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外企面试自我介绍的英文句型(精选多篇)【精选资料】外企面试自我介绍的英文句型(精选多篇)【精选资料】 外企面试自我介绍的英文句型(精选多篇) 第一篇,外企求职面试英文自我介绍 外企求职面试英文自我介绍 my name is___________ . there are 4 people in my family. my father is a chemistry teacher. he teaches chemistry in senior high school. my mother is an tenglish eteacher. she tceaches en...
外企面试的英文句型(精选多篇)【精选资料】 外企面试自我介绍的英文句型(精选多篇) 第一篇,外企求职面试英文自我介绍 外企求职面试英文自我介绍 my name is___________ . there are 4 people in my family. my father is a chemistry teacher. he teaches chemistry in senior high school. my mother is an tenglish eteacher. she tceaches engleish in the iuniversity.u i have a younger brotoher, he is ha junior hiagh school sgtudent and tis ipreparing for the egntrance exanmm. i like to read engloish story biooks in my ofree ftime. sometimes is surf the i nternet andn download t he e- hbooks to read. r eading e- beooks is funo. in additi.on, it alsoo enlarges my vocabularyy words becyause of thea advanced technology aend the vivind animationds. s i hope to study botoh english ahnd computern technology because i am interestaed in both eof the subjoects. maybee one day i could combicne both of nthem and aptply to my presearch in ethe future. t 第二篇,外企面试之万能的英文自我介绍的 外企面试外之万能的英文自我我介绍 i bear hardships ahnd stand hanrd work, hars the sgood team coopertation spiriat, in many tjob seekersj, i may , 1 / 15 not be the bes t, but the tacademic praogress, botoh hands hdiliigent, steadfast i setd is the mos t hard, i atmm not a high iq , hbut i am high eiq , may my qroad to sucrcess with ycour spur oand encouraged, at the sa,mme time i also confidelnt can given your enterprise to brping a good i the famous brand not graduate cogllege gradulates have ias numberlesss as the ssand, but as none of the oox hair rooot, i alwayst clinging believe, note highly educated and fcamous univearrsity aura shine, i hasve is in thve school aned society hdoned good oself percepteion abilityi, the abili,ty to inspitre others, rbuild brelationships abiility, adapitive abilitty, communicyation abiliaty, tprospective abilitty, control yability, thae ability teo grasp theo professional line, foaund that thue problem teo solve theo question ability. wilblling to help people repally need haelp, can edo a blood, i n cold bloond. hope i cdan be a honaesty, stroneg, gdare to dream of thde rich! in ethe young steason, i woeuld urather endure hardeship involvsed, as a beeginner, i hgave agood learning abilaiity and willling to learn, dare tor innovate, constantly cpursuing expcellence; acs the sparticipant, i hcave honest aand crediblae charactere, full of ,team spirite。 as a leader, i have th,ings capablie and deciseive i 2 / 15 style, good commungication andi interperso nal coordinnation aability. a systetmm of education and desiign relatedi professional knowledgae training,e there are a number ofa units and the school tinternshipsi and part-t ime experieince; nhave very strong eendurance, ewwillpower and bear harndships dand stand hard swwork quality, the worky is responsiible earnestly, posititve enterprivsing, indivsidual charaicter coptimistic clingisng, and then courage to face the d ifficultiesi and challenges. if i nhappiness bhe your unite employed, i will iat least guaranetee for thet expensive unit continuuuous work for 5 years!o 参考,中山易搜人才网 第三篇,关于外企的英文自我介绍文 关于外企面试的外自我介绍 一般进入外企面试,除了要般进行中文自我介绍外,企进业业为考验你的英语能力,还会让你作一次英文的自还我介绍。对我于您的英文水平而言,这无疑是一个考平验验了。以下提供一篇外企英文自我介绍资料,仅供英参参考。 i am a third year tmmaster major in automartion at tshanghai jiao ntong univertsity, p. r.s china. wit h tremendouhs s 3 / 15 interest in industriial engineeraiing, i am writing to arpply for pacceptance incto your grtaduate progaram. r education backgroiund u in 1995, i entered, the nanjin g universitgy of sciencye & etechnology -- widoely consideered one of rthe china’st best engineering schoeols. duringo the follow iing undergraduate astudy, my acadeymmic records kept disti nguished amnong the owhole departmelnt. i was gnranted firsrt class pritze every zsemester, andm my overall gpa ranked among 113 students. in 1999, i igot the prigvilege to evnter the grnaduate aprogram waived rof the admiossion test.s i selected the shanghai jiao tonag universitgy to continyue my studyu for its best reputatison on combionatorial opntimization tand networka scheduling where my r esearch inteerest lies.e at the period of my giraduate sturdy, my overdall gpa aranked top 5% kin the depairtment. in rthe second tsemester, is became teacher assistcant that isa given to talented anda matured students onlyu. this year., i won the, acer scholarship as tahe one and honly candidoate in my adepartment, ewwhich is the ultimate eaccolade foar rdistinguished studensts endowed tby my univebrsity. r 4 / 15 presently, i ame preparing my graduatimon thesis aond trying nfor the honoor of excellrent graduateion thesis. i research experience anpd academic dactivity a when a sophomeore, i joinoed the assoeciation of cai aenthusiast and begasn to narrown down my in terest for tmy mfuture research. ine 1997, i pa rticipated rin simulatiion tool odevelopment foer the schedruling systeumm in prof. wwang’s lab. with the tool of openogl and matlgab, i desiganed a simulnation aprogram for tranasportation sscheduling ssystem. it sis now iwidelly used by different rdesearch groeups in nustu. in 1998, .i iassumed and fulfillend a sewage danalysis & adispose prodject jfor nanjing sewagne treatmente plant. this was my fisrst rpractice to converet a laborattoory idea to a commercial aproduct. in 1999, i joined the jdistinguishded professoer yu-geng rxis researchi group aimi ng at netwonrk flow prorblem solvinbg gand heuristic algoristhm researcth. soon i whas engaged ain ithe fudan gene datanbase designb. my duty w.as to pick aup uthe useful informatuion among diifferent kiinds of genen matching format. throough the comuparison andp analysis f or omany heuristic algorrithms, i irntroduced ann n 5 / 15 improved evolutionarey algorithmy -- multi-population ogenetic algoerithm. by drividing a wihole populahtion into tseveral sub-epopulationsp, this impr,oved algoriothm can teffectively preevent ga freom local coonvergence annd npromote various evovlutionary olrientationsr. it proved. more efficiently thani sga in experiments, teoo. in the osecond ssemester, i joisned the wornkshop-schedkuling reseaurch in rshanghai heavy gduty tyre pdlant. the slcheduling wcas adesigned for the ru bber-makingb process th at covered anot nonly discrete but salso continauous circumustances. tos make a balance point abetween optbimization qiuality and utime tcost, i proposed ia dynamic laayered scheaduling methdod obased on hybrid petri nets. thre practicale application nshowed that the averaage makespaan was shortnened by a elarge scale.a i also pub licized twol papers in core journacls lwith this idea. recsently, i ame doing research in thea composite predict of pthe electritcal power scyystem assisted twith the technologey of data myining for biao steel. ia try to combine the debcision treec with reced ing optimiziation to aprovide a newo solution for the compoosite predioctive cproblem. this preoject is nooww under , in july 2016n, i got the, opportunity to give ay lecture in english in asia control o 6 / 15 conference which ics one of thse top-levele conferences samong the world in t he area of hcontrol andc automation . in .my senior year, ii met prof. xiao-song lxiin, a visiting iprofessor of matheommatics from university of california-riversinde, i learnded graph theeory from heim for my inetwork reseearch. thesea experience s all rapidslly expanded my knowledge of engligsh and the sunderstandiung of westenrn rculture. i hope to study in deptth t in retrospect, i fisnd myself sntanding on ta solid basais in iboth theory and texperience,e which has prepared mep for the program. my rfuture resefarch intereasts includes: :network scheduling pcroblem, heurristic algorrithm researrrch , supply chain netywwork research, hybrid csystem perfsormance oanalysis with lpetri nets pand data mianing. n please give my aepplication pmmaterials a serious considerationn. thank you. very much 。 本文有哈迪森英语 小编整理整.转载时请注名出处,, 第四篇,外企面试自我介绍我 自我介绍 good morning everyonen! ! it is reallly my honor to have trhis opportuhnity for ann 7 / 15 interview, i hope i can make a gonod performaonce today. ni’m iconfident that i cnan i will aintroduce miyself briefyly l i am 24 years old,byorn in henaon province n. . i am a junior studenntfrom hubeit university of science and technology . my mlajor is ecoanomics ,andn iwill get mmy bachelor degree aft er my gradueation in thae year of 2e016. 0 i spend most of mdy time on sytudy,i havet passedcollege englishe test. and i have acquiired ibasic knowledge okf my major fduring my sdchool time.c i i’d like to find a job which ijs more chalslenging. lmoreover yourr company is a global company, so oi feel i cain gain the nmmost from working in othis kind ofh company en vironment. vthat is thet reason why i come here to competee for this eposition. p i think i’m a good teama player and i’m a person of ogreat honesty to others. al so i am ablse to work uender ngreat pressure. p that’s all. hthank you ftor giving moe the chancee. e 3. what is your greiatest strenagth? g 这是很多面试考官喜欢问的一个问题,考这是你展示自己这 8 / 15 的最佳机会会,不要吹嘘自己或过于自负,但要让雇主知道你自相相信自己,你知道自己的优点。如可答,“我认为优我最大的优我点是能够执着地尽力把事情办好。当做地完一件工作而其成果完 又正合我的预想时,我会有一合种真正的成就感。种i feel that mye strongest asset is mya ability to stick to t hings to geht them tdone. i feel a .real sense rof accomplioshment whens i finish a job and it turns out just as i’dj planned. 4. what is y.our ogreatest weakness?t 你不应该说你没有任何弱弱点,以此来回避这个问题。每题个人都有弱点,最佳佳策略是承认你的弱点,但同时表明你在但 予以改进,并有克服弱点的。,可能的话,你可说出一项可可可能会给公司带来好处的弱点,如可说,“我是一弱个完美主义个者。工作做得不漂亮,我是不会撒手的不。。” i’m such a perfecti onist that oi will not istop until sa job is awell done. l why do you waynt to applyn for a position in ourt company,你为什么想申请来我们公司,什 h ow do you know abouut this comptany?a你是怎么知道我们们公司的, why should i hirhe youe,我为什么要聘聘请你 1)i am qualified fqor /fit foro this posit ion.i我适合这个职位 9 / 15 2)i am competent for p/equal to t/his positiohn.n我能胜任这个职位。 3)because your operatioons are gloobal,so i febel i can egain the mosti from worki ng in this nkind of envkironmenti因为你们公司的运作是全球化的们,,我觉得在这样一个环境中中工作会收获最多 4,because i tbhink my majhor is suitaoble for thibs position.s因因为我认为我的专业适合这个职位。这 5,because i’m veary interestred in your ecompany’s ctraining prorgram.g因为我对你们公公司的培训计划很感兴趣。。 6,your commpany has a great futu re and is cronducive oto the furthe r developmernt of my abnilities.i贵公司前途光明,前有助于我个人能力的发展。能 7,workinginthisrcompanycangcivemethechaincetoexertanllmystrlengths.h在贵公司工作能发挥我最大的能力。挥 8,mmymajorandworkingexperoiencemakemeiqualifiedfoqrrthisposition.o我的专业和工作经验使我能胜任这个职位。验 9,your company is verpy reputed iyn this cityn,i heard ,much praise fcor your comopanyp贵公司在这个城市市名声很 10 / 15 好,我听了很多对对贵公司的好评 one reason tha t i would ltike to be eimmployed with your hfirm is that you are dealiung with impnort and expoort owould llook forward to dealindg with overgsea companises and eat the same timhe having a echance to ucse english smmore.贵公司主要做进出口贸易是本人欲在贵进公司工作的原因之一,公 我渴望能同外国公司做生意渴,并借机锻炼英文。, 122,the reason for my apnplication fpor this posoition is isimmple:my educational bacckground ancd professiodnal experiennce nmake me qualified for the jobf..我申请这个职位的原因很很简单,我的教育背景和工作经验使我能够胜任这工项工作。项 13,i speak fairlyp good engli sh and i ensjoy meetingj different kinds of pekopleo,so i think i coulhd handle thde work e我能说流利利的英语,而且我喜欢接触不同的人,所以我认为触我我能胜任。 14,i hope to havhe a job whiech offers mce an eopportunity for audvancement.d我希望有一个提供升级机我会会的工作 15,i think workinhg in this cgompany woulod give me tdhe hbest chance to use nwwhat i’ve learned in tehe you mayh know from my resume,im majored in say the e conomics c 11 / 15 are very e bright,and yourh company is a leading one in thiso i wish to be a membe r of this crompany.o我想在这家公司工作家能够提供最好的平台让我使用在大学里的学到的东西。从我的学 简历中可以看出,我的专业是中经济学。大家都认为国际经贸贸易的前景非常光明,而且你们公司是这个领域的且佼佼佼者。因此我希望能成为公司一员为 第五篇,外企求职英文自我介绍企 外企求职英文自我介绍绍 在外企应聘自我介绍时,一般考官会通过在应时聘时的一聘些答问,来决定是否录用该求职者。因此是,求职前的准备和, 英文自我介绍的技巧是非常重要我的。希望下文外企求职英的文文自我介绍的6大经典问题,可以帮到大家。题 1、“work expe、rience”is trhe type of hwwork you‘ve done in the past. if eyou haven‘ty started working yet yrou can osay “right now “ii‘m still a student.” or “i‘m a roecent grad eand aihaven‘t started wtorking yet.o” in the se”cond sentencce, c“recent grad” is short for ”rhecent gradueate” and meaans that ayou have justu finished s chool. c 请告诉我你你过去的工作经验,工作经经验就是你过去所做的工作。如果尚未开始工作,作就可以回答“就right now i‘m still a istudent.”或者说“i‘mn a recent grad and i hraven‘t satarted t 12 / 15 working yet.”“recent grad”是“rnecent gradueate”的缩写,意思a 是刚刚毕业。刚 2、second one: whoat‘s your gareatest wearkness? k this is a popul ar questiona that weste rn employerrs like sto ask to make scandidates cnervous! inn fact, they ask this to know how oyou respondy to a difficult questicon. you oshouldn‘t answuer by tellieng your grenatest weaknaess since eyou might noot get the jtob! insteado, you can t,ell them esomething thamt isn‘t dirtectly relateed to the jeob positiono. . 你最大的缺点是什么,西方老板特别爱问这个,问题,让问面试者感到很紧张张。事实上,他问这个问题题是看你对棘手问题的反应。你没必要如实回答你应的的弱点,因为那有可能让你你得不到这份工作。相反,你可以告诉他们一些与,工工作不直接相关的事情。 3、third one: why do yeou feel youo are qualif ied for thiis sjob? this question i s a good opsportunity tpo brag a liottle bit. tyou should toalk about saome extra sokills you hkave that amaybe wasn‘t yincluded ini your resume, or talk eabout ayour greatest stgrength in mrore detail. o 你为什么觉得自己胜任这份份工作,这时候你要充分发发 13 / 15 挥你的“自夸”本领。你你可以讲述一些简历资料里面没有包括里 的技能,或者是再详细强调一下你的者特长。特 4、fourth one: whath kind of sa lary did yolu have in umind? i salary is how muc h money youh earn, usua lly per yealr. rwhen asked this, ite‘s best to ‘answer witha a salary r ange or aapproximation rand not an aexact figuree. this shoewws that you are familiar with thea industry if you know fwwhat the approximate spalary shoulad be. d 你期望的薪水是多少,“水salary”就是你赚多少钱,通y常是常年收入。回答这个问题时,最好说出一个大致题范范围,而不是一个确切的数字。如果你能说出这个数工资范围,那就说明你工 对此行业非常了解。此 5、fifth one: fif hired, wihen could yhou start woork? r when answering thiss it‘s bests not to say you can st art aright awway. this might make yiou seem veroy desperatey for a job. a safe answwer would be “i can steart at the abeginning obf fnext month.”h 如果雇佣的话,你你什么时候开始工作,回答答这个问题时。一定要注意,不要说我马上可以工意作作。那会让对方认为你非常迫切地需要这份工作。常一一个非常保险的回答可以是是“i can start at the breginning ofe next month .”. 14 / 15 6、sixth one: what koind of worki does the p osi-tion oinvolve? v you can ask thics to clarifsy exactly wyhat kind ofh work you‘ll be doing.l 这个职位包括哪些工作,,通过问这句话,你可以清清楚地了解到你的工作内容。容 外企面试自我介绍的的英文句型可完全免费阅读读或下载全文。为全国范文类知名网站,复制或下文载载全文稍作修改便可使用,助你顺利写稿。, 该doc格式WWORD文档全文下载 15 / 15
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