比较优势。我国拥edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 有世界上最大的市场,我国应该将“世界工厂”变成“世界市场”。要保证先占领国内这个大市场,不要被其他国家占领。同时,我国城镇化进程快速推进,大批农民进城,农民消费变成市民消费。80年代,中国有三大消费热点:手表、自行车、缝纫机,是百元级产品。90年代,彩电、冰箱、洗衣机,是千元级产品。现在,房子和车子,是万元级产品。所以,我国消费结构持续升级,高速增长。 三、我国消费需求的基本现状和未来发展趋势 (一)基本现状 如图所示,红色的是中国的,白色的是世界的。 最终消费含两个部分,一个是私人消费,一个是政府消费。主体是私人消费。 中国的最终消费占GDP比重是持续下降。2005年中国的最终消费与世界最终消费相比,少了28个百分点。而私人消费更是大幅度下降。 我国消费需求主要是两个特点:消费率相对较低;消费结构不合理(消费主体结构呈现居民消费比重偏低而政府消费比重过高、我国居民消费水平城乡差距较大、我国偏重于温饱型消费,享受型消费不足;物质性消费多而服务型消费少。) 为什么呢,世界又是如何解释这个现象的? 美国人说,美国为什么会发生次贷危机呢,是因为中国。中国人不承认,说是因为美国的金融监管不到位,关我们什么事,~美国人解释:中国一方面作为世界工厂,生产越来越多的产品。可是中国人消费得却越来越少。中国把过剩产品卖给美国。美国人自己钱不够了,去银行贷款买你中国人的过剩产品。借着借着又还不起,次贷危机就诞生了。 去年三月份,两会结束以后,国务院发展研究中心在钓鱼台举办了规模很大的中国发展高层论坛。总理、副总理都参加了。现在这个论坛影响力很大,有可能要超过博鳌论坛。在会上,李克强副总理致了开幕辞后,第一讲是由发改委主任张平来讲。题目就是中国要扩大消费,促进经济的稳定发展。讲完以后,一个美国记者发问了:“发改委主要做中长期发展规划的编制。我知道你们十一五规划差不多完成了,也知道你们在编写十二五规划,而且也快差不多了。我想问的edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 是,在十二五规划中,你们打算将私人消费占GDP的比重提升几个百分点,”那我们的主任反应很快,他说:“中国现在在做一系列的改革,改革的焦点就是让更多的老百姓来分享中国经济发展的成果。如果改革成功的话,中国经济将持续增长,老百姓的日子将会越来越好。我们会实现全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标。”讲了一堆话,就是没有回答要提高几个百分点。这是应对记者非常使用的方法。 会议结束后,温总理在人民大会堂接见与会的中外来宾,并回答大家的提问。第一个站起来的又是一个美国记者问道:“在十二五规划中,你们打算将私人消费占GDP的比重提升几个百分点,”他想,发改委主任不知道的数字,总理应该会知道。温总理讲的比发改委主任更长的一段话,可是还是没有说要几个百分点。这是一个很难的问题。 先不想要几个百分点,先想想为什么私人消费比重会持续下降呢,只有找到原因,才有办法对症下药。先不要继续下降,然后再考虑如何回升。应该是这个逻辑。 主要是以下三个原因: 1、劳动者报酬、居民收入占GDP比重偏低,且持续下降。如图所示。也就是没钱可花。 2、政府公共服务支出(养老、医疗、教育等等)占总支出比重显著低于同等收入水平国家的平均水平。中国是37.4% ,其他国家一般是54%。由于政府政府没有给居民提供完善的社会保障体系。老百姓的未来生活存在很多的不确定性,只好自己给自己提供保障,有钱不敢花。老百姓即使有钱也把钱存在银行,不敢花。为什么会投入这么少呢,因为在过去的几十年,中国政府将大量的支出投入在经济建设,经济发展。政府在公共服务上的支出明显不足。 3、居民尤其是城乡居民之间收入差距不断扩大,基尼系数持续攀升,已接近0.5。(如表所示) 国际社会说基尼系数超过0.4,社会就容易不稳定了。那为什么中国依然比较稳定,因为我们的基尼系数主要是由城乡居民之间收入差距造成的,而单独衡量农村居民的基尼系数0.36,单独衡量城市居民的基尼系数0.38。单独衡量都edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 在国际警戒线0.4之下。一个农民在评价自己生活是否满意时,他不是和城里人比,而是和自己周围的兄弟们、村民们比。所以,中国社会基本稳定。但是,同时我们也要看到社会不稳定因素越来越多,这也是与中国越来越大的收入差距密切关联的。它会造成收入分配的两级分化。也就是马太效应,有钱的越来越有钱,没钱的越来越没钱。对有钱人来说,他有支付能力,但没有购买愿望。因为他住着别墅,开着名车,家里设备应有尽有,要买,他去巴黎、香港买。没钱人呢,有购买愿望,却没有支付能力。最终导致消费占GDP比重的持续下降。 刺激消费从根本上讲要提高中低收入阶层的收入,一个亿万富翁,他的消费水平不一定比你高,为什么,因为他们不可能天天买家电,天天山珍海味,因为他们身体健康最重要。他们的钱大部分是买房子、买黄金、买古董,这些是投资,不是消费。中等收入的人收入提高后,会提升消费结构(比如买车、出国旅游、培训费用、休闲„„)。低收入的人收入提高后提高基本生活水平,比如吃得好一点,穿得好一点,买一些必须的家电。两个阶层还是不一样的。加起来对消费就是数量的提高和结构的升级。加工资和减税才是好方法。 这里主要有两个亮点。 第一个亮点:2010收入增长可喜,原因主要是农民收入增长很快,并首次超过城镇收入增长。具有特别重要的意义。 第二个亮点:汽车消费。汽车消费有较大增长。比如北京,中秋节同一个方向9条车道全堵了。 四、如何形成扩大消费需求长效机制的政策框架 消费是十二五规划的重点关注点。但是消费的问题主要是因为中国的收入分配政策长期不合理。收入分配结构:政府:税收稳收,企业:利润,老百姓:工资,长期以来政府收入过高,老百姓收入提高不起来,财政增长远远高于老百姓的工资增长。因此经济增长过份依赖投资。因为财政更多的用于投资。所以经济增长结构如何转变呢, 要让居民“有更多钱可花”“有钱更敢于花”“有钱更方便花” 五中全会原话:“合理调整收入分配关系,努力提高居民收入在国民收入分edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 配中的比重、劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重;”调整国民收入分配格局,直接针对了两个比重下降的问题。“努力实现居民收入增长和经济发展同步、劳动报酬增长和劳动生产率提高同步。”再提高两个比重,实现两个同步。解决没钱可花的问题。如何调整国民收入分配,一是要全力促进居民增收。以促进就业为主渠道,同时提高居民财政性收入。另外提高劳动者素质和岗位转化能力。二是要着力调节收入差距。切实缩小垄断行业与其它行业就业人员不合理的收入差距。通过税制改革等措施加大二次分配的调整力度。同时积极推进城镇化作为缩小城乡居民收入差距的主要途径。 “要增加政府支出用于改善民生和社会事业比重,扩大社会保障覆盖面,逐步完善基本公共服务体系,形成良好的居民消费预期。”改善城乡居民消费预期,释放城乡居民消费潜力,解决有钱不敢花的问题。 “加大收入分配调节力度,坚定不移走共同富裕道路,使发展成果惠及全体人民。”解决贫富不均的问题。这句话说起来简单,但是解决最难。不患寡而患不均。它直接和社会稳定性相关联。 改善城乡居民消费环境。降低垄断性服务产品的消费成本;积极发展消费金融;优化社会信用环境;改善农村消费环境;不断提高消费便利性。 创新消费产品和业态。大力发展养老消费;引导中高收入群体消费;关注“新新”(80后)消费。 积极扩大城乡居民就业。放宽市场准入,坚持以市场化、产业化和社会化为方向,以发展消费性服务业为基础,已发展生产性服务业为重点,大力发展吸纳就业能力强的服务业。推进积极的劳动力市场政策。充实扩大就业的财税政策。 附:《专题讲稿》节选章节 1.调整国民收入分配格局 (1)要全力促进居民增收,一是要将促进就业作为居民增收的主渠道,切实消除服务业发展的制度性障碍,放宽市场准入,促进服务业发展进入持续快速扩张渠道;实施就业导向的宏观经济政策,落实对服务业和中小企业、劳动密集型行业的投资、财税、用地等支持政策‘增加就业吸纳能力,促进工资水平合理增长。二是要提高居民财产性收入。在农村,关edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 键是推进和深化土地制度改革。在 (2)要着力调节收入差距。一是切实缩小垄断行业与其他行业就业人员不合理的收入差距。放松铁路、电信、电力、能源等基础产业和金融、出版等服务业以及部分城市公共事业的管制,通过市场竞争来提高效率、降低垄断收益,最终使消费者获得实惠。 2.改善城乡居民消费预期 在国家统计局总经济师姚景源眼中,要让消费成为经济增长最重要的拉动力,除了使劳动者报酬的提高共和生产同步,让消费者“有钱花”之外,还要改善民生,完善保障,让人们“敢花钱”。 (1)加快社会保障“扩面”、“提标”。“扩面”的重点是:加快推进城镇基本养老保险有效覆盖进城务工人员、灵活就业人员和低收入人群;加快建立社会统筹与个人账户相结合的农村社会养老保险制度;建立一个平台,两个的城乡居民合作医疗制度;将正规就业或劳动关系稳定的进城务工人员的养老、医疗、失业保险纳入城市社会保险制度框架;建立失地农民基本生活保障基金和社会保险基金,解决失地农民的基本生活、养老和医疗保障问题;从保障“人人有房住”出发,加大对低收入城镇居民的住房保障力度,为稳定就业的进城务工人员提供保障性住房。“提标”的重点在,健全城乡居民社会保障待遇标准正常调整机制,不断提高养老金发放标准;通过提高报销比例,增加报销药品、扩大特殊病种报销范围、降低甚至取消报销起付线等方式,提高医疗保障水平。 (2)加快推进社会保障制度城乡“接轨”和地区转移接续制度建设,发达地区要积极探索社会保障接轨,逐步实现养老、医疗保障制度统一,其他地区要建立和完善城乡之间社会保障过度和转换机制,为实现城乡社会保障制度一体化创造条件。加快建立社会保险跨地区转移接续制度,为劳动力跨地区流动创造条件。按照“救助标准科学化、困难程度系数化、管理服务规范化”的原则、形成制度统一、标准有别的基本生活保障制度。 3.释放城乡居民消费潜力 (1)创新城镇化机制,调整城乡结构,把城镇化作为扩大消费的重点。城镇是充满消费活力的重要载体,扩大居民消费,要以城镇化为依托,统筹城乡发展。研究和实践表明,城镇化可以将农民消费表位市民消费,依法消费需求;能够推进经济的服务化,壮大中产阶级消费群体;有利于优化居民消费环境,转变居民消费模式。同时,城镇化有利于培育创业edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 者和新型农民。通过肆意一部分农民工返乡创业就业并在户籍所在地县城实现市民化,有利于实现安居乐业市民梦,加快推进城乡统筹。 (2)加快农民工身份转换。逐步落实农民工市民化待遇,有序将农民工纳入城镇就业、医疗、社保、住房和子女教育等基本保障制度,逐步实现农民工与城市居民的基本保障权利无差别,释放进城务工人员得消费潜力。加快形成以大城市为中心、中等城市为骨干、小城镇为基础、大中小城市协调发展的立体网络型城镇体系,着力增强吸纳转移人口的能力,同时加快户籍制度改革,推进居民享有的基本公共服务和基本保障权利与户籍脱钩,允许居民各项保障权益随人口自由流动而转续,加快城镇化进程,为释放农村居民消费潜力创造条件。 4.改善城乡居民消费环境 (1)降低垄断性服务产品的消费成本。一方面,加快完善垄断产品和公共服务的定价机制和收费制度,降低垄断性服务产品的价格。另一方面,打破高收益服务行业的行政垄断,放宽市场准入,引进竞争机制,改善有效供给,降低服务价格,着力改善服务质量。 (2)积极发展消费金融。在加强监督和风险控制前提下,在信贷标的、类型、流程和方式上积极支持业务创新,在消费支付终端多元化,安全化上寻求新突破,规范发展消费信贷,支持居民消费需求合理增长。 (3)优化社会信用环境。健全市场监管体系,加大消费品质量和安全监督,加大打击社会失信的立法和执法力度,鼓励诚信经营。适应网络消费的发展趋势,,成立“网络消费者协会”,出台地方性《网络交易管理法规》,加强网络消费的日常管理和消费者维权,确保网络消费安全。 (4)改善农村消费环境。 (5)不断提高消费便利性。一是支持合理金融创新,积极发展消费金融。在加强监管和风险控制前提下,要在信贷标的,类型,流程和方式上积极支持业务创新,在消费支付终端多元化,安全化上寻求新突破,积极发展消费信贷,支持居民合理额消费需求增长。二是大力改善消费品流通环境。支持建立健全现代消费品营销体系,积极推动消费品领域物流配送,电子商务等现代交易方式和组织形式的快速发展。加快建设和完善社会信息基础设施平台建设,提高信息化水平,支撑新兴消费领域发展。三是优化社会信用环境,切实保护消费者利益。健全市场监管体系,加大消费品质量和安全监督,让民众放心消费。加大打击社会edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the 失信行为的立法和执法力度,鼓励诚信经营。 5.创新消费产品和业态 (1)大力发展养老消费。加快养老机构和养老设施投资建设力度,鼓励和支持社会资本发展各类营利性养老服务机构。支持加大发展社区居家养老服务,设立社区老年人日托照料中心。依托就近养老服务机构,专业公司等向社区居民提供老年生活照顾、家政服务、心理咨询、护理康复等社会化、个性化、专业化的老年服务。 (2)引导中高收入群体消费。(3)关注“新新”(“80后”)消费。针对“80后”推出大宗商品的“捆绑式”消费信贷,他们的房,车等大额消费贷款可考虑“家庭捆绑式担保”模式,即以父母名下财产担保子女消费。针对“80后”提供“小额无抵押担保消费信贷”,重点支持其旅游、婚庆、教育及耐用品等消费。 6.积极扩大城乡居民就业 (1)放宽市场准入,坚持以市场化、产业化和社会化为方向,以发展消费性服务业为 )推进积极的劳基础,以发展生产性服务业为重点,大力发展吸纳就业能力强的服务业。(2动力市场政策。完善劳动力市场统计数据标准,加强失业预警机制建设,健全公共就业服务机制,加强让我人力资本投资,让社会成员享受充分的、高质量的教育或培训,加强劳动力流动。 (3)充实扩大就业的财税政策。调节社会总需求与总供给。 edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment process conditions welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment temperature table project material welding Qian preheat temperature (?) welding Hou heat treatment and the insulation time (?/H) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) wall thick (mm) temperature (?) 20 ? 26 100~200 >36 600~650/1-1.5 15CrMo ? 10 150~200 >10 670~700/1.2-2 Preheat and the heat treatment process in the, Inner and outer wall temperature shall be kept uniform, in order to avoid internal stresses. Preheating before welding and post weld heat treatment, shall measure and record the temperature, temperature measurement locations and number of points are reasonable. Prone to weld delayed crack of steel, post weld heat treatment after welding should be carried out promptly, when not conducting timely post weld heat treatment, should be uniformly heated to 200~300? immediately after welding and insulation and slow cooling, ... 26mm more than 20 steel pipe welding preheating before welding should be carried out, 36mm the above heat treatment after welding should be done. Before welding and heat treatment used oxyacetylene flame heating, heat treatment after welding using special heat treatment after welding equipment. Hardness after heat treatment of welds needed testing. 6.5.4 sides of the dissimilar steel welding when were non-austenitic steel or austenitic steel, alloy content according to lower one side of the base metal or selecting welding material in between. When one of the sides of material when austenitic steels, should select the
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