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上古卷轴5代码大全上古卷轴5代码大全 上古卷轴5代码 发布时间:2011-11-14 作者:游戏堡 浏览次数: 14439次 《上古卷轴5》代码 注意:物品代码格式:player.additem空格空格 如:player.additem 000139bb 1 1.高能武器代码: 0001CD27 一把刀,能吸取对方的HP~ 0001CB36 召唤权杖,召唤一只魔界战士战斗(神器,用完需要灵魂石充能) 0004a38f 吸血妖刀 (参照妖刀村正) 00045F96 魔免史诗盾 000A88C9 召唤冰巨人(用完需要灵魂石充能) ...
上古卷轴5代码大全 上古卷轴5代码 发布时间:2011-11-14 作者:游戏堡 浏览次数: 14439次 《上古卷轴5》代码 注意:物品代码格式:player.additem空格<代码>空格<数量> 如:player.additem 000139bb 1 1.高能武器代码: 0001CD27 一把刀,能吸取对方的HP~ 0001CB36 召唤权杖,召唤一只魔界战士战斗(神器,用完需要灵魂石充能) 0004a38f 吸血妖刀 (参照妖刀村正) 00045F96 魔免史诗盾 000A88C9 召唤冰巨人(用完需要灵魂石充能) 0002AC6F 法杖(用完需要灵魂石充能),乃神器,效果,随机法术效果,还有,可把敌人变成动物。如:小鸡 神器Dawnbreaker: 0004E4EE Dawnbreaker(单手剑)造成15点火系伤害,攻击不死生物时造成爆炸,杀死周围所有的不死生物 00045f96 Spellbreaker(盾牌)查上面那个神器的时候一起查出来的,看了一下效果,格挡成功后制造一个可以吸收50点伤害的魔法盾 阿祖拉之星: 63b27 最大的充能,并且不消失(上几代是这样) 黑星: 63b29 与黑色灵魂石对应的无限充电器 几个四代就有的神器: 000233E3 燃烧37点体力与魔法,如果3秒内杀死敌人,吸收灵魂 000D2846 +20%价钱,+10辩论技能,+5%回魔 0002AC60 为狼人带来额外的变化,,, 000F82TE 可以将施法者变成狼人,,, 00035369 最华丽的最没用的神器,燃烧20点魔力每秒,当对方空蓝才烧血。但是非常的华丽,一道激光一样~ 000240D2 一把小几率即死的匕首,Mehrunes' Razor 下面是最好的制式武器: 首先是灵魂石代码,用来充能: 0002E4FC(空的) 0002E4FF(满的) 弓: 0001DFE0 一刀解决36级下召唤生物 0001DFEF 一定几率6秒麻痹 0001DFF5 20秒内结束战斗,获得灵魂石 0001DFFC 40级以内的怪物逃跑30秒 0001DFEC 造成60点魔法伤害 箭支: 000139CO(或者0) +24物理攻击,但箭头是月牙形的,感觉非常的不准 000139BF +20物理攻击,头成牙状,非常非常的帅,我一般用这个,感觉比上面那个准 匕首: 0001DFFF 25点吸血 0001E002 30点吸魔 for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 0001E008 一刀解决36级下召唤生物 0001E082 造成60点魔法伤害 0001E085 一定几率6秒麻痹 0001E0D6 20秒内结束战斗,获得灵魂石 0001E0D9 30点吸耐 0001E0E7 40级以内的怪物逃跑30秒 大剑: 00028D60 25点吸血 00028D63 30点吸魔 00028D68 一刀解决36级下召唤生物 00028D74 造成60点魔法伤害 00028D77 一定几率6秒麻痹 00028D81 20秒内结束战斗,获得灵魂石 00028D84 30点吸耐 00028D92 40级以内的怪物逃跑30秒 剑: 00028E7A 25点吸血 00028E7D 30点吸魔 00028E83 一刀解决36级下召唤生物 00028F46 造成60点魔法伤害 一定几率6秒麻痹 00028FDD 0002950E 20秒内结束战斗,获得灵魂石 0002954B 30点吸耐 00029560 40级以内的怪物逃跑30秒 单手锤: 00028DD4 25点吸血 00028DDC 30点吸魔 00028DE4 一刀解决36级下召唤生物 00028DF0 造成60点魔法伤害 00028DF4 一定几率6秒麻痹 00028E28 20秒内结束战斗,获得灵魂石 00028E5D 30点吸耐 00028E76 40级以内的怪物逃跑30秒 法杖: 00029B7B 恶魔指挥之杖,抢夺对手召唤出来的召唤生物的指挥权 0004DE5B 龙之祈祷之杖,在地上放出一个闪电墙,持续伤害,持续时间长,当心伤到队友 00029B73 10秒麻痹的法杖 00029B82 火球术法杖,五火球神教万载万载万万载 00029B85 火墙法杖 00029B86 冰墙法杖 00029B87 闪电法杖 0007A4FB 每秒50点火伤害的火焰喷射 000BE121 60秒点灯 000BE122 很牛叉的60秒内杀死吸收灵魂 for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 0010076D 每秒50点电伤害的杨教授之吻 0010FCF2 90点火伤害的不爆炸火球术 0010FCF7 90点冰伤害的冰球 2.防具套装卖相好的几套: 注意:轻甲潜行声音小,重甲冲刺起来Stamina消耗大 名称: 头盔: 盔甲: 护手: 靴子: 龙套 000d7a08 000fe2e5 000d79f3 000d79b3 恶魔套 0001396b 0001396a 0001396c 0001396d Daedric 0001396d 0001396b 0001396c 0001396a 龍盾甲 00013969 00013966 00013967 00013965 龍鱗甲 00013940 0001393e 0001393f 0001393d 夜莺套装 000fcc12 000FCC0E 000fcc11 000fcc0c 灰色装(不会翻译) 00108546 00108544 00108545 00108543 夜莺装备的预览图: 3.有效代码: 负重代码:player.forceav空格carryweight空格<数值>(这个代码是用久加负重,不会下次进游戏负重就没了情况) 金钱:比如player.additem空格000000f空格99999(增加金币99999) player. setav magicka xxx 加魔法,魔法的拼写可能有误。加生命和体能也是同样的格式,换成相对应的health就好。 4.物品代码: 开锁器:0000000a 有朋友问开锁器的问题 player.additem a 999999 开锁器没有重量,开断一个就有一格经验,所以,多断才好啊。 不会断的,是100点开锁点出来的。 for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 5.药水: 00039BE5 终极红药,补满 00039BE7 终极蓝药,补满 00039CF3 终极绿药,补满 关于隐身药水,由于隐身药水非常悲剧的是在玩家做好以后临时创造一个属于你的代码命令,所以没有办法直接给出,就取个巧 0003AD56 Chaurus Eggs 一种发光的蛋 000727DF Luna Moth Wing 一种发光的蝴蝶 用炼药把这两个融合在一起,就能做出50秒左右的隐身药水了,多打一些,用来练习炼药,直接冲上100级炼药不过就是点两三千个R键而已。 《上古卷轴5》常用命令及游戏疑难杂症解答 TGM - 无敌 Tcl- 穿墙 resurrect - 复活你鼠标所选择的人或怪 lock * - 再控制台下将鼠标所选择的门或者箱子用等级为*的锁锁住。#必须介于1到100之间, unlock - 再控制台下用鼠标选择门或箱子,输入指令即开。 kill – 再控制台下用鼠标选择人或其它生物,输入指令秒杀。 advlevel - 立刻升级 psb - 获得所有魔法~包括一些没有测试完成的BUG魔法~ 先用鼠标选择对象,然后输入指令就能立刻停止战斗,不管对手是朋友还是敌人。 stopcombat - player.setcrimegold 0 - 清掉自己头上的赏金。要注意的是如果正被守卫追赶,则必须离开城市再回来指令才会生效。 player.payfine - 守卫停止攻击,你头上的赏金清除。 resurrect - 复活该目标 ,,魔法 1. 一个非常非常有用的魔法, clairvoyance(好像是这么写,反正c打头,很长)。一定要尽早入手。作用是显示通向当前任务目标的路径。迷路党必备。 1.1. 另一个非常有用的魔法, soul trap. 用来搜集灵魂。 2. 毁灭系魔法只有三个属性,冰, 火,电。 每个属性在初期也只有三类形式,能发射出去的,火球冰球电球;能持续发射的,火波冰波电波;能放陷阱的,火陷阱冰陷阱电陷阱。具体伤害和使用各位慢慢试验。3. 治疗系里的hand-healing可以给别人,比如同伴,治疗。并且有一个可以吓退僵尸的法术。同时治疗别人的魔法应该可以给不死生物造成伤害。 3. 怪物是有抗性的,如果一种属性的魔法伤害很低,快换另一种~ 4. 双手魔法可以混合不同属性但同一类型的法术,比如左火球右冰球,左电波右火波什么的。当然也可以同一类型同一属性混合。 5. 打龙的时候,如果觉得丫乱飞,用第一个学到的龙吼把它震下来~ 6. 在灰胡子们让你去找号角的那个任务里,最后一个机关,就是靠近三块石头开三个门,需要你迅速的激活三个石头后再迅速的使用三次刚刚学会的加速龙吼。 7. 龙吼通常需要你去杀龙,夺取龙的灵魂来激活。 8. 两个及两个字以上的龙吼,需要你长按z键。 9. 龙吼在移动中似乎无法使用。 10. 在没有perk支持前,你同一时间只能拥有一个召唤生物。放心,会有mod来满足你组建亡灵大军的愿望。(更新) 11. 所有的魔法书都再“book”栏下,所有的魔法书都以“spell”开头。 ,,快捷装备和魔法 1. 在装备,魔法,物品,选中后点f,就会加入favorite中。这时在游戏里按Q,就可以呼出。 2. 在Q呼出的菜单里,鼠标移动到某一项上,按数字键,就会把对应数字键绑定之。 3. 一开始,貌似我的左手右手和鼠标的左键右键是反的。可以在选项中修改。 for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 4. 按I与按P都可以呼出物品栏,I的对应与左手,P的对应与右手,快捷绑定也是同理。 ,,其他技巧 1. 按住alt是急奔,消耗耐力。在马上也可以使用 2. 拿住(注意,不是拿取~)东西是长按E键,这个在用特殊手段偷东西的时候很有用,什么是特殊手段,看下面 3. 目前偷东西有两种特殊手段,一种是找个容器盖住所有能看到你的人的头,然后尽情的偷。 另外一种是拿一个容器,大一点,然后把你要偷的东西都“放”到这个容器里。注意这个过程种你不能装走任何东西,都要用上面的“拿住”,然后放进去,就和你在现实里一样。 然后把这个装满赃物的容器拖到某个无人的角落,尽情的拿吧。(这个是曾经用来在辐射新维加斯里洗劫sliver rush的。。。) 所以,不管你用哪种,随身带几个大容器吧,桶啊,锅啊什么的。 4.对于快速升级弓箭:RIVERWOOD那 两男抢一女任务,帮那个木精灵,他就成你小弟了,再找他学弓术,交完钱,选交换物品选项,再把刚给他的钱拿回来。 8.各种套装代码: DragonPlate系类------重甲:重甲防御好高的 头盔: 盔甲: 护手: 靴子: 盾牌: 000D7A77 +40%弓箭伤害 000D7A2B +25点重甲技能 000D7A53 +40%弓箭伤害 000D7A1E 无声移动 0010DFA6 +22%魔法防御 000D7A7B 水中呼吸 000FE2FA +50%耐力回复 DragonSale系类-------轻甲:轻甲很帅哦 头盔: 盔甲: 护手: 靴子: 盾牌: 000D79BF +25点轻甲技能 000D79E7 +40%弓箭伤害 000FDA06 +40%潜行有利 0010DFA9 +22%魔法防御 000D7A0B +40%弓箭伤害 000D7A0F 水中呼吸 000FE2E5 +50%耐力回复 0010DF70 加偷窃成功率(40%) 0010DFA9 +22%魔法防御 比较漂亮的水晶轻甲套。 头盔: 盔甲: 护手: 靴子: 盾牌: 000D53D5 +35%弓箭伤害 000D5386 +22点轻甲技能 000D53AE +35%弓箭伤害 000D5371 无声移动 0010DFB5 +20%魔法防御(很漂亮的盾牌) 000D53D9 水中呼吸 000FCEF6 加偷窃成功率 恶魔装,比龙重甲防御更高,只是没有轻甲,另外非常的帅 头盔: 盔甲: 护手: 靴子: 盾牌: 000D7AE9 +40%弓箭伤害 000D7A9D +25点重甲技能 000D7AC5 +40%弓箭伤害 000D7A8B 无声移动 0010DFA3 +22%魔法防御 000D7AED 水中呼吸 000FCEF6 加偷窃成功率 0010DF79 +70点耐久上限 9.下面是恶魔和龙的材料,主要是进行对盔甲升级: 0005AD9D Ebony Ingot 恶魔的打造和升级材料 000800E4 Leather Strips 恶魔和龙轻的打造材料 0003AD5B Daedra Heart 恶魔的打造材料 0003ADA3 Dragon Scales 龙鳞,龙轻的打造和升级材料 0003ADA4 Dragon Bone 龙骨,龙重的打造和升级材料 000DB5D2 Leather 龙的打造材料 龙轻还要用铁矿,这个我就不写了,你没有四五十个都不好意思出来混 10.打磨升级装备的窍门: for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 0010DF26 +25%打磨效果的项链 00100E40 +25%打磨效果的戒指 000D7ACE +25%打磨效果的手套 另外还有一个+25%打磨效果的盔甲,没有办法用控制台写,只能用附魔附,而且必须是100级的技能才行。 这样,一套总共+100%打磨效果,穿着这身装备去打磨武器和防具,效果会非常的卓越哦,当然已经打磨到最高级的也没有关系,只要有提升的空间,就还可以 再打磨,一把已经是legendary的剑本来攻击只有49,再打磨一次,虽然仍然是legendary,但攻击上升到了64。 for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted
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