

2017-09-17 18页 doc 51KB 217阅读




河南省医疗服务收费标准河南省医疗服务收费标准 (1) 人工破膜术 次 50 43 35 特殊"含产程观察、阴道或肛门检查,胎心监测及脐(2) 单胎顺产接生 的脐次 200 170 140 带处理,会阴裂伤修补及侧切" 带夹 "含产程观察、阴道或肛门检查,胎心监测及脐(3) 双胎接生 次 400 340 280 带处理,会阴裂伤修补及侧切" "含产程观察、阴道或肛门检查,胎心监测及脐(4) 多胎接生 次 700 595 490 带处理,会阴裂伤修补及侧切" 含中期引产接生;不含死胎尸体分解及尸体处(5) 死胎接生 次 200 170 140...
河南省医疗服务收费标准 (1) 人工破膜术 次 50 43 35 特殊"含产程观察、阴道或肛门检查,胎心监测及脐(2) 单胎顺产接生 的脐次 200 170 140 带处理,会阴裂伤修补及侧切" 带夹 "含产程观察、阴道或肛门检查,胎心监测及脐(3) 双胎接生 次 400 340 280 带处理,会阴裂伤修补及侧切" "含产程观察、阴道或肛门检查,胎心监测及脐(4) 多胎接生 次 700 595 490 带处理,会阴裂伤修补及侧切" 含中期引产接生;不含死胎尸体分解及尸体处(5) 死胎接生 次 200 170 140 理 包括穿颅术、断头术、锁骨切断术、碎胎术、(6) 各种死胎分解术 次 300 255 210 内脏挖出术、头皮牵引术等 "含产程观察、阴道或肛门检查,胎心监测及脐 带处理,会阴裂伤修补及侧切,包括臀位接生、(7) 难产接生 次 400 340 280 臀位牵引、胎头吸引器助产、旋转胎头、产钳 助产" (8) 外倒转术 含臀位及横位的外倒转 次 50 43 35 (9) 内倒转术 次 80 68 56 (10) 手取胎盘术 次 50 43 35 包括古典式、子宫下段、及腹膜外、剖宫取胎(11) 剖宫产术 次 650 553 455 术 剖宫产术中子宫(12) 次 900 765 630 全切术 剖宫产术中子宫(13) 次 750 638 525 次全切术 (14) 二次剖宫产术 含腹部疤痕剔除术、多次剖宫产 次 900 765 630 (15) 腹腔妊娠取胎术 次 750 638 525 (16) 选择性减胎术 次 1500 1280 1050 子宫颈裂伤修补(17) 指产时宫颈裂伤 次 150 128 105 术 子宫颈管环扎术(18) 指孕期手术 次 300 255 210 (Mc-Donald) ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 每个A 荧光检查 包括会阴、阴道、宫颈部位病变检查 30 26 21 部位 B 外阴活检术 次 20 17 14 外阴病光照射30分C "包括光谱治疗,远红外线等" 10 9 7 治疗 钟 D 阴道镜检查 次 20 17 14 E 阴道填塞 次 50 43 35 F 阴道灌洗上药 药品 次 8 7 6 G 后穹窿穿刺术 包括后穹窿注射 次 50 43 35 H 宫颈活检术 次 30 26 21 包括宫颈封闭、阴道侧穹窿封闭、上I 宫颈注射 次 20 17 14 药 J 宫颈扩张 术 含宫颈插管 次 20 17 14 宫颈内口探查K 次 10 9 7 术 L 子宫托治疗 含配戴、指导 次 20 17 14 子宫内膜活检M 次 60 51 42 术 子宫直肠凹封N 次 30 26 21 闭术 子宫输卵管通O 包括通气、注药 次 40 34 28 液术 子宫内翻复位P 指手法复位 次 150 128 105 术 Q 宫腔吸片 次 30 26 21 宫腔粘连分离R 次 80 68 56 术 S 宫腔填塞 次 150 128 105 每个T 妇科特殊治疗 包括外阴、阴道、宫颈等疾患 15 13 11 部位 含测量体重、宫高、腹围、血压、骨 U 产前检查 盆内外口测量等;不含化验检查和超 次 5 4 4 声检查 电子骨盆内测V 次 15 13 11 量 W 胎儿心电图 次 10 9 7 X 胎心监测 次 15 13 11 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung Y 胎儿镜检查 次 20 17 14 Z 羊膜镜检查 次 30 26 21 含羊膜腔注药中期引产术;不含B超AA 羊膜腔穿刺术 次 50 43 35 监测、羊水检查 宫腔内人工授AB 精子来源 次 800 680 560 精术 阴道内人工授AC 精子来源 次 300 255 210 精术 AD 输卵管绝育术 包括药物粘堵法 次 10 9 7 宫内节育器放AE "包括取出术,含节育器" 次 30 26 21 置术 避孕药皮下埋AF 包括皮下避孕药取出术同此项 次 30 26 21 植术 含常规刮宫;包括分段诊断性刮宫;不产后刮宫、AG 刮宫术 次 50 43 35 含产后刮宫、葡萄胎刮宫 葡萄胎刮宫 AH 产后刮宫术 次 60 51 42 AI 葡萄胎刮宫术 次 200 170 140 AJ 人工流产术 含宫颈扩张 次 60 51 42 子宫内水囊引AK 次 100 85 70 产术 催产素滴注引AL 含观察宫缩、产程 次 100 85 70 产术 药物性引产处AM 含早孕及中孕;不含中孕接生 次 20 17 14 置术 AN 乳房按摩 包括微波按摩、吸乳 次 5 4 4 A 新生儿测颅压 次 30 26 21 B 新生儿复苏 次 100 85 70 新生儿气管插C 次 50 43 35 管术 新生儿人工呼D 次 20 17 14 吸(正压通气) E 新生儿洗胃 次 40 34 28 "包括单独心电监护;心电,呼吸、血压 F 新生儿监护 监护;心电、呼吸、血压、氧饱和度监 小时 3 3 2 护" 新生儿脐静脉G 次 20 17 14 穿刺和注射 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 新生儿兰光治H 含兰光灯、眼罩 天 20 17 14 疗 I 新生儿换血术 含脐静脉插管术 血液 次 500 425 350 新生儿经皮胆J 次 8 7 6 红素测定 K 新生儿暖箱 天 20 17 14 新生儿辐射抢L 不含监护 次 10 9 7 救治疗 新生儿囟门穿M 包括前后囟门 次 10 9 7 刺术 新生儿量表检N 次 10 9 7 查 新生儿行为测O 次 10 9 7 定 (1) 血液一般检查 A 血红蛋白测定(Hb) 项 3 3 2 B 红细胞计数(RBC) 项 3 3 2 红细胞比积测定C 项 5 4 4 (HCT) 红细胞参数平均值含平均红细胞体积(MCV)、平均红细胞血红蛋白量(MCH)、D 次 8 7 6 测定 平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCHC) 网织红细胞计数E 项 20 17 14 (Ret) 嗜碱性点彩红细胞F 项 5 4 4 计数 异常红细胞形态检G 项 5 4 4 查 红细胞沉降率测定H 项 15 13 11 (ESR) I 白细胞计数(WBC) 项 3 3 2 白细胞分类计数J 项 3 3 2 (DC) 嗜酸性粒细胞直接K 项 4 3 3 计数 嗜碱性粒细胞直接L 项 4 3 3 计数 M 淋巴细胞直接计数 项 4 3 3 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung N 单核细胞直接计数 项 4 3 3 异常白细胞形态检O 项 4 3 3 查 浓缩血恶性组织细P 项 8 7 6 胞检查 Q 血小板计数 项 4 3 3 R 血细胞分析 项 1 1 1 S 出血时间测定(BT) 项 20 17 14 T 出血时间测定(BT) 指测定器法 项 40 34 28 U 凝血时间测定(CT) 项 15 13 11 红斑狼疮细胞检查V 项 20 17 14 (LEC) W 血浆渗量试验 项 10 9 7 A 尿常规检查 "指手工操作,含外观、酸碱度、蛋白定性、镜检" 次 5 4 4 B 尿酸碱度测定 项 2 2 1 C 尿比重测定 项 2 2 1 D 渗透压检查 包括尿或血清渗透压检查 项 5 4 4 E 尿蛋白定性 项 3 3 2 F 尿蛋白定量 项 3 3 2 尿本-周氏蛋白定G 项 3 3 2 性检查 尿肌红蛋白定性检H 项 3 3 2 查 尿血红蛋白定性检I 项 3 3 2 查 J 尿糖定性试验 项 2 2 1 K 尿糖定量测定 项 5 4 4 L 尿酮体定性试验 项 3 3 2 M 尿三胆检查 包括尿二胆检查 项 5 4 4 尿含铁血黄素定性N 项 6 5 4 试验 O 尿三氯化铁试验 项 6 5 4 P 尿乳糜定性检查 项 6 5 4 Q 尿卟啉定性试验 项 6 5 4 R 尿黑色素测定 项 6 5 4 S 尿浓缩稀释试验 项 15 13 11 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 尿酚红排泄试验T 项 6 5 4 (PSP) U 尿妊娠试验 项 6 5 4 卵泡刺激素(LH)排V 项 6 5 4 卵预测 W 尿沉渣镜检 项 6 5 4 X 尿沉渣定量 项 6 5 4 尿液爱迪氏计数Y 项 6 5 4 (Addis) Z 尿三杯试验 项 6 5 4 AA 一小时尿沉渣计数 项 6 5 4 一小时尿细胞排泄AB 项 6 5 4 率 AC 尿沉渣白细胞分类 项 6 5 4 尿十二小时E/C值AD 项 6 5 4 测定 尿中病毒感染细胞AE 项 6 5 4 检查 AF 尿中包涵体检查 项 6 5 4 AG 尿酸化功能测定 项 6 5 4 AH 尿红 细胞位相 项 6 5 4 AI 尿液分析 "仪器法,8-11项" 项 1 1 1 AK 粪便常规 "指手工操作,含外观、镜检、虫卵" 次 5 4 4 AL 粪便隐血试验 (OB) 项 6 5 4 AM 粪胆素检查 项 3 3 2 粪便乳糖不耐受测AN 项 3 3 2 定 粪苏丹III染色检AO 次 5 4 4 查 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung (3) 感染免疫学检测 A 甲型肝炎抗体测定 (HAV) 包括IgG、IgM 项 12 10 8 返回顶端 << B 甲型肝炎抗原测定 项 40 34 28 C 乙型肝炎 DNA测定 项 50 43 3 5 D 乙型肝炎表面抗原测定 (HBsAg) 项 5 4 4 E 乙型肝炎表面抗体测定 (Anti-HBs) 项 5 4 4 F 乙型肝炎 e抗原测定(HBeAg) 项 10 9 7 G 乙型肝炎 e抗体测定(Anti-HBe) 项 10 9 7 H 乙型肝炎核心抗原测定 (HBcAg) 项 10 9 7 I 乙型肝炎核心抗体测定 (Anti-HBc) 项 10 9 7 J 乙型肝炎核心 IgM抗体测定(Anti-HBcIgM) 项 15 13 11 K 乙型肝炎表面前 S抗原测定 包括S1、S2抗原 项 16 14 11 L 乙型肝炎表面前 S抗体测定 包括S1、S2抗体 项 16 14 11 M 丙型肝炎 RNA测定 项 64 54 45 N 丙型肝炎抗体测定 (Anti-HCV) 项 24 20 17 O 丁型肝炎 抗体测定(Anti-HDV) 项 40 34 28 P 丁型肝炎抗原测定 (HDVAg) 项 60 51 42 Q 戊型肝炎抗体测定 (Anti-HEV) 包括IgG、IgM 项 40 34 28 R 庚型肝炎 IgG抗体测定(Anti-HGVIgG) 项 36 31 25 返回顶端 << S 人免疫缺陷病毒抗体测定 (Anti-HIV) 项 32 27 22 床位费 病房家俱:病床、床头 柜、座椅(或木凳)、床 普通病垫、棉褥、棉被(或毯)、1、精神病、烧伤、传染病医院床位在此床(1) 房床位 枕头、床单、病人服装、 标准上加收30%。2、该价格已含一日清日 费 热水瓶、洗脸盆、痰盂、单的工本费。 拖鞋、废品袋(或篓)、 大小便器 床A 单人间 21 19 15 日 返回顶端 << 床B 双人间 13 11 9 日 床C 三人间 11 9 6 日 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 四人及床D 7 6 5 以上 日 "1.指达到规定洁净级 别、有层流装置、风淋层流洁通道的层流洁净间;2.床该病房需经过省价格、卫生主管部门审(2) 净病房 200 200 200 指采用全封闭管理,有日 批后方可收取。 床位费 严格消毒隔离措施及 对外通话系统。" 干部病(3) 含取暖、降温 房 床A 套间 50 40 30 日 床B 单人间 35 30 25 日 床C 双人间 25 20 18 日 急诊留 (4) 观、床 含诊查、护理、床位费 日 15 15 15 位费 候诊、手术、检查治疗不另收空调费。空调降 指病房空调降温 仅限5月20日到9月20日期间内按实温费 际住院床日收取。 床(1) 单人间 10 10 10 日 床(2) 双人间 6 6 6 日 床(3) 三人间 4 4 4 日 四人及床(4) 3 3 3 以上 日 达不到护理要求的不得收取。精神病医 护理费 院或精神病科护理费加收30%。 "含24小时室内有专 业护士监护,监护医 生、护士严密观察病"包括重症监护病房的床位费、各种监护重症监小(1) 情,监护生命体征;随 8 8 8 费和护理费。各种仪器所具备的监护功护 时 时记录病情,作好重症能,不得再分解收费。" 监护记录及各种管道 与生活护理" (2) 特级护 "含24小时设专人护 小1 1 1 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 理 理,严密观察病情,测时 量生命体征,记特护记录,进行护理评估,制定护理,作好各种管道及生活护理" "含需要护士每15-30分钟巡视观察一次,观察病情变化,根据病情?级护(3) 测量生命体征,进行护 日 8 8 8 理 理评估及一般性生活护理,作好卫生宣教及出院指导" "含需要护士1-2小时巡视一次,观察病情变化及病人治疗、检查、?级护(4) 用药后反应,测量体 日 5 5 5 理 温、脉搏、呼吸,协助病人生活护理,作好卫生宣教及出院指导" "含需要护士每日巡视2-3次,观察、了解病?级护(5) 人一般情况,测量体 日 3 3 3 理 温、脉搏、呼吸,作好卫生宣教及出院指导" "指气性坏疽、破伤风、 特殊疾艾滋病等特殊传染病,(6) 日 20 20 20 病护理 含严格消毒隔离及一 返回顶端 << 级护理内容" 含吸痰、药物滴入、定气管切(7) 时消毒、更换套管及纱药物 日 10 10 10 开护理 布。 "含叩背、吸痰,含一次吸痰护"以痰明显减少,双肺呼吸音清晰为一(8) 性吸痰管。不含雾化吸 次 7 7 7 理 次。" 入" "1.有专门医生现场观药物;察病情变化;2.固定专抢救中"时间计算自抢救实施到抢救撤消为止。门护理人员配合抢救,的手没有达到要求不得收取。不足6小时按不离开现场,严密观察2 抢救费 术、检日 50 50 40 实际抢救时间每小时5元收取。超过6病情变化,执行特级护查、特小时不足12小时按半日收取,超过12小理常规;3.抢救涉及两殊仪器时按全日收取。" 科以上时,及时请院内的使用 会诊" ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung 包括低流量给氧、中心 氧气吸给氧、氧气创面治疗。小3 2 2 2 "必须为医用氧,非医用氧不得收取。" 入 含一次性鼻导管、鼻时 塞、面罩等。 "除药 品、血 含一次性输液器、过滤液和血 器、采血器、注射器等制品必须保证一次性用品的质量。不使用一4 注射 特殊性消耗;含用外,其 次材料的按半价收取。 药指导与观察、药物的它不得 配置。 再收任 何费 用。" 皮下、 皮内、(1) 次 2.5 2.5 2.5 肌肉注 射 静脉注(2) 包括静脉采血 次 4 4 3 射 心内注(3) 次 5 5 4 射 动脉加(4) 包括动脉采血 次 10 10 8 压注射 皮下输(5) 次 5 5 4 液 静脉输包括输血、注药、留置(6) 组 6 6 5 液 静脉针 小儿头 (7) 皮静脉 组 8 8 6 输液 静脉高 (8) 营养治 含配置 次 100 80 60 疗 静脉穿PIU导(9) 刺置管 次 40 35 30 管 术 中心静中心静脉套(10) 脉穿刺 次 70 60 50 件、测置管术 压套件 ncluding based life support (BLS), and senior heart life support (ACLS), and based trauma life support (BTLS) and senior trauma life support (ATLS) of based knowledge; common emergency technology of application; common emergency of causes identification, and clinical performance and the processing specification; common emergency auxiliary check of select refers to levy, and results judge and the clinical meaning; Indications, effects of common emergency drugs, side effects, as well as specific applications (medicine, for expansion of vasoactive drugs, cardiac diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-asthmatic drugs, analgesic drugs, Hemostatic, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as Cortina). Understand: the new development of the theory of life support; cardiac respiratory and cardiopulmonary resuscitation after cardiac syndrome etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: disease disease fever acute abdominal pain chest pain and difficulty breathing faint coma shock in acute poisoning with cardiac respiratory arrest bleeding (hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, etc) requires at least 45 cases of arrhythmia. (2) basic skills requirements name name heart lung
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