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[讲解]有效缓解压力的方法[讲解]有效缓解压力的方法 有效缓解压力的方法 1、思想重整 当我们承受的压力过大时,思想往往会钻牛角尖,可能以为事态十分严重,也低估了自己应付压力的能力,从而感到更大的压力。因此,有效缓解压力的第一步就是审视自己的思想,看看有没有出现思想谬误。若有的话,便要重整思想,以缓解压力。 受压时常见的思想谬误共有三类。第一类就是推论时出现问题。其实我们身处于一个很复杂的世界,为了理解身边发生的事情,我们需要作出一些推断或结论,但有时我们只是单凭自己的感觉判断来推论,并非根据客观事实。这样的推论就会偏离实际情况,因而令我们感到有...
[讲解]有效缓解压力的方法 有效缓解压力的方法 1、思想重整 当我们承受的压力过大时,思想往往会钻牛角尖,可能以为事态十分严重,也低估了自己应付压力的能力,从而感到更大的压力。因此,有效缓解压力的第一步就是审视自己的思想,看看有没有出现思想谬误。若有的话,便要重整思想,以缓解压力。 受压时常见的思想谬误共有三类。第一类就是推论时出现问题。其实我们身处于一个很复杂的世界,为了理解身边发生的事情,我们需要作出一些推断或结论,但有时我们只是单凭自己的感觉判断来推论,并非根据客观事实。这样的推论就会偏离实际情况,因而令我们感到有压力。举例来说,某女生将调换一个座位,需要与另一个男生同坐。虽然没有任何客观证据支持,她却一口咬定自己将会和新的同桌合不来。这样就犯了第一类思想谬误。 第二类常见的思想谬误,就是错误评估事情的重要程度。其中较常见的问题,就是把后果想得太严重,甚至想象成灾难。某一天同学没跟你打招呼,你马上认定自己已被孤立。这样的想法便属于这类的思想谬误。另一种的谬论,就是贬低自己(或事情)的价值。例如取得了好成绩,却认为只因为偶然,或对手没有尽力。这想法过分贬低自己的成就,不合理地将自己看成一文不值。 最后一类常见的问题,就是在被人问责时出现思想谬误。有些人在受压时,习惯把所有问题都归咎别人,认为一切都是别人的错。为什么他们仍然会感到压力呢,因为他们把一切责任都推给别人,便等于全盘放弃对事情的控制,自己却好像没有什么可做,无法改善情况。另一个极端就是把所有过错独揽身上,感到自己很没用,而且做错太多事了。 单靠对自己说“放松些”或“想开一点”,一般都不能系统地纠正思 想谬误。其实他们第一步应先看清楚自己的思想有没有出了乱子,若有的话,就该深入了解客观事实,然后才根据情况而选择适当的反应。 2、减少不必要的压力源 张琪昨天又熬夜赶报告,几乎一夜没睡,心想今天下午没课,刚好可以补睡,也乘机听听音乐放松一下,结果中午遇到殷茵时,殷茵约她下午一起去看电影,她不好意思拒绝,所以就答应陪殷茵去看电影,但心里却非常懊悔。张琪觉得自己常常无法拒绝别人,怕拒绝会伤害别人,所以同学每次请她帮忙她很少说“不”,一会儿帮同学还书,一会儿帮同学占位子,一会儿又是帮同学买东西,或陪同学逛街,一会儿又是帮忙画海报或筹办活动„„张琪随和又难拒绝他人的个性徒增她许多事情,渐渐地她也变得厌烦,答应人家的事情不是做得心不甘情不愿,就是拖延很久才完成,变成一种消极性的攻击。 缓解压力的又一办法,就是避免压力过大,凡事懂得“量力而为”,也就是不要让自己绷得太紧,不要凡事都揽在自己身上,又不好意思拒绝别人,结果事情愈做愈多,难怪压力也愈来愈大。其实很多事情是可以有所取舍的,我们必须懂得照顾自己,学会说“不”,才有机会减少一些压力事件。因此,也要学习肯定自我,自我肯定的人可以适度表达与满足自己的需求,比较懂得调适压力,也比较清楚自己的限度,不会承担过多的压力。反之,无法自我肯定的人,由于自我价值低,常常需要别人肯定,而且也比较容易受别人左右,又怕麻烦别人,因此,遭遇困难时也常是一个人承担,比较不会求助,导致压力无处纾解。 此外,外在环境的压力也是我们可以避免的,例如减少噪音,尽量不到拥挤的地方去,尽量做好时间管理,不让自己受限于时间压力。此外,营养不均衡也比较会让我们感受到压力,因此,保持营养均衡, 限量咖啡、糖,补充维生素B、C等都可以减少不必要的压力。 3、做好有效的时间管理 有些人总是觉得时间不够用,常穷于应付他人的要求,而没有多余的时间从事自己喜欢的活动、私人交际或是享受充分的休息;而有些人则是虚度光阴,导致该完成的事情没法如期完成,也增加了一些原本可以避免的压力。究其原因,可能就是缺乏有效的时间管理。每个人同样都是一天24小时,但是有些人就是没有时间或时间不够用;有人则是忙归忙,但还是有充裕的时间喝杯咖啡、听听音乐、与朋友聚聚餐,常可忙里偷闲,同时也能高效率地完成很多事情。为何会有如此大的差别呢,关键就在于是否善用时间。 首先想想看你一天通常是怎么度过的,先将你一天一小时所做的事详细列出成为一张“生活”,回顾一下从起床到睡觉做了哪些事,所从事的每件事情花了多少时间,例如也许你花了6个小时上课,3个小时与朋友聊天,4小时上网,2小时看电视,1小时打电话,再扣掉吃饭、睡觉、洗澡„„似乎也没有时间看书了。从这张生活记录中将可以清楚看出你一天的时间是怎么用的,当我们清楚自己的时间的使用情形,才能进一步做好时间管理。 做好时间管理的另一种技巧就是避免推延。当我们面对困难的工作时,往往由于害怕失败,采取“拖字诀”。但是拖延得越久,焦虑感就越大,情况只会越来越坏。到了不能再拖的时候,剩下的时间就更少,焦虑感也更强烈,感受到的压力无疑会更大;令自己更难满意地完成工作。有效减少拖延的方法,当然是先把工作分清缓急先后,然后先做最急切的工作。另外,一般人会选择先做容易的工作,我们则反其道而行,先完成最困难的工作,这样也可以减少拖延。 4、培养幽默感 幽默感可以化解压力,增进身心健康。有研究指出,“笑”对于身体的影响和运动相似,它不但能增加氧气的交换率、肌肉活动及心跳,还能适度的刺激心脏血管和交感神经系统,释放神经传递介质“儿茶酚氨”,刺激人体天然止痛剂氨多氛,提升人体对痛觉的阈限,增进免疫系统的功能,使处于压力下的个体,其免疫系统功能不至于降低。因此,幽默和笑能使人避免心脏疾病、脑血管病变、忧郁症以及其他压力所引起的疾病。而在心理健康方面,幽默的创造或对幽默的欣赏,能释放人们内心的攻击性冲动与焦虑情绪,维持心理上自我感的平衡,减低忧郁症状,调节负面生活压力对于焦虑、忧郁等心情的影响,所以我们若能拥有幽默感,不但能缓和紧张、纾解压力,更能活得长寿、活得健康。 传说,苏格拉底在楼下讲学,因为上课太认真,一直到天黑都不想下课。他的太太一向非常凶悍,他一直等着老公回家吃饭,已经等得不耐烦了,就“猛敲地板”示警,催促老公赶快下课。可是苏格拉底不予理会,迟迟不下课,老婆火大了,就拿起东西乱丢、乱摔,也破口大骂,还从楼上洒下一大桶冷水,正好倒在苏格拉底头上,他成了落汤鸡。当时场面非常尴尬,学生们心想糟糕了,老师一定气炸了,一定会对师母破口大骂。可是只见苏格拉底笑笑问弟子:“我们刚刚不是上了自然法则嘛,刚刚讲的是理论,现在则是实例,刚刚有人猛敲地板是‘打雷’,现在楼上倒水下来是‘下雨’啰,这就是先后有序的自然法则。”曾经有人问苏格拉底为什么怕太太,他说:“我哪里是怕太太,我只不过是‘怕麻烦’而已。” 5、松弛技巧 也许你已经调整过自己的思想,尽量减少压力源,却依然出现一些压力反应(如失眠、头痛、肌肉紧张等),那么应该如何处理呢,你可以试试做一些松弛练习,前面已经介绍过的“嘘呼吐故法”、“站桩 功”、“坐禅凝神法”都是比较使用简便的松弛方法,需要时你不妨一试,亲身感受其效果。为什么松弛练习能有助减压呢,因为当我们受压时,身体很自然会处于备战状态,整个人如箭在弦,拉得很紧,容易出现种种令人不适的身体反应。而进行松弛练习正好使我们摆脱备战状态,令我们得到舒缓,减轻压力。 对于年轻的学生来说,简单且有效的松弛技巧是爱抚法。具体操作方法如下: 患者俯卧位,医生(可由其父母担任)立其左手侧,沉肩、屈肘、悬腕。医生以其右手手掌根在患者脊梁骨两侧由上至下,从心俞穴抚摸至八髎,左右各9下;再 在患者的腰部,垂直脊梁骨来回抚摸9下;再反复。与之同时,医生左手掌在患者左右天宗穴位之间顺着肩部来回抚摸。每次爱抚20分钟左右。 抚摸不同于按摩,掌指平放于施治部位,贴而不实,浮而不滞,轻拂而过,循于皮表,反复连贯,滑而抚摸,着力轻柔,持续均匀。也就是说,手法需均匀缓移,不可忽快忽慢,时浮时沉。 6、饮用养生茶 压力过大,会导致机体脏腑阴阳失调,影响肝脏正常的疏泄功能,出现诸多压力反应的症状。饮用养生茶可改善肝脏的疏泄功能,使之达到正常的工作状态,从而克服因压力反应所出现的各种症状。小陈,17岁,某省重点中学高三班的女生。自诉:头昏脑胀,无法集中精神,记忆力减退,腰酸背疼,睡眠不好,已一月有余。该生从小就很聪慧,小学里总是班上成绩最好的学生,初中也是成绩优秀,常常获奖。高中进入省重点中学,高二期末考试,总成绩在年纪里排在前十名。小陈的志向是报北京大学。为此,进入高三,她愈发加倍努力,不仅白天课间不休息,每天晚上在家用功也都要到后半夜。谁知这样 用功不出一月,她开始觉得头有点昏,而且上课的时候注意力不好, 所念的东西也记不下来,重复去念也没有多大的帮助。她越是着急, 就越加紧去念,可就越发觉得一点效果也没有,脑子反觉得是空空的, 什么也塞不进去,结果,高三上学期期末考试,她总成绩在年级里排 在百名之外。 寒假期间,小陈找过心理医生,也看过精神科大夫,试用过森田疗法, 也服用过抗抑郁的药物,但症状依旧。后求医于我,服用养生茶,并 遵照我的叮嘱,改变不良的起居习惯,每天坚持晚上11点种以前上 床睡觉。半月后,所有的压力反应症状全部消失。三月调考成绩又进 入全年级的前十名 Effective way to relieve stress 1, re-thinking When the pressure is too large, ideological and often a dead end, may think the situation is very serious, but also underestimate their ability to cope with stress, which felt more pressure. Therefore, effective first step is to ease the pressure examine their thoughts, to see if there does not appear illogical. If so, will have to re-thinking, to relieve stress. Pressure when there are three types of common thinking fallacies. The first inference is a problem. In fact, we was in a very complex world, in order to understand what is happening around, we need to make some inference or conclusion, but sometimes we just simply judge to infer their feelings, not based on objective facts. Such reasoning will deviate from the actual situation, so we feel pressure. For example, a girl will exchange a seat, you need to sit with another guy. Although no objective evidence to support, but she insisted that I was going and new at the same table do not come together. This thought made the first error. Second common fallacy of thinking is a mistake to assess its importance. Among the more common problem is that the consequences too grave to even think of disaster. One day the students did not say hello, you'll identify that they have been isolated. The idea that the idea would fall into this category fallacy. Another fallacy is to deny the truth (or something) values. Such as obtaining good results, but that an accidental or opponent does not try. This idea too belittle their accomplishments, is unreasonably themselves as worthless. Finally, a class of common problems, that is, when the accountability was thinking fallacy. Some people during compression, used to blame others for all problems, that everything is someone else's fault. Why do they still feel pressure? Because they put all the blame to others, it would mean something completely give up control of their own seem to do nothing, can not improve the situation. The other extreme is to arrogate all the fault of him, feeling that they are useless, but too many things wrong. Simply say to yourself "relax more" or "take it easy", are generally thought not to systematically correct the error. In fact, they should first look at their ideas are not out of trouble, if any, in respect of in-depth understanding of the objective facts, then the case may select the appropriate response. 2, to reduce unnecessary source of stress Zhang Qi stay up late to catch the report yesterday, almost the whole night, thinking that no class today, just to make up sleep, but also took the opportunity to listen to music to relax, the results at noon when the encounter Yin Yin, Yin Yin afternoon to see a movie about her She embarrassed rejected, so I agreed to accompany Yin Yin movie, but my heart is very remorseful. Zhang Qi often feel that they can not refuse others, fear of refusal will hurt others, so ask her to help her students very little time to say "no", while helping students to return books, help students to seats for a moment, a moment is to help students to buy things, or accompanying school shopping, while another is painted posters or organize activities to help ... ... Zhang Qi easygoing personality and hard to inviting her to refuse to many things, and gradually she became tired and promised things people do not mind the situation is not unwilling to May is a long delay to complete, into a passive attack. Another way to relieve stress is to avoid excessive pressure, always know how to "live within its means", that is, do not let yourself stretched too tight, not everything is taking on himself, but also embarrassed to say no, do more things more results more surprising that increasing pressure. In fact, many things can have a choice, we must know how to take care of themselves, learn to say "no", have a chance to reduce the number of stressful events. Therefore, we must self confidence from learning self-affirming expression of who can appropriately meet their needs, more pressure to understand the adaptation, also more aware of their limits, will not take too much pressure. Conversely, people who can not self-affirmation, because of low self-worth, often needs the others certainly, but also more vulnerable to other people around, and the trouble to others, therefore, often encounter difficulties when the person who is less likely to seek help, resulting in pressure no place to relieve. In addition, the pressure of the external environment is that we can avoid, such as reduced noise, less crowded place to go as far as possible, try to make time management, not to limited by time pressure. In addition, unbalanced nutrition is also more pressure to make us feel, therefore, to maintain balanced nutrition, limited edition coffee, sugar, vitamin B, C and so can reduce unnecessary stress. 3, good time management and effective Some people always think that lack of time, often overwhelmed by the demands of others, and no extra time for their favorite activities, private communication, or enjoy a good rest; while others are wasted time, what led to the completion of can not be completed on schedule, but also increased the number of avoidable stress. The reason may be lack of effective time management. Everyone is the same 24 hours a day, but some people do not have time or lack of time; someone is Busy, but still have plenty of time for a cup of coffee, listen to music, dinner with friends together, you can often sneak in At the same time also a lot of things done efficiently. Why is there so much difference? The key is whether the use of time. First, think of how you usually spend the day? First you doing an hour a day out in detail as a "living record", looking back to sleep from waking up to what had been done that? Are engaged in everything that much time? For example, you may spend six hours class, three hours chatting with friends, 4 hours online, 2 hours a day watching TV, 1 hour phone call, and then subtract eating, sleeping, bathing ... ... seems to have no time to read. Records from this life will be the day you can clearly see how to use time, when we know their time of usage, can do a better job of time management. Another good time management skills is to avoid delay. When we face a difficult work, often due to fear of failure, to take "a delaying tactic." But the longer the delay, the greater the anxiety, the situation will only get worse. Can not be delayed to a time when the rest of the time to less anxiety and more intense, no doubt feeling the pressure will be greater; to make himself harder to satisfactory completion of work. Effective way to reduce delays, of course, is to first distinguish between the work priorities, and do first the most urgent work. In addition, most people will choose to do first easy task, we are doing exactly the opposite, first complete the most difficult task, which also can reduce the delay. 4, a sense of humor Sense of humor can defuse stress, enhance physical and mental health. Studies have pointed out that "laughter" movement for the body and similar, it not only can increase the oxygen exchange rate, muscle activity and heart rate, but also moderate cardiovascular and sympathetic nervous system stimulation, the release of the neurotransmitter "catecholamine "to stimulate the body's natural painkillers more ammonia atmosphere, enhancing the body's pain threshold, improve immune system function, so that individuals under stress, the immune system Buzhi Yu reduced. Therefore, the humor and laughter can make people avoid heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, depression and other diseases caused by stress. In mental health, humor, creativity or appreciation of humor, can release people's hearts aggressive impulses and anxiety, maintaining a sense of psychological self-balance, to reduce depressive symptoms, negative life stress adjustment for anxiety, depression and other mood effects, therefore, if we can have a sense of humor, not only can ease the tension, relieve stress, live better longevity and live healthy. Legend, Socrates in the downstairs lecture, because the school too seriously, until the dark do not want to go to recess. His wife has been very aggressive, he has been waiting for my husband home for dinner, have been impatient to "pounding the floor," warning, urging her husband up after class. But Socrates ignored, the delay in class, his wife well done and to pick up things that throw, chaotic fall, also shouted abuse, but also upstairs threw a bucket of cold water, just pour in the head of Socrates, He became a drowned rat. Was very awkward scene, the students thought bad, the teacher will explode will surely wife yells. Socrates smiled and asked his disciples, but I saw: "We just are not on the law of nature Well, just talking about the theory, now is the example of someone pounding on the floor just is' thunder ', now pour down the upstairs is' rain 'Hello, this is the natural law has ordered. "Socrates was once asked why the fear of his wife? He said: "Where I was afraid of his wife, I'm just 'trouble' it." 5, relaxation techniques You may have adjusted their thinking to minimize the pressure source, but still some stress response (such as insomnia, headache, muscle tension, etc.), you should do? You can try to do some relaxation exercises, as already introduced the "Hush call it spit Law," "stop static stance," "meditation rapt attention Law" are relatively easy to use relaxation methods, you may wish to try when necessary, in person feel its effects. Why do relaxation exercises can help to relief it? Because when we pressure, the body will naturally state of readiness, ready to go the whole person, pull tight and prone to all kinds of unpleasant physical reactions. Relaxation exercises carried out just to get out of state of readiness so that we get relief, reducing stress. For young students, the simple and effective method of relaxation technique is to touch. To do the following: Patients prone position, the doctor (by their parents as) to establish its left hand side, Chen Jian, elbow, wrist. Doctors in their right hand from top to bottom on both sides of the root in patients with spine, from the heart touching eight liao shu points, left and right under the 9; then the patient's waist, vertical spine back and forth under the touch 9; be repeated. Apart from that, doctors were left palm points in the patient between about days back and forth along the shoulders touching. Every touch about 20 minutes. Touch is different from massage, palm flat on the differentiation that site, posted without real, floating without delay, breeze through, through the skin surface, repeated coherent, smooth and touching, soft focus, continuous uniform. In other words, the way to be even slow shift, not unsteadiness, when the float sink. 6, drinking tea health Pressure, will lead to imbalance of yin and yang organs of the body, affecting the liver function of normal catharsis, there a lot of stress response symptoms. Drinking tea can improve the health catharsis liver function, so as to achieve a normal working state, which appears to overcome the stress response of the various symptoms. Chen, 17, a provincial key middle school girls in Middle School class. Private prosecution: confused, unable to concentrate, memory loss, Yaosuanbeiteng, sleep well, have been more than in January. The very intelligent young students, school is always the best student in class grades, junior high school is outstanding achievements, often the award. High school into the provincial key middle schools, High School final exams at the age of the total score in the top ten. Chen's ambition is reported to Peking University. To do this, enter the third year, she was increasingly harder, not only during the day without a break between classes, study hard every night at home late at night will all have to. Who knows not that hard in January, she began to feel a little faint head, and when school is not good attention, the study also can not remember things down, repeat to read is not much help. She was more anxious to step up to read more, think more and more results that may not, his mind would think is empty, do not plug anything into the results, the third year final exams last semester, her grades in the total score ranked in the hundreds of outside. During winter vacation, Chen talked to psychologists, psychiatrists have seen the doctor, tried Morita therapy, antidepressant drugs have been taken, but the symptoms remain. After my doctor, taking health tea, and follow my exhortations, and change the bad living habits, 11 pm every day before bed species. Half months later, all of the stress response symptoms disappeared. Transfer test results in March and entered the top ten in the whole school year
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