

2017-09-17 11页 doc 34KB 18阅读




办公室管理细则办公室管理细则 为完善公司行政“三化(科学化、制度化、科学化)”管理机制,正规办公秩序的“三化(正规化、规范化、自动化)”管理,提高行政管理水平和工作效率,使公司各项行政工作有章可循、照章办事,特制定本制度。 文件收发规定 一、公司的文件由综合部办公室拟稿,文件形成后由总经理签发。业务文件由有关部门拟稿,分管副总经理审核、签发。 属于秘密文件,核稿人应该注“秘密”字样,并确定报送范围。秘密文件按保密规定,由专人印制、报送。 二、已签发的文件由核稿人登记,并按不同类别编号后,按文印规定处理。文件由拟稿人校队,审核后方可...
办公室管理细则 为完善公司行政“三化(科学化、化、科学化)”管理机制,正规办公秩序的“三化(正规化、规范化、自动化)”管理,提高行政管理水平和工作效率,使公司各项行政工作有章可循、照章办事,特制定本制度。 文件收发规定 一、公司的文件由综合部办公室拟稿,文件形成后由总经理签发。业务文件由有关部门拟稿,分管副总经理审核、签发。 属于秘密文件,核稿人应该注“秘密”字样,并确定报送范围。秘密文件按保密规定,由专人印制、报送。 二、已签发的文件由核稿人登记,并按不同类别编号后,按文印规定处理。文件由拟稿人校队,审核后方可能复印、盖章。所有文件原件最后统一由综合部专人按规定存放。 三、公司的文件由综合部负责报送。送件人应该把文件内容、报送日期、部门、接件人等事项登记清楚,并报告呈送结果。秘密文件由专人按核定的范围呈送。 四、经签发的文件原稿送综合部办公室存档。 五、外来的文件由综合部办公室负责签收,并于接件当日填写阅办单,按领导批示的要求送达有关部门,办好文件阅办,属急件的,应在接件后即时呈报。 六、文件阅办部门或个人,对有阅办要求的文件,应在三日内办理完毕,并将办理情况即时反馈至办公室,三日内不能办理完毕,应向办公室说明原因。 文印管理规定 七、所有文印人员应遵守公司保密规定,不得泄漏工作中接触的公司保密事trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 项。 八、打印正式文件,必须按文件签发规定由综合部签署意见,送综合部打印。各部门草拟文件、、资料等,由各部门自行打印。打印文件、发送传真均需逐项登记,以备查验。 九、文印人员必须按时、按质、按量完成各项打字、传真、复印任务,不得积压延误。工作任务繁忙时,应加班完成。办理中如遇到不清楚的地方,应及时与有关人员校对清楚。 十、文件、传真等应及时发送给有关人员。因积压延误而致工作失误或造成损失的,追究当事人的责任。 十一、严禁擅自为私人打印、复印材料,违反者视情节轻重给予罚款处理。 办公用品购置规定 十二、公司领导及部门所需的 办公用品,由各部门填写《办公用品购物审批表》,报总经理审批后统一采购。预算的额度较大时,由总经理审核报股东会批准后办理。 十三、办公用品购置后,采购部须持总经理审批的《资金使用审批表》和购货发票、清单到财务室审核报销,三者不全,财务室不予报销。 十四、各部门所需的专业表格等印刷品,由部门自行制定格式,按规定报总经理审批后,由综合部统一印制。 办公用品使用管理规定 十五、办公用品只能用于办公,不得移作他用或私用。 十六、所有员工要勤俭节约,杜绝浪费,努力降低消耗和办公费用。 十七、各办公室的桌、椅、凳均需按规定位置放置,不得随意调整。各岗位trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 员工上班前需检查所属物品是否丢失和损坏,发现丢失或损坏及时向部门负责人报告,并采取相应的补救措施。 十八、上班时应保持桌面整洁、有序、不允许摆放与工作无关的其它用品。下班前应将桌面清理干净,办公椅放在办公桌的恰当位置。各办公室值日员和综合部值日员应在上班前5分钟打开办公区内的照明设备、空调通风设备,检查公共区域物品摆放是否整齐、有序。 常用办公设备的使用 十九、常用办公设备包括:电脑、打印机、复印机、传真机、碎纸机、电话及其它设备,所有的用电设备下班后必须关掉电源。 1、电脑(9)部。分别是总经办一部、副总经办两部、综合办一部,财务室两部,销售部两部。 A)公司电脑实行“专人使用、专人保管、责任到人”的原则 B)严格按照电脑的操作规范,正确使用电脑。 2、打印机(3部) A)现有的分别有综合部、财务室和售房部指定专人负责。 B)一般情况下,打印机与电脑连通之后,无须在进行联机复印机。 C)管理人员应在开始上班时接通复印机插座电源,复印机管理人员下午下班时关闭复印机开关。 D)复印机一般情况下每天开机、关机各一次,尽量避免频繁开关。 E)为节约纸张不重要的复印件应使用可以复印的废纸张背面复印,除有特别要求,一般文件实行双面打印复印。 3、传真机:传真机在目前使用少情况下随时使用随时开机,正确使用传真机trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 的程序按传真机有关操作说明书进行操作。 4、碎纸机:严格按照有关说明进行操作。 A)碎纸机是对公司部分绝密、机密文件及草稿进行销毁的工具,普通文稿无须利用碎纸机进行销毁。 B)碎纸前应将文稿中的金属物或粘性物(书钉或胶纸等)取出,以免损坏机器, C)按照碎纸机要求,一次不得超过最大放入量,一般情况下,不得超过三张复印纸的厚度。 D)操作人员按以上要求,打开碎纸机电源,将须切碎的纸张放入切纸口,让碎纸机自动切碎纸张。 E)当碎纸机箱内的碎纸满后,操作人员须将碎纸清理出来后方能继续操作。 F)正确使用碎纸机的程序按碎纸机有关操作说明书进行操作。 6、常用办公设备的维护保养与维修: 常用办公设备应进行以下日常维护,维护办法参照各设备有关维护操作说明书。 卫生管理 二十、办公公共区卫生统一由总值班员负责,各办公室的卫生由各办公室值日员负责管理。 A)综合部值班员负责每天上班时检查办公公共区域和各办公室的卫生状况,要求墙壁无灰尘、污迹、地面无垃圾、烟头和痰迹,窗明几净,空气无异味。 B)各办公室值日员应于每天上班时检查本办公室桌面清洁状况,办公用品是否摆放整齐,文件资料是否排列有序。 trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 二十一、办公区域大门入口处设置总值班员制度,负责对外来人员的登记、询问、接待、办公区域的安全警戒以及公共区域的卫生清洁,各岗位员工应加强安全防患意识,下班时应将重要资料放入安全地点,锁好抽屉,关好电源及门窗。 外来人员的接待 二十二、办公区入口处设总值班员制度,平时由工程部、综合部、采购部、财务室指派专人轮流值班,特定时期由部门领导值班,其职责是: 1、负责上下班的开门、关门; 2、每天下午下班时交接大门钥匙; 3、上班前,下班后维护好公共卫生; 4、监督员工上下班情况,不定时的检查人员在位情况; 5、做好外来人员的进出入登记,检查,询问和引导安排; 6、维护正常的办公秩序;严禁大声喧哗、嬉笑打闹、乱串办公室影响他人工作;严禁办公室等公共场所抽烟,影响他人身体健康;严禁乱扔烟头、纸屑和随地吐痰。 电话、宽带使用规定 二十三、公司各部门电话费均按月包干使用标准为;总经理办公室(宽带、固话、手机)129元/月、另加手机费300元/月,副总经理办公室(宽带、固话、手机)129元/月,另加手机费200元/月,综合部和采购部办公室(宽带、固话、手机)129元/月,另加工程部徐部长200元/月,综合部、前期部、采购部部长手机费各120元/月,售房部办公室(宽带、固话、手机)129元/月,财务室(宽带、固话)129元/月。 trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them, 二十四、宽带、固话和捆绑手机的129元/月,由使用捆绑手机使用者承包,若有超出当月包干标准的,超额部分从承包者当月的工资中扣除,其它手机包干费每月由综合部造表统计随当月工资一块发给其本人,超出包干部分自己负责。 车辆使用补助规定 二十五、燃油附加补助、维护、维修等车辆使用费实行个人包干负责制,其具体标准为:总经理2000元/月,副总经理800元/月,部门领导600元/月,包干费每月由本人带燃油票经综合部签证登记,到财务室按规定报销。 昊利房地产开发有限公司综合部 二零一三年五月十七日 trees 610 tree, and flower more than 6,000 more strains, built high standards even building greenhouse 152 square meters, hardening courtyard 1800 square meters, opened has hospital within circular Lane, makes organ environment further get has green, and landscaping and bright of. Office building tension, disperse, managing difficult issues our departments Office space had been realigned, the maximum to meet the needs of departmental Office. Six, foreign bodies, under the management of the business unit achieved a new breakthrough this year, overseas offices and business units based on their practice to the full, proactive and bold innovations, dare to break through and work have made gratifying achievements. One is to play to their own advantages, in terms of coordinating service onto a new stage. Units always put quality in an important position, pay attention to the function of the service, set up the good image, expanding influence. Liaison Office in Beijing and offices in blue, is located in the capital and the capital city of advantages, actively building the city opening, economic relations, investment platform, take the initiative to strengthen ties with Beijing, Orchid staff of, in particular, report on cohesion projects city and County personnel, the best of its ability to provide a variety of convenient, and strive to create sound environment for working and living. Also make full use of the established relationships, positive attention for them,
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